Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 27, 1898, Image 3

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Uviuulli llcr Monster l'Yown
i nf ( I u us
Tim I iilti-.l S 1 1 t - rrrpnrliiK For i I. Ug
uikI TmIioui War -Ni w Naval Mil
li l Itnllt Kpnlia Will Not
f-ornkz I'rlvMlrrriiiK.
Washington, I). ('. , April 2.'!.,
H p. in. Ispi't'iiil t- tho Nkws A
j)lol Iihh I ;.-it ditw vorl here whoroby
S)iinini (Js urn iittompl lnj to ikhhou
tho city'rt wati-p. A Hieiitl ilotnil i
uitrolin the river in hopi-a t thwart
ny Huch eowurdly, villainous plot.
On 1 until Fhipnhip New York, oil'
Havana, ! a. m., April 2'i. Tho tor
pedo hunt Ki-icrson raptured a Span
ish lirthin ho it duriiiir laHt niht un
der tho ;tinn ot Morro cnstlo. Our
limits had no fear of tho Spaniard'
juim or their submnrino ininen.
It in decided to cut the c.iblo be
tween L'ub i and 'orto Kico in order
t- eiit IT all communication betweun
HIanco and ihe Spanish forcoH in the
latter island.
Alter numerous eonfe roneo-t Socre
tfiry Aljrer has decided ih;it the vol
unteer Hold ierd to bo mustered into
the service under the presidents call
Hhali lie conc.-ntr:. t l at us h i n -M on
Kiehinond. and All. tula, m.d in ssihiy
one other point. (biicain.itio-t is un lor
favorable consiiieraiion 'is the fourih
point. An order to carry out this plan
will be issued so:u.
it is intended to issue an order this
evening creatine an army corps to be
coinn amled hy Major fieneral Crooke
This corps will c insist of three divi--ions,
one .it Tamp.i, Florida, under
General Wndc; one at Mobile, mcler
General Coppinirer, and one at New
Orleans, under General Shafter.
General Wheeler (Ala.) has intro
duced a bill providing1 for 10,000 en
listments of men possessing special
qualifications. This will allow the
civil war veterans who aro beyond tho
present age limit to go to the front.
The secelary of war aud iho burgeon
get of the army h . vo issued an
ultimatum which is ctlculated to cre
ate a sensation th r ujrhou t the coun t ry.
It is tho unaltet iib!e ilecition, not
only not to employ trained or volun
teer women nui'scs for the care of the
sick and wounded in tho war with
Spain,but not to recognize them in any
To more fully comprehend what this
means it must te understood that even
should bands of vo'.unteer women nur
ses, trained or otherwise, go to Key
West or to any of the stations at which
the government ships for the sick and
wounded sailors and soldiers aro locat
ed, they will be ignored.
No proffer of their services, however
strongly backed by ollici il or other
kind of influence, will avail in the
slightest degree to alter this decision.
Women as nurses ai e not warted in
this war.
Tho naval reserve forces of Michi
gan, Massachusetts, New York and
Maryland have been called into serv
ice. Governor Powers of Maine has con
vened the legislaiu-e of that st ito in
specb.l session for Monday to provide
means for aiding the government in
prosecuting tho war. '
Navy department is preparing for a
long war. Threo battle ships and
twelve torpedo boats are to be con
structed quickly.
Fort Monkok, Va., April 23, 9:0S
p. in. The convoy I'aulher, with 800
marines aboard, bound for Key West,
arrived here tonight at 7 o'clock.
Commodore Schley of the Hying
squadron received a cipher dispatch,
directing him to provide a guard for
the convoy. The Minneapolis and the
Columbia wero detailed, and at 9.10
the Minneapolis Gred a gun for all to
gut aboard.
Madkid, April 3, 5 p. m. The
Gazette tomorrow will publish a de
cree in substance as follows:
"First The government reserves
liberty as to tho question of coal be
ing contraband of war.
"Second Spain will not issue let
ters of marque, and will treat all
vessels holding letters of marque is
sued by America a pirates, and not
as privateeis. Spain will utilize a
' numerous merchant fleet as auxiliar'
warships, and will exercise the right
of search, both by regular and the
auxiliary warships."
Berlin, April 23. A German
cruiser has been ordeied to St.
Thomas, West Indie?.
Key West, Fla., April 23, 2:30 p:
m. The torp :do boat F.riccson ar
rived this afternoon from the fleet.
She left llvanu at 10 o'clock. Thare
has been no bombardment. A peace
ful blockade has been established.
New i 'out News, Va., April 2..
"All aboard" guns have been fired oy
tho Brooklyn. It is thought the
squadron is going after the l'ari-i.
President MeKinlcy has issued the
following proclamation :
Whereas, Iiy nn net of congress, en
titled mi act,' to provide for the
increase of tho military estab
lishment of tho United States
in timo of war and for other
purposes, now, therefore, I, Wm. Mc
Kinley, president of the United States,
by virtue of power vested in me, do
hereby call for volunteers to iho
aggregate number of 12, !), in o'dcr
to carry into effect tho purpese of the
sod execution, to bo apportioned
from the several states an 1 territories,
and tho District of Columbia, ae onl
ine to population to serve two years
unless sooner discharged.
(Signed.) WlM.lAM Ml KlM.i.V,
By the 1 'resident,
John Siieum an.
Secretary of Stair.
nati; i: i) a Y .
