Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 30, 1898, Image 3

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Hotel Plattsmouth a Scene of
Peasurc and Plenty.
An Kventng of Il-anuri Hud Frotlt for
!Yleiiil-rt. of thnt IS' o hie Ortlr A
HurprUe Irljr A Hnrrfful
Ilurk Hunt.
For tho piial threo months this
patriarchal branch of I. O. O. F.
huvu conlimplated a social meeting
but not until last ovoning was tho
event consumuted. This being tho
regular mooting night thoir grand
patriarch mndo his official iit.
At 7:30 p. m. tho camp being called
to order by tho chief patriarch, Ed
Lutz, and shortly aftoi CJrand Senior
Warden L. K. Karnes and tho grand
patriarch ontorod tho lodge room.
Iiro. Karnes introduced I'rof. A.
D'Allemand as grand patriarch of tho
Nebraska Grand Lodge.
Tho business being rushed through
by a fow encouraging words by the l'rof
und then the doors were opened to
tho members of subordinate lodges
who had boon invited by tho oncump
inent and wero in waiting in tho ante
room. Several minutes wero indulged
in by all present in a social visit after
which tho chief patri irch called to
order, Uro. Karnes introducing them
with few words. Tho giund patriarch
handled his subject in a very
able manner, reviewing the paot of
more than twenty-eight years, when
ho was an active member of the order
and of a quarter of a century ago
bcth in the lodge and out of it while
a citizen of thiscity.
Following him Uro. Crawford of
Lincoln ably handled his subject us
to how ho became an Odd Fellow and
benefits ho had seen in his past twenty
seven years.
Dro. Winn, who has seen over thirty
years of Odd Fellowship tooK 'Bible
illust'atious to demonstrate his sub
ject. Ilros. I'hil Wortenberg, E. W. Cook,
U. C. Kerr, II. J. Streight, L. G. Lar
son, M. S. Biiggs, D. Ii. Ebersolo and
others gave short talks in tho inter
est of tho order. The hi u; being late
the chief patriarch then announced
that a supper was in wailing at the
Hotel Plattsmouth and that the exer
cises would close at the hall by sing
ing tho closing odo and prayer by
Bro. Winn. About forty of tho mem
bers were placed in proper order by
1. D. Bates and proceeded to the
hotel to partake of the many
good things that such a landlord us
Mr. ileitzhauson can prepare, to say
splendid, would only be mild, and not
give justice to tho proprietor and his
The brothers then returned to the
lodge room only to engage in a
friendly visit among euch other, and
express praise for the noble undertak
ing, hoping it may prove beneficial in
the future, also to feel that ere six
months one of the Plattsmouth mem
bers, L. E. Karne9 will be advanced
to tho same office as Prof. D'Alle
mand, and with such a meeting
as this will bo heralded through
out the state that he may meet
with the same greeting where ever
he may make his official visit.
A Doable Surprise.
A very successful surprise had been
planned last night on Mr. B. C. Hyde
and L. F. Curtis in honor of their
birthdays. The M. W. A. band met
at their hall and journeyed to the
home of L. F. Curtis and took tho boys
wholly by surprise. The evening was
spent mostly in music and social chat.
About twenty-five friends were pres
ent and partook of, a bountiful supper
which had been prepared before hand
and all departed at a late hour, report
ing an enjoyable time.
A Farewell Party.
Over fifty neighbors and friends
gathered at thi home of W. B.
Porter jr., Friday evening near Myn
ard, in order t bid Mr. and Mr?.
Porter and the f ot mers parents a
formal and heai y farewell. An ex
ceedingly p'easaut social evening was
spent though many regrtts wers ex
pressed at the loss of good neighbors
and old citizens. The best of wishes
for their success in their ne v home
near Council Bluffs was cordially ex
tended, when at a late hour after the
discussion of choice eatables the crowd
dispersed for their homes.
Had a Royal Time.
Charles Parmele and T. H. Pollock
arrived home last evening from Lake
side near Alliance where they had a
royal time shooting ducks. They
brought homo 100 which were divided
out among friends. The weather was
very cold up there, Charley Parmele
freezing hia fingers quite badly, but
the fine shooting offset tho unpleasant
condition of the weather.
Epworth League Meeting.
The business and social meeting of
the Epworth League at the homo of
Geo. A. Hay last evening was largely
attended and proved quite interesting.
Aside from tho regular order, George
Spurlock was called upon for an ad
dress on current topics, the Cuban
question being uppermost just now,
he devoted most of his time to that
subject, to the evident pleasure of
his audience. The sum of $5 was set
apart from the league funds to pur
chase supplies for the suffering re
concentrado's. Oyster Sapper at Bight Mile Grove.
Tho ladies of the Eight Mile Grove
church will give an oyeter 6upper and
ice cream social at the church Satur
day evening, April 9, to which every
body is invited.
Mis- Maymo Sullivan was an Om
aha visit' r today.
Torn William doparlcd for Oiur ha
this morning for a short visit.
1'otof Becker, of Union, v;n in tho
best town in Inch, ah bit today.
Peter llanrahan will open a f uit
stand in a few In tho wont room
of tho Perkins house.
Col. Joe Shai pe, tho contr actor oa
tho bridge fill, came down from Lin
coln today to look after matters.
E. B. Thrall tday purchae-i a
house and lot on north Third st.ieet
from tho county com mi sioiic s oa a
tax title.
Chas. A. How and Judge Spurioc;;
havo jointly contributed a carload of
ground sawdust to the 'Kocor:c-ntrae
tod c mad os."
Dr. Dan'l Coidinir and wile vslio
reside near liiooiii'ugtnii. ills, '.ra ni
in this morning for a brief vi.-il Ii
the formers parenls.
Steve Buz.ell'iit for the Standai d
stock food wnich is having quitu a
sale, put up a handsome piciure of
interest to farmers at F. S. V'nito.
storo. Frank Wiles, youngest son of tho
late Stephen, is the h:.p:y
father of a lino boy. li-aidp-i Li-vi
Churchill was i:i town tod .y fi..ei i n
first rate.
Tom I'armc'.Oi vili ili' il bi ie! plant
at Louisvillo is orvj of the large t
manufacturi n g concerns in t ho emm ty .
He sold one day last week ."',1(1,01111
brick to be used as pavement for the
exposition, and 10o,U00 to be u.-ed in
tho boiler houc.
Tho Hotel Kiicy promises to b;
crowded all summer by people from
abroad who prefer staying he e, to
Omaha in order to attend the expo
sition. Our train service is perfect
and no doubt many visitois wiil adu to
their comfort by stopping here rather
than in tho over crowded city.
