Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 06, 1898, Image 3

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The M. W. A. Band Gives :
l,le;is;itit Concert.
ilvlnc riHltfmiitli H Metropolitan Ai
l-rinif - An Kvi-nifiR of riaure
Morn Kiilrtliiiii-iit In tli
Futurti TliMt Letter.
The M. V. A. Huntl -oii-ert.
The bund boyB v:ioout on tho w,r'ot
liiat night. Liko tho robin, tlioy wero
harbinorfi of Hpri It wan u pleas
ant evening, thoujh a littlo cool, y:
sufTl'-iontly upring-liko to hririif ou
many of tho bnuutios of naturo tin
wives and babiOft, tho Bwoot crirls and
thoir Hpooning- uwniiiH. Tho grimy
liandod bhopmon woro out, tho ovc3r
worked account in U and tho weary
burtinoMR mon. Thov wero all out to
onjoy an hour's recreation, and drink
in tho inspiring strains of swoot muKiir
Whilo tho band was out. Main etreut
vory much rewoinlilod a metropolitan
thorouyhfaro, from tho immense
throng of peoplo who camo out to 1 in"
ton to tho music, to visit with friondg
and do tho shopping which h;id b en
neglected during tho week. Tho streets
woro brilliantly lighted, imd now and
then whon'the clouds would rift and
show tho bright moon, ono was .wont
to fool that ail tho world was at po;ice.
Tho band played well, and tho people
only regretted that tho entertainment
did not last longor.
This was tho first public appearance
of tho M. W. A. band morecommonly
callod tho kid band and its playing
was indeed a cred.t to its members and
its instructor. The boys are certainly
entitled to much encouragement in
thoir work, and when they appear
next Saturday night a larger crowd
will greet them uoon tho utroets than
that which listened to their splendid
music last night.
Ioimt Itmrt for I Iik 1'iilutiiM.
Plattsmouth has done her full duty
to the Cuban roliof fund in raising a
donation to the amount of a 40,000
pound car. The peoplo of this vicinity
have responded nobly to the calls for
aid. Tho committees appointed to
take charge of tho work did their
full duty, and tho contributions which
go out from this community vviil re-
llect credit upon tho city and her gen
erous hearted people. Monday a car
will bo loaded with provisions, a largo
banner tacked upon it piinted in
bright letters, "Donated by the Citi
zens of Plattsmouth, Neb.," flags
flying and bunting tacked upon it
showing tho enthusiasm and interest
our people feel for tho suffering
Cubans, will be shipped out over tho
M. P. Twonty-two cars will go over
the same road next Wednesday, of pro
visions raised by the people of Ne
braska. None of them will show up
bettor for any city in tho state than
will the Plattsmouth car.
The Mottled Letter.
Friday wo published an article re
garding a bottle which had been set
afloat a few days before by one of the
rip rap gang containing a letter ask
ing sorao marriageable young lady
between the ages of twenty-one and
thirty to correspond with a gentleman
at Ashland, who stated he was look
ing for a wife. As we stated the bot
tle was found at Rock Bluffs and a
letter addressed to the gentleman at
Ashland in answer to his note. Fol
lowing is the letter from the young
lady published verbatim, with the ex
ception of the names, as both parties
are well known here and at Ashland:
Rock Bluffs, 3-30, 189S.
Mr. My dear unceen
Fried. Your note was found in a bot
tle stating that you wished to matry,
a lady between the age of 21 & 30. I
am 26 years of ago, height 5 ft 2 in
weigh 132 lb & would liko to marry if
I could find a Gentleman that would
suit me.
E'lease add
Rock Bluffs, Nebraska.
Christian Science and War.
The Bee prints at the reque&t of
local Christian Scientists the follow
ing expression of Rev. Mary G. Eddy
on the question of war:
In reply to your question, "Should
difficulties between the United States
and Spain be settled peacefully by
statesmanship and diplomacy, in a
way honorable Mid satisfactory to both
nations?" I will say I can see no
other way of setlliug difficulties be
tween individuals and nations than
that of their wholesome tribunals,
equitable law and sound, well-kept
A bullet in a man's heart never
settled the question of his life. The
mental animus goes on, and urges that
the answer to this sublime question
shall come from God, and its adjust
ment shall be according to His laws.
The characters and lives of men de
termine the peace, prosperity and life
of nations. Killing men is not con
sonant with the higher law whereby
wrong and injustice are righted and
exterminated, but oftimes the causa of
thoe evils.
Whatever weighs in the eternal
scale of equity and mercy tips the
beam on the right side, wherein and
whereby tho Immortal words and
deeds of men aloue can settle all
questions amicably and satisfactorily.
But if our nation's rights or honor
were seized every citizen would be a
soldier and woman armed with power
girt for the hour.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2-c. The genuine has
Li. B. Q. on each tablet.
S A l l' UDA V.
!)r. (iiliuoi'o of Murray ';l:- '" !'u
city today.
Tho assessors have s tnrt' il on their
annual rounds.
John Miller of Il'tvi-ltx-'.., ir in town
today to see his brother.
Valonl.iro Kothloy, of r ear Union,
was a city visitor today.
George Hicks, of Cedar Creek, and
Miles St.aiidi.ili, of Murray, rte in town
Mis. Isabella Spurlock arrived in
the city last niyht on a visit to ln-r
son George.
(I. L. l',l:irili:w 1 and C. -I). Hyner,
of Kugle, ai-o r.-gi-ie:ed at Hotel
Hamilton Morris ami Henry I.o g,
of Murray, aro in town today on .-o 'i il
and bu.-dnoss matters.
Hon. T. T. Young of South Hund is
in tho city on a visit with C W.
Sherman and family.
SuoeiinteiKh nt l-'avhy has re.turin d
from Weeping Water where hu has
been holdir.g institute.
Coates & Co. today received 3,nm
pounds of ono-half inch f-teel cable
for tho La Platto ferry.
There wero very few farmers in
town today. Most of them are busy
getting ready for tho seat-ons farming.
I. N. Hunter was con-ulting with
Judgo Spurlock today, making final
settlement in the estate of L. 1).
Hunter, deceasi d.
J. O. Ward and wifo of Louisville
precinct were in the city today and
did Bomo trading with merchants who
advertise in the Semi-Weekly N i:vs
IlKKALI). Judgo Ramsey adjourned court this
afternoon and allowed tho jury in tho
Hunter-Nevi.lo to o homo over
Sunday. 1 h j case will tiouhuoss oe
ended Moi day.
Miss Jet-sio Fox well came over from
Piatlsmouth Saturday to vi.-it nor
sister, Miss Maud, over Sunday and
accompanied her to Weeping .Water
Monday. Nehawka Register.
Mrs. John Murray, daughter of
Commissioner Young, who h: s ben
so seriously ill for several d tys, is con
siderably improved, and with no back
sot will recover in a short timo.
The Ni:vs published a World-TIerald
bulletin received at yesterd iy
afternoon with referenco to the dis
position of the Hying sq'-adron, which
proved untrue. We will under no cir
cumstances again print anything from i
that source. A r e .vspa per that know-i
ingly deceives tho public in its war
news as tho World-Herald does is de
serving credence whatever.
