Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 26, 1898, Image 3

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    IN AID Of
Meeting Called for Tomorrow
K-rerjr Citizen Invlt-1 to He I'rritriit t
the Court Ilouae at 7:.'10 The
Kim k lnlrtll.1 Cnh -I. O F.
Kiitertalnment .
Kraiik J. Morgan who is tho head of
Iho local Cuban relief work, after
consulting tho business men of thin
cily and those interested in tho causo
of tho oppressed and suffering Cubans,
han doomed it boat to call a meeting
of citizens for tomorrow, Thursday
night, at tho county court room to
detormino as to tho boat and most
expeditious means of raising funds
for the laudable work of feeding
and clothing tho ncody. Hvory citi
zen is earnestly requested to bo pres
ent and if possible come prepared to
fl y what they can and will do in the
way of substantial food, clothing, cish
or anything that will bo of service to
iiilToring humanity will be gladly re
ceived. No citizen with a drop of
tho milk of human kindnc s io his
make up, arid who is bles-ed with
paco and plenty for the temporal
man should disregard this urgent
appeal for aid. Remember tho hour
7:.'0 tomorrow night and let there be
a large attendance.
The Kurk Irtlaml Cnxe.
The case of Wm. Sporer, adminis
trator of tho estate of Henry Hen
nings, vs. the Itock Island railroad
company, which has been on trial in
district court since Monday, was given
to tho jury this evening. A very pa
thetic scene occurred in the court this
morning when tho little eight-year-old
daughter of the deceased was recalled
to the stand. Tho company's attor
ney attempted to put something bo
fore the jury in his plea that did not
appear in evidence, and attorneys for
plaintiff was allowed to put tho little
girl back on the stand in rebuttal.
While the bulldozing tactics of die
attorney, and insinuations tuat the
child was testifying falsely, frus
trated tho little one and brought her
to tears, it did not shake hor evidence
in tho least. Though but eight years
old she is unusually bright and clear
in her mind and gave her evidence in
a manner to loavo no doubt as to its
truth and that she realized the whole
situation, having been in thd buggy
with her father when the train ran
into them and miraculously escaped
with but siight bruises. It is believed
the jury will not be out long.
I. O. O. F. Fcstlvitiea.
The Odd Fellows of this city are
prep iring for an evening of pleasure
and profit for Friday night. Grand
Chief nPatriarch A. D'AUemand, of
Arapahoe will be here on that date
and address the members of Mystic
Encampment No. 31 from 7 o'clock un
til 8. At the latter hour the doors
will be open to subordinate members,
when a season of social conversation
and instruction will be the order of
exercises. The evening's entertain
ment will conclude with a banquet at
Hotel Plattsmouth. Only members of
the order will be permitted to partake
of the enjoyments of this occasion.
Will Build a Fence.
Mr. Ham Lloyd, a citizen of this
county who resides near Union has
been negotating with the county com
missioners for the construction of a
new fence around the county poor
farm. He puts up an excellent fence
of combination hedge and wire and
has offered to put in the fence and
take care of it until it is of sufficient
height and strength to turn in caitle
and hogs, for eighty-five cents per
rod. Mr. Lloyd has just completed a
fence for the Otoe county commis
sioners with which they are well
pleased. Members of our county
board express themselves as favoring
such an improvement and it is likely
they will close a contract with Mr.
Lloyd in the n ir future. It is cer
tainly a desiral'.a improvement and
ought to be mad i, especially since it
can be done at su jh a reasonable price,
Therlander E. Olsen, aged 33 and
M!.-s Emma Johnson, aged, 24,
both of this city were today granted a
marriage permit and will at once
launch their boat on the matrirronal
waters. Mr. Olson has prepared a
good home in which to take his lady
love a neat cottage nicely furnished
and they will start out in life just as
if they meant business. We trust they
will have smooth sailing during all
their voyage and land in the harbor
safely at the last.
After Harness Thieves.
J. H. Buckingham who resides so jth
of Pacific Junction was in town this
morning and secured a search warrant
for some parties on the island south
of this city. He is mi jus some good
work harness today and he thought
he had the thieves located. Officers
accompanied him to the island this
morning where a search was made
for the missing property. The officers
failed to find the harness and Mr.
Buckingham returned home this af
ternoou. Memorial Service.
A funeral service will be held by
Elder Alton next Sunday at the Chris
tian church of Elmwood, in honor of
Albert, son of Chas. Rivett, who died
recently in far off India. His death
was a severe blow to the fond parents
who bnve the deepest sympathy if
their many friends in thi9 county.
Holloway's bread, which has taken
the lead, is made of Heisel's Plansif
ter flour.
Warming up a little.
I). West, of Nehawka Is in town.
Mrs. H. I Holloway tu.-luin'-d a
scvoro fall this morning.
Harvey Holloway went to Omaha
thin afternoi n un the fast mail.
Dr. J. A. II .miem ier of Louisville
was out and in nmong us today.
Wm. I). Deiinier of Klmwood i
registered at tho Perkins tod iv.
Mrs. Melissa Crawford of South
Bend was at tho county soit today.
Streight it S.itller received a Lirgo
invoice of Collins and irom beds today.
J. L Hartshorn a Louisville citizen
transacted bmincss in PintlsinouUi
Mr. Vick, of Vick Bros., Klin woo 1,
was looking after business interests
hero today.
J. E. Douglas, republican c: rulidato
for mayor of Weeping Water was on
our streets today.
Tho fe-tivo Wm. L'iu'en-1 iger of
Cedar Creek was in town ovr ukrht.
Ho was enjoying himself as u-ual.
J. W. Sage, the liveryman, has ju-t
added two handsome new bug-i'.srr
the accommodation of his cu-tomoi-s.
The cold snap froze the ground
about three inches :.nJ pui a tem
porary stop to far miiig arid fenc: n -j.
I too Craig moved 'o tire farm t.udu.v
and tomorrow Gio. Tourteiot wil1.
move into the house vacated by Mr.
L. Jono--, representing the Viotor
Safe Co., is in tho city, lie is looking
for a place to put in a stock of sai s to
sell to iho farmer trad '.
