Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 16, 1898, Image 3

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    1 1
I) A
Discussion on the Cuban Res
olutions Ivc.'uls to 1 Slows.
No l liml Action Vet Ki-a li-l - i: ltliiK
8-in)'M In lliilh Itraii-hr 1 1
llK-lxr-H for Hr-A Complete
lu-Niiiiifi f ;ily New
Wasiiinuton, April 1.5. At
oVlcck tl.i.-t iirtei-iioon the honHo cf
rc-pr:ionlal! vc;h, after a long aiid
htortiiy doliato, idoptt-d, by a voto of
Ilfi V
:'22 to IS, tin; mujority report of the
house committee on fnt-eiffii ullairs
relating to the Cuban situation. The
report us adopted is us follows:
"Whereas, The government of Spain
for three years puctt has been waging
war on the Uland of Cuba against a
revolution by the inhabitants thereof,
p without making any substantial pro
gress toward tho suppression of said
revolution and has conducted the war
fare in n niunnc-r contrary to the laws
of nations, by methods inhuman and
uncivilized, causing tho death by star
vation c f more than iI0(),0() innocent
noncomb itants, tho victims be. ng for
the most part helpless women and
children, inllictirg intolerable injury
to the eommerei interet's of the
United Slates, in vo! ving the de-druo-tion
of the lives and property of many
of our cit'zMis, entailiii' the exp;i:di
ture of miilionsof dollars in patrolling
our coasts and policing the high seas
in order to inaintiin our neutrality,
"Whoroas, This long scrios of losse
injuries and bui d -ns for which Spain
is responsibly has culminated in the
destruction of the United States
battlesh'p Maine in tho harbor of
Havana, and in the death of 2G(j of our
seamen .
"llesolved. That the president is
hereby authorized and directed to in
tervene at once to stop tho war in
Cuba to tho end and with the purpose
of securing permanent peace and or
der there and establishing by the free
action of the people thereof a stable
and independent government of their
own in tho island of Cuba; and the
president is hereby authorized and
empowered to use the land and naval
forces of tho United States to execute
tho purpose of this resolution."
The negative votes were cast as fol
Wlows: Democrats Adamson (Ga.), Brant
ley (i;i ), Uankhead (Ala.), Brewer
(Alf.), Clayton (Ala), Cox (TenD.),
Elliott (S. C), Griggs (Ga.), Howard
(Ga.), .Lester (Ga.), Lewis (Ga.), Mad
dux (Ga.), Strait. (S. C), Tate (Ga,)
and Taylor (Ala.)
Republicans Johnson (Ind.). Dou
telle (Mo ) and Loud (Cal.)
Populists Simpson (Kan.) -
The discussion in the house was
heated to white heat, the lie was pas
sed betweon a democratic member
from Georgia and republican mem
ber from Pennsylvania. This lead to
blows and a fight ensued, in which
nearly 100 members participated.
Great excitement prevailed on the
floor and ia tho crowded galleries.
Wasiiixgtox. April 14, 3:00 p. m.
Special to the Nkws The excit
ing scenes in the house yesterday are
being partially re-enacted in the sen
ate today where resolutions drafted by
the foreign relations are being dis
cussed. Tho discussion is very ani
mated and much excitement prevails.
Up to this hour no vote has been
reached on the resolution, though
there is little doubt but that it will
carry before adjournment tonight. Will anil Tenement.
Petition was filed in county court
yesterday for the probating of the
will of the late Balthaser Seibold of
o Murray. The petition sets out that
the deceased left real estate to the
amount of $S,000 and personal prop
erty amounting to $1,200. Elizah Sei
sbold, wife of the deceased is made sole
beneficiary and excutrix and Jet
Johnson is named as executor.
Hurled at Kcd Oak.
"W. C. Merritt, the unfortunate
member of tho iilfated Maine crew,
who was killed at Ilavanna more than
a month ago, was buried at lied Oak
last Sunday. An immense crowd of
people being in attendance at the
funeral. Tha remains w?ro recovere-.i
and placed in a metallic case and
shipped to Tarapi, Florida, and from
there were sent home by rail.
Take Laxative Broruo Quininu Tablets.
All druirgists refund the money if it
fails to ciirii, 2-"'. Tho genuine has
L. 11 Q. on each tablet.
Seed I'ot a toes.
For hale-fine e irly tnse, e vriy Ohio
and o;her choice seeil potatoes at
A. H. Wkckiiacm & Go's.
A torpid iiver roLis ou of ambition
" and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Ri-ers tho liver.
euro constipation and all stomach and .
