t CITY AND COUNTY w khn i;M).y I I lithsDAY. V. It ).ivi-or Ne'niwiv i v...- iii th-- cltv today. T. I'. Will i;.im wa iafrotti ( i I r: ii 1 1 o V. I) Mi l is dmv.i from ."v.. ill. Head 'this u orpin";. today. C - D.-lining. f in .lock, i- in the oily today. Mrs, W. II. I ) -aid 1 1 was an . ; iii.lI i v i-ilor ll i morning. V. II. Area, r v in :i 1 1 i v -1 . x.-and Li ncoi n v i .- t r l .l .. .v . W. .1. 1 1 . r mil I II. C. McM.iUon vvi-i i' in Ohi:i thi- ;i f L ;i n o.. ri . . John A. (Ail-elo- win at'e.ding In homo- bosin. . in : 1 1 -. I i ; i today. Mi.-.- Mario K i u ' ln.'ili d pa t 1 1 i .',''-- L'T-i". l:i y for A pjiiitiiM, is.-.n-iii. M ri.. Lilian Sli ry '. was 'in ui,-ha pa f Ibis morn i :i g. A. M. Smith the lavibo-.l of tip- Ho tel Do Smith at I'niou is in thu city on bus inc.-.-, today. Mrs. .Juno 15 -P-k r turned loupe this morning after an extended visit with friends at St. Louis. Mrs. J. C. Iti.-rh.-y, t lie Nebra-kti I oc ) i -s.-, is vi-iting : 1 1 1 m the pr iui-n.-nt people of iiioii t toil iy. s i fo in lln' law olV;r i of lArinels .M a I li n if A ii i "m ii w i - 1 1 .ok "ii Tuesday ; i:iikt imtti 1 LATLST F0.'.1 THL KLONDIKE. " ' Ourui' ll iliiKH lotion V P I. lln.kni i 111 Ull i lillll lid !: -.!! I.-M nilll.MIH ;.-.'. II i 1 JIM' , who st i! ! ii f ! the AinvricrtM Tor-polo Ii at Cn--h- . Khmdi:.-! in i-vbns i-y v-A.ii 'M i-:. , Wl.it.-, lA'-d Sir.d im" aii ;i.iiii-.li ( iicilmat ! ,t ( , . r .; v.... '!'!!. i y ii. -iii' ib-.d III1, i :.'!'. i', di;..-. from Abisari. llegiv-o a ipd.-'id .ac count of thin.;- up north and -non got ail h" iviiil.i.l of it. Ill- h i 1 ln I'. II.-- I. (nil Wi'il.dr.iv l.....'.Ke.l ..,. from art ult:i.-U..f ;- -i;i.o.:ri. ......... . . .... ! 1 ! is t i !-. ii i n- w. i a' t.,u.- ';ii:i...t ...... iv .M I .. . ii . . . I I I Ii'(ii.: I .ti!; I uo.ri .-.I. j j l. A ;i.;-.I, .ii'.f .f ti..: w ;.!.v j Q 7, J. G TZj with .1 . h", i t l.-i ; t I i.-'f. f ' . I i ;.t .!.-: i : :- : r'., I. : " A' o : it i j I ANi A H ARD l it 1 i i' i ASl'ii!). 'I ii... r i .v 1 1. ! l;in N. til r:ilit.y r : l.- 1 i ! ! I !: r.-.l mi A 11 f N.:illl. I ! -.11 I'... . . 11 ii.un t;iU"- II.. Sin. II- itu'i M.il.-oair, l'o.:ini! '.,-,..'....' r , . . . t i ,,,i i .Til. .... ...'iii'. .... t. - .... - . aro In low n lo lay from Ai-h.i.vK i. ."li. AU'"t W.'i li-iika in i ani III . it 1 1 1 ' I' IVI'l'i' ill 111" llllMI', jioli- t('-M Mi", l-'raiik ': :aAi. r.i.ni". to-k -tr.U ftiMil.iy ui.in- I j.,!,. ). N.-hr:ka 'ity l'r"-s. Si - vni'al ami .-at 1. :; i n - wnlnu' ilr- a n s,i'nuiti- ; ,,,,!,,, ;,t tin; ilcpol. thi- luorr, th'j tl.i.y with In r il.r.iiit r, Mr.-. li.li r, in Oiuah i. I . I '. A. Mar.-liall i-. njn iii- a vi--.it to. lay from hi-i inoMior wlio li -niiU s in I hirliri-ti.n. Dr. Frank lur i s-i aftt-r a l.rii f vi-it with hi-. p.ir.aiH r. tiirm-.l tills a. in. to his home at (Ji-ii ir K ipiiln, N.-hi in. Th.'V with from tiiu '" auditors O'iii-i-, 15. .V M. in Una ha and wi-i .- 1cin- S"rit lo tin.- btoi '." t"ii.-J lici'i! ivlini-c th-y-:i'i l"- litt.-d np:or ti-- at s.at ion -i. I Jny Marsli.-ul who hi.s sp--nt thir tt. il inoi.ths l.i;;c as b :--a-l- ii-f.-nt ami iissitf.nt. to W. Ij. I'icU. tt has to ,, ,, , h in " iv. -n the pisitiin of ni-ht .cr- 1 lio It t-s an: II .atiii- c. vi-:-y w ho."" 1 . . , . , , . I a'or at CJ'.ialco, a ih'siIioii wnii-ii ho 1 'day and t hoy snouui o. mti'iii" In -- - , n- , , wi n iiuaiit. i (i n n.i. o aio'iau io II .at until S p ii im o noi a : o t owoi u. . I ratio his prnmo' l on but ! -i .-i. to .o.-o .lam I 'olaa and (loo. Loo w-iil h i in f mm th U oii., v ), n. ilia today, wlo-ro I hoy h t vo h ;" ! hc-t of frion Cll!'i:l V.Olk on tin- lpo illnu iniild ;-.o i.an a '1'ho otitlook for r.tin i s jMind am t hero will n i oi.j i-; io.i r i -od if w. tr "1 to a ; o: 1 f i-i.';o pou r. Il-iuy l-.ik- ii I .. i y io ,vd a !'. . ' I - a -o was o . t . lol of I.I,:.1 I la in-i n ill: Hi '. . " (lay Livinstoa i .. ,.i d homo this mo: n i n- f i on L t- ft. - r i o! or v io w iii Adjiitiiiit (iii r.i. I larry ami can A- ; hi.- hoys to-- i -c -I witlt "' i' j r !i : ci.on to on i 's! ' o .- ; ;0 ' St.- ;.!'cs c . i i- ..1 for vo.u .:. vi .-. l';..t. rtouth i --. r- ; t ho staio unlit da1. wiiii ii ho wilt iui.l to iii. o. had noplaoitl on ii: l-.'. Mrs. W. II. (,' i iipi. 1 h-.-u-a -f yos-thi-ril iy of hor si.-'I. ill. i oss at Si. ,l..o and she departed f r tli.it o:ty tins mo; ., i n li.irry (i.i'.t.-. iho-ii ial o or-: at the Kiley tv.-.-iv.i.l a n ej th,- 1' a'Jii feci in rio to lay win -ii will l!oat fi-ain tha t ii.i:i! I- ho-t i.