Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 02, 1898, Image 4

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    Wail JPeiper Kings.
After an experience of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in saying
that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made.
For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in
Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not
epanment) store.
Shoes, Shoes!
We now have the MostJ.Com pi ete Line of
Shoes in the city. Call and See.
19 lbs Best Granulated Sugar $1.00
20 lba "C" Sugar 1.00
Crackers, per lb 06
Lamp chimneys 05
Argo Gloss Starch 04
Argo Corn '.Starch 04
12 lba aavy beans . . . 25
12 lba Scotch peas 25
1 lb Horseshoo Tobacco 38
1 lb Star Tobacco 38
1 lb Battle-Axe Tobacco 20
1 lb "6-for-10" Tobacco 18
1 lb J. T. Tobacco 30
California Prunes, per lb 05
Elegant Raisins, per lb 05
3 packages Parlor Matches 25
2 lba Oatmeal
12 lba Oatmeal
1-lb can Price 'a baking powder. .
i-lb can Price's baking powder..
1 lb Bon-Bon baking powder. ... ,
New Department Store
Telephone No. 93.
Better Than JSxcr
. .
All the Newest Shapes and Styles that the eastern
markets afforded in
wtwm m& Tr turnings
9 9
Are to be seen at their Parlors. Imported Pattern
Hat and Flowers from Parisian artists. Everything
.... On account of the prosperous outlook, the largest line
of MILLINERY ever brought to the city has been
purchased ....
Every Taste Can Be Suited..
And every want supplied from the cheapest to the
most elaborate and richly-trimmed Headwear ever
seen in the west.
.... The Swell Flowers Orchids and Nasturtiums, with
plenty of Violets, Roses, Lilly of the Valley, Hya
cinths, and other varieties to select from.
An Artistic Trimmer of St. Joe will keep this depart
ment up to a high standard of excellence.
Remember to Call and Inspect Our Goods and Prices ....
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass county. cEvery
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo
mers the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods
always In stock. The only place in the city where you lean get all kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
A. H. WECKBACH & . Waterman BIk.
1 lb Calumetibaking powder.
1 lb Pepper
10-cent sack of Salt
15-cent sack of Salt
Lemon extract, per bottle. . . .
Vanilla extract, per bottle. . .
Coal oil, per eral
Oil Sardinea
1 lb Lion Coffee
1 lb Arbucklea Coffee
Bucket Syrup
Bucket Jelly
Brick Cheese
New York Cream Cheese
Dry Salt Meat
Breakfast bacon, per lb
California Hams, per lb.
Large Hams, per lb
Bologna, per lb
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Rather cool for April.
Did the boys fool you today?
Old papers for sale at this office.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
For superior job work call at the
News office.
Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
L. D. Bennett was an early Omaha
passenger today.
Have you tried it? What? Wurl
Bros.' "Gut Heil?"
St. Mary's Guild will take ordera
for decorated Easter eggs.
Tom Parmele boarded the early
Omaha train this morning.
Boston brown bread at Holloway's
on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Northern grown Early Rose seed
potatoes at Bennett & Tutt's.
Holloway's popular steamed bread
is made of Heisel's best flour.
The best 5-cent cigar that can be
made is Wurl Bros.' "Gut Heil."
Special low prices on trimmed Tur
bans and Sailors at Tucker Sisters.
The general favorite amongsmokers
of good cigars is Wurl Bros.' "Gu
Dr. Cook, the republican candidate
for city treasurer, was in the metropo
lis today.
Mrs. Wm. McCnuley and Miss Edith
fatterson were J-iincoin passengers
this afternoon.
Go to Anthony's music store on lower
Main street for everything in the way
of sheet music
borne wonueriuliy cneap nats are
on sale at Tucker Sisters for girls.
way below cost.
inose wno nave moved from one
ward to another must get registered
or they can't vote.
John W. Dixon, a bright young at
torney of Neoraska City, was in town
today on legal business.
The household economic deoartmen
of the Woman's club will furnish the
program for this evening.
The Salvation army is drawing large
crowds at their hall every night, and
the meetings are of much interest.
Wanted Washing, ironing, house
cleaning and plain sewing-. Airs. Mil
ler, No. 223, Fourth and Granite sts.
There wi 1 be a meeting of the
Y. L. R. R. A. at the read
ing room Saturday evening at 730p.m
Miss Elizabith Wright returned to
her home at Des Moines todpy after
visit with her sister here, Miss Mar
A special jury in the case ofj Hunter
vs Neville was empanneled today and
the regular jury excused until
Dr. George Wilkinson, specialist,
eye4 ear, nose and tnroat, will be at
Dr. Livingston's office Tuesday,
April 5.
