The Semi-Weekly Kews-Hcra!d PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ... BY THK . . . NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. I). I'OI.K, EWTDK. DAILY KIMTION. One Year, in advaine, .... Six Months On Week, binglo Copies, BKMI-WKHKLV KIMTION. Ono Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, m (in ? r.o 10 f tl 00 r.o T,-,p LARGEST CIRCULATION ' Of any Cass County Paper. Bkack up, ri cuiu-eiitrad..s, your Undo Sim will Wo with von i-oon, with plenty to eat, ami with some nmokeless powder hiscnits for the Spaniards. Till-: froo and unlimited eoiron of wind is now tho proper ery of the yellow journals that have e;reat lat tles to report, whi'-n never took place except in tho mind of the war cor respondents. TlIK meric:iri war lh et has been capturing numerous Sanish merchant men, hut Spain will doubtless even up tho score later on when she fcii'tcrs her cruisers that have been hold at Cadiz and Cape Verde Islands. TlIE West I'oint military academy ii awako to the situation and turned out, lifty-tivo graduates yesterday who would in tho regular course, not have graduated until June. They will all get commissions as olliccrs. I'OLO RKUXAitu did not reside in tho United States very lone;, but he knew enough when war was declaa'-ed to fly to Canada. There were several people did tho same thing in lSOl and they were not Spaniards, either. A Xl'MUKlt cf governois have of fered to go into service nrd lead the state troops to victory. We have heard of no such otTor from Nebraska's governor. lie is evidently of the opin ion that drawing a salary in tho safe confines of Nebraska is better. TlIE gold reserve has gone beyond the $180,000,000 mark and bids fair to reach $1100,000,000 and this in war times, too. There's little wonder that Bryan has cancelled his lecture en gagements on the beauties of 1(5 to 1 and the overthrow cf our financial f-ystem. GOV. UoLC'OMli bucked the supreme court and now is crossing swoids with the secretary of war about whether the Nebraska volunteers shall go to Omahu or Lincoln. At this writing the secretary appears to have things mostly his way and Oinahas star is in the ascendency. MAYOlt Kiciiky starts out his new administration under most favorable auspices, and the city is assured of a splendid administration. Mayor Gut sche has made a splendid executive officer and stepped down and out hist evening with a few words of thanks to tho council. Jl'Pge Day, of Canton, Ohio, who has been assistant secretary of state was appointed yesterday to succeed Sherman, and John Ihissett Moore was appointed to succeed Day. The cab inet is now complete again and Joint Snerman is a private citizen for tho first time in forty-three years. The deadest town in the United States today is Fort Crook since the 6oldier3 have been taken away. The saloons and grocery stores which monopolized tho trade of the town are as quiet as a cemetery at midnight, and the result must be that many will soon be moving out for better quarters. NOT an administration organ will open its mouth about II anna's shame ful treatment of Sherman. Nebraska City News. Why should they, tho democratic press has always been so considerate and complimentary to John Sherman he need look no further for comfort ing assurances. The Havana blockade seems to be effectual, no ship having thus far suc ceeded in getting through the cordon of war vessels. The haughty Dons will soon be getting as hungry as the poor reconcentrado's whom they have been torturiug for over a year. Beef steak was quoted at 75c per pound there yesterday and the supply will not last long even at that price, while flour and other necessaries are equally high. The oft discussed Indian question might be solved if McKinley would send all the braves down to Cuba to light Spain. They are willing to go and the guerrilla warfare of the Span iards would suit them exactly. One Sioux Indian with the now ritle that speeds a steel bullet live miles with deadly effect would whip fifty Span iards. By all means give the Indians a place in the army and solve two questions at once. Wheat is again bounding upward and there is no prospect of that um bilical cord between wheat and silver bullion being welded together again by the oratory of he sixteen-to-wunnors very soon. The war is not the only element in the rise. There is re ported a shortage of tho crop in Rus sia and the farmers of the west will have another harvest of wheat and good prices in a very few weeks. The crop is looking all right in Nebraska. State Journal. Till', first blood of t !n n,irhsbren ihnl, The li,'htin'r ho.vev- :i."iS to lrive b - ri in mi Oni'iha aieon wiih the n.