Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 30, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly News-Herald
jwrr-t i ' . i
... BY THE . . .
ie Tear, in advance t5 00
SixMsnths 2 50
ta Week, 10
biagl Copies, 5
One Tear, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months 60
Of any Cass County Paper.
or -m
Youn Uncle Sara is getting his
fighting clothes on and pretty soon
you will boc tho Spanish fur fly.
Johnnie pet your gun is no longer
t r a 1 .1
a misnomer, w e are to iihvu wur uuu
Johnnie old boy will have an oppor
tunity to get in his work.
An enthusiastic Colorado woman is
ready with a troop of cavalry, but is
totally indifferent whether shogoes to
tho Spanish seat of war or the Omaha
President McKinley has planted
a sapling in the white house grounds
thus re-establishing a custom insti
tuted many years ago and regularly
observed until Grover Cleveland hit it
with a sand bag.
The enormous sums of gold that
are coining to us on both sides of the
continent more than 9 1,000,000 a day
since February 25 are a source of
national strength far too littlo appre
ciated. They add largely to tho ability of
tho poople to support the government
in case of need.
Tbey greatly increase the volume of
money in; the country, every dollar
meaning, as a bank reserve, from $4
to $0 of availablo money with which
to meet the needs of commerce.
They mean that the country as a
whole is buying far less than it is
soiling; that it is living far within its
moans a circumstance that is as sug
gestive of thrift and prosperity in the
case of a nation as it is in the case of
an individual.
They mean that our national credit
and the credit of all our enterprises
aro unimpeached in foreign markets.
Otherwise American securities na
tional, state, municipal railroad and
industrial would now be flowing in
upon us from timid foreign holders
and we should be exporting gold to
pay for them.
At a season when we usually export
gold, and with a "war 6care" on, we
are still importing gold in phenomenal
quantities. The fact is reassuring in
an extraordinary degree. New York
But Amended by Making Her
his Wife.
Of Cedar Creek Narrowly I-srnpes l'ua
Inhment Tramp In Jo red by Jump
ing From the Crn A Jlirthcluy
Hurprltte I'arty Jn'oteH.
Splendid Bargains
Something that is of Great Value to
Farmers. We have just received 36
As the seeding time approaches
many people will feel constrained to
roast J. S. Morton for his action as
secretary of agriculture in cutting off
the government supply of 6eeds. It
costs something to be a patriot.
Boston reports thirty-nine steam
ships of American register in readi
ness to mount either 6-pounders, 2-inch
rapid-fire guns or torpedo tubes, and
the owners say they can be turned
over for immediate service. Their
speed is rated from ten to fifteen knots
Gilbert S. IIoppol, a Cedar Creek
school teacher, was charged with lead
ing astray a winsome lass of the same
vicinity, by the namo of Emma Wolff.
Iloppel is twenty-fivo years of age and
the young lady is fourteen. Iloppel
was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Mc
Bride and Constable Denson yesterday
and brought down and landod in jail.
This morning the young lady, who is
of good family, and her friends came
down and when Iloppel asked to settle
the matter by marrying the young
lady his wish was floally granted. The
motner gave consent, a license was
issued and the ceremony performed cvcrythinR. jn his Hne
nflrl tnA Turn unrMurpi n a n'irrtr a o I ' '
" w i CI 'J "
pair of doves. The offense was a very
serious one and Iloppel was fortunate
in getting out of it so easily. The
girl was quite handsome and is rotated
to some of the best people at Cedar
Creek. She was a pupil of Iloppel and
this miie the offense doubly repulsive.
We hope she may never regret her
Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings
Was augmented recently by the receipt of two car loads of
goods for which he paid spot cash at the factory.
Think What This Means
It means heavy discounts. It means lower freight rates.
It means that his competitors can not meet him on prices,
neither can they meet him on a marvelous assortment of
One of which will
be . .
rAjTMB ct 0110 Jf
'I T'D.NaV.ID.1307.
li-'illl'llVU. oy
m ' I ! i RtL lADl.r
His Leader in Stoves
the old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years'
guaranty, and its half a hundred designs.
