Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 23, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Hera'd
I 3 1 0 1 S 1
e rr .
M- - ,
J J if
... BY TIIK . . .
'rr"T vTs ?"-
On Year, in advance
Six Months 2 f0
One Week, 1"
biuglo Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
We aro still waiting for thut tele
graphic dispatch, copyrighted, that
W. J. IJryan had tendered tho govern-
ineut his services.
The 6potted cow called Speck, made
famous by Holcoirib'a chattel mortir
age and JJixby's poetry, will pet an
other round of advertising this fall.
Matthew Gjcicino has signed Guy
Livingston's muster roll, and will
march on Cuba at tho first call to arms.
Whether he will play a fife or go as a
drummer for Guy's company has not
been decided.
The civil service commission wants
an elevator conductor at the Lincoln
poetoffice, and will examine applicants
for the job. Some of the lunk, lean,
hungry peace disturbers who have lit
tle to do hero ought to apply for the
Governor IIolcomu
but if
'seek" a renomination.
office calls around to his house, the
rent of which is paid by the state,
contrary to law, it will find him at the
front gate with a gleam in his eye.
The church and state never worked
together in this country. While the
great power of the Pope is for peace,
the members of that church are a unit
in this countivfor war. and will be
among the first to carry a musket and
set foot on Cuban soil.
Polo y Bernaue, the Spanish min
ister, will bid us a hasty adieu today.
Polo, we shall miss your foolish habit
of using a small y for your middle
name, but we can't think of any other
regret for your hasty departure. As
representative of a brutal barbarism
called a government you did very well.
Mean, stubborn cusses those pops of
Plattsmouth, if they refuse to do hom
age to a number six slouch hat,
perched on a congressional bean stalk,
off goes their heads. After being de
capitated the rascals have a con
temptuous habit of fighting back in
the most irascible manner possible.
Its " weally awful."
The fellows who said there would
be no war are now beginning to reef
their sails and get in under the big
tent. The resolutions and ultimatum
which McKinley will sign today means
nothing else than war, and before the
week ends your Uncle Sam will be
burning powder in an effort to get the
Spanish brutes off theearth.
Genera Lee is to have a commis
sion, and will command a regiment or
brigade in the Cuban contest He is
the right man, and his Confederate
experiencewon't hurt him, either. He
knows better what the Stars and
Stripes stand for than the stay-at-homes
who still think they have a
monopoly on American patriotism.
The Spanish minister asked for and
received his passports and sailed for
Spain, but the American minister at
Madrid had to be insulted by having
his passports sent to him before he
had requested them. We are glad
a day of reckoning is near at hand,
when people may be taught that it
costs something to insult an American
What has become of our Wra. J.
Bryan ? The muster rolls for volun
teers will soon be open and fur a man
out of a job a trip to Cuba must prove
alluring. His voice rising above the
din of battle exhorting the "boys in
brown" to wipe the Spaniards off the
ear tli would sound better than in the
16 to 1 business advocating national
Governor W. Y. Atkinson of
Georgia has announced that in the
event of war he would lead the Geor
gia military to the front. "I have re
ceived so many pathetic letters from
mothers all over the state asking me
not to send their sons," said the gov
ernor, ''that I have concluded the best
reply I can make is to lead the boys
myself,inasmuch as I may be compelled
to order them out.
It is to be hoped the flying squad
ron and the aggregation of Spanish
war cafts at Cape de Verde may
come together this side of tho ocean.
Many mooted questions would soon be
settled. Any reparable damage in
flicted could be remedied in a short
time by Uncle Sara, while the Don's
crippled crafts would founder before
arriving in sight of a friendly port.
GOV. HOLCOMB is now an insur
gent, havictf rebelled against an order
of the court of highest resort. Since
the governor has swelled to such im
portance tho dear people will have to
take him in hand next falL Uncle Si.
wants to interpret the law and execute
it to his liking. The supreme court
has heretofore been tho sole tribunal
to interpret the law, but that power ia
now claimed by tho governor.
The above cut shows the prcsc
democratic and populist parties.
After tho house amended tho senate
resolutions by striking out that part
referring to tho independence of Cuba,
a conference was, after much acrimo
nious debate in the senate, agreed to.
Tho conference committee, Foraker
himself a member, wrebtled for toiuo
time with tho house committee, when
finally an agreement was reached, and
at little past one o'clock this morning
the resolutions agrtoJ to passed both
houses and will do laid before the pres
ident today. The country will soon
know what sort of metal McKinley is
made of when ho takes definite action
on the power granted him, which is
greater than that of any king or mon
arch in Europe.
The resolutions adopted, and which
McKinley will consider today, read as
follows :
the resolutions.