Tho Tennesscoiuis arrived today
and will furnish t-omo delightful
music tonight at tho Presbyterian
church. Go and hear them.
llerold Bros, have completed the
improvements to their store room,
which adds much to tne appearance
and convenience of tho riom.
Dr. It. K Livingston left this m ru
ing on No. 2 for Equal or, South Amer
ica, where he has a position as physi
cian to a largo mining concern.
The M. E. folks aro having their
store buildings cleaned and repaired
and putting them in condition to sell
or rent. Tho south store room will
have a new floor.
Rev. S. S. Stein, of Lincoln, will
occupy tho pulpit at the M. E. church
next Sunday. Bio. Stein needs no
introduction to Plattsmouth people
and will no doubt be greeted by a
large congregation.
Dr. W. A. Humphrey returned home
from Indiana yesterday on No. o ac
companied by his sister-in-law Mrs.
Mattie Humphrey, of Ironton, O. Mrs.
Humphrey is in po' r health and will
stop at the Riley and take treatment.
In district court today B. C. Jack
withdrew his plea of not guilty an J
entered a plea of guilty on second
count of tho information aiding and
abetting tho selling of accounts. The
court has withheld sentence to some
future time.
Owing to he sudden illness of Mrs.
Holloway tho Ladies Aid society of
the M. E. church will meet at Mrs.
Anthony's tomorrow afte noon at 2
o'clock. All niembo-s should note
the change, as it was decided at first
to meet with the forme. .
The county commissioners returned
last night fiom Greenwood whore
they wont to consult the commissioners
of Lancaster county rtgarding a
bridge over Sail Civ -ok, northwest of
Greenwool. The Lancaster board
instructed oil'- commissioners to build
the bridge and draw on Lancaster
county for oie h 'If the cost thereof.
The structure will cost about $401'
An amended petition was filed yes
terday inc'isrpiet court of Lancaster
county in !h civil suit against the
bondsmen of ex Auditor Eugi ne Moore
The court ordered several phraes
stricken out of tho pleadings as first
submitted and the new petition states
that the money which he retained wus
by virtue of his office. The petition
previously stated that it was money
received under color of h;s ollice.
Henry Waterman is down f-om Lin
coln today on coaipany business.
Frank E. Ilelvey is to be the new
postmaster at Nebraska City.
Chas. Eads, who has been ill for
several days, is reported as wors-s to
day. Sol Osborne has gone to Dearborne,
Mo., to look after some building con
tracts. John C. Maule, a prominent attor
ney of L-ncoln, is attending di-trict
V. J. Ilets.rr and wife were Lincoln
passengers this morning to visit their
daughter Emma.
The jury in the Rock Island damage
ca-e retired last night and is still out
as we go to press.
The rip rap force which has been
building 6o0 more feet of willow mat
for tho east s-ide will finish next
Miss Lillian Shrader, after a visit
here with John Murray and family,
left this morning for her home nt
Lebanon, Kas.
Frank McComb who was convicted
of shooting Frank Rauth at Mynarn,
was today sentenced by Judge Ramsey
to four years iu the penitentiary.
The county commissioners will ho'd
a special session tomorrow to receive
the report of the st.tte treasury ex
aminer which will be ready tonight.
The ladies of St. John's church are
very busy preparing for their bazaar
and dramatic ente. tainment to be
given at Whites opera bouse April 11. 1
In th : pa it live days tho police has
yiven (ifty--ix tr:;m h lodging in tho
council'ii r. This trump ques
tion is getting to b : a greater bugaboo
with c:.i.'i slicC'Ci! : ri'-,' .' Jiy .
Mes-rs Ilung.ato, Finnic and Mosler
of Wi pi:iL' Water, mil C C. I'armele
hid a groat time after ducks find
other feathered game tip in the ba:d
hill country th ; of the week.
F. N. Hurler is in tin; city from
Weeping Watc r to lay. Ho reports a
visit from his brother, Charley, an oM
Ca-s c -nnty boy, who is now a resi
dent of California.
Mrs. L. D 1 mi no 1 1 returned homo
tiiis in;. ruing after a three weeks visit
wilh relatives in Chicago. She re
ports ti e. we ither vim y disagreeable
the re ar.d was rjlad to get back to
The i. ice. brick wa'k being laid to
day in front of tin) doe Roberts prop
erty on M : i ri htroet today will b
quite an improvement. The brick
wore n:a :e at Louisville and are e.--peeiail
v do-i-rno I for paving.
j A n
F. J. Co i!cs departed today to
r hu-band in 0,n :li i, whore
will he;t;if:iM- reside. Mr.
Co.l.s will devote ;dl his tan-: to the
man ig'Mii' ait . the I fotel Mercer, the
t : ! i day ho: el in tiie c t v.
1 1 i a on a id ( 'ol.
liV i-his. r.U"d in- l
a in t J J
II of
..H i ,
i.ine were
k twentv-
ia town y-'-'erd iy and I
one different
b s l of ii
f 'rtheoalieg
show o;T Plat
views of the shops, the
will in: u.-ed in the
lit ion of that p ipcr to
tn iit h io t io best ad-
Iiird Cri t eh field of Ktmwood and K.
Wilkenson of Ki'e rctu.ned home
yesterday f ; om a hinibo-m itis excur
sion up iuto tiio n of Michigan
flint " i se-::sl n . '1 11 ! boys lid ban
quets three, times v, day with "Hem
lock cider'' between times, and look
as though another wee. would have
laid them out
About 7 o'clock last evening the
homo of S. C. Antho: y, o i Lower
Mam street, oinie near being the
scene of a conflagration, A lamp was
accident!" ups'.-t and tho .eon:., nts was
burning fu ions y, w hen by the quick
action of M. Anthony it was p c ;ed
up mil thrown out of tho window to
the pavem nt b -low, thus preventing
a serious fire.
I it'.i Mrs. Cook and Miss Getner
will bo heard in duets with Mr.
Tucker at the concert at tho P es by
te riaii church next Tuesday evening.
One of these will be th .t popular duet
from "l)e Koven"s Fencing Master,"
th,' other will be Carl Goetz's "Calm
as the Night,'' old, but always good.