-uU i h i t :ie r.!i ;'r'int at a. 1:1 . of the late W neer.itle -.eon vr nllun wears ;i leOl-l in hi-, arm. It, will h" in order f.-r Goveiiio," llolroinb ti reee---nize til!-1 exhibition of bravery by con fer, iag shoulder straps upon the victim that will entitle h i m to a colonel's ran k in all fulure reform convention. Omaha lieo. 'i II K d is-appo' ntnient in every cmn ii unity over t! e inability of many to join the government forces is keenly felt. I n t hi city and vicinity fully a bundled ou.";j in 11 h;.d ret their !ie...r?.- upon hetpiiiir to free ti e Cu bans) and pnni-ii Spain for her barbar ity, but it iooks new a if there would I o a slim chalice afl'onled to enlist. If a seeiind call should be required there would be room for tin: home company, but no si cond call has been made, ami the likelihood of one being made is very remote at this time. WlU-.N the two regiment s of Ne braska vohi'itee s get in touch with the army they will have no "commander'1" of their own. Two i egi men ts do not. make a brigade. The probability is very strong tint legal ir army men wid he selected for brigade com mando:. .. 't here i s no such .-ii rei ty of regular army oihe ;i compared In tno number of brigades that v. LI be formed as in the, sixties wi:eu we num beieded our rrmy by lii : millions. it is hardly likely in any event that there will bo any brigade ei o. ,;ruiders who have not seen actual .....ce. So there is not much u- i:i a war of words over a choice between national guardsmen. Sta to J ou Jnal . No Mo i:e pathi.tis incident has transpired in connection with th present outbreak ol war than the enforced retirement of John Sherman from participation in public alfiirs. He is one of the last of the state-men lhat the civil war brought forth, and tho ! ivntesi surviving. One of the ablest of all the secretaries of the treasury since Hamilton, it was cer tainly his fortune- t; do the mi st im portant work. The resumption of specie payments and the funding ol the war debt are achievements sulii cieiu to entitle him to a place among thechisen few who have the genius of constructive statesmanship. That such a long, vigorous and, alto gether useful life should b; b.oaht virtually to a clo.-e by mental decay at a period when lessor statesmen suiTer no hiss of mental power is inexpres sibly pathetic. If the art of govern ment be the greatest t which man can devote himself, John Sherman lias served his generation weil. .Lo'jis tii.c Courier-Journal, Ken. INH1KMATK1.N AM i;JJMONS. There are 1,4"j2 characters i:i the twellt v-four books dickens wrote-. The American navv -,0uO,; tin aiiead derived Truin t'ae capture of Spanish boats. It is said that some politicians bcrin at the bottom and work down. This is true, as is al.-o the fact that s ine others be:;in at the top anil fall down. r.XL'liatii:. So mo j.v.'eiry and other articles were, stolen f o:n a store at 1-Ycinor.t the otLev nitrhl. The Beatrice blood ijo.itids called i nt requisition and tlie tnil traced to tne home of a clerk in the store, lie acknowledged the theft. In the markets of Ilrazil one often liv. snake.-? a soecie ot f 1)011- troin ten to lifteea fed long-. They arc employed in ina,-y houses to hunt rats at night, beinir otherwise per lectiy harmiess. Tle-y become attacheo to a house like a cat or a d ir- The press dispatch boat that is out on a tour of inspection of the blockade on tho Cuban coast 'has been in; de to dance a lively tune whenever she yoes about at ni-rhi to see it the American lleet is awake. Whether the jack tars are "on"' or are simply giving her the same medicine that is administered to the ordinary blockade runne-, she has narrowly escaped a solid shot every once in a while, because she didn't "heave to"' within a second after beinp ordered. She reports that the biock adiDg lleet is a vci itable hornets' nest