Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 04, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly Hews-Herald
. . . IY T It K . . .
One Year, in ml van re, ....
Six Months
Ono WiM-k
Siiitflo Copies,
Ono Year, ill alv:incs . . .
Six Months,
$1 00
Of any Cass County Paper.
FlItKN iilonjr the t-horo.s of ('uhninark
tho retreat of the Kimulsh soldiers to
tho Boaports. They will carry on the
work of devolution to tho lnt.
WlTll Knlund at our b.u:k, ii will
bo a dillicult matter fr l'Yancn to
crawl up in I ho rear and lur'o n
jealou.s harpoon Ix-twoon A mcrlca's
shoulder blades.
TlIK popycrat governors are trying
to resurrect the elates rijjhtu doetrim'H
which wore shot to pieces during the
lato war. For digging upd ;ul issues,
and making attempts to jalvanie
them the new democracy has no suno
rior. Too MUCH American pork with an
over supply of Hen Davis apples from
thin country is what an exchange
thinks ails Germany and causes her
unfriendly altitude. Tnoy refuse V
foryivo our peop'c for underselling
them in their home markets.
TllE Irish World reports jjreat suf
fering in Ireland hundreds of peoplo
dying1 of actual starvation in that
country. It seems strantro that such
poverty should exist in this fertile is
land, that a crop failui e a tiri'le sea
son means starvation for so many
THE United States has finally cue-
ceeded in picking Spain up and giving
her a good spanking. Afler her ex
perience in the Philippines with Ad
nnrai uowey s iict, it is snin to say
Spain has changed her mind about the
United State: blurting. And as to our
Bhooting qualities she has already
been shown.
j.iik war movements arc growing
more rapid and vevy soon decisive
action will be reported It is evident
that tho government will land 1.3,1100
regulars at Matanzas with arms and
ammunition for the insurgents who
will act with them in an effort to take
Havana from the rear. The Spanish
army is thought to number not more
than 30,000.
THE World-lleralu has a great finnn
cial scheme which it urges upon con
gress. It wants the national govern
ment to print $200,000,000 in green
backs to buy war material with, in
stead of issuing bonds. While tho gov
eminent printing presses arc running
why not print a billion or two, pay olT
the national debt and stop taxing the
peoplo entiroly. As a financial vngar
ist the Omaha sheet deserves a place
well up toward the head of the pro
IT IS at once amusing and disgusting
to see tno number of men who are
anxious to light for their country pro
viding' they can get an ollice and draw
a good salary wiulo tho other fellow
does tho fighting. At the war depart
ment at Washington there were up to
Saturday morring 10,000 applications
lor appointment to positions from
brigadier general down, and there is
no end to the fellows who like to be
coramandor-in-chief, but how many
have applied for this po.-it.on is not
JOIIX JACOO Astou is another t f
thosa horrid capitalists whom popy-
crats like to rail about as enemies of
mankind. John has offered to roie
a regiment and accompany it to the
front and paj all its expenses. Helen
Gould donated $100,000 in cash, and
one of the Vanderbilts has given his
elegant yacht for a dispatch boat
Wall street organized a regiment from
among the wealthy operators on the
board of trade, and evidence is not
wanting; to show every day that
tho socialistic howl about the inhu
manity of capitalists is lhe merest
OMAIIA appears to be well equipped
with gubernatorial candidates. I.en
Baker's friends have boen making an
active canvass in his behalf and now
the old war governor Alvin Saunders
is being pushed for the nomination.
J. Clem Deaver is a prominent pop
candidate and John O. Yeisr is hust
ling for a nomination. There are but
three candidates however who may
really be considered in the race and
they are Ben Haker, Judge Ilayward
and A. E. Cady. Either of the three
could win against tho present State
House ring, without a doubt.
"Calamity" Bill Dixit, the erst
while erratic and honest j opulist, has
been heard from again. He is making
war ia Saunders county against J. N.
Gafiin, who has his weather eye on the
demo-pop nomination for governor.
