New TIIK NRVH. Kntnlilnhfd Nov. ft. 1!H. illK II KliA Ll,l' HlitblitiliiMl April ID, sll. ( (Jo u sol ldu ted Jud. 1, IMr.l. PLATTSMOUTir, Np., AI'IUL I), 1803. VOL. VI. NO. 10. SEMI W3EEKJLY 3 LjM ii r. if. ill 1 t I I' I I 1 1! i ! I' ! i i' ! 6 6 4 A 6 A A 9 A t A A A ? A , - A FfiiEIlD OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR: 13 THE GREAT THROAT and LUFJC REMEDY. IVAK ISr IVfiUKPUH V h) I ill JLli. U n c o niJ i t io rwil" S ur rc u U er A lo u e " Gun Prevent It.' MUST Kl-UXOUISIi ALL CLAIMS To tula or I- ijjlit Spain 'Will Never Ac- rede War 1'reparat ion are 1'rog ret hlnjj Meadify in Hot i CoootrleH Nchm of Local Interest. For Snlolby SMITH 1'AHM ELI' Jb3 JiLl.i- 7.' MAKE PAHMT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves., Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slapdash mix ture for all. Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll s:iy so ton after you have used them. F. G. FRICKE & CO. Washington, '.April S, tl:'oi) p. in. ; il to the Nhwh: Pi epru-ations fir war are steadily going on in both this country and Spain. Cun'i'urs has urncl until Monday, aim though ) iulic bO-itiiii'iit is moro j - ic t 5 o re a v il h e exo' t ( u 1 3 t em nor;; ri ly allayed, win feeling hourly growing r-t Ol 'gcf. . . . Amorie iiiH uro lowing Havana a-a.-rt as M.ips t a u ( an y tliOm. 'Minis r Wonifoid his n ordered, not to oavo M drid vet fo; a few days pcnOir-g I hi iht r Jiofiul iation.. AH i n 1 ications pjint mure strongly than tvji to w.i r. la i id there i lm p s-iihit! er.iimt: tuv pt-uea uni'jfs ?pain wilt nl (nu-ts itiliiui i-li nil i:' aim; t) L ;iu:i v. iui'li tin :i'.s .: ill pleto a titl nn- liduio.ial surrender on the part of 1'iuiitiv, which is uduiitlcd in diplomatic and military circles here that mio "ill never do. "Art," "The io the UDit d U Problem as nd Children", BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, TO JAS. S. KIRK & CO.. Soap Manufacturers. Htcs8. Jas. S. Kirk & Co., Chicago, Tils. '. Gentlemen: We have civon your "White Cloud" soa d a thoroush test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our "New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and lind it . . entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure in recom mending it as a superior article for laundering tino embroidery. Yours truly, (S.'gned) Beldlxq Enos. & Co. Refering to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work, lor the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. Established 1839. Largest JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. Ittiirncl I'rom Honduras. S. 1J. Atwood ;md wife returned last evening alter a months aosenco, uur- inir wliicu lime they visiiea iew ur- leand and went by steanier to Hon duras and Guatamala ia Central Americ 1. Mr. Atwood reports a de lightful time and t-ays Honduras is a ood country to live in. They stopped at Uelize and went up into the coun try on a river steamer, banana rais ing is a pre at industry down there, the ship which brought them homo earriou loriv cars ot me irun. jia- botany was as cheap and common as Cottonwood used to bu hero and was uuliz.-d for fence building and other cheap work, ilio sjiI was very rich ind wonderfully productive. Three crops 01 'orn can 00 grown in one 1 year, and supar cane is piauieu out once, the cane is cut nd new stalks rrow up. 'J liero was no cud of deli cious tropical iruits, me mango cus tard npp e and many others that a urtrifMier nuvtr tlsiea. ouuie 01 me liuest eone'i p ant itious in the world Lire found in Guat nuala. Mr. "Atwood was (le-iiyhted witn wnat no saw, trie trip boinp his first odo into the tropics. They were both in the best of. health during the entire' trip and came homo irjm a ten thousand mile jaunt, nunu tho worse for thei r outing ..." Thu lM-iivrr I'.l. iii.lul. In .breif tiie uubjectMi o be cons dered at the Uicnnial will IJ us follows: "lloine," lMiases of L'Jmomic Work-in Cluls,;' "KJucHtion, Library Moyeinint States," ''Thfi' Indust it alTecta Women ''Civic Clubs and llago Improve ment Associations" at J " Folk Songs of 'America". In addition there 1 l bo confereno-a ou'cTub metliods at 1 hich practical questions toclubs ooti:' large and small, will" bo considered. Vraetial phases of all Uic (luostions w 1 bo the sub jects of d liieuSion.