Levi Go'.ding one of the earliest set
tlers in this county and a continuous
resident of this city for over tliirlv
years, is in vety feeble health, being'
confined to his bed the most of the
time. Ho was greatly pleased yester
day on receiving a call from his old
neighbor, l'rof. D'Allemand.
Coroner Sattler received a letter
from tho Omaha carpenters union
today to come to that city and set le
up tho estato of the late John liau
haus, who died in this city hi-t Satur
day night. As eorcner it is his duty
to settle the matter up, Bauhaus, hav
ing died without a will aiid with no
near relatives.
Judge Archer gave his tectim-.-ny
yesterday at Omaha in tho case of the
state vs. Lem Maybe, an old llock
l'.luffs citizen who is now living near
La Platte. Maybe is charged with
committing a felonious assault en an
Omaha citizen, a charge that is hard
to believe, as he was always as quiet
and peacablo a man as could be found
while residing here.
Tom Majors, department com m; uder
of the G. A. K., was in Omaha the
first of the week f electing headquar
ters for the G. A. It. boys during the
exposition. He . ecu red the be.t 10 m
in the Nebraska building, on the
ground flour, ltixo.'J feet, in size, which
will be Cited up for the special com
fort and convenience of the old hoys
who are expected, to attend the ex
position. Tho Ameri. an Economist of March
25th presents 111 t h 1 iraaf pictora!
supplemental! uaiquc and interesting
array of drawings and cartoons selected
from the tiles of thnt paocr for The
past three years. Tho illustrations,
several hundred in number, empha
size in a forcible manner the strength
of the doctrine of proU ctioa as an ac
tive, living political issue, and al-o
demonstrate with what viiror and ag
gressiveness this doctrine has been ex
pounded by tho American Protective
Tariff Le iguo.
March has been doing b' r duty.
Miss Antonia Kessler is quite fick.
John Cagney journey d to Oman a
tod ay.
Lou Smith was
a Li 111.
oln visitor
Trains were not delayed bv Sunday's
This snow was a good thin for fall
The Sunday Nkavs was a seven-time
Dr. Stein returned to Lincoln this
The snow storm was general through
out the state.
Wiley Black is at Om dia this after
noon on business.
George Guild is at Lome f . r a week
on an Easter vacation.
The jurors have come to towa ajain
to resume their labors.
Jim Patterson was un early Omaha
passenger this morning.
Mr. Ii. O. Sleicher and wife v'sited
in this city over Sunday.
T. M. Howard, of Weeping Water,
is quartered at the Riley.
C. J. G ibel, of Louisville, chasseed
about Platt-niouth today.
Supt. Bignell of the Burlington was
in the city on business today.
L. G. Todd of Union was at the
county seat on business matters today.
J. K. Johnson of Weeping Water
was intei v:ewin r Judce Spurlock to
d ay.
Col. W. S. Sharpe of Nebraska City
was visit:ng Mr. Geo. Tourtelot, in
this city today.
B. C. Kerr got a bad fall Saturday,
which bed his bck fcevercly, nl
mo - t lay ;ri g 1. i 01 1. p.
Joo tic Frank, tlu e!o!hiYrs today
rocviv-.d a 1 rg..- i r:-.-iee of Wilson
Uro-,. popular geoJs.
Dr. Mo ? -.v ,f (le. 1 manto'A ri was In
the city t. day. II ) ;h caib-d home
by the death of his little brother.
Mi:-s Alma Oat's, who has Ik en
visiting J. II. Thrash' r and family,
left today for her homo at Hillsdale,
A ii'iin! 1 r of improvements are be
ing made at tie; pour fat 111 building
new smoke hoo-es, repairing f rices,
I,, t. La:- m h s the con tract for
bui dii-g an addition lo M. A. Dlck-on's
dwe:lliir i'...d l.rcs coiamneed the
work .
( i . W. Melv'n of Ki-ksvillo, Mo., is
in the- city t i.Joing hi.- lir.-t visit for
lifu-en year.-, with his htollicr W. I'.
Al el vi n.
J. M. Tlo v'r e m
Lo'O-vilio to attend
tiack 1 (-day from
h is ci i.r! thities,
, at home with
ui't-r p s.-s;: g S ; u.
he- f 1 i:ii;y.
(.otiui. .s-e .ner J . ' ILiye-. ne,'.'.1'
II ,ye.
f(pi- his hoine al II m W(.o I to lay, h .v
ii'g ili.ishe 1 up lli'; so! 1 icmoiil with
tie- treasurer.
Mrs. W. Ii. I)"iriiig came homo
from N'oifolk ti.i- in rt. !!;' y i,i:. e sh'
has la-en vls:l'i:g ti e doctor at the
The Lino al of I!. S 1 1 !d occurred
in this city t(day. A large cia.wd t-i'.s a d ne : -J h I rs fai'n Murray
aid v'cinity were in a tt :ida 11 ce.
George liiel-.s and W.J. ilicks of
t.Vdur Cic-k and (.'o!:K)iidoi-e liarv.-y
Heaver id ial nn m 1 v: in town to-
av ; -1 1 J la ,d Tip-. Nkw . ir.ens-nK
While it. r.iite ,'! lp-avily south and
east of 11s Suad- y, t: e west and t:orth
was visited by b'r; snow storm. The
"beautiful'" fell in places to tie- J, pth
of ten i aches.
The oli'ce!
fow (l:ivs :i i'n lilowoil
up the tramps' re -ort, the old cave
i ear l li old brewory with d namite,
and now the hobe- hac lo bunt 1 the''
place s to s'.eei.
The state examiners who have been
going over the c unt.v treasure! ".
hooks, made a re; )' t to the commis
sioners Saturday. lavirything was
found to he o. k.
Sheriff Wheeler was out in the
we.-teru part i f the county Situruy
serving papr rs. and drove frty eiile
yesteriiay facing the snow sierra. It
was a ha: d ride.
Omaha, has a new daily caihu t ie
Penny Pre-s that speaks out in
"meet in" and is quite a bright newsy
sluet. Wo wish its c 1 i tor success i n
his undertaking.
'1 he bottom fell out of district eo-trt
busiae s this apen o ai, and the jury
was exciis-.d until lomor; tw morning.
Court, it is thought, v. i 1 co Unue ail
or this :md next . k.
Fi t:J Se'.horu. hoiul c'.e U at the
new depart un tit slo: e, and .Willie
( lu; hmaiia, Sundaycd in Nebraska
City, ta tumi. g hi ir.c. On the early
M. 1'. train this morning.
Fred Ciros-or, tho new postina-ter at
Murray, received his commission yes
terday, lie is still a resident of the
country, but lie exaoc's to take pos
sesion about the first of Apr.l.
