Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 13, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly News Herald
... BY TUB . . .
e Tear, in advance, 8.r 00
Six Months 2 50
fue Week, 10
hiaglo Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... 31 CO
Six Months f0
Of any Cass County Paper.
Al'TKU her disgraceful reeord in
Cuba, it iu ridiculous for Spiiin l be
boasting of natioriiil honor.
EVIDENTLY Franco is trying to pre
vont hostillities until sho can unload
tho rest of her Spanish bonds.
I K you see a man carrying a knap
Back, don't slam tho door in hi face
on tho theory that he is a bookagent,
as it might bo tho assessor, a very
dangerous individual to olTend.
AUSTRALIA is about to ship $0,1 00,
000 more gold to the United Slates.
Tho financial philosophers who have
been harping on the coward ico of gold
must own up to another fallacy.
It looks like Govornor Holcomb
would havo to sit as a court and listen
to the complaints which are to bo
made against his Omaha police board.
This is enough to make him wince
and try to shirk tho job.
When Spain, in resoonso to Mc
Klnley's note, inquired if tho inde
pendence of Cuba was a necessary
feature of a settlement of the Maine
affair. His response was brief and to
tho point, lie only answered "Yes."
Senator Allen is a great gallery
boy. Ilia talk of resigning his posi
tion in tho United States Senate to
fight in the ranks against Spain, will
not be mistaken for patriotism; in
street parlance its poppy cock, nothihg
The Baltimore and Ohio has
eighteen women in its employ as sta
tion agents, and the traveling auditors
say their accounts are always straight
and that their stations are kept neater
and cleaner than those presided over
by men.
'.L1 ; i f. fusionisis at South Omaha had
a close call. The majority of over a
thousand one year ago was reduced to
one hundred and twenty. The early
return to power of the old reliable
republican party is made more certain
every day.
Dick Baku and tho other cruel
Plattsmouth populists according to
tho Journal should "come into our
parlor" and be good. Their cruel
actions may stifle a delicate congress
ional boom you Know and that would
be awful.
"Hyenas and lambs," is the Jour
nal's comparison between pops and
democrats. Wo aro a little out of
practice at guessing, but wo never saw
a democratic lamb and conclude the
other animal stands for the Journal
THE war talk is not affecting business
in this part of the country. The re
port of the Omaha Clearing House,
yesterday shows an increase of over 40
per cent over the same week one year
ago. Who said McKinley times were
not felt in the west.
The queen regent of Spain poses for
sympathy because she is a widow. Sho
has been chiefly engaged in making
widows in Cuba for two years, and is
entitled to the same sort of sympathy
we lavish upon the wolf which has
fastened its fangs in the flesh of the
innocent lamb.
Editor Caspar of tho David City
Press, who saw fit to make unkind re
marks about the late Miss Willard
and her life work, has received more
free advertising of an unsavory kind
than any other man in tho 6tate, and
he fully deserved all tho abuse that
was heaped upon him.
Col. Woodford is a great orator
and was one of the bravest soldiers
sent out from the great stato of Now
York during the recent unpleasant
ness, but as a diplomat he makes one
weary, unless he is trying to hood
wink the Dons while McKinley is get
ting his war materials ready.
Evert time congress
lious and starts out to do
iard killing on its own
gets rebel-
some Span-
account the I
man at the white house sends for a few
cf the recalcitrant statesmen and
when he gets through with a little
talk they go back to their seats quiet
and harmless as doves. Who was it
said McKinley was not a man of strong
character and that he could be easily
People who are still complaining
about the fact that New England
cotton mills have been compelled to
reduce wages may find an explana
tion in the following table, showing
the growth of the cotton manufactur
ing; industry in tho south in the past
eighteen years. It will be observed
that this growth, which operates pre
cisely under the same tariff law that
prevails in Xew England, has been
something phenomenal:
Mills Spindles Looms Capital
IS80 IH0 M7.000 14,000 $21
1890 1,712.000 39.0IK) ei.fl00.UJ0
18S8 4W 4,100.000 115,000 125.000,0(X)
Populis t.-i mufct got oil- tho earth,
that is tho slogan of the demoemtie
organ in this city as will bo noticed
from tho following editorial which
appeared in last evi nirig's Journal :
"Tho fusion of purlieu is all
right in principle, the name as a co
partriernhi j i ti u business venture is.