SPAIN has not solved the question of
naval coal piles on this side of the At
lantic. It is believed by good judges
that a Spanish fleet in American wat
ers could soon be reduced to helpless
ness by cutting off its fuel supply.
The Spanish bluster about how dear
they hold tho honor and integrity of
their country, and how they will sac
rifice everything for it, sounds very
much like the talk which Greece put
up when the Turk9 got after them
and at the first smell of real battle the
Greeks ran like frightened hares. If
Spain can fight she must show us.
The Central City Democrat, which
has been scientifically named, sets ite
foot down against at hird term for Gov.
Holcomb. "That will not do,
boys; it won't do at all," Bays the
Democrat. "Our people would beat
the twelve apostles if they were run
ning for a third term."
The democrats in their city con
vention here last week, spiked fusion
very effectually, so far as this county
is concerned. Populists who would
consort with them after such a square
slap in the face as was given, would
be very cheap sort of men. From those
we have heard talk, fusion is
squelched for this year in old Cass.
The gulf railroad organized by Matt
Daugherty and a few other cowboy
capitalists, which was to run clear
across the state gulf ward, failed of a
filing in the state house yesterday
because the fee wa9 too high. Its a
great pit to nip so promising a ven
ture bo summarily. The idea of
squelching a ten million dollar rail
way by charging $500 for filln
corporate papers is bad and the
in this particular instance may tfever
know what it has lost.
A Narrow Kncape.
Saturday night freight No. 77 which
goes west about 11 o'clock came near
killing a man near Oreopoiis. Isaac No house in Cass county ever carried half so larTe a stock. I
ITJ - i .l
u puegrovo, a journeyman, was Deal tt , , . , , .
ing his way to Omaha in search of He Catl SUlt taste' Three hundred easy chairs to select
work. Witn two companions he was trom. lied room suites and parlor suites from the lowest
ti f i . . . price to those fit for a queen
the brakemen came alone- and in- 1 nv-w-i
formed him, with the others that he
must get off the train. His compan
ions, who seemed to have more nerve
than he, showed no disposition to
leave the train, especially since it
was running at a speed of twelve or fif
teen miles an hour. Updegrove
climbed down the ladder at the side of
the car and swung himself off. He cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and k
states mat ne was mrown unaer tne
wheels in some manner, but cannot ex
plain how, he extricated himself from
this perilous position and was thrown, 14- Ail1 Qlll-nricQ "VM i
or knocked by the fast moving train 1 u Will WUI Jl IOC I UU
several feet and sustained four or five
The Prices
Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business
He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with his
:eeps it.
g its broken ribs and other serious bruises To call and see his wonderful stock, and get his prices which
state about the hips. The train was at once e '
are irom ten to twenty-live per cent lower than can be had
Omaha. Remember the place.
With every cash purchase of ten dollars in
merchandise. If you are not needing the
Clothing at this time, call and get a card
which will entitle you to a carrier at any time
during the year that you may purchase that
amount of goods.
Our Spring stock of Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods is now so complete and at
such Low Prices that persons desirous of
making a purchase cannot afford, in justice
to themselves, to neglect calling and making
a thorough examination, and when once ex
amined, we feel confident of a sale.
Leading Clothier of Cass County
Mb. Bryan is evidently not in it
for his health. He made a speech at
Lawrence, Kas., Wednesday night on
the silver bug a boo which netted him
$175. His crocidile tears for the suf
fering and down trodden laboring
people are thus wiped away and his
head aches for the suffering masses
assuaged by the healing balm of
money not earned. Oh, demogoguery.
thy name is surely Bryan.
The Nebraska National guard is in
a state of cold perspiration, having
found from the oath taken that the
president can order every company to
the front with little ceremony, and
make yellow fever food of the Ne
braska heroes of Pine Ridge. The
dodging of Spanish bullets is not half
so bad as the trial to keep out of reach
of Cuban microbes. The latter enemy
strikes terror to the Nebraska soldiers
heart as he is only familiar with clear
sunshine and pure air.