Tho ofiieers liad bau1 teen tramps
stored nway S iturday nk'ht in the
rotjm adjoiiiin o- Cue e ar ell chamber.
and nine last night. The tramp ques
tion is vwri ving the authorities.
Mr. Anthony wili in a fe'.v days
ir.o- into tue I! e 'k no. r y, which
he recently pit- e':.a-i d. Tho price
paid was -V'.S;!. ; w ill i..i,ke a lie c
Murblo store, woh covnf or tab e ii vinir
rooms ;u e ;.
Charles Mitchell and J. la. Fergu
son, tho two men with the f 'li-a-.v who
had his ribs hroa'eu by jumping lio r.
the train Suaday u.o.nii g went to
Omaha this afternoon and wiil lii-.cly
g.. t a job 011 '.he read.
The News, in an ilt m about the
Rock Island jurv c -s 1 did notdosiie
to cast reflection.-? on all the jurors
who reside in the cil.v. Far from it.
C. L. Marshall. David Miiier at.d
oth -is who weie oa theju y are m. 11
i!oe ieproa.-h and we clesi u 'O Cist
no ta I'ect ions 111 me 1 of that caarac
' c; a
. ii. New. ll reci-ivcal a telugr 111
this -a from his daughter, M1.-.
F.aaik Sio. ieo, at May wood, announcing
the de th of their infant son aged
eighteen months, with s.e r.ot fever.
Mr. Newell could not go out as Atwuod
is away, but Franks mother, Mrs.
Susan Shopp will probab v go out this
evenir. g.
Mary Lebershal, the little three-year-old
daughter of J. Lebershal
died this morning af:er a brief iliness.
She caught a bad cold Saturday night
and Sunday coughed a great deal and
died this morning in great agony,
having virtuallj choked to death.
The funeral will occur Wednesday at
1 o'clock f 1 om the family residence on
L"nceln avenue.
Fred Winn, a yourg man ten years
f age, fell from a horse which he was
riding, on Lincoln avenue, Saturday
evening and striking against a post,
sustained a bad cut on the head. He
also receivi d injuries on the leg and
hand, but nothing of a serious nature.
His kidle's was not an expert at horse
back riding, hence tho f ill. A little
court pias'-er and a few bandages will
iix him all right.
Two Well Known 1st ;t'suieii
talked for months, from a front p reh
and a rear end of a car. Perhaps the
use of Folev's ITo-iev and Tar will ex-
plain why they could do this, without
injury to their vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
ii wm from ii mmm.
A Letter From Kd. Oliver of
Interest to Friends.
Tln- ItojrM h:iiiip- mill lairmilt' for th
1 liorili) -ir-t Millinery Display
Sp ini-li- iin riniii r 11; lit.
SKATTLK, Wash., March !'.. lSH-.
As I prom'-ed you that I would write
you wlii n I g it. lo the 1 01-1 I will now
endeavor to tell you of our trip 1 1; i -far.
Wo left P01 tt-mou t h on the af
ternoon of tho In: h at '': I 5 and arri v. C
at Denver the m x t day. Wo had t
lay a" I that day :ti.d got aw y at
7:.'lo in th.; evening. We in ' !,,!, J te
stop over at Silt L u;e one day, bt as
ht.d s..pte.i ill D'"ia ri le- u . v and
our-tick' J.- iioir g liiuitod w ild not
stop there, so wo C an l,..ded to ... p oil
at I'd than 1.
While- the e we a'i -i Uji n idr.
V, .Uiaril, th- l. V M. ag.-nt. and uimii
(lis advise we purchased our outfit
there; which since our aitival li re
v.efou'.d v, as a wise thing to eo, as
we Wero besiog d by e V.-ryoilo to .-el.
us goods. 1 ivnu .1 .olvis. yo 1 aa . else co . t 'HI p at i 11 g U tivplo
Afisk'i to io k well around m fore par
cuasiilg, as there ore capoers li 'i.a
Con lideie-o uiou, who claim to have
lu eu to Ai t-iC i an l come o.tvd to pur-ciia-o-
more gi ols Iroiusiica a linn,
ana want joi lo buy from them. Tue
fad of tile matter is that they all get
a percentage. Our outlit cost iT.Mi lie.
1 1 consists of g roacr;.. s, clot h i 11 lt, Ii a u
waro and 1110 iieim . s. V e a.e pro
visioned for eighteen months.
We iiave just roe ;ived some good re
ports ft o.u the Copper lli ver counLi ;
saying tho weather is very nice and
that tho pass is ope a to travel. Seattle
we found to be a nice place ou-ines
is bo lining an l everything- on the
move. We have isi'.eU the docks and
seen a great many boats loaded for
Alaska. There was also some foreign
vessels lying-at one of ihe ports two
largo three-masLed scheouois one o!
which was a Chinese and tile other a
Japanese schooner. It is quite inter
esting to mo lo watch the.-e Ja ps anu
OliiiUiin.-ii climb auuut the rigging,
painting and wasning the ooats.
We went down to the Arlington
dock to see the boat we go out on.
She is called tote Kxeisior, and said to
uo a very fast boat. 1 found out from
the captain that it would lake twelve
to lilteea liays to go lo Values with
good weather. Wo looked her over
and fouad her to be a well made boat
and nicely lioisaed. Sue is about 1!JU
feet long at.d IvJ loot v ido, and was the
first boat lo b nig 00 id uowu f om
Alaska iusl sea.-oa and is called the
"Mascott or Lucky Boat.''
Wo wAl sa.l toruo.-row afternoon al
2 o'clock, toueuiug at Dyoa Sk igw.iy
and thence to Urea Copper river and
V'r.ides where s e disembark. We are
all in good he tlih and spirits and feel
hopeful that wo will strike it rten.
By the way, we met a man who is
taking twenty seven hor.-es up to
Alaska and who was offered and re
fused sixty cents per pound to Haul
freight over .the p tss, a distance of
100 miics. How is that for freight
Well, Milt, as tho suppe-r bell is
ringing, and 1 have a good a pp .-lite,
wiil bid you good bye for this tun-;-,
aad when wo got to the oiher side
will write you agdu and iet you know
what we have seen and lound. V 'it h
best wishes to you and fri .mis. G. ou
bse. Ll- A. Ol.lVi-.K.
Tll- 1' ir- t ilO:-lll -cr;i;i.
If anybody ihiaias ;n. ng Am : ie
tvcit'i ti : hi . lie- s Ui i-i aken 'i'l'e e l.a
l.eeil SO lijiich w :V talk Ol' la:e to t til"
'k:d,: a e getting themseiv.-s in
training, in ca-e iheir services are
needo.i. Yesterday a n urn be- oi b ys
front twelve to fourteen yea is of ;.g-.
oivanizccl into iiiui.ea S; a iish ami
American, bdilt fo ts out on Tuiid
stre-t and procce led to l) ay war.
