Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 26, 1898, Image 4

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    it y 9
apor- icings
After an experience of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in saying
that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made.
For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in
Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is; not
Shoos, Shoes!
We now have the. Most Complete Line of
Shoes inlthe city. Call and See.
19 lbs Best Granulated Sugar. . .
20 lbs 'C" Sugar
Crackers, per lb
Lamp chimneys
Argo Gloss Starch
Argo Corn Starch
12 lbs navy beans
12 lbs Scotch peas
1 lb Horseshoe Tobacco
1 lb Star Tobacco
1 lb Battle-Axe Tobacco
1 lb "6-for-10" Tobacco
1 lb J. T. Tobacco
California Prunes, per lb
Elegant Raisins, per lb ,
3 packages Parlor Matches.
2 lbs Oatmeal
12 lbs Oatmeal
1-lb can Price's baking powder. .
i-lb can Price's baking powder..
1 lb Bon-Bon baking powder.
New Department
Telephone No. 93.
Friday and Saturday,
Pattern Hats
....Ever brought to the Citv will be shown.
Everything- in the way of Trimmings, Fancy Braids. All
the late swell shades in Ribbon from burnt orange to cream,
cerise red, turquoise blue, fleck net trimmings and the new
Liberty Silk. Miss Stevens, an expert trimmer from Chicago,
has been secured and will preside over this department.
On Ribbons Friday and Saturday. Fifty cent quality for 25c;
and on Flowers.
Frappe will be served at the Milliner- Parlors, and the
Mandolin Club will furnish music. Friends and Patrons
are invited.
Continuetodoa leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth andPearl Streets, - - - Flattsmcuth, Neb.
TLht Smith premier Typewriter :
Omaha Branch Office, cor.
$1.00 1 lb Calumet baking powder 11)
1.UO i 1() iv.pKir 18
() 10 cent sack of S;ilt (''
15-cent sack of Salt It'
04 Lemon extract, per- bottle 0o
2-"j Vanilla extract, per bottle Oo
2 Coal oil, per gal H
SS Oil Sardines 01
:;s 1 lb Lion CVll'ee !)
20 1 lb Arbuckles Cotl'ee !
IS Ducket Syrup 4-1
30 Bucket Jelly 40
05 Honey 10
05 Brick Cheese 1:5
25 Now York Cream Cheese i
05 Dry Salt Meat ?
25 Breakfast bacon, per lb 10
38 California Hams, per lb 7 A
20 Largo Hams, per lb 10
10 Bologna, per lb (t
-S-!0- -Ov0vO-Ov-vv5v&:-vC0
March 25 and 26
C9t Value Writing Jacbine. is
fias all tbz Hatcst Improvements.
popular Because of Merit.
Most Durable typewriter Made,
premier Buyers do fiot experiment.
mritt for Ntw Hrt Catalogue free.
XZbc Smith premier typewriter Co.,
Syracuse, ft. U. 8. H.
Seventeenth and Far nam sis.
C. A. Marsha1!, Dentist.
Ivii. M Mnrnir gs home-made
(let your iidi in ervrly for Sun
(1 ly r-.iitlo:i.
1m A. Moon; mole a business tripto
Omaha today.
Hive you tri.d it t What-1 Wurl
liros.' "Ciut ilt-il "'
Judge Archer wont to Omaha today
a- a witness in court.
(it'i-in A: Co. received a 1 iigc in
voio of paints tcd.iy.
IVo-1) L'i ;ger hsfiid ut Holloway's
Wed ii -d m and lrid.-iys.
S; .d' low price s on trimmed Tur
bans ;ind Sailors at Tucker Sisters.
lio-ton brown brend nt Holloway's
on Tuesday nnd Thursdays.
Capt. II. 11. 1'almor of Oman i was a
Piattsmouth visitor today.
Xoi thorn grown Hirly lioso good
pott.toos at Dennett cc Tutt's.
Holloway's popular steamed brend
is made of HoL-el's Viost Hour.
