Wall jPaper Kings. 3 J M J ' - - After an experience, of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in sayin O' t3 that we are better satisfied wjth our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made. For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in Cass county- Our prices run from 10c to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not misleading. rVi 70 A . A WO WO WO WO W WJ W J W XT SMITH S WJWW.J ? ? 4? 4 4 49 4? 4? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Who Ever Of a BurgIarProof and AlarmGiving Trunk? JOE Sl FRANK The People's Clothiers, Have them on exhibition now. They are the exclusive agents for same and they are worth seeing. The Lock is Burglar-Proof and Alarm-Giving and when an attempt is made to pick, pry or open the same in any way, an alarm is in stantly sounded by the Firing off of a Blank Cartridge and the burglar or thief willjleave as quickly as pos sible, leaving the trunk locked. You ought to see Joe & Frank's nice line of... Shirts, Hats and Neckwear Their equal cannot be found. Their $6.00 SUITS cannot be equalled for less than $8.50 else where. Call and investigate. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Waterman Corner. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Hear Elder Lemon tonight. Our new telephone is No. 85. Call us up. Will Taylor went to Omaha on bus iness today. 81.50 kid gloves for 75 cents at Tuck er Sisters. Red River Early Ohio potatoes for sale at F. S. White's. Insure in the German American. Fred Eblnger, Agent. Ed Donat was attending to businoes ia the metropolis today. George Freer was visiting with his mother in this city today. Coates & Co. are headquarters for all kinds of rubber hose. Rember if you don't see it in the News, it isn't worth seeing. Northern grown Early Rose seed potatoes at Bennett & Tutt's. Holloway's popular steamed bread is made of Heisei's best flour. Buy your pianos of A. R. Newcomb. Honest goods. Honest dealer. M. O'Donohoe is home from a weeks attention to business in Omaha. Lawn sprinklers and lawn mowers at Coatee & Co's. hardware store. Fifty dollars fine for borrowing the News when you ought to subscribe. nenry Huckins of the News is at tending to business in Lincoln today. All perfumes and face powders must be closed out at costat,Tucker Sisters. J, Wi Cox, one of Avoca precint's prosperous farmers, is in the city to day. The Gut Heil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. Holloway't bread, which has taken the lead, is made of Heisei's Plansif ter flour. John Ramsey came in from Glendale last evening and made a trip to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Johnny Young returned to her 221 j wO wo w W WO WO WO lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb ib lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb hb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb h lb lb lb lb lb lb homo at Lincoln today after a visit with her sister, Mrs. LJaxtor Smith in this city. "Exchange" op3n Siturday afternoons. Wednesday ana North side will contribute. Miss' Laura De Fellows went to Omaha this afternoon to visit friends over Sunday. Lost. A bunch of keys. The finder will be rewarded by leaving same at News office. A full Itne of sailor hats just re ceived at Tucker Sisters. Can 6uit every taste. Charley Richey was down from Lou isville today selling a carload of their popular flour. Go to Anthony's music store on iower Main street for everything in tho way of sheet music. S. H. Atwood is engaged on the federal jury and make3 daily trips to Omaha jast now. J. V. Ileikes was up from Brown ville today shaking hands with old Cass county friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Steinker enjoyed a brief visit today from their daughter who resides in Omaha. The Burlington fast mail, which is almost always on time was reported 45 minutes late today. B. D. II. Baker, father of our old townsman Billy Baker, is here for a visit with relatives and friends. As a fun maker. Elder Lemon is a success. Hear him at the Christian church tonight. Admission only 10c. Plants of the celebrated Mine. Gunther, Nasturtium and seed of same, for sale at L. A. Moore's. Tele phone No. 15. Lyman and John Kildow are making a deep excavation in front of the poet office to put in a new sewer connection for the Hotel Riley. "The Christian church will be crowded to hear Elder Lemon