Crick bats were the only missl 's oi
wa ', --nd for a timo th y iiew thick
and fas'. John Cat mack, an Ameri
c;n ia lii s play, w :s the only s Idle--wotm-ied.
lie rece.ved a had nasi: on
the fofch-eul bv a brick bit from the
hands cf Spanish hero. The
wo.-.nd bird freely, and t day .Jolv.iaie
has a very son.1 head. And. worst of
all. bis pension for lielr.g a b ave.-ol-dier
was a good lari oping when he got
Wall 1'aper for Kver) hoily.
II. P. Be icli is agent for tho largest
wall paper house in the world, that of
Alfred Peats of New York. He has
an immense lino of simples and will
sell paper very cheap and of excellent
quality. He will call on you with a
beautiful line of s . mpies.
Additional Aitl.
The following is a list of those who
subscribed to help the Cuban suf
ferers since out- last report:
Nick Ilitlmes KiO pounds Hour.
Eli Sampson a0 p -unds Hour.
M. Morrissey 50 pounds Hour.
L. C. Stull 50 po inds Hour.
V. II. Newell CO pounds flour.
Evening News a() pounds Hour.
Ym Crawford cash 50c.
J. B. Meisinger cash 1.
II. Bestor cash 1.
L Churchill Gush oOc.
D. Sampson c tsh SOc.
G. A. Kester C3sh 2-5c.
D-ath of IS. viehold.
J). Siebdd, a prominent termer re
siding near Murray, who has been a
resident of this county for at least
. thirty years, died at his home at o
o'clock last evening. The funeral will
occur tomorrow. A more extended
notice of his death will bo given later.
Iliitv an 11 ( lllxrn Vu lrrulrd un Ills
Sixty-It ft It lllrtliiliiy Aiiiiivermtry.
Ill 1111 Parmeie, tine of tho Kterllng
early settlei s of this county, wasBixty
!i v o j ears old last Thursday, and a
largo ( ompuny of his friends here in
town took o ca-ieMi 'o reiniiid him that
another milestone had been pust-ed,
and also of their high regnrd for him
as a neighbor and friend. V. 1). Jones
ami J. W. Sago had charge c f tho car-
t-l ails which lai. di d tho nartv bllfel V '
at. Mr. I'armele't, rcbidence, two milts
wosl of town Mhursday evening.
It. was a select c owil that n Hhcd in
on Mr. Parmele to his laimpleto t-ur-pri.v,
but they wore none tho le.-s
weic 1110 on account of their budden
a la i val.
llidof Dung' an presented the host on
behaif of the company an elegant
chair. Mr. Parmelo re-ponded in a
well uotaled speich, thanking his fieiingiy for their to.-eu of
si. . in and good will
M ! s. I 'armt-le was also remembered
with a beautiful silk h aid k e 1 c h ie f ,
which was presented with a neat
peeeu by li. II. Todd. The compiny
look well lilied b.islce's along, and af
ler a s. as in of social coiivei se, supper
was scrveil. Among those present were.
Ii. 11. Tod J ami family, and Mes-rs.
d yif boanies liluu r laikenbary, li.
Ch is We i.-er, Chas. iiutler, J. 1- L'n
ruh, 'v . Worsen and daughter, W. II.
Se-hi.dkne lit, Alouzo Todd, N 11.
Isi jli. Fi ler Dung.n, .Mrs. lloyd, Mrs.
Ag .ew, (, larius Parmele, Mrs. Kin
iin.ul, .Miss Sarah jSuer, Mi-s Criich
liehl and many others.
It was a plea-ant evening for the
host, a- well as tho guests, who ex
tendi d best wishes for many more
hv ppy bi rt hdays.
Talo n by Surprint.
Vi sterday was A. Jacob Peeson's
natai anniversary and tho folks at
home put up a surpriso on him that
wasawiuai'r His sister, Mrs. Isbel,
inviied the young man to bring his
best girl out and spend tho evening.
Jake accented the invitation in antici
pation of a nice quiet time, but he was
doomed to disappointment in this, for
a crowd was made up about 8 o'clock
which went out from the lliley in
carryalls, and they took him com
pletely by su '-prise.
The evening, however, was delight
fully spent. Nice refreshments were
served and as soon as Jake recovered
his mental equilibrium he helped to
entert iin tlie crowd. A partial list of
those in att'ir.d.inco reads as follows:
Mi-ses Minta and Maude Mauzy,
Fdua Adams, Lettie Smith, Craco
Unit, Nettie Waybright and Messrs
Judge Spurlock, 15. C. Jack, 1J. A.
MeFiwain, Lee Alwood, Louis Thomas
and Allen and Chas. Beeson.
Twi'iity-St'vrn Y-arn As.
Il was twenty seven years ago tod it y
that Condcutor Tlios. Itynn, of tho 15.
e'e M. railroid, bngun liis life as a rail
roader and took charge cf the hirst
train on the old Midland Pacific rail
road and started with his mixed train
from this city towards Lincoliw the
road then being under course of con
s', i uci.ion under the supervision of Dr.
Converse. Prior to this Conductor
llyan had been diiving a stage be
twien tills city and Lincoln. Now,
after twenty-seven long years, we still
find ii i tii on the old run and to all ap
pearance, save the gray locks, he is
Hist as voung :.s when he went to rail
During these years Conductor Ry
an has been iu many tight places and
many wrecks, but luckily escaped with
ontv a siigut injury to one nanu. mere
ire few men who hiivii the record of
Mr. Ilv.'in and feyv can ti ll of the won-
I'.eil.u ci.anges inat nave i;ikoi piace
in tho countfy as he watched e 'ch day
i col an overland stage top, witn an
ye ever i ut for IndL.ns, and then the
re e'.ion of cities on the then ta ackiess
ni-ii-.s and the buihuutr of railroads in
i. verv dir. e. ion. is naie anu
m . l . I . I
aitv and p'omises to live another
t Wc-nt v-.-even e;rs,;.na will prooaoiy
i.-ontiiiue railroading all of his life.
Neoras. a City News. Mr. Ryan was
a resident of this city for many years
where he aid his estimab e family
have In sts of fimnds.
ricaittit Surris.
Blanche Poisall was given
v ry plea-ant surprise party Friday
uiirhi at the hoiac of Mr. and Mrs
P ;tii!v Yermilyea. It was her liftet nth
ana ve;s try, and tv. nty of her young
1 dy and gent.em-in friends called in
to pass a pleasant evening with the
young 1. ay. 1 he evening was spent
in social conversation and pleading
games. Mrs. Vo-milyei gave the
young folks a splendid supper, to
which a'l did ample justice, both to
themselves and the supper. They dis
persed at a very seasonable hour, with
many good wishes for the young lady's
To Heat the Clock.