Chas. Kichey and Mi Ice Williams
came down tod ly from Iou'.-vi !e.
Mrs. 1 '. S. Barnes and daughter from
Weeping Water are in tho city today.
W. II. .Jones of I iie .1 u notion went
to Omaha today to buy a $10 Hag for
the railroad boys of that, place.
W. II. Ileil. ..t e . f Kight Mile
j i rove's prosper - f. rotors, went out
to Blue Kill to 1 i.v en bu-diiess.
B. C. Krwin of S' . 1 u ' , :i "rived in
tho city today v. i t ii i! r,i.:ins of his
di.ughtei, C aat i liu f. r i. t-.-rmcnt
at this placi-.
Will Lritia and son, Oscar, from
Kenesaw, drove in with three teams
yesterday and will put in a crop of
corn on his farm noar Murray.
Coo, Richardson, the new superin
tendent at Cedar Creek, was in the
city today. lie reports his school
there getting along niely despite the
lato unpleasantness.
A. II. Week bach, the leading steam
ship agent here, received a letter this
morning which says ho must book no
passengers for tho Columbia and Nor
misnnia of tho Hamburg line, or the
seal of tho North German I-loyd, as
these steamers have been sold to tho
United States.
Cou.ity Clerk Jus. Robertson accom
panied by his wife and two daugh
ters and Mrs. David Miller departed
this morning for a w-ek's visit at
Frankiyn, N jlir.isk a, where Mr. Rob
ertson owns a farm and ha-, a crother
residing, and Mrs. Miller also visits a
brother. Rev. Mitchell.
Gotlieb Sprieck came down last
evening from South Omaha v. hero he
went to endeavor to settle with Wal
lace Bros, regarding bis cattlo which
were recently stolen and sold on the
stock yards there through this commis
sion firm. They gave him no satisfac
tion and it is likely a law suit will
Georgo I'oisil is enjoying a visit
with J. II. Saxton, of St. Paul, one of
his old comrades in the IStli Iowa
who he had not seen since the close
of tho war. Mr. Sixton is a gonial
fellow and is having a royal time. Ho
cin't spin as many war stories as
George can, but he is ready to belt)
out by verifying George's statement.
Chris. Mockenhaupt sold f0,(.00 of
his excellent brick a few d lys ago.
Ed. Humphrey camo in yesterday
from Garret. Ind., to make his home
in this city.
Judge Newell today purchsed two
SDlendid teams for his stone quarries
at Cedar Creek and G. II. Humphrey
will tako them to the quarries today.
D.m At wood made a trip over to
Glen wood on his wheel yesterday and
stopped ever at the Junction, where,
he found tho I ovs awake to ihe situa
tion and full of patriotism. Will
Sutherland was nailing a 20 foot Hag
polo on top of the w.ate- tink, and to
day the Stars and Stripes will lloit
over the highest place in the town,
as the result of a subscription taken
up among the railroad boys.
M. G. Clemmons, of Murray, was a
city visitor today.
John Krhart,one of the solid farmers
of Louisville, was in town today.
John Donelan and daughter Mar
guerite were in town a few hours to
day. J. F. Polk returned to Greenwood
this morning after a visit with his
sons and nephew, J. F. Henshaw.
G. W. Clemmons, one of our cood
farmer friends, was in the city today
and iefl for Benton county, Iowa, on
Fred Sell horn resigned his position
at the department stoie and has gone
to Nebraska City wheie he has ac
cepted a position.
In the call f r volunteers Nebraska
is expected to furnish 2.411 troops.
Plattsmouth's quota ii 14 as figured
out by a statistical!.
Every hour in tho day wc notice
people s-top on the street aud admire
theold flag as it Moat proudly from
tho court house dome.
George IVdg fell from the roof of
his house "-undny nrd sustained a
sprainod ankle. II-; is hobbling around
today however in p etty t? oJ shape.
"Bob" find "Tom" Bites, of Silver
City, publishers of the Times, a wide
awake paper of tht city, were in
Plnttsinouth a few hours Sunday,
h'laMng hands with friondt..
ir'oino enr; made a kick on the htr- ( ts
Saturday iiiiiht that ll.e courthouse
Hag won d oon wear out l y being
Hun,' tt the I r.i x s every y ami im lv n dozen voicos shouted "I. el
'or wear out; tho eouutv can buy an
other. J.o.-'g may she wave." That's
the idea 1 t ' r wave.
-'orill;tl llloa-!i4lt ff ( III
Washington, April 1.2. The fol
lowing proclamation announcing a
blockade f Cuban ports was issued
WhereiM, l'V a joint resolution
parsed by tho cony rers I. d approved
April 2i, 1! IX, aiol iiiinu n ica-ed to
the government of Spain, it was de
manded said government at once
relinquish its tuithority and govern
ment in tin; island of Cuba, arid with
draw its hind and naval f,n e- s from
Cub i and Cuban waters; and the pres
ident of the United States was di
rected and empowered to use theentire
land and naval forces of the Unilid
Slates, and to call into tho actual
servic-3 of the United Stales the militia
of the several states to such extent
;is might be necessary to carry said
resolution intoell'ect; and,
Where. s, 1 !i carrying into cited
said resolution tho 'resident of the
United States deems it necessary to
set on foot a blockade of tho north
coast of Cuba, including all ports of
said coast between Cardenas and
Bahia Honda, r nd the port of Cienfue-go-,
on the south coast of Cuba.