Bondsmen of Henry Bolln, against
whom the city of Omaha recently re
covered judgement for $71,000 as the
amount of 15 ilia's sc 'ond term short
ago, have asked a conference with a
committee of tho council with a view
of settlement. A committee has been
anp dniel, but it is claimed that any
otTer of compromises must come from
tl'e bondsmen.
Mrs. Cook is a dramatic hoprano t--f
good range and a delightfully pleas
ing quality of to io. Her voice has
improved wonderfully in the last year
under Miss Terry's careful instr uction
and has broadened in style as well as
tone. Although her voice is dramatic,
she is heard with pleasure in her lyric
sorgs as well, and will undoubtedly
win hor audience with "Spohr's Rose
Sofijy Blooming" oho of tho most
beautiful things that, was ever written
jor soprano.
JI'itiy for the tuioliii:.
NlltvPOKT Xi-.W.-s, Va., March 23.
The great battlt ships Kt ar.-ei .. go and
Kentucky tonight re-1 on the ways
ready for tho signal that will send
them to their maiden plurge into the
wnb. ri i f Hampto-i R :ids. Every
detail for th-- uoui le laurelling' has
been per.'o .ted : ml ali-'.ady the' city
is crowded with visitors in an tie' pa
t's en of the iMiiqi-io evcr.t. The gov
ernors of Virgin hi and Kentucky and
other persons of p- eminence ai e now
hero. Tho Kcarsargo will leave the
ways at 10 o'clock tomorrow morni- g,
and the Kentucky will be Punched
ono Lour later.
From eveiywveic come word- of
praise lu-' Chutnberlam's Cough Re
mcey. "Allow ma to congratulate
. ru on the merits of your Remedy
It cered of chronic bronchitis
wr-'-n the doctor could do nothing for
m .'"(.'has. F. 11k:,ii;l, Toledo, O
For suie by all druggists.
Kfttl instate Transfer.
F. R. Gut'.iiaaun today sold to J. V.
Egenbi-rger and Robert Troop, lots 8
and 9 in block 32 for ?1(0. These lots
are the old canning" facto: y sire and
will be occupied by Kgenberger &
Troop as a coal and wood yard.
Seward county is tally in need of a
court house, and an elTo t wih be made
to submit the question of voting bonds
to the people. Milford signifies a will
ingness to he'p with her votes if the
people of Seward will donate the site.
The exposition associaton has de
cided that it must fall back upon the
Commercial club to supply a .jail in
Omaha during the exposition. It pro
poses that the club start a movement
for the building of such a hall by a
popular subscription
Dr. Marshall, t!rliiat- IJi-islist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marsha. 1, aU kinds of plates.
Dr. Mar.-hall, perfeot fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first
class dentil work.
Sn-tl I'otatoes.
For sale fine e vrlyrose, e irly Ohio
anil other choico seed potatoes at
A. II. WlXKUACIl & Co"S.
So Say Senator Thurston and
Sec r c t a r y M c i k 1 j ol l n .
To Mrel the S;!il.irls 1 ln-re Scviiih no
Other Wily Out U 111 lit He Short
hixI !i-1k1i' Or n I. out; anl
Itlocxly i'olillit-t.
A closo personal friend of Senator
Thurston m t nim while in Omaha
Tuesday and remarked in confidence
that tie would like to know what lie,
Thurston knew about tho th rea'.ern u
Spanish war. The senator paused a
moment and then said, "this is is not
for publication, but we art going to
have war with Spain and that very
soon too. The president, conservat i ve
and ever loyal is not spen J ing millions
for a bhilT. It is the intention to have
everything in icadii.ess, and then a
dem-.nd will be made which Spain can
not possibly comply with and war will
follow. This country will be ready
and the idea s to crush out the Span
ish navy with one pha-aux of
war. It will be a desperate encounter
while it lasts l-tr. if it does 1,01 last
long the lo.-s of hum mi lives will be
small. The Maine was idown up by
Spanish agents. Everyone in ollici-il
circles seems to know tiiat and the re
sult of the investigation soon to be
published wih show it.
Assistant Secretary i f War Meik'e
john gave tho .-aui private opin.on as
Thurston, and expressed not th"
slightest doubt about war being de
clared. It reeiiis McK uiley "s course
while conservative, and apparently in
tile interest of peace at any cost, the
delay has been on account of our not
being ready to defend American inter
es's. However much war is to be
dreaded it certain ly seems as if it is
close upon us, and of the result no one
can more than guess. If Spain is
alone we shall quickly win on tho sea,
hut if she has assistance i t may eo.-t
many lives and much piojdty.
'1 ho C'uon I l the Tr'
The city campaign is warming up to
a degree hitherto not anticipated.
The democrats are getting exeit ju
and warm under the collar; in fact
thy are getting desperate to win in
the coming struggle. Their latest,
mano'd vi e is to prevail upon some of
the populist candidates to pull oil' the
ticket in hopes to strengthen their
weak points. Dr. Cummins, populist
candidate for mayor, J. D. Tutt for
treasurer and II. D. Bu r for pilico
judge have notified tho populist cen
tral committer that they will not
make tho race rind these places o i the
ticket will therefore bj left blank.
Tho republicans have got tho demo
cratic coon up the tree and got him
badly sheered. It is easy to foretell
the result.
I.iikIoii l-'intls a Bottle
While out huuting ducks in a skill'
Sunday G. Victor Lindon and Douglas
Shinn fou id a botilo in the drift on a
sand bar in tho mouth of tiie Platte.
As the bui-tle wastighily corked and
appeared to contain a sheet of paper,
Lindon broke it over his gun barrel
and fou..d a letter enclosed from E. II.
Zimmerman, Columbus, Nebraska,
dated May 2, 1897, nearly a year ago.
The writer was curious to know what
would be the destiny of the bottle
which ho cast out upon the waves of
the murky Platti that bright May
day, and requjsted the finder of his
missive to write him a let' er. In c im
pii ince with tha request Lind jii wrote
him at oncj that his letter which h id
been gone ioug enough to have
reached the gulf h id land-jJ loss thon
a hundred miie.s from its starting
Au i;.v liana! ion.