who lectures on Manitoba and about the preacher getting cramped. The weather has cleared up and if this is the last cold spell, Nebraska nteard will have a pretty fair fruit crop, though peaches are mostly killed. George E. Biglow. the lecturer now connected with Cotner university, made tho News a pleasant call this morning. Bill Johnson is here from Alliance with a car of fine Box Butte potatoes. Aeher Clark received a lot of them this morning and they are extra fine. Lost A brown pocket-book between B. & M. depot and F. E. Whites resi dence. The finder will bo duly re warded by leaving at White's store. Tho soldiers who went to Lincoln today to get mustered into the volun teer force were Ed Spencer, Clarence Frye, Frank Ilassou, and Eimor Mc Lain. The yard boys have decorated the 15. & M. switch engine in splendid style with flags and bunting, until it looks like it was wearing a holiday dress. The Burlington will make a rate of ono fare for round trip to Lincoln May 7. Go up and visit Camp Alvin Saunders, and see the Nebraska sold ier boys. Mrs. B. F. Pierce is home again from a visit with friends at Wray Colorado, She does not like Wray so well as Plattsmouth and will spend her sum mer here. A. J. McKinney is piepared witn some extra nice sod to do fine work in sodding or grading. Orders left at tho Bonner stables will receive prompt attention. a29 dlO There should be a large crowd from here Saturday to visit the soldiers in camo at Lincoln and see the troops re viewed and the flag presentat'on. One fare for round trip. W. H. Newell retu-ned from out in the central part of the state today where he found plenty of rain and crops finer than ever before in the his tory of the country. Hal, son of Col. C. F. Stoutenborough of this city who holds an important position with the M. P. folks in Omaha, will live here for a time and go to Omaha on the early train. Pat Foley the South Bend section foreman who was injured a few days ago is improving nicely and hopes to be well enough to leave the Perkins house for home very soon. The Union Pacific has sent out transportation to 2,000 editors and their wives along the line of that rail way, good till June 1, to have them visit the Exposition grounds. George E. Biglow, one of the most eloquent platform speakers io the state, will lecture nextThursday even iner at the Christian church. His subject is entitled "Cutting My Eye Teeth," and from the press notices, it is well worth hearing. With all the rainy, cloudy weather of the last four days the government rain gauge at the B. & M. depot shows the fall amounts to but a fraction over one inch. It did great good, however, as it all soaked into the ground to be slored away for the summer months. Commodore Street, the Singer sew ing machine agent here "who never sleeps, received a handsome new wagon today from the "company that he is justly proud of. He is more positive now than ever that there is no other machine made but the Singer. Hans Frahm, who is working with the B & M. carpenter repair force, came in list evening from Akron, Col., for a visit, over Sunday with his family. He will return Monday morn ing to Akron where they are building a coal station. Hans has been with the company since last fall and looks hale and hearty. Severely Injured. Sheriff Wheeler was out in the county serving some papers this morn ing and as he drove into Weeping Water with one of Dave Woodward's teams hitched to a top buggy, one of the horses became playful and kicked up coming down astride the tongue, this frightened both horses and they started to run away. Making a short turn a rock-pile was struck which overturned the buggy and broke the double-tree thus freeing4the team. In the melee the sheriff received a bad cut above the left eye and the bone of the nose was broken. He was patched up by a physician ana came home on the train with a face that will not be well for some time. He was in his office this afternoon looking after busi ness but his head was bandaged and caused him much'pain. Teachers Meeting. The next regular meeting of the teachers of the Plattimouth division will be held tomorrow afternoon iv the county superintendent's office. The subject of reading will be discussed. Superintendent McHugh will discuss briefly some of the most essential things to be considered in order to teach this branch successfully. The work will begin at 1:45, that we may get througn