Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 04, 1898, Image 4

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jraper icings
After an experience of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in saying
that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made.
For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in
Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not
m . mm
4 V
Of a BurglarProof and
AlarmGivinir Trunk?
The People's Clothiers,
Have them on exhibition now. They
are the exclusive agents for same
and they are worth seeing.
The Lock is Burglar-Proof and
Alarm-Giving and when an attempt
is made to pick, pry or open the
same in any way, an alarm is in
stantly sounded by the Firing off of
a Blank Cartridge and the burglar
or thief wilTIeave as quickly as pos
sible, leaving the trunk locked.
You ought to see Joe &, Frank's
nice line of...
Shirts, Hats and Neckwear
Their equal cannot be found.
Their $6.QQ SUITS cannot be
equalled for less than $8.50 else
where. Call and investigate.
The People's Clothiers,
Waterman Corner.
c f P" O C . " '""sr C C " CP C' r r- r- rim
' c
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Old papers for s ilo at this oilier.
Our new telephone is No. So. Call us
$1.50 kid gloves for 7o cents at Tuck
er Sisters.
Thomas IJirnum of Union was in
tho city today.
WANTED. A good apprentice u'n-l
at Tucker Sisters.
lied River Early Ohio potatoes for
sale at F. S. White's.
Coates & Co. are headquarters for
all kinds of rubber hose.
Northern crown Early Hose seed
potatoes at Bennett & Tutt's.
Hollo-way's popular stoamod bread
is made of Ileisol's best flour.
Buy your pianos of A. 11. Neweomb.
Honest goods. Honest dealer.
Lawn sprinklers and lawn mowers
at Coates & Go's, hardware store.
W. A. Urwin of Louisville w:;s a
pleasant caller on the News today.
Fifty dollars fine for borrowing the
News when you oujrht to subscribe.
All perfumes and face powders must
be closed out at cost at Tucker Sisters.
nolloway'd bread, which has taken
the lead, is made of Heisel's Piansif
ter flour.
Tho Got Heii continues to head Iho
list as a fine 5-ccnt cigar. Ask for no
I. S. P. Weeks, chief engineer of the
IJ. & M., was in tho city on business
"Exchange" op2n Wednesday ana
Saturday afternoons. North side will
. contribute.
Lost. A bunch of keys. Tho finder
will be rewarded by leaving same at
News oflice.
A full line of sailor hats just re
ceived at Tucker Sisters. Can suit
every taste.
Go to Anthony's music store on iowor
Main street for everything in tho way
of sheet music.
Choice pansies in bloom ready to set
out now '20 and JJO cents per dozen at
I. A. Moore's.
Pansy plants 20 and ;:) cents per
i dozen. All colovs at L. A. Moore".-.
Call early and select your choiee.
I: George Wilkinson, the eye, ear
'and tHroat speci ilist, of Omaha, will
j bo at Ir. Livingston' oi'liee next Tues
day, May ."Id.
See A. 11. Neweomb before you buy
.a piano or o"gan. lie handles the
best insti umcnts made anil will give
you tho lowest prices.
George Kr.icger of Mynnrd called
in today and added his name to our
semi-weekly lit. He wants to know
what is going on.
llrbert Case, one of the coming
young republicans of Nehawka pre
cinct, was in the city tod iy and made
the News a pleasant visit.
Chi'if Murray today boxed un the
new hose reeint'y purchased by the
city and it was shipped bick to tho
factory us not being satisfactory.
Saturday's storm at Cedar Creek,
Cullcm and Louisville did much
damage to the f .rmers. Several had
hogs and c.ittle drowned by the flood. A brown pocket-book between
B. & M. depot and F. E. Whites resi
dence. The finder will be duly re
warded by laaving at White's sto: e.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Miles McCuire of Union, an eld
citizen there and of Nebraska City,
was in town today. This is his lirst
visit to i'lattsmouth in thirty-two
A. J. McKinnoy is p epared witb
some extra nice sod to do fine work in
sodding or grading. Orders left at
tho Bonner t-tables will receive prompt
attention. a29 dlO
The Mozart club will meet Tueslay
evening, May 3, at the home of Miss
Haj-k. Subject for lesson, "Tho Study
of tho Pianoforte." Tho club is asked
to meot at 7 o ciock.