LchuhotT Bros, feel that they owe
the patrons of the Tennesseeau con
cert last night an exp anat.on for the
manner in which the reserved seat
business was taugled up at the church.
A few days ago the slate which con
tained a plat of the audienco room of
the church became broken, and Messrs
Lehnhotr were compelled to uso an
other slate which had not been prop
erly drawn, thus the ertors. Tho
difficulty will b remedied so that
there -will be r.o repetition in the
future of last nighi's entagb-uienls.
Mrs. McAllister from Dunbir was
visiting her d -ughter here, Mrs. Wil
kinson the first of the week.
Mrs Anna Jonnsoa west of town will
erect a fine cottage this spring. Ily.
B.-cckman does the work.
The W. C. T. U. held Willard
memorial exercises at the Congrega
tional church last Sunday.
Two caucuses were held last week
and two tickets n -ruinated for village
trustees: the law ar.d order party and
the citizens party representing the
anti-saloon and sa'oon elements.
Mrs. John Kaufwan from Lincoln
was visiting at B. C. Marquard's the
first of the week.
John Rowland attended the State
Lumber Dealer's convention at Oma
ha Thursday last week.
From the llaly iu Hili C'lmir
To grandman in the rocker Grain -O
is good for the vhole family. It is
the long-desired substitute for coffee.
Never upsets the nerves or injures the
digestion. Made from pure grains it
is a food in itself. Has the tast and
appearance of the best coffee at one
fourth the price. It is a genuine and
scientific article and is come to stay.
It makes for health and strength. Ask
vour grocer for Grain-O.
Fresh ginger bread at Holloway's
Wednsdays and Fridays.
f n urn nre DtM-lnlon ,
Omaha, Neb , March 22. Tho enso
of Georgo B. Schcrar, son of Ruse
Seherar, deceased, against tho Pru
dential Ir.&uranco company, has been
disposed of by Judge Dickinson, who
by his decision parsed upon a ques
tion that has always been of consid
erable interest to tho mutual and fia
it;: nil iiisuratieo companies.
In October, IS'.) I, Rose Seherar took
out a $1,000 life policy i-i tho Pruden
tial Insurance company, tho saui'
being payable, in case of her death,
to h". r son, Georgo B. Seheinr. Iur-
. . .. , t . I
mg April, 1MM,, Mrs. Seherar t ok
her own life. She was living i n t ho
building at 2--) Le-avon worth street,
, , . , . ,
and one day she was found dead, liav-
ing hanged heme If. Soon after this the
s in sued me company lor Hie lice oi
. , j ... . . i . .
.11 .-..VJ, AV 111 Llll. llll. till bl IIIU II II (11
failed to pay tho loss, contending that
by reason of certain conditions in the
policy which Mrs. Seherar had ac-
ceptc 1 it was not liable. Those ioii-
ditions wero to the effect that if tho
insured died by her own hand within
three years from the date of tho policy
the company would not be liable on
the risk. The case was put on in
dudce Dickinson's court, and after a
tr ial lasting three days, tho attorneys
for the defendant moved that the casts
be taken from the jury and tried to
the court. T ne motion was sustained
t tid in handing uowu liis opinion tho
judg- held that the conditions of tho
policy vvoio binding as against, the
heirs aad legal representatives of tho
policy holder. He held further that
tlioy could recover only tho amount
thai be had paid in as premiums,
which in thii case amounted to ijiio.llfi
Judgement for this sum was rendered
against the company.
1 lie Kilic Spirit.
1'LATTsMoi Til, i'cb., March i!4.
My De i-- .Morgan : I have read in
last evening's citypapeis the cull for
a mass meeting tonight at the court
liouse, of tho citizens of Plattsmouth,
in the interest of Cub m suffering and
want. Owing to ollicial work and
duty, I rogret my inability to be
pre.-ent in person. However, T am
with you iu spirit and sentiment. IS'o
one can read the reports of Senator
Proctor and of others, and especially
the pathetic anpeal to the mothers of
the northlaud, of the heroine and
marty r, the late Mrs. Senator Thurs
ton, without jirousiug the deepest
pity yet highest admiration for sulfer
ingr, starving, dying Cubans in their
unparalleled and heroic struggle for
liberty. The histo.ic Spanish treach
ery, oppression and cupidity of Pizarro,
Cortes and others of that race, of
somo four hundred years ago, in the
destruction of the Peruvians and of
the Aztec race of Mexico, seems now
reproduced in Spanish effort to sub
jugate and oppress as brave and iieroic
people as ever drew sworJ o machete
for liberty.
It is the spirit and heroism of our
forefathers implanted and wo; king in
Cuban hearts, and amidst buried,
ruined, desolate homes, surtounded
by the starving and dying, this spirit
of liberty still cries for freedom.
The call from Cuba for help, is the
cail of humanity. Sons and daughters
of Nebra.-ka, and especially of Piatts
mouth and Cass county, will not hear
the plaintiif ciy for bread in vain.
Their souls, patriotism and love of
humanity aro all too noble.
Enclosed herewith .find my check
for to bo used for starving, op
pressed, yet heroic Cuba.
Pasil S. Ramsey.
I desire to attest to the merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and efficient
prepai ations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cugh for
me in 24 hours, and iu gratitude there
for, I desire to inform you that I will
never be without it-and you shculd feel
proud of the high esteem iu, which
your Remedies are heldidy people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten th; u-and. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Fditor Democrat, Aloion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
It is, or should hg, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his customer.-;
and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Esbleman, Sterling.
III., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Esbleman: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tr ied a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chambei Iain's Colic,
Cholera -and Diarrhoea Remedy."
.-ro.d by all druggist
AVall I'aper for Kverybody.
H. P. Beach is agent for the largest
wall paper house in the world, that of
Alfred Peats of New York. ' no has
an immense line of samples and will
sell paper very cheap and of excellent
quality. He will call on you with a
beautiful line of s impies.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers,-salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or moDey refunded.
Fyiee 2 cents per box. For sale b
F. G. Fricke.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best remedy
for all diseases of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
c ises. Smith &. Parmeie.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drug-gists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. 13. Q. on each tablet.
