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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1898)
Semi Weekly" N EW 0 a T TT a i II. ) -X li H ' jr .2. PLATTSMOUTII, NKIJ., MAIiCII 30, 181). VOL. VI. N0.H8 IIIK NK"H, Kdtul.lnhf.l Nov 5,18.11. I 1 III". IIKKALD, KHlabliHlicd April 10. iKUt ( COJiMOliiiatt:.! J:ui. 1, k i 8 :o 19 I ! t4 .i' i 'i 15 r V ) t V I I. 4 t 4 4 4 4 ? 4 4 ! i v V I WE ME A N BUSINESS! A Splendid Line of New, Fresh (Iroccrie ..Just Received at.. L. B. EGENBER GSR'S Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. REMEMBER VV not ..-lling Sii'-;;ir :.t l. ss Tlum Jl Co-it in oidor to Mako upon aomcthi njr eisc, but wo sell -v i v- thing on a CLOSE MAUCIN and Jl ovory Department. Call And See 310 Main St. L. Special Price In Wall Paper Per the Spring Trade: Nico Kitchen Patterns, . . . ..'5c per Hull Nice Bedroom l'attors 4e per I lull Nico Dining-room Patters, :c per Ko.l Nice Parlor Patterns, 'Jc per 1 loll All New Styles We have a few Remnants at.stiil Lower Prices. Also everything you need in Paints or Oils at the Lowest Prices. GERING & CO., DrugKirttH ;iil Wall I'aper I)'al r. COUCHS. ASTHMA. Do not neglect a ConRh Foley's Honey and or Cold, as delays are of- Tarisenaranteedtocivo ten danceroos. Foley's prompt relief In all cases Honey and Tarlsa of Asthma. Donotclass pleasant, aafe and euro this with other medicine oar. Contain, no opiates that has failod to eive and is guaranteed. ' relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley's Honey and If yon hove had the Grii Tar does not hold out you probably need a re fulse hopes in advanced linblo medicine like Fo- Htagea, but claims to give ley's Honey and Tor relief in the very worst to heal your lungs and cases, and In early stages stop tho racking couyli to effect a cure. incidental tothis diseasi CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thousands of infants Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Ag- and children die yearly new, Mich., says: "I have of Croup, every one of used Foley's Honey these innocents could and Tar in three very have been saved had Fo- severe coses of Fneumo- ley's Honey and Tar nia tho past month, with been given them in time. good results." For SMITH Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' the polish you c;m put on a MurzlutTshoe. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than shine it wears, it fits, it "feels pood" whether you walk across the street or i.e. ss the continent. It's a shine r, rv stayer, a soother. ( '.list-; mnnAv V Of cnu r- o nnt. 4 as much as you'd think, though. A Put one on an give its tongue a y chance to tali . You'll do the q talking after y u've worn a pair and we'll sell lot mote. 4 4 Josepi lctxcr, 6 rth Side Main Street. WHITEBREAST 4 COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AND M MillLE STS., II. M. SOENMCIISEN, Manager. Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. 4 4 4 5 f CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew BuildiDg, I'lattsmou Hi, !. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday. 11 a. m. si m, M m yon will find I : A I Hi A I NS i u Our Goods. B. EGENBERGER. rroi in) & FARM EL E. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Tain in tlio Stomach. Giddiness, i'ulnes after nii.-nN. Head" ache, Dizzinoss, Drowsiness, l'luhiners of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costivencss. . Blotches on tlu Skin. C"M Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. lYiiilnful Dreams and nil Nervous and Tremllin? Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to he A WONDERFUL MEDICir.E. BEECIIAM'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly r"storo Females to com plete health. They promptly roinovo obstructions or irreLTUlarities of the sys tem and cure &.:. licaOaeiic. Pur a Weak Stomacli Impaired Disesticn Disordered Liver IN MEH, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And hare the LARGEST SALE of any Patent .Medicine in the Vorla. 25c at all Drug Stores. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING B HOUSE fUBNISHiNGS, STOVES, RANGES. Our stor k is complete in all lines -1 we In vite our friends to look it over. wll endeavor to please you. Call a,nd see us. "TREiGHT C SATTLSH. (Successors to i.L.x.ry Boeck. ) J(,A1 : sMOlJT.'l. - NEB JAMES W. SAGE. THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his prices are always reasonable. Thtrnost convenient boarding stable for far mers in the citv PLATTS MOUTH, r eh NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. ! iALSAi.1 t!ie hair. crowth. llestore Gray ecior. failing. 