in time to catch the 4 o'clock trains. All interested are cordially invited. Get Wash-a-Lone weiler & Lutz. soap at Zuck- W 101 1 IJ 11 A French Liner Is Captured Near Havana. COMPLICATIONS MAY ARISE. The Frenchman Wan Trying to Kim the Illuckade Nothing Yet Heard From . Dewey or .SaiiiHon. I 11 1 1) XTIMIW Id dm IV illl WHO a Mil Key West Fla., May G Tho bigjDungan, I'lattsmouth, orresponding Fiench trans atlantic liner LiFayetto from Havro and Santanter for Vera Cruz, was captured by tho Annapolis while trying ta enter Havana with a cargo of contraband of war. When the LaFayette first appeal ed oflf Havana early yesterdav she was J J ' held up by an American guarddhioand warned against any attempt to enter that port and advised to come to Koy West or proceed to Mexico. The Cap- tain protested that ho had inails aboard but finally proceeded on his voyage presumably for Vera Cruz. About nightfall, however, the thip was again brought to by a, gun frem the Aunopolis, during a second eMor-t to run the blockade. Another schooner )rize is now being brought in here. Key West, May 4. It is said that there is a serious international aspect to the capture of the Lafayette, as she mounts guns and is a French naval reserve vessel. Madrid. In Gijon, province of Ovi edo, the killing of women by troops d ur ing tho riotiug of the fisher women and tobacco girls has caused a tremendous demonstration. Tho Guard ia Civil have joined tho rioters, many of tho guards havinsr sweethearts among the disaffected women. Weyler secret emissaries are whis pering that ho is a friend of tho po r; that he will make bread ehoap, reduce taxes and humblo tho hatred Ameri cans. Carthagona bubbles . and seethes with revolution. Thirty miles away in Mue.r a great army of rninois and their sympathizer s, estimated at from 7,000 to 10,000 men and women, has tumultuously shouting "Doath to the thieves!" "Down with S igasta!"" Who stole our money?" This groat throng fired the railroad depot and threw dynamite into the quarlel. Tnen they started for Cartagena, the war port. Troops were hurried to meet the:n. The angry rioters refused, to disperse and withstood two volleys before they ran. Reports place tho dead and wounded at more than fifty, iucluding many women. The rinsrieaders rallied the mob and began shouting, "Give us Weyler or Don Carlos!" They gathered on the heights and gave battle to the sol diers. At last accounts the troops were on the defensive an 1 reinforca ments wero hurried to their support. Jadge Chapman Keversed Again. The following case of interest to readers in this county was disposed of by the supremo court yesterday: Stull vs. Miller. Error from Cass county. Reversed and remanded. Commissioner Ryan. A judgment for damages because of an assigntrent of a cause of action to a resident of another state for the pur pose of evading the exemption iaws of this 6tate cannot be sustained when on the trial there was no proof of the controverted fact that the right of ex emption existed. Meeting of Frauenvert-ln-The German Frauenverein had an unusually pleasant meeting yesterday afternoon with Mrs. E. H. Heitz hausen at the Hotel Plattsmouth. A delightful social visit was had among the members and an elegant luncheon was served by the hostess, Mrs. Ileitz hausen, which was thoroughly en joyed. The Members present were Mesdamea Wm. Schmidtmp.n, Jos. Fet zer, Fred Ebioger, Phil Thierolf, Wm. Weber, H. Spies, John Mumm, Horn, Chris. Keohnke. C. L. tirinkman, Carl Kuntzman, Jos. Droege, and Miss Mary Eidman with the following vis itors: Mrs. F. A. Smith, Mrs. Pills bury and Mrs. Henry Huckins. The I'latte Kiver Kerry. P. M. Nord. will begin May 7 1o op erate a ferry across the riatte River at Oreapolia! Teams crossed all hours of the day. New boats and good ser- rice. Elder .Lemon has a reputation as a Dleasintr talker. His lecture on Man- ltoba Friday evening at the Christian church will be worth hearing. Ad- muBion only ten cents, THE AllSSIONARY CONVENTION. It Clone! n Very 1 ntcrcKt ing St'snlon I-ant Kvenlng. Delegates from the counties of Olocs, Cuss and Lancaster, which mado up the missionary convention for district No. 2, clo.