But it would bo preposterous to pi o
pose tho fusion or co-partnership of u
lamb and a hyena or of a dove and a
Horpent. Arid it's just the same witli
political fusion in some quarters. It
is no more than just to s.ty that tho
rank and file of all parlies are disposed
to bo square and fair, yet in many
localities they allow themselves to be
dictated to am manipulated by one or
two cheap grafters and p.u-iy iraituis,
wlio have no uioro idea of p-inc!p:o
than a Digger iridian has of I. e
Darwinian theory of evolution. 'I h.y
are po.itic il ha lots who chum to he
members of the party which they seek
to control, merely bee.iu-e they can
make more by such pretended alleg
iance than would bo possible by any
other course. Their ways wo devious
and dark. Party secrets at e obtained,
that they may bo peddled for a profit.
Fusion schemes aro cancoeted in order
that some ono may buy them olT, and
objectionable and unpopular candi
dates aro forced upon union tickets s
that such liekcts may be weakened in
the interest of tho opposition."
This is thu same old story, witli a
new chapter. Tho supremo court, in
passing upon one of tho many cases
decided by Chapman, which, in the
interest of justice, wore taken before
that tribunal, says:
Miller vs. Meeker. Error from Cass
county. Reversed. Opinion by Jus
tice Norval.
1. When an action is properly
brought before a justice of the peace
of one county, summons may if-suo to
any other county to bring iti other
parties defendant.
2. In a personal action, service of
summons in a county whore a suit is
brought upon a nominal defendant
merely, who has no substantial inter
est in the subject of tho suit adverse
to tho plaintiff, does not confer author
ity upon the court to issue a summons
to another county for a real defend
ant. 3. The jurisdiction of u justice's
court is inferior and limited, and to
support a judgment of that court, the
record must affirmatively show juris
diction ever tho person of tho defend
Reports from 15 of the leading com
mercial states on the number of busi
ness failures for the first quarter of
'97 compared with the fit st quarter of
'1)8 shows what McKinley times and
the restoration of conscience me 'tis.
The number of failures is as follows:
l Altf Kl.S.
. . 1 4..
. 2S
. . 77
.. ol
Ken tuck y . .
1 1
Michigan SI)
Minnesota 58
Missouri 170
Nebraska '1
Ohio 211
X. Dakota 3
S. Dakota G
W. Virginia 2t
Wisconsin 00
Total liabilities for '5)7, $20,733. 4"4
for '98, $7,878,035.
Victor Kosewatku of Omaha was
before the supreme court yesterday
and asked for, and was granted, per
mission to tile a petition for a writ ior
mandamus compelling the governor to
hear personally the charges against
the three Omaha lire and police com
missioners. Mr. Ilosewater denies the
right of tho governor to delegate the
hearing to Judjje Tibbetts or any other
man. Governor llolcomb will be re
quired to show cause why ho shou.i!
not sit in the case.
The southern editor who "longs fo;
one hour of Wil'.iam J. Bryan " need
not go through life in disappointment.
He can have one hour of Mr. Bryan
at almost any time if he will charge
an admission and divide the gate re
ceipts. The Nebraska statesman is
not exclusive, if he is rich. State
Skxatou Allen, who is as large a
man as M. V.Gibson of South Park,
declares ho wants to resign and jine
the army if we have war with Spain,
tsince rendiDg his statement we are
unalterably for war.
The discovery of a copy of the
Declaration cf Independence in Jef
ferson's own handwriting is an inter
esting event. But the Virginia states
man's draft of a popocrat platform is
still missing.
Commissioner Evans has been called
upon for an opinion as to whether a
pensioner could enlist in case of war
with Spain. The commissioner in
formed his inquirers that they were
pensioned for disability, and the gov
ernment always sought for 'Sable
bodied men" (naturaly) for soldiers.
The pensioa stood in the way of old
soldiers enlisting, for it was a certifi
cate of disability which no medical ex
amination could set aside.
The Nebraska train on its arrival in
Xew York will bo under the charge of
the Central Cuban Relief committee
comprising Stephen E. Barton, pres
ident of tho lied Cross organization,
chairman; Louis Klopsuh, of the Chris
tian Llerald and Charles A. Schieren,
of the New York Chamber of Com
merce. Thi9 committee acts under
the direction of tho department of
stato and it assures tho Nebraska con
tributors to tho fund that the supplies
will reach their destination cither
witli or without the consent of the
Spanih authorities, and if r.ecssiiry
a sic rial hte.-iriier will he charter 1 to
c un too provisions If. en A-ba
j p Jit i .attsmoul !i where the ueino
crats and populists fu-eil on the city
ticket, only a. police ju.l'e atid two
in tied men ivero elected. Nebraska
City did betier than that when there
wan no fusion, for tho ih nioer :. t-, cap
tured City treasurer, two council nn n
and a member of the board of educa
tion. Neb. City .Num.
