FT ERA I I ! PLATTSMOUTII, NEK., MAY 1, 1893. VOL. VI. NO. 17. THE NK C. ltaMMu'd Nov. R.1K!1. ' OonHOlrlat. l J nn. 1. 1M15. 1 UK 1 1 1. K A I.I 1'. H til til mliird April 10, Nil. f t SemiW JUD map cf the philips rj jc. nn st.-eur.iW and cmnpr-'!' nsi - ( t:.v roup of islands ltii:iii'iii''s. r th-se. the most important is Luzon, of which f.-il Hal. A jr"-i-o ft thi nuip shows thi- city of Manila is Io -.:yi of fit- Imy of the sa"- n;mn-. Three miles southwest i 1 1 1 1 1.n4....:,,r. T A hove is known as tlu Manila is the ;'.t d en te of Manila is CiiV'te; at l"tr. places ate wn? ins t the latter that Commodore colim turn with the !';an;stl Meets, in if IV ::!'.il i is Suhie 1 i . where Dewey's M.-iioia hay. For Rale by SMITH 00 boys a Fine Yiohn And Complete Ont&L Full UurtnttM. (PR 00 buys a Mandoline, Birdseye Haple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. 0,0 hnvs An American Guitar. i j itm guaranteed to stand. 1 strings, in lahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND FOP. CATALOGUE OP SHEET KUSIC. SSO buys a $ioo Organ. S r Ciinball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. i Pianos, little used, for $50. Wnt for Ctlon- und oar A. HOSPE, JR., 11! but have sold direct to the con sumer for 25 years at whole sale prices, saving dealer s profits, vhere for examination. Kvervthinp warranted. 1 IS styles of Vehicles, 5o strles of Harness. Tod Bueeies. .16 to 870. Borreys, SjO to 1 1 25. ees. Phaetons, Traps, ettes. bpnnr-Koaa r rt c.. n.mms Prtee lift 00 w aeons. eena lor larpe, iree j,0. S06 Surrey. Price, witn curtains, lamps, sun AsToid iTislls for Catalogue of all our styles, shade, apron and lenders, HO. As good as Kill tar 130. ELKHART CAKKIAGE ASD UAKSESS MFG. CO. W. B. PRATT. Bet'i. EtKHAKT. IHD. .Special uotice under this head will bf ch:trsea for nt the rate of hi cent per word each insertion .) M ISC KI.I.A N KOI S. WANTKI1 A pirl for general housework. Mrs. Will Richardson. S miles west ot Mynard. FOR KKNT. (iioil room house and ba-n, 3 doors west of Hotel Riley. T. H. I'ollock. FOR KKNT. A six room house, fine location ami in Rood repair. Knquire at this otllce. SEWING All kinds of plain and fancy sewinp;, dressmaking, repairing of cents' and bovs' clothes done at the rooms of Mrs. Orilla Sher man, over Coates' hardware store, 418 Main street. if ANTKD-Act'ic, sober and trustworthy man to travel throuch this section. Salary $fi a month, payable kly. ami expenses; splendid opportunity. Add ;ss SHKHl' company, 1U2" Chestnut street, i iiiladelphia, I'a. run- Perkins uousr, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates S! and S1.50 per Day Centrally Ixx-ated and Com fortably Furnished. PI.ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA ' 25 TOJr (J rW.rn i locaii-ii lanii ions unn lunrncn, i Dewey's fleet had to contend in hip ivesi hiki jumi mum ui uic jj squadron was previous to entering k cd i cm n nc tuc etamiiv M I IIlaiitLI U I II 1 Ih i LIi FOLEY'S H O PJ E Y and TAR 13 THE GREAT THROAT and LUNC REMEDY. & PARMKL.R. Steel $60, $S0 to $100. Urmi. FACTORY PRICES. 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, KEB. him the bwpany - ' Carria - Waeon- ana muK Annual Sales over 5,000,000 Boxes FOE BILIOUS A3TD KEEV0US DIS0EDEE3 such as "Wind and rain in the Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness, riushinca of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Droams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEFCIIAM'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irretrulnrities of the sys tem and cure feick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills aro Without a Rival And hav th LARCEST SALE bfjuiy Patent Medicine In the Word. 25o. at all Drug Stores. -.'.tti-f. 5 cstiyiiiaiiiiiiiijttiiiiiu V ArVv X VVAI VV V V-y J V A I VNf v -v I CABLE AT MANILA CUT Only Nr-ws !s That Commodore Dewey Is Still Pounding Away with His Guns. NO DETAILS YET .7 1 HE rifiHT In Which He Annihilated the Spanish Pacific Squadron. Iinp-sMl to S:i.v Vet II.iw ftliiny mr i :niM M frn l-ill l oi Wnuinlril A u I lioril i-H at V;isliini;ltii Have Nulliiii Ollh i.il IM.iili-iil I.iKely ll:itf l'm lar I'.x i!sioii (it Any Miin-iit Sums Ixxly Ti lie allfl l Aiiinint loi ilt "Siirjtrisa;" in tin- I'iK'ilic. Mrolrid, May 3. The oahinet eounril ln?t nit;ht decided to proclaim u state of Kiee immediately. London, May 3. A sjieeial dispatch from Madrid says that Dewey save Au gusti twenty-four hours to comply with his ultimatum, demanding all the stores and coal. It is heheved that the gov ernment has rallied August! to comply. London, May 3. A dispatch from Honi? Kens to The Daily Mail, dated Monday, says: 'Commodore Dewey's fleet is off Oorrepidor island, hotly rn Ssed with the forts there. Kleetrieal experiments show that the cable has heen cut at or r.eir Manila." Madrid, May .". 