Word was received in this city yes
terday that Sam Atwoou and wife.
who are now at Honduras, sail for
home today.
Does your bicycle need a new tire or
a new rim, or a spoke, or anything:'
Lebnhoff Bros, will repair it, and do
it right, too.
Come and see the Easter window all
next week in F. J. Morgan's store,
where there will be beautiful Easter
gifts for sale.
A great musical treat is in store for
those who hear the Otlumwa Quar
tette at the Presbyterian church Mon
day evening April 4.
Henry Weidman carries his great
toe in a sling today. Some heartless
boy left a brick, wrapped in paper
lying on the sidewalk.
J. K. Keithly, the editor of one of
the best county papers in the state,
was in Plattsmouth today and made
the News a pleasant call.
Mrs. S. E. McElwain was taken
quite ill last night and is not at all
improved today. We trust nothing
serious may result, however.
C. E. Wescott and "Uncle" Tommy
Hofmes are making arrangements to
go to the relief of the Cubans. They
will no doubt make good soldiers.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
First-class upholstering done on
order, aud an elegant line of tapestries
to select from at cost. Leave orders
with F. J. Morgan. Geo. Taktsch.
Now isthe time to have your bicycle
repaired. We do all kinds of repair
ing, and guarantee our work.
Lehsiioff Bros.
The famous Ottumwa Quartette of
Chicago will be at the Presbyterian
church Monday evening, April 4th.
Secure your seats early as there will
be a rush.
E. H. Marten, general manager Sey
mour Lake Ice Co., of Omaha, wi s
here today to buy all the ice in town
for refrigerator cars. Tho ico crop li
yjry short.
Mrs. Katie Bock, who haa been the
head cook at the Perkins house for
aomo time, has resigned her posit'on
and left this morning for her home at
Dorchester, Neb.
An application was made tcday on
Long appointed guardian of Elizj b Mb.
Long who is incompetent to look ifter over, that if tho pops wanted overy
her property interests. thing in the state campaign this fall
Wm. Shepherd of Weeping Water
who was called to the bedside of bia
mother in Iowa some days ago, arrived
today enroute home and reports his
mother aa convalescent.
Tho ladies of the Presbyterian
church will serve lunch at the "Ex
change" election day. Sandwitche?,
baked beans, doughnuts, pie, coffee,
tea and milk. Price 5 cents each
"Lige" O'Neill, the ferryman, his
just completed a new barn near the
landing below the bridge and will go
to work at once to build himself a
comfortable house in the same locality.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, O., suffered from piles.
He was cured by using three boxes of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
We will pay a salary of $10 per
week and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mixture and
insect Destroyer in the country. Ad
dress, with stamp.
Perfection Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Riseis cleanse the liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
It is a great leap from the old fash
ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous
physics to the pleasant little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation, sick headache
and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Children like it, it saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure,
the infallible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
There's no better flour made than
Heisel's" Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Thousands of sufferers from grippo
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneomonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Daily State Journal and the
Evening News make a combina
tion that can't be equaled. All the
local home news and the news from
every corner of the globe at your door
every day for only 20 cents per week.
Weather permitting, the M. W. A.
band will give their first public per
formance of the season on the streets
tomorrow night, from 7:30 until 8:30.
The boys make splendid music and it
will afford the public much pleasure
to hear them.
Mrs. Dr. Dearing returned yest r
day from her visit to Weeping Water,
bringing with her seme canvas-back
duck, which Dr. Hungate secured
while on a recant hunting expedition.
Mrs. Dearing gave a six o'clock game
dinner last evening.
J. C. Ptak, the tailor, makes the
best fitting clothes and of the very
latest cut, right up-to-date. He car
ries the largest assortment of the
latest woolens. He also does cleaning,
dyeing and repairing to perfection.
First class work only.
Rev. John Gordon D. D. professor
in the Theological seminary at
Omaha, will preach in the Presby
terian church next Sabbath at 11 a. m
and 8 p. m. An offering will be made
at the morning service in behalf of the
Theological Seminary. The public
are cordialy invited.