A reader ef the war newn wants to
know it means when a shin "goes
into coMiiiii-.-ion." It is sii:;ply til-oi'ljc-i.u
nietlio.i of si... til that the
re-poas:h lity for the shp has b.-en
....If -i i . . I
pas.-ew irom me onicers oi the navy
yard when: the lias b :rn stationed to
anoflieor of tho navy who Iris been
uesigtiated to take charge of her as
commander. It means that the vessel
is ready for active service. Ex.
A saloon was broken into at Ne
braska City ilie other night, but the
robbers took only cash. They broke
open tho slot machine and secured
about if I. The s ot machine is gen
erally a good thing to touch if you
are looking for cash.
Tho war department yesterday or
dered ono of tho two cinnons ia use in
4 L. f I ! . . 1 . f . i
uiu military r.eparmeni oi the univer
sity shippi d to the Rock Island arsen
sl, presumably for the equipment ol
tho new regiments of artil lery. Lieu
tenant Stotonburg seceived the order
about 10 o'clock and at noon had the
gun at the Muck Island station ready
for shipment. State Journal.
Geo Fairfield, one of the early set
tlers of this county, cow residing at
Alliance, is reported in a. dying condi
tion from pneumonia. lie is over 7t;
years of age and h is many oW1
acquaintances in this county who
r gret to Rare of his condition.
ti me
Key MclJride, of Jackson's
o., caught three mountain
lust week, making live in
houius King an.'i Swiss took ih
1 Kile,
and treed four at one time, one g!,ti ing
away before it could be killed. This
1 A c l : ... i i
oai.u oi liens nave kii. ii close on to I
fifty he:ai of eik within t:,.- last ninety
d-iys. A peculiar thing is that after
killing the eik imtlur.g is di.-inrbod
but the heart. A hole i- c
il av.-.iy
behind the left siiouldi r and on
V tne
heart of the animal is t .kee.
A letter from U. M. Graves sivs le
has located for t h p' es- r. t ; t 1 'v. V; I -lup,
Washington, a t-.-wn r-f J.usn. peo
ple in the valley of thai n nr.e wle re
the finest pine and c. d,.r limber
abound, f.iul the t est of water )s plen
tiful. They have no winter and rai.-i
no corn, wheat or outs. heps a -u
vegetables is the chief crop. Mr.
Graves is not over well ple.e-ed with
the country.
t'oley's Wonoy itn-.l Tar,
Cough Syrup wherever ititroriuced is
eonsidei ed the most plo;isat5t :uid ef
fective remedy for oil throat and lung
complaint!-. It is the only prominent
cough ft meily th::t eontiiifis no
opiates and th;it c:iu safely he given
to children. Smith & l;rmele.
l'asturafe for .Slo-k.
Horses and cattle taken to pastu- e
at Culiom; yood gr;:s, plenty if liade
and running water. Call ( n the un
dersigned, at Cu hm, iir ndiires-,
Ckok(;k IIr-ks,
Cedar Creek, Xeb.
HiK-klen's Arnirii Salve.
The best salve in the world for eu'.s,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no nay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mopey refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale b
F. G. Fricke.
Liht Uraiiinas,
And fancy Game Hunt ims for s do; also
eggs for setting. Enquire of Willinm
Gilmour, or leave orders at Egenber
ger & Troop's, where some of the
chickens mav bo seen.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that tho wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshlernan, Sterling.
111., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshlenian: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedy."
Sold by all druggist
;eri:iaii Attention.
Great comical entertainment at the
Turner hall on Sunday eve April 2i at
S:00 p. m. Selected program. l.lleU
reserved se::ts only. Don't forget to
come and see tho only illuminated
nose on the earth. See the bad boys
of Corinth. The beet newly imported
troup of nriisti under tho general di
rection of Louis Ottnot. If you want
a good lauch come. Admission 25 cts.
Good music for dancing.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has
L. B Q. on each tablet.
e'! l'otiitot'H.
