HIV Tl k' Ni-w Vtirlv Lays Low Another Spanish Kurt. Vilmlral ilmi'y Will I-mI roy Sln'd FI--t In I Ik- I'lillllpiiK H Mttiill Not to l lliiiiiliiirili il - Tin' I'nrU Hi N-v III k III llT 1 1 Hp H'I ill K. Atlanta, tit., April .'50. A fpccial to tli! diurnal from Key Went t-ay Cu harms ;t small fort i ti-d town thirty-five miles wost of Havana, on tho northern roust, of Havana was fircil on hy the Now York, Friday evening, anil tho fort ! mol isln il . Theirino; lxan at r.;.'!(l, anil lusted lifiocn ininutcH. Ten nhot- won) lirotl from tho Now York's Icittei-ioH. Tlio New York anil Hel ena, trii-il to draw firo from tho hatltM-im of Havana and Mariel hut they failed. Yontonhty after noon tho lla.-iliip Now Yorlf, with well directed shells from tho six inch U ti ns in lier forwar d turret, completely silenced and rendered useless for both men or tfuns, the two Spanish forts nt 1 'ort 'nbahanas twolvo mi!o- west of Mariel and thiriy-livo Hides from Havana. As in the ca.-.o of Malanzas, tho, lirst shot w:is li red by a Spaniard. tii:-. i'.i:is ai:i:ivi:s. Ni;v York, A n; il .'. I tie Ameri can lino steamer I 'a is arrivi d this mum in,r f r m Southampton, lifter a rotijh tssajje of seven d:iys, t-cven- tei n hours and forty-five minutes, with nine alixm, fort v-r-e von second cabin and ninty-cijjht slconifjo passengers. The Paris left Southampton April "2, at l!:0." p. in. WAU KKVKN IK I'AKSKS hocni:. Washington, April MO. Tlio bill authorizing $oiH,HiO,(i():) bonds, to draw .5 per cent interest, passed tho house today. The silver forces tried to pre vent old payments but failed to do so. KOI HOLTS!': AT SANTIAGO. New York, April 3'). Tho English consulate at Santiiipo has been at tacked. The consul wires '"Send war ship; life in danger." Tho governor of Jamaica sen t a ship over at once. There is liable to be serious complica tions result. TO lN'VADK C'Ul'.A. Washington, April .'l-. It is said that Wednesday, May 4, will witness the embarkation at Tampa of (,d00 troops for Cuba. Madrid authorities pretend not to w have any fears as to the out come of the present conflict and assume to think the United St ites is simply blurting. Spain hopes to jrain a littlo advant age by tryin? to frighten American soliliers by creating' a yellow fever scare and conveying tho idea that it will prove ileal h toour soldiers to at tempt a. campaign there. The Span iards si em to rcuai-d the yellow fver as a jjreat ally in Cub. (len. Miles stati s th-t he will Ik in no hurry in landing our troops in Cub-i but is laying plan to w,n in the Cohan Cam paign. Fears as to the icmi t in tho iskw d at e not of tl e i-lig litest momeut. Ci ui-or Sim I'rai Cisco lei t It ooklyn navy yards at 4:l!it this :if ernoon and put tii - J i. The New Oric his w.'l fol low toniorro.v morning. The auxii ary crui-ers St. Luis and Hai v.:rd have orders lo locate the Spanish Meet whicii left Verde islands and return with report as soon as pos sible. Jyindon, April 00. Prince Bismarck aecorning to a dispatch from Iterlin, says Germany ought not to bind her hands by a neutrality declaration. C:ni!;lit Some Kosf. Ken ird. tho fox, is a queer animal that a' ways seems lo follow civiliza tion. Only a few years ago such an animal as a red fox was unknown and unheard' of in this county, but now they are to bo found along the river bluffs, thoug few in number. Ben Horning, who resides two miles 60uth of ton n, captured two half-grown cubs last week and jl grown one about two nA nths ago, in a trade. He has the two young ones caged up for pets and as curiosities. Henry Tims, ono of his neighbors, also caught two young foxes in a trap not long ago. Mr. Horning says the family of foxes where ho caught two, got away with over two hundred .chickens for him last winter. Children like it, it saves their lives. c mean One Minute Cough Cure, tho infaliib:o remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and nil throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. , l':iKlnru!;t' for