Now, therefore, I, William McKin
lej piesidcn,t of the United Stales,
in order to enforce said resolution, do
hereby declare and proclaim that tho
United States of America have insti
tuted and will maintain a blockade of
the north crust of Cuba, including
ports on said coast hot ween Cardenas
and Bahia Honda and the po-t of
Cierifucgos on the south coast of Cul a,
aforesaid, in pursuance of the laws of
tho United States, and the laws of
nations applicable to such cases. An
efficient forco will be posted so as to
prevent the entrance and exit of ves
sels from the ports aforesaid. Any
neutral vessol approaching said ports,
or attempting to leave tho same with
out notice or knowledge of tho estab
lishment of such blockade, will be
duly warned bj' t!:o commander of the
blockading forces, who will endorse
on'its register the fact, and the date
of such warning, and where such
endorsement was made, and if the
same vessels shall again at'.empt. to
enter any blockaded o t, it will be
cip'.urcd a nd sent to the no.-u est con
venient port for such proceedings
against it and its ear'0 as prize, as
may bi deemed advisable.
Neutrai vessels lying in any of s:;id
ports at the tinu f the establishment
of siicn blockade will bo allowed tiiir.j-dnj-s
to issue therefrom.
In witness, whereof, I have here
unto set in)" hand and eiused the seal
of the Unite-d State-- to Vie allixed.
Done at the citj'of Washington th s
22d day of April, A. 1) , 1S9S, acd of
the independence of the United States
tho one hundred and twenty-second.
(Signed.) Wit.T.iam MeKiNLKY.
By the President,
John Siieumax,
Secretary of State.
Thousands of sutTercrs from grippe
have been restored to health bj- Oik;
Minute Cousrh Cure. It quickly cures
c nighs, coids, bronchitis, pneomonia,
grippe, nsthni", and s.ll throat and
lnny diseases. F. G. Frieke & Co.
l'l.-it tsmmitli In thii. N:tvy.
John Dojle and Y i 1 1 Rein hackle,
both Piattsmoutli boys, aro said to be
aboard the O.'egon, the war ship now
on its way north from Cape? Horn.
Piattsmoutli peo'ple will be much in
terested in the safe arrival of the
great battleship in American waters,
and if she bo called into action you
can depend upon the Piattsmoutli
boys doing thei"" full Qiity for limine
and coiintrr.
The farmer, the mechanic and the
biejcle rider M-e liable to unexpected
cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo is the best thing to keep
on hand. It heals quickly, and is a
w ell k n o v n c u i' e
Frieke .fc Co.
lor piles.
-V ltirt lil;ty i'arty.
Quite a largo number of the friends
anel neigh1 ors of Mr. and Mrs.'.T. M.
Meisinger gathered at their hospitable
home, west of town, Pundaj- evening to
celebrate Mrs. Mc'singer's forty-ninth
birthdny anniversary. A delightful
time was had and :i splendid supper
was scived. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thie
rolf of this city were among tho wt-11-vV.eased
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Karly liisers cleanse tho liver,
cure constipatiem and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Frieke & Co.
A I'ainful Injury.
Joe Wurl, v.ho works in the B. &
M. benler house, fell from a scilTold
Mondaj afternoon, sustaining severe
injuries. A physician was consulted
and it was found his collar-bone was
broken. He will rest up at home for daj-s as a tesult of his fall.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2"c. The genuine has
L. B. Q. en eaeh tablet.
Corn Itoomitifj
Corn and wheut took a b om on
Chicago board of trade today. Corn
advanced two cents per bushel and
wheat closed at $1.19. Corn in this
market today brings twenty-seven
It is a groat leap from the old fash
ioned deise-j of blue-mass and nauseous
physic-i t i' the pleasant little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation, sick headache
and biliousness. F. G. Frieke & Co.
Tli" t iirrt-cl Mnnlrr Koll.
To tho Hdilar of tho Nliw.s: You
published in Jour Sunday morning
ij-ue what ou say is "the first
ro-t.-r of the boys of 'til who went
; on L t o s.a vo t he o uion. . h I e Hi tho
d 1 do you gi-t your inferma lion ';
j Your roll has th'j naii'u of n.oro tu.-n
! (i!ty men who wero not on the "orig
j inai muster roll," and jam dn p from
I tho roll the if more than lift v
men who ua-io on the ori;
;1 liin.-le'-
j roll, and who went down te- D:ie.
j The names of those men who came
(dmvn south ami joined old company
! "A" 1-t Nebraska, ouht to be on any
roll purporting to bo a roll of the1, fir.-1
! com a ny of Nebraska. I will al-o add
'thereto lite names f tho men who
! joi nod us down south. The following
! is a coi.y of the original muster roll:
j I. i illusion. K K Mt K iiim v, A )
j S!i.n. N J Uiilcloclc. J (
I I I.-rriujl. M S clili. .e
' Ki.l.lci. I I". Ke-iuu-iy. V V
1 Cai n.tli. r-;. J V Ik-s. Joliu
1 I Il-iii.V-, Ilea Win
Wocliti!!. W ( j Wells. W I.
Ke-i-'l. I I S Krinbit, I- o.nk
Collins. K A 'J tinisiin, S
I laulu k, ( i Kiiiii.iMii.ii. K
M.I'' il.iM.l. I Aii(:hi J.iin.s
A nn -1 r.iii; Pr- u n. S(cm-
liiand. .f.liu Hai r. J W ( c, j nun s i;.'iu-s. i k
l!iu lin, 1 ri .l lUn i i i, S I;
li it.-s. in ' llati-s, ) K
Kaiii. Win C.Imii, J W
e'l.aif.nit, U in Crai;:, W W
Cliii.l, I". S C'ia lord, John
( 'ariiiic iial, I K 1 lonovaii.
