w 1 .j!.lLD) 0 iiA tfV tC3 V H A 4 I I l I I I 1' II KN 10 VH. I'.stJiliHIii'd Nov. S, Ih'.iI. ,..,, . . . . - UK I1KUALH. KNtabliHl.od April 111, W. f Ooi,.soll,.u(o.1 Jan. I. I-'i.. PLATTSMOUTH, .K15., ATJilL 0 18K VOL. VI. NO. .-1!). P-J S3 iULVJLJL V V II M ii i 3 - . 4 ! j n i! to Tl 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 13 4 4 j 4 4 4 4 4 1 BEMON OFlJop Fop Salolby SMITH As 1'AltM FLF. The Mllif! Not low priced, but highest grade at our reputation. We say these are the s.:y r.o lev after y. have used them. ; !"V WW F. G. FRICKE & CO. BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, Mess. Jas. S. Kirk & Co., Cliicayo, Ills. Gentlemen: We have civon your "White Cloud" soriD a thorough tost in washing pieces of linen embroidered w ith our "New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and tind it entirely satisfactory. Wc take pleasure in recom mending it as a superior article for laundering line embroidery. Yours truly, (S.'gned) IJeldixo linos, & Co. Referingf to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. WhitG Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Established 1839. Largest soap manufacturer:? V.'2 vr-r Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals the polish you can put on a Murzluff shoe. Good leather, well-tanoed leather, that's the reason. It does more than shine it wears, it fits, it "feels good" whether jou walk across the street or across the continent. It's a shiner, s staj-er, a soother. Costs money ? Of course not as much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. Joscpli IGtZGr9 rtti Side Main Street. WHITEBREAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AND AI tRIILE STS., II. M. SOEXMCHSEN, .Manager. 4 5- Large Supplj' of all the BKST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. 5- 4 9 4 5- A FnlEHO OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HOftJEY and TAR IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUNG REMEDY. GHEiiiyfj-LV;LL:ii;s Co. MAKE PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelve Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. fair, honest prices. You know best paints we know of. You'! JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Soap Manufacturers. TO Chicago. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes 3! T7 Tf rra TlxV FOB BILIOUS A1ID KEEV0U3 DISOEDEES such as "VTiml and Tain in the Stomach. Giddiness, i'ulncs-? after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness, l'lushines of Heat, Xoss of Appetite. Costivenoss. Blotches on the- Skin, Old Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Kervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIEST DOSE WILL GIVE EELLEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge thena to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECIIAM'S P1LI.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore I'einalcs to com plete health. They rromptly remove obstructions Or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mt-k Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver. IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And hare the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drue Stores. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete tu nil lines ; l-l we Id vite our friends to look it over. W, .vil endeavor to please yon. Call and see us. STREIGHT C- SATTLER, (Successors to i.ci.ry Boeck.) I.ATMOUTll, - NR1 JAMES W SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rips furnished at aii ti i:r and his prices are always reasonable. '1 l.Ln ust couv(!Dlenl boarding stable for far mers in the citv PLATTSMOUTH, NEB I.Vil i Ij 1 President McKink-y Withhold injr Until That Day iO;i'H Till: AMIiKICAXS TIMh To Withdraw I rom C u b - M HM(r Sill to t ontHlii u Declarat ionof War War Miii Ordered to Itrlne; Away Amerieaii OlitllH. Omaha, Neb., April I'r.'M p. in .Special. The American Press Asso ciation of this city lias positive ad vices from Washington to the effect thai Consul General Leo and all A mer iean consuls and citizens have been ordered to withdraw from Cuba, by the statu department and ships havo been sen t there to bring them away. President MeKinley is withholding his messige until Monday in order to rive the department timo to withdraw ii,t ,, .. , .,.,.1 p!aco them beyond the power of the. sp:uun before the message is given to the public. T he withholdir g of the rnes.