Saunders has been for years a pretty
strong populist cpunty, but there
seems to bo war in tho ranks over
there, and it is very doubtful if Gafiin
can get his owo delegation. The demo
pop "reformers' for oftieo only over
there are cracking their whips, but it
ia A ii ful if t V r xr flricn ttir, inl(
J 7 WSl4fbVB 7 '.- u.w wa una-
dlo-of-thc-roaders into lino. There
will bo a merry war between the puri
fied popocrats and tho "degenerate"
middle-of-the-roadei a this falj.
e)i in
0)1 t
Commodore Dewey Strikes the
Death Blow To the Cas-
Ret-Hot Fire Poured Into Manila Span
iards Cut the Cable Manila Finally
Surrenders The Entire Fleet
Was Destroyed.
Washington, 1) C, May 2, .1:80
p. in. Special to the News. J That
tho American fleet came out of yes
terday's cimllict in good order is best
evidenced by the fact ihis morning
that (J:mmodoro Dewey oc.ed bom
bardment on Manila and was pouring
into the Spanish fortress a deadly
shower of shot and shell. When the
(ire was at its hot Lest, the Spaniards
cut the cable and cut oil all further
communication until Hong Kong, tho
nearest telegraph station, 000 miles
away, can be reached.
Dewey had arranged pi ins with the
insurgents to march upon Manila and
open battle from tho rear and doubt
less by this time our forces have com
plete control of Spain's possessions in
the island and has captured or de
stroyed all that part of her navy which
she has r.eon depending on to defend
the island and defeat America's Pa
cific squadron.
4:20 j). m. Latest advices are 1o the
effect that Manila his surrendered,
Dewey has destroyed the entire Span
ish Heel: that he has raised tho cable
and sent the good news to headquar
ters of the com p: etc- 'ind sweeping vic
tory. Every Spanish boat in tho engage
ment was destroyed burned, blown
up or sunk. The crews of many of t';e
ships went down with them.
"Washington, May -.Special to
The News. Tho first battle of tho
present war in South Pacific seas oc
curred at the Philippine islands this
morning and resulted in a splendid
victory lor tho American tleot under
Admit al Dewey. At f o'clock a. m.
Admiral Dewey opened fire on the
Spanish squadron and the forts at
Manila. There were two engage
ments, in both of which, the Spaniards
fought desperately, but showed not
the sKill or marksmanship of - the
United States marines. Notwithstand
ing the enemy's fleet contained ten
boats to our six, they were no match
for ns and the result is the al most com
plete annihilation of the Spanish
squad rem.
The Spanish ship M iri i Christina
and tho crui-er Castilla were burned, !
the Proisrr I inn J,.-, n !
blown up ai.d a number of their shit s ;
sunu- to prevent then-laiung into our
hanels. The entiro fleet was more or i
less damaged and were ol liged to re
tire. Tho losses were numerous,
notably Captain Cadarzo, a priest and
nine other persons.
The news of their de'eat created in
tense excitement in Madrid and
mounted guards were placed on patrol
to preserve eneler and prevent rioting
in the streets. There was much mut
tering among the populace, but the
guards succeeded in preserving order.
Tho second engagement and the
most bitter of the two, came on be
cause of tho landing of American ships
to form communication with the in
surgents. Not a United Slates vessel
was lost in the conflict. Tomorrow
Manila will be occupied ty our forces
and the Philippines will fall intet our
Washington is wilel with joy r.nd ex
citement and at department headquar
ters tho official are happy and more
than satisfied with Iho splendid vic
tory and the able and valorous con-
el uct of our for cos under Iho intrepid
Aelmiral Dewey.
Madrid, May 2, S a. m. The Span
ish admiral acknowledges his Heet has
been completely demolished.
Madrid, May 2, S a. m. A dispatch
to tho Liberal from Manila s.iys Ad
miral Monte:j , tho Spanish comman
der, acknowledges that tho Spanish
Heet has b en c nnp'.ctely demolished.