For sale (ire early rose, early Ohio
and other choice seed potatoes at
A. II. Weckisacii & Co's.
Tho farmer, tho mechanic and the
bicycle rider liable to unexpected
cuts and bruises. De Witt's Witeh
1 Hazel Salvo is the best thing to keep
on hand. It heals quickly, and is a
well known euro for piles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Old papers for sale at this ofhee.
I zO ira A p 1
ft n ii h
Furniture. Stoves and House Furnishings
V;is augmented
'mkiiIs for
rccentlv lv
which he jri'd
Think What This Means
It means heavy discounts,
means that his competitors
neither can they meet
everything iu his line.
His Leader in
Is tin
reliable "Charter
guaranty, and its
house in Cass county
lie can suit every taste.
room suites
tiiose Jit lor
j lie
Is where
earl in an Siime
e pays r,o rent.
cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it.
It Will Surprise You
lo call and see his wonde:
are from ten to twenty
-hve pv
COU'i 1,
III-. 7:;.if ilrsMli'.att- I!i!ist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crows :md bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, a'L kinds of plate-.
Dr. Marshall, perleot lilting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for jl:st-cla-i
dental wo-k.
A man stands on ehanee (.f being
elected to the mayorship of a city unless
he enj ys the confidence and esteein of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swan ton, Ohio,
and under date of ian. 17, lSUii,
V,, I
writes as follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Semedy. My family and
neighbors have tested it, and ew
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. Gf.oi:;k W.
lIl'MrilUEY," Sold by all druggists.
Shi11! Nel.
"Eckford's" best larjre
mixed, 5 cents per ounce in separate
col CTs. Best leadinsr varieties. 7
cents per ounce. I'ansv' plants
"Dreer's Exhibition" varieties mixed
white, light blue, dark purple and
the nearest approach to red to be
found in pausles, in separate varieties
25 to 35 cents per do.un, ready to
plant out next weelc. L. A. Mooiii-:.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1S95, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Paiii Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Mokkaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by ad druggists.
Two Well Known St:t'sm'ri
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end of a ear. Perhaps the
use of Foley's Honey and Tar will ex
plain why they could ao this, without
injury to their vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
You should know that Foley's Hcncy
and Tar is absolutely tha best remedy
for all diseases of tho Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
I desire to attest to the merits cf
Chamberlain's Cough Kernedy as one
of the most valuable aud eflicient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for, I desire to inform you that I will
never be without itmnd you should feel
proud of the high esteem. 'in which
your Remedies are" held dy ,' people in
general. It is;the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. IL
Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
tlic :vceipt of two oar
spot cash at the factory
It means lower freight rates
can not meet him on prices
on a
marvelous assortment
Oak," with
its fifteen years'
half a hundred
ever carried half so lar'e
Three hundred easy chairs
a stock,
to select
parlor suites from the
d explains his wonderful business
lis expenses are low, and with his
r cent
a ii
1 m.-t his
can be
Plattsmouth, Xebrask
w w m m J n n f w
I 0s
This is
Have You
ill' I At J I
f I
I rAin.Nav.iG.ia37.
g um.i
To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth
of Merchandise from
H ff W3 tf A Pik H
ioOHisi AN
The Leading Clothier.
You can hardly afford to miss this chance.
If you have never bought anything from
MORGAN, now is a very good time to get
You do not have to buy that amount at
one time. We furnish you a ticket and when
that is punched full, you get the case.
We have a very
and Furnishings.
1 p a K.-'S B.j .
n U : V
' r ft . 1 f. i
U F'i
I Permanentlv cured by using 1)11. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC ( :I7I!K. The
I surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Trice 50 cents
per box. Sample sent freo on mention of this publication.
" THE Dli. WHITEHALL jUEGllIMLNE JO . South Bend, Indiana.
m m j n j n n $ n
f J
the Greatest Record.
We are Beating the Greatest Record
in the Size of our Stock of SHOES,
Quality and
of Them.
Our Ship of Trade Into the Harbor
of Success by selling what Custom
Place to Buy Your Shoes.
Ladies' Shoes
seen Our
at 139?
Ec " inn
tl. &.;-4fr--n--rn- !
se give:
strong line of Clothing
V ; i .S
i I
Til! -T7i'.
ii.-ii-, til ilVi. iiWiniii,riiiii
b a
t 1
Price are Selling
We have steered
31.69 3