Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 02, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly News Herald I
... BY THE . . .
Qme Year, in advance, 15
Six Months 2
jne Week,
feisgle Copies,
One Year, in advance, ...
dkix Moaths,
Of any Cass County Paper.
13. C. Kkkr hns mado as efficient a
clerk as thia city ever hud. Ho need
the office and tho office needs him
Don't forgot it next Tuesday when you
Dr. E. W. Cook the candidate for
city treasurer is a winner. His friend
are making an aggressive campaign
for him and puch word as fail can not
bo found in their vocabulary.
THEltK is no disaffection in'republi
can ranks in this city, as will be. fully
shown when the votes aro counted
next Tuesday. It will be a walk away
for the party of good government.
THE poaco at any price element can
see the cost of a righteous war, but
not the greater cost of a weake
policy that not only means eventual
war. but a whole brood of disasters.
F. M. Riciiey is opposed to open
gambling, and will, if elected, enforce
the law. Ho wishes it distinctly un
derstood that he will give tho city a
clean administration, with an enforce
ment of the law.
Dr. Cook is attending strictly to bus
iness, sawing wood, so to speak, and
traininc strength every day. That he
will be the next city treasurer goes
without saying. Be sure you get an X
opposite his name.
The republican candidate for mayor
never mado a pledge which he failed
to keep. He pledges himself to give
the citv a clean administration, and
will 'ODDOse tramnliner under foot,
- a -
the gambling and other laws.
TnE president is still talking peace
while everv effort possible is being
made to prepare for war. It may be
that McKinley is more diplomatic but
none the less patriotic than his friends
have claimed,
It is reported on good authority that
the democratic city central committee
has raised $500 to put into the cam
tai?n. Anvone wantinsr to borrow a
few dollars should see chairman Ruff
ner and stay with him until he give
up some of the money.
The Omaha exposition is growing in
immensity at a rapid stride, and when
the month of June arrives a show
larger and far superior to the centen
nial at Philadelphia in 1876 will be
established in the thriving metropolis
of the Trans-Mississippi country.
The reasons for Marion's success 8 re
patent. Clean, able and honest, with
a genius for municipal administration,
P. M. Richey never looked over the
heads of his constituents, but always
had and always will have a word of
good. cheer for rich and poor alike.
George Pritchett, a prominent
democratic lawyer of Omaha, has sued
J. N. H. Patrick, a wealthy politician
of the same faith for a little attorney
fee amounting to $4,700. Omaha at
torneys only need one client per year
to enable them to live in good style.
TnE election next Tuesday will de
cide what kind of administration we
are to have for the next two years,
If you want a clean business admin
istration which will respect the law,
then you must vote for F. M. Richey
and every other name on the republi
can ticket.
ALL. indications point to the elec
tion of E. W.Cook. No better qualified
or more deserving man could be found
for citv treasurer. If every voter
indebted to Doc for kind words and
services rendered, would cast a vote
for the genial sawbones, his majority
would be phenomenal.
All people who desire a liberal yet
conservative and clean administration
of city affairs for the next two years
will cast their votes for F. M. Richey
for mayor. No republican should fail
to go to the polls and cast his vote for
Mr. Richey as well as for every man
n the republican ticket.
"Sell your wheat at thirty-four
cents per bushel. If McKinley is
elected it will never be worth that
price again," was the way Hitchcock
of the World-Herald put it in a speech
delivered in our opera house in the
campaign of 1S96. For once in his
life Hitchcock spoke the truth it has
never sold for that price since Mc
Kinley's election. Wayne Republican
The Iowa legislature is still in ses
sion though the chirp of the robins
and twitter of the blue birds, sure
harbingers of "spring and corn plant
ing time, are said to make the farmer
members very restless: Iowa is out
of joint with her western neighbors
in legislative matters as the off years
when other states are out of politics
is when Iowa is on deck with a legislature.
Today 1'ronldent McKinley's Arm re
siHtanco of the impatience of popular
Amorican sentiment and equally firm
innistancio on Spanish evacuation of
Cuba alono, Btand betwocn the United
States and war, says tho Chicago Post.