Whereas, The abhorrent conditions
which have existed for move than
three years in the island of Cuba, so
near our own borders, have thocked
the moral sense of the people of the
United Stales, have been a difgraco
to Christian civilization, culminating,
as they have, in the destruction of a
United States battleship with HGG
of its oflicers and crew, while on a
friendly visit in the harbor of Havana,
and which cannot longer ba endured,
as has been set forth by the president
of tho United States in his msssage
to congress of April 11, 189S, upon
which the action of congress was in
vited; therefore
Resolved, by the senate and house of
representatives of the United States of
America, in congress assembled:
First That the people of the island
of Cuba, are and of right ought to
be, free and independent.
Second That it is the duty of the
United States to demand, and the gov
ernment of the United Sates does here
by demand, that the government of
Spain at once relinquish its authority
and government in the island of Cuba,
and withdraw its land and naval forces
from Cuba and Cuban waters.
Third That the president of the
United States be, and hereby is, di
reeled und empowered to use the en-
tire land and naval forces of the
United States, and to call into actt,a!
service of the United States the mili
tia of the several states, tosuch extent
as may be neccessa-y to carry these
resolutions into effect.
Fourth That the United States
hereby disclaims any disposition or
intention to exercise sovereignty, jur
isdiction or control over t-aid island
except for the pacification thereof;
and asserts its determination when
that is accomplished, to leave the gov
ernment and control of tho island to
its people.
Mike Cavey, who has a habit of
speaking out in meeting and saying
some wholesome truths without the
consent of the powers that be, writes
an interesting letter which appears in
another column. As the News has
said before, fusion in this county i:
dead, and the effort of a few Platts
mouth democrats who aro suffering
from office itch, to resurrect the
corp3e will prove futile. The honest
populists who oppose fusion and are
dubbed Benedict Arnolds, because
they refuse to sell out their princi
pies to the democrats, will be found
very numerous. The effort of brother
Dearing to keep bis residence in this
county in order to send a fusion dele
gation to the state convention is not
certain to bear that kind of fruit.
The populists are fully" conversant
with the situation and will not accept
the unpleasant situation of catspaw to
any more ingrates. Cavey's letter is
a pointer from the country precincts
which the demo-office hunters may
heed with profit.
Spanish officers are placing great
stress upon the fact that many Ameri
can war ships have a large percentage
of sailors of foreign birth enrolled,
and say the first shot will terrorize
and stampede those "mercenaries,
Seems to us there were similar pre
dictions made thirty-six years since,
but the men who fought with Siegel,
Meagher, Mulligan, Zaggoni and
other lesser lights gave the" lie to
those predictions, as will the native
sons of Ireland, Britain and Scanda-
navia to the treacherous Dons when
an opportunity is given to avenge the
The Spanish orators are wild at
the idea of having the "glorious
honor" of Spain sullied. Their ideas
of honor and glory seem very similar
to those of a Sioux Indian. Senor
Sagasta says there is nothing left but
immediate war, and Spanish prepara
tions are being rushed to make ready
for the fray. Every hour's delay now
can not help the U. S , but is of in
finite value to Spain.
CnARLEY Wooster, the pop rooster
from Silver Creek, is a candidate for
congress in mil ureene s district.
One of the chief attributes of a Ne
braska pop congressman lies in his
ability to absorb large quantities of
corn juice and barley. If Charley is
not equal to the occasion he had better
begin getting drunk now, so he will be
fully equipped by next fall.
nt relations in this city between the
I Anothe
jr war scare hovers over
Wall street and Naw York. This time
wo ore going to become involved in an
imbroglio with Spain. Just what par
ticular steal the magnates contemplate
at the present time is not clear, but
they surely see something in sight in
the inoiiey-uiaffing line or tho scare
would never hanpen. These war
scares only come when there is some
nefarious plot on foot to loot the na
tional treasury, as witness Cleveland's
war message anent the Venezuelan
business, which served as an excuse
for the issuance of bonds. Of course,
war is always a possibility, but it is
extremely improbable, as there is no
tenable ground for Suain to fight upon.
The idea of a country like Spain with
a total available war forco of 250,000,
going to war with the United States,
whoso available war footing is 10,000,-
000 men is absurd. The United
States would wipe them up in no time.
There is no immediate danger of war,
but the stock gamblers affect to be
lieve there is and are laying the wires
for a panic which means another op
portunity for these leeches to loot and
rob somebody. Plattsmouth Journal,
November 8, 1897.
"The concert of the Dowers" is the
name of a striking cartoon in course
of construction for the Sunday morn
ing News. Now is the time to sub
Auditor Cornell returned Sunday
from Topeka, where he consulted the
Kansas insurance commissioner in re
lation to a Nebraska fraternal insur
ance company, known as the Star of
Jupiter. This company wants to enter
the Kansas field and Auditor Cornell
went to Topeka to find out why the
Kansas insurance department had not
given perm ssion. State Treasurer
Meserve is one of the leading officers
in the Star of Jupiter. State Journal,
It will be a fight or a foot race very
s on. The president has signed the
Now is the time to harness your
chickens and drive them about the
streets for exeroi.-e, so that the neigh
bors' gardens will not be interrupted.