IIo ads that the crow of tho Spanish
warship Mindano has b:cn SRved.
The British consul at Manila, E. II.
Ilawson-Walker, has conferred with
Commodore Dewey. The object of
their conference is not known.
New York, May 2 A special to tho
World from Tampa, Fin., says: It is
rumored that 5,000 troops and as many
Cubans as the Cuban junta can gather
here will leave Tuesday night for Mat
anzas for tho first invasion of Cuba.
The World correspondent said that
an army officer told him he had seen
an order from tho secretary of war
ordering the troop to move Tuesday
night, being thoir objective
poin t.
Transports are expected Tuesday.
It is known that of the thirty days'
rations given out a few days ago none
is luing used, and the regimental of
ficers have received word to have their
commands ready to move at a mo
ment's notice. It is known that the
batteries have been served out with
1500 rounds each and all soldiers have
full cartridge bolts.
The. hoys may as well wipo otT their
war paint and lay away their guns
we have more soldiers now than we
reed. When the Atlantic squadron
gets through with tho enemy's Hot ilia
all there will bo left of Spain will be
the liabv king. Americans aro too
gallant to spank an infant.
Tho New York Journal has hired
John J. Ingalls to "jeer" at the block
ading plan to reduce the Spaniards in
Cuba. As a jeerer John J. is a peach.
He jeered himself out of a job several
years ago. As a naval expert, how
ever, he is yet unknown to fame and
possibly is a failure. What John
seems to be mad about is that the
army was not landed in Cuba and
Havana destroyed within twenty-four
hours after the rejection of the ulti
mat urn. He is absolutely dead sure
that enly the cowardice or the milk
and water sentimentality of the oc
eupant of tho white house stored in the
way of eneling tho war somo time last
week. But, after all, the administra
tion little cares and the country little
recks of the jeers of John Jingalls.
Lincoln Journal.
Several of the papers aro hauling
State Auditor Cornell over the coals
i3eauPo ho has accepted favors at the
hands of the railroad. As a member
f the state board he made atrip to
1 lot Spring, S. D., and a few days ago
s.mply because Cornell accepts a favor
or two from the railroads is no reason
to believe that ho is owned by the rail
roads. Nebraska C ty News. No, but
where a man gets into office by howl
ing against railroads and condemning
those who ride on passes as dishonest
hireling,sit looks a little curious to see
tho samo fellow'accept these evidences
of corruption, and ride all over the
country on free transportation. The
dear people can't quite understand it,
you know, and naturally enquire.
The Spaniards will sure enough get
their foot in it if they go to playing
horso with John Bull. Leniency is
characterist'c ef Uncle Sam, but John
Bull will fight at tho drop of the hat.
Tho 13-inch guns on the big Ameri
can warships are 4!) feet long and fire
a projectile of solid steel weighing 1,-
100 pounds a distance of twelve miles.
Every charge costs $770, and after 100
shots have been fired the gunds con
demned as unsafe. It weighs 120,000
Dounds. The steel projectile which it
fires can pierce 34 inches of solid iron.
General Colby of Beatrice, who has
for tho past two years been endeavor
ing to go to the war, is likely to have
his fondest hopes realized. It is re
ported that President MrKinley has
decided to appoint him to the rank of
brigadier-general. Numerous protests
have been sent from Nebraska against
this appointment of General Bills.
The lower house of congress on
Saturday passed tho measure authoriz
ing an issue of $500,000,000 worth, of
throe per cent bonds payable in gold
com. iho senate would show an un
expected degree of statesmanship if
the same measure were passed with
out days of wearisome debate. Coin
bonds under a republican adminjstra-
tion can bo paid in any sort of money
and it works no hard-hip. Hut Hie
fear of a depreciated currency if at
any time tho repudiation i.sls ,rot into
power makes tho yold clause a very
important ono. It is to lie hoped a
fftajority of tho senators may be
patriotic enough to piss this very
necessary law without exploiting their
financial vagaries on a public that has
surfeited on such debates sinco 1S!K.
a deluge of Water.