The populists have been slapped in
the face so many times by the remnant
of Jeffersonianism in Nebraska it
would seem that they would some time
come to their senses and give the dem
mies the rebuke they deserve. The
latest insult is the withdrawal,
through democratic influence of sev
eral candidates from the populist city
ticket. Let the populists vote repub
lican ticket and they will be voting
for their friends. At least, not for
men who are seeking to use them as
cat's paws.
A SPECIAL to the State Journal in
reference to the Rock Island case
does a majority of our jurymen from
the country a grave injustice. "Mrs.
Hennings was plainly entitled to a
judgment for every dollar she sued
for, and the eight jurors who held to
that theory, are backed by everyone
not interested, who heard the testi
mony, we never neara as mucn talk
ard speculation about jury fixing as
we have heard in connection with this
case, but tne farmers are not charged
with any complicity in the deal.
stopped, the engine detached and the
injured man brought to this city and
taken to a room at the Perkins house
where he now lies. He has suffered a
great deal from his injurios but Dr.
Cummins, who is in attendance, in
forms the reporter that he will recover,
though he will have to remain in bed
for many days and perhaps weeks.
Updegrove lives at Clair. Mich,
where ne has a home and family a
wife and five children. He says he
is not a drinking man andthat being
out of work he was on his way to Oma
ha in search of employment. He
seems to be a man of good intentions
and good habits and we trust he will
soon recover. The family has been no
tified of the man's sad condition.
Opposite the Court House.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth can well afford to
donate liberally to the cause of the
suffering Cubans. Everybody can af
ford to give something be it ever so
little. None of us would suffer from
the loss, if necessary of one or two
meals, that some starved creature of
the little isle might enjoy one whole
some feast altar many days and weeks
of fast F. E. White's remarks at the
meeting last night that Plattsmouth
should send five car loads of provisions
to the sufferers waswell timed. Every
one should respond.
Since John P. Sutton, of Lincoln,
has heard of a possible alliance offen
sive and defensive with Great Brit-
tain he shows a disposition to consider
it purely offensive, especially to him
self. This is all wrong, John 6hould
remain neutral in a case of this kind
and not harrow up the feelings which
have been slumbering since 1812.
England has a navy that is a pretty
good thing to have around in case of
a dispute with a foreign power, its
monster battleships forming the most
convincing argument in favor of a
proposition that a government ever
had tho pleasure of considering.
War with Spain ia now almost a
certainty. The report of the commit
tee appointed to investigate the
Maine explosion has been received at
Washington and it is given out that
the report alleges the cause was a
dynamite mine or torpedo located on
the outside of the vessel. American
residents of Havanna have been noti
fied by this government to leave and
a vessel has been sent to bring them
away. The note from the govern
ment to Spain with reference to the
disposal of the torpedo fleet coming
this way has been entirely ignored.
Insult is being added to injury and be
fore the sun rises on this day of next
week there can be no question but
what the conflict will be on in all its
fury, and the supremacy of the Amor
can navy will be put to a crucial test
However much war may be deplored,
there is but one opinion, from the
lakes to the gulf and that is in favor
of punishing the barbarous Spaniards.
McKinley has, with rare wisdom,
staved off the day of conflict which he
foresaw several weeks ago must come,
and the country is on a pretty fair
war footing. The work that has been
accomplished in the last month on the
navy and coast defences being almost
Gave liiiu a Pass Home.
A tramp by the name of Frank
Crease, who walked in here Saturday
was given a ticket today by the au
thorities and shipped to his home at
Ottumwa. Some time ago he sustained
a broken ankle and walking so far on
the railroad track his ankle became
so badly swollen he was unable to
walk further. Saturday night he was
given lodging at tho tramp rendezvous
adjoining the council chamber and
Sunday was cared for at the county
jail. He was in a bad fix and it was
tho proper thing to send him to his
friends where he could receive proper
A Hlrthday Party.
A few friends and relatives gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs C.
H. Reid on Chicago avenue Saturday
evening in honor of Mr. Asa Wain
scott, it being his twenty-first birth
day. The evening was spent in music
and social chat, and at a late hour
refreshments were served consisting
of coffee, cake and fruits. The pa-ty
dispersed after partaking of these
good things, leaving many good wishes
with the young gentleman and hopes
for many happy and successful returns
of the day.