-r-. Mr. and Mrs. (J. Sehlater 'left this inornin- for C'oile-o lliil to attend tho double weddin- at tl.o homo of Mr. :'.!id Mrs. John 1. l'er-uson. I,. L Johnson, tho butcher, John Coleman, Hotel l'tatt-ariout and John rtak, the tailor, had th.-ii- il i-s up today to show their American i.-m. Jo-ejdi l a in pbi-1 1 , hl'i tl :iril Mis i eoiiip any in f .el lhat wo ii-i'd to crowd our boys o'jt. (I ; - , ... - t1 lir.-t pluite for i.i- .-o:.i ..r-.y ii a .;, i;ioi o laa.-i two re ii.i ii... ... . .ii i"i in-. i-!.oi oy tlio ovei n Ii: .-lil. A torjioi liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWilt's Lit tie Ka.-ly Itiocs cleano the liver, euro coiiffti;)tition and all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Frieke A: Co. A DOUBLE WEDDING. Tw . I'romiin-nt V.miH I.aitii s AVi-d-.li-.l N.'iir I.i:ii-i i!U-. Mr. ami Mrs. John Feruson. wlio have, re-iiitd for in arly a quarter of a coiitu:yon their b -autirul farm Mi.ti of Loiisvi'.l -, wove tl e h 'S'. a'te host ess fo: "i iollv crowd I.-t i-VO!l " t! ' ol A-lll.-.'i.loN, I). ( '. , April 117. -Veeia'i to the Nl-AVs.j --Tho F. S. t ! po.lo ho it (..'u-i-iin-, wili'o crui-i:.--voii'v liy mi!.-s fiom Ii'av.ina lhi n.'ori i--- wa-i :-.tto-',. d by the Sp:ini.-5i ii'il.oat ' bmer.-il Li.. ;-o, a era I'l in .ioh 1 ii arid carry in l.oavi.j. in.s. Tin! .-h-a-j.-tnont wis t.-n iffie arid la-'.'d for M-vor.i.1 iniii.it . Tiio ?crcechin of tho shells and the ix-p'.o-ions witli thu noi.-o of the r inmni roiil;d v.i'li tiio boats which wer" abi;..e with liro from thu rapid liri'i--u:is made a -.and s; octacle. rj"lr; Cnh:a thot aw;;y thi: futitiel of toe Li.i. ro :!iii.i. d nn-oJ. tiio boat :-o badiv lhaL it wAhilrcw- and tU- ! Kl.ll..i i-.Q foVcr liuv.. torp;'.l.j 1 o ;t v.as too li-'at ai raft to pur.-U", fi-ai in- anoti o:- Spani.-h er.ift in i: lit bo hted. It, .-ai.io i.oi ta for repairs, b-.it w as not da ma -"d .-eriuu-Iy, wiiile the Li zero wa- riildlcil with the r-oiid r"h' t of the w-il aiinoil -uas of the Cush i i Washin-ton, I) C, April "J7, b a. m. Sp. ( i .1 to tlio Nl-A's I're-ii-dent McICin.ey li ,.s notilied l'ortiiL'al that, unless th-it -ovorniiiont declares i.i f ,v.ir of neutrality by noon to morrow and clears its ports of hostile war vessels, il will he cor.-id-.-rou as an pa-- w Ix-ro ov-r a hiind i od '--' I w.-ro kilh-d. Mark Whit.- ai-l Mr. .loi.iili: s w.-ro o-'iijiit in tho snow and tho lattir -Mn" ma " d i n as il boh two ho'!-- toiii liiii. out. (b o. a-.d l'i"d St nb In ,n W--I-- a iilllo I' o t her b .ck and oi l rot ".-t ui;.'l-t Ai-i'o;iiia- to hi- I--"'"!'!, tho clima'. and tho so i rou mi i ) -s are som'-thni-ii-.vfiil. Ma rk Wiito a- -Hiii- alo-:-!ai-l w-.l ami Fi-.d St ad.-! man war th-i bi.-st "f thi- crowd, th .: liai il-!i:p-h a i :: no .meet on h i m . I .' o sa i t wiiltiiv. tho b. tv.o lm.r.- 1:10:1 1 h s h.-foie. thi-y .-an reach the u i -.-and jml-iii- fr"'a tho caimi ho h 1. 110 co. !bi , noo in tic i" s'-cui-in - a ny-tl-ii'- of al -jo afu-r tliry -ri lii.-iv. Th" pa-s. aceor.lin- io hi.- d . . i it ; or., is ab: i;t a.-, mount. uao-.is mid imj ;im:i o'.o a decii vily as co-j'.d v, 1 li I e ii::;i--ine.l. ile vv.-.s deii-lit-.-d to "et l..c. liun.i: ;oi.-o and will have s-evi ral co.ors of feV'.rs In foi o iio ts the i '' -1' ! 1 1 ." : i i- . I.-- lo-.vo 1 iiii'i, jr, and Ai r. I t ;- f,..i. 1 An .. i. , :. ',.:'- b n j . t 1 . 1 v .--!-, in .on ..I,' ' . - v a: . . . r . 1 : 1 ! " I.. ;. . 1 I. t i; - !:;-.:::: I. ami v. I ! I 1 1 1 : - L It t 1 co -,,o "'iio'.. It v ! A aid jt 1 a ' A t, ' i v !-! s'y ... tie- p irk. and i.-vi ry i b-:it f t1-" city w , 1 1 1 j-. 1 t- i no.-- of ; h ir.t a.i ii' i iii ;.. o .- !:,,: I If (iii- wo-li .rl-i I 1 11 ' I A",d I.'..i'-i-:i I'o.M-r b d i.'.ir tin f. . 11 1 1 1 ,1 i M j a ,-l - ' Hi i- A !. -d pro,.. :- -a .- it I vim o a .-' ric- ta il tie- pub i: -.voi.lo a ppr vi it-. fin . 'i"':-y a d.;iu ,,c'i I b I t'W in - f -: t i nl t'.. i-it I .-. v. h.-ro a in i'il o.-p u t ! 1 of ! 'JJ 1 1 , . 1 1 1 . 1 .- . : r . up ; o o o ; t ; . i - 1 ; - j .:;:. i.n ". 1 iitAts 1 rr 0?j I n . Sj.l - u'l'. ! liinc of Ai-w, I'to-h Cro-A-ric ,.J n -1 i Nvcivol GBNBBRGER'S k i , . i cli i : I I I .1 i Also a lire line of Try (Joods and Notions. R E ?vl E M 3 E R u " 1 " s-il"'' s"-,r !,t u SH Thun ( ..-i nio-,1 r lo A;.; o cp . li . "!" fnili- .-is", hut wo Hell J rv. ry I .A- on a (I..) -.11 M A L i I N ami o.i will Ibid I '. A K A I NS III . . rv 1 .-!:. rtim- A . I Tin: Mi' ii li :: nr.. Ill 1 ho A S ,: o r FINE CARPETS.. i m W 0 m. ip :isl. ' 0 S;i,li''. ("oiuo in an I wo will Save I ai! of Spain and he will proceed a-alnst it as such all v. TJie l'aris Ilciirtl t'rom. Ol'KK.NSToWX. A:fil 27, 1 a. m Tiio steamy Majestic reports pascinj; a n American liner, i resum iliiy th l'i'is Monday morn ia- in iatitrob- I is. .",-., lo::-itiide Llb.Od. I Vii'- sle:-:mer Mai'.