-htr C'rck hihI I.ouiHvili ImI t -l by it
M'triut MiM'h IMm:i;e lon
Saturday afternoon about -t o'clock,
when the black lowering clouds hover
ed over l'lattsniouth, the vivid light-
Ining Hashed, tho thunder rumbled.
peopio nero ieareu a oeiugo oi waier,
a (ierco electrical or destructive wind
sterm. Tho clouds soon passed away
to tho northwest, however, and about
5 o'clock burst in all their fury in the
vicinity of Cedar Creek. Tho cloud
burst, or waterspout, Hooded tho coun
try from Cedar Creek to Louisville,
submcging the B. &, M. tracks almost
tho entiro distance from two to four
feet in depth. A small pieco of track
was washed out near Cedar ('reck, de
lating tho Schnyler train several
hours until the saction men could run
out from this city and make the neces
sary repairs, 1 ho yards at Cedar
Creek, Cullom and Louisville were
filled with brush and other de bris from
tho hills and much of the land in tho
bottoms, on either side of the track',
are covered to thick with brush, corn
stalks, surplus soil and other matter
that it is doubtful if it can be culti
vated to advantage this reason. Only
tho excellent ballast ef the B. & M.
tracks saved a washout that wouid
have taken days to replace.
No fatalities are reported and it
was impossible to learn whether any
stock was washed away by the Hood or
not. It is likely, however that there
was and the farmers visited by tho
cloudburst certainly sustained consiel
erablo damage. The Schuylor man
aged to getovor the deluged tracks.
A big washout is also reported from
South Bend which did great damage,
carrying away fencus, bridges and
everything movable. The B. !t M.
track was damaged so as to delay
trains a short time.
IIoll uf Ilinor.
Following is the roll of honor of
Hock BlufTs school district number ".
Number of pupils enrolled 0".
Names of pupils neither absent or
tardy for th j month beginning April
24th i:nd ending April 2'.!lh. Ora
Hutchinson, Lynn Taylor, lljllo Tay
lor, Tcnio Lubbcn, Winnie Hutcheson
Pearl Caroy, Myrtle Collins, Sadio
Graves, Emma Graves, James Samson
Willie Smith, Hay Smith, Ernest
Hutcheson, Hoy Hutcheson, Edward
Collins, Albert Collins, George Marsh
Hay Long. Grace Taylor, teacher
KuckU'ii'8 Arnica Sh1v-.
Tho best salvo in tho worhl ftr cuts
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappcn.hands, ehil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures piles, or no pay
reouirod. it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale b
F. G. Fricke.
C'apl ur'l Six Wolvi s
John Beeson and Sam Henderson
got after a grey wolf Sunday morning
which they chased lo his den, up in
the hollow near Harry Howland's
They secured spades and dug them
out. taking geod care to shoot the! old
one. a fine specimen of tho gray timber
welf, and then took possession of tho
fivo jroung ones, which were not more
than a week old. Tho young ones were
taken alivo as trophies of the bun land
the pelt of the oid one will make good
gloves for the two hunters this winter
Shake into Your Shoes.
Allen's Feiot Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing nervous feet and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bullions. It's
the greatest comfort of tho age. Ai
len's Fcot-Ease makes tight or new
shoos feel easy. It is a certain cure
for sweating, callou and hot, tired,
aching feet. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoe steres. By
mail for 25 cents in stamps. Trial
package FREE. Address Allen S.
Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
I' llf tilled the Flilg,
The storo house boys unfurled their
flag at 9 o'clock this morning from the
top of a pole 95 feet above terra firma.
A more enthusiastic, patriotic crowd
of young men would be difficult to find
anywhere. The new flag can bo seen
from its high point of vantage for a
long distance.