There were present Misses Stella
Herington, Lilly Manspeaker, Hattie
Yunker, Cora Jones, Jessie Barboe,
Maud Nickle and Mrs. Lena Layton;
Messrs Dallie Gibson, Elmer Yunker,
James Roberts, Asa Wainscot; Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Wainscot, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Wainscot, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wainscot and Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
From the Times.
Charley Sherman is minus a hat,
just because he stuck his head out of
the coach door while the train was
running its fastest between Lincoln
and Havelock Tuesday morning. He
worried through on his trip by bor
rowing a cap from Billy Lancaster,
the checkman.
Dr. Mathews, one of Cass county's
best veterinary surgeons, was in Have
lock Thursday on his way to Saline
county. Mr. Mathews, whose home is
at Plattsmouth and is well known
here, is driving through to Saline
county selling one of his own hog
cholera preventative remedies.
Teddie Krause, an old Plattsmouth
boy, but more recently of Missouri
Valley, la., went to work in the
boiler shops here Tuesday morning.
His son, Eddie, had preceded him by a
Dovej'n Prices.
Doveys have been in business here
for more than a quarter of a century
and never have they sold shoddv or
inferior goods in all these years. The
prices they quote in the big ad in this
paper may seem like they are too low
for the class of goods they carry, but
they are the result of close buying and
a datermination to sell more goods at
c'oser margains. It will pay you to
read their ad and inspect their goods.
Get Off the Earth.
Just as well be out of the
to be out of fashion is an old
saying. It applies aptly
world as
and trite
in many
Secretary Gage says the financial
resources of the government are
equal to any drain which a war could
bring. This is the judgment of an
able and conservative man, who is in
a position to know what he is talking
about. The government could un
doubtedly get, right here at home, all
the money which it woud need to carry
on the war. The capital of the out
side world, too, would be at our com
mand. Oi course she would not de
pend on loans for all the extra expend
ttures of war. Increased taxation
would be resorted to at the outset,
though not to anyth ing like the ex
tent seen duriag the war of secession.
This war would be short,and expendi- er for
The Chicago Times-Hera' d points
to increased prices of a few protected
commodities as proof of the efficacy of
the Dingley law. But when it comes
to quoting silver as a commodity the
Times-Herald tears its shirt in its ef
forts to prove that you cannot make
value by law. By some special dis
pensation known only to goldbugs
everything in the world responds to
law save only silver. World-Herald.
The "protected." articles to which
the World-Herald refers, the list of
which was published by the Chicago
Times-Herald, are all farm products.
Foremost among them are wheat and
corn. Has not the "World-Herald 6aid
over and over again that protection
did nothing for wheat, or any other
farm product; that it robbed the farm-
the benefit of the trusts and
tures woujd be made on the gold
basis. Conseouentlv the cost of war
would be far lighter this time than it I
was a third of a century ago. J
manufacturers? And was not "our
Mr. Bryan" elected to congress in the
First district on that issue? Fremont
Death of Tay Morrow.
Miss Effie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
William Morrow, of Murray, has been
in town taking charge of the Vienna
bakery which her father traded for, a
few days ago. Last evening she re
ceived a telegram announcing the
death of her twelve-year-old brother,
William Tay, whom she did not know
was dangerously ill. She departed on
the late M. P. train last night for
Murray to attend the funeral which
occurs tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock from
the Christian church in Murray. The
little fellow has suffered for some
time from heart trouble and has not
been strong, but the immediate cause
of his taking off was malignant sore
throat. Elder Dungan will conduct
the services, assisted by Rev. Oldham
of Murray. The remains will be in
terred at Eight Mile Grove cemetery.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on eachjtablet.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfeot fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first
class dental work.
i . ...
things out in nothing quite so apt as
regards one a clothing. One cannot
appear well, feel comfortable and look
dressy with a suit of clothes on which
fits very much like a gunny sack over
a fence post. A suit or trousers made
by a tailor is a thing of beauty and ex
ceeding joy. While thoy cost a trifle
more than a good hand me down or
eastern so-called custom made (in
sweat snops; the Ft is so much more
satisfactory and the service so much
better that you will always get better
values for your money. We carry a
large assortment of suiting and pant
ings. Cleaning and repairing neatly
done. J. C. Ptak, Merchant Tailor.