-stie p:-.s--d tl-e . , . .. i la:-l-a: loc.i.e,. .-..omiav ine.niu-in ver tiftv jioopl". who w. ro pi at.oiid- Kati" IL Fitch, ae.l l'.i. of i I el, ! ., .,. t:u wcddii:- cf tlP-ir t u o : hi ; : t uii e -t-!, hm -i ' u io 2: i. 1 Jin IT-, look out a w.-ii.hior pvi no i I ,i . ,: i, i . -rs. i ji: '. u a ml F. x : , t o : wo prom- j , I 1-1 .-l 1 1' itt :-ii i ECi.-.is IIOIi in u--i iii. Vt-f-lt ' : it I V. ! ju -mi -i i ! . ! ; ; - of A -iisabM e maty, j , , ,.' 1 A -'H-c.ia! ! t be a l-:v.'s f : om (m.:i a Mr-. L no- . h'jjliin.i oi i i i . a i i i!o, e , 1 lo- oue- !: .le- are, . :. Iio.it a tttoi , ; -on f i .i ...... . ..... . i. ... :. vi-. I i .m. o ( 'a eon., i v"s b ....l-..m,-s; . and i - 1 r.l. s Ji.e Omaha Cuanls VM ... v.. .... ... .,M . . ' . it bi h.- o i. r a f ii i , s . : . - o : rt : 1 . 1 1 : . i1 . a - : s t !.e s ci . i event oi i ji;.,i i h r-too A i : s ar. leavi! ua v ioi- a v w . t : l.i-r .aliu'i- .it ; '. h .- v.-ar iii 1 hr.t pert f 1." county. I, AlCP If Hi. Obldi ah Saads, of ilaici-o. owns ei-hty creameri-s. He is not on - ii.i...-. i. i ii t , -fins w .tii 1 bo o! i ma re e;'- ' ... i ... ... M .. I ;..(-..-,.. f ! i. .. . '" i- . . : .. . r . ' i . r .. I - r. , ..on l o l ii ii.iv-., .'ii. . .,i, ii , i . x ..e a i r : s : ii . i i n v 1 1 li: : i f i i i o.. Mr. Conrad Sehtnier of i i . i - oilv! oiavi d l!i - wid iin march as T A e couiiles enu l'cil Uie riiom ami iook llr S;x:y-h ixih Uii I Inlay Tin- caildri n and -i-and-chiblroi! of Mr. and Mis. .io.-cph Vi;i.-c l gath-ero-d at timir h:-ino wi.-t of Chic i-o avenue lar-t cvonin- to celcbri.t'.s the laUo.s birthday a n niveiary, lai-.iii-vvitli ihei.j an abundance of thu many -ood iliin.-sof iife t eat. A n:o.-t, en. j iya-'.e eveiiin- wa- .-i nl as the cliii ilri'ii arc all of a jolly nature and have a ureiit desire liv.t their par.-uts in-.y see many piA- isu res. 'l'h.o only re-ret of the even in- was that it was imposs ible for two of the dau-liters to li: inosont. Too niolher and father are of tne oldest residents of th city ami are well re.-jiected by a si who know them at.d it is desired by all their fii-jcds thai God may spare th-em both to live lo a ripe old a.'o. Tho party I roke up at a late hour with the many fond wish' s that the mother may see rniiay u.o e such enjoyable birthdays as the one jv.st. past. 1 lit I t-ii.oal I. M.iy i;t. l.lt Out. Guy Livin-siou was in Liccoin yc-- t-.-rday to ;-ce t ie vern y r. nil a'iju- 1". ,-il k Sul !ll V. is i": A ! Si. -.-! -y. I I i . iie-d il. I i- (;:!.' : "o i.i -p ! . u nl iy . M r. a ml M . s. lb ly I', -ivl w .- tho ".a- .-!s of (1,-.!-;o Ai -bo's Sand iy. j Ashhoal l ui'Ar- s.-iioo! w.li Ae ; e'o - ii - . x i ei- -s l-'i id iy A i i ii I a' - j o'clock . I Z i Si uie of th cl. ui i li pi p-'.i-vsi'.l jivor a t-alici ball I., ro Friday cVi-i.ii.;. , I A(): il -'.I. j I'. o-ib- up in liii- pari of tho e ua'.y are a 1 bt: y la tho b Ad- ln-p ;! i t ph. ut co n. j Id.. Atnic ,", dait.hter .-! I -a .c Amick j was 1 uo-t i f Mr. and M "a. Sin !.' l-i-l S-..nu.iv. i .1 310 Main SI. L. l- K(iKNBER(iER. i il i is u . .iw k. m L J. THE LEADERS .. GROCERY TRADE aki-: WSCKBACH & CO. .suib ria- fi-o::i a ) ' c .no r i; A. ad l-Pil'.lV ear -y tie of C ,m;ck a- stabd in F vv- ck s Tl : avs. 'i iio ( i .-and Army will;jivo an e.'i-t.-i liiiiui'on: at L-::on's hall Sa'ip.lay eve,,ii May (i! ii. Admi-si-.m lilaml b" cents. All are cordially inviUd to att !:li. I iou.-i ti..!.t I ....I 'J ho : l , i-i -n I Greiks beiiovci that the IVaates v.-i-ro the gods who at tended to the welfare . mo-t. ...ai;.'.-' lino in ( 'as eon tit y. . F.vo ry- . . l ..I..'. I ...t..... i thi'-- ' -i a and to-w. Tio-v :av ntli l-.r oar -c-ous an.i give ........ ...o-s ih""adv-a.ita-e of - ...M-ial" d i --on ,t-. A com.'oto lim- of canned goods : i v :V- in sli-Ac. Tie- , !y i h.c- ia the city where you r-m got all kinds of f: esh ( h.-eso. Call and .-oe u-. L l WmiMZU & . Waterman Blk. E F w . Si ic ool. last i v -i.o'i when MAs F.xa ;i: il h r a iii a i, e '. , Mr Fr..nk iae fact o. ies w ho -o iivdiil- a-e bis only eiu'mies. Mrs. II. C. McMiKeu -a id Mrs Joe M 'Makea rct.iri.ed last eve iiiir from A.-iaiiee. They left Geor-e Fairlield s-lighll" improv-d, but had little hopes tor his r.