Tho countv commissioners have
been for some time considering a prop
osition from Matthew Gering, whereby
that gentleman agrees to defeat the
Seth Thomas Clock company in their
judgment against the county, for $2-50
The board has agreed to Mr. Gering's
p.-opo-ition no win, no pay and will
next week sign up a coutract to that
Changed Hand!.
The old Dovey business room, one
of the oldest in the city, which was
occupied by Henry Bosck for several
years, located next to the B. & M. de
pot park oa the north side of Main
street, was sold today by the owner
Phillip Trietsch, to S. C. Anthony,tbe
tombstone dealer.
Ditttrict Court.
The case of Mary S. Wolf vs. Mul
len et al suit for conversion was tried
t a jury and a verdict was rendered
for the defendants who were repre
sentcd by O. B. Polk of. Lincoln
Court adjourned until Monday morn
Notice of Sale.
1 11 Ihe diati ii t cum t id l 1. liint y, N' 1. 1.1 A a.
IUmii y I akriib.n v, ct al, '
The fitifiis I
l'hittsiiiuulli.Nfl).. tt mI. j
Nulii a; it liori hy (iivi-a tlail ni.drr in. I hv v 1
tue i.f the itiinc '( tin- 1 1 -m i ' l ial s.
Kaiuscy. juditc Hi lh Hi Or t inuit, i.ii- ' "
januaiy lh. A. I. IKis. in .1 n I om! hi
ttie (listml limit nl l as i 011 nl y . .Nile. .a,
wIk-ii-iii Hriiiy I- ikcnliaiv i t al. is iil.iaioll. anil
llic I illi ll-, llauk i.l I'lattMiiiiutli. iNcl i.i k.i,
-t al. (lfli'inlaiil-.. ami lin Ii ili-tu-r oi.liifil mid
dirctlcil the n-'eUL-r nl tin-fahl I. auk. uinli i-ii(jn-il.
to Hibli-li loi Unity day, ainl I lu-n k-II
tin! rt-al 1-xl.i tr hi-t i-ma 1 1 i-r ilr.i I rbr.l. lliatlnu-
suant tn Maul untoi tin- 11 li' 1 1-1 -a it 1 1. il f i-h.-i wiil
on 1 tic jini nay in .n.iroi, ,- . i i,.i."'-, . i i"
hi k
a. Ill, at tlic Nniitli ilnia ul Un: mint lum-i- i 1 1 it
er 1 1 y i.l I'lai ts 11 11 u th. I a 1 a 11 i.t y , Nrln.i-n.1, .au-r
iui sale t tic 1 'illiiwiiit: il'1" ' 1 he 1 land, I i.c
nultlittcst il.ulci l.NW'ilnl -rip m
ll. till- SKIltliHt-Kt IIU.UOI IsW'll I I I. I Ml
sccli I ; . tin; wi-t tin I I V. i, ,! the ;,,ull,,.iU
tpiaitci Isl.'il nl Mun Jii. Or n. all,
i;a-t (iii.i 1 te-r M 'i Hi: s.milnai-l uinai
I Si-.' , m-i tliiu -CM 11 I." I. IllC II., I ! I.V.I 'I I...H. I
I N V ' 4 I ill l lie sunt In r- l il u ti I '. "I "
linn ckM I h I ali 111 tiiNMi-lcJ' eit o-ii il j I1..1O,
iane l.nuteiii ll. in I a - " Ne
braska, In-lliK a li.ul ol ti e a Is ..I
said lat:. lis li.nik, .1 )ei I aa
bens and nu. umi .ram e. .At .nd -ai 1 M-- -1. be
leceUed iitliei I n casli. or not le; .t: .in ti.'.'O"
liilldanilied tbat the ailLh.e e nn e : I. .a. ! ai
I lied 11 linn tin.- n un i'. u ol i I. a un mm i i a a a . 1 i
du ideiids. the liiKln-sl ft vim Ii '"i
I iass will be ifini led t'i I ho .ami t bn d.iei ;...n.
wiiii Ii nl said led will be ;ii i i ia, i.
llated tin:, Ihlli day i l 1 ebniaiy. Is-.
I II AKI I - . I'A K M I I 1 .
As Keieiver af 1 he t iliens l.aai. i 1 1 l.tO -in.
nit b, Nebi a- U a.
liynni Claik. ttiiiney.
.Nut ice of I'lihluatlnii.
John M. Kisei, rlaaiu.I I
Jolill Kisel. Jiihll . I
Ainiek and I .am a A. (
Ainick, Ins w lie. .aid j
l-.slher .s. llelier. de-
leudaiits. J
I lie deleiidants, Jiilui Kisei, Jului i . won k
and l.aura A . Ainu, k., hi:. Wile, and l.-.h.-i a.
Ilelkr, taKe mi the '''l da, nl
I'ebrnary, 1S'.-, Jnlui Al. Keel, ja.aliial, men Ins
petition ill Hie iCl t.lUI I ul l .lis (.null! , .si -
oraska, anainsl Jnlui Kisei, Jnlui . in i-.. ami
l.aura A. Ainak. Ins wile, ami I. aim .s. it. i.ri,
the object and racr ul aie luh.i.ea
ceitam unit claim deed wlncn ion made li J,.ini
Kiser, tin tins Mill, ilni i.u oln ,
rijht ur aillliniaty va Iialsuesei, and Utun ie.1 in
1 .si her i-. I telle i ileleiiilaiit in Hi..- sa.l. on (in
fulluliiK described leal estate, to wit.
lleiiuiiiiH at a point iwenl y-1 Inee
leet west ul the :..iitli - ea-t c.n.ei
ul hit number cinht CM, blm k iiinnnci si . j a,.
i'i."i. in the city ol tVceinn,; W.nci, ( .rs,
Nebraska, ami running tlieiice umlii :ii no.
(,. I leet, thence we.-l iHcnlj one -I ) Uei.tinine
sou til sixty-iue pi.n leet, ami l lie in e ...i-n u c.n -one
l-ll leel. In Hie iunil nl benaiai, ;.el a.-nlc
and declaied null and void, ami On: mud U.i,n
the title ol plain i HI . caused theieby I eimiv e.i.aia
lor judiiiiienl lor cu.-ts in Oils suit, ami Mr .ml.
ther rellel as justice ami eiiuily may leptiiie.
ou are reiiuned In aii.-nvci Un: n.lni"ii mi "i
elure the -isl day ol March, s:is.
Dated I'eDiaiaiy 7, isn-, John nl.,
liy M. UiiKKs, Ins attorney.
