Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 16, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly flews Herald
. . . BV TUB . . .
e Tear, in advance, (l"
2 f)0
)u Week, . .
ftimgU Copies,
One Tear, in advance, .... SI 00
Kix Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
THE NEWS is nrt now, and never
has been a Chapman organ, and its
republicanism is not of tho bargain
counter kind.
What McKinley thinks is n-t to
important now as what cungrnaj may
do. The whole country is waiting and
we will Boon eeo whether tho states
men who are great on talk are equal
to the emergency when lime for ac
tion arrives.
TBK queen repent, it is said, i-ponds
hours each day praying that war may
bo averted "for the sake of her father
less boy." She hasn't thought of the
Cuban mothers who have been pray
ing for the livo? of tht ir starving
children. Ex.
GOVEKNOU Ilolcomb is accused of
throwing boqucta at himself in a re
cent letter wherein helauds his record
to the skies. When a public official is
forced to b'ow a horn for him-e'f you
can safely set him nowu as .he.i;i
sort of an officer with liU'.e or no
General Colby is still spoiling for
a light. The glory ho achieved at
Wnundnd Knfl in the I'ineKidcre wni
has given him a taste for "blud." II
organized a company to go after Spai
two years ago, and he is still wearin.
a coat of luminous war paint, and his
voice is loud for a movement on Ila
The war cloud again darkens the
horizon, and the outlook for a peace
ful solution of the Spanish imbroglic
is far from flattoring. Congress re
fuses to accept McKinley's policy ol
delay, and judging from the debate:
action amounting to a formal declari
tion of war may be expected at a dale
no later than tomorrow.
Governor Holcomb refuses to heat
proof that open gambling Is carried
on in Omaha. He don't want to stO
the gamblers and he don't like to
stand as their special sponsor, yet that
is exactly where his actions locate
him. The governor will soon learn
that the position of a slick politician
is not easily maintained when a fel
low gets beyond his depth.
The president's message awakens
no patriotic impulse, and falls like a
wet blanket on the millions of Ameri
cans, who stand ready to avenge the
murder of the brave seamen who lost
their lives on the Maine. The docu
ment was neither conservative nor
warlike, a sort of vague uncertainty,
and is in no sense the equal of McKiu-
ley's former state papers.
AN architectural journal gives in
formation of a disruption of all agree
msnts in the tin plate trade and f
slaughler of prices until plate is sell
Incr at $2 70 per 100 pounds. This cut
has resulted in shutting out the Welsl
product from the American market
altogether; although so little has been
imported of late as to be of not much
importance to the trade. Ex.
ONE week from next Monday the
new city officers will take their 6eats
While we have not agreed in all things
with the outgoing Mayor, J. A. Gut
sche yet we are willing to state as a
fact that in 20 years the city has not
had so good a presiding officer in the
council meetings as Mayor Gutsche.
He is prompt in decisions and pushes
business right along in a manner that
would be a credit to anyone.
Spain says she will concede nothing
raore, and with no hostilities in Cuba
where an armistice has been granted
our country has really small excuse to
declare war. The nainhy-ivjinby
policy of the President has j laji d th'
country in a bad light btiore tr.e
world. The cheap Spanish diplomats
have out-classed us. War should
have been declared two weeks ago
when we had the sympathy of Europe
We will not have it now.
IF President McKinley would read
the republican platform which was
good enough two years ago, when it
advocated recognition of Cuba, ho
might avoid two spectacles; that of
the chief magistrate wobbling from
party precepts, and that of many peo
ple who desire to defend whatever the
president might do without regard to
the foolish position it places them in.
The republican majority in congress
is nearer the main spring of republi
can thought and character than Mr.
A LARGE majority of the republi
can members of congress evidently do
not agree with the presidents Cuban
policy and we believe they are right.