Louis Egenberger is making a num
' er d repairs about his s..loon.
Hive yon donated to the Cuban
relief fund 'i If not, why iiot ?
The bet o-cimt cigar that can be
made is Wurl Bros.' "Gut Ileil. "
Superintendent Farley is at Weep
ing Water holding teachers institute.
The general favorite among1 smokers
of good cigars is Wurl Bro?.' "Gut
Ladies, waleh and wait for Mrs.
Street's millinery opening, March "5
and Llfj.
llollo'.vav's bread, which lias taken
the ler.d, is made of II ci. sol's l'lansif
ter fl ur.
Dr. T. 1. Livingston and wife ar
rived thi- morning on No. o, from
Notice hw they all look for the
XKiVS, It is the o'lly p iper contain
ing the news.
Some wonderfully che ip h;ts ate
on sale at Tucker Sifters for girls,
way below cost.
You c:in get a dollar hat at Tucker
Sisters for 'Zo cents. Come early as we
have but few left.
Pepople who p'antcd their gardens
last week are now cussirg the weather
clerk for the cold wave.
II i.y Waterman, who leeently went
to York in quest f a locttion, has
concluded to rem iin there.
Keep it before the people I'iatls
mouth will bo under a republican
regime for the next two years.
Mrs. John Young departed for Ilave
lock this morning, after a pleasunt
vUit with relatives in this city.
The King's Daughters are requested
to meet tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock with Miss Ella IlulTner.
Mrs. J. M. Hoover came down from
Louisville last evening to look about
she city and take care of J. M. who is
on the jury.
Dr. Cook' is allowing no crass to
grow under his f- et these times. He
v ill bo the next custodian oi the city
Tne jury in the a, e of the First
National Bank vs. Meyer, Baunei ra :ti
iS: Co, rendered a verdict last night of
one c.:n t for plaintilt'.
The case of Wolf v- Mullen an 1
LI.-eh. a co: trovi-iy over a t;'ck c-f
hay, is on trial to the jury in dit i:t
court this aflt-rnoon.
Two carriage leads of young- peo
ple went out to the home of E. Iy.
I'armelo last night where a very
pleasant party was held.
Harry Tostevin, of the Om iha
Printing Co., of Omaha, was in the
city to lay interviowing the newspaper
boys. Harry is all right.
Will Wise, well known in Piatts
mouth as a former newspaper man. is
now employed as fcrerran of a semi
weekly paper at Salida, Col.
Ensign Carter of Omaha, the musi
cal evangel ist, will be with the salva
tion army tonight. Every body in
vite;! lo come out and hoar him.
iSarncy Mil'er enjoyed a feat of
wild goose today. A friend sent the
web foot to him from Onawa from
which he had a delectable repast.
Now is the time to have your bicvele
repaired. We do all kinds of repair
ing, and guarantee our work.
Lkiisiioff Bnos.
First-class upholstering done on
order, and an elegant line of tapestries
to select from at cost. Leave orders
with F. J. Morgan Geo. Tartscii.
J. F. Dungan, tho wide awake hust
ler for the wide awake meat house of
Swift Ss Co., of Omaha, is in the city
The tiles avoid Da'pan at all times.
All kin. is of jewelry, clocks and
v;i tch s promptly re p i i e i. A.l wo k
-:trri::;tod. .1. W. Crabiil, first door
'..-:. of vVatei -man b'oek. P'tHtteOiO'j'h.
Toniulit at the plea rant hi. me of the
Mi-- s II iy on South Seventh s-treet
an enjoyable time will be participated
in by the Epwo;lh League. Ail young
pc welcome . i
Harry A. Williams of twenty-two
winters and Miss Mary Minnie Kuehn
of twenty summers have boon given
the right, to become one, by Judge
Spurlock. i
Jas. Johns, the electric light man
is the object of a vigorous kick from
a number of business men for being
seemingly direlect in his duties.
Wako up.
Jas. K. Osborne and wife arrived in
the city today via wagon route to visit
their niece, Mrs. M. S. Briggs. They
are traveling about for their health
and to enjoy life.