Some of the boys in the High school
yesterday p'ayed an April fool joke by
tying rags on tho boil clapper, ft
stopped the music of the belt and
ruade somewhat of a i-oimiiotio'i in the
school. Tho boys were in high g:-e
over tho matter, but when they wore
sent to interview the sin eri iitender t
and got a "jacking up"' for thoir 1'un
they did not consider it so much
port, after all. How the boys got in
to the belfry is a mystery, but th y
got there just the game.
Juniata and Harvard enjoyed a soak
ing rain yesterday.
Tho department store is giving away
i very neatly pr inted f ishioti
Tne M E. Sunday school will h ive
interesting Faster services next Sun
Ed Johnson, wifo and babies of Lin
coln aro spending sui.d y 1,1 1 latls-
Miss Alice E'tkenbary returm d last
eventner from a visit to menus ai
Strawberries and ice cream will con
titute a part of th ; b 11 of faro at Ho
tel Riley tod-iy.
Fred Kroehlor, wife and ohiloan of
Haveloek aro visiting Plattsmouth
friends over Sunday.
Harry Northcutt has gone to Ne
braska City to see his best girl and
visit his parents over Sunday.
Robert Sherwood biKed to Cedar
Creek lst evening to attend a local
entertainment at that place.
Lehnhoff's Postoffioe Confectionery
is the sole agency for IiildutT's famous
candies. They will have a largo in
voice Monday.
Tho gay young dudes whom tho
News showed up Friday night as be
ing too sma; t, hava skipped town with
their rugs and clock.
From the smell on the strepjs at an
early hour this morning we are con
strained to believe thnt some one must
have skinned a democratic skunk last
C. S. Montgomery, attorney for the
Kock Island railway, was in the city
last night. We are not sure but what
he camo dovn to look after Some
Some one lost a harne-s tr; j3 on tho
street in this city Saturday. It can
bo found at this ollk-e and will be
given to the owner on calling for it,
free of cost.
Mrs. Chas. Cr.mmins was able to be
out yesterday and took a drive over
tho citv after several months confine
ment, to the hojs. Ho;- friends were
gl id to sea her out.
The Omaha Press, an evening Daily
3 j
ssued at the metrojo'is under
auspice? of the business m. i,s tissoci
ation is now a da'tiv visitor to many
Plattsmouth homes.
Tho handsomest pair of antlers and ;
deer h ad wo ever saw is t he property i
11 J
of Fred Horn and was sent to him by 1
his father from Hay Spaings. . I', mv
's -
bo seen at Frank Morgan's.
The Cummins & Cummins Lumbej.
I Co. lepo -t big file-) of b'Uidit-g ma
terial this spring. What better in
d ic.tiou cou'd on-) want of pro-purity
f.r 1 'iat! -ino'il li .a i d vicinity?
V. . . JenUin-, v.l. work-i for the
15. A; M. at tho -hop; hea e, ;iu 'C h a-.-.i
a lire.) piaao ye.-d' niay f H. 11. Woid
luin. Ill r.ry l.:i some li w. tins ia
piano- well wot th iric-ti gating.
'1 ho 1 1 II .j o; --Neville i- on I rial in
district court fa.nish'S plenty of
ain usenieiit f,,r the bar, as the cont.p.-l-i-ig
a! tor leys contest every inch of
groui.u as viio'o i av a- n ins oiie n - f
; i fo h ui g i n to balance.
I'etor llanrah.Mi, v.lioni some of th
lo s cl ah the I : is!i I) eo, li is his fruit
t!'il at the Pei kin Inu-e corner in
ri.iiii'.iig oriler. II" v. o'l'.d bo i-l'vised
to have hi- friend-; -al!,and will agree
not to do Ue-ui
!'. ter is all right.
bar in at. leart.
T-aae Ppthcgrov", wiio was injur'i d
hi-t4S itunlay irght i-ivr r -a pol i s by
being lin.'d from a moving freight
train is still hing at. tho Perkins
llouse. Mill thou.-h i in prov i ng, the
iuilieations are that he will not be
able to be about lor come weeks yet.
The ladies of St. .John's church are
irepairing a play, "Strawn Aroou,"'
which will be put upon the boards in a
short time. Tho-e t . king part are:
Lee Atwood, ). C. MeFntee, Frank
Van Horn, Dan MeCallan, Tom Mur
phy, Dominie Hialt, II, G Livingston,
A. J. IJ -e-on, Mi-s Kate Neville, Miss
Mayino CelTey, NUss Flla Clark. It is
a bright three-act drama, and promises
a rare entertainment for our peoplo.
Coroner Saltier was in Omaha a few
days ago settling up the; affairs of John
I! auhaus, the man who died in this
city a few days ago as a re.-ult of ac
ncfidental shooting, Instead of .'nd
ing v7(l) to his eioilit be found only
about i?ll2o, which will about cover the
expenses ineur(l l.ei in ti e sickne.-s
and burial.
?Iax Yol'.ertx, a (.'niunibin boy of
sixt'-i r. sumniLis, w;.s run into tiie vil
lage 'i'. He was placing an obstruc
tion on a railroad t acU by wedging an
iron coupling pin into the frog of a
switch. After acknowledging that he
did it, he toid the board thai he wanted
to go to the reform school, ai d tho
board was so touched by hi- confes
sion that they will probably grant him
his r!t -i re. I
Mir-s Cora Ah x aider wns visiting in
Omaha touav.
Joiin Cm gney
urn .it to Omaha
thii u.o.ning.
Chas. Hi. 'hey, lie.. Leu
iilo hi in her
man. was in town I; day.
John Cory is making H-r-.e improve
motils about his
I lie -eaios o:i
street a i o I -e v
the r.or'h ciJe of tho
repaired L day.
H. purelr sed seven he. ad of
line steei s l. -day oi Nick H-;!nia.s.
The ea-e oi' Wiley vs. Wiley wi 1 be
taken up ia dis. ri.-t court orrow.
Miss .Mroj.; lle:.nie retun-id toiler
duf ie- at Couceil L.uil's t ! is mor:i ng.
O mmiss-iriiH-r Falter sliijax-.l a car
o' line beef cattle to South Omaha
from My nan!.
The rain of Sunday, while very good
for tho ground, made tho ci iy ui. iaal
and unenjoyable.
H. Ii. Paek.-nin. one of Louisville's
I' li-iiag bu-itioss men, was here today
oil a bu-i'.H -s visit.
Since Arril lsl iho electric lights
a;-.- not tU'-ned en at 5 o'clock in the
morning as of yore.
The co-.mty court wis busy this a f-
teiiioen with the ii.uai settlement of
the Jos. F a :sburg estate.
August Jluicm return d to bis work
at Haveloek, after visiting hero over
Sunday with his best girl.
A. L. Tinibiin, tiie Wc ping Water
attorney, u as in to wn to Jay and re
turned home this evening.
Several counties in the- state are
h.iving a cleaning up by having a
grand jury called. Cass needs one,
Th3 case in district court of tho
Cankers Life Insurane-i Co. vs. Josias
Tigho was settled today and dis-.