I Tai ota, C ! I )ci kt-i , I'.i-n
Mai iiai t. Nat ( icsU-i , T
( ii Lin, CaK in IK-niiiK. I S
Hjalt. AUiu Hyatt, A J
Irish. W W Johnson, J W
Kcycs. l-'i ancis 1'. K iu In n, Sol I!
1 .cvi, 1 1 S Law inastt r, J !in
Montonici y, W Mulliii. J K
McMakoa, A (' Muie. W O
Moiitor.-y, A McDonald. John
Maniii. ttc, T M Parcel, I'd
J'ool, W II Pimis. II C!
1'ctia v, .Sain l'i att, A 1 1
I 'i chin, J oim Ramsey, John A
Kamlal, II (J Rose, ( .' P
Sinitli, I.awicncc Sivciis, James S
, Smith. 11 F Shinn, A R
Sharp Shari., Joscih
j Sknte, 11 S 'J'honipson, J A
l-'ozic-r, A C Trcsslcr. J W
Wood, James I. Woulcott, l ied
W ry. J) A W illiams, Colon
Wall!, John
Tho following is the list of men who
joined the company nt Omaha befeire
goinir south, and after the original
muster in of the company:
Roliinc, I'liarles Carni ichal A rthnr
Powers. II C Hutu, W II
Chappie, liiiiio; Davis, Andy (1
Smith. John I .aw n, I "ram is ( I att )
I.eckhart, Cal J Shea, John
The following is a li.-l of men who
went south and joined the company:
Mitchel, James
Allen, Howard
Ueiiim-rtield, John
Cains. Martin
Clayton, James
Dawson, I. 1-'
1 tenderson. A
Karnes. A S
McDanl. l, J A
Smith. Milton
Teodorski. I! W
Smith, John
Thomas. Josiah
Sleyter, Chas
I'.uckley, Martin
Child. R V
Dai a el. Win
KldridKe, Ira
I e-nox, James
R ussel. Win
Taylor. J J
Wiches. W II
( (.-us, Thomas S
Honor to whom honor is diu
1-M ito.--. Voiirs trulj-,
Anot lit-r lioliistry at Work.
The Brick and Terra Cotta com
pany hive felt the impulse of better
times and the plant which has been
idle for over two years, began work
last week and up to Saturday even
ing over CO, OOu brick had been turned
out ready for the lriln-
T. H. Pollock and W. J. White are
tho active managers ai:d about 20
men tire alreadj' employed, A big
stock of brick will be made so :.s to be
ready for the summer trade. As the
brick aro of superior quality a de
mand for them will be round all the
John Stittou made a business trip to
Nebraska City Saturday.
I). Kxline and others at ended meet
ing at Shingletown, Iowa, yesterday.
Howd Smith, from MePaul Towa,
p vnehi d at t he! Christ ia u church Sun
dy. Moso Gullion. who is farming on
John Marsh's place began planting
corn this morning.
The farmers are very busy felling
in their crops, making the oldest town
ia Nebraska very qu-et
Tho Campbell Brothers will she !
1'.), (Kl. bushels of corn frlv While to
be delivered at Murray.
Diu Bxiiao will be through ratlier-intrc-irn
in about two weeks he having
only live more acres to gath-ir.
Dave Allen keeps Ins blacksmith
shop gedng early and late sharpening
plows for the farmers; having all that
he can do.
Wm. Nye took a shot t vacation
from his term at the Kenosha school
to perform the eiu tie's of assessor for
Book Blufis precinct.. He will finish
tho school when he has finished assess
ing. Wm. Campbell has b3en having a
tussle with the la grit p.1, but is get
ting bette now.
The Junior boys of Platlsmou'.h did
themselves p-oud at the funeral of
B-irr Allen, last Sunday. Wnat a
graad thing it would be fo: the coun
try if more of our American-born
boys would join so honorable and
patriotic an organization as theJunior
Order of Amoric-in Mechanics.
What ails the calve--? Mr. I. S.
White has lost sjven head of young
calves. They are tiken sick from two
days to several wceits old with the
scours, and in a few days th y die. S.
L. Furlong had two taken sick, but a
change from new milk to skim milk
in their feed helped them and they
are all right now.
M. L. Yoeem, Cameron, Pa., says "1
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
a'.l kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was receommend to me. I uscel one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure.': A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Frieke & Co.
A l'nk-ii
Willi--, do- litt!,, eVv, :... , :,.-,.;!
son of ii. ifa-s'er, b: '; b'- ieg
last, Siit. 'lay iMi.rnhij al tie- I'-ii. -u
b! ck. ;.ee. n. 1 1 1 1. i .i i-y
h"S s-ill V-.'iilie, w-l- ill tile'ill'.g
lo'.dili.g ; i iii.I Mr. i !a-!er u as a
c- 'i.i . t ' i.:; ii the. A. . . I . W .
to ,e.-t lo'li'e rooms for that oiib r.