The fii st call for troops contemplates
an army of 200,000 men. It will take
several days to enlist such a force and
have it ready to march into Cuba.
The only branch of the government
really ready for war is that or the
The state weather bureau has opened
the season by publishing its first crop
and weather bulletin. It brings the
cheerful official information that the
soil of Nebraska is in first-class condi
tion and that dollar wheat is growing
beyond precedent. Stand up for Ne
braska. Ex.
Relief in Six Hours
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "The
Great South American Kidney
Cure." It is a great surprise on ac
cuat of its exceeding promptness in
relieving1 pain in bladder, kidneys and
:xick, in male or female. Relieves
iv tention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
ri tnedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug
get, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Tho Domingo boys on Monday ship
ped a consignment of artichokes to
Ft. Dodge, I a. They say they have
made shipments this month to several
points in our neighboring state. Jake
had one acre planted to artichokes
last year and estimates the yield at
500 bushels. Weeping Water Kepub
SlOO Keward SIOO.
The readers of this tater will be n!.asprl tn
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
mat science has Deen able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation nf tho
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up me cousiiiuiion ana assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
laith in its curative powers that they offer One
nunareu Dollars tor anv case that it laila t, mr
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, t.j, heney &Co., Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Wanted, 50 men or boys with clubs.
Light work and good pay. Inquire of
Posey Met-eet smith, at the B. & M.
depot. d taw& rw
First-Class Work
Frank Marler has opened a first-
class blacksmith shop at the cor
ner of Seventh and Pearl streets where
all kinds of smithing and horse shoeing
will bo done in a skillful manner, also
carriage and wagon painting.
It is a great leap from the old fash
ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous
physics to the pleasant little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation, sick headache
and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Pasturage for Stuck.
Horses and cattle taken to pasture
at Cullom;good grass, plenty of shade
and running water. Call on the un
dersigned, at Cu'.lom, or address.
George Hicks,
Cedar Creek, Neb.
Furniture, Stoves and
Was augmented recently by the receipt of two car loads of
yootls for which he paid spot cash at the factory.
Think What This Means
It means heav- discounts. It means lower freight rates.
It means that his competitors can not meet him on prices,
neither can they meet him on a marvelous assortment of
everything in his line.
His Leader in Stoves
Is the old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years'
guaranty, and its half a hundred designs.
No house in Cass county ever carried half so large a stock.
He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select
from. Bed room suites and parlor suites from the lowest
price to those fit for a queen.
The Prices
Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business
success. He pajs no rent, his expenses are low, and with his
cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it.
It Will Surprise You
To call and see his wonderful stock, and get his prices, which
are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in
Omaha. Remember the place.
Opposite the Court House.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end of a car. Perhaps tho
use of Foley's Honey and Tar will ex
plain why they could do this, without
injury to their voeal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
I Jr. Marshall, Graduate Dentiftt.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfeot fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All. the latest appliances for first
class dental work.
Foley's Honey and Tar.
Cough Syrup wherever introduced is
considered the most pleasant and ef
fective remedy for all throat and lung
complaiuts. It is the only prominent
cough remedy that contains no
opiates and that can safely be given.
to children. Smith & Parmele.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely tha best remedy
for all diseases of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in alL
cases. Smith & Parmele.
John H. Vick, of Vick Bros., Elm-
wood, came in this morning from Chi- !
cago and will remain in town for a few
A torpid liver robs you of ambition',
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers cleanse the liverv
cure constipation and all stomach and.
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
In the case of the Citizens Bank vs
Lafe O'Neill, tried yesterday in county J
court, the jury returned a verdict foi
$251.45 for plaintfff.
Ilacklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep'hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give,
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale b
F. G. Fricke.
Light Itrahnias,
And fancy Game Bantams for s le; also
eggs for setting. Enquire of William
Gilmour, or leave orders at Egenber
ger & Troop's, where some of tho?
chickens may be seen.
On the morniDg of Feb. 20, 1S95, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Calm. Tho
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Mokeatjx, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by alL druggists.
House Furnishing
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
San Francisco
Alljpoints west.
St. Josepn
Kansas City
St. Louis and a!l
points East and
No 1. Denver express .. ll:lw p-
No i. Chicago ex press 1':4U ;u
No 20. Local express, uaily, St Joe,
Kansas. Jit Louis, all points
south 'J'-i'l at.