The murder of the 2o0 sailors on the
Maine without a word of warning is
sufficient casus belli and as Senator
Ilutler, of North Carolina said: "I
am for avenging the Maine, and
would be if Cuba did not enter into
tho matter. I would secure atone
ment from Spain for tho destruction
of tho Maioo and bo many of her gal-
l int crew, rot by conquest, not by
indemnity, for we cannot Diuko mor-
lmr.diMj out of iho bones of our dead.
but l-t tjb nay to Spain that wo will
eslabliHh a Cuban republic as a monu
ment to our dead of tho Maine. If
Spain will nut accede to this lot us
ma!o food the proposition with our
army and irivy. "
Ol'lt former Cass county citizen.
Otto Mutz, who usvd to bo an unrecon
siructed die in tho ditch democrat,
has of late years a great re
former and was elected to the lat
legislature from northern Nebraska
as a populitt of perpetual purity. Mr.
Mutz w;is instrumental in having $10,
(00 appropriated last winter to pay
for investigating thrj books of all the
state oflio'jrs, and as a thrifty farmer
Mr. Mutz t-nw to it that he should bo
tho heid push on this committee.
Mutz and his pals have spent a year
junketing at the expense of the tax
payers, with nothing to show for what
they have done, except a depleted
treasury. They have finally concluded
their work and a peculiar coincidence
lies in the fact that as their oflicial
report to the governor is announced
from one end c f the capitol, from the
other end wo learn that the appro
priation of $10,000 is entirely expend
ed. How fortunate that they finished
their arduous task at exactly thesame
moment the appropriation was ex
haustid. As a hippodrome of fraud
an 1 open plunder, tho immensity of
the last legislature in that line can
scarc'ly be comprehended. If tho
samo crowd of treasury :o' tors were
returned Hartleys stoalii;s would bo
dwarfed by tho brilliant pilferings of
the combine
Ir 1'itESiPENT McKinley had in
u is messages on Cuban affairs, simply
simply advocated the carrying out of
the spirit and letter of the republican
national platform ho would have had
not only tho party but tho whole
country at his b-ick, r.nd tl.o people
would be building bonfires in his
praise and dividing honors with Gen
eral Lee as the hero of the hour. But
alas! how has tho mighty fallen!
There is none left to praise and few to
defeiid his course of forgelf ulr.ess f
the cause of liberty. Every boiom
that feels tho impulse of p:Ui iulisu ;
every heart that throbs for human
freedom; every tongue that speikcs
responsive to the spirit of the Ameri
ead revolution, rejects the policy of
inanition that finds vent in the presi
dent's mesfage.
In the war between China and Japan
we used to read about the terrible
fighting, but it appeals that the Jap
anese lost only To!) killed outright and
2J0 who diod subsequently of wounds
received in battle; 3,143 of yellow
fever and other diseases; 3,009 were
invalided on account of wounds re
ceived and .jS,S52 were invalided from
cholera and other diseases contracted
during the campaign Thus it will be
seen that while modern destructive
weapons slay their hundreds, disease
slays its thousands. It would be tho
same, only more so, should we send
an army of occupation to Cuba. Min
neapolis Tribune.
The florid and picturesque style of
the political editorial in the Journal
does not disguise the zealous work of
our Matthew. We printed his roast
of the pops as a good news item, and
his bid at the end of the article for
pop suDport, in aid of his personal
schemes, we did not consider worth
publishing. It was too gauzy. The
News is in possession of tho resolu
tion or motion unanimously adopted
at the last democratic city convention
which settles fusion in thi? county
effectually, anyway, so that no time
need be lost now in the discussion of
an impossible contingency.
The concensus of opinion on Mc
Kinley's message is far from creditable
to the acumen atid ability of the pres
ident. Its uncertainty of tenor lead
to a violent debate in congresj as to
what was really meant. The least
that can be said is that it is unfortu
nate for the party that the chief mag
istrate did not rise equal to the occa
sion and give tho country a straight
clear incisive message, either for
peace or war, instead of the straddlo
that was placed before the country.