Stock. Horses and cattle taken to pasture at Cidioii'; good gr; ss, plenty of thade and running water. Call on the un dcrsi 'ii'-d, at l u iom, or address, Gi:oi:f;n Hicks, Cedar Crek, Neb. TO Cl'lli: .V 14)1.1 l-N ON K DAV Take Laxative linnini QuiniuoTablets. AH mggists refund the mne3' if it fails to cure. 2oe. Tho genuine hns L. U. Q. on each tablet. i ) CITY AND COUNTY. HA 'I'll till A Y . Lr nholT It-OH. today received a hand some 18 foot huntinj' liny for Hotel Kiley, an (S-foot ling each for Judge Itamsey, S. Wauh and Kveielt Luton. .Marshal J. Gaiter of VecpinL' Water was hero today on legal busi ness. Charley Hover-ago was a S uth Om aha caller today to look in on tlio c ittlo market. A. L. Backer, of near Union, was in town today. Ho reports crops looking fine in that vicinity. The It. it M. has issued a new time card which goes into effect tomorrow. No changes occur in tho time uf trains hero. Mrs. E. W. Hlack is home from Kansas City where she left her bro ther much improved in health and in a fair way for recovery. Tho Washington dis-p itches state that C. II. Smith has peon appointed by tho President as postmaster here to take tho placo of W. K. Fox who.-o term expires next week. Charles J. Vifouain, eon of General Victor Vifquain, left Eineoln Tliurs day for tho Klondyke region. lie will take a steamer at Seattle and go up tho Yukon river. Tho trip will re quire ono months time from Seattle. Mr. Vifquain will join his brotheY Itlakelv. who is at Diwson. 1 he faro from Seattlo t j D iwson will cot $,'!00, besides $2(10 a ton for f eight. Hiakely Vifquain hasio.;g!.i an interest in hcveral mines. f!o leports that he paid $2,)l)0 for ;i tow n lot in Dawson ami that luinbor is .selling there for $100 a thousand fee. 'la'.u Journal. M DAY. Will Pitzor of Go. .vo -d w is in the city last eveniii' vui'i g li s friend C. A. Kawls. C. Ileisel has decorated his lluring mill by the emblem of liberty tho American II ig. County Clerk James Robertson and wife are homo from a pleasant week's visit at Franklin, Neb. S. I). Holyor tho pleasant represent ative of J. 13. Foley and Co. of Chicago made the news a visit today. Geo. Edson leaves Monday for his cattle ranch ont near Eoup City ex pecting to bo absent several weeks. Mrs. Henry Schluntz and children, who havo been visiting in Iowa for some time, will arrive l.oineon Monday or Tuesday. The lvi ley's now flag was hoisted l.t2 t,5.i-lit Tfr !j o li.)inli' i rt A irfijllin aciou nil ii v. i u i .i ia uv.i-aui iiiiu niu uiu admiration of tho hundreds of peo ple who were on the streets. Forty five cars of stock passed through on the IJ. .K: M. last night between 7 and lOocloek with two more to follow before midnight. John Churchill, well known here. and wdio recently removed lo Nance county, has returned to Cass and will establish a blackmith busine-s near liock 1 51 u IT. MONDAY. Charles Clifford and daughter of Louisville wore in town todav. George Clizbo of Weeping Water was in Plattsmouth Sunday enjoying' the societv of friends. George Mclv.'ynolds and Charles Banning of Nehawka were in iho city Sunday seeing their friends. W. A. Derrick, formerly of this city, was recently in Loudon, but has now gone lo Beilin and is studying with Alfred Blumo George Todd wont to Omaha this afternoon expecting to get a position as one of the lot) exposition guards which are now being appointed . A case of foreclosure was filed in tho district court today wherein Molly Berger prays for judgment against Almira C. Willis for the sum of $-3:!3 now due. The sheriff today sold 120 acres of tho Murray laud to tho Bank of Cass County for $4,700. and 2u0 acres under another order, to ihe saino parties for $7,000. Also eighty acres of tho Wood land t.ear Weeping Water to George Sheldon for $l,oS.. Mrs. C S. Twiss was taken sudden ly ill last evening tit her homo while sitting reading. She fell to ihe lloor and for a few moments her life was despaired of. Prompt and effective work of a physician, however, resusci tated her and tod i.v she is do tig v .ry well. It is a groat leap from the old fash ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous phj-sics to the pleasant little pills known as De Witt's Little Early llisers. They cure constipation, sick headache and biliousness. F. G. Frieke & Co. Will Organize a Company. Ex-Senator Tefft went to Lincol-, Tuesday, and had an interview with Governo.