After in-pet"ng the rooms Mr.
llu -ler st il 1 .--d lie wi ht-.-i rs. the I 1 1 I ! e
b. y foU'.w'u g. Whi-n the f,.lh.-r loot
(iotteil at out half way ilmVH, the hoy
e.ili.-;l to him sa in-r. 'l'apa. I hav '
brol-.eri my leg." Mr. Ihesh r- v.-nt
to the boy an I d i -coven d that, the
ri g 1 1 1 ! e r !.) (-1 : b i t ' a bo v 1 1 c
nnkb 'J'he li lb.-, follow b .s !-i.!l'--r d
; t ! I a .' e : i ' ; i i 1 : 1 ! j a i . h i s 1 . f : 1 1 . 1 It. is
presiim.-d that in t u i u i :.' a.-cioi.l on
llis f e i i he twisted the -J ill -'.. i a
manner as to (ai.--1 the f ract in e.
'illi - was carried In his h -ii-e and a
ph sic ; -i n e 1 1 ! e.l w h o se t the f ai t u ' e. I
limb and the little se !i '.. er is g
well at this writ ing.
On ties inornii g of I'Yb. H 1M'", I
was siei wilh i ln-uinat isin, and lay in
bed until May 1'lst, when I got u bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
Ii rs I a ptl it-at ion of i t teiiev.-d m ,al-uini-t
entire ly fn m the pain ai;-l the
s ctuol ail'oi.b tl eon j lole re.i f. In n
.- hot" t ti in 1 was a hie' t o i e u p a n it a '; ion t,
again. A. T. Mi 11: I ' , l.iivcrne,
Minn. Sold by a',1 d ruge i -t s.
A llmJ- NH'll-ll.
1 r. mi :-:i In i . 1;. y s I ' i ii y.
Sain Cox, of Murray, tcie hon,d to
SiierilT Wliooler tod iy that ho had a
tuji buggy stolun from his p!:.-o la-t
night, but offering no rew.,rd for i is
return cr tho capture of tie1 thief.
The message stated that the thief
had h -en tracked to near Lout .-v 1 1 ie,
and the re ail ti-..Ca if him was lo.-t.
Mr. ('os has no idea who ti.e thief is
or whether ho had a harness of his
own to haul the vehicle oil' with when
the t heft was made.
I louse lo.ltl Ciols.
'i he ancient Creeks believed that
the Penates were the gods who at
tendee! to the welfare and p os peril y
of tho family. i liey wi re worship
ped as household gods. Tho house
hold god of today - Dr. King's
New Di.-covery. For consumption,
coughs, coins ai d for all a ITce iems of
tin oat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. 1 1 has beir tiled-for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should bo without this good angel. It
is j to lake and a safe and sure
remedy I'eir old and young. l-Too trial
bottles at F. G. Frieke & Co's. Regu
lar si.e -"!); and $1.
I'iist nr.euf fur Siolc.
Horses and eittle taKen to pasture
at (;ullom; good gn s-, j-b-nty "f shaile
and running water. Call en th nn
dersigut ii, at t 'u lorn, or addre-s,
C i:ot;i !: I Ik k,
Cedar Creek. Neb.
Investigation sliows that men who
sueceeel are men of brains strong
nerves great will-power. Ordinary
food cannot suppiy the vital forces
which people with active brrins and
bodies require. BiCOla Pills feed the
nerve-s make tho mind bright, mils
clestrong make i'esh and blood and
give pei feet health to Men and Wo
men. Tin: Tti:xi:u.s or I'nibA
djoli'mi.v make Kicola Pills
J !; I'.uckcy. chief clerk National Hau-1, W'as'i
iii-toii, I) 11. U.stilie.s Unit lie was all run lnv.n
was a ; liridow el li'.s former self Iii-I: I'ills
irne him wonderful reiief lie gained over
twenty pounds after Usin;r tlieni.
s-IIin A.!-iit fr I'lat t siiKkti t h hikI C'jis;
County. V . Ci. FKII'Ki: & CO.
Tnriiprs I.ittlf l.ivcr Turin rs A veiy
small I'ill. Turn vmr liver. Cure sit k head
ache lSiliousaicss Indigestion.
Legal Nelice.
In tin: district court of Cass c -.inty. Nei.ra-ka.
Joseph lira;. ani and John i kaisoii. p.-rUitrs.
iloing business under I he linn name ol (oaii.nn
likiiison. f,ianiti!!s, vs. 1-i.tnk an-1
Llara Koddv. ( d he . ich -l la 1. 1 s u a 1 1
take notice that Joseph ( irahain and John i.K
liison.': nder t ae name ol i. rah am and V i ; k inson .
have commenced an action nnain.-t said det.-nd-anti
in t.'ie (li.-tritl en. n t of V a s county. Ne
braska, the objc'. t and prayer ol whii.ti is !.. re
cover a juiigiuenl a.-Jiist sa;-l ileteiKfants l-r th---..Ulil
of S-.'tl '.' lor n;. fids Soiil a-il il'.-livt-red wiia.ii
were necc-.-sai v t;. i the ?;ipp"rl and niaailoriaiii;e
ol sail delcinlaius finl lor winch dcleniiaa:--agreed
to l.ay, and that they have caused ilie
east one hail id the Imi tima-t one ipiai tt r ci Sec
tion tow n 1", i.mge 11, ea.-t d t he s it li pi i u -cipal
ineridiaii. sit. .ale in Cass cnunty.Ncbra-k-a.
to be attached m said aeoon as the ol
said deten. hints.