The story about news having boon
received from Explorer Andree is
rightly regard . d as a fake. The
probability is all against Andree hav
ing ever reached the North Pole and
being alive now. Yet several other
expeditions to tho North Polo are
under consideration and mosttf them
no more promising than was that of
the balloorist- Ex.
The TjDion Ledger man is evidently
not one of those editors to be trifled
with bv the outside world in doing
what he thinks is right. After pub
lishing an account of a fight in that
town says: "If Will Smith tackles
the editor for reporting his prize ring
contest he will realize that Pocahon
tas went out of the business of saving
tho hide? of the Smith family many
long years ago. These who see Smith's
hido tacked on our front door this
evening may know that he has been
here." Nebraska City News.
For the enlightenment of thoso who
are interested, let it be known that
Uncle S im has four first-class battle
ships, viz: tho Kearsarge, Indiana,
Iowa and Massachusetts, six ships of
the second class (lke tho Maine); two
armored cruisers, sixteen unarinored
cruiser.-; Bix double-turret monitors,
sixteen single turret monitors, fifteen
gunboats, two training ships, one dyn
amits cruiser, one dispatch boat, nine
teen torpedo boats, one submarine tor
pedo boat, six old-fashioned iron-clails
and nine wooden vessels left over from
tho lato war, making a fleet of 101 ves
sels all told.
How wo long for tho first circus to
come to town. When tho last circus
was here in Octobsr a certain mer
chant had hid name printed on the
blanket which the elephant wore. We
long for another circus so that wo may
know whether he is still doing bus
iness in Atchison, or has busted. No
good advertiser ever advertises on an
elephant. Atchison Globe.
Leo Girardet, of Nebiaska City,
went to fort Ci ook a few weeks ago
and enlisted in the regular arm. It
It has been Leo's ambition for several
years to become a soldier, and the
prospects for war with Spain caused
him to offer his services to his country
at this time. Lee is well known here
and bis friends will hope that he may
I pull through safely if called into active
service. Weeping Water Republican.
Maggio B. Inguerson yesterday filed
a buit for divorce from Frank I. Ing
uerson in district court. The couple
was married in 1889, at Greenwood, in
this state. The ground for divorce is
stated as failure to support the plain
tiff in the manner which her condition
in society warranted. State Journal
The Missouri Pacific road is having
calls for all their spare ballast cars,
and the quarries are doing a rushing
business. At the eand pits near
Springfield, they are getting out an
immense quan titv of sand for the ex
position buildings and grounds. The
Missouri Pacific will build quite an
extensive denot on the exposition
grounds. Weeping Water Itepubh
The bank of C. A. Sweet & Co. at
Palmyra, Otoe countj, was taken pos-
ession of Monday evening by the state
banking board. Examiner Luinhart
is in charge. The b ink's quarterly
retort February 26 showed that it had
$11,770 oa deposit and had S-',G00 cash
on hand. Loans and discounts amount
ed to Si I.4S0. Tho capital stock was
3,5M) Too much bad paper is given
i.a the cause of the failure.
A petition has been filed in Judge
Joice's (county) tout t ut Nebraska city
by W. H. Norton, atking that a guar
aian be appointed fo; John Ren ken,
and charging Renken with being an
habitual drunkard and fpondthrift.
Renken is abaut forty years of age, has
quite considerable real and personal
property and Ncrlon charges that un
less action is taken it will soon be dis
sipated, and bis family be left desti
tute. The parties reside in Talmage,
The commissioners of Otoe county
have adopted a splendid plan to in
crease the amount of property for tax
ation on their assessors books, by
making sure that every mortgage of
record in the county shall be placed
on the book's of those officials and as
sessed up against the owners of the
mortgage thus securing for taxation
a large amount of credits which have
hitherto escaped taxation. Cass
county commissioners would be doing
the public a vast deal of good by pur
suing the same policy.