A splendid mau of tho Philippine
it-lands, tho eceno of Commodore
Dewey's great victory, is placed bo-
fore our readers in this evening's
paper, together with a full telegraphic
report from all over the world.
The c'einonstration on Hie streets of
Plaltsinoulh last night oyer tho good
nowa from tho Philippines would lead
otio to conclude that this community
has enough bone, musclo and en
thusiasm to go over ar d lick-Spain
without the consent of any other com
munity in America.
Delmer Kilgoro and Miss Anna
Urwin, both of Louisville, were united
in marriage by Judge Spurlock. Tho
contracting parties are well known
and highly respected in their com
munity and the News wishes them all
tho happi ness that can come to mortals
in this world of joys and sorrows.
Charley Weckbaeh, a well-known
former Plattsreouth boy, now holds
tho responsible position of assistant
cashier of tho First National Bank at
Creto. lie held an important position
in the First National Bank at Lincoln
for several joars and earned his pro
motions by faithful work.
Bioback & Nitka have opened cut
one of tho handsomest saloons in tho
state in tho Muram building. The
walls and ceilings are beautifully deco
rated, and tho carved oak bar, with
plate mirror, is an artistic piece of
furniture. The boys are both popular
and will no doubt get their full share
of business.
Dr. C. E. Mullen of Broken Bow
who was formerly a drug clerk under
Vm- Shryock at Louisville, has been
appointed by Gov. Holcomb as assist
ant surgeon to the first regiment Ne.
le aska national guards- The doctor's
many friends in Cass county will ba
pleased to learn of his recognition at
the hands of tho state.
The last letter received by the
Uoinhaekles hero from Will Keinackle
ho was stationed ou tho Cruiser Bal
timore in Harbor of San Francisco,
lie wanted a transfer to the Oregon
but if he did not get it he would doubt
less rem iin on the Baltimore which
is one of Commodore Dewey's best
ships that won such a signal victory
in the Philipino Islands.
School Hoard Meetinfj.
The School board met in regular
session last evening all members be
ing present.
Supt McIIugh tendered his resig
nation as foreshadowed in last eve
nings News but it was not accepted.
The board then elected the superin
tendent for a term of three years at
$1,500 per year. Messrs Davis and
Hoot voting in the negative. A mo
tion to have the superintent reco
mend and assign all the teachers was
carried, llootaud Davis voting against
A resolution which will cost the
city several hundred dollars to fur
nish some free books went over till
Thursday evening when a special
meeting will bo held- It is to bo
hoped that our taxes may not be in
creased by this plan as taxes aro al
ready too high.
A I'leHKunt I'arly.
Abo Pepperberg entertained a
large company of young people last
evening at the family residence on
Elm -street and a most enjoyable time
is reported by those present. Games,
social converse, and elegant refresh
ments were part of tho eveuiug's pro-gram.
Will Drill.
The Cuban volunteers will drill every
Tuesday and Friday evenings. They
will meet promptly at7:3D in their
barracks in the Union block.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Later Reports Verily His
Great Victory.
Spaniards I ihi;iihI ed With lli" I oiniiict of
Their OIllrlnlH (Jiircn IrouiiK-H to
l ilit to :i I'iniHli.
Madrid, May :. 'lhe city is now in
a state of siege. The tt eets are filled
with cavalry and infantry, tho former
pairoiling with drawn swords and tho
latter with bayonets fixed and loaded
The republicans ate gathering in
force. An attempt may bo made in
the cortes to overthrow the ministry,
perhaps even tho dynasty.
Tumultuous times are expected in
tho cortes today. A vole of no con
fidence will bo presented against the
minister of marine, and tho govern
ment will endeavor to make him a
scapegoat for the Manila disaster.
The cabinet council h s declared
that Spain will not listen to any sug
gestions of intervention by European
powers until a supreme and combined
effort has been made in Cuban waters.
All the strength of the Spanish fleet
is to bo matsed for ono gitrantie battio
in an effort to crush the American'
Atlantic lleet.
It is officially confirmed that the
Americans havo cut tho Manila cable!
and that one end is aboard Dewey's
New Yokk, May Tho Com
mercial Cable company declares
that tho Manila cable is not
working. Tf Dewey was net thor
oughly equipped with proper instru
ments and men he may not be able to
make use of the cable on his ship.