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. (
Muyor-olcel Douglass of Weeping
Wator was in I'latUmouth today.
Mrs. John Murray who has been
qu.tu ill for Momu time is considerably
im proved.
MUs Graeo Walko" has been sick
for soveral days but ia leported con
valescent. Mrs. Issac Wiles returned home this
morning from a visit with her mother
at Hillsdale.
Mrs. Wells und daughter wont to
South Bend this afternoon on a visit
to old neigh bors.
A. M. Sims and P. W. Hedges went
to Louisville today in tho interest of
tho Yuungers Nursery company.
Philip Kaufman a switchman in the
yards at Pacific Junction had his fin
ger taKcn oil this morning while
making a coupling.
George Thomas and several other
Plattsmouth carpenters went to
Omaha today to get work on tho ex
position buildings.
Phil McCully went to Lincoln this
mornhig with his four eldest children
where ho will plaeo them in a board
ing school. Mike Lutz accompanied
L. J. Griffith of Nehawka was in the
city today paying taxes and looking
after other matters of busine-s. lie
mado the NKWS a pleasant call and
loft a few sheckles to puy for the semi-
The first ward U j lite cosmopolitan.
It not only h as : s residents people
horn in Italy, Gernrsny, Ireland, Eng
land, Scotland, Swi'z. 'und, Austria,
Denmark, Sweei-n, Im, has one toter
who was born in J--: u j:i:-.'iii.
S. C. Anthony ha, jus: completed a
beautiful granite- c:. numui for fl. L.
Vestal, to he erect d in menu ry of
his late wife at Oak Hill. Mr. An
thony is turning out as lino work as
could bo obtained in Omaha or Lin
coin, and at much lower prices.
Monday night some fellow evidently
bent on burglary, went to the homo
of Chas. Johnson, tho barber, and
tried tho front door. When Charles
asked him what ho wanted the fellow
told him ho wanted to get in. Mr.
Johnson informed the cheeky follow
that unless he got a move on himself
in short order he would get his per
forator to work and drill several holes
in hiscarcuss. He got.
O. F. Ernst, tho instructor fjr the
Turnverein, has forty-live bo.ya in his
class in gymnastics, ten ladies, and
will in a few days add twenty more
ladies to tho list. Tho regular mem
bers of tho society are trainiug for
the national convention which meets
in Omaha in June, and are confident
cf carrying off tho prize. Prof. Ernst
is an excellent instructor and is doing
good work for tho societj.
Thos. W. Shryock, of Louisville, is
in the city today.
John Thacker and wife of Union
were buying goods cf our merchants
The city clerk today issued certi
ficates of election to the officers recen
tly elected.
Tho commissioners are putting in
their timo this week out over the
county, examining bridges.
C Tabor and wife, two highly re
spected citizens of Center Precinct
are in the city on matters of business.
Robt Sherwood will remove the bill
boards from his lots on upper Main
and commence the erection of his new
store building iu a few days.
Workmen are prepiring to paint
and fresco the walis and ceilings of
the second story of the court hou--e. It
is certainly a needed improvement.
In district court this afternoon the
case of Matson vs. Matsnn. action for
divorce, decree was rendered in lvor
of plaintiff and $7 0 alimony awarded
The tr.tns-Misrissippi Turnfe-t or
ganization wants June SO designated
as Turners' day at the exposition, and
asks that a drill team cf 50) men be
admitted free on that day.
II. C. McMacken received a letter
from his son today, who lives at Al
liance, sta'ing that "Uncle" George
Fairfield, of that place, who has been
seriously ill, is considerably improved.
The home mutual insurance com
pany lias opened office in the base
ment of the Bank of Cass County and
will have the finest insurance office
in tho state when thoroughly ar
ranged. Rather a singlar predicament arose
in district court when both parties to
the Hennings-Rock Island Buit
argued a motion for a new trial.
Court will hold a short session tomor
row and then adjourn until May 2.
Dr. W. II. Schildiinecht received a
telegram this morning stating that
his daughter Mrs. Anna Smith of
Andrew county, Mo., was lying at the
point of death. Tho cl c'or boarded
tho first trrin at 0:40 this a. m ., and
departed for h r home
Sr Your Money.
If you contemplate buying a uiano
or organ jou will find it to your advan
tage to see me before buying. Willbe
in Plattsmouth . few days, or address
me at Nebraska City. I handle only the
best instruments on the market and
can save you "0 on eve-y piano, over
any other dealer. A. It. Newcomb.
The farra-ir, tho mechanic and the liable to unexpected
cuts aud bruises. De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the best thi'-.g to keep
on hand. It heals quickly, and is a
well known iu-c
for piles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
A Talk to the Kiigllnh HUtory Clui.