No 4. Local exD, dally, Uurlinstou,
Chicago, all uoints east l):4 am
NolO. Local exD. daily except Sun
day 1 .4" am
No!t'. Local ex p. daily except Sun
day, I'acitic Junction 12:.!D pi
Nn :in. Freight, dail v exceut Sunday
I'acitic Junction 2:f0 pn
No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Hur
linjrton, Chica-o and all"
uoints east. i:;i0
No 13 stub from Junction to 1'iat ts-
moiitti C : I- on
So li. Local exp. daily, st Joe, k an
sae City. !t Louis. OliH-.m-o
all points east a uii souUi.. f:' pn
No. 19 Local exp, daily, Omaha. Lin
coln, JJenver and interme
diate stations 7::'l i.ii
No 85. Local freiirht, dily. Uiii;i:i.i. s 10 am
No 29. Local freight, daily , ex .Sun
day, Cedar Cree, l.i.iii.s-
ville, soutli Komi J am
No 7. Fast mail, dally. Omaha u i.d
Lincoln -l.-z pm
No 3, Vestibuled exp. daily, Den
ver and all poinis in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, Black Hill-.
Montana and I'acitic N. VV. :; 4:J pm
No 9. Local exp, daily except iu -day.
Louisville. Anliland,
Wahoo, Schuyler 4:0O pm
No 11. Local exn. daily except buu-
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 459 pm
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Asrent
Plattsrnou th. Nub.
J. FUANCES. Gen. Cass. Au't..
Omaha. Neb.
f. 1'l.HK ;AUlt.
No. 1 4:5J a. in.
No. 9 1L5! a.ui
No. 121, local freieht , 4.04 p. m
No. 2 10:43 p.m.
No. lil, local frelgut l..ib-.v.
No. 10 ..4:t-J p m
Contracts taken for the erection of Residences.
Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in any
part of the county. Call on or address
HARVEY HOLLOH'AV, I'lattsniouth, SeU
PAnritlt o
- Jr-AClaaact ana '""lrl"" f
t 3T5 J. jKner Pails to Ilestcre yrsj-
ir... to n Youthful Color.
'"ciCurei "sip d'MMM hairlauiiig.
-j ?1 i'nt lni.-,-:-l
Io-.i?I ti It'lo.iMurt of :t 7 1 1 v.
A lino carriage doubles the? TioasuiiMtf driv
ingr. Intending buyers of carriap-s-s .r har
ness can save dollars by spndinir for the
lar?p. free catalocue of the Elkhart Carriage
(viid Harness l&Ig. Co., Elkhart, Lid.
fl-:' V'ViililPi I' !
FAi0.N0V.IG, lanz
PI I enc P fx Q.
To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth
of Merchandise from
The Leading Clothier.
You can hardly afford to miss this chance.
If you have never bought anything from
MORGAN, now is a very good time to get
You do not have to buy that amount at
one time. We furnish you a ticket and when
that is punched full, you get the case.
We have a very strong line of Clothing
and Furnishings.
rermanrntly cured by usins Dlt. WHITEHALL'S IIIIEU.MATK' ( UIMO. Tlx;
surest ami the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, i'riee ,() ce-nbi
cr box. Sample sent free on mention of this pulilirntioii.
THE Dlt. WHITEHALL MEtJKIMLNE JO . South Lend, Indiana.
i .
rrillftY car.'y tho h.i.rgct anil imhl
thing fr?sh and now. They p:iy
mors tho Julvfinlnye of ;;;:cial 1 i in v.-. A o,iii
ill ways in sioCk. The. only )i.i-': in tii: -ity v.h i--fresh
Cheese. Call n ml t-eo u-.
iliLliiycIiiii to
Continue to do a loading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - -
Shoes . .
STYLES, and j
.... Also a complete line of . . . .
Fresh Groceries
Chinaware . . .
Xo better-solected rtcn-k in I he eity
aud no lower jvites than e;in bj found
at .
Asher Clark's,
Fitst Door Ivist of the Court House.
S. r.-Y
I i gas rj
k . h
rz p ii r. r- n tujc y
i m
vc.m p'.cIm lint; in ( !.c, .coi.n'iy.
!', hr our o is ami v; ti.:
: lirn- of i-;w)in
Ml 'fVI !i i i, ,'i I i
S. i'Jaierman
" f
i 1
P:3Us:'K;:!Lh, Neb
Plattsnioutli Coal Yard
H:iv, Corn, Oi's and ail Kind;
0n-t:UJlv Orl lt;;nri.
of I" d
EGcftBL-nGER & 7RG3P,
3 rr
i very man.
i 11 i 1 1 f-j
I ! he boct of r fi.raishi d at a'l f.our an Ii i
pnevs ?.re a!,v; s re tsinabic. '1 lit n.oM
cuuvcnivnt loarJing&talie for far
mers in the citv.
I -
t ;