'c.aud v 1 '"'at Pnf'TTi rpJ r?.i nil i r IX JAMS IJ- ' f-'S i meanscs and l-utili ?'KJ4-:l-r-l3l'roniHe a loiui:nt .-I -Never Fails to rv'f-i"' Aiair to i: iduioiui I'.V'-!"- 4 dims penio li.faes & hair Teachers Normal at Weeping Water. i;i; ATI i-;'iAu-:, coon work l.riti-r 1 ii'iii Our Sjicriiil Corri-Himiitli-iit .Uxli- l.rion I ill riniiiimiit A Surprim; Oil it lllnv J on i'u:t ! is I . .-ipl l i.U lj( i II L - p"il-l'Ii C. i.Kl'l.N. Watkk, Xcl., March !!'.., lS'.i,. i liu uniiua. normal instiluU; fr (J ..s i-oiinty v;; c tiiijil to order yes Iciuay laoiinng I y tlie cuunty Alter oening exv-n.-ises Sup' riiiLen.l.. nt Skinner of Nebraska City was introduced. Mr. SU inner has gi;ogrnphy ai.d aritliinetic. In jreog i a)iiy he tried to po int out tho analo gies existing hflweeu Iho continents of the new world and thoo of the old world. In arithmetic ho presontcd the spee-r nie-tbcd of ratios and rela tions. 'Ihis is a new method in arith metical pi ocedure, but is destined to lie the method of tlie future. Following Mr. Skinner came Dr. ltyroii W. King, of Pittsburg, Pa., who talked upon tlie subject of lan guage, principally the language of action, or movement. The afternoon sessions are being held in tho Congregational chuicu. Prof. Skinner talked upon "clfecto"' or "hints" in reading. Dr. King fol lowed with. a lecture on "Does Educa tion Pay." Many of the citizens of this place are attending the meetings and are well pleased with the work. Last evening Dr. King lectured oa "All tho World's a Stage." lie was listened to by a largro audience. Tho doctor is a most pleasant and enter taining sreaktr and will draw large houses. Today the mot ning sessions were held in the school house. The after noon sessions will be in the church. Dr. Kimr and Captain Eli wiii occupy the stage this afternoon. This even ing there will be a reception to the teachers. J. A. Collins of the North western Monthly is with the institute today. Th a music for the sessions is varied and inspiring. Mis3 Lillian Kiuble's violin solos were well received. The principal's round table was or ganized ye teiciay afternoon, by the election of F. E Morrow as president and principal. Swisher as secretary. A 'ice I'rogrmn. The Imperial Mystic Legion had s verv iileasiiiLr entertainment at the hail last night in tho Fitzgerald. There w re a large number of mem bers and friends present and the fol lowing program which was ad mi rably rendered proved hitrhly entertaining: Ouaitotte Miss KcdlurJ. Mrs. Hasse. Me.-srs. Toiilf and Mclilwain. Sol,, Miss Kedford Zitt.e-r olo Maggie Weber Recitation Glen Hearing Talk R. 15. Windham S,.'m Mr. Tuliif Selection Mr. li. II. 1'ackard Miss Kcdh.rd. Mis. Ha-se. Mrs. J ehnsoii 'i'his o.eei- is tn lion . i-hinjr eondi t.on and it is i;o.ed they mny give more of t:io. i- pleading j a r tits in the f utur-e . 'I en i y-li Vt urs Did. The. h ieiuls of 15. L. Kit kh: in to tlie !.im:l)'-r oi six eoupies . C. Ber for tiiid wife, Henry Kiikusim and wife, M. M. De;il ai.d wife, Mr. Perry and wife, Geo. McCavigan and wife, Mrs. Kaufman and daughter, Mrs. Kii k huin nnd John Kirk ha pi called on I L. Kirkham, of tho Journal, :tt his pleasant home on south Fourth street last night and gave him a pleasant s'.t'-pria. tho oee-.isiou of his twenty-iif-h bii'.h lry. Music at.d cards oeeu- i-d tlie attention of the guesls a eoo.iiy jortion t'f the evening, while . xce'leiit refreshments made tho even ings enjoyment complete. The sup prire was complete to Mr. Kirkham which made the evening all tlie more enj eyalde. l'n jjraiii fur ToniRht's Concert. Organ Selected , Mr. Butler. Ko?e Softly Ullooinitig Spohr Mrs. t'uok. I.enJ Me Vour Aid, Queen of Sheba Gounod Mr. Tucker. I Have Lost My Erydice, Orfeo Gluck Miss Getner. Calm as the Night Goetz Mrs. Cook and Mr. Tucker. Violets English L )ch ..amend ' Scotih My Love Is Come French Miss Getner. Toreador Sengs, Carmen Bizet Mr. Tucker. Cradle Song Vannah Daddy Behrend Mrs. Cook. Ah, Yes, I Love Thee Fencing Master DeKoven Miss Getner and Mr. Tucker. An Evening; at Whist. Miss Ro.