Last evening was wot and dark, the
streets were almost impasslable but
the English History class was too en
thusiastic to be kept at borne by such
small trifles as rain and mud. The
class and members of the P. E. O.
society wero cordially invitod to the
homo of Mr. -and Mrs. House vorth
there to listen to a talk given by Mr.
Rawls on the subject of "Queen Eliza
beth." Considering the trend of the
times and knowing the intense inter
est now centered in Spain, her people
and her possessions, Mr. Rawls first
spoke of Spain and the manner in
which that country has always dealt
with the people and countries that
have been so unfortunate as to come
under her dominion.
Ho also reminded us that "Good
Queen Boss" was invited to share the
throne of Philip 2nd and when re
fused sent his invincible armada to
capture the haughty queen and her
country, But God blow his winds
and they were scattered and the
armada was known no more, while
our english ancestry have sent down
to us a feeling of distrust and dislike
for all that pertains in Spain.
Mr. Rawls gave the political view of
Elizabeth's reign and with it many
original and helpful ideas for the
careful consideration of the class.
Those present were so pleased with
the talk that they prevailed upon Mr.
Rawls to give another in the near
future, having for his subject "Queen
Victoria and her Times." No one
who was present last evening will
miss hearing him on that occasion and
will bring others with them to enjoy
an interesting and thoughtful paper.
Aftor some delightful music con
tributed by Mrs. Wagnor and Mr.
Hilt Wo9Cott the company dispersed
feeling that it was an evening profi
table and pleasantly spent.
I desire to attest to the merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and efficient
prepatations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, gratitude there
for, I desire to inform you that I will
never bo without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held dy people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
The Official Count.
Mayor appointed Reibel, Slater and
Lutz a committee to canvass the vote
of the late election and the committee
reported the following result.
For Mayor Gutsche, 521, Richey,
For Treasurer Gering, 372, Cook,
For Clerk Kerr, 665, Lehnhoff, 434.
For Police Judge Archer, 569,
Guthman, 523.
For School Board Fricke, 660,
Windham. 620, Root, 574, Fox. 614.
First Ward Messersmith, 94, Hol
lo way, 87.
Second Ward Hinshaw, 148, Heisel,
Third Ward Lutz, 172. Patteison,
Fourth Ward Sattler, 109, Egen
berger, 96.
Fifth Ward Dove, 91, Johnson, 56.
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke, & Co.
Germans Attention.
Great comical entertainment at the
Turner hall on Sunday eve April 24 at
8:00 p. m. Selected program. 1,200
reserved seats only. Don't forget to
come and see the only illuminated
nose on the earth. See the bad boys
of Corinth. The best newly imported
troup of artists under the general di
rection of Louis Ottnot. If you want
a good laugh come. Admission 25 cts.
Good music for dancing.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely thn best remedy
for all diseases of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
The World-Herald train of Cuban
supplies from the liberal-hearted peo
ple of Nebraska, reached New York
City on Tuesday, and now awaits ord
ers from the state department as to its
shioment to Cuba. It whs a great
reccommeniation of the generosity of
the west.
Children like it, it saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure,
the infallible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Jos Sharp loaded the last of his
grading crew today and shipped to
South Omaha. Last night he pur
chased $200 worth of supplits of L. B.
Egenberger. This speaks well for
Plattsmouth and ought to disabuse the
minds of people wno imagine thsy
can buy goods cheaper in Omaha than
they can at home.
lOO Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otfer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send tor list of testimonials.
Address, F.J, heney &Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Go to Anthony's music store on lower
Main fctrtet for everything in the way
of sheet music.
KrMdy for IIu.Iiiih.
The Platto Mutual Insurance compa
ny just organized in this city, to lay re
ceived the state auditor's certificate
and is now prepared to write insur
ance. Frank Wiles, the wide awake
secretary will push tho bus!n ss and
we can safely predict a big business for
the company with buch an energetic
young m in as Mr. Wiles to look after
its interests. We wouid urge upon all
property owners, as Lhoy need lire
insurance to patronize tho homo in
stitution. The insurance is safe, chenp
and obviates tho necessity of sending
thousands of dollars away from home
each year to increase the income of
foreign money loaners. Tho new com
pany will soon take rank as one of the
leading and most substantial institu
tlons in the state.