-cu their labors in this city last evening and adjourned. The nf ternoon session yesterday was given over to business matters which in- I eluded tho election of officers of tho association for next year. Those elected were A. V. Henry of Greenwood, president; J. V. Hilton, East Lincoln, vice president; 11. M. j secretary; Ilev. Sweeney of Unadilla, recording secretary. The evenine services were opened by a c ,.aHV( lcJ bv Mls Kincaiu. An eloquent and approprititu address j was given by A. W. kmy which was listened to throughout with close at- te.ition. Then followed a fervent appeal for Cotm.r " univerhjty by the financial ; agent of that institution, George E. i JJiglow, after which the convention i adjourned sine uie The session lias been well attended smrl those from abroad speak in hib- . est tem lf lho zoal and bos,,it llity of their I'lattsmouth brethren. DOLLAR AHD h HALF, Tr.it Is What h". ay , Wheat Closed at on the Chicago Board Yesterday. rWEHTY 0EIIT3 EISE IN ONE DAY. Spivs fror.i I'.urojx" litos lli IJiisinrss for tli- Hears ami ."ti:i!. s lic ISiiMh Iti-Uow for Joy l.'it-r Si-IIs U.OOO.OOO JStislu-l in Liverpool at lli; lliyr Price No Wlieat Is'ow A v:ii!;tlle lor Iclivery This M on III al t'liira'-o. Chi ai'.o, I"fiy fi. The nist sensation al rise in whi'.it fur many y-ai-s was sroic-il on the 1 :'-iil of tra.lt; yistorday. Slay whoat c!is--od at $1.00 a busltcl, or 0 cents over Wodnesilay's cl so, when 10 cents was addo-1. JOxcitomcnt was inton:--1. July wheat cior.rd at after g.Sr.?f up to $!.:!. A succ esi'.n of pynsatitinal features, almost un paralleled wiihin the :ec.':!l"e: ion of vet eran traders, mai ked ti rday's ses sion f n the board of tr.ob-. Cabled re ports of half-starved and i razed in habitants' of the pvovim es of i-'p.iin and Italy Lreakirir thro;i.:h the ranks of armed soldiers in a mad scramble for bread were o;!i' i ally c-.n!inaed on 'chanse. Following; closely upon the heels of the French removal of the im port duty on wheat, Italy yesterday took similar action. JJarreZs of lli'll News on H i-.mI. '"Bread riots" report e l in Home and the provinces of Italy. Agitation is rife in the German reichstas for the removal of the import duty by that government, and rumor has it that Russia is con templating the prohibition of grain ex ports. The announcement of removals of import iruties by Italy and Spain arrived almost simultaneously. To fur ther intensify the situation Leiter an nounced the sale of 2.000,000 bushels of wheat for May and June delivery to a Liverpool syndicate at a price of $1.50 a bushel. Closely upon this report the news of a failure on the board was posted. The "tip" went around that before the fun! trading hour, the most sanguine pr dictions as to th price of wheat would La rraliv.-.d and May wheat would command tl.r.O a b ishel. l.ool. illlC for I'ai ! a res on ' liaii?. Many years have elapsed since cash wheat sold at the present price, and still the Leiter boom hes not reached Its zenith.. The failure or e. V. Wood worth, a scalper, which was announced with liabilities at from 0(0 to .$4, 000, is regarded the initial of a" series of important collapses. Just rne year ago Leiter forsook his real estate bus iness to "dabble" in wheat speculation. Since that time he has held the upper hand, and today his hold is stronger and more certain than at any stage of the campaign. Out of 10,000.000 bushels of May wheat soid short in this market there is no wheat actually available for delivery. The frantic demands from abroad and from hitherto unexpected sources have served to corral all cash wheat for export and milling purposes. GKKKMVOOU 1TKMS It rained hard here Wednesday. Ed Spr : t L was down from near Lin coln Sunday. Norah Mahor was the guest of Mrs. James Gleason Sunday. " Sunday school is still going on at Camp Creek and is well attended. Ida Amick a-.d sister-in-law were in Ashland Thursday on business. Ir-aac Amick received word Sunday that his niece. Flora Ilollingswortb, was married. Adam llilderbraod and Pet Nelson were the guests of Geo. Oolens' family Wednesday. IL TJ. Curten was up from near Camp Creek Tuesday. He says pec-pie have planted some corn down there. The dance Friday night vaj not very well attended. Tbey only made :-?12.50 for the benefit of the cemetery j Mrs. L. Pnil; ot and husband and j Mrs. Eliz ibeth Doty were the guests 'of Calvin Amick, Sunday, from near Weeping Water. The entertainment at the Ashland j public school was largely attended and i.U were well pleased with the child rens work. A Gooi Gone i Because the ceiling is finished. We shall tackle the woodwork next, and, when we get our mopping done