-figo is w'.in antabie proof that it -junta ins a d j.ila ra t iidi of war. ( 'engross is at fever he t, though waiting patiently until our ollieials upon the inland can be re moved, which cannot be. accomplished before Monday. The advices state farther that everything is in readi ness and tiiat active hostilities be tween the United States and Spain wili be on in a very few days. Withholding the message is a wise precaution on the part of President McKii ley, as there will be no uncer- tnin tone about the document, and my thing therein approaching a war ekirat'On . would be the signal for the liSa-si nation of Gen. Lee and his mtjrican as.-ociatcs. l ilt' l'lips :tr- l"l ;si il. Nkws: I'ioaso ;ivo a rantan- io.ous l) ipber- .il 1 li e mi.idlo 01 the oad persuasion, th- u-c of your co!- U I mns a le'.r iinmienta with winch to scraicn 111s ti.u-K ami tnusmakc hitn oct a over ino r'ci-t'i s.morsauit ici iurmed by tiio Piatt.- niv)uth ooiiti- il elements. The '.-teen to wuncrs. th. 10 o'reat apo&llos el reloi'm have met heir Watcriotdjullrun lhe have met he enemy and have been wiped oiT thej po! i t ieal in p in ihis. ceinmuruty. The fe:l"vvs who, a short timo aro Aeie lilting thems-.-lvCH hy the boot straps because they suci'eeued in pull it) off tlio pop uomincss are now drer-sei in SiCieth and political ob scurity. ' Weuns h ive wearied of pull- iuf cnestr.uts lor democratic othce seekers and no doubt the next time they will -rive the buzz saw a wide berth. V-e peeps are the popple and nin-t '-o rcsoected. and in th-j future ihesri uitriotwho want reform should yet on lo tlie m;ddie of tlie read Viand uayon. Tlius endoth thiir fir.-t 1 e r S o n . G I : K K N 1 ! A C K K ll A .lolly Crowd. It was nearly twelve o'clock last night when a crowd headed by the Uohemian band went up to Dr. Cooks residence and called the treasurer elect out of bid. Tne crowd took him in l and and then weut over to Mayor elect lticheys residence where he was captured. A lumber wagon was se cured and headed by th j band the two officers were b-ought down town where they set up the cigars and made a few speeches before they were allowed to return hotn-.i. It was the most hilarious crowd that ever turned oat in Plattsmouth. Tt Hear INIelba. The high prices which prevail at the Iioyd in Omaha this evening will not prevent several Plattsmouth peo ple from attending. We note the fol lowing, and no doubt as many more will go whose names we have not heard : Mrs. Celia V. Shryok, Miss Minnie Sharp, Miss Marion Mursh and Mrs. J II. Hassemeier, of Louis ville; Dr. Els'.er, Miss Sullivan and Mi-sLulu Leist;Mrs. T. P. Liviugslon, Asher Claris and daughter Ella, Miss Florence White and Frank Green. . A. K. Auiusw ments. The local post G. A. li. will have a camp fire and bean supper Saturday evening at their hall. At White opera house on the same evening they will have speaking and an interesting pro gram. A number of speakers will be present and the old soidier boys will pass a pie sant evening among them selves and friends. Ten cents will be charged for supper but no charge for other er.tertait-iueat. The public made welcome. Experience Meeting-. An experience social will be held Thursday evening at the home of Peter Hates. The ladies who earned 1 to help j ay for the new organ wiil give their experience Iiod have prepared a ; , v- .. . . t nice program for the amuoeruect of ( their "-uests. An addmission fee of . . leents will oe cnargeu wnicn win oe J appHed to payment on the organ. Let Itvcrbody turn out Old llirjrclen Made new at Leiitih-iil's practical bi cycle meu. MGEN XT 10N0A NEW INSURANCE COAtPANY. Oriilxut ion of the I'll jr .Mutual by (.rail ing Citizen HP I 00,000 SulHeriled. '1 hu City Mutual Insurance Co. is a new organization in this city. The obj ct ami purposo of the company wiil n tlio injuring of city propei ty in 1 Matlsmoutu and otber towns of tlio county. Mho organization wa- com pleted Monday night and 1 h s. V. i'armelo was e lected president, 11. G. Dovey vic; pruuidetit, 1-VanK J. Mor gan trui-urer and I. r. Wiles secretary. A board of directors was elected as follows Tom E. l'armele, C. H. Wescott and Ceo. A. liar to serve three years; I-Ytd G order, Jlenrj IJotck and W. J. White