- Holcorab, regarding a com pany of volunteers to be organized at this place, who are willing to g to the front ranks in th- war now on between United States and Spain. Mr. Tefft in for mod the Adrocite man that Gov ernor Uolcomb gave him authority to organize a company of volunteers here and this said company would be the next c ill d upn from Cass county to go forth and perforate the Spaniards Avoca Advocate. It is, or should b tne highest aim of every merchant to please his customer:-; ;.nd th.-il Iho drug firm of Meyers & Esh!em m, Sii rii-?g, I'll., is doing so, is proven by the fi 1 lowing, f em Vr. Eshlenia'i; "ft, my sixteen!-, experience in the d-u business 1 have nt ver si en or n,l or tried a meOici'i" 1 h;'t gave as good sat-J isfaction as Obaiiibe-l-ii-.'s Colic j Cholera and Ditiri hoe 1 Remedy Sold by all druggist THO STOIIM. I.iIVi I t V ! nl.iy 'k Until hiiiI I.mkI Nlght'it Klllll on I h NoIiIIit Itoj H. Lincoln Neb, Ap'tl sijecial to t he N l s J Yesterday 's wind and dust storm and hist night's rain and wind storm was through this part of Nebraska. Tha soldier , . 4. i . i bovH nt camp Saunders got a good t -nto of fi. m, (,f ll,o l.iinl.hi.n of army life?. The dust was so had yesterday afternoon that the companies had to stop drilling ar.d the rain and wind of ! rul. nifrlkt. ii'ia i:irl r 1 1 wttnik nf llio tender boys who are not used to rough it g it, sleeping in wet beds and get ling drenched to the skin. They are in good spirits this morning, however, l i l.. . . r i w i. .. .: ii mi ii .i t ij Misb uou u ii lii ei r eu i u usiii sin or patriotism. Aoout thirty i put ted sick ut none :iro in serious ..... ' UHll LlOn The Gattlin rrun drill vesterdav af- " " J ternoon was conducted in true veter- in stylo and was very satisfactory to the regimental ollieers. The Thurston Killes have been pre- ... . .. t-jcntcii with a hanusouie silk nag, the gift Of their Omaha flieilds. The oliicors hojio to fill up tho com- panies which are short of men and bo rcadv to turn tho Iroops over to tho . ,, , , war department nt 1' ort Crook by The following difdiaiges have boon m:ide: Physical disability, ): own ap- plication, for business and other rea- sons. V.): non-residents. 8: exniration tune or service, S; without honor, 1. pany was taken away by yesterday's wind. The tables wen disar-an t(i1 and tho provisions badly disligurcd. Tho hoy(. wU ct uscd to catin dirt before many month's service, however. and they took it very philosophically. ABOUT STATE TROOPS Volunteers who -an l'ass Kxaminat inn Searre-No Kuum for New Coiiipa nils. LiiNXor.x, Ni:n., ApiiloO. Special. The boys are still at Camp Saunders and it is not at all i m probable that they will remain for some days, from u,e fact that Unrequired number ol ,icn have not yet appeared who can pass the examination and thus lillmp the quota. The governor teems delor- initial lo m a l n t, : 1 1 n thnniilil,fi.rvnr(rnni. i ------- - - - - -- -- ---------- ' - - - . .auuii iisiiL prcseiib ariaiiL'eu wiiuouii . . - . discharging any commissioned officers to make room for new ones who are organizing companies and applying for admission. There is room for volun teers who a pply as individuals and can pass the examination, bun no room for new com panics until the present com panies are tilled up. A number of old Univoisity students ai e desirous of organizing a regiment of artilery. Lieut. Dudley of St. Paul, the gentieinan who instructed these men at the University in military tac tics some