Kstrnyed, a DID-pound brown mare
six or seven years old. Will pay for
return or information leading to her
recovery. Address, Georgo Poisail,
Platlsmouth, Neb.
The attention tf Jnuge Archer is
occupied by a forcible entry and de
tainer cae Samuel Waugh, admin
istrator of the last will of John Black,
vs. Richmond Good.
Superintendent O'Brien of the South
Bend fisheries and Assistant Uempel
were in tho city last night with the
special fishery ear and left today for a
trip over the Elkhorn. They will go
as far west as ttie Wyoming line.
Sam Beverage, an old Piattsmouth
railroader, is in tho city. lie has
oeen out lor several months sreingj
the world and came back to Plaits- !
mouth to renew old acquaintances. j
There s no better Hour made than
Heisol's" Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same tiire,
which builds up the town.
We will pay a
$10 per
week and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mixture and
insect Destroyer in the country. Ad
dress, with stamp.
Pi ni-Ktrriox Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
Thirty-fi vo years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, e f
Z-.inos ville, O., eu'Jered from plies.
Ho was cured by utng three boxes of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. F. G.
Frioke & Co.
A torpid liver robs you ef ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Eai ly lliseis cleanse the liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricko & Co.
It is a groat leap from the old fash
ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous
physics t the pleasant little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure const' p-ition, sick headache
and biliousuess. F. G. Fricko S: Co
Children like it, it saves their lives.
V e mean One Minute Cough Cure,
tho inful.ible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricko fc Co.
A. D'Allemand, 'grand patriarch of
the 1. O. O. F., arrived in the city to
day and will address the members of
his order tonight. After lodge cere
monies a banquet will be served at
Hotel Piattsmouth.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. Itriuickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneomonia,
grippe, nsthm1, and all throat and
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. .
Mike Preis was bef ere the police
judge lat night on a charge of
lighting with C hris llouk on Sund iy
last The evidence showed that Preis
was not to blame for the disturbance of
the public peace and he was dis
cha rgt d.
Mr. Tucker has male marked ad
vances since his appearance in a simi
lar recital one year ago. He sings
with moro freedom, with a rounder
and fuller tone, and generally has a
better and more mature style. Ne
braska State Journal.
Quito a larjyo crowd of people was
entertained in a pleasing manner by a
colored orator at the corner of Fifth
and Main streets. He also was f-ome-wh
it of a singer and sang a few plan
tation songs He wound up the enter
tainment by passing his hat.
In district court today sentence was
passed upon IS. C. Jack, the attorney
who plead guilty to aid and abetting
the selling of accounts, was fined $.0
and costs. He replevined the fine,
which means securing six months iu
which to pay. According to law he
gave security on the replevin.
M. L Yootra, Cameron, Pa., says "I j
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. Denni s nncn uazei aaive
i was receommend to roe. I used one
! li.-.v Ft haj pfF.-i-t.f5 .1 npi'tnnnpnt,
cure." A a permanent cure for
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve h
equal. F. G. Fricke, & Co.
The jury in the case of Sporer,
administrator, vs. the Hock Island
railro; d company, returned a verdict
this morning afier being out about
forty-eight hours, of $000 for the
plaintiff $730 for killing the man
iiennings, anu i;ju ior ine norses an i i
buggy. The: defendants
f r a new trial and the
timated that they would
tho motion.
pi Us MJi
as r o ' raj:
; t OfT the Kurtli.
Just as well be out of the world as
to be out of fashion is an old and trito
saying. It applies nptly in many
tilings but in nothing cjuiteso upt as
regards one's clothing. One cannot
appear well, feel comfortable and look
dressy with a suit of clothes on which
lits very much like a gt.nny sack over
a fence post. A suit or trousers mado
by a tailor is a thing of beauty and ex
ceeding joy. While they cost a trifle
more than a good hand mo down or
eastern so-called custom mado (in
sweat shops) the b't is so much more
satisfactory and the service so much
better that you will always got better
values for your money. Wo carry a
large assortment of suiting and pant-
Cleaning and repairing neatly
J. C. I'TAK, Mto chantTailor.
Bank of Cass Countv Block.