F. M. Yager, who resides south of
this city, is the possessor of a novel
watering trough in the shape of an
Indian canoe made of black walnut
which has been in constant use on his
farm for forty-two years. An effort is
being made by citizens here to pro'
cure this valuable relic for the State
Historical society and have it placed
in the state university. Nebraska
City Press.
The evening News which always
k ads, but never follows, has arranged
in case war is declared, for a daily
te'egraph service direct from New
York city every day. The patrons of
this paper are entitled to the best
news service obtainable and we will
see that they get it.
It took the president several days
to digest and write his message. The
yellows, however, didn't even wait to
read it before giving vent to their de
nunciations. The more people study
it, the more will they appreciate the
care and attention the president has
devoted to the document.
Let Them Kick.
Ed News: I see by the evening soap
wrapper that the democratic hangers
on are 6till redheaded and abusing
the pops because they would not con
descend in the recent campaign to be
used as tools for the so called demo
cratic leaders and would-be bosses.
This hungry horde is making dam
phools cf themselves, to bo plain
about it. If the populists owe any
thing to any gang of political prosti
tutes, wfco-o fro'.e aim is to get office
and gio.v fat from the public cr'.h, I
have never yet been able to discover
it. It is reaily r.musiDg to see
tl;ea animals switch their tails
bellow and . paw dirt over their
backs because tho pop3 have
too much manhood to bo used by them
for revenue only. Suppose the pops
bad some bad leaders in this city, as
the squeaks of the democratic bag pipe
seeks to establish, I believe they would
compare to the democratic hoodlums
who seek to manipulate affairs, about
as the dog star compares to the
bright moon.
In good old testament times it was
considered a miracle for an ass to
talk, but now nothing 6hort of a mir
acle will keep one quiet.
Let them keep on with their abuse
and the oops will have the exquisite
pleasure in a short time of sticking
the knife into them again up to the
hilt. Of two evils, give us always the
lesser. Greenbacker.
Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings
Was augmented recently by
goods for which he paid
Think What
It means heavy discounts.
It means that his competitors
neither can" they meet him
everything in his line.
His Leader
Is the old reliable "Charter
guaranty, and its half
No house in Cass county ever
He can suit every taste. Three
from. Bed room suites and
price to those lit for a queen.
Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business
success. He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with his
cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it.
It Will Surprise You
To call and see his wonderful stock, and get his prices, which
are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in
Omaha. Remember the place.
Opposite the Court House.
Dr. Marshal, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfeot fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first
class dental work.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1805, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. MoitEAUX, Luverue,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
Lint of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmouth, April 14, 1S0S:
Carrahan George S Domingo Jacob
Homar B E Houser Ed
Mack Joseph.
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
W. K. Forf, P. M.
First-Class Work
Frank Marler has opened a first
class blacksmith shop at the cor
ner of Seventh and Pearl streets where
all kinds of smithing and horseshoeing
will be done in a skillful manner, also j
carriage and wagon painting.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a front p ireh
and a rear end of a car. Perhaps the I
use of Foley's Honey and Tar will ex
plain whythey could do this, without
injury tojjietr vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and siDgers.
Smith & Parmele.
Light ltrahiuas,
And fancy Game BanVims for s lie; also
eggs for setting. Enquire of William
Gllmour, or leave orders at Egenber
ger & Troop's, where som3 of the
chickens mav be seen.
Kacklen's Arnicw Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions.
and positively cures piles, or no o.y
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale b
F. G. Fricke.
Pastnrage for Stock.
Horses and cattle taken to pasture
at Cullom;good grass, plenty of shade
and running water. Call on the un
dersigned, at Cu'lom, or address.
George Hicks,
Cedar Creek, Neb.
Hay For Sale
Either in tbe ba'e or loo-o, as m: y
be desired.
C. L. Stull, Oreapolis, Neb.
the receipt of two car loads of
spot cash at the factory.