years ago, was cillcd here today, to assist in organizing the artil ery, but the governor put up such a strong opposition to recognizing any other forces until the old companies are full in membership that Lieuten ant Dudicy is compelled to return home without accomplishing1 tho ob ject of his visit. It is really too had that such conditions exist when the countty is in trouble. Everythir."; is quiet at the camp this afternoon, ai d the boys have about re covered from the ellects of the storm of Friday night. Later Gov. Iloicomb has decided to give encouragement to tho organiza tion of the regiment of artilery after consultation with Lieutenant Dudley. On the morning of Feb. 20, ISO), I was sick with 1 heumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved hie al most entirely from the pain and the second afforded coil plete relief. In a -hort time I was able to be up and about again.- -A. T. Mokkaux, Luvcrne, Sold by all druggists. M inn. A Xtw Disease. Nebraska Cit3- Press: Mr. Marthena who lives on tho Geo. Conklin farm south of the city is reported as being very low with slight hopes of recov ery. iive tin- Children u Drink calloi Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to tako the placo of coffe Sold by all grocers ana liked by ail who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties. Grnin-Oaids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Co.-ts about one-fourth as much as coffee, lo and i-'fic. J-iast month Otto Wurl's business showed a wonderful increase. He makes the best cigar on tho market and is not ashamed to say so through the newsp ipors which have a known n. His cigar factory is now firmly established as one of Platts mouths leading industries. Keltef iu Six Honrs Distressing kiuney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by I"iik GUKAT Sol'TII jMEUIfA KlIMfKY Cuke." It is a great surpi ise on ac count tf its exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu hlauder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief nnd cure, this is the.'Gilmour, or leave orders at Egenber jeinedy. Sold by Goring & Co., Drug st, Plattsmouth, Neb. AUKE CAVEY HEARD FR0A1. Writ Hit liit-r-tliiic I.cttt-r mi 1'oIiIIim Hint Throw tew ItrlekK. Wat.asii, Neb., April !.".. To tho Editor of tho Nkw.s-IIkkald, l'lutts mouth: In regard to the article I sent to the Omaha lteo April IS, I see by your piper you have copied it and commented on it; also, I see by the Plattsmouth Journal, April l!2, they HiiV the Evenine Hyena Howl made ' J Ulo hon(.t bimB.allisu of Cs iinoiiier spusmouic cnon to misienu by reprinting a letter of mine and in my letter to tho Ueo I do not refer to fu'n " ""y manner, but purely to Governor Holeeinb, Senator Hearing and mutual insurance. If tho editor - uf tho I'lattsmout h Journal will read - tho heading: of niv article ho will see that I did say there was dissatisfac- lion in tho I"luiiHt party, and allow rrirt In un r i fr h I. Iini-n I h;it 'ill I h nwi ii n t ""J ' ' " I . . . . . . , . I were at tho popuhsi convention last - fall at Weeninir Water and hoard tho chairman of that convention tell Guy I i ; ..: 4 : r t. .1 r 1 i . . I lilVHISHIII 11 U1U UCIllUUrilia Ul I 1U.IL3- moulh diU not tol filir' and if thoV I ,l : i 1. .1 .1 : . 1 . 11 iu as inev iiiiu uono iu liio iiast. fusion was a thing of tho past. Will the editor of tuo Journal kindly show tho independents of this county where the? h"vo with tho democrats in I tho oast that tho independents ever , , . , .. T elected a man on tho ticketr I am not Ln i(W,,finilt nnr fi.m T n .lpmn.l but, believing the money question be- fore the people was tho most vital 'lULSUOn inai cenironieu iiiem, anu oo I . a : i . t .1 r ,11 lieving the republican p;irty uiu not I , ' , T . II. l rv - . j Ait L-i-i uhhim ua x n u n u u a j oucht on this ouestion. and. bolievinjr lljat if nrvan was elected it would bo to the bettorinent pn tho money question, 1 supported th:lt ticket; and, being