and the furniture and goods back in order, we shall be at home to our friends in the most dejightful man ner, prepared better than ever to do business at the old stand, with the most complete line of dependable Clothing and Fu r n j s hj n gs in the country C that takes in Omaha ), at popular prices, and No Monkey Bus iness. Just at present, like Spain, we have troubles of our own. P. S. To be in harmony with our new improved conditions, we suggest that everybody change shirts, and wear nothing but the inimitable Man hattan, the only proper shirt. A now supply of lovely patterns just received. W6SC0U & CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, HABERDASHERS. The Fish Kxhllilt. One of the most interesting exhibits at tho world's fair was tho sea fish at the government aquarium. A crowd constantly surged about tho aquarium from early morn til night, gazing with interest at the strange ocean fish and kindred species, some of them hideous in form. The government is arrang ing for the same exhibit at Omaha. The great glaes tanks are already in place and 18,000 gallons of sea water have been shipped to arrive " about May 15. The fish will soon follow. Tho fresh water fish will be sent from the government hatcheries. It is said the entire government exhibit which was behind the others at the worlds fair will be comp ete in evei -y detail by June 1 and in some respects it is even better than wi.s nude at Chicago. Kxcursioik lantiMiffl. On account of bad weather, the flag presentation and review of the n i tioDal guards at Lincoln by Gov. IIol comb has been postponed until Satur day. Remember the date and don't fail to attend if you want to pass a pleasant day. One fare for the round trip. Have You Kidney Troulile? A 50c trial bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent seriou3 results from this usually fatal disease. Smith & Parmele and F. G. Fricke & Co. Ice, Ice, Ice! UEST OF ICE, clear asjcrystil and cold as Klondike. Telephone Xo. 72. McMakex & So.v. TO CUKE A COLO IN ONE WAY Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has. L. B. Q. on each tablet. j As good as a "tenner" is the verdict ! of those who have tried Wurl Uros.' J Gut Heil 5 cent cigar. J A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins jour health. DjWitt's Lit tle Ea.-ly Risers cleanse the liver, j cure constipation and all stomach and ' liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. j Pansies. in general mixture, -0 cents per dozen. Extra Que blooming plants i 25 cents per dozen at L. A Motr res. Telephone No. 15 nrm o the m if iik lioli .;iit. The ancient Greeks hoiiotod that the Penates wero tho trod who at tended to the wclf!ir; atid prosperity of the family. They were worship ped as household tro(Js. The house hold god of todiiy i- Or, King's New Ui.-covrry. For consumption, coughs, colds iind for .ill a IT-;" ions of throat, che.-t and lun.:s, it is invalu able. It hash -en tiied for a q uarter of a century and i.i guaranteed to cure or money returned. No household should be without, this go'sd angid. It is pleasant, to take arid a s.ife find sure remedy for old ;md you g. Fre- trial bottles at F. ",. Fricke & Co's. lingu lar size 50i; and i;arl WaiiM'U In private family, in pla-:tnt lo cality, or two fui ni-hod r ooms suilaoio for very light hous-kee pi htr. for in;in ard wif-. . U'e arc qui ;t, rob;r, Lone.-t people, and want to got with the same class. Will piy p omptlv smd icgu larly. Adda--?, "II I). I, Evknino News. Saturday, Mu 7ih, Notirasl.a troops ars to r; tmi w-d hv he gov ernor and st:. IT. F!g pi- m- t ition to Nebraska National Guards Tl o 15. k M. will make the r ite of un. 'f1P(. f,r round trip. Ticke's guoil to rot urn May bth. Kxpcrt Tailor' From America's iarg-ht Tailoring House, with a full Hi oof s :mi,b s, will be at Hisen the CI -' hici 's .May 10th, IfclS. Call and examine samples. Thirty-fi vo years make a feneration. That is how lor.g Ads iph Fi-her, of Zantsvil!e, O., mile red from piles, lie was cured by u-infc' thren boxes of I e Witt's Witch Hazel Sal".-. F. G. Fricke & Co. All kinds of jewelry, clock and watches promptly repaired. All work warranted. J. W. Crahill, limt d.or we.?t of Waterman bloek. 1'latt-inoulh. If ;iiu want to smoke the b 'i-t try Wurl II. Gut fleil. The iinost 5 curil cigar made. Don't forget the lee uro ry If. A. Lemon at the Chr istian church Friday evening May Gal 8 p. m.