Bank of Cass County Block.
From the liaby In High Chair
To grandman in the rocker Grain-O
is good for the whole family. It ia
the long-de6ired substitute for coffee.
Never upsets the nerves or Injures the
digestion. Made from pure grains it
is a food in itself. Has the tast3 and
appearance of the best coffee at one
fourth tbe price. It is a genuine and
scientific article and ia come to stay.
It makes for health and strength. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O.
Gardening: Time.
Bennett & Tutt have just received
a large invoice ot package and bulk
garden, ftowor, grass and clover seeds.
sweet peas and nasturtiums. Seeding
time is near at hand and vou should
make your purchases while the stock
is complete. Seeds are all fresh and
prolific no carried-over stock. Re
member Bennett & Tutt.
in " - -
They banish pain n
and prolong life. ;V - GIVhS fl
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A now style paekat eontalnln tk Brr s rABtn.ES In a panr r.nrt'n (without i. n.. ,.,
t omelru storM ion wirm This low .rl-e 1 wrt J. mtnrl.-.i for tii- i,o.,i tiio cvonoin
ai. One down of th fire-cent csrumi ( iVl tt):ii.e etui m tiau by in i,J l, muri,,, forty .iht
iuvlbi wm om bni xor n ccuu. Bost maoicicu tvur mudo since the world w
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. MOREAUX, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
Get the Best.
brightest, best newspaper
in Nebraska is tbe State
All the war news, and the
latest special dispatches from Wash
ington are given. You ought to sub
scribe now. The "State Journal" and
Evening News delivered to any part
of the city for 20 cents per week.
New Improvements.
The Pearl Steam laundry hag just
received one of the latest pattern
bosom, collar and cuff ironers from
Chicago, and is better prepared than
ever to do nice work. Itemember
Pearl Steam laundrv, Main street.
Pearl Steam Laundry.
B. P. Goodman has his new laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running oracr, ana asKs a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there will be no
longer any excuse for sendingogoods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
Sweet Pea Seed.
"kckford's" best large flowered
mixed, 5 cent9 per ounce in separate
colors. Best leading varifities, 7i
cents per ounce. Pansy plants
"Dreer's Exhibition" varieties mixed
white, light blue, dark purple and
the nearest approach to red to be
found in pansies, in separate varieties
25 to 35 cents per dozen, ready to
plant out next week. L. A. Moo ice.
Pasturage for Stork.
Horses and cattle taken to pasture
at Cullom; good grass, plenty of ehade
and running water. Call on the un
dersigned, at Cu'.lom, or address,
George nicKs,
Cedar Creek. Neb.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
permanently cured oy using Uit. Willi fciiAL,L,S KIIELMATIC CUKE. The
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Price 50 cents
Ver box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
Gompisxicn Preserved
Ttemove? Freckles, Pimples,
Liver -Moles, Blackheads,
.Sunburn and Tan, and re-
nal freshness, producing a ?x2T'
clear and healtny com
Dlexion. SnDerior to all face!??
preparations and perfectly harmless. At all
druggists, or mailed for 5 Oets. Send for c! rcular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP U rlmply lnoniprahU M
Aln purifying ftoap, ceqa!4 for tbe toilet, and without A
ml for the nurwry. Ataolutelr pnr and tfeiiratelj medl
uri. At drosgiiu. Price 25 Cents.
The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
60 Y
: W
House Furnishings,
Our slock l complete la all lines . id we
Invite our friends to look it over. wll
endeavor to please you. Call and see us.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
AnTone sanding a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion fra whether an
lnrentton la probably patentable. Commnnlca.
ttons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest aency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
aperial notU, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T-arvest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, (3 a
rear: f our months. IL Sold brail newsdealers.
P0 36iBro.-w.,.NpW Ynrjr
Branca Office, 636 F St Washington, D. C.
i8uwfnr to i.. .ry Boeck.)
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and li is
prices arc always reasonable. If cn ost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers in the citv