Mrs. Will McCaulIeyand son Charles
returned homo from Lincoln yesterday
accompanied by her grand-daughter
Doris Patterson.
Mrs. Shiuman, Mrs. Marshall and
other ladies will servo a nice lurch at
the Mumm corner all day tomorrow,
where you c m got something nice to
eat very cheap.
J. IL Jones, of tho Jones Hoofing
Co., Omaha, is in the citT today. He
came down to put a new roof on the
Anhcuser-Duseh building and to look
after business in his line.
R"v. Cordon of Omaha delivered an
excellent sermon at tho Presbyterian
church yesterday to a largo congrega
tion. Owiug to tho inch meat weather
there was not a largo attendance last
evenir g.
Melba, the divine, w'U be at Boyd"s
ojierii house, in On'riha, under the
management (if Waiter Damrosch,
Wednesday evening, Ajril (. Many
Plattsmouth peopie a1 e talking of at
tending. Harry West and wife and Frank
Wright of Sioux City, were in Platts
mouth today on their way down the
river by boat, bound for Kansas City.
They stop; ed over here for a short
! time to visit friends.
I ".hike" Hoeon m de hi?
il r s L a p-
pear irco aval maiden speech ia the
district court this afternoon before tho
vl!viMe ; .... Tt a r01-ci-
, , i . ' .u
bio and Ingieai summing un of the
, , , ...,.,, , a.v,,.
l a e ,m.i itiu i i ""a pcuticu-'aii ..K.
. i i ; if .-;a . , n
nniTrwl n - i with mi iti ipii t. Iff
., , .- ,
fession, gentlemen of the jury. i;i.ik k iti:ms.
ri'.ai ti.e riei..-,.
liagiue l'.t, whieli mi;
tli a ; e! - f the hh op- i,;o
ht bo e.
t een out on
freight tr ilt.s f.i- we. i, ia charge of
Hngiie or Joe McCoy, u .-aK-i-go! u g th-:
proia i of "breaking in"' afurcxtea
i vi i ii- 'ny it wu- bill 1
to resume ;t- f -1, wofl en ,o'-. '.I- :w 1
11. Last Tue-.-day Mel.y was lio.vaal
Cedar (.'reek on freighl N .
and behind time. De.-plte tho fact
that he was pii.iing .". b .d-.
Mis. S. G Wheou-r and daujiltec
ioft TliurMMy forenoon, accompan h .1
ny M i A ngio .McDoagail. for Ncbrai
ka i':ly N- b, to V..-H re-.a ti ves an i
friei.d-; froo. the co t;.e ; t t lu ir
new horn : a'. Vy ino'-o. i )i ir noe-'
hold g-od.i will le.iV" i. !; i r lie- on
te r po; n t Mo ida ) .
Mr. a id M s .iasoa N'-weil n tin no Friday from a welding tour i., th
Ibaek 111 Is. They aa- .v'-pt bu-y re
ceiving the con,.- r a illations of tin it
Tiie inf . lit d ughuM-ol M r. an 1 M i s.
Chas Ilinkleilied T ies lay noon. Fu
neral occurred W 'i n e-dy , t he i einai n
b -in r interred in I-'ai-vi jw eeiueter
'1" ;-! Ou r.
(Jid Archer, the ilr.-iyman was en
gaged today in moving tho large sife
of Snyder and Co. which had been
hold and was being chipped to Fremont
Milling Co at Fremont Neb. lie h d
the sale on his ora and had gotten
nearly to the depot when he met with
a mi.-hnn which dehned operations
for sometime and came i.o u- cau.-nii.1
him no little expense.. In driving
over the crossing east of the frieght
depot the dray capr-ised and the
safe dumped into the mud. The
tongue .-hot up into the air and the
horses weie almost raised from the
ground. Ly vigorous effort of the
laborers and bystanders the hoi sen
were extricated auJ after considerable
hard work tho ponderous safe wan
loaded upon the cars. No serious
d ;m:igo was done, but it was almo.-t a
miracle some one was not injured by
the overturning of the wagon.
'I lie I.114 1 uftlif Viol 1.1
Or Our Sav ior in Art. This magnifi
cent publication ins been placea in
cnargo of Frank II. Wilson of tnis citv
who wiii rep.ocjut tho Society of Sa-
cri ol Arts in the state of Neb.aska.
Tiie bt o is ono of the tiuost art publi
eatioas issued. Tiie engraviugs as the
tithi indicates, illustrate the life of the
avior and have, been copied f om
p.-tin tings by tii o bjst masters. The
copies secured at a co.-t of over one
hundred thou-anc dollars i ep' od u-'in"
at moduraio co&t tho treasures of the
art galleries of Europe.
;!d Coming: from A list r;i I i;i .
kANfisco, "April The
sfe;tiiib'ii) Alametida, from .Sy liny,
via Aue;i!a;al aad Ilonoiulu, v h t ! i i
duo lie re next Wednesday, canie- ? J, -(0-!,0-!U
in Li,gli-u soverigns in ii
strong box. 1 hi..- is the eighth thip-a..-;,t
oi' go.d rcicivid f; om the same
soui c.s since las.l fail, br inging the to
tal amount rceied i.p to the euor-iiii.u-
sum cf HS.ol lhll o. Thi- ihlui-.i.
is in payment of the bai-a;.'" o.' tr.iUL
ia favor of tiie United States for wheat,
flour, lumber, canned raisais
and outhe-r
in excess of
staples siapiiei
ibro ad
i-ur impo; ts .-f meieiian-
rl'li- Spuiii.-h l-'lotellii.
.uADUii), i'.iira J, tunua y morn
ing via i'.a-ls) Tho Saariisli Cabinet
has di-ciaed ti.e tori.edo ii;,.tnla is
to remain at liie Caiio Uo Venle .nos
until further orderd. 'i'ho floii.l-i wil
be joined later by a squadron coin poo
ed of tho armored cruiser Emperor
Carh.s Y. of ),2.-i Ions; tho cruiser
Alfonso XII' of o.OOO tons; the at mur
ed cruiser Inf.u.t.i Maria Teresa of
7, t ()0 tons, and tho aimored cr uise
Cristobal Colon, of (,S4d tons, which
wiil accompany the torpedo liotiiia to
It has also boeu deeidtd by tho gov
ernment to send tho armored c.-usiers
Vizcaya and lmiranto Oquendo, both
of ?,0t 0 toas, b ick to Havana. They
will recive orders to this clToet as toon
as they sight I'orta Llieo.
A national subci iptit n to strengthen
the Spanish licet will bo organized by
a royal decree, but the decree will not
bo published bciore a dec.aration ol
Tho cabinet, which met at S o'clock
last right, discussed tho siluatiou
until midnight. At the close of tho
conference it was declared that noofli
ciai news had been recieved at that
lime from Washington, but it wis
admitted that the ministers wero tilled
with gloomy impressions. Ono cabi
net minister declared that he had re
ceived private information confirming
the extremo gravity of the situation.
The minister for war, Lieutenant
General Correa, submitted for the ap
proval of the cabinet elaborate plans
for the oi ganiz ition of the millitary
forces of the kingdom.
