V A Semfw r' T TP Ti v e i 1 , j. 'ty -1 1 ' PLATTSMOUTH. NKR, APKIL 2 VOL. VI. no.;j:j. S 1 1 I . i 1 I. ; K i:t 'i-ii.-ii ...v :., i-'ji. I UA I.I . K-!ii I -) .1 AprC l. cm 4 iv l: 4 4 1 1 i '! i r 3 1 1 hi ! 4 I i opr. lis m m A Splendid Line of New, Fresh Groceries ..Just Received at.. L. B. EGENBER GER'S Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. REMEMBER VVo f not Selling Suip at L hi Than Cost in order to Make up on something else, but wo sell ivi-i y thing on a CLOSE MARGIN and you will find ISA KG. INS in every Department. u"KS.T FINE CARPETS.. In the city, sold by Sample. Come in and we will Save YouSomo Money 310 Main St. L. B. EGENBERGER Il n m m Special Price In Wall Taper For the Spring Trade: Nico Kitchen Patterns, .'5o per Koll Nice lledroom Patters 4o per Koll Nico Dining-room Patters, 5e per Iloil Nice Parlor Patterns, De per Koll All New Styles We have a few KemnantB atj-till Lower l'rices. Also everything you need in Paints or Oils at the Lowest Prices. GERINQ & CO., DruKKints laud Wall ;i"aper ;i-alern. COUCHS. ASTHMA. Do not neelect Congh Foley's Honey end or Cold. Mdolajn are of- Tariaeuarauteedtoeive en dancerooa. Foley's prompt relief tn all casrs Honey and Tarlaa of Asthma. Donotclnss pleasant. afe and anro this with other medicino oara. Contain no opiates that has fuiiod to Bive and U guaranteed. jon relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CR1PFE. Foley's Honey and If yon have had the Grli Tar doea not hold out you probr.bly need a re fiilse hopes In advanced liable medicine like Fo rtunes, but claims to give ley'3 Honey onclTrr relief In the very worst to honl your lungs nni1 cases, and In early stasee stop the racking cout-1. to effeot a care. incidcntul to this discnBi CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thonsands of Infants Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Ag- nnd children dio yearly new, Mich., says: "I havp of Croup, every one of used Foley's Honey these innocents could and Tar in three very have beensaved had Fo- severe cases of Fneumo- ley'a Honey and Tar nia the past month, with been given them in time. good results." For Sale'by SMITLT & FARM ELM J Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' the polish you c;in put on a Murzluff shoe. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It doea more than shine it wears, it fits, it "feels pood" whether jou walk across the street or across the continent. It's a shiner, ; stayer, a soother. Costs money ? Of course not as much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 t 4 Josepli Fcstzcr, 4 rth Side Main Street. 4 4 t 4 f 4 4 4 ? l WHITEBPEAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AND M iKHLE STS., 11. 31. S0ENS1CHSEN, Manager. Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT eOAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. i 4 ? 4 ? 4 4 4 ? Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOK BILIOUS AND NEEVOUS EISOEDEES such as "v7inil and Tain in the Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after nifal. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushintra of Heat. Lod3 of Appetite. Costivenoss. Blotches on the Skin. Old Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Prihtful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE SELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to he A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BF.ECHAM'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure feick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Pater Medicine In the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furisshngs. STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines . 1 we :nvite our friends to look It over. Wo "vll pn'leavor to plea.se you. Call and see us. STilEiGHT C SATTLEPs (Successors to Lciry Boeck. i J'l.ATTSMOUTH. . XT-1 JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman, CHRISTIAN SCENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary. Drew Building, Flattsmouth, Neh. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. end 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday, la.m. The best of rigs furnished at all hour nnti Lis prices are always reasonable, 'i'l tnu st convenient boardinj; s:ab:e ! r far mers in the citv PLATTS M OUTII, NET J NEW : flDYERTISE.ViE,STS. ' v r-C!ffitc and beautifies the b--l'roniute a loinr.ai'.t pwrtv . ..'.3?ovcr i'.-ijls to He?t'" .0 li.