1 lelentianis ai e r;';uiied to answer sal. I peti
tion on or Wtioie the lt:-lh ti.-.y ol Ma. ' i Judg
ment will be takt.ii as pr.ted lor m peti
tion. ..seph (irahain pnd John ilir.son, under the
hi an name ol I oalnim et N't iik'.us..-ii.
C. 11. i cltt. la. null's attorney.
Slieriirs Nale.
by virtue of an order of sa c issued by Cie'-ro
F, lli.useworth. ciei ic oi the district com t. with in
and lor e.ass county, Nebraska, and to inc. m
rected, I wall on tue 'nd day t-i May. A. I.
ts;is, a: o'clock p. in. of said day at the suu;ii
door of the court in. use in the city ot 1'iatl - moutii.
in said county, sell at public auction, to the inch
est bidder loi'casii.the loi toting real estate to-wat:
Ihe northwest quarter nnv'i) an-1 the norl!:
west tpiarter inw 'i ) ol the southwest cjuailcr
( s w 1 1 ) ot section tn-.rty iia township twelve
1 raii-e thirteen I V east ut the Otli p. in. t.'as.
county. Nebra-Ka toyelher trie piiviieses
and appurtenances Uieretinto be.onfm.g it in
anywise appertaining. Ihe same beaitr levied
upon and taken as the property oi l.eaiiai.j
C". W. Murray and Rebecca Murray, d-.iciid-ants.
to sutislv a judgment ol said court reco.ercd
by aim;ei Waugh as executor o! trie last wid and
testament cd Joiiii illaCK. deca-ed ;.ia.nt.r!, ana
a jadnment recovered by the hank of Cass county
cro s-petit ionc-r auainst sa.ti detell'lants.
I'laitsniotilii, .Nebraska, March A. I. 1 -.'S.
V . D. WllI-.KI.hR.
Slieriti. Cass County. Meuraka.
Ilv t. I. Mcliride. Ueputy.
K. ii.' Attorney lor l'laint'lf. Notiee.
In rho district cott.t of Ca.-s county, Nebraska-
ChaiiesC. l'arnie e as receiver ut the Cit.ens
Hank id Piattstnoiith. Nebr-eska, vs. J iie i eo
ple's LiuiUiir.)!. L."aii ani avlls Astciat:on.
Ilie 1'eopie s Uuildii g. Loan ami Saving As-o-ciation,
tletendant. w ni i,:a notice that on the
;tn day ol Apia! A. H- l-.'s C. 1'armeie
as receiver ol the C it; .ens Hunk ut J'l.v.ts:iiou:ii.
Nebraska, pia-.ntat herein, li.e-i his peini.jn in
the distiict Court ol Cass ceunty. Nebraska,
against ea:d defendant, toe ol-ject and prater td
Which are to recover a iuone judgment a-auist
deteudant on three cau-. s ct action ?et 1 ;r.n ni
said petition: on tbe tirst cau?e of action for the
sum ol with seven per cent interest there a
from the '.'th day ol May A. 1J. ls-.'7: on the sec
ond cause ot action the sum ot .--jno v. nh seven
per cent intere.-t thereon tram the '.Kit day of
May A. I. l-!7: on the third cau-e of at t. on the
sum id saoottath seven percent interest thereon
from the l":h day of .November A. 1). lT.
You are requested to answer said petition on or
before the .i'.'tii il.iv of Mav A. I .
Hated this l'.'th day t f April A. I-'. 1
As Receiver of Cit7ens Uank of Fiattsmouth.
Nebraska, iiy his Attorneys, Liyron elark&C.
A. Kawis.
i i
I ;,
0 11
( - .'
1 ,r
A SpicII'lill IlU- 'ii
..Jut 1
L, 3. EGEri
1. I
Aho ; I i.-.e 1 (,f
1 1 .1 ivi b ivi 1 -. i i -
I .-1. ; !i o. i i -r I . i . , a 1- n o . ! i
thing in a ('!. ' 1 1 M AI.'illN ;i
i vt-j v I !). i-t:-ie ..
'i n r. n i' :: --; r
1 .1 X !-l '! '
lii 11 .- , -,! . b,
Sol .-.)!!. Mo!. V .
t -
, . T F" I . i 1.- Ii
( ii -if t
'A i
1 'fi 5 ii
'w v-V d t -J V
ITllillV nil-'i' l!i'' ';a-.'''-l a;' nt. -t. c i in ; ' - ' ' lint- in ';i i Vo.Hi ly. t.Kvcry
tli'u.jr fna h an 1 li.-tt. 'I'l. -y i.ny . asi.' ;-i.nls and o:vi- tlii'ir tiuslo
mors tin: ni vaiil.a ." of ,-. a-fl.-it ii a ; A t-t . in i . 1 1 liin- of i-ai.iioil oumls
rtl-.v.avs in sto--'.;. Th". : t-- in H.o -ity win v ynuj-nn ;r . -f a 1 1 I; i ml s of
fri-sli 'h'-i ('all ami sf - u -.
p f in np, rn r . n f f"1 t"7f 2 . f i D II.
ii, n. v-lti&miui & ta. i?ialerman BIK.
X.i siiial a V W.'i 1'f-i, V.iiiell Wi! aro in.arlviiijj
"Spi-cial I.'iw IN U-.-S."' Wi' liavo 'f.-n in tl.-. r i o -1 -.a ri 1 ilo lai-ine-s in
1 'a I tsitmal h f..r t f l !-t t'.v.-n!; --i;:lit .tears ami havo i - t.i I il i sin -il a
i-i-jui' ataou f'-r. . . .