-cova. ry. 1-1. O. F.rii-it w ho resigned recently as assh-t int auditor of the, F. .V M. to accept the position of general auditor for the A n heuser-1 Ju-ch as-ociatioii is in tho city today with his siicces-or C. 1 1 . Sa iiison of bni ba. Fearinrin is un.oi;i - Iii- second carlo ot of f arii t ire to. I iy. ile siio-.v-. d us on-! aiiic.e ia wnieii li s ; v d IcO tjy -eit.n- it in the car and did not have lo pay 1. c il f.ei-ht on ii. Tais is a big thing for his cast. mn-rs. Dr. Wheel, r. a sohoia- a. d oae if the few iii.Mui-? of too ic uli sciences h :s o.-en invited by s.al.e friends here to come to Ibaltsmoutii. lie arrived this morn ui.' ai.u n.ay b fo.ui.i at the crl. ins heu-e. He 1- s:.i.i lo be oae of tiio I), st u-ediip.-.is in th j country. Weeping Water is said to be per fectly safe from an a tack. If a Span ish gun boat found its way up th t . i . . . .: .1 , vo . ' o. e. s o i , . -s ue ii a c o v. ,i s n -. v. . Ivors, entered .lie .-pacou- ii.n.nie , i.ar'or.-, aeoomj.anie.! by .N'i-s f a ; o here b . fo: o and excitement runs ! b. y- who w i:l soon go to tin; fio d. Th t- :tr (.'hunt . their places in a llerai-om imweri-d al- Wvbster F.aton, says the State Jou.-....-.. .i-iiov Hip f.ii f'il coromonv was nal. r-t.irneii home Monday from a V w - 1 I int-ui-nc'-al. lie learm.d li.at hat i w o i eg; m a t s wi.'iiid b .- i.ie.'ide.i by tiio . i a I L iiVi rame'-t to in- -e;A d i - a p : n :o men t, as- it baa been ; re-vioii-y a i range i ti-.al the J'lali--moa-ii c, ia ; .a i.y :-i to L-e knov.a ;-s Coins a .y A of tie; Third I F-: i m ..- i.i . vi:.- for i'-1""-" ''-v-'-'-'m '.hervi.-ro. is .very '. r " I f ... i 1 . . ; ,, ,i-. , -. . i i ,i .- . ii : .- '. ti... I .-- I . a.oi ti.at fuilv -Id.o.M j. ,-opic , ', ' " . .' " . ., ica.l. In-. we:A to Ln.--o.i- this ait-jf- ai-e i ii a li a roil nd t i-o di-pot to se-e the ,, ,,, ;r ,1 . . could !lod .-i.tfic way in v. iiieii li:e boy s hero eiiid be most- red in. General i irry 'Is kinJly ciisnosed toward the I'iaU.-mo.iih boys ami will do all in his power to make a ph.ee f-.,r them anioi.g the s-hiieis woo go u lie id-, at. nd je o.-perity j j 0. me Kittii.y. .-iie were oi. lip ped as liousehold gods. Tiio hons-'-hoid god of today is Dr. King s New Discovery. For coiisumptioii, co-.i-h.s. cohls ;o;d for all alTec'ioasof thi oat. ehe-t and luii-'s, it is in valu-;-ble. J t has I. '(n li ied for a ciuarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure or Piie-cy rct.trned. N'o househind sh.o-abi 1-.- without this -o- .d an-i.1. It is : le -.sari' !' talc- ami a - b- n te.l s-.ii-o reinedy for obi and yo'o g. ! i t- 'p-.l 1. -.A .-at F. G .. I'r.i ho l o"s. ll-'ga-iar s'.e oil- ml l. i I! i! performed by th.- venerabl" Kev. Wil kinson of Weeping Water, as-iste.l by h'ev. ("a Vert of Louisville. The arlo,s. ry I ho aid f po.;.d id nits a:-d tie- s-Aeoie b-jsines- trip to tho City of Mexico He was also at Monterey and other in- 1 to -pring, tho siieil pink appie blos s'eV.S and ro-.-s. w i- a p:r-.d'.-oof llo- ral bnu'y. Th:?. ''rblos were bi-iHiti-fu lv "okvned ia a shade of gre--n with s;lk a.id lace t riu. i t: -s. and o .-td ! which i resorted to oi;lv ivlmn the in Fail ! I it:d ,-liu-li lias. Fli-AiKK, S. D.. April lii'. The ; ro i ctcis of the Cas well at this city teiior (loints and state- that great in- , ;l,-ier going about thirty f..-et in gran ite, decided to go no deeper, b .it to cut tho pipe at tho strong-.--! How 'i water and -.-pa: ate the g-s S'-.-uied froai iiiis How. It is e-Aim .icii thai enou-'li -as come u; with this llo.v to te'e.-t i- taken in the pending con Diet st of A pr.Fs gi f: s I h.-'. ween this nation and Spiip. Ai most chili min. After coirgratuiations had bo., n ten dered the L'ueslss.t down to a sump tuous w-i diliu- feast- licit would be hard to equal. A large numi. -r of beautiful and ae.v opria'.e preser.is were givett i;i testimony of the love and c-t'-cm in wirea th0 young I -idies were- hel-.i. A m-a:g the Monterey tho in tere.-t in war news was so "teat that tho ip. vv s , t p.-rs of lhat city is.-nod extras, ;i a acti.-n Which is very s.-ldoiu taunti ''" fnrnisii heat lo create .-u'lieivnl ste nil to operate a si.ty-i:or.-o p. ..v.-;- .-n-ii-e, iti.il it will be utilized. i he How of tei '-st in a suoject is v idespn :el and ef -r.-at magnitude.. 'ihe M-xiean git vera meat his no hostile feeling toward the United States, said Mr. Katon, "nor have the water and eais spouts about three feet from tne mouth of the wMi the fidl si zc of l he p. p -, and ;.s it falls baeK s ca a iio ijiutj.!, to. m: a lo-jnuan oi guests from abroad wo-o Win. Fer--.i- j v. i t n a m.auii chlcal govern lueiit and -(mi and v.ife of iV;.v r, Mr-. S'-oU l who arc Spani-h sym p Ah iz s. .Tney and Mr. I v ts .( i'era ami C. SehiaU Mexican p.