The minister for the home depart
ment, -Don Ruiz y Capuepon, in an
interview declared that everything
pointed to war. The cabinel has ex
a.ruited propositions for tho arming
of merchant vessels as privateers, but
it has been decided to await events
before coming to any decision on this
Fnaily, a telegram from tho Spanish
minister at Washington, S -nor Polo y
Deriiabe, was read at the cabinet meet
ing, in which Seller Polo said Presi
dent McKinloy wi.l be overruled by1
I irst-CLtss Work.
Frank Marler has opened a first
class blaek-mith shop at the cor
ner of Seventh and Pea' l sta e.-ts where
till kinds of smithing and horse shoeing
will be done in a skillful manner, also
carriage and wagon painting.
d swim.
Old Jlicycles
Made new at LehnhuiT'e practical bi-
cycle men.
Woman' f lul Mri-I linf .
Tho Household Hconomie deiiart-
1 ,f II... W ....... ..' CImI, M ,r-
kill) . 'nin ii n viv.", ..
I t'."V ll tt ! f II ril i)leil II II i 11 t ell'.l t i II "
... .. ., .... ........... - - - -
program la st c veil i n g. Some business
was transacted bt-foro the program
i -otnta u.c d hut tho 1 r. t.-n-nt 1 1. g ...pers
a il (iiseu-sions tilled the i-.llotle 1 time,
.he pp.t'.o for this month was, "Any
V.'o-ii in Can ('loan but It Takes a Nice
Woman to Keep Chan." Tho lir-t
paper, " .'he Annual Ilou-e Cleaning,"
was to have been given by Mrs. Todd,
she being unable to bo pio-eiit, Mrs.
i loot read her ably prep n e l essay,
v. hieh was gieatl v appreciated.
Mrs. M e acken's paper on "Ice and
(.ir Ice Supply'' tr at. d t hi- subj-ct
in a ii i ha vs' i e manner and f urn i-h il
tt.e ci. b with new uh is on this impor
latit ri icif i f use. Mrs Siijil.r, by
r. ."1. read a letter from hersiste.
who is no.v in (it-riniiiiv, (;ti tiie
on tiiods of iiouse-keeping and cook
ing, where she is sojourn i n g. It w .s
delightfully interesting and the house
keepers of the club thoroughly enjoyed
it. Mrs. Waugb attended the recent
lectures given by Mrs. Kohrer in Oma
ha and was able to give a lengthy talk
and furnish valuable receipt's gained
from that source.
The president urged a largo atten
dance for the next club meeting as the
important business of electing' a dele
gate for tho bi-enni-il mooting at 1)jii
vcr will come l efoie tho duo.
The County Institute.
Special Con usp.mdcncc.
W KKI'JNU Waiki:, Neb., April 1.
This is tho hist day of tho iustitute,
but from appearances it wiil by no
means bo tho least. The great event
of i ho session, the concert by the
Ottumwa's of Chicago, is to coaie off
this evening. Almost all tho teats
have been sold and a largo audience
is assured.
Tho class in primary arithmetic
from Nebraska City showed careful
and exact training. Tho rapidity and
accuracy with which thoy made intri
cate compulation was ti uly wonderful
instead of tho regular weekly prayer
meetings the churches unite in a Hihlo
reading by Dr. King at the Congrega
tional church. Tho doctor showed
some of the beauties of the Bible,
some of the pictures and doscrip ions
intended for all timo.
Most of the teachers will remain
until Saturday morning, not being
able to leave the city this evening
after the concert. Tho disposition of
teachers to fail to bo on hand at the
opening or to drop off before tho close
of our institutes is growing less each
year. A teacher owes it to her p;o
fession to renew through tho whole
tei an and ihis is beingrapidly realized
I-ire In Lincoln.
A lire in Lincoln which raged last
night from ! o'clock until 3 this morn
ing destroyed property to tho value of
?lV0,U0 with insurance of less than
half that amount. Three blocks were
entirely consumed tho Richards
block oil the corner of i'weiftn and O,
. i.e A. M. Davis block and the Carter
block. Omaha help was asked for, and
a ih A: M. si i cial train took an engine
oow.i there in inly-live minutes, bul
ihellames had been subdued before
he; p am ved.
'J lie April l oruni.
Tiie reader must- be hard to please
wno does not lind in tho April Forum
something to suit his taste. Matters
commercial, political, musical, anu
lilerary, all arc duly represented; and
i ho .i.-t of writers includes none that
is not an exjieit in his own particular
snip-re. Ti.e table of contents is a-
ieiiow-: '-The Dangerous Demands of
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion,"' Mi.tun H. Smith; "England and
Franco in West Africa," Thomas Gib
son Howies, M. M.; "The Politica
Situation in Europe, "Maj.-Gen. Nel
son A. Miles; "Central America: Its
Resources and Commerce," William
Eleroy Curtis; "'Tho Economics ol
Genius," John Mackinnon Robertson;
"The Handel Revival in Germany,"
Prof. Bruno Sehrauer; "The English
Governing Oligarchy," Sidney Low;
"Professor Munsterberg's Attack on
Experimental Psychology," Prof. C.
B. Bliss; "Is there Work Enough for
All?" Hon. William T. Harris; "The
Kalevala,"' Charles Upson Clark;
"Recent Histories of Literature,"
Prof. William P. Trent.
S ttlett for !100.
The case Emma Ranard vs. Chas.
Good for bastardy was settled this
afternoon by Good paying the plaintiff
100 the. latter paying the costs. The
case was dismissed this afternoon
by County Attorne3- Graves and tho
court will thus be lelieved of a racy
yet disagreeable trial.
Too Much Mother-in-Law.
Fred Jordan, a shop employe, got an
idea last night that he was afflicted
with too much mother-in-law and pro
ceeded to use a board on her. Com
plaint was fi ed before Judge Archer
and the evidence showed that he gave
the lady ia- question a swipe over the
head with a board. It seems to have
been the result of a general family
melee. Judge Archer gave Jorden a
dose of S j and trimmings and admon
ished him to go and sin no more.
It is, or should bo, the highest
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awako drug
inn of Meyers & Eshlemin, Sterling,
III., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshletnan: "It my
sixteen ye-.irs, experience, in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
Soid by all druggist
Seetl I'otatoe.
For sale fine early rose, early Ohio
and other choice seed potatoes at
A. II. Weckisacii & Co's.
Hay For hale
Either in the ba'.e or loose, as m.-y
bo desired
C. L. STCLL, OreaDolis, Neb.
Notice of SjIc
Ill llic- ll'.tli. ! I'iiurl ol I .1'.'. l Hill , N'
I li-iu 1.iLi-ii!i.ii , i l ill,
I tic I'lllrlis I'.-inU . I
l'i.ill -.11.1.111 1...N
in a- i-- licirhv K:'.'-n that i.a
ii i ;u.. I !'N in
..hi. I... ii "
ii. I- i " '
i I"---"".: "
.ts. :..-..i. i . .i
t-iv ..I ilu- a.-! in- ..i tin- il .ii
K.iiiiM-y. I'l'l,;.- nl I hu .Ii in lu
I Hal. 1 1 L'st Ii. A. I . I - ' in ii
tfic il.sli 1 1 t i .mi I .a I .i- I
utu-ivin llcinv i k 1 1 1 Oil i i-i .il.