It. & AI. I uiprovviurntt,
The B. & M. is again making im
provements in Its road hero and this
time it is a steel bridge over the
Cheyenne river to tako the place of
the wooden one now in use. Some of
the steel plate girders are already in
the yard being unloaded and tho
others will soon follow and will bo put
in place as soon as possible. The
present bridge is 700 feet long, but the
new one will not ba over half that
length as it will consist of five sixty
foot plate girders and one thirty fool
approach span. Edgeinont express.
Foley's Honey and Tr.
Cough Syrup wherever introJuced is
considered the most pi ansa at and ef
fective remedy for Al Vhroat and iuur
complaints. It is thVr only premiueiit
cough remedy that contains iu
opiates and that can safely be tiv. n
to children. Smith & Parmelo.
Col. F. II. Lemon asssociate editor
of the Nonconformist the national non-
ulist organ, recently moved from In
dianapolis to Omaha, is iu tho city
looking after the interests of his pa per.
Mr. Lemon is a very p easant gen
tleman and no doub-. will meet many
friends in this countv.
A man stands on chance of being
elected to the mayorshi p of a city u nless
he enjoys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swantoc, Ohio,
and under date of jan. 17, lS'JO, he
writes as follows: "This is to ee-'tify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Semedy. My family ::nJ
neighbors have tested it, and ew
know it is an excellent remedy fur
coughs and colds. Gkoiwe W.
Humphrey," Sold by all dt uggists.
Ed Fitzgerald will soon bo a pluto
crat. He purchased a nice residence
property a few months ago wheie he
lives and today he bought the livery
barn with house ne tr by and lots at
corner of Sixth and Vine streets pav
ing Mrs. C. M. Holmes the no it sum
of $1,000 cash. He can now improve
the barn and make a handsome cornet-
out of the premises.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling.
III., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
Sold by all druggist
The C. E. society of the Christian
church will give an ice cream social
at the residence of C. R. Todd, west
of town, Thursday April 14th. Free
transportation will be furnished fi om
the Riley Hotel corner, between 7 and
8 o'clock. Those who hava attend d
a social at Todd's know that it is the
place for a wholesale good time.
Relief in Six Hours
Distressing kianey and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "The
Great South American Kidnky
Cuke." It is a great surp ise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., D: le
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Sweet lea Seed.
"EckfordV best large flowered
mixed, 5 cents per ounce in separate
colors. Best leading varieties, 74
cents per ounce. Pansy plants
"Dreer's Exhibition" varieties mixed
white, light blue, dark purple
the nearest approach to red to be
found in pansies, in separate varieties
25 to 35 cents per dozen, ready to
plant out next week. L. A. Moore
A little boy asked for a bottlo of
"get up in the morning as fast you
can," the druggist recognized a house
hold name for "De Witt's Little Enrly
Risers." and gave him a bottle of those
famous little pills for constipation,
sick headeache, liver and
troubles. F. G. Fricke, & Co
Many people gather -thorns by fail
ing to heed the warning sent out by
diseased "kidney s coated tengu- p-. r
ched skin feverishness dull aehibsr
pain general feeling of weakness is
sure evidence of kidney and b'adder
trouble. Take Ut:.h Kidney He ids at
once they have cured thou-anus. of
others. TheTurnersof Pjila del
PHA make Utah Kidney Bea is.
E. B. Samuels, County Clerk of Hickman
County, Clinton, Kentucky, testifies, that he
suffered for years with horrible pains in the back,
kidneys and bladder was treated by niaay physi
cians they gave him no relief he got so that he
could hardly stand alone Utah Kidney Beans,
he says, completely cured him. He gladly rec
ommends them to all sufferers.
F. G. Fricke & Co., Selling agents for Platts
mouth and Cass Uo.
Turner's Little Liver Turners A very
small pill. Turn your liver. A true laxative.
An after-dinner pill.
Legal .K.etice.
In t!:t- .1.: I i:miit el .: f w'.mty, ..-bi.v ka.
1 1 ( .i i r :n ill: I J. .Im W i ' ii .en, iMrturis,
d:i..; ! ia - Hi'- ii tr 1 .',!.- !; r :n ti.ip.iu el lirahaiti
V Wiik'i. i i ..: . . -. I i . t : . -c !v ,ini
( l;n .1 K e Li v, '.Mi'll'i ml -. 1 In: ' lei' ml in'. 1 1 i
t.u..' nii. c J '-. i ii t.ei! .e.j a in! J !; U :i!.