-ople as a cla,s. There is t.0mbi tied water and lire, whlcn is ;'. an ari-looraoy of CastiAan idoo-.l smd .ym to )ie f..uml at but fu .v ;, rL-.-.l .in sum.; old time Spanish dons in that country whose sympathy was alvvavs vv e ! i s . I "as! ti r.i a- lor Mim-i,. Hor-os a ad cat li ta kon I past lire at Co;; o-e ; -ood g.. -, pb-aty - h.-nie a:.-.! ri.nr.i" vater. ('i.ii in ti; - na-d-r-i.-a -.!, at I'll b rn. or add f".--, Gl-.tPi.'l l!;e,-. Ceih.r Crec I-. A-, b. iiiiriiiF b.w I . ve-ii - . tloa shows that Pien who sac i i i tl are men of 1 rai-ii: -tn-ag r.erv- s " i-e.it wiil-power. OnL.iary food cannot suopiy the vital forces whi-.-li p-a-ple with a.-tive i-n-ins ami poilh's .-eijiiiro. B:co!a Pills fo ;d the iHt-ves make the mind bri -h t . o: ua ,.; strop- iii-ike l!e.-h and blood a 'id -ive ii; fori, health to Men and Wo men. '1 ha Ti"i;Ni-:;s of I'iii.A iMiiA'fi.v ir.ake liscola Pi ; is I 1 . biukcy. ':. ik Nr.: -"tail l!-.t. i. V;i-!i ii; .;; -hi, I I ( ', i.-i ,ai-s t.P.it i.e v, a- ri.n a . . . ; ;, ,i, . f ja- .,:ir..-r Mil Itii-oPi l'ill-tf-.vc ! i-j v.... iful re.i.-i - i.-.- :da-l "''-' lv.-at ,-.,;ir. is ;.;;.! ii-in iiieni. wiilin- Ajfiii f.r 1'lat t si:ni:t ti nii'l :is- .,... oy, r. o i-Kii'i.i: .v to. liinifi-s' Little l.iicr T:irm-r A u-ry KUia'a p:li. Tarn i.;:r ilii-l. t'uii: .-.-K bi-.i i iitlio -lbiii.ti-ncss -lii-i:uc-'.i"t!- :- . . M n fTS " T If 1 i I f I ; t. J S 8 r shoddy wares, which wo are marking "So -ciai Low Ibices."' have been in the mercantile bu-ine-H m FlaM-mouih for t ho o.i-t twenty-eight years and have established a re i .a' a I ion for ... . The lies Goods at tlic. ..Lowest Possible Prices. 'Ah Is is o':r m- r i n v: : iiiblo rr rule, and vv.- do not i-ropo-o to F. -ri ct f- oai ii no :. ( i Spi ing -t ocli is b. r -o ; a n i m o-o - p". .-I o t ! : i - year 1 b a : o -. or TiiPLE-KNED W. LrAl U CKJI uv. .in .vi ! 1 Wo a re s ' a " 1 1 - i ' I ' t . 1 I s- l j m- .el h o r the i-.-l.-l ral.-d "II :u-k Y At'" br.P,.; i'ripl-: Knee S'ock- i 3 i 1 '.me.: in tii-.'i . us a a.l vv vv Hi tl-- :! vo.i ; i - b ! . -1 ii u i r rr. r rr f, V r rr r$ j" LO t-77 il E B LA W4 UJL i k U. a i a I" H Old VV fo ( f this oily. The t" o you:. me" vvlv i ii," with them today two of Ca-s con tv's iiice-i n I 111 111 .liil.l. lim in i ii-- i "I, i. -' ii i v . Wee ping Water, th- Nehawka bays yo.. ;i.;;oS. ;,re pnmiir.. r.t r.-:der:t, would steal all the gu s oil if it be- ,f 2,.,,., h:i. one a h.rmor i.tal tbo It is .-. groat ie-iji from the obi fash ioned doses of b.iii--iaa.-s and n -. us -oi.s t. , lim o'o.-I-.ltit. liiil- nibs wore adher..-nts ol Maximilliau and 1. , .. 1 v , .-; , , r A '-A .-i . ! -"-s tl!.'..il l-T .-' .tl, . .-...v ..... J .... - - - have not lost the "ottterno.-s 114011 j They e-.rc. c-ou t-p A io:, sii-K heati :.ch and p 1 10 1 - i. s. F. G. Frick .- Co. fore it could roach Weeping Water. F.. W. Fugs oy of Lincoln, inventor of a dynamite sh.-il is ia Washington for the puroo-o oi i 1 1- resting th-i gov ernment 11 his invent. 0 1. Ctias S Slit di of Lin-anil has al-o submitted plan.-, of a dy.11m.te s.iel. of his own invention. i'iiil Kinn 1111.1:1 iinJ Miss Ida New ton, both of Fethleko.n, were m.rried at the. home of tae -room this after noon, l'nil is a.i old-time i'latts mouth boy, brotho.- cf Chariey, ana his many friends here wih extend v their best wishes. Wm. McKinley of Neliawka arid V. J. llryan, a prominent emoioye of the 1. M. at this place, tooK dinner to day at the Perkins House. Their names on the register cau-ed some merriment among the gu.ists whose attention w .s called to the coinci dence. Weddin-cards are out announcing the raarri ge of tho Misses Lulu and Fxa Ferguson, at tho beautiful h me of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I). Ferguson, of Coi.c-e Ili.l, which will take pi -ice tonight at S o'clock. Tne hai oy urooinsinctt are from Peru, Nebraska. Gjtlieb Sp.-i.-ck te'urned lume this HiOinirg lotving secured full pay for twenty-two of his stolen cattle at the hands of IL W. Carey, gent of W.u lace Iho-. His yeniii g hull wilt be returned to him by ti-st ' eight. This ot her a s-atlo-i : gent of th.-il. .v M. They -o la I.iPM.:i Irrst, then l St. Jouis fo-- a f e w clays ai d then they ; .; ta; 11 to th-iir h-'-nits in Neman '. c- only with the be.-t wi-l es of nun.berle-s friend i i a this c-,"inty. Thou-an Is of s.itteri tiered when the Uni-cd Stairs u.