to serve two years; G. K. Dovey, Frank J. Morgan and D. O. Dwvor to set ve one vear. Thr r.fim i 1 11 v 1 ( lO (lliil fc. n p i liml I " ' the bubaCt'i bel 'S, officers and directors being about 100 of tlio leading and substantial business men of the city nnu county. luiuai insurance is a system of cooperation and besides fur niching cheaper rates it avoids the j necessity of sending abroad large sums i money in premiums, ijuiluiissiums and salaries. Wo cortainly wih the new company unbounded success. I oninville'K Election. Louisvillo elect - d one of the best town boards csteiday that town evei had. Tom l'armele headed the li?t having received W votes out of a total east oi loo. i lie new hoard is com posed of such men as Tom l'armele. Chas 1 tiehey, Kl.Twiss, Frank Dick son, and 11. i'ankonin. The town will contitiuo to boom under such manage ment Now that the Lenten season is draw- iu to a close society will a fa in begin to briyhton up and shake olF the leth argy of the last fortv days. The first social event of note will ho the re pro duclion of tiio unique and attractive Irish drama "Shaun Aroon". 'J hi will be presented on the eveninys of April 11 and 12 at the White Opira house. Dont fail to see thisattruclion . . . I . l ...1 r -i as 111 uiu cast, are a i umuer 01 Hie cleverest artists in the profession. Pos.-y M-.:ssersmitn was busy tol-iy explaining how it w;-s done in the iirst. tie eies ine credit to 11 is i.e.v india rubber draw bar. lie sty John Lindeman was conductor on iho train and lie (i 'osey ) j List put 0:1 ti.e brakes wiuie his tin n all yot oil to vnie wli'ne Jolin run the t tiier leilows ii to the "litch. He now claims tie- draw bar is a mascot and an all around win ner. A fcliow bought a. ticket in Omaha Monday niy'ht fi r Plattsinou; h am; the biakeinan ca led the station wheu arriving here ;:s n?Ui.!,the m.n w:.. asleep at.d was lair'eii by. ile v. put oil the train when it was two- thirds across the bridge, hired the ferryman to bring rum over the i iver and now threatens to sue the railroad company for damages. Licenses to wed have been M-anted Rcnel Ellsworth Taylor, aged 36, and Miss Flora Etta Grimes, aged 29, both of Union. Ge uge T. Frisber, aged 23, of Vab.sh,and Miss Fn.nie Fer mi lea West, Water. aged 20, of Weeping i bantam weignt attorney and a prominent 'business man came near having a clash at arms Monday even ing over election matters. The attorney got his coat off, but better councils prevailed and a truce was patched up. James S. Matthews departed this morning for his farm near Newark in Kearney county, where he will plant out a hedge and help his soa Ernest break out some prairie and get things aoing on the farm. He expects to be absent a momh or six weeks. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider fre liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. F. G. h ricke & Co. At the Christian church this even- insr. alter Draver meetinsr. there will be an election of officers of the Y. P. S. ft v. .inri tVio.-Hin .nru .f Kut-.tjrr. ,;ii ha admistered to a voun? man who uuilcu ilu toe Kiiunu ouuu,.j. J. C. Ptak, the tailor, makes the best fitting clothes and of the very latest cut. right up-to-date. Ue car- ries the largest assortment of the latest woolens. He also does cleaning dyeing and repairing to perfection, 1'IRST CLASS WORK ONLY A. W. White has one of the nicest maps of Cuba we have seen. It was presented by the Phenix Insurance Co. and is well worth seeing. He keeps it in the store to settle disputes over the geography of the Spanish possessions. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass c unty. Nebraska. loseph Graham and Jolin Wilkinson, partners, doins business under the til m name ol ijraham & Wilkinson. pUi.nt.tls, vs. Frank Ko idy and Clara Koduy. Ueieu iants. The defendants wiil take notice tiiat Joseph (jrahain and John iik i is.m. under the name of Graham and Wilkinson, have commenced an action against said delend anW in the o!:strict court of ca-s county. Ne braska, the object and prayer of which i to re cover a judgment against said defeu l.int- tor the were necessary fc-r the support and nia-Tit. naee of sad defendants and tor which defendants al?reed t pay. aI.d that tney have caused the ea-t one hail ol the uortneast oi.e quarter cf sec- sum ol S 'i' lor go