a silver republican, I did my best to promote .. ., , ., , crats in somo of tho eastern states hold their conventions last fall the sil i ver democrats set their honest couvic tions aside and worked with the gold democrats for anything to beat the re publicans. Now, Mr. Editor, as the Texas statesman remarkod, "Where was I at?" Always a republican, and then to sco them preach the money question only to set. it aside in their conventions made mo .wonder where I had drifted. There has never been a more loal set of men as independents and democrats than there is in the western part of Class county in voting1 for tho fusiou ticket in the past. If the editor of the Journal will come out here I will take him to somo of tho best citizens, both independents and demo crats, who vvM tell him tney have been betrayed in the past by the demo crats in the eastern part of Cass i ,., t.i j . LUUUtl i Alio 11 v- ii u-;v- u liiu .i coimij- faction among tho independents here in Cass, and it is littlo better in other counties. Let tho editor of the Journal read his brother editor's roasting of Auditor Cornell, who is accused of accepting passes for himself and family from the railroads, and playing in the hands of the railroads. Is it not a fact that the democrats of Plattsmouth in tended to nominate Hearing for counly treasurer last fall, thinking he was the strongest man they could put up, but when George Towle, while in Plattsmouth, told them that if they did ho would bo snowed under election day, they gave it up. Tho silver dem 1 cratsout hero remembered when Hear ing was on a standstill whether to fall, over to tho gold democrats. with Frank Whito or not, but seeing the silver party being the stronger he fell over 10 them, and his course to the democrat here and his record in tho logislatu.-e heould not be elected road supervisor out here, and if Gov. Ilolcotub in appointing Dealing- at Norfolk thinks Hearing can fix this county for him this fall, he wi 1 be surprised as much as the Spaniards will bo when tho United States get through with them. Before closing 1 would like to say- that one democrat has the confidence of our people and is highly spoken of by everybody and that is Judge llam- sey. Respectfully, Mike Cavey. Household Coils. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who at tended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worship ped as household gods. The house hold god of today is Dr. King's Now Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of thioat, chest and lungs, it is invalu able. It has been ti ied for a quarter of acentury and is guaranteed to cure or money returned. No household should bo without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and yourg. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu lar size 50c and $1. Do You Want I'tano? A. R. Newcomb, of Nebraska City, is in town for the cext two weeks and has a number of pianos and organs of the latest style and standard makes, which he is offering at the lowest rates. See him at Hotel Plattsmouth if you want to buy and save money. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of the most valuable and efficient prepaiations on tha market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous criugh for me in 24 hours, gratitude tbote for, I desire to inform you that I will never bo without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held dy people in general. It is the one remedy among ten theusand. Success to it. O. R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by all druggists. Light Ilrahuiait, And fancy Game Bant ims for s de; also eggs for setting. Enquire of William ger & Troop's, where some of the chickens may be seen. Naval Si r Ire lt-iilr-iu-iit. A short timo idnco we puhl inhcil an item to the effect that Jacob Jacolt-i n, Danish navy man for ten 3 ears, had Hpplied to Secretary E'ng for enlist ment iri'tho United Stat' s navy. In reply to his letter Mr. Jacobi n re ceived this circular desci i hi uir the terms of enlistment: NAVY li;r. li'l'M INI, Washington, d. c , Mar. 1, ':is. 1. Men physically and otherwise qualified are enlis'e I in the Navy as follows: Pay pet ition th. Seaman Ordinary seamen . . . Landsmen Shipwrights Blacksmiths Plumbers and litters. Sailmakers Painters Machinists, 1st class. Machinists, 2d class.. IJoilormakcrs Coppersmiths Firemen, 1st class Firemen, 2d class Coal passers 2I 00 11 (Ml it; Oil 2." 