: i. "il. u:' 1. r t i.o li.i il. I.' el I 1 1 .tin ill ;ui'l l ; k. i lei m,
1. t 'na.viii i.-i !.( !v t :! ;;i;.nti. sa ; t ilr leii' I
i .' r Nc ' ! . i : 1 t - , r I el t .i s en lit , Nc
ill .1 I..I, t in- ei !' t :ilr 1 J'i.ti-r el ul.uli llijr
uu i a l e m u i : t : t . i : ! t k t iJi-li-n l.iiil.-: lor tin
Men ol . '.' 1 i x'j ' 1 ' ' ! im I 'ie in i-u-il wliu l
j ttrcc- tii-n'-env I -i tin; :;.. nt hih! lii.iiiiteti.inoe
.l s.i -I d.-lcii'l'itit-. aii.l 1 r uii.i li ii.-trii'.tarns
asirt'l I i l' i. ini'l ti. cv haw.- c:i'i-r I tlic-c.i:-1
ni.rt ha.! e! tin- ii' 1 1 licit one ipiai ti-r ol -e-t
'on M , luiiii 1, i ati.:- , :.i-l el tin- si 1 1 pi i n -ti;eil
n h i .ill an, nt ( a-s count y,.i In a-ka,
to lo :itta.. r:i-. :u s.ii.l ;ii-;ii.ii a.-, the n eju i t y u('l iK-lrll'l.uilS.
1 'eltjti'laiit-. an- iri;i:ii l to sai.l j n-1 i -ti
.11 en oi bt l ne il.iv el May. ot Jml-im-iil
will l,c laitu a-i 1'iavt t let in s.ial peti
tion. Jo-t pli ( i l ; 1 1 . .) 1 1 1 nii'l lehn lii. :n-oii, iiii l..;i the
111 III name el ( .1 all. nil , V. i.r O.- ..
CI.. I etti, pi.t.i.tiil'n attoiiicy. "
Micriin Sale.
l!y virtue of an oriK r ol sa:e i-Mied t'V (It-oije
I letiM-w ii t ii. Lie i ic ol t he ill -1 1 ic t lui.i I. u
ami lot tars count), .m-Ih aka, ami to ine ili
reeted, 1 wi.I on tin- J 1 1 1 day ol .May, A. I.
1 at N' o clock p. t t s-.u.l clay at the south
il 'hi i 'I tl.c- court I ion c in tin- ciiy ol I'iatt- inotiih,
in siii l --..lint) , eh at pnoiic am li,.n, to tin- Inh -c-t
hi'!' ic i loi c.i .ii.l he loi ,oMii; i eai estate to- wit:
J he tioiihue.i ijiiaitei in w t 1 ami the noiWi-e-t
qiiailer i ti 'i ) ol the sotniie--i (piaitcr
( s w -j. ) ol section Unity .1 1 1 to nh ij. t c! e
I I J rane thirteen 1 1.IJ east oi the inh . in. Ca-s ,
county. ,cbi ,hk.i teetlier with the pi i lajic-s
atiil iii'i'tii ten.Hii es liieicunto lie.oi.ii, oi in
anyvvi. e ap( ei i.oiiin. 1 he :-ai
npoii ami iaKtn a the piope
C V). Ai.niav ami Kciu ci a .v. M ill i a) , ilclell.l-
ai.t.s. to c-1 v a juoiili-nt ol :-anl i-ulil I leco(.tccl
by .miuei ,uin:i a -. executor ol ti.e ial wnl ami
teM anient ol John t.ucK. dec, a.-eil planum, and
a J iidi men i icoiiciel o the k i.I t.i. conn I y
eio b i.i tnii.iici a.niiM .,io vicleiuianis I
liallMnoUlh, ..eLila-Ka, .II.iio'i ", .. I . l.-'.IS.
i . 11. W III I 1.1. K,
.-"iiciiri, L.'eiS Cuunl v . .Neui a.-ika.
By J. I). lilhle. . ejtlt).
K. Ji. U.iiah'iiii, .Attoin. ) lor 1 'mint ill.
li) vi I ".lie ol an ol ,ue i.-.siic by (ieo. I-
lion.e . ol in, t n. 1 ol the il.tilct conn, uilhin
ii.ll Im Ciims count), Ael.i..-Ka, ami to nie ili-
lectccl, i wiii on Ihe inl day ol .oay, A. Il,
1 -;-.. U 1 O'CK '.l.l. ol S...M da, ill Hie solllh lloer i
oi the eoui I I mi; ;-e i n l.e Cil ol I '.at e- mout n. in ',
id C"ll,.t . , Sell ,U pi i allcll'.n, lo the hlH'i- I
e.-t I hide r i or ca n . I ne toiio om i cal e-tale, m-
w a: I he l.o. tiie.t-I ij iallei j n e i ) ol thesoittli
u . si ipi.i 1 ic I is w .tin I i he ii' .1 1 ii hail ii 1 1 .it
cue soi. .i.e. ei ipiaiici se :jol sci lion Unity
I -a' I lo'.msinp iiuiu' i..i.4e lliiit'C-n o;j
e a ' I o I i he oi n j . in. 1 .. e as c- ..i n t , A em a ..mi.
