Wo.ll FetpGr. KiiigS-2L-sLLjL AAA ) -m i w Atter an experience of twenty years in handling, wall Paper, we nave no hesitancy in saying that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made. For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not misleading. vr tr Kn w jt a Tf t1 n rr w A7 A 77 TV J .A A A 1 1 1 i HJjf (jHijfKjE 10 FISHI 9 3 9 ? 9 4s? 3 A Remarkable Appreciation. While spring- weather has not opened up as favorable to the clothing- trade, it is re markable how many spring- suits we have sold already, and if you come in and look us over it will not surprise you why we are selling" more clothing- than any other house in Plattsmouth. Our $6 All Wool, Silk Lined Men's Suit Is a Hummer and can not be duplicated any where for $8.00 and many places they will ask you $10.00 for the same g-oods. And talk about Pants! Celebrated You have heard of the IOWA PANTS. You can buy a pair at $1.50, $2, $3, $4 and $5. Every pair of them warranted not to rip or a button to come off. By the way do not forg-et our nice Combination Suit at $5. Talk about Furnishing- Goods and Hats every body knows we are Leaders. Come in and see our Spring- Shirts and Neckware, we have the latest Novelties. And when you talk about Hats we can please anybody and everjbody from little Boy's Hats to a 72 Man's. JOE & FRANK, Your Clothiers And Furnishers. Waterman Corner, lb l lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb b lb hb lb. lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb hb lb lb lb lb lb lb Bettor Thau Ever - ....IS THE IMMENSE LINE OF.... FANCY MILLINERS .... JUST RECEIVED BY THE .... TUCKBR SISTERS. All the Newest Shapes and Styles that the eastern markets afforded in Fin c Km aid Ate to be seen at their Parlors. Imported Pattern Hat and Flowersfrom Parisian artists. Every thing-up-to-date. .. . .On account of the prosperous outlook, the largest line of MILLINERY ever broug-ht to the city has been purchased .... Every Taste Can Be Suited.. And every want supplied from the cheapest to the most elaborate and richly-trimmed Head wear ever seen in the west. . . . .The Swell Flowers Orchids and Nasturtiums, with plenty of Violets, Roses, Lilly of the Valley, Hya cinths, and other varieties to select from. MISS NETTIE WfDDELb An Artistic Trimmer of St. Joe will keep this depart ment up to a high standard of excellence. Remember to Call and Inspect Our Goods and Prices .... ..TUCKER SISTERS.. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The Militia to Be Called Tomorrow. SENATE SO FAR ONLY TALKS. A Vote Not Yet Kcacheii on the Resolu tions 60,000 Troops to Keudez voum at Cliattauuogi Look ing for Cattle Thieves. Washington, April 14, 3:00 p. m. Special to the News Itjis today authoritatively stated that the state militia will be called out to rendez vous at Chattanooga 50,000 strong-, to morrow or Monday, to be ready for immediate action. The senate has spent the entire day in discussing the Cuban resolutions and at this time no decision has been reached. The senate remains in ses sion and it is thought a vote will be taken before adjournment. Cattle Thieves Abroad. Deputy Sheriff McBride received a telegraphic message this afternoon from G. Spriecke, who lives near Louis ville stating that he had lost twenty-two head of cattle and requesting him to be on the lookout for them. Spriecke sent a man to Foutn Omaha today to learn if they were in the yards or had been sold. The cattle were taken j'es tei day during Mr. Spriecke's visit to this city or during last night. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. S. H. Davis of Union was in the city today. Henry Nims left this afternoon for Butler, Mo. Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck weiler & Lutz. Wm. Chalfant and wife of Union are in the city today. Buy an alarm cloctc for 75c at Cole mar.'s and wake up. Charley Martin went to Omaha to day to visit his sister. lied River Early Ohio potatoes for sale at F. S. White's. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. First class alarm clocks at Coleman's for 75c, for one week only. See the finest line of jewels and leather belts at Coleman's. Boston brown bread at Holloway's on Tuesday and Thursdays. Mrs. Frank Vermilyea made a trip to Om iha by the early train. Northern grown Early Rose seed potatoes at Bennett & Tutt'a. Holloway's popular steamed bread is made of Hei&el's best flour. The Turn-Verein will give a dance Saturday night at their hall. J. C. Fisher, a former druggist of this city, was in town last night. Mrs. Wash Smith and Mrs. Ver milea were Omaha visitors today. E. S. Barker, of the Burlington 6hop force, went to Omaha again today. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein were among the early passengers for Omaha today. Louis Olsen went to Omaha this mor ning to purchase gooCs for his billiard hall. The Gun club held it3 first pratice shoot down on the bottoms this after noon. Col. Bartlett, editor of the Omaha Penny Press, spent last night in the city. Richey & Parmele are unloading a car of bran from the Louisville mills today. F. J. Morgan received the largest line of straw hats today ever brought to this city. J. H Helps, master mechanic at the Burlington shops, has returned from a Chicago trip. Capt. David McCaig came in from Elmwood this morning to look after business affairs. The street commissioner is making a fill in Second street west of the B. & M. freight depot. Mrs. Ed. Donat, who has ceon dan gerously ill for several days, ie consid erably improved today. The Louisvillle Flouring Mills de livered a car of flour and feed to Platts mouth merchants today. Jimmie Black was in Omaha yester day and had to stay over night because he missed all the trains. Elmer Cole, the Burlington engi neer, was down from Lincoln last even ing for a visit with his parents. Miss Cora Alexander is moving her dress-making parlors into the rooms over Schiappecasse's fruit store. Sheriff Wheeler went to Lincoln this morning in charge of James Mc- Comb, who gee into tho service of ! contract fr painting and ;ip.n in,jr tho the state for the next foui- years. j ri'Mdenot; of Mrs. Dr. Black, in South The case of Dalleinaml & Co. v-. I 1 "ark, arrl a!,o t home of T. 1 1. 1I the Bank of Commerce, of Louisville, j loi k 01 F';,n ut ,':i-rnth str,,?t- Uork is on trial in district court today. is uUnly at this time for p lint,-.- ami decorators. Dr. Ed. Cummins vifitod the cx:o- Mrs. A. L. Mungcr has been sick for the last week so that she could not look after her kindergarden work at ()m-l tition aha. August Gorder has sold nearly a 1 car of buggies so far this spring and is enjoying a big trade in tho harness lino. Bert Cooper, tho American express driver, has a new top on his wugoa I now and is prepared for all kinds of weather j A. II, Weckbach & Co. will have ; two cars of baled hay which they will , soli verv cheap from tho car Tuesday. C. M. Nichols and sister, of Murray, drove to the city early this morning and took tho train for Omaha on a pleasure trip. Come and help a. worthy eau-e while enjoyintr yourself with the "Kiny's Daughters" April loth at the home f A. L. Munger. Dr. Wilkinson, specialist, eye, car. nose and throat. Will bi at Dr. Liv ingston's office for consultation Tues day April 19. E W. Black returned heme today from Kansas City. His wife rem iim -d as her brother is thought to be hope lessly ill with dropsy. rounds at Omaha yesterday. vii d was surpri.-ed to tec such s-plondid ! Ii 1 1 i 1 rl i ii .ria i r il r t A 1 . ?i t i ini i , t oil ormiul as are being arranged for tLe trans-Mi-s;ssippi cxp'i.