-J'fJ . &l -J Hair to Hh Y)' ikiA .nwiiii niiili.ilVU. The American Flying Siiki1 roii Onlcrcd to Sea. Iil-S'l RL'CTIVI: NAVAL CONFLICT Sure to Miihuo When A inrricaii le-tM Sin-ih- Tli Tn of War Soon on The SpHiiifch Flotlllit to be 1 nterrept ! K.VflltH of Int-rt Omaha, April 1. Special A Wash ington bulletin received here at 2:0 announces that the llyin"; squadron has been ordered to sett to intercept the Spanish llotilla enrouto to Porto (Uco. As has been before announced should the llotilla persist in pushing: its course toward the island a con liiet will hutcly ensue. Appearances at the capital are decidedly more warlike today and it is doubtful if there will bo await till Monday before hostilities ensue. Narrow Keae Krom ISurning. Mrs. II rvey llolloway had an ex perience Wednesday evening, a repeti tion of which she would not c ire to have oeour. Our old f.iend I5illy Spoksjhavo u-ed to remark that "All's Well that Ends Well" and in this ease his words apply with iho fitness of intimate knowiede. On the day mentioned Mr. llolloway lo k the bou-ehoid coal oil can to a paocery store, ordered it Tilled and S'.-nt up to bis house. Hi went to Omah t th .t day, and in the evct.in- his wife tilled a lamp and lit it. Immediately the lamp bjyan to splutter and thow feigns of crealii:iu disiurbance. Mis. llol- io.vay became un ms.v at the conduct of ti e Li nip, thi,u rh retaining lier pn.'M'.'jCo il mind ,-h picked it up, stiil oplutt. rin if juid blaz.t:;;, and (j u ried it iu'. in tiio fi'.mt ya. .1, where siie s-;..l itdown'afid Watched it, expcei inr every m.ni'ijni it viuld explode. Tbe heat did crack it and the oii i a a out. !!! i 1 1 and slmot i n b';i. v- h.ph in tli ; air. M : . IJjvcy came by the h'iiM) if out this tiiu-: and tikiii a sticiC biO.'ie the lamp and the iluM was soon yi-ne up in il im -s. Nv'.t irci nin,v wi.eu Mr. llolloway r-tun.cd h'iiie lils wife told him of the incident ::iid I e t.n k a L-ott e i f the il jid fn in the can with 'he inten tion of -t mii;,- it to thj state oil in spector to learn, if possible, the cause of the difficulty, when to his horror he disseovered that the supposed oil was o'it.-oiine, havieo- been put in bj mistake. Gasoline, when mixtjd wtth the .e 'si p ii Lieie of coal oil and a in;itcn app icd, is said to be ;is danger ous ;is nitro-yiyeer ine, iind the won der is that the lamp did not cxelode the moment the match was applied and Mrs. lloilow; y doubtless burned alivo before help could reach her.and the household in . u ns despite the most vigorous human eiTorta to i-ave. Tt was indeed a fo."tun:ito and miracu lous csea pe. Diiu.-I.tn Disuiayeit. For several days there li;;ve been three very srarrt. swell yountr fellows about town selling rugs and clocks. They visited the bouses and when in vited in ;uid ofTereda ehuir they would make themselves as agreeable as pos sible and endtavor to inffratiut.i them selves into the good grtices of the ladies of the house.. In most places they would st;;y until they wore their welcome out and it ws a grreat relief to the ladies when they departed with out the embarrassment of being in vited to leave. Tney seemed to think '.t was smart to steal photographs of youDg ladies whenever they found an opportunity. It is said, a ho, that tney made themselves odious upon the streets and were not slow in offering insults to ladies. Last niyht several young men, nmong them brothers of young ladies whose photographs had been taken, met these would-be lotha rios and informed them that the ohoto graphs must be immediately returned and that their undecorous conduct must cease under penalty of receiving a large invoice of biack eyes and other evidences of their, and the young ladies di-pleasui e. The chotographs have bet n retui ned nnd it is hoped the "hot"' hoys have inade their escape from the e.tv. She Found the liottle. A few days ago one of the men em oloyed on the ripraD work opposite this city, set afloat a tightly-corked bottle, containing a note saying that he was iiuxii.iH to correspond with a sweet, win -ouio lady, between the ages of twenty-oae and thitty, with a view to matrimony. If the notehould fall into the hands of such a person, would the not address him at Asn-1-iiidy The man, being u, a lied, ih.