i ojeilu:r Wiili Ine .l i iie. inul api.lil Neliiillceb
thci 'junto In o.iips o oi in ii.ivwee appei i.tiiohi;.
iiieniihie Ocin icvicd iii-v.ii an! laivcrn as the
pi..pii;y oi l.eww.o i C . .'w u 1 1 .1) and Kcoecca
A. .mil ia), dcich ! ml.-, lo satisl) a j ltd,; men t
ami ol ,-.i.d colli t l.'coicied lj i-.. ti.
L oe Ox .-eii , c i c- s pt i . I r -lie i s ii;;,ii;isi sai'l ile
le! '.hih!-- in tne --.ise oi .t.iv - . Aiidiiii vs. I.eon
a.u C V,'. .M ilia) el ai li.;:ct lie T with ti.epiiil
iK'.ihd j -ii i lee aiat s i..eieiiiit iei"iiien or
m .!1'.i:m' .M eel la:ii .c c . j he same Item,; ie icil
hp. jn ii!..i laM.ii as tue J -1 j city ol I .coiiiiij C
v . .'iuii.i) iihd leue' a .. .vl ui lay, delcudants
tos.uisl) .1 j iioc me; . I ol . ,iei co c i t i cc over ed i)
liie a.d i.. u. i.i.a-j -x - on ii aloicsaid,
S.llii dcleh'l.ihls.
l iaUbiiiiuitN, .xeoia; ka. M uch 'Ji'.. A. 1). ISS'S.
. l. iil-.KI.I.K,
i-lieriii, C iis s County, .'xeurasKa.
I.) J. !). .Mci-.i lde. lJei.ety.
ix. 1. tViiiJiiuai .VUoi i.ei i-ji i '.. C I 'o ey cc h'oii.
Pi-oba.i- I-ioiiCc.
In County coiiil, tass coui.ty, Ncin iiska.
Ill id iee el Ac.s L-. iif;:l l ,
Uccea-eU. Johaii.iei'. lJei.ii, ioiiner;y aiiiia.
Ami li.iiji.l i.:ij:;iiil, iiiiiioi, and all pel -sons
unci e.-tcl iu imi inaiiei iiic heicoy liotdicJ
that on ine ihh day ol aii.icii, 1 J. t.,. lJeteisen
meet h petition in said county c.iuit, prawn;; Una
hl, ii nut .idi.i li.i 1 1 a Hon account.-, liied net eili Lm
el lied and it! .cv, cil. tiiil thai he lie dischiiiged
liotn his iiu.-l a.- iL'.iiii lies ti atur, ami that il you
lad io up; car ocioic -aid Col. it on li:c loin uay ol
April, .V. i ' i -::-, at : o'e.oc a . in., and eoniesl
sH'U petition, ti.e Cot. 1 1 may K'-"'t theiia)crol
said peiiti-'ii, iiii i in-live sui-.i o..ier iiiid luiiiier
ut duis, i':.uiv(iLnjs ami. dec ces, as lo tins com t
may seem piopei', lo lue e o, thai all ' luatlei b
peri.iiniiit; lo Snid estate in.i) be hiiiniy
and oeiciiii iicil. v itiieib my hand and the
seal ol said Coillt lit i'litltiiluoutll,,
ill is tiie -I.tI day oi .March .1. i)., l.-.'s.
,c cji-Uic.c ai . M'Uid.l ic'K,
County Judye.
Legal Notice.
In li.e tniitti ei the estate ot James Grove, de
ceased. 'J li,., ciui-c- cihie on lor hearing I'-pon the peti
tion ol Aithuri.. .Niunei ;u Hdin mist laior of
the cSiitie ol Jaines tiio.c, Llccea.-ed. loi a l.cense
to se.i real es one as loi.o , s: J he -a est hail w 1 2 J
ol soiit!iuii.-t q.iaitcr c 'ij ol section tv.o
l J t o i iisii ip tell 'l"j rioi.ii, iane;e nine 'J Cass
County, Aeoi until, or ;t suihcicni amount ol the
same to tiring the stini ol siJ.-iO lor payment ol
deois, ed against said e.-title, and tiie costs
ol administration, there not beni4 ? uiticient per
sonal pi opeity to pay the said dcuts and expen
ses. it is further ordered tha; p.!l persons interested
in the said estate appear bc-ioie ine itt the olltee
ol tiieeleiic ol ihe district coini ol Cass county,
Aebiaska, on the 5th day ol May A. I). W at -o'clock
p. in. to sho-iv ciiiise why a license should
not be siianted to said administrator to seil so
much ot the above Ue.-crioed real e.-tate of the
said estate as shad be necessary to pay said
debts and expenses.
it is further ordered that this order be pub
lished iji the tet.ii-w eekiy AKWs-iikRALU lor a
period of lour wccks prior to the dale ol the said
limed this l'Hli day of March, A. D. IsSi-t.