1C1 Liberal, says Connni dore Dewey, of the United States squadron in the Philippines, has de manded the surrender of all Spanish vessels in the archipelago, threatenins to Liomhard the ports if the demand is refused. London, May 3. An official news agency dispatch from Madrid yester day said: "Senor Sagasta has gone to the palace. It is understood that the object is to communicate to the queen regent dispatches announcing that the town of Cavite lias been razed and the unfortified part of Manila burned. The Americans lired petroleum bombs. An extraordinary cabinet council has been convoked for 7 o'clock this evening." I.;tlst Ni-ivs f rom Hong Ivoiiy;. Hong Kong, May 3. There is no news of the American squadron beyond a pri vate telegram from Captain Concha, of the Spanish cruiser Don Juan de Aus tria, to his children at a convent school here, mentioning that tiring has been heard in the direction of Corregidor island. It is assumed f . om this that the; Americans were rec onnoitering the en trance and trying the southern side of the island, which is six miies wide and surrounded by rocks and shoals, though not believed to be mined. There is no news either of the Spanish squadron, but according to the latest advices it could not take the offensive in any case. The cable to Manila is now interrupted. l"piil.ir l-lx plosion I.ikt-ly at Havana. Madrid, May 3. The minds of the people are too full of the disaster to think of anything, but avenging thc "surprise" at Manila bay. Senor Aguilera, the civil governor of Madrid, did not take part in the procession. All his "energies were required to watch closely popular feeling, which i:s certain to explode and to require a propitiatory scapegoat. VSi f.V. SAM'S NKWS IS SLOW, no tlx- I.;ist Na'ion to Hear H is Own Sim i'tnv. Washington, May 3. It is a curious fact that the nation most interested of all the? great powers in the combat that took place at Manila Sunday should be among the last officially to know of the result. Up to the ch.se of office hours yesterday absolutely the only informa tion that our government had received of the brilliant victory of Commodore Dewey and the winning of the battle of Manila on May day came to the gov ernment through the medium of the press dispatches. If the report is true that Commodore Dewey has begun a bonjhnrdme.nt and blockade of the city of Manila it is unlikely that he can spare a vessel from his fleet to carry the news to Hong Kong, the nearest cable station, so it is not known when official advices will come. The greatest anxiety -is felt as to the casualities sustained by the American fleet. From the stubborn defense made by the Spaniards it is feared that they burnt, blew up or sunk their ships they managed to indict severe damage upon Commodore Dewey's squadron. If Com modore Dewey has lost a considerable portion of his men it is feared he will te much embarrassed in the work of maintaining possession of Manila for lack of sufficient forces. United States naval vessels are always undermanned, i acc ording to European standards, and 1 it will not be passible, having regard to the safety of he ships, to spare any considerable number of men to keep the city, especially if the engagement has disabled many of them. There was some talk yesterday of sending troors out from San Francisco to aid in this work, but this has not yet taken shape as far as can be learned, and it is likely that the department will wait to hear from Commodore Dewey himself before taking any action. It may be and in fact it is expected that by combination, with the Insurgents he will succeed in having his men relieved of the task of garrisoning Manila. As to the future of the island, it is likely that the government will retain posses sion of at least one good port, such as Manila, for a coaling station and base of supplies during the ramainder of the war. In the possession of these islands the United States will enjoy a powerful weapon in "enforcing terms of peace with Spain. OTIIF.R COMMENT OX TIIK FIC.IT. J.'irnpeaii Intervention Not Probable Musterintr the Volunteers. There is no talk yet of European in Mrver.tion, but one of the most bene ficial results of Dewey's victory is that a deep impression has been made upon the European powers who can now no Hnger afford to blind themselvea to the fact that man to man the American navy Is equal to any in the world. The impression produced is likely to deter I he European powers from hasty inter vention snd the present indications are iVT't vrr -ran 1e b fl to s.-ttln our af fairs with Spain at our own pleasure, hhvayn providing we do not get involved In the eastern question through obtain ing rw.aoi.ui.