New Yorlc, May 3. A direct cable
to the Journal from Hong Kong,
dated 12 0G p. m. says:
The Spanish at Manila havo sur
rendered, Dewoy will form a provis
ional government with tho insur
gents. Berlin, May 3. The minister of for
eign affairs has a long cablegram from
Dr. Krueger, tho Germ in consul at
Manila, which comprises his ollielal
report of the battle between the Amer
ican Ad Spanish fleet.
The report describes in elaborate
details tho engagement, which is de
picted as having been short and de
cisive, and resulting ia tho tot:il de
struction of tho Spanish tieet and the
loss of more than 400 Spaniards.
riiittKinotiOi ! brat -h Kl imIM it tory
of A nii rini ii I lin en.
When the peopVof PlattMiioulh had
read the glad tidings last night in the
News of the great victory f.u the
American forces in the Philippine
islands over the Spaniard-t their j y
knew no bounds. They only to k time
to eat their .supper and then th 'elided
upon the st.i eoH to taliv over tho sr: it,
1 victory and give vent to their feelings
of joy. About 7:30 a dischargo of lire
'.Iran from the roof of the J. rl'.ins
house was the signal for tho people to
let loose their pent up fo-dii' gs and
give expression to Iheir joy on tho
victory Commodore Dewey hail won
over the cowardly and treaeherou'?
Dons. Soon cannonading commenced
in the vicinity of tho Kiley and in a
few moments Main street was th7
scene of a throng ol cheering, shout
ing, joyous people, each doing his ut
most to add to the demonstration of
delight. Monster crackers were fired
along the street with great rapidity
and with each report t he shout would
go up, "There goes another Spaniard."
The women were as enthusiastic; as
ttie men, and the throats of hundreds
of little boys and girls gave evidence
of the love Americans 'have for the
glorious land of the free and, as the
Spaniards can now testify, tho home
of the brave.
Now and then a skyrocket would
shoot into tho air as a reminder of
how Dewey shelled tho Castilliuu. fleet
and bombarded their;.ld in
tho island and which fell an easy prey
to his prowess. It was a glorious
demonstration and u gUe ions burst of
loyal enthusiasm.
Tho band came out and every strain
of "My Country, 'T.s of Tho- ," or
"Yankee Doodle''' was to the
echo. The hostilities and festivities
continued until midnight, when the
poplo retired to peaceful sleep, hoping
to bear more news of American win
ouest with the coming of day.
h Good
IIotiHeholtl aO1.4.
Tho ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates were the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
of the family. They were worship
ped as household gods. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tiied for a quarter
of a centurv and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should bo without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
Tho Daily State Journal and the
Evening News make a combina
tion that can't bo equaled. All the
local home news and the new9 from
every corner of the srlobe at your door
overy day for only 20 cents per week.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of It relieved me al
most entirely from the paiu and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
6hort timo I was able to be up and about
X again. A. T. MOUEAUX, Luverne,
I Minn. Sold by all druggists.
A JOciiSrtiit IJrtnriiHj I'arty.
One oi the nicest uancos of tho year
was given at the Hotel lliley last eve
ning. The dining room was cleared,
and with delightful music, furnished
by an Italian band the hours wore too
brief for the gay company. Elegant
refreshments were served, which feat
ure added not a little to the'enjoj'ment
of the evening. Tho guests were:
Misses Florence White, Hose Hyers,
Lulu Leist, Maud Eaton, Delia Tartcsh,
HarrietuSullivan, Gertrude Stevens,
Antonia Kessler, Jessie Oldham, Bar
bara Gering, Marion Marsh, Minnie
Sharp, Mrs. Chas. Parmele. Messrs.
F. R Baliance, A. B. TolitT, Sub. Sul.
livan, II. B. Groves, L. L. Atwood, 1'.
W. Agr.ew, Ileniy F. Goos, F. B. Van
Horn, W. B. Elstor, II. E. Snyder, H.
R. Gering, Dr. W. A. Humphrey, Ev
erett Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. lie
vey, James Patterson Jr. and H. L.
Hot His Man.
Sheriff Wheeler returned today at
12:30 from Omaha where ho went in
quest of one Max Price, formerly a
resident of Louisville, who was wanted
for disposing of mortgaged property.
He sold a buggy and harness at Louis
ville to Arthur Murphy upon which
Herman. Pankonin had a chattel mort
mortgage, and then skipped town.