-uht it advisable to acquaint his wife with what he had done, as he only did it for amusement. According. y. ho yesterday received a let'er, foi wa ded to him by his wife at Ashl ind f orxi a young lady at Keck DlniT who thojght she could HH the oi: 1 and was ar xipus to transplant her self to the mnti-iraoni 1 state. The m n only having intend d it as a joKe it is hoj ed the lady who replied will i'uii'or no blight to her affections. But U?posc the feslow h'id not apprised 'w.fe of the circumstance in ad- 'I In- i o iii ' 3 I .1 . w-pc-i.n CuriespotideiiCL'. Wi:i:i'ii Watku, March III. "It is the be-t institute I ever at tended." The abov remark is heard from all who are in attendance. The insli ui-tors are the best that could be had, the teachers are thoroughly in earnest and it is impossible to have any other th in the b st meeting. The attendance is greater than during any previous year. Supt. Skinner continues his work in numb rs and reading in the forenoon. The better the t achcrs become ac quainted with his aims and methods the more thoroughly convinced an they that he is reasoning from the right busts. His work is not new or unnatural it is simply nature1 in a new dress. Doctor King continues to reveal to the teachers the many beautiful and interesting things to bo found in letters, words, sentences, tones of voice, movements of the hand, etc. IJi3 afternoon lecture on the subject. "Eyes Iiavo You but You See not, Kara Have You but You IL ar not" was an appeal for the cultivation of the senses and the infilling of words. Too many words tiro dead tilings, empty of all life nnd nil meaning. Our observation, our experiences, our reflections, are 11 t.cee-.-ary to bring Out the true meanings of words. Mrs. S'outenborough's talk on "Ethics" was a scholarly one' and was well received by 'lie teachers and citi zens. Prof. E. II. Harbour, or the state university, lectured in the evening on geological features of N b'-aska. The pivfe?sor is thoroughly convinced that we should have a geographical surveyor the stite and succeeded in convineing his audience, by means ( f many maps and iilustr i tioiis, that such an undertaking would he of great value to th" state. Superintendent C. ti. Pearse, of the Oniiha schoils was here yi storday evening in tn in! !'. Ms of the Tan, -Missis-ipui exposition. According ') Mr. Pea- so, the dm ih.-t ox position is tosurpiss liie (.' nlenni.al. This aft'-rui oa Pio'i - -or Fussier, a genuine Dutchman from the univir sity. w li g.ve his v. r-on i.f lionnic Hi lit r I'usii. It is l euiiit'Kai) e th t .a Oerman sjumi 1 l ii -ueu a live y interest in it Sc.it -it wo; k. However, the profes-or 1 1 ; ; groat adiniiiiiion for noble cliu-.e.-t c, and where em you lind it so iioi.i y poierayed tts in .leLer.ii's iri'e;it work. llHtriot Court. EniTia Ranard, vs. ('has. tJood. Has tardy case set for trial to jury April 4. John M. Ley d a vs. (loo. 1 IIouso worth. Demurrer to petition sustaiuod. Philip Zweibel vs. J;ieob Luft. De fenUiint given leave to tike deposition of IL (J. Lefller on or before April (. In the niiitter of tho estate of Jesse Matthew?, deceased, set for trial April 7. State ex rel C. L. Stull vs. Louh Shultz I isini-ood. e ich j)ai ty to p;i; his own costs. Mary Micka et al vs. T. J. Sokol,ro for trial April U at U a. in. Oertrude M. Viley vs. Chas. E. Wiley, set for trial April 5 at LoOp. m. Hankers Life Insurance Co., of Lin coln vs. Josias Tijjhe, set for trial April 5 at 5) a. m. John Hunter vs. Wm. Neville, on trial to a jury. Edgar C. Smith vs. II. II. Lessol. Trial to jury. Verdict for defendant. S. Hcrgman & Co. vs. C. II. Par melo. Settled and dismissed. Ollio Wolfe vs. James Wolfe. Uo cree of divorce granted. Mr. Cering was allowed $50 for de fending McComb, and A. N. Sullivan $oti for defending Mecum. Olni ii.ii y Ntxic Last Fridiiy. the .-pint of H. Sieboid left ti e body and went to Him Wi o gave it. His deaib, howevo , was not unexpected to his wife and immediate friends, as it was plain he was failing fast for the last month. The indirect cause of his death is supposed to be cancer. He was successfully operated on for the same, and as far as anyone could see was cured, but his mind vsas so weakened that he was unable to recover. Mr. Siebold wa? born in Germany; and came to this country when he was thirteen years of nge. He had been a resident of Ca-s coun ty. about thirty eight years, most of the time being engaged in farming. He had a good futm one and a half miles rlorth of Murray, which he purchased when he first ci me lo the county. Mr. Siebold was somewhat different in his ways fiom most other people, but perhaps the greatest difference in him and a gr eat many other people was the absolute certainty that he would do just exactly as he promised, always meeting his business appoint ments and obligations promptly. He seemed to have the same f iith in other people, that they would do the same, which sometimes srot him into trouble. He was a member of the Christian church, having united with that body in 1831, and was a great help in the church, always giving liberally oi his means for its support. Ho leaves a wife to mourn his ioss, together with a great