-cd its mitral inlluence with t'oe Mex.etn republic and a-ainsl too Austrian prolerider. President Diaz is not of li.i- class, ip. it her are the army for ces, u n.i l lie Spanish symp Ahizers are II M iiUJl UI ,1111. iiuoi III 111 U'.n .11 . . , ., . . curia -x oibc.s for then- ir'erus. Amp" in in ua;1 l.rind IJllisi rs. II. II. G -riog and Lie nry IF-rold, who were in a! let. da nee yosteid y at the r.i nd council of tli j I loyal Arca num, in Omaha, cid g. oi worK in se- pikin- tiie homeward '.rip f-irougil Texas. Mr. Katon found the p.-ople of that state -reatiy aroused over ttie war and un.xiou- to have a r-aa t ' 1 P o " j 1 ..... 3 ;,. -t At, netit-U :.-il t.ovvr.s (bi-s have been re-:o:ed to hu.ilih n7 j werc n - in r :: na there was but one Minute Cough Cure. It quie.Cy euros , lop;. 0 diM.asSjon. It was war talk coughs, coids, brouclPT,-. p..,,e.non.a. overi.wliire .md .,t m;) p:!(.-sthe -,-ipne, asthm , and : l! V roat numni;;a vas p,.aeiialiy under arias, Fan-di-vases. F. G. Frieke .Sc Co. I .....it--...-, f ... '. -o,-,i t.. that. would send them into the hold. IP. unit )v-r to Court. Col. McLeod oh irged with so'. line liquors without a license at Union came down from his home at South Omaha this morniti- He went Ik fore Judge Spurioi k r.- .l waived a prelimi nary cxiimii atiu'i. The -iuugo fixed the bind for his at-p'-a ar ce at the r.exi t r,r cf she distivct court which was (jelckiv -ivcQ ami he re.ured this r ftei uo. ni to S.iutu O'rnh-'. M. L. Yo.-i m. OiiKca.n. I'n., s.iys "I was a. siif'e-. r for li-n years, trying ;iil kit: I- of p ' r-.-me iies, but without suce.s-. He .'. itts WAich Hazel Salve was i occriione:id to me. I used Tne box. li has e if ce t - d a p-o-i anent cure." A a p -rmanent i- ire far piles Do Witt's Witeh II Sarve h is no etjii ii. F. G. Fr.i-k- v C-.. Ttie l!iv:l. S-lniI All Jlisfit. Secret try of the 11 iard of Liucation, Plilismoitli. Ne ora-ka : I !i-:.t: Sit:: You will be pleased to leiuai tii at you school has beim re tained on the accredited list. We note the improvement that, has been made in your school in the- last year or t wo a nd fee 1 warranted in niacin- the new odic-.-rs olected, v. e note the following: G and Wa rib. 11 . 'Dr. F,a. n k Hurgc-s; Grand Sent -y, J. M. T-e-gaiden, Weeping Water, and Henry Here.d one of the grand trustees. TO C V K K A l Ol.II I.N ONK IJ VV Take Laxative Broirio (uini.ie Tab els. Ad iiiru-ijists refutid the in!'i'y if it fails to cure. iloc. The genuine his L. 11 Q. on each iabiet. r.lnrri-i in I iniiaiiii . Miss Nellie, daughter i f II. G S: cn ccr cf this city, a graduate- of the tii.h school here a rail v. eil kt.own as a youn jr lady of u--.tr.-ual met it was married recently to a me; chant in Noilhern li.di.inn by the n:.m; of l)res-!cr. Her many friei us I. ere w.sli ali the happir.e-s that talis to LEGAL ADVERTISEIylENTS I. -ill Nat ire. In tl-e AsirAt o-i:rt nf C;o- r yi-P.y. Ne I .-:--.. I .i-i-pii 1 .r..iiatn iin'-l J -!.:. V i . i, - :.. ;-..i ...... -i .-. J..:!i4 l.tpitic-s Hi. Lr'.l.c I.ii.i fei.e "..i.-rii A . kai-; "li. lonri'-'t-i s. l-i.u;i. K.-cv Pi'keaeov'c e,;a l ir.,;:,.:,. f-.u-i a W .:-- ii.s.-:i.i.ii-.a.-r S..c tiaii.c "i Pi.aacn and o ....ao,,,,. i.uvc c...r.;i.iciii.t: au n- t.-.n W a.-t surd .ivl. i.-.S-;..!it, ill tin; iioii.i.t 1 -iiiil e! c..-, 'i iairy. in ,ik.i. tin: 1 'a; jet i.i. a j.r.icr '-I v.l.:r!t - t 3 ' - -oi-.ci n j A-Oae.o ua. iii. si s:i..l ii-.-. a : .at- li.r li" : uai ei s o.i .;.) ! I" li-- A i.-i-i .iii .t-i:cl-.-.I v.l:::U v.o.c Hi-Ci-tM.v i.-i li.c s-.i-l- " t fir! i i,!;..:ii.j-;;i:,c..-,,t -.oi .ictcdant- ;.;.-! it v.i.a.i ncti-a .idit- as-ic.d t . I-o. '"I ii:- t, c It:-.--e u,;-ri 1. : U.l-l i -IIC I:-.-! '.I tho T."i 1 eCi'.-'i u!:-J i pan tor -1 S'.-l. - t ! -a i ! . t :i ' : '. 1 ' '-' ' b e i -t ei t .o .- . I il i". 'il-c.-oa rati. a. .a. si: in Ci-.-.-- c- :..a .No', r,. t.i c ati.-ici.o.t iii s.,:-. wlinii - tiro jo ;. a : y ei -,.! i dolor. .1. Hits. iloior.d.ii.; i.ro ror'ic.i t. s;.: . ;..-t .- t i-,n on i o i,A,-o- ;.,c ii. in .;:'- ': ai.-.v. n.t-nt v...! ua tike a i-r..v-J 2 r :a s.. 1 j-oP- l'i.,sup!i (.r;.ii.ia. -ttrl J'ji.n YAA a.a. ..:..i.r tr.o tir r.i !in:o .-i Coar.a.a .0 V. n. C. I- i o::t, r'.aiiu.a s att-.n:c. Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Ccrnzr of Sixth and rear! StrecLs, Plattsmouth. Neb ShcrilTs rie 'Mil.-; i - ' : :.i - I I ! ...i I . -. I " of the i iiiC let of the good and th-; tt iu Shi r:ii"s Sale. bv v.rltic ef an order ol i-n'-e i--u-,d by f.oerro l- .": ' K r -, r . . .1 t i 1 1- i ! -1 .- e 1 i.i . i: ; t. ;'.i; ... I ai'id I'T . 'us- o. -..-..P.'. .-.c'.rasKH. M'.-i P mo Ui- tuciod. 1 w; i on ti.e -a-J e.y .! .nay. .v. I. p.;.-, H- ii c p. 111. l-f S.-iid l..'iV ;-.t - ,l.t,. (J.) ir i.fthe cmrt heu-e ia the city ei I'i.at - in an.:, ai .--aid c.iiirtv. to.i at p:;i;..c avcri.ia. 1 Pie li.uti - 0 a in i'ioi fat ta.