Pankonin took tho property away
from Murphy and Murphy sworo out
a warrant for him. The sheriff learned
that Price was at Fort Crook where
he had gone to enlist and this morn
ing he took the early M. P. irain for
the fort. Arriving thero the sberilT
did not find tin bird and he didn't do j
a thing but walk to Belivue where ho
caught a B. & M. train for Omaha
where ho found bis man shoveling
cinders in tho B. & M. yards. Sheriff
Wheeler ia making a first class officer.
Price ia now in jail here.
If you want t smoko tho oest t-y
Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. Tho- liuest
cent, cigar made.
A Sul AlT.iir.
The joy and happiness of our peo
ple last evening was marred by an ac
cident which befell one of our honored
citizens and which for a time put a
damper on the fervor of the crowd as
sembled on the street. While the
band was playing at tho Kiley corner
the people were filing crackers and
everybody was happy, B.C. MeMaken
became enthused by the demonstra
tion and his patriotism could find no
better expression than in shooting big
crackers, which make a big noise.
"Mc" has been where he heard big
shooting and big reuses before and the
crack of tho cracker was music to
him. Going into LjhnholT's postoflice
book store, ho purchased a number of
largo crackers and went out on the
street to shoot them off. Ho gave
some of them to tho boys a-ound that
they might share his fun. Securing a
torch boy who was attending the hand,
Mr. MeMaken took him, with his
torch, out to one side to get a light for
his explosives.
Taking a large cracker in his hand,
he held it to tho torch until it was
lighted. The crowd standing by ex
pected every moment to see hnn throw
it to the pavement. When it began to
splutter and I;, n dozen voices shouted
to him, "throw it away, throw it
fcway," but the man s, .toned "dazed, or
carried away by the excitement of the
occasion and held the d. adly dynamite
cracker in his hand o alii it. exploded.
It tore his hand into sorcds and the
wonder is it did not t r his arm off
or kill him instaaty.
The wounded man was taken to the
oflice of Dr. Cook, u lit. -re ho was given
the best attention medical, science
could afford. The flesh was literally
torn from tho third finger and tho
bare boi.e for nearly an inch was ex
posed. The bono was so shattered
that at the end it was as pointed as a
le:id pencil. Tho palm of the hand
was badly lacerated and tho flesh at
the base of the thumb was lorn to
shreds. It was found necessary to
amputate a p n t on of the three first
lingers of the hand and .the thumb.
The injured man was taken to his
home about 3 o'clock this mr-rning and
at the hour of going to press was rest
ing erisy, though somewhat feverish.
The News, with Mr. McMaken's
family and friends, regrets the acci
dent very m uch, jet is very thankful
it was no worse. "Me" has been
"through the erviee" and seen many
a day on many a bloody field, but this
is the worst injury he ever sustained.
Wo trust he will sooa be about again.
A l'U-a:mt. Surprise
Yesterday being the seventh birth
day of Arnold Holmes ho was given a
pleasant surprise by his many friends.
The rooms were charmingly decorated
with apple blossoms. Ice cream and
cake being the refreshment. Tho
following little ladies and gentlemen
were present:
Little Misses Gladys Suiiivao,
Blanche and Marie Robertson, E.hei
and Ellen Lydea, Olga Hedlund, Aice
and Hellen Trilety, and Little Masters
G:en Dearing, Paul Morgan, 'Jfiles
Roman, Glen Rawls,
and Arnold Holmes.
Because the ceiling is finished. Wo
shall tackle the woodwork next, and,
when we get our mopping; done and
the furniture and goods back in
order, we shall be at home to our
friends in the most delightful man
ner, prepared better than ever to do
business at the old stand, with the
most complete line of dependable
Clothing and Furnishings in the
country C that takes" in Omaha), at
popular prices, and No Monkey Bus
iness. Just at present, like Spain, wc
have troubles of our own.
P. S. To be in harmony with our
new improved conditions, we suggest
that everybody change shirts, and
wear nothing but the inimitable Man
hattan, the only proper shirt. A new
supply of lovely patterns just received.