U.ASiL r Ixa.mshv, judge ol tiie liistrict Court.
Liyron CiaiK and C. .v., att ys lor estate
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Clara ux vs. James K Cox.
Jaoies Iv. Cox, dcieud.iiit, will take notice that
on the idiii dav oi Aiaich, A. ii. I C'ara Cox,
p.iimt. it. iiereiu Itied lier petition ill the district
court ot Ca.-.s county, .Nebraska, against the said
James It. Cox, defendant, tne object a:,d prayer
of which is to obtain a divorce lroin the defend
ant. James R. t... iin.l to procure a decree
granting to pi.r.ntilt the custody and control ol
the- minor c mid "t .racNe Co.,: ' daughter of f.lain
tnt and delcrioant . relief i- a-ked becati?c-
tiie delc-nd. nit, v. ith ut ja t ca isc o. jirovocatioii.
crue..y a:id vh:i i.ui y dc.-c-rte-.i upon or
about r.o;'. A. 1. l'-'.'l. and lias con
tinuous.) revav for more tiiau two
yers piior to h!..-.g el his suit
Veil are rc-iiiii i i d lo er said petition cm or
before the .t.ei d.e, ol Ma .. A. I). !.-.'.
liated tins -iiN.i il..y ot Maich. A. i). IS-.m.
Uy lier Attorney llyrmi O.ark and C A. Kawis
Iii g;nl . mire.
in; c!i-1 r :ct con.t of Cass county, Nebraska-
Cliailes C. 1'aiine e as receiver ol the Citizens
Biiiik oi l'.attrincutl,, .NebiiisKa, vs. ihe i'eo
pie!s liuodiog, i.oiin and leaving Associiition.
J he i'eople s ltni.-.i g. Loan and baviug .vsso
ciation, dclendiih!, u i.i t..Ke notice tiiat on the
5tli clay ol April A. iJ. l.-s Ciiaries C. i'arineie
asreciverol the i it -en iiank oi t'iat tsniouth,
Nebraska, piaimiit nuitm, ii c-J Ins petition in
the d.stiict court ol Cass ceuiuy. Nebraska,
againsl said delehdant, tiie object nd prayer ot
which are to recover a nioiiey jtidgiueni against
defendant on three c.i;i.-..s ot acti. n set foi tli in
Said petition; en the Iir-l cause of act. on lor the
sum o; v. im .-cvvn p'-i cent interet thereon the I'.li day ei May A. L. iS..;; oil the sec
ond cause ..'I it wt ion iiie sum ol Oowitn seven
p-.r cent interest theieoti lroin the Kil day of
May A. D, !;;: on the ti.iid ciu e of action the
sum of'u.ih seven peixeiu interest tliereoii
from the ltuh da) ol Aoveinber A. 1J. lV.'I.
ou are i eque.-te i to answer .-aid petition on or
Lelore ihe di.iii day oi May A. I), l.-.'s.
iatei this U-i.". day of Aprii A. iJ. l.-'.'S.
CilAKl.-S U. I'AKMtLE,
As Keceiver of Citi.-ees livna of Fialintoutii,
Nebraska, i'.y ii.s Ali'-rnei s, iJ) nm clarii ec C
A. Ki is.
Notice to Creditors.
TATE C;F N f til'. A S rl A. ' . .
Cass county, S""
In County Cot; rt.
i-i trie matter ci ;ue e?ta e o
if Sani'.iei McCoii-
:e . deceased. Not.ce is l.ercb
vcii tiiat tiie
t..,r of said ceceiis;. 1 1 ; i meet the adminis
trator i 1 sai l e -taTe. bci nc me, county judge ol
Cass cn-ufity, . ji rarka. a: t!ie county court room
in flaustnuisth in sa.J. couniy, on the 5iti Jay of
November. 1 ., at o'clo.k a. in , lor tiie pur
pose of pre.-ent : og I heir c!..:ins f or examination,
ad.; istin :ut ami .-. i. , i:t e. month., are a.-
lowet tor tue co .iit-jrs 1 sai l dc-ccas-cd pre
sent their Ci.tdii-s an : ..n.; year lor tiie aimiii.s
tratt.r to set tic said from the 7th day of
Mav, l-:i .
t his u .tice s::itl! be p-iished in the Seini
W eekiy Nr.vo-iii.KALl' 1 r four weeks succes
sive y. i r-'.-r t i tae 7ii.u.iv cf May, I -t-.s.