- 1 1 .1 ! I 1 I I I I . .1 1 1 ' 1
I lit- t llli-IIH li.lllk '! rl.ltt- IllMlllll. .M I.I.I k.l.
-t ill. lll-llinlilllt i. Mini tin Ii 'I. i i.-- I-I'll I'' I -in I
ilio-i tnl lln- n-i i-lvi-l el tin- sin. I li.ilik. limit I
siLMit-.l t.i niiliiisli I ii tl.n t il.ip. .un! lin n - i ll
tin- i tiii ts 1. 1 It- In if n 1. 1 In-1 .If a l il.t-d . I 1 1 it I I"
Sllilllt t.i Sill. I ul.lfi tin- n if It l - u-iii" I I'" I'O- I
mi tin? g l -1 .I.i v .a Mo. ii. a. I '. I '.'-. a i" ' ' i
ii. in. ill 1 lie s. in in i I.i. a nl I In i n.ii I I. ai f in I in
i il i I I 'i-i 1 1- ar ai i h.i .i - i I V . a' 1 -i 1 " 11
I ii s.oi.- lili.n ii .,; --i i .1 f 1 I.e. I. I11'
a. .1 a li u . -1 i pi. ii t. i N A j I -1 ' " 1 ' " ' '.' ' '
lKj, liie MiuiinifM iii.ot.i I- i I el f. I ....
si-vi-ll . . Il,f v.i-- t ll.i l V. ' . ,, II,, ..I.I In .1- 1
ipi.nlfl pl'i nl m-o-,1 '.. II. f n lili lil.iltft .1 'i "I I he - .nit If .e I .lion i
IM-. '., -f. -run i I. H'f If n 1 1, a f -1 ipi.iil. l
I .N V : ..I III. si. .il low I t ..ti It I r i ' i t.l ft -t
imi ia Kill .ih in li.iea. tai mii I'll a.-ioi
i.uiHt: l.iiiilft-n I I . ai I .i i..i.ia. .'-i-hi.ilt.i.
l.rii.n ii I'iitl nl tin- a -i ls "I
siid I'm lis, .It It-if I. int. s.i, Li in.
In-lis and mi unit a a in t-. . I s.i id a .f I . I v .11 In
ti-i iiw, 1 fitlii-1 1 . . l t ash. in !.,,! If-, l.i.ui '.I"
t .ill.lill.illfd thill thf pun li.i f .IM f -li..i; I i .If
I la-il ii 1 1. .ii llic pi mi 1 1 i.t i ul t i.i i in - in . a f 1. 1 1 1 1 1 ! t i
limtlriids. Hit? In-.-1 ie. t nl itl.ii Ii lads .a, i-.i. Ii
t l.t-s Will l,f If ml ltd Li tlif . Hi I I let dill i O..II-.
will. Il I.I -III. I I...I Mill til- Il I fl't. d.
I l.itfd tin i lntli d.i .'I I i I ni. 1 1 s . Is;'".
1 1 ' i i s '. P. it m i I i .
As Kci t-ivi r nl 1 In; I a !. i is I. .ml. ft l i.nt -
in. mill, Nflnii-U.i.
1!, i mi c k. At t,n in-y.
ii I ice of i'tihlicat lull.
Juliii M. Ki-i-r, riiiintiit
vs. I
Julia Riser. Juliii .
Ainitk .Hid I inn ii A. i
Ainick, Ins w ilf, .mil
l-.slhci .S. Ilclici. tic-
I I -1 1 1 i a n I s . J
llic ilu If iidiiiits, Jehu Ki.t-r. W . A m ie k
mid l.aui.i A. AniiLK, Ins wale, .in I l.-llici .a.
I lc iler, vi nl OiKc i. n the ;'.i. d.n nl
I t-biatiiry, lM's, Julia ..1. I a.,iiilili, Ima In-pi-tit
lull in the Uistrn.1 coin I nl i a., s c.iiin , .c
eraskii, iiitiiisl Jnliu Kisli, Joint U Aiiik iinti
l.iiur.i A. Ainick. his wile, iiu.l l-.sliici .s. iltani,
tin nlijctt and in.icr nl nhn-h .iic
ter lai n (int c I :u I n ilt: ed hit h n.n in.idi- l. J.ihn
Kiser, ticlt-iidiiii un this mil, wlio no ,
rijlit or iinlliorily i h.itsnc ici, innl ilf .r.tac l li.
1 st her Si. 1 It:! Ill , ilflf ml. ml 111 Ihis Mlit. on tin;
follnvviiiK ilcsi rileil estate, In wit:
liee,iiiiiin at a luiiiii 1 wi iil -l hiff
leet wesl nl the south - till c.uiui
ol lot iiiiiiibi-r eiKht (S),jnit.k niimliei sixty li.u
(iWil ill the city ol W eepiii Ualci, . a.-s counl),
Acliiaska, and ruiiimiK thfiuu noith sIaI live
(liiil leet, llic-nce west Iweuiy -one (-t) Ifcl.liicin e
so u tli sixt y-li e (ii.v left, a ml theme casl I cut -one
(1 leet, to tiie polnl ol li-lliln;-. set
and tlecliiied null ami oid. ami Hie cloud upon
the title ol ilaintill, caused llic-ichy ii-inovi-a,.iiul
Inr judineii-l loi costs in this sua, ami l.u sin h
other i el let as just ic; and dpi it y nia 1 cpu 1 1 e.
on aie leipuied In answer tins petition on oi
before the -,st day ol M.nch, lMn.
I lated i-c-biuiiry 7, IS'.'-. M. Klsiat,
li y M. ."s, liiiiis. his atloincj.
Probate Notice.
In the county com t ol Cass County, Nebraska.
In the matter ot the Kuaidian nip ol AmesK.
Smith, an iiicuiipcic-nl pei son. l o whom it ina
concern: Notice is lieieoy ;ieii to tl,e sai l
Allies K. isiinih, inicoiiipetciii, to lai .i. Siiiiiii.
K u. tl Jl. in, aim to ail oihel pcisons line teste a,
mat Oeui'ri e. .ijr lines liie.l hei em 1 eb. 1 1, Is-. is, a
petition anci4iHK .uii.aiK othci things th;a ht: is
surety un the liuuil ol I lie s.n I 1 ,n M . Mn , 111, in. it
neither tiie saul I'.n M . .-sniiin tioi itu ot In., pie
decessnls, as KHii'diiiii ol saul incompetent,
ever made a sell lenient with the com t ol pi ooa e,
that by icasoil ol aliened ncvjiiciiee. thcie
IS daiiKet ol liability to tne wain on said boiul.