Prof. Watson, who recently put on
The Jolly Farmers and Merry Milk
maids" in this city, gave a very suc
cessful rendition at Glenwood Monday
and Tuesday of the beautiful cantata,
'Eather, the Beautiful Queen." He
will return there Monday and repeat
the performance for the Cuban relief
The News is always pleased to pub
lish church and society notes, parlies
etc.. free of cost, but would asK our 1 1
friends to bring them in as early in
the morning as possible. It is often
very inconvenient to insert notices
brought in late in the day. There is
rtainly no reason why these notices
could not be gotten in early and thus
accommodate the printer. Please bear
this in mind.
TheChristain Sunday echool and C.
E. society held a very pleasant social
at the residence of Mr. Peter Bates on
Washington avenue and Seventh
street last night. There was a large
attendance of members and friends
everyone was highly entertained with
out money and without price. B. F.
GcoJman superintendent was master
of ceremonies. Refreshments were
83rved from 5 to 7 o'clock for children
and from 8 to 11 o'clock for tho C. E.
society. '
Jim O'Shee, a prominent contractor
and demo-pop politician ol Lincoln
was in town today as witness in tho
Hunter-Neville case. Ho informed tho
reporter that he is out of politics, but
! could not refrain from stating, how-
the democrats would give it to them
where the chicken got the axe. Jim's
persimmon knocker was not long
enough two years ago to get a taste
of the pop fruit, hence his soreneFS.
There will be plenty of sores for tho
Holcomb-Edmiston-SiDythe combine
to heal this fall.
From the Republican.
Mesdames Stoutenborough, Byron
Clark and W. El. Doaring came out
from Plattsmouth Tuesday and at
t jnded the dinner party given bv Mrs.
Hungate, and remained a day or two
attending the Teachers' institute.
A. M. Rockwell has bought tho nice
dwelling on south Commercial street,
which is known as the Travis place.
Mr Rockwell and family are occupying
the same.
Judge Russell moved his family last
week into tbeir new home purchased
of T. C. Kunkel. Mr. Russell built
the house several years ago and he is
very glad to get into his former home.
Cbas Hunter, who came here from
California last summer, for his health,
has recently been cured by local Chris
tian Scientists, and this morning ne
Started for his California home, a well
man. We are told that Mr. Hunter
said he was never in better health in
his life.
Dovey's I'ricm.
Doveys have been in business here
for more than a quarter of a century
and never have they sold shoddy or
inferior goods in all these years. The
prices they quote in tho big ud in this
paper may seem like they are too low
for the class of goods they carry, but
they are the result of close buying and
a determination to sell more goods at
c'oser margains. It will pay you to
read their ad and inspect their goods.
W. K C. Attcntiou!
There will be a call meeting of the
corps Saturday at the usual hour for
the transaction of important business.
By order of the president
Special Meeting- I), of II. No. 4.
Special meeting of Star Lodge No.
4 D. of H. , is called for Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock, at their hall for im
portant business. By Order of Chief.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
This Shoe, in many places,
will cost you $4 and $5.
WB wait on you in our shirt sleeves and haven't any iamon3
in the bosoms of our shirts, as have the clerks in the fancy
out-of-town shoe stores; but with us, we don't make you pay for
the extra style, for, upon inspecting our new Spring. . . .
You will realize that we can save 3-ou from 50c to $1.00 on eyery
pair. We haven't any misleading, off-color, old style, catch goods
at catch prices. The adjoining figure represents our $2.50 black
and $2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and water
and will be nearly as shapely the day you throw them awa)r as the
day you buy them.
Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops
Are arriving daity, they being delayed on account of being factory
made, ane not let-ovcrs in Red Colors from last year.
Our grocery and dry goods department will be opened next
year, and for the remainder of this ear we will continue to devote
our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely Foolzvcar, not such
as drT goods, auction and grocery stores sell.
Try THE NEWS -50c
A Sprint) Overcoat
...For $&&
A Beautiful Light Covert Cloth.
Elegantly made in Style, Fit and Fin
ish, with Satin sleeve lining, lap
seams, fly front. No outside breast
pocket, but two inside pockets, mak
ing a smooth dressy effect in front.
All of these features and more con
tained in this special spring offering
at $8.50.
This is a fresh, new line just re
ceived from the manufacturers, and
we can say without trembling that it
is the best thing for the money to be
foundjin the Overcoat realm.
Just drop in and let us show
them to you. We have all sizes.
6. E. W6S60U & Son
The "Boss"
02 a. GO RE WARD !
Is offered to any
Stock a pair of .
Ladies' Colored Shoes
That were bought for last spring and summer
trade so you need not be afraid of getting any
old or off -color stuff shoved off on you, for ....
Our newj Spring Goods are Factory
Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date.
who will find in our
Per Month.
1 1