-itiou. It will be a grand show. Thuu-ands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Miuuto Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneom-.min, grippe, asthtiv!, and all throat anil lumr diseases. F. G. Frieke &. Co. . ii. . . i l . . . e . i .1 , next1 u nancy jnpeucor, m tee iiiyni. ue tectivo fo'-ce, made a lively chae : around the canning factory I dock last night after what ho took to hi a mid nilit marauder. The fellow got a way .ami la'er on I'h rley found he hue : been tho victim of a cruel joke. Mi-. S-!v:eiie, the contractor, whom ti e Journal criticised yesto'-day, in form us that the pa por made a ra n k ' misstatement. Mr. Skaro quit work with iiis teairs on the bridge Hil be- i cause i.e secured a better o il-act at South Omaha. The oilier riiJfi-simi i at work' and no tr.-in le is experienced. ; The J- iii iial was probably imposed ' Ull'lll. j The annual conclave of the irrand I command .'ry of Nebraska will open at S ! . .J. I. IJULCIICvSS i roinscrs President McKinloy yesterday sent ; 4 o'cIock in tho after n on of Thursday, to the senate the naino of T. P. Ken j April 21, ISiJS, at F.-ee M. s ai's hall, nard to bo receiver of public money at Omaha. Mount Calvary Command ry the Lincoln land office. I l will confer the O'-der of Malta The county commissioners returned; 111 full form on Thursday evening, today from their bridge inspecting April 21, All numbers of the order tour of the county, accompanied by ! in good stain ling are invited to bo Mr. Sheeley, the contractor. First-class upholstering doue present. John Gyger, a well known and noied order, and an elegant line of tapestries j character of Elmwood, w.tiked into to select from at cost. Leave orders with F. J. Morgan. Cko. Ta insert. I'lattsmouth today from near Elm wood. He ecently escaped from the .Jr. . IT. A. M. Ail members a-e request -d t;j meet at t he hill at 7. .'JO this evening to ar range for the funer al of our deceased brother, Burr Alien. llv o.-dcr of Councilor. TO tUKK A COLD IN ON IS HAY Take Laxative lii'omo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Louis Otnott will cive a comic en tertainment at tho Turner hall for the benefit of tho Tun ers the evening of April 24. It will pay you to attend. L. G. Larsen, the builder, reports ' W lum ilt Lincoln. W. Dellcs Der- that carpenter work is plenty ab.rut j 'li1", 'ho is his gu irdi in, placed him town, and that he has contracts ahead ji" custody of a farmer near that piace now to keep him busy well into June, until arrangements could be made to T. ,. , . . : , , place him back in the asylum. Gvjrer Ilinghng s circus is now in St. 1 .r - , . , ... . ,- was not altogether satisfied . with his Louis anu vill come north tm-ouirh 0 Missouri. Iowa and Nebraska. It wi;l surroundings and "'-nee picked up and be in this section some time in June. lott- Cornier arrived in tho city , 1 loony to ta e the man in cnargc All kinds or jeweiry, clocks ana watches promptly repaired. Ail work warranted. J . W. Crabill, first door west of Waterman blocli, Plattsmouth. The King's Daughters will entertain at Mrs. Munger's Friday night of next week. Evcrybady is invited. Admission 10 cents. Dont forget the date. Judge Ramsey yesterday sustained the motion for a now trial in the llen-nings-Rock Island case. Th3 plaintiff is very well satisfied over the cour t's ruling. The school board held a brief session last night, when Dr. Cook tendered his resignation as a member and sec retary, and Dr. Ed. Cummins was elected to fill the vacancy. The News not only gives all the lat est news, and voices its convictions on the questions of tho hour, but it has the best of reasons for knowing that its course is meeting with popular ap proval. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, cf Zanesville, O., suffered from p.les. fla was cured bv usinr throe boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. F. G Fricke & Co. j Wm. V. Moltnbe-g and wife of K .n- 1 jT sas City are in tho city making head- .ji quarters at Hotel I'lattsmcuth, are j slj; preparing to put on the buards in a J few days, a modern comody-dramaen- j fb: titled ''Colorado." :frjji The ladies of the Methodist church ; jvii; will give an ice cream social in their j jj; room in the Union block Friday even- J ing, April 15. Ico cream and cake 10 j :ti cents. Cake and coffee 10 cents. .jOyi Everybody invited. J ij You are all cordially invited to come j jjj and enjoy yourselves with the "King's j Rj; Daughters" on Friday night Api ii 15 ! ,rjj' at the home of Mrs. Munjrer on south ; jrrj! 7t.h Ktraet. Admission 10 cents. , Everybody welcome. At the Top.. . . Yes, at the Very Tip-Top Of Trouser Excellence stand the Dutchess Trousers. There are other makes 01 trous ers, to be sure, but the Dutchess Trousers are the Acme of perfection in a wear-resistinrj, medium -priced trousers. We have encased over ci..