Mii'i ill's ,alc.
liy virtue ol an order ol sa.e issued by denize
1'". I lousewortli. Clerk ol the disti let com 1, v. an ai
and loi Cass county, elnaska, and to me di
ce ted. 1 will on the lrjtli day ol .M.uui, .. i.
ls'.is. at 111 o'clock, a. 111. ol sam day at the south
door ol the court house in the city ol TUilt iniiilli,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the ha;h
esl bidder lor cash, t lie lol.ou n.n i eai esiale l n- vs it :
Lots lllteeii (l." and twenty l- 'i. m section seven
17 ). township twelve 1 1 -,uoi tli ol iane,c lean teen
ili), in Cass county. .Neln aska, ii.taiiaaiiii, the
privileges and appei lenaneej lliei eunl'i be. one;
uih' or in anywise appm lamiiiK. J ne Mime ie
iiiu levied upon and taken a thcpnipcity ol
John KculauU and vtile, l-ena Keu.ami, ana lann.:
Al. 1 atlersoii, clelciulaiits, to -iitmly a juilineiit
ol said court recovered by Chailes C l aiincle,
as receiver ol Hie Clll.clia bank ol I'latlsiuouili,
.Ni braska. piaintitt aL;,niisi saia delcna.iu ts.
1 latlsiiioutn, Acbhista, l eb. I, o. K. Isas.
W . 1 1. Ilia I.l at,
Sherill, Cass Cuunty. .Nein.i. Ka.
Probate Notice.
In the County court ol Cass county, Nebraska.
la the inattet ol Hie KiiaiUi.iiiship ol .Miles k.
Sll.llll, an liiconiiieleut peisou. 1 o w hmn it may
concein: Notice is heieuy y i cu lo the saM
Miles K. bliilih, liiicoiiipeleiu, to lai ni.,
guardian, and to ail oilier iersons iiitcresicil.
that Ueore. .Ur lines tiled lieieni l eu. 1 1, is.,s, a
petition adc-inii ainoiiB other llnnc tiial he is
surety on the bund ol the said lai At. snmti,; thai
neither the said lab M. Smith imi any nl la pie-
decessurs, as guardian ol said iiiciinpeicni. nae
ever made a settlement tv nil I lie o an I ol pi o..i e.
that by reason ol aliened ney ..cjence, ti.cic
is danger oi liability to tne vtaijon Ijo,, j.
i'etitioner prays that lai Al. ..luiili may he
cited to appear in county Cuiul and i ciiac i a iii.i
account tui said premises: 1 hat pe.anmei ;.
discharged lioin baUinty upon s.aa conn; i h.i.
the saiU til Al. ftiinth de leijaiied lo liioiisna
new bond, or, in delauit tbeienl tnal s.nn .ai.u'.i.
be removed lroni Ins tiusl as guaidaii and i.a.i:
another be appointed in Ins piace; tii t tne ic
counts on tlie be settled and appiotud ami 1 ,i
other equitable and proper icLci in the icu.i: c -.
i ou are hereby notilieu that a neain. ttni ne
had on said petition Alaicli-ud, l as, al.: o eiock
p. ta., and that il you ian Lo appcin u u
date and contest said petition, the couit luiij
grant tlie prayer ol said peliliun and a uki such
other and lurther orders, aiiotv ancco and device..
as to tins court may seem propel in the
ltness my hand and the seal ol a..j c-n. it.
at i'latlsmoulh, .Nctii.ta, llnj, the 1st na .1
March, A. U.
Ui.oRia. -vl . M'l. KI.OCK,
(Seal) County J.i le.
Chattel id oi I Kajje Sale.
Notice is hereby tliat Ly virtue nl a
chattel mortgage. cl.iicJ 0:1 tne :.mi day oi J ......
lsl7, and ciuly ine-1 in the oliice ...l the c..nii
cierit ol Cass county. NcorasKa, mi the ..i-i Oa oi
June, lsui, and execuleJ oy J. liiwl lo 1. v .
Davis, to secure the i.ayii.eiit oi si. em y -h e col
lars, vv ith interest tiieieoii lroni the i.-t day oi
J uue, lsU. , at the rale ol ten pel cent .11111..1,
lroni said day , and upon whe.ii tmae is 1. , a o..-
.nd day ol r elji ua 1 y , 1 s.n due the . aai - I--. i.
ielauit having Leeii made ia Ihe .i...aL .1
said sum, and 110 suit or oilier pio-.eea.i.g .11 ia.'.
having oeeu lu.-litu ten to icc.ocr .-.l.i .ju.t, . 1
any part thereol, th reloie, i .on s.. tac
property theic-111 Uescnuedto uit: I iiicc n.iie
interest 111 Iweiity live acies ol coin on the c
liad ol the northttcst quarter ol section la
to'A n 1 1 , range bl, l.ass count y , Acoi a-nil, v. . .ch
corn is divined, picked and ci ial..oil 011 t..e
west quarter ol secilou Is, in luv.u 11, iai;g-j i-;
Cass county, Nearasica, and anmunis in a.o.
4it UU.sliels, at the cr.l and 111 the o:ij al s..e
piace in KoCK 14 mils precinct, 111 Cass eoun . y , . .
the -1st day ol Aiarch, is. s, at the hour ol 1
o'clock a. in., tosatisly said dcot. with ine costs
ol advertising, caring lor and se.aag sea 1 j rnp
erty. J , v . 1 ),n is.
luesday, Alarcli 1, leys
Legal Notice.
In the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate ol John ii. n.j.aies
Tins cause came on for hearing upon the peti
Hon ol v ranic Al . 1 oung. as adm.nis trator ol the
estate ol Jo. in li. I iolmes, decea.-e j, and the re
turn ol said administrator to the t i mer ncei.s.
issued herein, and application ol said adaiaas
trator lor an alias license to sed tne a jurh.vest
quarter ol the southwest quailer ol section bi, in
town-, range --. in f urnas county, ,cnraa, t
pav the debts ol said estate 111 tne sum ol s' ' )
and the costs oi adniiiiisiiatiiig said estate, there
not bemg suinc.ent pcisoiiai property lo pa
said ueots and costs 01 aamai .ati alum
it is, therelote, ordered that a.i persons later
ested in said estato appear belore ine at the oi.c
ol the cleric of the district court in the caui
hou-e in f latt-mouth on the loth day ol Apr;
l"'i , at o Ciock p. in., 10 snow cause v. la an
alias license shouid not be granted to saai ad
ministrator to sell so much ol tlie aoove des
cribed real estate of said deceased as shan be
necessary to pay said debts and expenses.