To this situation the negotiations and
event of tho last two months have
swept the two nations. Their culmin
ation cannot bo delayed beyond forty
eight hours. Before the Spanish flo
tilla can reach tho quiet wators and
coal supplies of jporto Rico wo will
know wether It Is to bo peace or war
Spain knows this, for Presidont Mc
Kinley has informed her. Through
her minister she is today considering
the terms proposed by our governmen
for ending the Cuban war by tho only
means that can end it tho concession
of independence and the recall of her
army. Whatever may bo tho details
of tho negotiations, Spains withdrawal
from this continent is the sine qua non
of poaco.
President McKmley's negotiations
with Spain are today of less sensa
tional and critical conseouenco than
his struggle to restrain the impotu
09ity of congress rising in obedience
to a thoroughly popular horror of
Spanish cruelty, treachery and bar
barity in Cuba. Ever since Senator
Proctor's speech American sentiment
has been irrevocably fixed and united
that Spanish rule in Cuba must end
The blood of hundreds of thousands of
innocents cried to heaven for ven
geance. But the American people put
wrath and revenge away from them
and through President McKinley have
demanded peace in the name of justice
and humanity.
The report of the inquiry into tho
wreck of the American battle ship
Maine establishing that she was des
troyed by a submarine mine for which
Spanish connivance or negligence was
responsible has 6tirred the passions of
the American people to an intense
heat which is reflected in congress
The guarded, judicial nature of that
report has bad the same effect upon
its readers as the cold, unimpassioned
recital of Senator Proctor. It has
hardened the American heart against
Spain so that today there can oe no
compromise with government by
armed cruelty and starvation.
President McKinley is as well" aware
of this as congress. His sole solici
tude now is to get Spain out of Cuba
without involving the United States
in the horrors of war. To this end he
has exerted the last resources of
diplomacy. Ever since his inaugura'
tion he has persistently pushed nego
tiations for Cuban peace and freedom,
For a twelvemonth Spanish delays
and diplomacy have postponed a set
tlement. But the De Lome incident
exposed the duplicity of Spanish dip
lomacy. Spanish attrocities, Cuban
miseries and the blowing up of the
Maine shocked the world with the
consequences of Spanish delay and
precipitated the cry of humanity for
instant action.
Today 5 president McKinley alone
holds in check the American sentp
ment that demands the expulsion of
Spain from Cuba, Spain knows this
and yet her flotilla of thirteen tor
pedo boats and destroyers is speeding
across tho Atlantic and another
flotilla of six more has been started
for the Canary Inlands. In a few
days the possibility of intercepting
these dangerous war vessels will be
past. Spain knows this, the president
knows it, congress knows it and every
intelligent American citizen knows
it. And all know what it means.
J. nereiore, tne time tor tspain to re
lease Cuba without war is reduced
from months and days to hours. If
President McKinley can not announce
Cuban independence by .negotiations
within forty-eight hours congress will
pronounce for Cuban independence by
force. Then, having; exhausted every
honorable means to preserve peace,
the president will be compiled - to
make war which civilization will ap
prove as undertaken in the name of
justice and humanity.
It will be peace or war within forty-
eight hours and the responsibility
rests with Spain.
Wyoming is said to be safely out
side the popocratic ranks. . The high
prices for wool under the Ding ley bill,
and the increased value of cattle has
been an object lesson that thesilver-
ites can not put down or explain
away. We heard a prominent ranch
man say on the train recently that he
voted for Bryan at the last election
but he knew more now and would
never be caught again fighting his
own interests that way. He proposed
to vote for republican protection and
prosperity hereafter, and he said there
were others of the same mind.
The value of true military discip
ine was never more clearly shown
than in the conduct of the enquiry by
be naval board as to the cause of the
Maine explosion. After exhausting
every expedient for nearly four weeks
the versatile correspondents had to
give it up. xney couia nos get. one
word of information. The document.
however, had no sooner reached
Washington than plenty of leaks were
found, and the contents of the report
were known before it was officially
given out.
THE political conditions of the city
begin to indicate a sweeping turning
down of the old officers and the
election of Richey, Cook, Kerr, Guth
mn, Ilolloway, flinshaw, Lutz, Egen
berger. Dove, Root and Windham, the
true representatives of the best inter
ests of Flattsmouth.