Old ISicycles
Made new at LehnhofT's practical bi- I
ycle men.
Notice of Sale.
Ill tlic distort f unit of t':r. cuiiiily, Nila .ivf u.
I b ill )' I lkl-lll).l V, I.U 111, !
vs. I
'I 'Ik; fitli-iiH H.inU el '
I'l.itlniiKiulh.Nirti., -t ;il. j
Nut t( c is lift r Ij v (; ne n t f :it mi lit in. I I v i'
t no nl the dci iri: n tin; 1 1 hi-n .1 1 -It l-.i-H ..
Kmiiscy, J"dj;i: ol the ih
J . it u a i y L'si h, A. 1. I'.', m ii sua j . 1 1 ! . i . ; in
tlii; ilistiut limit of C .ill eiuiit. .el-i .-k.i,
w heii-m I li-m y I- iki v i t nl. is i!.i ail .11 . nii-l
1 lie t itirns linuk ol I'Liltsiin-iilli, .'m-Ih.i k.i.
el a I. (if If in l.i ut s. and lm h . lc 1 1 .- intiif.l 1 1 1
dircitrd the fririvi-i n thc'ai-l l;ink, umti i
MKned. tn ti IjI i s 1 1 In thiily d.o .ni l tin n si Ii
the leal eslati; he r f in a I If I dc - i ilu--I . I hat iu I -Hitant
ti said (it'ler the ini'h-1 --a:ti-'l il-ci-i will
on the "Jlsi da v ol Man h, A 1 .. I -!'-. .it liln'omii
; rt. HI, 111 II1U Mllllll UUUI III mr lllUII lltill l- III llir
I tity i-iaitsith.i'iiH., ,:. ,.,,ty. N.-ina .a. ..n.-i
' ,,,r ,l,u i"""in 'il-ed lard, m. Ii.e
inirthfst iiiarter NU ', nl si-i li ni fil.lfi-u
j 1 1 I. the suurhwi-st qnam-i : , I hI 'mo hi
j seven 1 7 1. the west ha,lU',l ('I On; mhiI hci-a
qllaltcr (si.i.i ,,f s.-.ti..n seven I'. I. the Hi
! I'', T'''".1'' 'N1 ''K-'l !!'c f""'.V" ''' .'
i I -.' , j m-i tioii seven l j. the ii-iiiIom sI fii.ii I -1
n w '4 I nl the Miuthvvest (ju.irtf i .s'4 i.imi-
' '"" e ik Id I " all in toWi-.hii eiL -veil I 1 1 I Inn I h
ranne Kmitceil I It I. in l a touiilv. INc
luaska, lieni(4 a part ol the a-set ol
sai l I'ltielis I'.ank, delemlaiit. .Si.l-ji-i t l-i an
liens and itn ai in I a am e. At said "-a - e lm K will lie
received e ithei lor lash, or not le--.t!ian il-V-l"
Conditioned t hat the (in i ha -e ih c th.ili he a
I in-il ii poll t he pi iiu i pal ol ( l.ii ins now en I u le 1 t i
dividends, the lushest ol vvhuli Inds on i .u h
c lass will he lepoi led to the com t loi liie t.u,s.
w hit h ot said hid Mill I.e ai ( epl. il.
I rated this liilli day ol I- la uai y. I '
'II AKl.l.s t ' I'.o: i I I I .
As Kc( eivi-r ol I he I iliens I. auk ol 11. mi
llionth, Nilnii- ka.
Myron Llaik. Attorney.
til ice if I'ublieatioii.
John M. Kl-er, I'laiiitiii
J ohn K ise i , John U .
A in ic k a nd 1 iima A . ,-
Aniick, his lie, -aid I
l-.sthcr Si. llelier. !c-
lendanls. i
I lie delemlaiits, John Ki.-.ei, John W . Aiiock
and 1-aiii.i A. .1 in ic k, ii is wile, .m-i I. iiui .s.
Heller, will lam: iioin i- on Hie -il l ilav ol
l ebiiiaiy. 1M, John -1. Kisei. pl..niial. i.h .1 hi
pel it ion in the d is 1 1 il I coin I ot c a- c u nl s . -c
la aka. ajj-uiisl J ohn K isi r, J oh ii A line k ..... I
1 .am a -. Am u k, his wile, and I .-ahn s,. I n . i i ,
the object and plavcl ol wlcih ate loli.ix-.i
celtaill quit claim deed which wa.-. made li John
Kiser, deli-ndan un llns sun, who had n.i i.ui,
riht oraulhoiily w halsoev ei , and iic.ioiel lo
I SI In I .S I leili I , 1 I ( -1 1 -1 . 1 1 1 1 111 this Mill, nil ill.:
f ollov I n (lest I il.ed leal esiate, to w il :
II ti; in i. .1. at a poini i. l; I .venl ) - t lm i
leet west ol the soiilh - ea t i..ii.i-i
ol lot liiiiniier eiuh t (Sj , block n u in oci si i ::.e
(ii-o in the CU y ol Weep.n aici, -is coin.ty,
Nehraska, and running thence uoiiii sil hvc
(fi.O leet, ihence west twenlv one- (Si) li iilc
south sixty-live l'i-) Icel, and tiiciicc asl tw oil -
one tcoleet, to the point ol Ijiiiiiiik. set a ide
and declared null and void, ami the cmud iipo.i
the title ol plainutl, caused thcu li) leinove iiu l
lor judu men I lor c osls; in this sun, and loi mh h
iitliel leliel as justice and equil V m.i) icpuae.
on are re(iined lo answer llns pcliiiou on ol
before the .st day ol Marcli, if.m.
Dated 1-eliruaiy 7, Is'.is, John M. Kisi-k,
Uy M. ."5, liriHK. his attoine.