It is lurther ordered that notice ol said aat)n-
cation and of the making of this order be iven
ail parties interested in said estate by pub.i hi ag
a copy of this order lor four successive w ces be
fore the day of hearing ia the ;tmi-1 eeKij
Dated this Sth day of March, lsys.
biASIL -S. Ramskv.
Judge of the District Court, second J udicial Dis
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F.
Mouseortli, clerk of the d. strict court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the Oth day of March, A. 1. l o'clock p.m. of said day at the south door
of the court house in the city of Piattsmoutti, m
said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder lor cash, the following real estate, 10
wit: Lot 4J, in block L1 J - in fines' add. t. on to
the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Neora.-ka,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John Swoboda, defendant, to satisty
a judgment of said court recovered by Charies C.
Parmele, as receiver of the Citizens bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiit against said de
fendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Feb. 12. A.I). 1S&S.
W. I). WlltELKK,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
By J. D. McBnde, Deputy.
Byron Clark, Attorney for Receiver.
otice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, )
County of Cass. )
In the matter of the estate of Henry Stol!, d-
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands ot all persons against iieury toil,
deceased, late ot said county and state, -.ti.ibe
received, examined and aliusted bv the count v
court at the court house in Plattsmouth, oni the
(Hh day ol September A. I)., lrls at y o'clock in
the lorenoon
And that six months from and
r!.'."' "''."!", "! ":'. a Z: '
un. aniie'i hit iiciiit.r in mm cj" i"m-a to
r -- e i , I H.i ,i i fui raHiliirmli'ifl mid nlb.w
lllne. 1.... I, I.iy hxilli Mini CMl till
ihiy nl i i liii.aiy ... i , I-.."
I .-c:.l
bmi i.. T . : crmocK,
I mail y Judge.
bhcnlf bale.
1 ' V n 1 i.e ol H li in ' ler nl "ale hoird by (irm
1' , 1 1., no-wi itli. elm k (i I I lin ib-ti let miii I, with in
and In I ,e. i (i.iii.ty, N rln tt-k , land til me ill
n i a I, I will on liie Hull (lay nl March, A.
1., l-.i , at 1 1 n a iui k a. in. i.l Kind day at th
-...i. a, dinI ol the i ..uit liniise til tho lily ol 1'lalla
inoii t Ii. in k.i id i inuit y, ni-ll at ublic aurtluo, i
tl.e Inuhe-t IndJef lor canli. Hie loltowing real
eilate, tu-wit:
I ..M i, ni and (wo 1 1 arnl 21. In Mock elren
1 1 I. in I ai 1 1 i n add 1 1 inn lo the illy ol Yieew
iiik U ati-i, l hss i nuiily, Nrbranka, loifethrr with
t he .i it n ne- and leliani c theicuuto b'H m in a n y w i .c aiiniilaiiiiiiu. i lie lams
li inn let ad iiion and taken a the ii(iifrly ul
A in e I .. ,ei i y. rt al, ilelrmlalilii. In tl(ily
)n tn iiienl ol -ai. I i. inn t iti iivrinl by I' rauciaN.
(ia. mi, .la i i.l ill, aKaniHt said itidi'mlaiita.
i'ialt- a i.. uih, .eb.. l ib. I", A. 1 . IM.
. I).,
- hi i ,11. I'iis.h Couuly, iScbiatka.
liy ) H. Mi l.iide. ir.iity.
I .11. W . i. y . .Vtl iney (or I rani III N. (iibaon.
Legal Nnllcc.
In I he .! i a i a. I c.nii t nl I a-.s ci.uul y, Nebiaika,
J . h n ! .hie .on. 1 1 , by I, l s K'lal -
man, I
j.ili la. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s , I
el'.l.l M.
I ... 11. 1. I i
.-kintiel and bus
J M uiiiia. J
I a a miauls ui.l lake lean e that upon thfl 14th
:.i ol nn rinl.i-l, A. 1). f '.ii, the pMllltltl hld
h. pi l a i .u in tne . nsi rn t 1 inn t nl lini iiiunty,
, 1. 1 1 k.i, Ihe 0..). 1 I and pi.iyel o which to
1 I a l ie a .li . .1 I10I11 .i.tintitt til illlatllllt,
iiua.W .sA miii 1 . a Ii a li pielended toioiivaytn
. 1 la iao 1.. 111 l.iui n inly once .nil ia la
a. 1.1 yy 1 1 pni4 y..iei, as inuuty, ,tiak,
1 1 I 1 a ,e . le an l aiiimi said deed an4 lb
n l II. . 11..I. as it appeals 111 book ill. pi
1. 1 o . .1 I he a 1 i.l in iml 1 cm h count y . .Nohl k a,
n l I n a. 1 a. 1 1. in, ling nl leuis tollecled by !
1 1. mi. ml an 1 lo levcsl thu title ol 4ld lot l
1. 1.1. nl. il.
ma I'.i luiiher eijiiiial.le lelicl you ma r-
I . . 1 1 . a l.i an .01 s.inl pelltloll oil or I1I11K mi
ill day ol Alan b, A. 1. .'l'.
John Jomnmin, la.
l'.y his u iiaidiaii, l.lilah I., i'hliiipl.
liy la ut loi my s, liy urn a.n k and C. A. Kawla.
i.ilcd I t i.iuaiy. Is, A . J). Is'.'..
Mm rill 's Sale.
liy till ne i.l an nidel nf side, issued by (ieo. W-
Ibu eaiiih, 111 ak i.l the district cinilt. witlnu
iml loi 1 ass cniinly, iNirlnaska, and to ine dl-
led. 1 Mill nu the i'Hlh day nl March, A. Ii.
I at 1 1 o 1 h.i k a. 111. ol said day al the aouth
l .i ol 1 he 1. 11 1 1 house 111 1 lie city ol I'lattsinouth
1 said cniinly, sell at public auction, to tha
nan -I lei I.. 1 cash, the lollowui; leal astal
1 ail:
I .nl ban I I 1 in I.I... k one I ill .Stile' l ldltloa
1 I in- 1 11 y nl I'lall s 11 1011 th, Cass enmity, Nebiaik a.
1 geil.ei vMihthe piiviicges and apperlonaacaa
h i. un. beiongiiig or in anywise uppertaiaiag ;
nne being ley led 11 pou and taken al Ihe io-
caty ol John .svwboda. tlelendant, to satlfcly a
judgment nl said emu 1 lecnveied by CliKileiC.
unae as leieivei nl the Citlcns bank ff
1'iatt inoiilli, ass cuunty, Nebraska, plaintiff. 1 sal. I di lend. ml and John Keller.
I'lall siiioiith, iNebiaska, l-elmiary IV A,l I.JHUtl,
U m. 1. Vnri.K,
Sliei ilt, (.'ass county, Nebiaika.
liy J. 1 , Ah III me. 1 icputy.