Governor Furnas being authority on
horticulture ig frequently asked
whether the recent cold weather kill
ed fruit. He says peach buds were the
only kind injured and that they were
not seriously hurt. llo thinks there
will be a fair crop of poachos if no fur
ther injury is done.
The voice of President McKlnioy is
for peace and not for war. Ho con
tinues in a concilatory mood and will
give Spain every opportunity to settle
her difficulties without recourso to tho
sullen arbitrament of war. The Amer
ican nation of 70.00(1000 need not
prove that it is afraid of Spain with
a population of 16.000.000 and accord
ing to the president, great considera
tion should be shown tho weaker
power. A small boy may bo impudent
with less danger to himself than one
of mature growth. The opinion, how-
ever, is becoming prevalent in this
country that the real interest which
is having such a tremendous influence
for peace, is none other than the stock
gamblers of Wall street, and the
greaVcorporato interests of tho coun
try. It is certainly unfortunate if those
Wall street sharks are going to con
trol the administration and subserve
every patriotic impulse by bowing to
the power of money. Wo hope for
the good of tho whole country and the
honor of the republican party that
the impulses which actuate the presi
aent in nis peace policy aro not as
charged, and that patriotic sentiment
has not been drowned by tho weight
of Wall street influence, though cir
cumstances certainly point in that
direction. This morning's dispatches
have a more peaceful trend than for
several weeks, but there is no tellinp;
what the morrow may bring forth.
The little Spanish fleet of boats is sailing on the
The captain waves his battle axe, the mate his
There's going to be scrapping near this country
of the free.
As we co marchincr on.
Walt Mason.
Streams in Ohio and Indiana are all
O'lt of their banks and are still rising.
Great damage is being done to prop
erty on account of the continuous
rains. Fall wheat in the flat lands
has.been ruined, and the outlook for a
crop is verv slim indeed in these two
Had tne Maine been guarded as
closelv as the Maine report there
would have been no Maine report. Ex.
We have heard it remarked that
Oswald Guthman, republican candi-
date for police judge knows nothing of
law. Here is a case wherein you can't
tell by the looks of a toad how far he
can jump. Mr. Guthman is known as a
student and while some may have
thought him asleep on various occa
sions he has applied himself to the law
and is well read along that line.
The Omaha postoffice building, one
of the nicest in the United States,
is to have two electric elevators for
the convenience of the courts and of
fices on the upper floors of tho splen
did granite palace which is now Hear
ing completion.
JLhe JJry lortugas. Very lew peo
ple in this country know that these
coral reefs, covered by a thin surface
of soil, afford such a splendid harbor
and are eo fully fortified. This har
bor is nearer to Havana by some miles
than it is to Florida, and is the present
rendezvous of the American squadron.
not only because of its nearness to
Havana but because it affords a far
better harbor than Key West. It is
said that Fort Jefferson, on the Dry
Tortugas, cost $5,000,000 and covers
altogether thirteen acres of ground,
ine ioctincations nave been in some
what bad repair, but the government
is now engaged in restoring its former
excellent condition, it will be re
membered that this dry and hot little
reef is the place to which several of
the conspirators wore banished for
life for their part in the assassination
of President Lincoln.
"Long ere the second centennial ar
rives," wrote wait vvnitman years
ago, giving nis poet s vision up to
prose prophecy, "there will be forty
or fifty great states, among them Can
ada and Cuba. What an age! What
land! "Where elsewhere one so
greatl The individuality of one na
tion must then as always lead the
world. Can there be any doubt who
the leader ought to be? Bear in mind
though, that nothing less than the
mightiest original non-subordinated
soul has ever really gloriously led, or
ever can lead."
Thirty-six creamery companies are
said to have been incorpated in thfs
tate during the last year. The ad
vent of the centrifugal seperators hns
been a great boon to the farmers who
are not slow to take advantage of the
profits to be made. The milk is hauled
to a seperating station, where the
eream is taken out of it in a few min
utes and the farmer hauls his milk
back to feed his hogs.
Too many men in this country are
eager to savo the honor of this nation
who ought to be saving their wives
from breaking their backs scraping
the bottom of an empty flour barrel.