-e Ilyers entertained a few of her young friends last night at the home of her parents on Seventh and nocK streets. Whist was the interest ing feature of the evening, together with social conversation and pleas antries generally indulged by happy and corgenial young people. Those in attendance were Misses Mayme Sullivan, Clara Green and Florence While. Messrs. F. A. White, II. F. Goos, F. R. Ballnnce and II E. W id man. Iloilovva v's bread, which has taken the le :d, is made of Ileisel's Plansif ter fl ur. The Lttte War New. A special from Havana says that Council General Leo has wired for help in a mob was fornrng to kill tlie American residents. T tit Ot t II mi w it. The next cancer, to be given under the dit eelion of tho Musical Depart ment of tlie Wom .n's ciuh will lake place at the l iisl t gat.onal church. Tiie attraction will Icj the Ottuimva m .le (ju.irti-tto of Chicago, an organiaiuii of ruie exte. lueand h igh standing. A many concert companies have sung over a number of states in tho union during their tour, but it wts left for tho Chicago ore;iinz ition to sing over te ven t-tales in onejiay. Tho Otlumwas of Chicago happened to be at Waiorlon, la., this wool', and tho Long Distance Tele phono Construction company pressed theui into servioo to demonstrate the merits of their lines. The Uttumwas gave a short musicale, which was heard in Ne-w York, Chicago, Minne apolis, St. Louis-, Omaha, Davenport and a number of minor cities, all con nected at Waterloo at tiie same time. Tho New York people wore es pecially llattering in their comments on the quartette. The Ottumwas tiro in Minnesota this wook and next week coricertize in Jllinios, thence intit Missouri, soul hern Iowa, Kansas, Ne braska and tho Dikotas. Miss Klein man, a Chicago girl, is with them as reciter and is pleasing the people im mensely. Omaha li'oc. At tho Presbyterian church Monday uight. 1' u I-onji Lost Itrotlier The St. Louis Republic of March 1-3, contains the following article embel lished with pictures of the parties of which tho a rticlc in question treats: "When Mrs. Suran J. Scott of 1013 Lafayette avenue, was married at her home in Auburn, Neb., fourteen years ago, she had a little brother, John, who was in knickerbockers. John Connor was a ild boy and shortly after his sister and her husband left Auburn the boy uisappeared. Ho has not been seen since, and has been mourned as dead. One of the men arrested at Washington. Mo , by the federal au thorities a few days ago gave tho name of John Connor. Mrs. Scott, who has bhen in St. Louis one year, saw the name in the papers :.nd surmised that the man was her brother. When he las.-ed her in tho Four Courts corridor in custody of Deputy United States Marshall Kennedy, on his way to the federal bubding. she was sure he was. She followed, and in the Eighth st; eet elevator in -the federal building, she embraced him, and there was an af fecting reunion. Connor was returned to the jail yes terday afternoon, and when he arrived there was a large ba-ket of delicacies awaiting him, sent by his newly found sister. While Connor was uiseussing the con tents of the basket Chief Dep uty Jailer Wagner congratulated him on his reunion wiih his sifter. "Si.-ter," scornfuly echoed Connor. "That's not my sister. I wish she was. She thinks she is, though, and say, don't give the snap away. She'.l keep me in grub here all the timo I'm in jan, ami tins is to- good a gratt to lo;e. See?" Old ilieycUs it L.'hnholT's practical bi- Ma'lo new cycie. rnc.: MhenfTs Sale. 15y i i tue of an order of sale issued by Geo. I'". 1 louse . ei t li, can k. oi ihe district court, uitliai and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the Ziith day ol April, .-v. 1). li's,at 1 o'clock p.m. oi sai 1 day at the south d jor of the court house in the city of I'iattsmoutli, in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder lor cash, the billowing real estate, to wit: 1 he noi theast quarter n e 1 1 of the south west quarter s w f.i J and the north hall n ' d the souiheast quarter se;.j.of section thirtv :i(J township twelve range thirteen 11:; east of tlie tith p. m. iu Cass county, NebraKa. Together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the prjperty ol Leonard C. . Murray and Rebecca A. Murray, defendants, to satisfy a judgment and decree ol said court recovered by C G. 1 lovey & on, cross petitioners against sajd de fendants in the case of May X. Martin vs. Leon ard C. W. Murray etal together witli the privil eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property ol Leonard C. W.Murray and Rebecca A. Murray, defendants to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by the said K. G. iiovey & Son as aforesaid, against said delendants. Flattsniouth, Nebraska, March 2i5. A. D.lsOS. V. D. Wheeler, Sheriff, Cass County, Neuraska. By J. D- McBrtde, Deputy, R. B. Windham Attorney lor E. G. Dovey & Son. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F, I louseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on tne 2bth day of April, A. l. ls;s, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of i'latt-niouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate to-w it: The northwest quarter (nw'i) and the north west quarter ( n w ) ot the southwest quarter ( s w l4 ) ot section thirty 3o township twelve 1 range thirteen 1:5 east of the tith p. in. Cass county, Nebraska together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywbe appertaining. The same being levii d upon and taken as the property ot Leonard C. W. Murray and Rebecca A. Murray, delend ants. to satisfy- a judgment of said court recovered by Samuel Waugh as executor of the last will and testament of John Black, deceased plaintiff, and a judgment recovered by the Bank of Cass county cro s-petitioner against said defendants. Flattsmouth, Nebraska, March -Jrt, A. D. IsS'S. W. D. Wheeler. Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska. By I. D. McBride. Deputy. R. B.'Windham, Attorney lor Plaintiff. Legal Notice. In district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Clara cox vs. James R Cox. James R. Cox, defendant, will take notice tlrat on the 10th dav ot March. A. D. W.-s. Cart Cox. p:aintih. herein riled her petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, against the said James R. Cox, defendant, the object aad praver of which is to obtain a divorce from the defend ant. James R. Cox, and to procure a decree granting to plaintirt the custody and control of the minor child "Grade Cox.'" daughter of plain tiff and defendant . Said relief is asked because the defendant, without jut cause oi provocation, cruelly and wantonly deserted plaintirf upon or about September l'.ith, A. IJ. ls'.4, and has con tinuously remained away for more than two years prior to riling of his suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lth day of Ma v. A. L). ls;s. Dated this :!fth day of "March, A. D. 1s;ih. Clara Cox, By her Attorneys, Byron Clark and C A. Rawls. Kli-t'tlon Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, tho oth day of April, 1SS)H, an election will bo held at the following named places: Fust ward Perkins House. S coud ward Turner Hall. Third ward Jones' livery barn. Fourth ward Anhcusor. Dusch building. Fifth ward H.ich's groeery store Tor the e eetion of the following nam d oilic.-rs: M-i or. Cier k. T reasurer. 1 'ol ice J udge. Two members of school board. One councilman for First ward. One councilmin for Second ward. One councilman for Third ward. One councilman for Fourth ward. One councilman for Fifth ward. Said election will be opened at t) o'clock a. in. and continue open until 7 o'clock i. m..of said day. John A. Cl'TseiiK, Mayor. H. C. Kkku, City Clerk. I'litl Isinoiit li Turn V-rein. The following are tho hours of in struction of the Plattsmouth Turn Verei n classes: BUYS CLASSKS. Hoys Class I-to 14 years, Tuesday 4: 111 J to p. in and Friday 4 ::0 to G p. m. Hoys Class 8 to 12 years, Monday 4:1)0 to ( p. m. and Thursday 4:.')0 toll p. m. tilllLS class Cirls Class V2 to . yeai s, 10. DO to 2 a. in., Saturday. Cirls Class 8 to 12 years, Wednes day 4:,';0 to 0 p. m. Saturday 0 to 10:30 a. in. LADILS CLASSES. Ladies Class Wednesday 8 to 9:1)0 p. m. English. Friday 8 to 1):30 p. m. German. MEN'S CLASSES. Active class (18 to 30 years old) Tues aay 8 to 10 p. m. and Thursday 8 to 10 p. m. Senior class (oO years and over) Mon day 8:.')0 to 10 p. m. Fencing, boxing and wrestling class, Sunday 10 to 12 a. m. Applications for admittance will be received at the gymnasium during class hours by Instructor O. F. Ernst. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast you can," the druggist recognized a house hold name for "De Witt's Little Early Risers. "and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headoache, liver and troubles. F. C Fricke, & Co. TO CLitE A t'OLU IN ONE DAY Take Laxative) Dromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund tlie money if it fails to cure. 2oo. The genuine has L. O. Q. on each tablet. liiicklen'D Ariur f?;ilve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, coi ns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay eeouire i. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. 'vice J.