T!i t Goods at the..
..Lowest Possible Prices.
'.i'li is is t Mir 111 - it t o, (oi i- iiv.ii ia Id.:
rule;, anil v.- il-i not. n i : 1 -' ' tu
tit j.'.-.i'l f o-ii it. n ;-.v. ir Siir inr
stocis is larj'.-r mil m-ir-j .. n-li-t-1.'
tiii- y--ar tliau ever.
Wo a ro s .b- ;i;.;o M,- in I 'T.I ls
nioutii I'-r t'ao t-. o ' a-.i ' ' d "ii ani.
t'iit" lu-.nit! Trio1,-- I C II : Sloflc
i n o;s.
( 'onn- i n a ioi si " its a ai v--w
lilt r. -a t you ri -i Ii I .
i i
, i
J S V A lltti. ) H
Continue to do a leadingtouGiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash ar.d sell at
low prices. Everything cood to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner ef Sixth 2nd Pearl Streets, - - - Piatlsmouth, Neb
Shi-rill s Sale. i-t , .r-,, ,..,, i c,-, r . Nbra- k;i.
K vlitii-: of : n oi ler ,4 :-a!c- i-sia: 1 !;-, I o ... la I i ;. . , -. - . 1 ., a : - 1 1 (...:.
Il.iisct.illi. i.t-i-L ol til..- i.:-ti-.t ..t-.r,, ::.. u i I . 1 . . : to1, v, O'k'- . ola .: If, ;il
.-i-.i.l lor I a.s-t ....uiity. . ..i. a .. - k a. n-i r- a . 1 1 a: 1 i. :. . -d '!.. i . ! . . . I 1 .';iii -',
rt- tod. I -a!i on li.f l.aa i.n "i .,',, at. Ii. i p ;( ..I a-r. : i ! i.t-i - a '. ai i'i tin: disiiat,;il 1 ..... k pan. o I s.t: I ill Ut-.- - 'tiiii U .-a : ! I ;-- . ' '. . a. a a '. .. . ::. t r ia: said
ol ti'ic ...-al Imn.-c in !..- id i t a- ' t - ai j I .. -: s 1 : . ' .... a:, ll i.j t ir.'l n.v.i-r
saai f.. a:' t , s. al .tt iiaaa-; auaa-ii. 1- ti.- i, j id !i : I-. ot.-i-n .t i- Ii-.m tin: ' l..nd
est b:-i-l--i '.or t.i ii. t..c : .UoaIi.; i. .ii i--l.ui a. t. '. a - - ti - , :-ad to j. a. 'an.; a da m:-
tva: 1 i..; i: . ii -a-t 'i aa I at (uca! tin: --..t..- j -;r i..t.-..; m i a t..- ' : t'.-lv ar.-l ' ontroi ol
,t .-r;t j.i a : i ; - -, ' . : ..i. a .!..- i,i.iii, i. ' a j i. . , -d . 1 1.-- - a ,. i . i . 1 " o .. ..- ;....' d.a.;., !.---r o pl.iiu
tl.f s-.a I;.-..-! ti . .t '. r l v 1 :i - t.--n ti.itu till !-! ' aaaaaO :-;,:di ia-i l a la. I l.ta au-a;
i..i t.itvn -...f. i .- : - i i - ...;- i..n ' ' a l '- J
ra-l ! lli: V ::i S- - i.-.t.i.'.y. t ......
i tvaa laa j - a-'- i-a-i ;i j ' i -a , a-. ... ia s
tK 1 1-a 1 . ' I,s:i..i: ;.i..; : . a ;.-( . aa -a a. a. a ;.
li.cs.oa.: ,..-.:.-t ..;--.ti -a. I ta.- a a - t a.-
pr -jit-i i I i
.-V . .'.iuiiay, a-f.:!-a a.t t :a'..-l. a j., . , . . t! ! '
an I .;.:!.. ..I a l i.. ;n it- .n-ic-l
l..-lld ttit-- l!i tt:..- '.-as t-l .1 J . '-.a.i.a-.i. J..-,
ai-i C W.;. t al n i vt.-.. r . . . i. t i a t
:;;SSa:f ;:las; r!i:;rt
tt . Jliinav an-l im-i a v. ..innn, i,.:i.:. ....!..
to s.ttrl . ;a :a:i 'a.t ol -a i t ...i i : i . :.
I i:c i-aaj i . t . i ) :; c - t. a,a al -. i : a , i, :aa. ao
said da:.jnda!H-a
l'iHtt.-:it.)Utii..cL.taska. Mao a A. i !--..
W . u. Iw.l.i i.-:.
SK-.-rid. 'as- O. ..i.i y, .c--i'..-.-a.
IJv I. !. 5i.-i.iM:. i cl.i:l.-.
K. Li. V udaaiu i a 1,. ii. i I oat U .-..
PioUaie Ko;;ce.
1:1 Co'l'UV Cr.l.'r. ';,-s Coi.'tilJ. N-d r. --il.t.
In lac snalt.-i of t).c i lia.t; n-.-r M-b.-i-i.
tic oa-tid. Ai! jais-a,.- :r: t . r ta.-.i ai sa.d
in.tilt-r lilt- i trt'-y i;n!.::ai '.oa on t.-.o I-itlt aa,
oi Apr. I. J i.iiz.i lili-'l a i,.aoan ;a
said court, aiic.'ii.i;, stn::..r. ; .::i.-r ti.aa--, thai
lai al.a-t r !tb'.-i d..-l on ti.a --.ta da y - 1 Mara:..