.hci iH"s Mile.
liy virtue of an order of sa.e Issued by (icoine
I'", I iousewoi ill, ciei K ol the disli icl com t, w ilh.u
and lor Cass county, ebi asKa, an. I to me d:
reeled, 1 will on the Uth day ol M.mli. .1. I.
lsys, ai 10 o'clock a. in. ol sai.l day at tne soiaii
door ol the coui t house in the c it ol I'lall m. nil l,
iu said county, sell at puolic auction, to ihe h-u'i
est bidder lor cash, the loi own i real estate to-vv il:
lots tilleen 1 1-I and twenty t o. luseciioii seven
(7), township twelve ( 1 . j.iuji th ol i .nine ion i leen
(lp. 111 Cass county . .Neb. ask. i, toKcl hci with the
privileges and appurtenances llieieunlo bc.ou
iiik or in anywise appm laiiiin. Ihe same he
HiK levied upon and taken a ot
John KeulanU and wile, Lena Keuiauu, and James
aI. Patterson, defendants, to satislv a jii. lenient
ol said court recovered liy Chanes C. I'.u incie,
as receiver ot the Citizens bank ol I'latlMnoulh,
N. braska, plan, till against said delete lan is.
Plattsmouth, .Nebiaska, 1-eb. 1, A. 1.
W. D. Will I II K,
Sherill, Cass Coutity. Aebiaska.
Probate Notice.
in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Iu the matter ol the nuaidiauship ol Miles K.
Smith, an incompetent pel sou. to whom n may
concern: Notice is hereby given to the said
Miles K. Smith, iincoinpeteiil, to .'!. Snntli,
guardian, and to all oilier persons inicu stcd,
that (jeorjje. W.ljrinics filed heiein l eb., a
petition alleging among other tilings thai he is
suretyou the bond ol tile said Ai .; thai
neither the said L-li M. sinitii nor any ol hi:, pie
decessors, as guardian ol said incompetent, nave
ever made a settlement w ith the com t ol jtooa e;
that by reason ot alleged negligence, theic
is danger ol liability to the waioou said bond.
Petitioner prays that i-Ji M. Siniili may be
cited to appear in county court and rendei a 1 nil
account .in said premises. I hat petitioner be
discharged from liability upon said bond; 1 hat
the said M. Smith be leipiired to furnish a
new bond, or, in delault thereof that said ;siiuih
be removed Irom his trust as guardian and lhai
another be appointed iu Ins piace; tli.t the ac
counts on tile be settled and approved and lor
other equitable and proper rebel in the premise.-..
V ou are hereby nolilied that a iiearii.g wni be
had on said petition March 2-nd, ls:m, ai - o'clock,
p. in., and that il you tail lo appear upon said
date and contest said petition, the coiiit ma
grant the prayer ol said petition and n.aKc such
other und lurther orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court may seem proper m tiie pieinises.
Witness my hand and the seal ot said courl,
at Plattsmouth, .Nebia.-ka, tins, the l t day oi
Marcli, A. D. Ill's.
GliOKOli M. Sl'UKUK.K,
(Seal) Uouiiiy Jude.
Clialtfl .'ii ort Bilge Sale.
Notice is here:.y given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on tiie -nu day ol June,
lsyr, and duly hied in the ollice ol the county
CierK ol Cass county. Nebraska, on the old day ol
June, ls'J7, and executed by J. 5. Oood to i . X .
IJavis, to secure the paynieiii ot sevciiiy-luc dol
lars, with interest tnereon liom the ljt day ol
June, ls'jT, at the rate ol len per cent per annum
Irom said day, and upjn which there la now inis
liJnd day ol Pebruary, Isli due the sum of .-f
IJetault having been made m Ihe o ,; o!
said sum, and no suit or other pro-ceding ai mw
having been instituted to recover said, or
any part thereof, th reloie, 1 v.jii sen the
property therein described to w .t: 'i I. ice iotiis
interest in twenty-live acres ol coin on the wei
hail ot the northwest quarter ot section I'J in
town 11, range 13, C ass county, Nebraska, which
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on li.e south
west quarter ol section Is, in town il, range l.i,
Cass county, Nebraska, and amounts lo aooul
ilii bushels, at the crib and i:i the cr:b ai s.iid
place in Koch Oinlls precinct, in Cass county , o..
the Slat day ol Marcli. is. s, at li.e lioui ol lo
o'clock a. in., to Satisfy said debt, witn tne cools
of advertising, caring tor and se.l;ng said j.-iop-erty.
I, . iJA i-.
luesday, March ltM
Legal Notice.
In the district court ol Cass coiiniy, Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate ol John il. no.ines,
deceased .
Tins cause came on for hearing upon the Peti
tion ot P rank M . oung, as auui.tiistralur ol li.e
estate ol Jo.m li. 1 lomies, dev.ea.-e '. a...J ti.e le-
turn ot said administrator to the loriuer i.cne
issued lietein, and application ol said adminis
trator for an aiias license to scd tiie southwest
quarter ol the SoUiiiwest quarter ol section 1.1, in
town-, range Z. in ruruas couuiy, Nvbia.-na, to
pay the debts ot said estate in tiie sum oi SJ...11O
and the costs oi administrating said estate, ttieie
not being sutticient personal property to pay
said deois and costs ol aaniiinstiation
it i, therefore, ordered that an ber.-ons inter
ested in said estate appear betore me at the ollice
ol the CierK ot the district court in the couil
hou e in Plattsmouth ou the JOti day ol Apr..,
lsys, at i o'c.ock p. in., to show cause why an
alias license stiou.d not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell so much ol the above des
cribed real estate of said deceased as shaii be
necessary to pay said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that notice ot said appli
cation and ol the making of tins order be iveu
all parties interested 111 said estate by pub.i hi.ig
a copy of this order for four wc-cks be
lore the day of hearing in the Semi-1 eekiy
Dated this bth day of March, ls'.is.
Basils. Kamslv,
Judge of the District Court, iecond Judioa. Dis
trict. Sheriff's !SaIe.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. I".
Houseworth, cleric of the d. strict court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the oth day of March, .v. It,
lys,at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at the south door
of the court liouse in the City of Piattsmouth, in
said county, sell at public auction, to tiie high
est bidder lor cash, the iollowing real estate, 10
wit: Lot (4 J. in block 1 J, in St.les: addition to
the city of Piattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or iu anyw ise appertaining .
Ihe same being levied upon and tanoii as the
property of John Swoboda. defendant, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered by diaries C.
Parmeie, as receiver of the Citizens bank ol
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintill against said de
fendant. Piattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 12. A. D. lM-s.