6. E. WGSOOtt &
l-'aktt Alarm. ' A lin; Flat; I'll fn rl'l
Some unknown persoa l a ng the fi re A fla;; raising opposite tho M:VS
bell today about neon and called the o!ih-o was indulged in ;i,t, overling,
hsO team out, which m ule a run to when a b-aol'iful lar'e Hag was
the Hotel I'lattsmouth corner and mountidby L 15. i:enberer, Tom
coupled the hose to the hydrant, but Wild-; and Robert V iss r.v.o the f'.g.o,
the only fire that could be fnur.d in ! b'.o-gor bloc!;, wh-re i Ihtats :s p,-oud-that
vicinitv was in the Kitchoa range : ly today as if it were inUtrors of the
at the hotel. The fire boys were hot, I world. It is or e of the fine-t II igs in
notwithstanding they could not find
any fire hot from running so far- and
hot because they could not get into a
hot fight. So much war now every
body wants to fight. Who rang the
false alarm is not known. It might
town ;.nd relloet-t fie pitrir.t c senti
ments of trie; t hree, men who P onoiased
and rai-ed it to the rarese of a Ne
braska breeze, where it wib float in
proud defiance until Spain's l ist guns
havo been silence j, and pi; ee again
have been some loyal Spaniard who reign
had just heard that ol ins coun
try's ships were on fire down in tho
Philippine country and wanted to 1 urn
thob se. on. If the lollow woo rar.g i
the alarm could be four d tho lire boys
wou'd sure make, the puuifhmeut bl
the crime.
It developed later that a ga-o ine
... 1 a . . 1 ' ih.ii L'i)nnn lf II;in.S
siuvn eA ivmiii j i-i'" " - ' - .
; . - i ..: . i. . 1 taei 1
tioos and some one net-omul- '";-"'-
ened gave tho alarm. No damage j
was done.
siiorerro; in t he I i n 1.
j A. II. Wee. bach received a tele
i grain this mo. t.jnr f.-om Lii.oulri r-on-ivevmg
tho so! Lews of tie; critical
condition of I. is nepfo-w. Eugene II.
V (0;lae';i. l .te on- tho .y'oi eg inmi,
who l- '2'S yoir-i f :ig , h:ol ;im opera
tion p-Tlo' ined f-r an al se-s- und that
brain fever has s -t in rid -odi-
in - i i'T 1 ll .!!:.
be-oi eo: o o i! sis bo-.kk
j Columbia X.i .o i;:l
I V' ry ex rn x a y ;.;: j.
Jrit to Iowa. v.. Oil to L r
The case of M. L. Thomas of Union, ' first train, at. 2 Si liii- a.'t
. He has
i it in the
a el was n
ii: in. Mr.
In on the
IH M Ol .
charged with selling liquor without a
license, is on hearing this afternoon
before Judge Spurlock, E C. Strode
of Lincoln appearing for tho prose
cution and M. Gering for tho defense.
The attorneys argued several motions
ard discussed various points of law)
and finally a recess was taken to 5 i
o'clock in order to find somo needed .
witnesses. On the quiet we are in
fnrmpil thf. wi'trsse-. wanted have cone '
. T wr ; fr. Vl Wilt Sing a solo.
Thcdi-triet m snowy e. ntion
of the Christian ciiuren ire-t this after
noon at the church At t'o.s vening's
session an aduie-s wiii b; given by
State Secretary 15 i?ht Mr. Bright
is a very able and 11 .en t pecker ana
our people should n t f iii to h -ar him,
as this in tho only i r ut.iiy they
will have to Lea" this, aiee speaker
and enthusiastic wc rkor. Mr. Huckins
at tho
long and bitter. A large numbe-of; For superior job week cdl
citizens of Union were in the city to---Kvs 0n;c,;.
day as witnesses. '
j A torpid liver robs you of ..mbition
They Keuiaiu in Lincoln. jd reins your health. DovVilt'o Lit-
The state militia will remtin in Lin-1 t;0 u,,.,iv Hue s clear. -e the liver,
coin, the secretary of war having re- , cur,. constipation and all stomach and
voked his order to muster in at j i;Vcr troubles. F. G. Fricko - Co.
Om iha, and tho mustering in oliicer
has been o dered to report theio at;
once. The state militia will bo a put
of tho government forces feforo iho
week ends.
Insure in the German
Fred Ebinger, Agenti
Ire, !--, Iff'.
I'llST OF K K, clear as cry-til and
cold as Klondike. Telephone No. I'l.
MgMakkn v'c Son".
As good a-, a "tenner" is the verdict
of those who have 1riet Wurl Hros.'
Gut Heil 5 cent cigar.