and that it will be. a very smart and swift dodder taal frets by it in the darkest iiiirht. The boys have a keen eye for prize money these times and ire dreaming of retiring as mii.ion aires, when the war is over. lis., t Patrick Mu'.iin is the name of the gentleman who i'red the first shot of thepreseLt war oa board the Nash ville and broufflit the Spanish steam ship Uuena Ventura to time. " Gov. Iloicomb seems inclined to make Lincoln the place of rendezvous for the Nebraska troops. Fort Crook is in every way better fitted but it is said the fort has. been turned down. Kid McCoy, tho pugilist, pives it out that he will quit lighting and study medicine. He believes there is more money for a physician than for a prize lighter and he is probably right. Amnnrr tho n . w ilnmn flUtic-s" rrO- j posed as n war tux are stamps on tele gram-. On each telegram which cosis less than 20 cents a 1-cent stamp is to be fixed and on those over III) cents a ? cent stamp will bo required Ex. i The a-s ei.tted press today ces the pun lia-e of t vo of the best iship u the II tinborg' r tine, a fact ! that this p i per made a bote of si veral da ys ago :. f ; i e .-. eiign p- i v;-1 e 1 ott to ll.eir agei.t, A. il. W. t-U acii. '1 he moral of it i- that thi- pa p -i- print-. the tie 'as while it is now. Tie; Jown National Guard Irem every point in the state was taken to I) s Moines ye-terday where it will rendezvous nnli! must. -red into the U. S. service when it will go forward to I'lT'saeola, Florida, the pr. s nt rendezvous f t ne national volunteer troops, 'j'he Neba-ka militia are o lierod to tepoi t at Lincoln today. . r r If we ate . h ive a great naval bit -' tie, the is-aie uill b.o dt-eaied largely by l l;e giinn:ry. M r ks ana m-h i p hi--aiways be. n the lon' seitef the Amer ican, and their practice in re cent ye a-.-, has beer. Well ma i n la i ileii . Wo can Ionic forward to tho meeting with ccnLaioiiee ;n the .ability of nur moi aad shin-, to look out for them-selve-. Fx. One of the last a.-t-. of Mr. Gary as p si master geii.:ai was that of sign ing a four years' contract for makb-g the st;.ei:i' d envelopes for tie! goverii nieiii by v hich the United Siate.s will save ovei- a mi i 1 ion lo.lars as compared with the terms of the present con tract. The govern mot; t at Washirg ton is d(jli,g bu.sincss on a limiias. basis. Fx. k Wliat lias lucerne of the warlike members of the Jr ksotiien club w!io, a little while ago, coniu landly wait for the call to arms to bo isued? tTow ar-! th. y icverieg the nu-mory of the lighting la-roof New Orleans whos ' name they ha ce adopted? Or are they simply waiting for the organization of tile horse marine-? Fee Majo- Woods, of the C, I!. A. ( claim department, was in t .e Mexican I war, in two Indian wais and served J through the rebellion. lie is hale land hearty and says he woaid like to i take a whiil at tho Sp inian.s in Cuba, J bat lis he i- eighty -one years of age it is not likely that Uncle Sam would accept Lis services. - It will not be necessary to lcname Cun i." Tnat is a contraction of a good Indian name and is not Spanish, nor su: "estive of Sj.nin. i he original name of the island was Antilla. A Spanish prince w: s la ter --:miiliniente(i by h -.viii.i; it r.-ui-.ea Junmi. Then the name was sufa-e-si v -! v clei n y-'d to ermeu: na. Sinh;iL'i I hi- 1-' e en Ave Maria. .'n- is. a shorteniii of I'ub macMi. whu li n'.cans "' irold is I' ll Ml.' '. . The iate 1'rr. n -cue", o, Spain's favoi - ! ite buil tighter, u-ed to get s-.'!.o'o for j each apj eat ance. At his ia-t b -no lit performance, jew Is and c tsh to the value of ?.', boo wer e' thrown into the ring by Ii is admirers. lie was the idol of Spanish women and was so vain that at one time he refused to kill anollur bull berause Hii. !):i:ice h id not applauded him. The p.rince sent him a diamond pin with apoiogie-, a ail the performance pro ce de -i. Kl'4'iri- i;it-rs. Electric iitl..-rs is a meiiicine suit, d for an season, but nerhaps more gen era iy needed wi:en tl,!.? languid, ex hausted fee ing prev ail.