iUs soil! anj deuvtre-a which lion oi. loAn 10. r-iiine ii, easi vi inc mtui pn . cmai meridian, sit. .ate in Cass cou V V. N braska. to be attachcid in said action as tne property tf sai'l delendants. Deten lant- are required to answer sai 1 peti- I turn on or before the bith dav of Mav, or Judff- ' nient wiil be takea as praved tor 211 said peti- ti n. ! sph Graham and I Mm Wilkinson, under the firm nam1; of Graham & ilkinson. C. K. Te'it, plaiuiilf's attome. WV.JNrJL '.Special notices under this lieivii will tliiiruou for nt the rule of cent per word curb I risertlon . ) M ISCKI. I.A.N KOI S. C(K Kl'.N'l A six room house. I'.nuiic i lolin Wateiiiian. I S I" A a r of nold lioAcd noe fila-iscs. Tin; L. Iindcr will lie icwardcd by leaving; at this ol- ncc 1".VI N( j All k in -Is of plain and lane v sew in it dres-tnakiiiK, repairing of cents" and boy' tiuthes done at tlic looms of Mrs. O11II.1 Slu-r man, over Coatcs' liardwaic store, 41S Main street. w ANTKi) To trade. A cuod cold watcli tor an oian. 1 n u 1 1 e at the New office. Iif ANTKD Active, sober and trustworthy man ll to travel through this section. Salary $;ii a iiionth, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address SIIKI'l' company, 1U-0 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, l'a. 1 I tl Si'liior ( :l'S;ni;. ('il):in iciiri'si'ti tat i vi ut j U asliiiiKtour ImuIotsciI by Culian patriots. In I tvmunilous dumaiid. A lxinati:i lor agents. Only Yyr book, bitf commissions. iCvcry tiouy wants the oniy eniorscd, reliable book, ....;.., i i l." i. it it an trash, and make $.1 it) a month with War unii iicc;. iittm j;ivlti. ijcilim naiu - i'iuu Cuba Address today, 1 he National Book Cou cern, J.ij-.1. Deal born M , Chicago. I'lat tsmoutli Turn Vereln. The following are the hours of in struction of the l'lattsmouth Tui Vi-rein classes: JSOYS CLASSES lloys ( las 12 to 14years, Tuesday -Loll toti p. m and Friday 4:110 to G p. m. IJoys C-l.iss 8 to 12 years, Monday 4:;0 to p. m. and Thursday 4:"0 toG p. in. (MKI.S CLASS Girls Class 12 to l." years, 10.. "50 to 12 a. m., Saturday. Girls Class S to 12 years, Wednes day 4:;50 to G p. m. Saturday (J to 10:30 :l- ln LADIKS CLASSES. Lidies Class Wednesday 8 to 9:30 p. m. rng!ish. 1' riuay 8 to p. m. Germau. 31 en's classes. Active class (IS to 30 years old) Tues day H to Id p. m. and Thursday 8 to 10 p. in. Senior class (30 years and over) Mon day 8:30 to 10 p. 111. Fencing, boxing and wrestling class. Sunciav 10 tu 12 a. m. Appliu itions for admittance will be received at the gymnasium during hir-s hours bv Instructor O. P. Ernst. A Chi-ap Trip. The opportunity to visit the ouihe.n States alio ded by the semi- m.-i tni excursions oi tni iouisviiie A Nash vil ie 1 tail road is one th at should be taken advantage of by every one in" leies'.ed. Thesj excunsnns are ar- r. n jed for the lirstanu tmrd Tuesdays f . ii. The tickets are good on the i-egul ii-trains of those dues leaving cut;. era tu; initials, and can al.-o be p .ienaseJ ti.rougti irom agents oi con- i ..ectiug lines. Tickets are sold to points in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ala bama, the carolinas, Mississippi Georgia and the western portions of Florida. They are good for return P""re on any Tuesday or Friday within twenty-one days, and allow fifteen days on the going trip to stop I off and examine the country. The co-t for th v round trip is about the reerular one-way rate, aid on same dates one-way tickets are sola at about two-thirds of the regular rates. For lull particulars, write to C. 1. At- more, G. 1'. A., Louisvile, Ky., or Geo. 15. Horner, D. 1' A., St. Louis, Mo. Oovey's I'ricen. Dovey s have been in business here for more than a quarter of a century and never have they SDld shoddy or inferior goods in all these years. The prices they quote in the big ad in this paper may sf em like they pre too low for the class of goods they carry, but they are the result of close buying and a determination to sell more goods at Coser mat trains. It will pay you to read their ad and inspect their goods i - i xhe best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe- . enrpj ttpp rhunnnn hnnda. chil- ,v-" ' ' r-r-r. . - hlnin enms. and all skin eruntions. na positively cures pues, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pvice 25 cents per