-it.tt.c I ....... a.s tea. estate t .-m ': 1 no .i ji'tiiv.est q-.iHr.er v ti.v A and-.r.o li-irr;.-wcsi cjuatte-r i n v. A el the '.revest 'I'-Ptto ( s v: ' ; i n. soct:..i taiitypid i.e-n.-ii.; tv oivo 1 rai-o tiiir.coii 1 11 i east .l tiio t.a. j . in. l.'ell.l.iV. -NoH'HsK.1 t.-aci!Kt vv.th ti.e r -'i'. ' -"o-anj .Vpiri'ten.itices ti.ercirnt j te.e-i....g -r ai F.uvwi-e ai.rrert.-.lt'.'rr.. i r.e same boias lovxd i.;. hi arid Liken a ti.e a'u;.'o;tv ot L.i--'i.ai,r J. W. M.irraya-.cl Kojjo a .. Murray. iSoi-.r.d-ants. to -atoiv a .i i..!',i;at . I -aidcjuit lectuetea Lv Mcutiel VVai.p:: a- e-: jortor ut o.o ia,-t vvr.i aa-i testa'!.e..i c-t j.-liti J li.ok. eoc -a-od . ,;..iit:;r. an-i a ju iv.ii, eat re-."'. t-.ro i t-y ti.e l-aiac el C'a.-s CeiiLti oi " --; -I t . I .-nor a -. .i.i. -1 s.ti '. cotoi.'il .ir.ts. l'.aibi!.iii. .Vcuu,ia, Miner, -A A. I. A--. W . I). Wlll.i.l.lK, Slier:.':. Cap Cauuty. Nol i .o..-.a. liv I. I). M AI: ..ro. . i K. ii.'A .id..-.'."-, -t: "..-y t..r I'.arni a. 3"cur higii s. hool in class accredited list. j We adv;-e you to look carefu'ly m- . .. . ... (il ' la .-!".-1. i -t cii.t C.-.,s c..r.r.:y. NVI.ra.-ka i 1 ! oio t it . n l . oa ! . o .or tit t!ie H-e- i ........... I.isr of Li-rt-r. ...i I t .. i. - 1 i. s:il;,o :--' i i l o -i 1. 1. A. .li .ii .v, '. ;.r: ! do-.-i-.-i -. m.-v i. r-'-i.. .: . i A. a;-! P Lf-gal Notic-rrr. ! In ii. p. .'t i. not el Cass county. Nehra.-.ka. i, - (,--. I. i .oa ,.-ii v-. J .n.i..- I Ibi.t. .. p. ti ' I..-...- IP ...-:. ! l.-'i-t.mt. v. a! take i n Pee that , ; 1 m. ,., .,;,-.!.-.- et:, -.e. ol Mr e Ii. .. 1 . 1 ' ara Cn, .i.-i.-, .-. A. ' ,'. a i :. t IP I.i-n.-ai ;;' 1 Inn pel .1 ' the 'b-tint . , . . . . . i , . i ' ,i to.: I . N - .-. . i ,i - i a . a.i ; 1 t lie r-a id , : -1, ,i, i . i. ; a i i , a ,-- ! i . i . . a f -jad-ti.r , t i.i: -.i -ioi I and pi a er , ;,,; i. . - . o! .. I .' ii i- i : o'.r aai a d . . oi ' e 1 ion. IPo ilt-loii'l- (..;,, i- . - ;:.'.. rl. i and P pro. ine a c.;i re: , . ; . ,.- .i .- r4 . a, r :ar i . j. a . a : i i,o . ioi - J y and emit i ol ol A:! ; ,i .. j f j 1 1: i - eei; n ' i, ! "i . i a- :.: (J n.' da . it: I. tin ill j.larn- t :i i o : it.it 1 ,e. ! a. ! na.iiit . Sa d io,.ef i- aked beeause ,- ;..,,!,, ,i. At'"- i'-ti :i laid, .i aa a.l j.i -t (.;-.': i piovocation. An- , . Is .;, t a . j m a- a v aa l -, .on ot. : y !; elt.-d piartit.tl upon or a ;,,,.: ' :. :.,. a- . - ;-.'' '- .-.pP-n.i.i.-r I'.'.ii. A. i . A-'l. and has ( on- . . lo ; ': aa . : .. . t.a n . . '. ri.:i;.-. in-1 a v. a v J or in .re than to .. : ! .... i. a a - tin.-! ! an to i: . aar ot i. ; s --i.il .', . !.,:-..-. .." ;ne n -i .r- i p. aa , -via -aai p.-t .tioll on or ....... ; .; j . . !.-.., f 1 1 : i . ': " .' i i j ' . I .!..'.. . . i J . I , . a i-.'-o d i,v iv. i i )-e,i- i-ties r.ui. day ol .'.1,'inli. A. I ). 1 ! .' ..-I- av;e -. -t -,i A ip.- Clara Cox. 'io. N . ;.!;. i :iv-:. j.. iiy l.tr Ar iim.-.s. Iivi.,n Cruk rnvj C. A. KaU a : '. v . ti ,.r v.h.'. tao j.-i .vp ap ai ar.'i l,.f-i-:, -i-V. . .'! v ! I ay aa i lb i. -1 b:i: i-' ' a j : :.'.'. .. the r.i. r "lv. .j. . e -o i-a..; Ueteli-htlit-. p a-: :.: ..e . N- : V.C.W . Jl CiWC fTIC C U C U T ( oita. l.a.- i:... I.o::. ' 1 1 II V 1 I k I Ob 1 O. I ' - 1 - - .. . - , "l" . . .... . , , .- I is-.- - ka, Mae a U i. -- !- i'"---. o . 1 I. . io.i ... la si. nAt. Cas- C ...-.ity. ..o .a ,..-.a. !lv ! ' : 'i iio. io. 1 i.; .: . . K. P "VV'ii-ir.ara At'.-.r-.;.;-. 1-r A I )r.-.-..-v -Ic I.i ul lo.tire. (h-t vvAis l-a l.i.ili: -oi: a. weber A" Lot.. i . 1 - to the scholarship of those elected to fill vacancies. We are we.l ple-istd with th.e work of the Pint tsrcoukh schools a- d lae at present. Yours truly, .1. W. Cr.. is i i:i:k. Secrebirv. On tho morairg of I-V.b. ''2 1SA, I was sieK with t heuraatism, and lay in bed until .May lllst, when I got a bottle of ' Chamberlain's Pain Baltn. The first apj-.lieaHon of it reiievel ine al oiilee at Plattsraouih. April -i. l.---'.S: Kiierdou-a. II T Hetnlrike. J"- H.iiorness. Jot,.'.. I.eat'"d.ii-. (i.-iuncr iVio-;r::tt, ibio West. I'" C S. Ivor-. II. When calling lor ar-y o: the above letters ph ase s:-.v adve.-tise.l.'" The farmer-, t be. tr.O"ii aei.' at d 'A e P.ii-l.'ie .i.i l- ;..-.. iliil.lo. '.I a t.-e i f I tirooaiilv clo-cs the moid -nt which cut- .md br ds-s. l.e-..'-p"s Wa.