Folfy's Honey mid Tiir.
Cough Syrup wherever introduced is
considered tho most pleasant and ef
fective remedy for all throat and lung
complaints. It is tho only prominent
cough remedy that contains no
! opiates and that can safely be given
j to children. Smith & Parmele.
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is solo agent for
tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the best grades of hard coal.
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
cement, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you tc see Water
man. Office at the rear of Water
man block on Fifth street.
llovrj's I'rices.
Doveys have been in business hero
for more than a quarter of a century
and never have they sold shoddy or
inferior goods in all these years. The
prices they ejuote in tho big ad in this
paper may seem like they iro too low
for the class of goods thev carry, but
ther are the result of close buying and
a determination to sell more goods at
c'osei inargains. It will pay you to
read their ad and inspect their goods.
l'"arl Meani Laundry.
B. F. Goodman has his now laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running order, and asks a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there will bo no
longer any excuse for sending-goods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
Girl Wanted.
Girl to do general housework. Four
in family, no small children. Inquire
of Mrs. Mei-ik Davis,
902 Pearl Street
First-Clans Work.
Frank Marler has opened a Gist
class blacksmith shop at the cor
ner of Seventh and Pearl sti eets where
all kinds of smithing and horseshoeing
will be done in a skillful manner, also
carriage and wagon painting.
d-swl m.
-. 1
3 prq !' . i
This Shoe, in many places,
will cost 3 u s?4 and $5.
TITI wait on you in our shirt sleeves and haven't any diamonds
V in the bosoms of our shirts, as have the clerks in the fancy
out-of-town shoe stores; but with us, we don't make you pay for
the extra st3'le, for, upon inspecting- our new Spring. - -.
You will realize that we can save 3tou from 50c to $1.00 on eyery
pair. We haven't any misleading, off-color, old style, catch goods
at catch prices. The adjoining figure represents our $2.50 black
and $2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and water
and will be nearly as shapely the day Tou throw them away as the
da' 3ou buy them.
Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops
Are arriving- daily, the- being- dela'ed on account of being- factory
made, ane not Ic'l-ovcrs i)i Red Colors from last 'ear.
Our grocery and dry goods department will be opened next
year, and for the remainder of this -ear we will continue to devote
our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely Footzvear, not such
as dryg-oods, auction and grocery stores sell.
Declared at WKSCOTT &
Merchandise and Hih Prices
house will settle the question.
on iCarth, comprising Latest Styles and all the
essentials to make a Suit satisfactory and worth
the money.
We are olTerinjj; a food Men's Suit, in black
Cheviot, for $5,00, which, for wear and appearance,
is a wonder.
We offer an All-Wool Suit, in Mack and col
ors, at $7.50 that is an eye-opener sells at sie;ht.
We offer for $10.00 anAll-Worsted Suit, 18 oz,
in blue or black, which is a surprise to prejudiced
people. Wish we could always sell them to you at
this price, but these Suits and nineteen pounds of
suar for a dollar will not last always can't
stand it, you know.
It will pay anybody
prices and our claims for 3-our patronage.
Digest assortment of Dutchess Trousers
opened the only real riht pant for a man to
A full line of Manhattan Shirts enroute open
first of next week. Come in and be entranced with
their beauty and par-excellence.
6. E.
The "Boss"
25.00 R 15 WA RD !
Is offered to any person
Stock a pair of ....
Ladies' Colored Shoes
That were bought for last spring anel summer
trade so you need not be afraid of g-ettinej- any
old or off -color stuff shoved off on you, for.. ..
Our new Spring Goods are Factory
Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date.
o e
SON'S on Piratical
Hot shot from this
The iK-st Clothino;
to examine our
Mou & Son
who will
in our
Per ,Month.
n $
if B
I i
V k
- m