A newspaper man with a large vein
of humor in his make-up guys the mis
sing word racket for increasing news
paper subscriptions in this 6tyle: He
anounces that a certain man in his
neighborhood accidentally sat down
on a carpet tack. The man, who is
represented as a deacon in church, at
once sprang up, but said only two
words. The last one was "it." The
me urti woru anu senuing in one qoi-
lar cash will be entitled to a year's I
Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings
Was aug-mented recently by
- .
j;oous ior which ne paiu
Think What
It means heavy discounts.
It means that his competitors
neither can they meet him
everything- in his line.
His Leader in Stoves
the old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years'
guaranty, and its half a hundred designs.
No house in Cass county ever carried half so large a stock.
He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select
from. Bed room suites and parlor suites from the lowest
price to those fit for a queen.
Is where Pearlman shines, and
success. He pays no rent, his
cash discounts and car load, rates he takes the lead and keeps it.
It Will Surprise You
To call and see his wonderful
are from ten to twenty-five per
1. r t
viiiaiix. AeraerautT tne piace.
Opposite the Court House.
subscription to his paper without fur
ther expense.
In the write up of a funeral anex-
change says the deceased lay "quietly
in his casket." That was an eminently
decorous thing for him to do. There
is nothing which mars the solemnity
of a funeral more than for the corpse
to get up and cavort around amon?
the mourn ers.
Judge Strode yesterday visited the
white house and presented the presi
dent the application of General Victor
Vifquain, of Lincoln, for employment
at the front in the present international
difficulties between this country and
Spain. General Vifquain is desirous
of being given a position where he
can use his knowledge of the Spanish
language and Spanish customs, de
rived from eight years' service in
American diplomatic circles, for the
good of the country. Judge Strode
indorsed the general's application and
stated that he knew Mr. Vifauain to
be both mentally and physically com
petent to fill any duty that might be
imposed upon him. The application,
with many others of like character.
will be placed on file and considered
bv the president when opportunity is
presented. Judge btrode also filed
with General Flagler, chief of the
bureau of ordnance of the war depart
ment, with his indorsement, the ap
plication of the Buckstaff Brothers
Manufacturing company of Lincoln
for consideration in the bidding on the
manufacture of castiron shells.
From the Baby In High Chair
To grandman in the rocker Grain -O
is good for the whole family. It is
the long-desired substitute for coffee.
Never upsets the nerves or injures the
digestion. Made from pure grains it
is a food in.itself. Has the taste and
appearance of the best coffee at one
fourth the price. It is a genuine and
scientific article and is come to stay.
It makes for health and strength. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O.
Pearl Steam Laundry.
B. F. Goodman has his new laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running order, and asks a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there will be no
longer any excuse for sendingtgoods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
Vovey'a Prices.
Doveys have been in business here
for more than a quarter of a century
and never have they sold shoddy or
inferior goods in all these years. The
prices they quote in the big ad in this
paper may seem like they are too low
for the class of goods they carry, but
they are the result of close buying and
j B .
a determination to sell more goods at
1 - T 1 ft, a
coser inargains. it win pay you o
read their ad and inspect their goods.
the receipt of two car loads of
spot casu at tne iactory.
This Means
It means lower freight rates.
can not meet him on prices,
on a marvelous assortment of
explains his wonderful business
expenses are low, and with his
stock, and g-et his prices, which
cent lower than can be had
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
PlattHmouth Turn Vereln.
The following are the hours of in
strucnon 01 tne I'lattsmoutn Turn
Verein classes:
Boys Class 12 to 14 years, Tuesday
4:30 to 6 p. m. and Friday 4:30 to 6 p. m
Boys Class 8 to 12 years, Monday
4:30 to 6 p. m. and Thursday 4:30 toG
p. m.
Girls Class 12 to 15 years, 10:30 to
12 a. m., Saturday.
Girls Class 8 to 12 years, Wednes
day 4:30 to 6 p. m. Saiurdav 9 to 10:30
a. m.
Ladies Class Wednesday 8 to 9:30
p. m. English. Friday 8 to 9:30 p. m.
men's classes.
Active class (18 to 30 years old) Tues
day 8 to 10 p. m. and Thursday 8 to 10
p. m.
Senior class (30 years and over) Mon
day 8:30 to 10 p. m.
Fencing, boxing and wrestling clas3.
Sunday 10 to 12 a. m.
Applications for admittance will be
received at the gymnasium during
clasH hours by Instructor O. F. Ernst.