-lj j mrr-t entirely from the pain and the: .... I . -r ... i ... i I .. iT 1 . .3 .a . I I . . f T n llllol -aiv IS in- lies L Li 1- i. ro n ; o.s-'ion.i inn." hi u on. pie te; u-.is-i, i u c on hi'd- It i... 1- o'ocklv. ; ti i i- i ,' short time I was able to be tin and about was tho boldest piece of thievery ever committed in this county. Tiio thief who wcil under the nam'.; of Marten has not been found. well known tu-e ior pi.es Frieke .k. Co. again. A. T. MoKKAUX, Liiverne, Minn. Sold hy all druggists. Kriiii:s of Hi" Hi'.rlinsiton. C'HllAp, Ap-il -'j. Cl. .ss earnings of the Ivjilirgtou for the monta of March were abul $7l.fi'. b in excess of these- of the same month last vear. The ctliciai st:ite;:re:.t has not yet been made, but it is under--toed that the figures will sdiow something very clo-e to this mcreiise. I;.i:' "i l'.a: l o-ioiO.h. Notirasria, v-. i he ioo n e's Ij:::'. i.i--. i-oar. aal .-av :i.-4 .A: at a. ' 1 r.o l'oo.iio s bra.-l.ng. L'.ail ati i f'.iir.i! 5 -'--cAt - -a. -..--: l!:-ii'-iit. '. '..: take I. otive t.'eil on t:io 7X1: d rv i I A'-iil A. A- !---- Char e e. i'araio.e -2, r...-. iv.-r ..t on- i t zen- liaiiK i.i l'lar'.-n- ut.i. .ti.r..si.i. ina.n-.dt iieie.tt. h.e-J Jus i-e'..t. -n i; Probata Notica. in c -tii.'.y i - 1 1 . Ca-.s c nr.; y. N--.r-.-::n. Pi tao . e -i 1 1 o-1 ol ti o Lsta.o oi b.i. '..- -. -er . ! i i. 'a-'.ivm.-... Ail pro- -'.s u.t.iert..-i i'l i-a.-i ir.a-'tr ar.- hete-'-v m t;.-.-d tna? '.ti tr.o ha:. u..y --i Apr :. !--. P..:. d aAJ a r era. on in sn: i o.'ro ,-. ' -v . ... ar.- r .: ..: -.r 1 1 .:.--. t: - r ,a. d,a - oi" ;.;:. ,.: .i.t-l or. : i.e. i'c.n day : M ai or. . ,eav a.u a .a-t v, ... ana -la.-ii.-i.i ar 1 p----.--e : '. f re..i at: J pels. a.;., e- r a t- a; Mil: i '-' V ,! tao re:o -r.aa e v a.ao : .:...."'.- an i t ra a. l-.r tiie l r ".-aie ol r-ai i v.'.b a ior i: ir:.. .r.-tra-;: -,iei -a. ie-tato. i ar..- l.-.-.-eay n itaie-1 t.iat d y -:r P- a j .d'i oar h--1 -i e n;e i it; ea t.ve i :-;.v --I Mav, ... .... i-l -. at JoA.oioip. in., t-. c -.'de-t t:.e l.-r .L-a-.e ...f sa d u..i. ti.e e-n.rt i.ay ai....v ..n.l i.r-d.-ate --a.-vi a.:d .nan: a.-i a: .:.-.-- tr..r.or: et .-a d o ta'.e to j .-i-pa U . .loaiison. ai.d i....-a .- e i u. lon-rlv, or -; :r.e eti.er Mi:ra..,.o p.-r.-..-::. a:. ! ; r-,a -o i P. a. set t ...-.eat of e tato S.tr.e-- r.rv i.a.i i and trie se-ai sa.i vourt at 1 .att -re", ur . , . Neoraria, ti:,.-. t'lei-ia iav ,-t April, v. i '., i - i , : oi M. ''. K '.' nlK. I . J die. I A .? ; t:AJt BALSAM ..'-. J--- V'-CrT: .: ? Op-it.--. W.il.l th hill i -. v:A - . ''';ti..:...ii. S lurerit-nl growth, i '-, 1 luivf. Fails to I'.r-store Crr; I ' -A.l'jinr to i:h Youthful Color. ';. v- ; .- ' . 5Cui-o '" P ' -" ha.r iuu g. ta.wCL.-tt-. S &noes . . ...-AT,-- CLARK'S IN ALL THE I1KST G HADES AND STYLES, and AT LOWEST PRICES. ( -one Notice to Creditors. TATE "I Xr.i.KA-kA. . ... C, ( rr bi the rea.ter .' ! the vM.ite of hantue! M .'C'll ..... -. - :. N" ! o :- r.oiri-v mvori ti.at the I.IO U.S- .l-V ...!-. - I , , . i I ilrot s .:-l -J. -torai'tti:. tlio o-.'to.d at.-i piayer eil I ti iter ei . .--tate. r.-e.--ro - e. eooa.v j-.o-eoi Vi,-dl are to re. J'.xr a ai -i.ev j.i i;p.ieia ao-va-t j . a-- Ooaorv. Nel la-va. at ti.e oniitv 'it r.. i.-i... .out mi P-r.-e- cat..--..- vi ti..n set a i:i: -a in i ...li-.roa; '. iri sa.d c.o.r.tv. en t: o .ti. .iav i.t i. i per. ii' in n tiio i. r-i cause act .on h-r ti.e s.-ai or ;-.'' .'... r i sev eil ;.i t lent . .oeio-i ir e..; ai ti-oin the l".h d.iV .A Mas A. IP l-'.'T: on tiio sc-.-on i car.se of in Con tae sum nt s'-'V vs.ti. -even per (em :id.ere.-t there n ir.im tne I'd. day f May A. l. i oa i .'": n.a-J c.ri-e ot actrna ti.e -;'-.l ( 1 -.'ov.-.'h o.'i-n porcerrt liiTeie-st tiiere-in iol-n ti-.J i'Ui. -J.ivi.l N..iea.ber A.. I . 1 -:'T. Veil arete pie-led p. answer -aal put.'., ri on or b.-1-.re ti.e .;'!!. .'.av .-1 Mav A. 1). 1 -..-. l.ated ti.ts ..-iiid.iyel Apr.i A. 1 . I CllAKI! s C. 1 , H Vi ILK, As Receiver of Ci'dcas li.iuk of l'.att-moLth. Nehra.-Ka. i.v h .-. Att.jrnel s, b roil llark&C. A. Kawis. 1iii.;-tt.l-.".di'.j'e- a. in . l-.r .:.-.- r-i-i- ;i ! pie- an; .1- ther . i-rn- I i e:ar:! iiiaiiea. a A a - : ra .-a t a a r a a a. i e . . x aa -:. . :, at o iowen ior ti.e creditors c: s;-. !e:ea-Ld to a- t.at.-r -etPe ...; i c !. -ai the 7tn ..a ! X,.,: I-:-. i ;.r- I.- P-.e -'a:; !-.- pa'a-'r-r-i in Co .-..':y Nl a'- - iii.:: i;.. 1 i imi v--i--.- -u-.-.es-si - v. pp. .r t - t i. T: ii d i oi Vi.. , i ' '- A pa--- nv ha:, 1 an' --t e ! ciitt. at l'.att-i:io'.:t':. Ni-i,i a-ka. P. is. Pie lP.ii uay ,1 Apr.i, A. U. Pi's. ( i F.r ' R 1 1 M t- l-f K Pil. K , (Sea!) County Jude. M so a cf m plete 1 i ne of . . . . Fresh Groceries Glassware v.n.d Chinaware . . . No bett. r--,- A ct.-! stork in the city and no iowor t"i. .'; than c:id be found at Asher Clark's, First Door Eit of the Court House.