-b cents per box. For sale b b C rYici.e. It I'uys to lt the ISest. V. E. and C. E C -a bill are deliver ing the best of milk t-th i customers in ;.U parts of th 3 city. Try our sys tem of ho' lie delivery. You can get a dollar h it at, '1 ucker Sisters for 2o cents. Come e..rly as we nave but few left. -,:-pecinl notices under this bend will be ebeirjie'i for at t he rate of yt cent uer word encli I nsertion . i MISCELLANEOUS. Q LWING Ail kinds of plain and fancy sewing. clothes done at the rooms of Mrs. Orilla Sher- man, over c-oaios naraware siore, no iaiu street. w ANTED To trade. A good gold watch for an organ. Enquire at the News office. WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to travel through this section. Salary $50 a month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address SHEFF company, 1020 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Fa. AGENTS WANTED For War in Cuba, by Senior Quesada, Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza for agents. Only SLoO. Big book, big commissions. Every body wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free. Credit given. Freight paid. Drop an trash, and make $3ijO a month with War in Cuba. Address today. The National Book Con cern, 3"2-3.V5 Dearborn St., Chicago. Beware the March Winds! Escape the rigors of the winds this month by going south over the Louisville Sc Nashville Rail road. This line has a perfect through-car service from cities of the north -to all winter re sorts in Georgia, Florida, and along the Gulf Coast in Texas, Mexico and California. The Florida Chautauqua now in session at DeFuniak Springs; six weeks with the best lec tures and entertainers, in a climate which is simply per fect. Very low rates for round trip tickets, on sale daily. Homeseekers' Excursion-! on the first and third Tuesday. i Tickets at about half rales. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmo'e, G. P. A., Louisville, Ky., Geo. H. Horner, D. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. ' JOB I?RANI, 7Vic Vopc's Cof ic?is. That JOK FRANK have K-cii the origina tors of Low l'rievs on Firs.t-cl.'i.s (iooiIs no one can tloiilit. Y haw and arc selling the H1CST Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps For less money than you can buy inierior floods for. We have been doin a straight business ever since we've been here and we are proud of it, and should any article sold by us not be exactly as represented we shall without a murmur tfive you your money back or replace the same with a new article. What more can you ask? Come in and have a look through OUR NEW SPRING STOCK and if our oods are not Nicer and I Setter Made than you can find elsewhere we will jL,nve you the "Stuff." Prices are advancing and many competitors will g-ivo. you that "son," but do not be misled and pay higher prices when you can buy as cheap of us as you ever could in America. We bought all our clothing before the ad vance and intend to ive the benefit of it. Look around, but before you buy come and ret our prices. 4? JOE & 4? 3 Zhz Smith premier Typewriter Well The 'gljZi- - .Lj'trii " ' Orn lha Uraneh (3fliee, c-ir. b:it Itnvo s'I'l dirr-ct to the con 'ifn:r f'-r 2' yf;ara at wfioie- priie pnu:s, saving dealer s f'rol;t.i. Slupanj w :ire f'r examination. Kv(jrvtiin? Btyi-j of Top iur.'-si-:11. Furr s, t s . KSt I'fia'.-r.oiirt. Trap?, ('.tes, fi riiir-li 'a'i Kn. 77. Snrm RirnrM. Prir. S'C.OO. . nif-.ns. '-nl ,T As C'.- 1 at teils fur 5-' j- Catalogue ol ail our ELKHART CARRIAGE AM) HARNESS UtO. ;0 hYs a Fin? Violin and Oirnph'le 0ul.1t. i'uAj ij uarau'.Md . "1 00 buys a Mandoline, j Iiirdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. GO bays An American ' J a guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC. 3 SO buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos! Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. !'i;tnos, little used, for $50, Writ for CaUlofftiM and oar A, HOSPE, JR., Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents ler box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRLMLNE CO.. Sooth Bend. Indiana e FRANK. Btst Value COritlng flaeWnt. Das all the Latest Xmprorcmmts. popular Because of reritv plost Durable Typewriter Jade. premier Buyers do JVot experiment. tOritt for JSew Hit Catalogue fret. fitnith Dreirncr "Crocwritci Co- ---- - -- -- -- y u j gpratuse, ft. O- H. ven I n Ui and l-'arnam sts. hini ttie warranted. linrri" - ". ', to !-70. St. arna- Wa'Mi- ami .Miik larr:. Irt rt H'irfT. Pric. wiih eartaini, lamps, mm- el . hule, up:uu u 1 fouler; Ai o4um.1i lr -Ak CO. W. E. PRATT. Hee'j. KLKUA&T. 1KI. Guitar, Steel $60, $80 to $100. tsrms. PACTOBI PBICE3. 1513 Dcug!as Street. OMAHA, EB. V iM,i.viitu inlipihliiltuMiiiisuj I y J ! ' MiflMsF