-l. in n t I ll I "1 1 it i 1 1 1 .1 1 1 e Thf latp reports that Manila was being I bombarded caused much uneasiness at the foreign headquarters. It was said j that If the town itself was under bom bardment serious complications might arise, as non-combatants and the for eign colonies, it is held, should have been entitled to at least twenty-four hours notice of an attack upon the town proper. Four flags were displayed yesterday for the first time in many months from the staffs "of the state, war and navy department building and on the east front a huge garrison flag floated, all In honor of the victory of the American fleet at Manila. The war department is bending all its energies to the mus tering in of the volunteers and the re uniting of the regular army to its full war strength of Cl.Oi'O men. These mat ters are well under way, and the of ficials feel confident that within a rea sonable time both the voulnteers and the regular armies will be ready for practical military duty. Secretary Al eer and General Miles had a long con ference with the president yesterday afternoon, presumably in regard to ap pointments in the volunteer service. In a few days all the troops that have been ordered to Tampa are expected to reach that place and the eight large trans ports which are to conduct the first expedition to Cuba have been ordered to proceed to Tampa. The officials, however, decline to make public any information regarding the expedition or the place in Cuba where it is to land. The quartermaster's de partment has begun negotiations with railroad companies for the transporta tion of the volunteers to their mobiliz ing points. SPANISH ACCOUNT OF THE FIGHT. Onr Sbuadron Appears Itefore Cavite at 3 In the Morning. London, May 3. The Madrid corre spondent of The Times describing the engagement at Manila says: "The Olympia, the Boston, the Raleigh, the Concord, the Petrel and the Monocacy entered the bay under cover of dark ness by the smaller and safer Docachica channel. The forts of Corregidor island gave the alarm by firing on the intrud ers, but they seem to have inflicted no serious damage. The American squa dron moved up the bay and at 3 o'clock it nhe mornig appeared before Cavite. Here, lying- under the shelter of the forts, was the Spanish squadron. Ad miral Montejo, a few days before, went to Subic bay to look for the enemy, but learnig that they were vastly superior in force, had prudently returned and placed his ships under the protection of the forts. This was his only chance of meeting the enemy on something- like equal terms, and it did not suffice. Soon the Americans opened fire. The Spaniards replied vigorously and the combat con tinued without interruption for four hours, during which the Don Antonio de Ulloa aws sunk, the Casilla and iMn dan were set on fire and the Renia Ma ria Christiana and the Don Juan de Austria were seriously damaged. One or two of the smaller craft were scut tled by their crews to escape capture. Others took refuge in a small neighbor ing creek emptying into Bakor bay where, presumably, the American ships were unable to follow them. But not one surrendered." CAI'TCKE OF THE AUG ON ACTA A It Was Accomplished by the Spuadron i:io kliiig Cuba. Key "West, Fla., May 3. More naval officers from the big ships were ashore yesterday at any time since the fleet sailed for Cuban waters. Although the blockade is still being maintained by the smaller cruisers an importantmove ment is being planned. What it is, how ever, can only be conjectured. The cruiser Marblehead brought in the Spanish steamer Argonauta, captured b ythe gunboat Nashville off the south coast of Cuba last Friday. The Argo nauta was bound for Havana and had on board a colonel of the Spanish army, a surgeon, six officers and three non comissioneed officers. The auxilary cruiser Eagle, a trans formed yacht, was scouring along the southern coast of Cuba near Cienfuegos when she sighted the Argonauta and started in pursuit. She was fired upon from 4he shore but continued the chase and drove the big steamer along- the coast toward the Marblehead and the Nashville, into which the Spaniard al most ran. They put a couple of shots across her bows and she quickly hove to and surrendered. The Nashville took the Spanish army officers on board as prisoners of war and brought them into Key West. London, May 3. It is suggested at Madrid that the half-breeds at Manila arsenal, insurgents at heart, cut the cables connecting with the sub-marine mines, enabling Dewey to force the harbor in safety. Victory Told in the Commons. London, May 3. In the house of com mons yesterday Balfour, the govern ment leader and first lord of the treas ury, answering a question on the sub ject, said the government