cumber of friends. One Who Knew Him. iSherifFs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F, Houseworth, clerk of the district court, withm and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to nie di rected, I will on the 2nd day of May, A. 1J. lsVS, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of 1'latt-mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit: The northwest quarter ini'4) and the north west quarter nw 'i ) ot the southwest quarter ( s w J4 ) ol section tuirty ( 3 J township twelve 1 range thirteen IVi east of the Oth p. in. Cass county. Nebraska together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the propeity ot Leonard C. W. Murray and Rebecca a. Murray, defend ants, to satislv a judgment of said court recovered by Samuel Waugh as executor ot the last w ill and testament of John Black, deceased piaintiti, and a judgment recovered by the Bank of Cass county cro s-petitioner against said defendants. Flattsmouth, Nebraska, March ti, A. I. 18&8. V. U. Wheeler, Sheriff. Cass County. Neoraska. By I. D. McBride. deputy. R. B."Y;ndham, Attorney lor Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F. Housexorth, clerk of the d. strict court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the lind day of May, A. I), ls&s.at 1 o'ciock p.m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of lat Miiuuth, in said county, seii at public auction, to the liig i est bidderior ca.-h. the lolloping real eiate, to wn: 1 he no ttieast quarter e 2i j of the south west quarter s w axid the norm hail n 'jj A the southeast quarter s e of sectiun thirty an township twelve li-J range thirteen llij east of tiie Hh p. m. iu Cass county, Nebraja. Together w ith ttie privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as tiie prjperiy of Leonard C W. Murray and Rebecca A. Murray, defeuonnts, to satisfy a judgment and decree of said court recovered by L G. 1 ovey ci bon, cross petitioners against said de fendants in the "ase ot May . Martin vs. Leon ard C. W. Murray et al together with the privil eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, the same being levied upon and ta&en as the property of Leonard C. W. Murray and Rtbecca A. Murray, defendants to satisfy a judgment o! said court recovered by the sa.d E. ti. Dovey & Son as aforesaid, against said detendants. Plattsmoutn, Nebraska, March 2(5. A. D. lSys. W. L. HEELER, Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska. ByJ. ). McBride. Deputy. R. li. Windham Attorney for E. G. Dovey & Son. i:g;iHt ration Notice. The several boards of registration will meet for tho purpose of revising tho registration lists of tho voters in their respective wards in the city of Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, on Saturday, April 2, und shall remain in session ul said day from S o'clock a. m., until 9 o'ciock p. in., at the following pluces : First ward Perkins hotel block, Main street: Second ward Turner hall, Wash ington avenue. iiiiid ward W. D. Jones' livery barn, Main street. Fourth ward Police judge's olllce, Maui street. Filth ward Hach's grocery store, Lincoln avente. First ward is composed of that part of the city lying north of Main street nd east ol Seventn street. Second ward is composed of that p;i t of the city lying north of Main t-treet and west of Seventn street. T hiid ward is composed of that part f the city l.ing south of Main street and we-t ol S.xlh and north if north line of Fifth ward. FourLii v.c.rd is composed of that jiiiat of tiie ciiy lying south of Main street, ea-1 of S.xlh and nor in of nu. th i ino of Full ward. Filth ward is composed of that j art ol the city lying north of l'almer'o itddition and including fractional lot 7 of section FJ, township 12, range 14, and ail that poi tion of citt tying west of Lincoln avenue and south of the uarth lines of section 19, township 12, range 14 and section il4, township 12, range 13. Voters will govern themselves ac cordingly. 13. C. Kkuk, City Clerk. Klection Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the olh day of April, 18!)8, an election will be held at the following named places: First ward Perkins House. Second ward Turner Hall. Third ward Jones' livery barn. Fourth ward Anheuser Husch building. Fifth ward Bach's grocery store. For the election of the following named officers: Mayor. Clerk. Treasurer. . Police Judge. Two members of school board. One councilman for First ward. i One councilman for Second ward. One councilrnan for Third ward. One councilman for Fourth ward. One councilman for Fifth ward. Said election will be opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and continue open until 7 o'clock p. m. of said day. John A. Gutsche, Mayor. B. C. Kekr, City Clerk. United iu Marriage. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll, near Murray, was filled with a delighted company last evening to witness the marriage of the only daughter, Miss Eva Irene to Mr. Wm. Nelson Willis, of Weeping Water. The ceremony was performed by Iiev. J. D. Oldham of Murray, after which an elegant supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll have the faculty of making everyone enjoy themselves, and all went away feeling that it was good to be in that pleasant home. special notices under this head will be ih.-irge a for at the rate of cent per word n''h insertion.) MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING All kinds of plain and fancy sewing, dressmaking, repairing of gents' and boys' Ciothes done at the rooms of Mrs. Orilla Sher man, over Coates' hardware store, 418 Main street. WANTED To trade. A good gold watch for an organ. Enquire at the N'e office. W ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to trave1 through this section. Salary $." a month, payable weekly and expenses: splendid opportunity. Address SHEFH company, 1U20 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED-For W.ar in Cuba, by Senior Ouesada. Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patriots. Iu tremendous demand. A bonanza lor agent3. Only $1.50. Big book, big commissions. Every body wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outlits free. Credit given. Freight paid. Drop ail trash, and make $31 a month with War in Cuba. Address today. The National Book Con cern, 302-3."6 Dearborn St., Chicago. Witt 1 JOB & FRANK, The Vopc's Cof jcrs. That JOIC A: FRANK have Ik i n the origina tors of Low Prices on First-class (loods no one can doubt. We have and are selling the 1JICST Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps For less money than you can buy inferior floods for. We have been dointj; a straight business ever since we've been here and we are proud of it, and should an)' article sold by us not be exactly as represented we shall without a murmur tfive you your money back- or replace the same with a new article. What more can you ask? Come in and have a look through OUR NEW SPRINGISTOCK and if our floods are not Nicer and Better Made than 3'ou can find elsewhere we will tfive you the "Stuff." Prices are advancing and many competitors will ,rive you that "onjf, " but do not be misled and pay higher prices when you can buy as cheap of us as you ever could in America. We bought all our clothing before the ad vance and intend to jive foit the benefit of it. Look around, but lie fore yon buy come and kret our prices. ' t JOE 6: FRANK. I I I I o I i I I I t I t t t t t I t t I t t I t t t I t I t t ft; ft ft ft ft ft ft ig TTbe Smith premier cypewriter Sst Tatue OHtuig J4cbine A - Vfk ras all the Latest Xmprowmcnts. popular Because of Jerit. Nost Durable typewriter ade. premier Buyers do JNbt experiment. Write for fiw Hit Catalogue free. "Che Smith premier typewriter Co., Syracuse, JST. t O. 8. H. Omaha Branch Office, cor. Seventeenth'and Farnam ets. - iir but havfl sold direct to th con miifer for 25 years it whoie saio prices, eavin? him the dealer profits, hiupauj wnere vtr examination tverythinjr warrantei. 1 1 -ri styles of Vehicles, 5.i styles of Ifarnsys. Ton Jiup-ri;fl. Ji to 9 70. F Surreys, i'nj to ftiZTt. Carna- rjiwvma, irapa, wr.?en ettcs, fcpnnr-Koa'l and Mjik Ko.77. SarreT Harness. Prle. f 16.00. Waz-.na. fc'--nd f larire. free As good u sells for $5. Catalogue of ail our stylus, shatfe, a;.roo atid Itoders, 00. iigoodu' ELKHART cahbiage and harness mfg. to. w. b. pkatt. elkhajct. II II lamps, srrsk Ko. 506 Hnrrf. Pric. with evrtaf as, ; 30 buys a Fine Yiclm n and Complfte Ontflt. fuilj UuarantMd. it . . . A.I Jt! uv uuvi a ivicii luuiine J i Birdsrye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully gu aranteed n :3 03 bays An American Guitar, i guaranteed to stand. Steel strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SESD FOK CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC. ?3GO buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos e Oigans OX E.SY PAYMENTS. Tianos, little used, for $50. $00, $80 to $100.' Writ for Ctlo-o and oar Urmi. FACTOBI PRICES. A. HOCPE, J., 1513 Douglas 'Street. OUAHA, l'E3. 1 Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S KHEUIATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive piarantee. Price 50 cents Ver box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MfXiltHilNE CO . South Bend. IndUa 1