1 ciiiieiiicr piays that lai M. . aula may ..t
cited to aiipear in county court ana le-n.lei a lull
account ,in said pieinise.-: that peiilionci bo
discharged lioin liability tipoii boi,,; i hat
the said M. niilh be icqinic.l to It.iinsha
new bond, or, ill delauit ihereol sai.i .s-iuiiii
beieiiimed lean tils uu.-l a u.u d i.ui and in.ii
.tiiothc-r be iiploliltctl ill his place: th .t tne ac
counts on liie be settled ami appioicd aim I n
other etjuiiable and plepel leilel ill the- pieinise .
y on iii e hereby iiotnied thiii a he. nl. ax win ne
had on sai l petition Maiclt JZini, I ;--, at - o'clo, k
p. in., and ll you tail to appf.u up. ai said
date and Contest said pctitum, ti.e dim may
Kiant the player ol said petaion and ...tne sinai
other it mi tun her order-, a no w am es aim j.ei ,.e-.-
.is to this emu a may seem pi, .pel ,n li.e pi ea, ,-e..
ltness in y hand and ine sea' ol s.nd comt,
at I'laitsiuoulli. Acbi.i.k.i, tins, tin; 1st i:.;j ..I
March, ;i . i. I -'js.
(ji.l llll.l. M . i-i i. ia a K,
(Seal) Cnuiily Jim.;.:.
Cliatlt 1 i'iitirij,'ii(;i: .; 1
Notice is heieoy Hi-eii that l,y vatu.j of a
Chattel,;, elated on la : ..nd d,i cd j.iae.
Is'.'i, and ilui) lne.t in ti.e oia. i tae-
del K ol l ass Co till I , Acul.t.-.i.,!, oi. 1 I.e ol , . , ..i , . . ,
June, Is'.i, and executed o J. .s. i, ,.. l io i . .
i Ja vis, to sec in e ti.e a j aie n I 1. 1 si v el, i j n . e .,
illls, Willi llilele-l ti.elcoli lloln ll.e l-l a,., oi
J une, ir.17, at t He I ate ot ten pt i cent pet .. on u.n
Ii'oiii said da, and epoii fi Uieie i . i.oa ii,i:
-.nd day ol i-eni uai y , Is'.o due ti,e - aim nl .; - i in.
Uelauil h.e.iii uecn inane in tne p.i.i;eiii. . I
said .-Uiii, and no ,-uil ul otiie-i pin .eeoa. a l aiw
liiil iii' been in-titu le i to sa,, oe-nt, ,,i
any part thcicol, th, reloie, 1 win so, liie
property therein Ucsci ibed to wit: i Ii i ee I. . i ii-liite-resl
in t went -Ii ve acres ol fihinn tne v.i...
nail ot tiie noiaawest ti nnier ol -ce'.ioii la ia
Iovmi 1 1 , rane lo, i. a.-s county , .ein a i.u, nan
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on t. e s um,
west tpiai ter ol .-ec lio.i 1 in tow a 1 1 , i a.. .; j.,,
ea-s enmity, .e,,rasr.a, aim aaiouia.- ei aoout
-i.i.) bushels, at the ci b and in tne ei,n .A s.i.,i
piacc in Kock in nil s pi ec i lie t, in Ci-s eouu i , , o..
tne -l.-t day ol .Maieii, is. s, at li.e noui ol I.-
0 ciock a. in., tosili.-ty sa,d deot. v.itn iae costs
01 aeivei tisiuy, Crtrin 1,,-r aim senilis said plop
erty. i , v . i , is.
iuesday, .March i, ls'JS
Legal Notice.
In the district court id Cass county, Nebraska.
In llic-ill. nlei ot liie estate ot Joint ii. lionnes,
deceased .
1 Ins cause came on for liearintr upon tlmm-ii-
tion ol 1-rank .M . Vouiiti, as a liii.iii-tratoi 1,1 tin-
estate oi Joan ii. 1 ioimes, decease 1, and the le-
lurn ot saul administrator to tne Im iner J .eense
issued herein, and application oi said adminis
trator lor an alias license to sed the -oiitliwe-t
quarter of tiie southwest quarter oi section bi, in
tu u range 111 1-urua., county, Nenraska, to
pay tiie debts ol said estate 111 the sum ol '. ::oo
and the costs oi administrating said estate, there
not being sulncient personal property to pay
said debts and costs ol administration.
1 1 is, tiiereiore, ordered thai an persons inter
ested 111 said estate appear beiore tne at the oiliee
ol tne clerK ol the district court in the couit
iiou-e in Platt-nioutli on the Ulih day oi April,
isys, at o'CiOCK n. 111.. to show cau-e wli t ini
alias license should not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell so much ol the above des
cribed real estate of said deceased as shah oe
necessary to pay said debts and expenses.
it is further ordered that notice oi sai i anri'i-
cation and oi the making of this order be jjiveu
ail parties interested in said estate bv pub.iriiiag
a copy of this order lor lour successive wc-cks be
iore the day ol hearing in the .-emi- W eeki y
Dated tlnssth day of .March. is;.s.
Judge of the District Court, second Judicial Dis
.Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, ) .
County ol Cass. J
In the matter of the estate of Henry Etoll, de
Notice is hereby given tliat the claims and de
mands of ail persons azainst Hmrv St,,!l
deceased, late ot said county and state, wall be
received, examined and a ousted bv tiie countv
court at the court house i- Flattsniouth. on- t hit
Mh day of September A.D. ls!' at U o'clock in
the lorenoon. And Uiat six months from and
after the l'.nh day ,of March, A ll., 1 .-.. :s
time limited for creditors of saij deceased to
present their claims for examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand and seal this lst
day of February A. li-. 1-S'S.
eaii George M. Spurlock,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sa e issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 2nd dav of May. A. .
ls'.is, at -J o'clock p. m. of said dav at the south
door of the court house 1:1 the citv oi 1'iatt - mouth,
in said county, sei! at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash. the loi. owing reai estate to-w at:
Ihe northwest quarter tnw 'ji and the nortii-
west quarter ( n w m ) ot the southwe-t quarter
( s w V ) ot section thirty ..a town h:p twelve
f 1 - J range thirteen IVi east of the 'irh ;. m. Cass
ountv. Nebraska together with tne privileges
and appurtenances thereunto be.ongii.g or in
anywise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property oi Leonard
C. V. Murray and Keoccca A. Murray, defend
ants, to satisi v a judgment of said court recovered
bv Samuel auzh as executor oi ti.e last w:.l and
testament of John Black, deceased T-iaintm. an 1
a judgment recovered by tiie iiank tit Ca.-s County
cro-s-petitioner against said defendants.
itattsniouih, rveorasKa, .March A. 1. lv:-s.
W'. D. Will l.LLR,
Sheriff. Cass County. Neara-ha.
Rv 1 D. Mcli.ade. i 'ecutv.
R. il.'W .ndiiain. Attorney for I'iaii.tiif.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sa!e i-sued bv fieo. F.
Housen'orth. cleric of the district court, witinti
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the nd day ot May, A. I , 1 o clock p.m. ot sai 1 dav at the south dour
of the court house in the city of F.ati -mouth, in
said countv. sell at public auction, to the Inga-
est bidder lor cash, tiie iaiiow ii:g real e-tate. to-
wit: I he no theast quarter In e 1 1 J of the south- '
west quarter Is w !J and the north half (n !,j ol
th,- t nil Ii -. I iu.iiit-r i!tl'if ncttlnn llilrtf
.fi t -in hip I wrlir l-) laiiU" ll.llli-'il llj
i i i ,,l Iii - a a p id. n 1 a i oiinty, NchtMrtkM.