Witne-s my i .did and s.-ai oi said court,
at r-Utt.-riroUlh. Neora-ka. this, tiie lllii day i I
Apro, A. L. I us.
GFt.KliE Yt 5ft l'Ldl K.
(5eai) Cotti'ty Judge.
Rates Si snd $1.50 per Dau
' d;rjtr:ill3r Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Sjiaiiil 1'iia; In Wall 1 'icr For
the S i 1 i i ! v Tici'k':
Ni e Kiti-lii i! I ;ittnr n- ."o per Poll
Nic-. I i il i limn P.itli-rri 4o pi-r Koll
Nii-c Dinlii-i-onni Patters, 'it! pr Koll
.N'.i-e Parlor PaLterim, le per Poll
A 1.1. NEW Wo have
a few K-miiaiitH itt.t-ti 1 1 Lower
Prii-es. Aluo everything you
iioetl in Pa i nt s
Lowest Prices.
lrn:i;lt Imi'l 'll I "a -r ltvnvrn.
A Splemlid Line of New, Krcsh Ciroccrics
..Just Received at..
Also a rirc Line of Dry Coeds and Notions.
REMEMBER v., ,... Si lling SiiLT.-ir nt Li hh Than
Co-L in oril' i- to M:il. o iii mi rtOiin-1 hino- t-o-f, hut w Hull jvury
tlihifr n a CLO.SK M.K(JIN mid you will (ind UAKCJAINS In
evory Di-pn rt in t .
In the -iij. suM hy Siinipi
Von Sotno Monet-
310 Main St.
I Ev T s 1 F h
fi r r ii
J Hw h a
i ts 2 2 fa n
ipil EV curry tho
l-eo-t and most
thiiir frcN-ili and no.v. Ti-cy f.ay
inors the advanlaLro of special discounts. A roni)lote lino of canned (rooda
alwn.yei in sioclv. The only plac. in t!ie fity where you Jean pet all kinds of
fresh Call and beo us.
rEST ri";s for We-idi n a, Funerals or l'ieusuro Parties, etc. Hack orders
&3 attonued to promptly. Terms rea-ionable. Cabh preferred. Calland go4.
rates Telephone 7H.
Ti. B. W. D. Jones cuctiorteer all kinds of i-oocts and lurm Htock
disposed of
but havp s-.i i (;rc:t to tiie con
sumer tte years at wh-ie-Eale
I'ri'jes, RaviDir him the
uealer s prohts.
whore Vit examination.; arranted.
1 H stWes of Vfciiicles,
K J)
5." etvlea of IfnnieM
f Top I J ?rivn. $ ::.
Sarrcvs. U I
pes, Phac-ton, 'J raj-s,
c-.rea, r-pnnc-lvin.i
Ko.TI. PiirfT Ham-M. PH. JI6 .00. " is--n-i lor larrc, lre gryi Surrej. Pric. with nrtiloi, lamp, ma.
A i e 1 ai .eti3 fur $16. Catalogue of all our styles, aha-le, aprou auti feeder., 40. Aa foo4 aj Mil tor
They banisli pain
nn1 r.rnlnno lifp.
i j i. -
I- i I ' ' -1 1-V.N r i 1 k.i. i . it ,
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A new r. j-k.par.rft vr.frtri!;vj: rt r surt-FS
til poim-oniir nior1- r -i 1 1 e ci-.n rs. ; i t i
cal. a the rlvc vt-nt .i-.tip u I :r.'
- - - ...
--- ,.-w. - w
Oils nt. I ho
Como in und wo willSavo
f. . ; ij
complot'1 lino in Cans county. OEvery-
c.bli for out- oroods and k'ive their custo-
. Waterman Blk.
Cass County's
ship any
tt $70.
and .Miii
n r mr rrton fwifint ?lmw now tor
t-. i ik in:;iiii-.-.j fiT me txr mud ttx couomi.
r fc , (k- tutti by luiI hy urntlin tortr-eitrht
. . . c ww i i i m m-1. rmruiD itim
iuiv uut yjt; worm wm cntietL
xi;n:n t-.- .?r". ?a i x