box. For sale b P. G. Fricke. Sweet I'ea Seed. "Lckford's" best large flowered mixed, o cents per ounce in separate colors. liest leading varieties, t cents per ounce. Pansy plants '"Dreer's Exhibition" varieties mixed white, light blue, dark purple and the nearest approach to red to be found in pansies, in separate varieties i 2o to 35 cents per dozen, ready to plant out next week. L. A. MOOKE. First-Class Work. Frank Marler has opened a first class blacksmith shop at the cor ner of Seventh and Pearl streets where all kinds of smithing and horseshoeing ' wiil be done in a skillful manner, also carriage and wagon painting. d-swlm. You can get a dollar hat at Tucker Sister- for cents. Come early as we have but few left. TO CURE A tOLI) IN ON K DAV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, i All druggist. s refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L I Q. on each tablet. Don')!s tlio FJo.-!;-iiv uf :- 7.'l-.-". A iinrs carriage double s tiio phusiiroot 'driv- urr. imeuuiiiij nnvers oi carriages or uur m-sa can Kavo dollars by Kondin, for the rut&.ctLknlsisa nmwi be of Sh 00s, We now have the Shoes in the city. GROCERY - I "JS l$eM U ranulfiU'UJUgi A 1 .' . l.do (it; loo i vlkJ "C" Sugar in Crackers, per lb i - I , - . Lamp chimneys. Argo (iloss Starch. ArgoCorn Starch.. 12 lbs taavv beans n N- l's Scotcti peas. 1 lb Horses-hoe Tobacco. 1 lb Star Tobacco. . . , 1 lb Llattle-Axo Tobacco 1 lb "G-for-10" Tobacco 1 lb J. T. Tobacco California Prunes, per lb Hleo-ant Itaisins, per lb 3 packages Parlor .YlaU hes L'.'i 2 lbs Oat meal ).", 12 lbs Oatmeal 2". 1-lb can Prico's bakiny jiowder.. ,'S A-lb can Price's baking powder. . 20 1 lb Bon-Don baking powder Id New Department Store OPPOSITE BANK OP CASS COUNTY. Telephone No. 93. f-::- - '. J5 LN r ' STILL KST rigs for 'A'oddings, Fu ittended to promptly. Tern. a r itos Telephone 7'. "M. B. W. D. Jones disposed of BUtlion uc r - n : T,he Smith premier Typewriter OmabaJBranch Office, cor. T ft BJ-a a a ASA 6 but liavi s I-i rft to tlio on fiuriier f r 'J. yeara at whole sale prices. Bavmr him the dealer s prohts. hhir. anj where f ,r examination. iverythinf? 1H stvles of .'. Btyl'-g of Top liaies. Surrey g, Vtj Vj i 1 -pes, JPnatrtona, J raps, Ws7'. ettes, Spnnr-Koad and M:. no. ii, ff jrrej Himi Krtc, 5.00. ocri'i ior A . ... for M. Ct-ogu. of all cur ELKHART CAIililAGE AXO lliU.VtSS MFti. 09 bays a Fins Violin and Complete Outfit. FaJy Gaai&nted. Jx CO buys a Mandoline, , Birdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. : 00 bays An American vLi guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC. 3oO buys a $100 Organ. lYimball Pianos e Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. Pianos, little nsed, for $50, G0, $S0 to $100. Writ for CUioa Mid oar JR., o i' i n i i m z, i . u i j 1 1 I v Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by drufrsrists on a nositive miarantee. . Prir Kn nanta Det box. Samnlfl BPnt frpp nn ttipnllnn THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGIUilLNE CO . South Bend. Indiana. him S h 00s !. Most Complete Line of Call and See. DEPARTMENT. 1 lb Calumet baking powder. . 1 1 b 1 'eppor Id -rent Hack of Halt 15-cent Hack- of Salt Mont Salt, per barrel Lemon extract, per bottlo.... Vanilla extract, per bottlo. . . Coal oil, per gal Oi 1 S i rd ines I 1 b Lion ColTuo 1 lb ArbucklcH Coffee I 19 18 05 10 1 60 05 05 10 04 09 09 45 40 10 13 13 07 10 74 10 ii 0) dl l 2'j 2" :;s 2d 1 L.' I" 1 itnrket Syrup " i ticket Jelly "" IIoiH-y ' i I Jrick ChocHO New York (Jream t'heeso Dry Salt Meat IJreakfast bacon, per lb. ( 'ali fornia 1 lams, per lb. Largo Hams, por lb IJologna, pur lb D. JONES... C' n s Co ii tily's t, , H ! 6i3 MAIN STREET. Muynsiicsts. r ,.- !':e:is-ji.t I 'uflies, etc. Hack ordt rt oi.a'. :. iy.iti pn Icrreil. (Jall.inU g-' I hins ut oootls ind lrtn Hi nek B3t Yalue CQriting Machine. raa all the Latest Improvements, popular Because of Jlerit. Flost Durable typewriter Nade. premier Buyers do plot experiment. mritt for JVew Hit Catalogue frtt. toicracuae, JH. a. 8. Tu Sevonteenth'and Farnam eta. warranted. VeiiK-lts. Ifnrn;s. S i'J to ?7'). j. ( nrria- Jurcc. ire vn anr- 9um with i ,v,. "iTfl'SIiS'&W CO. W. IJ. I'KATT. Bee'T. ttKIIAKT. UIB. Gnitar, Steel Urm. FACTOBI PBICZS. 1513 D:ag!as 8tre3t, OUAHA, EEB. cf ha rmViliaf? ILL!