The farmer, the mechanic and the
bicycle rider tre liable to unexpected
cuts and bruises. Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep
on hand. It heals quicklv, and is a
well known cure for piles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
It is clearly settled in war circles
that the most effective way to clean
the Spaniards out of Cuba is to fur
nish them arms, ammunition, food and
clothing and Gomez and Garcia with
the troops at their command could
shortly accomplish it.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, aslhmi, and all throat and
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Wants the liet in the .Market.
Here comes Russia wanting two bat
lo ships made to order in iho United
States. Doesn t Russia know that this
is our busy day? Detroit Free Press.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how long Adelph Fisher, f
Zanesville, O., suffered from p.les.
He was cured by uing three boxes of
DeWitt'3 Witch Hazel Salvo. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Will Tt-mla-r llll ICrlK"Htl".
The News learns from a reliable
source that Stipt. Mcllugh of the city
schools lias t'rori tendered a position
in tho Beatrice schools at a much
higher salary than is paid here a d he
will, therefore, tender Uii resignation
to thi 1 'ial ' simuit h school hoard, to
take olTeet J mm '.'' nex t We. greatly
regrtst to learn that one of the, most
evident superintendents the city ever
had is fo soon to leave us. His place,
in view of the lo w sala ry paid here,
will bo dilliciiit to til! and it will be
ospecial'y dillicult to find another man
combining schola' shi p, tact ami tiK
ciplino to liil Mr. Mcl high's place.
'lhe patrons of the schools will be
sorry to hoar f Mr. Mcllugh's inten
tions. A man stands on chance of being
olected to the tnayorshipof aeity unless
he enjoys tho conlidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swauton, Ohio,
and under elates of jan. 17, lsoii, he
writes as follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Semedy. My family and
neighbors have tested it, and cw
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. Gi:oi;ok W.
II I' M I'll V," Sold by all druggists.
On account of failing health P. F.
Huber last week closed out his stock
of general merchandise and departed
fur Colorado Sp: ings, where lie will
rest up during the summer mouths and
if he regains his health, will return
U) Louisville next fall, buiiet a good
brick stores building and open up with
a new stoe:k. Louisville Courier.
lat'clrii- !'.it! rs.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for an j season, but perhaps more gen
eraili' neeeled when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid anel sluggish aiul tho
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this me'dieine has
often abated long antl perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No moelicinc will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing the system from the malar-'al
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipatiem, Diz.hjess, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents an i i-l bottles al
F. G. Fricke s drug store. 1
The records for April snows: Farm
mortgages fileel, $oH, 185; farm mort
gages released, $(:(), 21 8; town and city
mortgages filed, $12,125; town and city
mortgages released, $11, !"').
WKHl lleu-ur.l SJM.
The readers of this paper will !: pleased to
learn that there is at least one 'Ire.nie'l iliseaso
that science lias been able to cure :n all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh bein a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treaenent. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken interii.iliy. actinj; directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys-l.-in,
thereby destroy njX the foundation of the
disease, and )riiiiu the strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doeii; its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otter One
1 lundreu 1 Killars for any case that it la lis to cine.
Send for list ol testimonials.
Address, F.J, iii-.nky iCo., Toledo, ().
Sold by DruKKists 7ac
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of brains strong
nerves great will-power. Ortli.iary
fooel cannot supply the vital forces
which people with active brrins and
bodies require. Bicola Pills fe d the
nerves make tho mind bright, mus
cles strong mako llesh and blood and
give poi feet health to Men and Wo
men. Tin-: TruXKKS oi" Pmi.A-dkm-iiia
make Eicola Piils
J K Iaickey. chief clerk National I Jotel, Wash
ington, I' C, testifies that lie was ail run d own
was a shadow ( I Ins loriner sen i.wout i ins
irave him wonderful relief he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
Neliinjj Aici'iit for I'liit tsinon t h ninl Cass
County, F. i. 1'ItIC.KK .t CO.