Uyioii I'laiK, Aitoiney lor i'laintiH.
N .lli i! of I iidi litediieHM.
Ihe I'lall: moutli Water Company, a corpora
ii.ii ingaiiied undei the laws nl the btal ut fc -
in a ka .
he I'lalt: iniuth Water Com pan V hereby
gne notice that the bllnwllig is the hut and
mount ol .i.l Ihe existing debts ol said cornoia-
tion nu ihe Inst day ol I cbiuary, A. I). InfrS,
iiamci y:
! n st mm 'gage t) per cent bonds ol the
W.ilei i.u., niteiest payable semi
annual I y. I ic I . 1st ami Apnl 1st ll2.VOnO.00 ucil intei esl (.n the same 14,1011
J otal !$M0.VfI.6
I Ins 110IK e is given in compliance with .the
pi in isions ol chaptei in "I the Compiled hlalutoa
ol the slate ol Nebraska.
C 11 as. I".. I-iniiv, President,
IIil.nkv M. i'l. umi. k. treasurer,
1. II. I'uli.ock, decretal y.
laiward If. Mailiu,
Ivl.vaid t . Aden,
Ai aj -nty ol,lioaid of I lircctors.
Probate Notice.
In county couit, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the mallei ol tl.e estate id Ixcls (J. Aaeard.
deceased. JohaimeU. I lean, loiinerly Aagaid,
te.s Cliiln i jtaganl, minor, and all other per
.ie. inn ae- leij m said matter are hereby notilied
ih.n 011 the I' ll day ol Match, IHUn, J. C. Petersen
lea a jiel.tmii in sain county couit, praying that
1 liii.n admiiiisiialion accounts hied neieiu be
jti.ed ami allowed, and that he be discharged
om ni , 11 ust as aiimiiiistrator, and ttiat ll you lo appeal bi dole said couit 011 the lath day ol
pi n, . . 1 ', at .1 o cock a. 111., and contest
...el j. eta. .111, the couit may grant, the prayei of
am pciiu .ii, and make such other and further
n th i .., .n o" anccs ami deciees, as to this court
1. ay seem piopei.lo the end, that all matters
' tunning in said estate maybe finally settled
and ..etci 11. 11.1.1 Witness my hand and the
cal ol couit at i'lattsinouth, Nebraska,
'.his tne -1st day ol March A. I)., IhM.
... , Ijl.UKOli Al. hl-CKLOCK.
1 "-"' County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the distn t court of Cass county,' Nebraska.
J.i the mallei oi the estate, ol Nelson Alc
he.,, deceased.
1 ins cause came on for hearing upon the pa
lai ii ol An new 1 aiiiian, adiiiinistiator ol the
c late ol .se.soii .i c K e y noids, deceased, praying
an a in en e 10 sen tne saulheast quailer (."i. l.
1.1 ol -1: lion li.. 1 tech (1.1;, township twenty-six
1.0 1 in, 1 loi i y -mne; ; the northeast quar
lei 1. a. 1.. ' i) oi section nineteen (IU; township
tte.ity-.-i 1 .in leiiih, lange lorty-e ght (4s; ill
box liii tie count y, .sebrasna, and the West half
. 1, o .a 11, e ea t had il. ',; ol ttie southeast
i ...; lei '.-). '1 ol section eight (H) m township
.un (nl iiiiii, lange innteen ii!J c a-s couuly.
.coia-a.a. J i.c ..ii.'l ai.ivc described in Cass
c mi 1 1 1 , , .sc-M.i 1. a, being subject to a ule interest
a lin.i.iiii M Key uoids, or a sulhu lit ainouiit of
me . ame io ii n.g the sum id t'i o lor th pay
ment m dents anov.ea against said estate, and
toe ci s s ol aaiiiinistraiieu, there not boinjg
...a ..ei.t p ;i-. jnai pi opei i) to pay said debts
,iii'l e.,ensc s.
it is 1 ai i her or leied that all persons interested
a -ai 1 e-i.ite ai pear belore me at the ottice of
tne ccTK il the .isii ict court ol Cass county, Ne
111,1 ai, on the tn day ol. May, A. ii. ihas, at I
o 1....4 p. 111. ol day, and to show cause why
a i.clIi -e s.iouid not be granteci to said adininis'
liaa ii to sen -.0 much ol the above describedreal
estate ot said deceased, as shad be liecessai y to
pay saej debts and expenses.
s,ei'.H-eol this order sliad be by publication ia
the Si Mi-U hhKi.v Atws-lItKAi.l; lor at least
lour nieces- ne weeks , nor to date of hearn.g.
iiatci this Alii dayol March A. U. 181W.
Judge of the District Court.
li-, ron.C'iark and C. A. Kawla, Attorneys lor E.S-
1 a : e.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of James Grove, de-
1 ins cau e came on for Iiearing upon the peti
tion of Arthur I.. Munger as administrator of
the e-tale ot James Grove, deceased, for a license
to se.l real estate as follows: i he west haif ( w Vt
nt the southeast quarter s e U J of section two
j i I township ten lo) north, range nine ( WJ Cass
coi.nty. Neoi a-Ka, or a s u rfic lent amount of the
same to bring the sum of i-7' 40 for payment of
debts a.! agniiiht said estate, and the costs
of a im, li.stratioii, there not being sufficient per
sona, property to pay tl.e said debts and expen
ses. It is further ordered that all persons interested
in the sai i estate appear before me at the office
of the clei k of the district court of Cass county.
.Nebraska, on the th dav of Mav A. li. IttjHat is
o'clocit p. in. to show cause why a license should
not ne ;;ranie'i 10 s-aia administrator 10 sen so
much ot the aoove described real estate of the
said estate as shaii be necessary to pay said
dents an 1 expenses.
It is further ordered that this order be pub
lished in the Seiui-U eekly News-Heralo for a
period of f jur weeks prior to the date of the said
I m ted this Kth day of March. A. D. IW.
Bash. .-. KamsEV. Judge of the District Court.
Byron Claric and C. A. Kawls, att'ys for estate
I desire to attest to tho merits of
Chamberlain's Coujfh llemedy it 6 one
of the most valuable aDd efficient
r eputations on the market. It broke
un exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hour s, and,in gratitude there
for. I desire to inform you that I will,
never be without itiand you should feel
proud of the high esteem : in which
your Remedie.s are. held dy people in
general. It ia.the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, i;.Jitor Democrat, Albion,
lad. For sale by all druggists.
You should know that Foley '6 Honey
and Tar is absolutely the beet remedy
far all diseases of the Throat, Chest or
Laug. Dcalciie are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
Cises, Smith & I'armele.