Sweet Pea Seed.
"Lckford's" best large flowered
mixed, 5 cents per ounce in separate
colors. Best leading varieties, 7i
cents per ounce. Pansv plants
"Dreer's Exhibition" varieties mixed
white, light blue, dark purple and
the nearest approach to red to be
found in pansies, in separate varieties
25 to 35 cents per dozen , ready to
plant out next week. L. A. Mooke.
Backlen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep. hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale b
P. G. Fricke.
Get the Best.
The brightest, beat newspaper
printed in Nebraska is the State
Journal. All the war news, and the
latest special dispatches from Wash
ington are given. You ought to sub
scribe now. The "State Journal" and
Evening News delivered to any part
of the city for 20 cents per week.
Oyster Sapper at Eight Mile Grove.
The ladies of tho Eight Mile Grove
church will give an oyster supper and
icq cream social at the church Satur
day evening, April 9, to which every
body is invited.
s Vpen(
Frank Marler has Opened a first
class blacksmith shon at the cor-
ner of Seventh and Peap't 6treets where
all uinag 01 smitning ana norse snoeing
m d ic skiffn manner, also
carriage and wagon painting.
Something that is of Groat Value to
Farmers.'-- We have just received. 36
One of which will
be . .
With every cash purchase of ten dollars in
merchandise. If you are not needing the
Clothing at this time, call and get a card
which will entitle you to a carrier at any time
during the year that you may purchase that
amount of goods.
Our Spring stock of Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods is now so complete and at
such Low Prices that persons desirous of
making a purchase cannot afford, in justice
to themselves, to neglect calling and making
a thorough examination, and when once ex
amined, we feel confident of a sale.
Leading Clothier of Cass County
They banish pain
and prolong life.
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A now tylpk" eontalnln rmt rtpaw TUBm.rjt in u pnpr -rt-.n fr1thoat rlw) it now for mUm
mt somedmir fcure roa rivs cknth. Thl4 low nrt'fl u.rt iR int.nt..i i ht. i . -
Cdl. Oae dozen of the Hro-cent vrf n ( i2f tat'Hii cn Ik; t,r in:l ,r vurtmr fortv .... t. U
to the RrPANS Chewicai. CosfTAirr, .N'o. JO Hpnice f-treet. New Vf,rk-or mlnu'e rHrunirm i
tasciS) will b bbd tur tlva cenM. Beat medicine wr unct Uic world w. rrid I
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. Tho
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Price 50 cents
Ver box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
Complexion Preserved
Remove? Freckles, Phnples,
Liver -Moles, Blackheads,
.Sunburn and Tan
Ktnrn th skin trt
, anl re- A
its orig-t- I -ri.-s
' 1 m : t J ' ' - , v J -
Clear ana neauny oomjtw. .)' '-
plexion. Snperiortoallfaffc'. ' i
preparations and perfectly harmless. At all
druggists, or mailed for 5 Octg. gend for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP I. plmpl; lnonrraM
kin pnhfiriDC Soap. vooquftlM for tb toilet. au4 vitbont ft
Ural for th nurwrr. Ab.olaiflT rmre od dt-licat: medi
tated. Atdnurciiu. Price 2 5 Cent.
The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo. O.
Traoc Marks
Copyrights A.c.
Anrone fending a tketeh and desertrtlnn mar
quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether en
Invention 1 probably retentble. Communica
tion! ftrtctly confidential. Handbook on Patents
ent free. Oldeet u ency for securing patent.
Patent taken throDoh Munn A Co. receive
rptciol TK)tie, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handaomely !TIntrated weekly. I-arrest clr
eniatlon of any ectentlfle loornaL Term. (3 a
year; four monthi, L gold by all newadealera.
fOT&Co.361Bro'"'New York
Branch Office, SS F 8t Waahinfftou. D. C
V v
B n r
I R i" i 1,1 III'
i i.
I llllll I I
I '! hlnmuru iii ii r
df- ONE
House Furnishing,
Our stock Is complete in all lines rT.'l we
Id vlte our f riend to look It over. W. wll
ndeiivor to pleae you. Call and eee us.
(Succ-fsors to ile..ry Boeck. )
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his
prices are always reasonable. Thcniost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers in the city.