-ht thousand pairs of iefj in Dutchf:s:.5 trousers in Piattsmouth, and the stream of legs constantly corning back to be re-encased in the Dutch ess (and won't have any other kind ) is proof positive of their intrinsic worth. You take no chances when you buy Dutchess trousers should a seam yawn or a button forget its business, we will pay you for the damage, for these trousers aro war ranted; yes, sir, actually warranted. We have all sizes the fat, the lean, the short, the tail. Why! bless your soul, we fit them all. Just try a pair the next time you need trousers, and we will hitch a bigger load to your dollar than it ever drew before. "One Price and No Monkey Business." woo. ant t 1L9 CLOTHIERS, UU A QJ HATTERS on HABERDASHERS. Is offered to any person who will Stock a pair of . . . lin-l in our THE BEST WE GARRY This Shoe, in many places, will cost 3'ou si and -0. Ladies' Colored Suae That were bought for last spring an.'i suinnu-r trade so you need not he afraid of ettin;: any old or oiT-color stuff slioved oil" on you, for.... Our new Spring Goods are Factory Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date. wait on you in our shirt sleeves and haven't any diamond j 1. .. 1 r .1.' i-,. . 1. 4.Un -1,.-.1rc- J11 tbr. f- m Lite uosoms 01 oui siiuls, as nnc lihj viv.i m m- IIK'V . ir A. 3. Price has secured ertnancnt ; bSi' 1.1 : employment at $2.25 per day ia bouth ' jij; Omaha and will move his family there as soon as he can secure rooms to live ! igji in. At the present time not a vacant j rr house is to be had there. j Dr. Davis will bj at Coleman's 'S; jewelry store April 13 to 20. Call and i have your e3es examined free of j ,J1J: charse and get a pair of his epecir.l ! j0j; prescription spectacles. I'rices re i- J 'jn'ji sonable from 50 cents up. j rgj; The King's Daughter s give another ', rj: of their social entertainments at the j trfj home of Mrs. A. L. Munger on South I uj: 7th street this evening. Admission 10 , (Sj cents and everybody invited; a ae- ja-Ur liehtful eveniug assured. I fi5 fSjicliIfl It is a great leap from the old fash- J ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous j physics to the pleasant little pills j known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick headache ' and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co. . . Allen Stultz yesterday received the out-of-town shoe stores; hut with us, we don t make you pnv the extra style, for, upon inspecting our new Spring. - ..VESTING TOP SHOES.. You will realize that we can save 3-011 from 50c to Sl.cn on eyery pair. We haven't any misleading, off-color, old style, rulrji r-tnls at catch prices. The adjoining iiure represents our S2.5) Mac!: and S2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and wat-r and will he near as shapely the da- you throw them away as the day you hu- them. Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops Are arriving daily, they beinjr dela3'ed on account of beinjr factory made, anc not Ic'l-ovcrs ii Rcil Colors from last year. Our grocery and dry floods department will he opened next yea'r, and for the remainder of this year we will continue to devote our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely oolzsca r, not such as dr y g-oods, auction and grocery stores sell. repairing. r-5rn-i- o !i n l? i 1 n n i W I a L I l MM sr ks is I GIESECKE f- , m FOOT MILLINER I Try THE NEWS -50c Per Month. 1 ia I'll ;-vi r-.' I s m 3