- 'tr instance, in the Art meeting such tubje-ets as "The Decoration of SrliO'd " Juildings", a:a 'What an. Ail Clubin do Jor a Com munity- will be U .iis-cu. At the ess meeting at whijli Mrs. llenrot- in will presid-. such hemos as "How to secure the C-oi ration of the l.'i CSsVwith AUriji-K'.c Movement," Shall the Club pu ish its News", etc., will be taken up3 Sun of tiie best lady jo urn., list s 'in the country will b'l.tbi- s o.k:rri. : Attho Library n'fjoting accounls of the work done by tJubs ail over the country in tho way . of public and travelling libraries,' will bo trivon. At the Educational tonforence Mar garet J. llvaus. prcsic'ent of tho Min nesota Federation -nd principal tf Carletoti college, wii! preside. Mrs. Cornelius Steyeson, thefaiiious l'gypt- oloyi-t, will have charge of tho meet inc on Civic dubs. Sl;e is president of ih.e noted Civic cl'ub cf 1'liiiadel- phia, .which has been so potent a fac tor in tho municipal life of that city. At the' Industrial meeting Clare de GratTenrfcd and Mrs' A. P. Stevens, two of the most noted labor statisti cians of the country will apeak, also Mary Kenney O, Sullivan, president of the Ijoston Union for Industrial Pro gress. On Sunday, June 2:", twelve princi pal pulpits of Denver will be filled by such preachers as Celia Parker Wool- ley, and Ciroline IWt'ett Crane, and such speakers as Jane Addams, Mrs. Cornelious Stevenson and Mrs. Mary Solomon, president of tho National Council of Jewish Women. MixxieJ. Rexold.s, Chairman Biennial Local Press Com. DE PARTM EMU' DIM STORE OPPOSITE BANK OF CASS COUNTY. There are Four Things in our Stock to which we desire to Call Your Attention: Quality, Style, Assortment and Prices. First QUALI PY A good brgain in good for bo'h sides, and th real ai-cret of o'.n' success is due to tho f ol that we C'n-ider quality, fiivt, last mid nil tho tinm. A fjood. square dollar's worth ot quality goes with even article wo otTer. Second STYL11 Our stock is all in style, every thing new. When you buy here, thoiefore, you aro buying the latest. Third ASSi iKTMKNT V tli full to h loct from, our- pat. :mim an' c riant to gut what thej want. I'oiirth PKU 1 IS To sell quick, wo sell at tho right price. A dollar never wont as far us it iroeH right now. lto il price economy is tho locord at thin Btoro. DRY GOODS These prices are interesting to people who wibh to save money in buying good goods: , r Il st Cambric, per yard .$ .; Indian Head Mu.-lin, short lengths, uer yard .., . ." Host Table Oil Cloths, per yard. li Mosquito Netting, per yard 0f We are showing the Iland-omcst li o of Organdies in the city. We huio a Heautiful Lino of White- (Joodd, at prices to please. At this sale wo have All-i. " 'en Crash at only "c per yard. A nice White Quilt at only 4Uc. ; Special Sale on Dress Goods. We will give one-third olT on all Dress (ioods at li.ic per yard and up. Call and see tho newest things. ' This Special Price holds good until April loth only. In looking through our Stock-, don't fail to 8-iO thoso flic Percales, Wo place on salo Special Bargains and want you to call and see. ' Cerinan 1! ue Print-, ior yard luc and JJc Sheetings goat .' and '.I'm' Organdies go at liOc and. , 2-je Organd ies goat $ .05 J . .07 . .25 . .15 Shoes;, Stioes. One choice lot Ladies' Shoes, 85c. One choice lot Ladies' Shoes, $1 We have a full lino of Ladies' Shoes. In Men's (Joods, we Sell a Dandy Shoo for $1.00, and in bettor goods wo can show a Choice Lot. In Children's, Misses' and Hoys' Shoes, we havo just what you want. HATS, HATS. Seventy-five cents buys a good Hat of us. Just ask to see our $1.00 goods. Wo show them with pleasure. have hats at $1.50, $2.00, $2.o0, $3.00 and $3.5) and guarantee to save you money on every hat you buy. We soap manufacturers in the world. Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' tbe polish you e m put on a Murzluflshoe. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than shine it wears, it tits, it "feels good" whether you walk across tho street or across the continent. It's a shiner, a staj er, a soother. Costs money? Of course not as much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. A A A i 4 A A A A A Joseph lctxcr, A A rtn Side Main Street. A WHITEBREAST o-:-o--o-j-- A I A I COAL YARD LINClt." AVE. AM) M IKliLE STS., II. M. SOE.XMCIISEN, Manager. Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store ol A. H. Weckbach & Co. 4 4- Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes TOE BILIOUS AND KEEVOrS riSOSDEES pne-h as Wind nnd rain ia tho Stomach. Giddiness,' I'tilues.- after -munis. Head ache, Dizziness. Drowsiness.' FlnshiiiKS of Heat, Xioss of Appetite." Costlvolis.' Blotelies on the Skin. Old Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Prihtful JJreatns and all JTervous and Trembling Sens;it ions. THE FIRST EOS E VILL GIVE EELIEr ' IN rWEXTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowiedye theni to be A WONDERFUL IV1EDICINE. HEECIIAM-S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. Tliey, rf'arit'y remove obstructions or irrerTi!.nHi is nf tLo sy s tem and cure feirk Sieadaehe. Pur a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Deecham's Pills aro Without a Rival And hnve the LARCEST SALE of any Patent .lledirine in ttie VorIU. . 25c. at all Drug Stores, At the Comiui.ssioiit-r s Ollice. The board tiiday ordered "a hew t .venty-eight foot bridge bui.t on the ferry and work will comuionce on it toinor. ovv. Ln a few days it will bo ready for travel, much tu the satis faction of the public. " .', On peiitijn uf a nu oibei' of citizens tilo comuiirsioncrs today closed a con tract with Matthew Gering.'w'aereiu the altoriiey undertakes t.) have th.e clocii - i-iu 'inent set aiue ior-a lee ot i'SrJ. ' This amount jiieiuJes tli casts uivulvei in the lurilier pi useCujiou oi tue. cae,"if he does nut suce-iod thy 'e'.urt'tT fs- lo pay uothiug nu.oure no p iy. -Tiio Jinildl ng and loau aesociat ions of 'the C-itV havo iu the past low days p.uii over to the county 1,M. .' .uotiu- q tiCD 1-1 axes on several pieces ot prop-' n'ty" in ' this city whic.i inoau9 ,tbat th 3 a-s jci.itioii win foi eeios x on i propeu'ty. lhere are a number, pf ot.itrr ! delinquents wlio mitfiit save loi-eciosure by p lying up iu IX' next fe ,v d-sys.- : Henry Cooper was in j'esterday for a visit with the -News he having re turned the d;iy before after spending the winter in Texat Henry dots not take any stock in the brick red toil but the climate duritg winter ho says is fine. When ho '!, ft Palestine last week strawberries Jit finest quaUty were selling o . tSftal Jr ten cents D?r box and all sorts of early wge tables were in market. Wheat and osts were heading out as April is a harvest month down there. He found the people very nice and asjbospitable as could be desired. on liiiwt.. . . One Choice Lot Dress Shirts, only 39c. GROCERY 131i:iVRrlJl.M:NrJr. lerl Sle;ilii L.uunlry. B. F. Goodman has his new laundry fully equipped with latest devices, now in running orcer, ana asKs a share of your patronage. Pis wo' k is his best advertisement, and if you try tne new Jaunary tut re win be no longer any excuse for sending-goods away. Nothing, too good for our patrons is our. motto. Work called for arid delivered. 1 lb Lion CoiTee 1 lb Arbuckles Coffee .. . Lamp chimneys Argo Gloss Starch Argo Corn Starch Crackers, per lb 1 dozen clothes pins 12 lbs rolled oats 12 lbs B ivy beans 12 lbs Scotch peas 1 lb Ilorse-hoe Tobacco. . 1 lb Star Tobacco $1.00 l lb Battle-Axo Tobacco $ 1:0 1 lb Peppor $ 18 1.00 1 lb "6-for-10" Tobacco 18 10 cent sack of Salt 05 0J I lb J. T. Tobacco 30 15-cent sack of Salt 10 u! California Prunes, per lb ('." Best Salt, per barrel 1 00 u'5 Elegant Kaisins, per lb 0r Lemon extract, per bottle 05 3 packages Parlor Matehes 24 Vanilla extract, per bottle 05 Bucket Syrup 4 Coal oil, per gal 10 M Bucket Jelly 40 New York Cream Cheese 13 ()1 2 lb package Oatmeal 0.' Dry Salt Meat ..... 07 2-5 1-1 b can Price's baking powder. . 38 Breakfast bacon, per lb 10 25 -lb c:in Price's baking powder. . 20 ' alifornia Hams, per lb 6 jl lb Bon-Bon baking pwder i La - go Harnd, per lb 10 tjjl lb Calumet baking ptwder . 10 Bologna, pur- lb 6J RTMENT STORE. Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. ... fewest i'v Srrd. :'vLokford"s'r best lnrge mixed, 5 cents per ounce in colors. - Best leading varir cents - per ounee. 