00 .M 1 1 11 1 ."i vo 2" en . . . . :;o 00 o." on 40 00 00 (Ml 50 (to ;;." 00 j ::o 00 ' L'2 00 Apothecaries (id (0 Ship's cooks, -1th class 20 00 Musicians, 1st class :2 do Musicians, 2d class ;;o o: Buglers :io 00 Hach enlisted person also receives one ration per day while on board of a ship. 2. The term of enlistment is for three years. .'!. Persons enlisted for iho naval service must bo of robu-t frame, in telligent, of perfectfy sound and healthly constitution, free from any defects or malformation, and not sub ject to fits. 4. Physical examinations are made by a naval surgeon at the placo of en listment. 5. Persons aro not enlisted as lands men if over tho ago of 2o, unless they possess some mechanical trade; nor after even though possessing a trade. (. No person will bo enlisted who does not understand and speak the English language. 7. No allowance will be made for traveling expenses whether accepted or not. S. Application for enlistment can lie mado to tho commanding ollicer of ihe U. S. S. Wabash, Navj Yard, Boston, Mass.; U. S. S. Vermont, Navy Yard, New York; TJ. S. S. Richmond, Navy Yard, Loaguo Island, Pa.; U.S. S Franklin, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. and the U. S. S. Independence, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. John- D. Lono, Secretary. On first enlistment men must be be tween the ag?s of 21 and 35. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DoWitt's Lit tle Early J visors cleanse the liver. euro constipation and till stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke &. t o. " ISriile Fill. Only aboi.t thirty teams ore at work- on the big till at the east end of the bridge, yet the dirt is boing piled up so that in a few weeks the dirt train will he put on to get-dirt from tho big cut on this side to linish the top of the fill, which we aro informed will be wide enough for a double track. M. Li. Yocvm, Cameron, Pa., says "I Wiis a sulTerer for ten years, trying all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. DoWitt's Witch iiaz'jl Salve was reccommend to me. I used one box. It has eiiei'tf-d a permanent cure. A a permanent cure lor f'llos Lev lit t v lien Si.tive I; :s no equal. F. C Fricke & Co. There's no better Hour tiiade Shan Hnisel's" l'lauoif ter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby got the best and sup port a home industry tit the same litre, which builds up the town. TO Cl'KK A I'dLU IN (INK DAY rake Laxative Hi omo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. The Daily State Journal and the Evening Nf.avs make a combina tion that can't bo equaled. All the local homo news and ihe news from every corner of tho srlobe at your door overy day for only 20 cents per week. A party of young- men came over from Glenwood Sunday to get a "drink" and found only tho key-holes open, all the saloons having closed in obedience to the mayor's order. Sev eral of the Plattsmouth boys also shared the same fate. Plattsmouth has raised a company of volunteers to help make up Ne braska's quota under the president's call for 12-,000 troops. They are now raising a company of artillery, County Judge Spurlock nnd Attorney C. S. Polk heading the list. Nehawka Reg ister. It 1'nyn to lift the Itest. W. E. and C. E. Crabill aro deliver ing tho best of milk to their customers in all parts of the city. Try our sys tem of bottle delivery. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska. . . r,.f,. nrt Cass county. ) ...... v-wm.. In the matter of the estate of Samuel McCnn- kev. deceased. Notice is hereby triven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, helore me. countv iudgc of eass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in 1 lattsmouth m said county, on the ith day of Noverabtr, lsus, at o clock a. in . lor the mir- pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are al- loweu tor the creditors ol said deceased to pre sent their claims ani one year for the adminis trator to settle said estate, from the 7th day of .May, is:i. This notice shall be published in the Semi- Weekly News-Hlkal! for four weeks succes sively, prior to the "th day of May, lvis. VVlttl.KC 111V f-QT1,t anil ol f.t c i . I -utirl at Flattsmouth. Ncbra-ka, this, the 1 1th d - oi April, A. U. li-tts. OEORGE M . SPI RLOCK, (Seal) County Judge. o: No ,i . " h . v O.i -t. t . "S pi ! i ,il I . 1 w I r I 'l.itt-mouth fer t i,. repn'at inn fur. . . . The iScst Goods ..Lowest This is 1 ill r III 1 1 1 . o ir i ri 1 1 i ;i 1 1 1 rule. Mid we do IH'I. rriipo 1 t.i ib-p.irt fi Oin il ine.v O n- Srin;' htock iJ larger and 111 ir ' i n n plcle this ca r than cm r We are soli- a ;' 111 ii t h for the cm ii ( 'at." I ir 1 in I Tr i pi --it--, in 1 I 1 I I s ' ir 1 1 e. ' I ;:.--u lv' iimi- -1 ! ncU ''gs. ( 'oHim in and sei wi 1 1 I r.-a t 011 1 i ! Ii I . ,'IH 1 I wo nit' (;oojs o: Bottom Dropped Out ..of Prices On 1897-Grown ... Garden and Field Two Packages Garden Seed, 5c. Everything else at bottom prices. Now is the time lo repnir yotir Spouting- ;nil Tin Roofs, lie fore tlie rains lie-in We Have Something New In a door lock" th tl will last a life-time ; lias no springs; works letter and costs less niotiev titan a spring lock. Call and see a (Iravil.y door lock-, at the ivliaMe hardware store of - - B. HALL South Sixth Street, - EE w it . w:-yi ri , r: U . fi Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth 2nd Pearl Streets, - - Plattsmouth, Neb IL r. --xi - .a. - ,t, ,- i--f-y i i f ' 1 1 - - - " - -,- - m 111 i.hi.1 11 Permanently cured by usin DIl. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC ( UUE. The surest and the best. - Sold by druggists on a posiiive guarantee, J'ri:e 50 cent.'! yer box. Samplo Font free on mention of this publication. THE Dli. WHITEHALL MLGIIIMLN L ;o , South Iicnd. Indiana. I.I ff ll llt !?. In ihe di- ti i.-t ruin t of ( ';i -s rim i.t v. Ni-I (Jhailest;. I'arme.e a n.-i'eu er ol tin: t..;.i:nv Uatik ot l-iatt-tuouth, Nebraska, vs. The 1'eo- ple s lluiiii:::, i.oari aim .avi;i;.r .--snc i.uioii. 1 lie l eni.ic s liuiimt.g. i .uan aim .a in .-.s -o ciatmn, ili.-leii'lant, uui lake l.ot'.e tnai rn I in- th day ot Ai.iii A. I I'." t.t:ar ..-s C. r.iii-iele as receiver i.t iliet U;i.n- ii.itiKoi i -ia; ism. niiii. Nebraska, iiiaiiilitt tierrin, lued Ins petiti.m m the distiict court of tass county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prau-r uf whicii are to recover a iii-iii: jiidiiient auaiti't defendant on three causes ot action set f.irtli in said petition: on the tirt cause of action for the sum of - wilh seviMi p-:rce;it interest tbi.-reon from the t'tli day of Ma A. I), ii'7: on the sec ond cause ot action the Mini of .'.'M '-ceii per cent inteiest thereon fr en t.'ie h day of .lav A. 1 '. s.'i:on ttie tainl cau e ol aciion iie sum of imnwith seven pe-rcent inti-re- t i hereon f rom the I'l.h day of V. ember A. I). iK'7. Vott are re'iue.-te 1 to answer -aid petition on rn before the :;uth day of May A. I). I I'ated tiiis l'.ith nay of Apr.! A. I . I ClIAHI.I-s i'. I 'A KM I II. As Receiver of Citizens Uatik of I'iatt.-iiiotitli. Nebraska, liy ltis Attornejs, I'.yron i lai K . C A. Kauls. Probate Notice. In county court. Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of ti e estate ot liaitharer He- bold, deceased. Ail persons int rc-sti-d in said mailer are herebv notified ti. at on ti.e l itli day of April, ls'.'s. Kl.a Men ii.l tiied a petition in said court, aiieiiiir. anions other ttiin-, tuat iialthaser Siebold d el on the U..t: day ol .Marc.'i. ls'.is. leaving a last wiil and testament and p,is- ssed of real and peis.oiial estate in sain county of tlie reasonabie vanie of -in and praying for the probate of said will and for administra tion of said estate- "u are hereby notified that il vcu fail to Epnear before said court on the I ith day of May. A. 1).. lsn-, at -o'cockp. m.. t-. contest ttie probate of said w i i i . tiie court niny aiiow and probate said Wi ii and urant adtiiitii. tration ot said estate to Joseph V. . Johnson arid Kiia Sieboid, jointly, or smne other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement of sa: 1 es tate Vitne--s mv hand and trie seai ot said court at I'lattsmoutb. Nebraska, this, the l"th lay of Apiil. A. 1).. I -.'. ... , (jl-CKoK .11. .-l'l KI.I" K. (-"-'aI County Ju 1-e. Legal Notice. In tlie district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Joseph tiraham and J jl:n ilkin on, partiier.s. rJomir business under li.e linn name of ' ev Wilkinson, piaintitH, vs. Frank Kii.idy and Clara Roddy, cieteiidants. J'he defendants w:ii take notice that Joseph tiraham and Joint insoti. under the name of t irahat'Jffii-l likinson. have coninieiiced an action a;a::,t said neici. i- ants in tiie ciisirict couit ol Cass county. Ne braska, the object an 1 prayer ol which is to re cover a judgment against said defendants for the l tttn ol .i for go-ids so:d and delivered winch were necessary l-.-i tiie support and mamtenanee of sad delendants nd tor wh.ih defendants agreed to pay. and that they have cau-td the I east "lie hail id the inn t iieat one quarter c! se. - tion ill, to .mi lo. lai.ue it, east of. the si til pr in- cipal meridian. s. -ale in L.i-s coutit y.Neljr as ica. j to be atiacae 1 in s o l ac-Ui u a- the propcit; ol said defend. nits. 1 Jeteiidanls are retpiiicd t i aii-iv -I sai I peti tion on or beloii' t lie Pa I. da', ! May. or nient will be taken as pi.iyed 1 r m s.i.d peti tion. Joseph Graham ard J .hn i'.kinsou. mid r the firm name ot Orahani S iiKius n. C lelit, plaiiitin's attorney -4 siii (i ,y v. ; 1 1 - - 1 ii . 11 in . I," !it i'.l ' , v ii i i- h wn a re in a 1 U i ng 1 1 1 - rea n 1 1 1 lni-ini's in 1 ml 1 1 1 e estubl 1 - le d a ;al llic, Possible Prices. Triple Knee. LIHI 11LK U I VVIiiiu THl wVv I lWVL & SON, Plattsmouth, Neb. - Legal Notice. Il di iriit c . 1 1 ot ( ass count ', Nebr.'e k a. lata ,.o .. J.niii. , (;ox. Janes K. en. di-i.-ielant . v.ill take i.otn i- that on the Hull day of Man h, A. I ). l-'.'s, i;i,,ia (,'ox, :; ttit tt . I crein tiied her pe-t.tioii in the distni t ci; . 1 1 of .'as ( i 'a :i ' . Ni-i.i a ka. a;,' a in--t t lie s ;i i d James K.l o , i ii-feiida nt . 1 1 ,e o! . i.c t aod prayci uf '.vhn.ii is to oijta.n a divoi' e fioai the ijefcnd ant. James l. (.ox, and to procure a del rei t;i anting to plaint ill the custody and control ol 1 hi - iu inor 1 1 : id "I ii ac ie (Jo . " daughter of plain t:tl and 'ieleuoant . a:d relief is a-ked because the 'ii-leiidaut, v.,titout ju-t cmei: or p'ovocation, c i mi - y a nd v. an: on ! v de-eited plaintiff upon or about September l'.ith, A. 11. l''.'t, and has con -t'.nuotisly reuiaiiii-d aAay for more than two years piioi to filing (f ins suit. Vnu are re !;in d to titr-wer said pet;tion on or be!ore!i,e dav of Ma v. A. li. I-'.'". Oatc 1 tins -.1,1, day of March. A. I . 1 "'.'. (Jl.ARA Cox, I'.y her Attorneys-, livrou Ciark and i. A. Kawls NEW : ftDVERTIS&M&NTS. .- .1 ' t- n '. - K O A HASP? QALSAFA i-.:'r '"-.'CZjJ !mTOi il U-v the h!r. ;-"' '. 'i--4. l-.-or,,. an luiurmnt (rrowth. liair to its Voutuful Color.' iturci " a." " -- . - .. ! 1 oiat line Sioes . . AT... ix all the ui:.iT ci:adi:s and STYLUS, and AT LOWEST PRICES. . A Iso a com plcto lino of. . . . Fresh Groceries Glassware ?nfJ Chin aware ... N;,, bo'.li.'r- ccic! ftfii-ic in tho city nful iio losvcr p-ii is than c;m bj found at Asher Clark's, Firbt, I).jar List of tho Court House.