This Means
It means lower freight rates.
can not meet him on prices,
on a marvelous assortment of
in Stoves
Oak," with its fifteen years'
a hundred designs.
carried half so large a stock.
hundred easy chairs to select
parlor suites from the lowest
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
"l r-1 k n r -r r r -
htaMti i livid i aoic:
San Francisco
Alllpoints west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and al
points JZast and
No 1. Denver express 11:18 pm
No 0. Cbiciico express 12:40 am
No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, s-t Louis, all points
south 9:40 ai
No i. Local exD, dally, Hurllneton.
Chicago, ail points east 10:34 am
NolO. Local exD. daily exceut Sun
day 10.45 am
No 9-. Local exp. daily except sun-
day, L'acitiu J unction 12:30 pm
No 30. h rembt, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2:50 pm
No 2. VestiDuleti exp, dally. Ilur
linsrton, Chicago and all
uoints east 5:30 pm
No 13 stub irom Junction to Platts
mouth, 0:15 pm
No 12. Local exp. daily. St Joe, Kan
sas City. St Louis. Chicago
all points east :i nd south.. H:25 pm
INO .1 LiOCal exp, laily,l:iiuha,Lin
coln, Denver and interme
diate stations 7:24 i.m
No h"), Local freifftit, ddiiy. Um:i';:t. S:lj am
No 2'J. Local freight, uany, ex Sun
day, Cedar CretK. Luuis-
viile. South Ueuu 7 9 am
No 7. 1' astiuall, daily, Omaha and '
Lincoln 2:22 pm
AO a, v estiuuiea exp, daily, Den
ver and ull points in Colo
rado, I tali and California,
Grand Island, Ulack HilN,
.uoniana and racinu vy. 3:43 pm
;o . L,ocai exp, dany except su -day.
Louisville. Ashiaad,
V ahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, daily exceptSun-
day.Umahaand Lincoln.. 459pm
?o iocai express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclininz chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baugae checked to unj point in the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT, Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. r' It A NOES. Gen. Pass. Agt..
Omaha. Neb.
No. i 4:50 a. m.
No. it 1 L 51 a. rn
No. 121, local freight 4.04 p.m
No. 2 10:43 p.m.
122. frt.l:ht 7.3n m
No. 1 ! i:t-4 u m
House Furnishings
Otir stock is complete In alt lines we
invite our friends to look it over. V.'..
-nOrtiivur to please you. fail and s-ee ks.
iSucocss.irs to i.ry Uctck
U tf-UABtE tCc
; iiii
& a FREE &
To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars Worth
of Merchandise from
The Leading Clothier.
You can hardly afford to miss this chance.
If you have never bought anything from
MORGAN, now is a very good time to get
You do not have to buy that amount at
one time. We furnish you a ticket and when
that is punched full, you get tho case.
We have a very strong line of Clothing
and Furnishings.
Bottom Dropped Out
..of Prices
On 1897-Grown ...
Garden and Field
Two Packages
Everything else
Now is the time to repair your Spouting and Tin Roofs, be
fore the rains beinn
We Have Something New
In a door lock that will last a life-time ; has no springs;
works better and costs less money than a spring lock.
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware
store of . . . .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Zuckwe er &
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries.
an immense stock, buy for cash and cell ut
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb
0 the Smith premier cypewriter
Omaha Branch Office, cor.
ipj.iii.i ii i mm ii, 1 1 j i .h.ii. mm in ... i mi i mm jj,m i " t w i i Jim wm n
iaw mm-m mm limn i iii m an.i.Ti at rn i.i - i tw m,i A m
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CUK. . The
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents
per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
Garden Seed, 5c.
at bottom prices.
Because they carry
Best Value cariring Machine.
Ras all tbe Hatest Improvements,
popular Because of Flcrtt.
Jost Durable Zyptvcnrxter JIade.
premier Buyers do JSTot experiment.
for JS'ew Hrt Catalogue f.
Smith Premier' "Cypcwritcr Co,
Syracuse, fi. U. 8. H.
Seventeen th'and Farnsm str.