Tnrners I. title laver lunirrx -A very
small pill. Turn your liver. Cure sick head
ache biliousness Indigestion.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. J05fc1
Kansas City
St. "Loeiis and all
noints East and
No 1. Pen ver express 11:1s p-i,
No ti. C'hicasio exnre-s i:.:10 um
,a2i). Loeal expns, dully, St loe.
Kiinsas, tt Louis, all points
No 4. Local exD. daily. Iturlin?ten,
:40 am
Chicago, all points east 10:-4 am
Noltl. Local exD. Gaily except Sun
day 1C.4) am
No !t' Local exn. daily except Sun
day. I'acilie J unction L2::w pm
No 30. b reih t. daily ex coot tunc! ay
l'aeitie Junction 2::Vl piii
No if. Vestibuled exp. daily. Bur
lington, Chicago and ail
Doints east 5 .10 pm
No 1:5 stun from Junction to 1 ial ts-
motitn eJ:Mt)m
No 1. Local exp. daily, st Joe. Kan
sas (jity. M louis. iitieauo
all points east and south.. fe:2." ptn
No.l!) Local exp, daily, Omaha. Lin
coln, Denver and Interme
diate stations
No s". Local freintit, daily, Oman a.
No 2H. Local freight, uany, ex Sun
S:4o am
day, Cedar Creei;. Louis
ville, tfouth Ilena
"iij'J am
2:22 pm
:i:4.i pm
4:0O pm
4-59 pm
No T. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
No 3. Vestibuled exp, daily, Den
ver aud till points in Colo
rado, Utah and California.
Grand Island, lilac k Hills.
- Montana and l acilic N. W.
No 9. Lo'al exp.aaily except u -
uay. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, Schuyler
No II. Local exp, daliy except J-un-
QaV. Omi.lia and L.ln.:oln..
No 17. Local express. Sunday only.
leepiup, dining and rechniDB chair cars
iseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baiTtcae cheeked to an7 uoint In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time- tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. A Kent.
rialti!i. ut!i, .'eb.
FKANCI S. Con. I'ass Aat..
Omaha. Neb.
nt-:s ;n- '! .vci 'Tli.
So, i
N i. J. ..
.11 M a. I,.
.. !.(!! u. .,
io. 2I. !
il freight
tiiains fimsn soirrn.
No. 2
.10:4:1 p.m.
. .. 7.:3 am
..4:04 u m
Nn. I-J. iicul frei(rit
No. 10
P ' ! ; : : : : : i ! 1 1 1 1 i a
::. Ml"'' ,11 I' " .
i'iijll CARRIER
'ii; i I nun.-
Hi'li llj.ll'ls-...
i i i : i i 1 1 1 1 I
;': : ilnrt Bv
.: -iiotlill RCLIADLC
ilimVI 1LL.U..1V IT
- iiinnawiii ii, , nil'-v
To Every
The Leading Clothier.
You can hardly afford to miss this chance.
If you have never bought anything from
MORGAN, now is a very good time to get
You do not have to buy that amount at
one time. Ve furnish you a ticket and when
that is punched full,
We have a very
m ti
F" r
curry tin? liirrr)jl ainl inoL
thii)T fi'fhh .-iti'l n;w. Th:v ici v
mors tho ntlvjuit.-itrii of .spccrial il !:- 'i
alvvnyis in Block. Tho only plaeo in tiio
fiosh Chooso. Cull iind soo us.
The- banisli pain
and prolong life.
LiiiJ vtijji? I&z j&jL
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A now Ftylp packet ror.tnfnin? nr' rpri.FP u prpor r -n (-xtthtrit cJ,-ut in tr w for mO
Cbt oiif lr .x stor ri vk ot : , ! is .1 ; '. h rt i- -ntt-nii- 'i f'-r t h- j -,r -. ; t .i.- i,,,,,,,.
, TAXCL.1-S wiil te scut fctr live ciils. Ii.,-st nic iiuiiic
n. t a (V h r r, f iv t a ' n f A
cbe Snritb premier 'Cypcwritcr.
u tjr.?, ti-;v -
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Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth
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