I,,,., il.- - ; a 1 1 1 If t;e m and tijititirtf uhfii.c
th.-ii mil . i , . i ' "i iii .mywinit aptit'it.ilnliiif ,
I In- oiii.f b. ii, . i i , ii arid t.tkffi un lito
piip, itv nl I.i-.. i, .nl i V ,.;.i t and rlmr a n
A M.iii.iv, l If ii. I ml ., i. .ui, m ludif muni
mid di" ee ol .aid inuil n-i iivrri-, by I'.. It,
1 i, ,",,11, l I,1 . pf I 1 1 II illr I 4 lltfiillllt Kill'lllo-
l.ii I .ml . iii t he easf nl M i y . Muilinvn l.ron
.ii.l I W . .M in i a it ai l.,',llni Willi llir (rivll-
. ,; , .ii, I appiil I . i.i in i-H tin If llllln lull ii Itltf or
In .in w , ,- ,i i; ii i ta in illl . J hi f amo lit'ili) It-vlt-d
i, p ,n an I l.,, , ii .is the n i.pi i I r o( l i i iiitrdt..
n , ,i ,n ia ai.t Kibitta A . M in i a y. tii-li mliiiitl
to sail Ii a j U; l in-li I ol ft it 1 1 1 ti.illt leion-lrd by
I la- - ai I I . it.l lowy tV Son mh Hlnrrsaul, M(vltiit
h.i id d. It-ml. nils
ri.itls utn, .Nebraska, Man li 2H. A. I. IHVH,
W. 1. imi.i.t h.
Sin-nil, ('ail t'liiilily, Nebf4iik.
Ily I 1 1. Mi llridf. 1 li-puty.
K . 11 W ailhaui Altniiit-y loi I-'., (i. I nvcy tic Son.
bhenlt'a bale.
la t n I lit- ol an i. ider ol naif IKitued by I if nr
I . I I O I I, . I If I k ot thf ill tl ICI tlllll t, Wit kill
o,o I a I a .s, la,.-ka, and to mo ili
ii i a i. I wni mi II, f 1 1 .1 V hi Maicli, A.
i , e ;'s. .a II ii i an k a. ui. nl H ii 11 day at tb
on 1 1, do , i , I i lie t o ii 1 1 h. ill -i: ill t he city of l'lttl(
loo,, i h. n. s , id i oiini y, sf II at public tun lion,
ia, i.,, l,i a ai l, I, a loi i a.-.h. ihu lolluwinu
f stalf. lo-w it ;
i . . , t - i , i it an I twn I ami J . ill block rlaftnt
1 1 I. in i ai ii a :. ad dm. in In the illy ot VTl
,i,j; alei, I a i mint v . Ni bi aska, li ni-l lu:r with
tin pi it ..i .'"- and iippui ti-nam en theiciintii V9
I I a ,,' 1 1 , a i i-.r .- j it i litiiniitf. ih Kama
li no: if i a .1 upon ami taken iiH the pri,n-riy ol
i ,i t- I , S . a i , it l, ilf Irmlaiitl. to tify
ja .l; mt nl i.i -a.d t om t ii-iuvricd liy I'laiicilN.
inl. on. , ,iii,t,ll. against said drlcBilants.
1 1 .i 1 1 - n i. ui I Ii. ,rli., lib. Ill, A. I). IW.
V . 1 1. llkkl II,
-difi ill. Cass County, ebi.
li l. Mi I. ia I.-. Drpiity.
i .. II U .mil , at tin lily for I ruin h N. (dno.
J.chI .Notice.
I ii the .list i n t coin t ol Cass con nly. Nab rat a.
John John: on, i , by Ids Kiiar
di.iii, 1 aij.ili I.. I'liilnjis,
fin. i M. .VK inner and liim
b.iml, if in Kf J -Sk 1 1 1 1 1 c .
I h 1 1-n. Ian Is w ill lake in il li e Unit upon ttio Uta
,l.i ol i .f , i-iiil.i a, A. 1 1. Is-.,, the piitintitl blad
li is pi t a i. .ti in t lie .list r n t coin t of bin iimTi
.f in a- k a, the oiiji-i l and pi aye r nf which WM l
ft a odt: il ll.'fd llnlll pl.lllltlll to dalaa
t-1 u. i M . .Sh iniii-1 , w li ii ti pi e tcinlt!il tti ci.nvif tt
in a i.i two i i) in block tnxty- tlnee lata
iit ol Wi fpinu' Wiilei, t'asK county, Aabiaatka,
and to set aside and annul haul deed ar,4 laa
us nid lli. H ol, as it appeals III book 111.
ml Ii ol the dt fd lecoid t.l I a-H cniiii t v, Nahl aa ka.
and I. ii an in i ouuiiuK ol ic-iils collectatl by aaia
di-lf ml, ml and to levc-Mt the title ul laid lot la
plaint ill.
And lot fiiithi-r dilutable relief you ata ra
il i.i.l to an .wi a .said pciiiion on or bafoia tha
--Hi day t,l Man Ii, A. 1. IHW.
John Juiinson, fa.
Ily Ins l- ii .a i 1 1 ,i ii, 1-.. rtiillipf.
liy his al loi nos, Ily ion 'lai k and U. A. Kawla.
l;iled 1 ebiuaiy, Is, A. I). 1SU7.
Mirrni'H Siile.
Ily i ii I in-ol an older of sale, issued by lieo. W.
I Ions, it, a th, chikol the district court, within
and I. ii I ass toiinly, Ncbiaska, and to mo ill
ieiie.1,1 will on the- 'Hlh day of March, A. I).
Is. s, at il o'clock a. in. ol saul day at the ninth
,1,,,, i t,i the com I house in liiecity ol I'latlsinoutli
in said cnuiily, sell at public auction, to Ilia
a iK a est bidden loi cash, tiie following leal aitala
Lot four 1 1 j in block one 1 1 J in Stile' aildltiaa
to I he ta I y ol i 'Iat Is ii mn th.l.ass count y.Nebi aak a,
l,,i;ell,ei with the piivaliKes ami appertanaataa
ilicieiiuto i,eioiii;iiiK oi in anywise appei taiaiag;
the same Im hik ie led upon and takan aa the f ru
peilyol John .swnbotla. dt feiidant, to natiaff
judgment ol said com t recovereil by (Jliariaa C.
I ai uieie as it ceiver nl the Cltiena bank of
I 'i. n ismoii Hi, ' ass county, Nebraska, platntitf,
against saul dideiidanl ami John Ketter.
1 i.titsiuoiilli, Neljiaska, l ebiuaiy I'J A,l ),,! .
V m. ll. Wiir aaaa,
Miei ill, Cass county, Nsbtanka.
by J. I), Mclliide, lieputy.
II nai l I,, i , .1 tloi uey lor I'laintiM .