had received information pointing to a serious battle at Manila and the destruction of a por tion of the Spanish fleet. He added that a British warship was on her way there, explaining that anything the gov ernment can do to preserveBritish lives and interest will be done. Not Victory, but Annihilation. London, May 3. The Daily Mail, ir an editorial this morning on the en gagement at Manila, says: It was in Nelson's words 'Not victory, but an nihilation,' and it proved Commodore Dewey a worthy disciple of the heroic Farragut. It is characteristic of the American race to be generous to the weak, and as the president is averse to useless bloodshed, he will doubtless meet Spain, whose honor is now saved, in a generous spirit." Alleged Irs at the Ilattle. Talis, May 3. Madrid advices say that no Spanish warship surrendered and that the majority of the crews per ished. A dispatch from Madrid esti mates the Spanish loss at 400 men killed. The title of colonc.4 corues from a word almost the same in several lan guages, signifying a column. The colo nel was eo called because he led or com manded a column. The hair on the heads of most of the hundreds of thousands of dolls exhibit ed in shop windows is made from the hair of the Angora stoat A! Al i Ml n n b a WILL SHOW ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST ..AND LARGEST LINES OF.. Bho Ever shown in the west. These goods are all New, Stylish, and the Highest Grade, and will be sold AT PRICES TO PLEASE. Friday Moral n AND CONTINUING FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. We will give every tenth pair of Shoes away, absolutely free. This is a bona fide offer and holds good for one week. DE PARTM j N i sl ti H '"-- THE BEST. WE GARRY This Shoe, in many places, will cost j-ou $4 and $o. WE wait on you in our shirt sleeves and haven't any diamonds in the bosoms of our shirts, as have the clerks in the fancy out-of-town shoe stores; but with us, we don't make you pay lor the extra stvle, for, upon inspecting our new Spring.. ..VESTING TOP SHOES.. You will realize that we can save you from 50c to SI .00 011 eyery pair. We haven't any misleading o-coor, 11 style, caU h f?,tis at catch prices. The adjoining figure represents our b2.o0 black and S2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and water and will be nearly as shapely the day you throw them away as the day you buy them. Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops Are arriving daily, they bcinjr delayed on account of beinir factory made, ane not left-oxers in Red Colors from last year. Our grocery and dry goods department will be opened next year and for the remainder of this year we will continue to devote our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely Soolz.-car, not such as dry g-oods, auction and REPAIRING. At Srhiappecasse's. A complete lirj of choice tropical fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters served in every style at his old stand, opposite Bank of Cass county. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider tro liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. F. G. Fricke & Co. . Remember that the EVENING Nkws is the only paper in the city which prints all the news Pvery day in the week. rMIDIilJiIJl mr She EN I Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Mrf f- yf wz Is offered to :tny person Stock a pair of ... Ladies' Colored Shoes That were bought for last spring and summer trade so you need not be afraid of ettinjr any old or olT-color stuff shoved oil on you, for.... Our new Spring Goods are Factory Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date. grocery stores sen. ROB'T SHERWOOD New Improvements). The Pearl Steam laundry has juet received one cf the latwt pattern bosom, collar and cuiT ironcrs from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Ilemember Pearl Steam liundrv Main street. Hy For hale Either in the ba e or loose, as may be desired. C. L,. STrLT. Orcapolis, Nob. It is a gr'rtt leap from the old fash ioned doses of b:ue-mas and musjous physics t the pleasant little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure const! pition, sick head-ic ho and biliousness. P. G. Fricke & Co. s TORE hoes, 29 store; W1 T,l T A TO T 9 who will fml in our FOOT MILLINER Keed I'otatoen. For f-alo fine ea-ly rose, early Ohio and other choice sesd potatoes at a.. II. Wkckhach & Go's. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning' as fast you can," the druggist recognized a house hold name for "De Witt's Little Early Risers." and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headenche, liver and stomach trouble. F. G. Fricke, & Co. Ioe, Ice, lee! Place your order with McMaken & Son and get puke ckystal ice. Tele phone No. 72. April