1 -:, iuavia a ;a-1 u iii and tt.-.-.ta::il t a:.-.i p s-sx-ssi.-d
of real and ;a:rs ai.a- t -1 t in -aa; r .ur.ty
of I he tuaii: al -.'..( a lai-i ;,ra,a..
tor ilie tiro. -ate of said v.,':-. a a i I a a :.- .aa ira saai estate. on are hcrcay t. t.l el o al
t you tad to appear ia ! re sari c::i::t '-a t:.e 1 i:a
Jav ol Mav. A. 1' -. 1 at o'c. c . p . ni . t-.
contest t!ie probate -d s.iidv.!... t:a: ' ,.:rt in iv
aii.iw and pi ooaie said v i d an-1 ;:t aat a :-i,a.:- -tration
or s3:. e tale to j . ' ,'.n -n aa :
l-'.iia r- eiiod. jjiat.y. or - .a.e ot:.-.-.- .- .. ' a , . e
peia-an. and pr.i..e.;d to a setO'-aajat d sa. i e--o.t.-
Witiie-s tiiv hand and ihe S'-ai of -,i 1
Ct.urt at ilattsiiaao. i,. NttaasKa, ti. a-, to': iNn
day of April. A. U. !-'.".
ii.' no.;, ai . .-;a. k ;.'!' it
County j .. arc.
iJotice to Credi'.ors.
state or Nii-va-ka, ln rj.a-ty C i-.nt
l.a- - C" a; It. ) ' " , .
Iu ti e niao.-r d the estate f ?.:i:i;:.:. .: :' .-k.-t
. . a -.-.1. N. tat: is h.-reLV -vea la-tile
cu-'iitt.-rs -.1 s.iid dcCeascii tad meet the !'! u.:
trao.r ol said -tate. bctoie :i;e. c..-ui.ty y: -f
O'a- - canty, Nenra-k.t. at the ount ' a t r
in l'iatt-iiio'a-.ii :n s.i-i county, on ti.e id., da .- d
.Nf.veiiil.'jr. l-i.s. at '.' .clock u. ui . h r tae par
p..e ft pre-eaO'i tiieir Cia'.in- f -r i-..fa:aiH'a.p.
ii.ljusriiient an 1 a,, .x :ii..ntlii aiea,
ltve.i I -r the ere lit.-ts t -a.! -eased la .rt
seat tiieir cia: 'us a-i i I ,r tnett-l:.. .ni
trat.-r to ettie s.n-i, tiotn la- ?ih .! y ..!
Mav. 1-.-. . . , . .
1 n.s ti-.tice sha.l be p:il..i-!i:-! in t..e .-.-ni.-Weekly
N tt'. s-l i i.i-avi.i J .r tour -Aft-ks succes
sive v. prior to tin. .'la dav of May. I l-
U iir.ess n.v hand and oti "I -a d cart,
at I'iaitsiiiontli. Neura-Ka, this, the ll;;i day !
April, A. 1J. l-'.'s.
(jF.OHt.E M . M't Rt.o K.
(Seal) County Judye.
New, l-'rc-ii t'- v ' i ic-s
i-ei ! ;i t . .
pry (ioos' s ?.id Notions.
r i . S- -1 i i n g So .- ir at I s i Thau
t,-. - h i It - e -e. I III V.'! sell -Vel-y. 'f
- ..l .mi v.i
lln.i 1 1 A I ;t ; I NS in
. ( ' "! in arol w v. 1 1 1 Sa vo
- . .'i. C3 . x
,' M t f'
- i,0 A
TmpLc-KNDt m
"L-at;e2 3T0CKir;G
Hake r :,.V5 ; :Qd
t .-, ,1 t.
1 X t I -V . M M V -
I I : ' a a a i.-n -, .-. aa -a - . . i .i-.v.n au.iu.
i mi.-:--. -.1-1
j a a ,i I .-
-.1.1 ) d . t !- ! . .1,1. 1. II l-ji.ili or
i la-li. A 1 l. I '.!. and ' oil
. ! a,-, a t I ,r iiiaa than I v.
,,! la .-'at
i i . a !, - .t . r - 1 t i. in on or
,.y ..1 i ... A. i). !-''-h
d' ..i M.u. Ii. A . I . I :.
lit i- A .
. llti .a ' ara a,.d O. A. Hav. Is
i -, .
. l a - a
a : . I 1 . )
. . .. 1 oi T :
ti : ADY&PvT!SA&NTS.
: i .tniU.'G
.. .-. i :a:;: calsam
.'7' Clt-t-i- fci-i ' u-a !.: tae hir.
i-r ti i'i
. ' ' ti.'v.-r Xailq lo I'.-f'w Oray
j'ji- r to i'-A Co.or.
f . ,-. .. --:.. .--1 U tia.r 1j...i..
t.i'tt I
f L. M ri iX
STVLKS, an.l
!.-') it a.rr;;l:;ti; 1 i ri ; of. . . .
Fresh Groceries
Ch.inaviare . . .
No V..-1 ---r-.-'.-b . oto ! .--to'.-k in tho city
, ii'i io.'.v-T ;"i' tlism onn 1y found
Asher Clark's,'
First I) jot" F. il of the Court House.