Not ice of JnIHlelii-HM.
i lie rialtsiiioutli W ater Company, a corpora
tion 01,4. in, eel under the laws id the Btata of Ha
ni a-.a .
1 he riattsiiiniith Water Company heiaby
ive iinliee that the billowing is tiie liat ajiat
.111101, nl ol ail.llie existing debts ol Sit id corpora
tion 011 the Inst day ul l ebiuaiy, A. I). lnW,
ii.iiiie. :
i 1 1 .-. 1 iiioi i.ikc 'i I a: 1 cent bonds of the
Viidfi tot , iniciest jiayuble beini-
a 0.1, ..,,). Oct. It and Apnl 1st 1125.1X1(1.00
.1 . ... d liileie t 1 11 the same li.ltt.M
i i . s I 7W.(
1 "lai SMO.K.I.X
1 h.., noli, e 1 , ;;ni:ii in t oinjinaiice witii laa
pi,,.. . ,11-, 1,1 a 1, 1 pit. 1 10 oi 1 lie compiled ata 1 11 taa
ol l:,e s.,i.e ol .tiiilii a.a.
. has. I., i-.iiov, f'resiileut,
Iii.nkv M. i ji.mi.k, liriurei,
1. II. 1 01. 1. in. k, secretary.
I .ewai-l 11. .-.lain,,,
I .a.... 1 I ! . .1,1. 11,
A! .,j a . I , in, 1,0,11 d of I In eel 01 s.
I'lOUalc fjciucc.
I n 1 im nt ' 1,111 1 , i .ass . ta, ii my , Nebraska.
la 1 i.e lo.i 1 lei ol 11, e estate ol Nels C. Aiard,
leee.a el. J di.ilinc w. le.111. lollneliy liiald,
e.s Cil ,i i .1.1. mi, miiioi, and an otder per
,.is in.eej.-ii d 11, .ai.i uiatlei ale heieby Jioliiied
n.ii on ti.e '.' a na) oi .-.i.ii, n, isns, j i. j eiersen
.te a a pel. linn in and county couit, praying thai
o . I111.11 .eliri.u,. ii.ition accounts IneU neieut tie
elm d ..11 i aim . ed. and that he be dischaiged
,0,11 1ns liie.'. a.- iioinniistiatoi, and that it i.iu
I n; to apical Oe 1 1 e said enm t 011 the lati day of
t p 1 . 1 , -1 1 ' 1 at ' o cock a . 111., and contest p, .1:1. on, tin: couit fcrant. the player ol
... 1 P iiu .n, ai., 1 in., Ac- other and furitier
,1 ,,, .1 s, .0.0U a:n e , and.dccices, as to this court
seeaii iiiopt.1,10 the end, that all mailers
,ei in est. ite in..y tie liiiaily settled
,nm ode. in iiied. vv itne j my hand and the
ic.ii ol s.nd com i at I niitsiiioiiili, Nebraska,
.In., llic ,lsl ua oi .Niaicli .1. J.f isilrt.
bi;"Ki,li ,u. .M-ekUitK,
County J udge.
Legal Notice.
In the di.tict court ol Cass county.J Nebrask a,
in tne mailer ol the estate, ol Nelsoa Mc
le j no. d.-, ueeeased.
1 ins c.msc came on for hearing upon the
In ion ol i iiui ew iattman, administrator of tlio
e: tale ol .c.son McKeyitnids, deceased, praying
lor a iieeu-.e to sen tne southeast quarter S. k..
1) oi section th.iieeii (l.lj, township twenty-six
1 -'it noi tn. range loi t -nine; ; tiie northeast quar
ter (N. i.. 'i) ol section i.nieteeii (l!y townnhip
twenty ;1. tioith, range . lor ty-eight. (4M, m
ilox Imtie county, .sebrasKa, and the wst had
1 V !jottiie east iiad (1-.'jol the .southeast
quai teres. D. oi section eight () in township
ten (id north, range thiiteen ll.'JJ Cass coarity,
.ebiaska. '1 he land, above, described in Cass
county, Nebraska, being subject to a life interest
ol W 11. nun McKeynoids, or asulnci-nt amount of
liie same to bring the sum of, it iii for
uieiit ol deols anowed against said estate, and
tne costs oi administration, there not bairig
sutfieieiit personal property to pay said debts
and expenses.
It is lurtlier ordered that all persons intereated
in said estate appear before tne at the office of
the clerK oi the district court of Cass county, Na
bra Ka, on tiie th day of May, A. D. lMt, at 2
o Cock p. in. of said day, and to show cause why
a liCcii-e should not be granted to fcaid adminis
trator to se.l so much ol tiie above describedV,reaI
estate of said deceased, as shall tie nccessar y to
pay said debts and expenses.
bc-rvice ol this order sliail be by publication fa
tho sjtMi-W kkki.v N fcw s-H LkALit lor at leitit
tour successive weeks prior to date of hearing.
Dated tins i;li day ol March A. D. 1WH.
Judge of the District Court,
liy ron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys for ins
tate. Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of James Grove, de
ceased. J ins caue came on for hearing upon the peti
tion of Arthur L-. Munger as administrator of
the estate of James Grove, deceased, for a license
to se.l real estate as follows: J he west half 1 V
A the southeast quarter s e !ij of section two
- township ten loj north, range nine L&J Cass
County. Nenrasica, or a sufficient amount of the
same to bring the sum of iJ72 40 for payment of
debts a lov. ed agmnst said estate, and the costs
ol administration, there not being sufficient per
sonal property to pay the said debts and expen
ses. It is further ordered that a!! persons fnterested
in the said estate appear before me at the office
of trie clerk of the oistrict court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 7th day of May A. U.lMat 2
o'clock p. ni. to show cause w hy a license should
not be granted to said admf itistrator ti sell so
much ol the above described real estate of the
sai 1 estate as shall be necessary to pay said
debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that this order be pub
lished in tne .-eini-W eckly News-Hemalii for a
period of four weeks prior to tiie date of the said
1 ,Kted this loth day of March. A. I).
Basil .. Ramsey. Judge of the District Court.
B run Clam and C. A. Kawls, att'ys for estate
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Clara cox vs. James R Cox.
Ja nes R. Cox, defendant, will take notice that
on tiie inth dav ot March. A. D. 11-, C'ara Cox,
p.aiut II. here. n tiled her petition in the district
court of Cass county. Neoraska, against the said
James Ii. Cox, defendant, the object and prayer
of winch is to obtain a divorce from the defend
ant, lames R. Cox, and to procure a decree
i; ranting 10 piaintitt the custody and control of
t in m. nor c in id "Oracie Cox,:; daughter of plain
ti;f and defendant . -aid relief is asked because
tin-d -'en, latit, without juit cause ot provocation,
crueily and wantonly deserted piaintitt upon or
about 'September l'.nh. A.D. ls'Jt. and has con
tinuously remained away for more than two
years prior to tiling of Ins suit
Von are required to answer said petition on or
before the irtth dav of Mav. A. D. ltt.
Dated this z'Jth day of March. A. D. 198.
.... ,, , , 1 c 1
h her Attorneys. Byron Clark and C A. Kawls