-, when the liver is tornid aad sluggish and the need of a tonic ai d alterative is I'eit. A prompt u- e of this med i -i nc has often abated long and .er!ia;s fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and frce-:-ig the system from the m iiar;al Iso.i. Head ache. Indigestion. Jcn--t.palion, Dizziness, yield to Electric litters. Fifty cents and bottles ut 1-'. Vx. Frieke"s drug store. 1 Dr. J. S. Livingston v. e learn will be presented wit'.i a line dr; virig team by Tom Parir.ele. Stuart will nppreeuite so ha no sen .e. a moiual from an o'.d friend. la I desire to attest to th Chamberlain's Coagh He ments cf ed v as one of the mo-t vaijalle and eilieient prepa: ations on the market. It Lro'.ce an exceedingly dangerous c ugh for me in 24 inu:s, anJ in gratitude tlie; e for. I desire to ii.f jrm you that I will never be without it and yon should feel proud of the h:gh est. em in which your Eemrdies are held dy pooijle in gei.cral. It is the one remedy rimong ten thousand. Suveess to it. O. Ii. DowxlV, Eiitor Democrat, Aloion, led. Fo.- sale by all druggists. The Myr.ard elevators are out cf luck with their bins full of corn and no cars in which to ship it. Joe Adams' elevator is about completed and is being painted tnday. It is, or should b?, the highest aim of every merchant to please his cus tomer;; and that the wide-awake dr ug firm of Meyers & Eshlem in, Sterling. Iil., is doing so, is proven by the fol lowing, frcm Mr. Eshlercan: "'It my si xteen years, experience in the drug business I have never sten or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good sat isfaction as Chain bo i Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold bv all druggist John Flak, the tailor, made a fine suit ol' clothes fo - au Omaha man and sent it to him this morning. The fel low knew where to go to get the best for his monev. . You should knowthat Foley's Ilcney and Tar is absolutely the best remedy for all diseas-s of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Ilealers are authorized to guarantee it to give sat isfae! ion in all cases. Smith & 1'a-me'o. e i I b 1 1 li i ii PEARLMAN'S IMMIINSn STOCK i)V Furniture. Stoves and "ouse Furnishings Was jim-'iiK-nted nvcii 1 1 y 1 y tiu : i i t of t cat" load-- ! minds for which he jiaid sot cir-h at the factory. Think What This Means It means heavy discounts. It moans lower freight rates. It moans that his competitors can not meet him on prices, neither can thov meet him on a marvelous assortment ol every tiling in his line. His Leader in Stoves Is the old reliable " Charter Oak," with its liflooii years1 atarantv, and its half a hundred de-iii. klN U k.J .ii.u,T i it A tij .il.ti.'j- No house in Cass county ever carried half so lart;"e a stock'. lie can suit everv taste. Tin from. lied room suites and price to those lit for a tjueen. ,7 Pl i Is where Pearl man shines, and explains his wonderful business success. lie pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with Ins cash discounts and car load rales he takes the lead and keeps it. ft Will Surprise You To call and see his wonderful stock", and oVt his rices, which are from ten to twenty-live per cent lower than can he had in Omaha. Keuicinl cr the place. 1 h p: kW H fi h :U Opposite the Court Ilon.-e. A man stands on chance of noing elected to trie mayorship of ivity unless he eej ys the cont'ul.mco and esteem of his neighbors, tko. V. Humphrey is the popular mayor r-f Swanton, Ohio, and under date of jan. 17, lS-5, "ne' writes ns follows: "This is to cc-tify to our appreciation of Chambei iain's Cough Semedy, My family and neighbors h :ve tinted it, and ew knew it is an excellent remedy fur coughs aid colds. Ci-:i:;:-; v. II l l riltn.Y,' Sold by .".11 druggists. The brick and Te. r v C-tta company, mentioa of who.-e beginning wa-made exclusively in this paper several days ago, is going1 right along in the manu factur ; of a superior article of pressed brick. .-si no iu-u.irii s i on. Ti-e readers ef t'.i- i-z-.-.-r will he .':.i that tlinv is at least '-::o drca-ie 1 il: t!:nt science ha--, buon a!.c t. iu all its .-ta-re. hiui tli.a is Cat.urh. Hali's Catarrii Ci. r is t:.o only i'i ;i"ive cine kn-.ti t un; n;t;i!ic;il Irattriiity. catarrh l.tatig a cuiistautiatiai il.s tasc. requires a cui':.-tau; mi!;-.! treat a. eat. ilr.,1'.-; Catarrh C'ute :s taken actiu iiiii.