W. D. HktLkK,
. Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
By J. D. McBnde, Deputv.
Byron Clark, Attorney fof Receiver.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, ?
County of Cass. )ss-
In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of ail persons against Henry Moil,
deceased, late of said count v and state, vviiibe
court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on, the
received, examined and a ijusted by the county-
' . j - --cpicniuci n. 1 ., irva at o Ciocic in
the forenoon. And tliat six months from and
ii l.l the I'M), day i.( March A. ft., IWM, In the
time limited l.ii i-.:(oi of mi l liel rMrrl lo
10 : i-nl i. ' 1 1 laniot lot I'xiiriiiiintion mid n ! low
ion c, (.u.i ., . 1 1 ru v liwinl inul ncul ihls (t t
day ol I 1 In 11,11 y ... I , l-'.M
l,lii::i,l . 1 '-ITIII IK K,
t "'.Mil y pi'ltfe.
bhcrilf's Sale.
Ily v ii tut ol mi nider nl nule iHHiicil by (rriif
1 , 1 1 hi u' w 01 1 h. 1 h-1 k ol the d 1 x 1 1 It t rnui t , with. 11
an M .i I.,.'.-, loiinly, .Nrlniiska, Mil l to med.-
1 1 ...0 . 1. .. 1 ... 1. .1 .. . .1 t f A
flioi 1. .I-.- loiiiny, .iruUMlH, Mll'l I'l IIICOl-
cle !. I wiil 011 the I ill h da T ol Manli. A.
iii-i... wni on ii.u 1...11 11.17 in pi mi 11, n
U , I at II 01 I... k a. m. i, naiil day at ll.i
I) . I at II 01 I... k 11. 111. ol ft a 1 il ilav at II.
r. . - ii . 1 . . i. . 1 01 1 11.- o.un ikmi-.i; 111 1111: in y in llltllf
moii 1 1 . in s od t mint y, ncll ut public auction, t
theh.t-hesl bi l.hf lor lai.h, Ihe lollowing 10A . I I 1 I... .... I,..,.. .. o. I I... , .1 u ..I I'UII
. L ... ..... v,. ... -
'iiitf rail
estate, to-wit.
l.oii 0110 an I two I ari l Vl, In block rltni
I 1 1 . in t .11 If 1 10 Mi! ion to ihe city ol Wrrp
111 n .1I.1, I 11 ss ( o 11 lit y, Ncblsk, toyrllirr witll
li.e 'i 0 1.1 Kf and "ppui If nam thciruiito b
loiiinoi in anywise M.iurtaitiiii'. 'J h au
b 11. ; lev 11 d 11 1. 01 and taken an th prtiprrty ol
A 11. i- 1 S . 11 y, el al, ih trmiaiilt, to (atiaff
)u -1 vc 1 ut ol s.ii.l i 0111 1 n iovrrrd by I'raiicu N.
(nl. on. .l. 11 ut ill. against said (ielrBKlantB.
Pl.1tl-.111.11nh. Neb.. I ib. IO. A. l. I"l.
VV . J . Win k I I ft, Casn Couuiy, ftehiaska.
Uy J. I. Mcllu.1.-. Iirpuly.
1.. II. Uu .ley, Altoiuey for I'laiK In N. (ilbaou.
l.rul Nollcc.
In the .list 1 11 1 emu t of Inn conn I y, Nabraiki
John J. hh-oii, Jr., by liln iuar, 1 .nj.ih I.. I'lnilij.-,,
v s.
ii 11:1 M. ."s k 1 1 1 1 n r und hus
b.illd, 1 1 eo I l;i J . k 1 11 lie i.
I le le nd. nils will lake 11. .In o Unit upon the Uta
lay ..I I n ( i inl.ei, A. 1 1. I -11,, the plauititf klvd
1. 1- pel iiion 111 ihe dost rn t 1 inn 1 ol Cut cninlf,
lo.. k. 1, the noji'i I and player l which t
-i t .1 1 a dii. I 1 1 . . 10 pianitill to (lUadat,
i 01. i M . 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 , which pifieuiied tu lumtr I"
in 1 i..i iho 1.1 111 blm k sixty ihiec 1M1 lata
.ii. ot Uii).ii. U.iii-i, (.'ass couuiy, Aabraaka,
.11..I 1 1 1 I aside and annul said arrd and tk
ic -hi d Unicoi. ..-1 11 appeals 111 book ill, paf
' 1 1 1 . . I 1 he . ...'I 1 i a-Hcoiiiity,Nabraaka.
.....I 1.1 a.. .1 1 .11. .11 nu ol iciiis collected by taia
... i. .. 1...1I .01 1 lo leve. t the title ol laid lot la
' ill .
.w. i loi luiihi i f(uiiablc lelicf you aie r
i) .. . o . 1 io an v.i 1 .i..i t.eiiiion on or baloie tha
. . i. day ol .1 1 1 1 1. h , .V . I . .stilS.
Jiiiin Johnson, Ii.
Ily hi. , u.ii.Ii.i... 1.1, jail 1.. I'll 1 1 1 i ,i .
liy t.l- all. .1111 y s, liyiou i.'laik and C A. Kawla.
11.1U.I 1 fill 11. ii). Is, A. it. sl7.
Mir rill'! Mile.
I : y v 11 1 ue ol .11 01.h r ol sale, issued by io. I
1 1 .11 .e i-. . .1 1 Ii, the 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 c t com t, within
.11.1 0.1 t .i s couuiy, iNchiaska, and to ine dl
1010I, I win on the -.'.ill day ol Match, A. f.
1 '.., ai I i o ( i.h k a. 111 nl said da at the lorith
. o 1 the 1 ou 1 1 house 111 1 he c it y ol I'UlOimouth
1.. said (otiniy, sell at public auction, to the
lioO'csl bidder loi cash, ihe lollowing icai estate
lo .III.