1'msv ''Dreer's Exhibition" va-ie'i IJoweied separate tie-, 7i p.iiits s mixed FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKI NC House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. uur stock H comurete la lines ; M we Invite our friends to look it over. Trll "mleitvor to please you. Call and see us. STBEIGKT C SATTLER, i9uccssnrs to Uti.ry Boeck.) JLAT TSMOUTH. - JAMES W SAGE, Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at all hour' and his prices are always reasonable. "T hemost convenient boarding stable for far- , , mers in the citv PL ATTS MOUTH e ilU NE Q i . ' AVill Ut-vokf Ills C'rti;i-tre.: Mr. iloppjl, the Cod ir Cr egu'fcchooi teacher, who found it good" policy to marry on e o f ' his j "To urteea-year-old P'jjuls,' was asked by the bo!ird to re sign his 8-hool. Tais bo refusod to do Another teacher was hired bufc-Uoppel continued to hold the fort. rT" Supei iniendent Farley wa? appealed to bjr t he residents of the district and he tired the recaleitr nt pedagogue, but he still refused to go. Today the super intendent went to Cedar Creek where lie will revoke Hoppels certifi cate and thus stop his further attempt to teach in this community. - - -"-V - ' Krtster Wet-k at St. Lake's Ctihrch..' Divine service, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday aflernoons at 4 o'clock. Wednesday evening, "lecture at 7;.'0; Good Friday, 10 a. m. : Passion eervice. 12 to 3 and also service at 7:J0- Sat urday afternoon, the churchr will be open for decoration. Easter -Sunday, ho'y communion at Sand ll.baptism and the opening of the pyrnmils at ; regular service at 7:30 p.-m. II. B. Bukgess, llector. New Improvtiufnls. The Pearl S'.eam laundry-bus just received one of the latest-pattern bosom, collar and cull irooeVs from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Kemembbr Pearl Steam laundry. Main street. white, light bLo., dark purple and t he - nearest approach to red to be found In pansies, in separate varieties :.o to Jo cents per dozm, ready to plant out'next week. L. A. Moonii i Crystal ,iriiiirt I;iiry, MilkT" as pure as gold from tho loud i-ktvV delivered, -to any part of the city.- Satisfaciilon guaranteed. Youtv patronage solicited. , Leayo orders at News otScc, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. n,- FisiiKK- Prop. "otU-. Tiie public is. hereby notified that I will not be'responsiblo for any debts made by m'y daughter Martha, as 1 will not pay "any of-fa'er bills she hav ing left her home my consent. Mrs. " Marv tijimas. ' llitril and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the bet grades of hard coal. wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, it wilt pay you tosee Water man. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. SETTLES NERVOUS Seed l'utatorn. . For sale fine early rose, early Ohio lti)d other choicer seed potatoes at . . ; i it i J A ) T7 lAvt ' r'n'c ... 1 ? t. Investigation shows that men who succeed are - men of brains strong nerves great : will-power. Ordinary food cannot suppiy the vital forces which' people with active . brcins and bodies require. - Bicola Pills feed the nerves make the: mind bright, mus cles strong make flesh and bljod and give perfect health to Men nnd Wo men. The Turners of Phila- PELPHIA make Bfcola Pills J E Huckey, chief clerk National Hotel, Wash ington, D C. testifies that he was all run down was a shadow cf his former self ISirola mil grave him wonderful, relief he gained over twenty pounds after using.them. C3 X3 CQ T3 cs CO m PS . - - - J. ri'l ,"'V'-:;J'7r. A Cup of PURE, DELICIOUS ikfast r ' and a Copy of IHiss Pailoa's Cfioice Receiiils from the Famous House of WALTER BAKER & CO. Established 1780. DORCHESTER, MASS. : '. AT ' ' 'O. 00 " t-4 CI u DOVEY SON'S and A. H. WEGK BACH mm i urners i.iriie i.irrr l urners a very small -pill.- Tara- -yr iivar. Cure sick head ache Bilioosncss-Indigestion. . Selling Agent for Flattsmoath and Cass County, F. O. FKICKE & CO. Where all are invited to call and sample the same, FREE of charge. A lady, dressed to represent the trade mark of the house, will give full instructions for preparing the same. Don't fail to try it. 1