--.iy .p.iii the hiiicd and miicae siirlares the te'ti. thereby duslruv iu the tDUudatni ol ti e disease. aud't,:vi:ip: t!,e ra::..nt stret.lii 'ry !::.ia-i-i-T I'p the ceastra.tii'ii an ! a.-.-;scr nae.iro in i.-. ::, i:s work. Tiic i.ropr.ei as have so ncaa, faith in its curat-.vo powers that they 'Cur 1 b,e i ; red I )o,! lor any case taal i: 1 I . s i , Jcu.i lor l-.ft oi te.-tar. )!i r-.:s. Ad 1 re-is, F.j. iik.VKV &Co.. Tj'.x1-. O. 5u ...i l, i r;:'s;i.-:.!s 7.",: V.. II. Lui -chart state ba i,k examiner was in tiie city on business ami made the IsT-AVs a pleasant visit, lie re turned to Lincoln this morning. Col. T'Ui-te!olu tne wiuea wuko ;t-o-prietcr of .the department store was in Omaha this mornimr. t;-.i-fcU-iis Armcii -4lv-. The best salve in the worjd f'-r cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappeu haiids, ehil bi ;ir;s. crns, ncdall skin eruptions, and positively ceres piles, or no pay reuuIroJ. It is rruarantacd to trive perfect satisfactiou cr money refunded. Pyice o cents per box. For sale b P. G. Fricke. A baby irirl is reported as a recent arrival at the homo of E. M. Godwin. Two Well Known Stiiti-siiif n talked for months, from a front pr.reh and a rear end i f a ear. Perh-ips the use of Foley's Honey and Tar will ex plain why they could do this, without injury to their voed orjrar.s. It is largely used by speakers rind sintrt r.-. Smith Parmele. Ftli-j's Iloix-y and T;r. Couijrh Syrup wherever introjuec-d is consider ed the most pleasant and ef fective remedy for all throat and lung complaints. It is the only pr rninont eeujjh remedy that contains no opiates and that can safely be trivm to children. Smith & Parmele. Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute C'oujdi Cu-e, the infallible remedy colz ns. eOiUS, eruup, o: veieiiii.-s, ii';";, j F-G all throat and lun"; treub Fricke & Co. uill yd i lie) mint Ired easv cliairs to si-loct parlor suites horn the lowest 3 Plattsmou th, Xi l'ra.ha fc 1 f'' it t -n Cc & Flrrnnt Lawns, Elegant Lawns, new goods, 14 yards for - - - - LOO Elegant Lawns, now goods, 12 yards for - - - - LOO Best Light Prints, 4 1-2 cents. Jusi received. 25 doz. the best summer corsets made 48c Shirt Vaists from 49c up. Ladi-.s 40 gauge Black Cotton Hose, 9c. Ladies Summer Union Suits, 25c, New Wrappers, 75c. Slippers in Black and Tan go a!: one-hall" price. Tiie best Black or Tan Silk Vesting top Shoe made for $1.69. e . e r - sr House cleaning time. Ycu are busy so are we. Come and inspect the largest assortment of Matting ever brought to this county. We have anything you want from 9c to 45c. All wool Ingrain' Carpet for 50c. Fvloquette Carpets made and put down, in your homes, 99c Special Sale on our 99c Rugs, G dozen new patterns. JyS- Coed- , S ft SPECIAL BARS A 1 N 3 .1 cm? ICaarle miilt ' ! ' G'ood C-inne.I Salmon . ,r 2. bean Succotash ' T.b cm Bartleft Pear-s l-"e " of 3:b Tomatoes for - ' Sib can of Do-ton Bed Bear.s i-'e i; i .-lr ;e C -rp-.-t G": rs t'vxs 7iiiiimiiimi minim m m mam miiMimimum r , 1 1 ' . aJi C ' .. .' i U ,i S. ', iv. .'ti.r; 1 t.rl t v t-ri i-v r . , : " t ' 1 r m$ izbte ui.a aavLiM nv-mu To Every Ptircii:u;or (f Fen Dollars' Worth of rvlorchriiidis- from ;.:v t - - . V- iJ v ,.'? !." : rr You can hardly afford to miss this chance. If you have never bought anything from MORGAN, now is a very good time to got acquainted. You do not have to buy that amount at one time. We furnish you a ticket and when that is punched full, you get the case. h a very V v t; ii v o and Furnishings. r ' - , r-; r-r, f. 7 ' I'-t ft ii i i 'V s r 5 I'erman-ntlv circi l,v tiinrr Dlt. WIIITKIIAIJS UMKl'M ATIC CtJKK. Tim unre-t and the best. Sold by druggist 5 on a positive guarantee, 1'riee 50 ceutl per box Satmdn sr-nt free on mention of tliis publication. TIIE Dil. WHITEHALL MEGIUMINE JU . South Iiend, Indiana. r! ... tM , vi u 'J. i., ii '.. Seasonable Bargains in Dry Goods Department. . . t r - ji -4- . r i st 5- 1 l P I t new rzcods, l'o yarar; ior ----- (j'.i (; ;.; v,-.-h'r. ! I. .-I Kvapoi a'.ed 1 1 i s pberr.e. s per lb., (iu) Li.-ia. I'" ir. t, pe-r po-ind , (i (d i i . ! , I '.eks. r bo:-: , :l of - est p okle-! for Gc-.rJ d-;i:i Hie-. :.-r lb r.r ai J7, n -.'-" I U ii U M I .'a. s-vt; a aiding Clothier, strong line of Clothing MORGAN, ry jra f.r T i W mj i i t THIS WEEK. p..-, "T p teKajT'. 17i i.