1 oi Iiui 1 I 1 1 in block one I 1 1 in Stilrs' addltlea
to the c 1 1 y ol 1 '!.u is mouth, Cass count y.Nebiaaka,
bv.(thei with the ptiviicKcs and appertenaeeee
ihfieunio l.i'ioi.i'.iiiK or in any w ise appertaiaiaa;
On- same I., iii).: u y n d upon and taken aa the eo
pfi ty nl John .swoboda. de lendant, to natiafy
ji.dKine id ol said com t lecovcifd by Charles C
I'aiineie as leceivei ol the Citi.en baak of
I'laiisinoiiili, ass county, Ncbiaska, plaintlaf,
,1.1111-1 said di-lend. ml ami John Ketter.
I'i. ill ,11,011111, -Nebraska, I ebiuaiy IWA,I).,IHVI.
m. I). WiiPiaea,
Miei ill, Cass county, Nebiaaka.
liy J. I, Mi I'lide. Deputy.
I'.yion I 1. 11k, Altoiuey lor I'laintiH.
N ilvf of Inilf hti'iliirae.
'I In- Plal I -nioiit h Water Company, a corpora
tion oiauied uudei the laws ol the state of arfe-
I he I'lall . mouth Waler Company hereby
(i'. r uoine that the lollowing is the lift anel
ainoiint ol all the existing debts ol said corpora
tion on the Inst day ol I'ebruary, A. I). ln9B,
iiaine, y :
l ust moite-aHc Ii per cent bonds of the
Wati 1 l o , nil. lest paynble benii-
auniially , ( H t. 1st and April 1st
Act tiled iiiti rest in the same 14, IM. 1!
la.xes l.TUtoD
Total $M0,6r.l 'Ot
I his notice is (iven iii compliniicc ith tke
provisions ol haiiter 10. ol the compiled ilatutoe
ol the slale ol Ncbiaska.
I Has. P.. KiiOY, l'resident,
IIi-nky M. Pi. umI'.k. Treasurer,
T. II. l'ol.l.oi K, .Secretary.
Ivlwaid li. Martin,
Kdw.inl I''. Allen,
Majority ol P.oaid of Directors,
Probate, Notice.
I ii county court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In 1 lie mattfi nl the estate of Nels (J. Aaard,
lei eased . Johannell. Dean, formerly Aaard,
Neis Clifford Aaiard, minor, and all other per
sons inn-rested in said matter are hereby notified
that oil the I'lh day ol March, 1HUH, J C i'etersen
liii-.l a in said county court, praying that
lo - lihal administration accounts filed iiercin be
settled and allowed, and that he be discharged
Irom his ti 11st as administrator, and that if you
ta.l to appear beloie said court on the lath day of
Apiil, A.D. Isl', at o'clock a. in., and. contest
said petition, the court may (rant the prayer of
said jieim "ii, and make such otiier and further
01 ders, allow am es and.decrees, as to this court
may seem proper, to the end, that all. matters
pel taiiiniK to said estate maybe tinally settled
ami deter mined. Witness my hand and the
seal nl sai l court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
llns the Isl day ol March A. D., 18K8.
'"' County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the distrit court of (,'ass county, Nebraska,
in the matter of the estate of Nelson Mc
Keynoids, deceased.
1 his cause came on for hearing upon the pe
tition oi A ndrew Pitlman, administiator of the
estate oi Nelson McKeynolds, deceased, praying
for a iicen-e lo sell the s nitheast quarter (b. P..
'il ol section tiinteen (VA), township twenty-six
U'. noitli, raiiKe forty-nine; the northeast qunr
tei ( N . I- i ) 01 section nineteen (If) township
nvei.ty--:',) 1101th, : ratine , forty-eight. iu
I'.ox l.utte oumy, Nebraska, and the west hail
1 u ii ol the east hall (K 'x).,ol the .southeast
qiiaiter (.-s. 1.. '.;) of section eiht (H) iu township
ten (lo. north, ranc thirteen 113 Cass coanty,
N. braska. 1 he iand above cfescribed in Cass
county, Nebraska, being subject to a life intercut
oi y ii.i.nii Mc Key noids, or asutflci- nt amount of
tne .-..ine lo briny the sum of..i7i5 for
nieiit ol debts allowed againsi said estate, and
tne cos s ol administration, there not bein
siiilicient personal property to pay said debts
and expenses.
it is limber ordered that all persons interested
in said estate appear belore rue at the ollice of
tiie c.eri oi the district tourt ol Cass county, Ne
1,1.1 ka, 011 the itti day of May, A D. Ih'jn, at 2
o '1 iock p. 111 oi said day, and to show cause why
a I.e. ii-e stiou.d not be granted to said admims
ir.i .r to se.i so much ol the above described. real
esaieol said deceased, as shall be necessary to
p..y sai.l deots and expenses.
.verviCeof thi- order : l.a.l be by publication in
ihe M..MI-V'i.i ki v .vi;y s-IIkkalo lor at least
lull sm ces-rve weeks rior to date of hearing.
1 oiie i tins a;h day ol March A. li. IHbH.
i.asii. S Ramsey,
JikIk'5 of the District Court..
Iiron Clark ami C. A. Kaw Is, Attorneys for Ks
ta e.
March Winds!
Kse:tj:e the riora of the winds this
month by f,'oin south over tbe
Lou sville S: N'ushville Rail
load. 'J'his line has a perfect
through-car tervice from ci tied
of the north to all winter re
sorts in Georgia, Florida, and
alony the Gulf Coast in Texan,
Mexico and California. The
Florida Chautauqua now inV ;
fcession at DeFuniak Spring's;
six weeks with the best lec
tures and entertainers, in a
climate which is simply per
fect. Very low rates for round
trip tickets, on sale daily.
Homeseokers' Excursions on
the first and third Tuesday.
Tickets at about half rates.
For full particulars write to
C. P. Atuio-e, G. P. A., Louisville,
Ky., Geo. U. Horner, D. P. A., St.
Louis, Mo.
Oitrclening- Time.
Bennett & Tutt have just received
a lare invoice of package and bulk
garden, flower, grass and clover seeds,
sweet peas and nasturtiums. Seeding
time is near at hand and you should
make your purchases while the stock
is complete. Seeds are all fresh and
prolific no carried-over stock. Re
member Bennett & Tutt.
Tho best o-cent cigar that can bo
made is Vurl B-os. "Gut Ileil."