Sjemi weekli 2RA rilK NR"H. KHtahlnhPd Nov. ft. H!i. J..., 1 1st, 1 IIK IIKKALO. April 10. i Wit ( Oor.HOllauted PL ATI'S M O U T 1 1 , NKH., MARCH 23, 181)8. VOL. VI. NO. .'50. ? U V V -11. JJ u .11 IM'PIMMIMIMIiMIEMIMMMIMIMMIl IMIMMIMIM&l 0 1 WE MEAN BUSINESS! m ----- - - - - ; A Splendid Line f New, Fresh Groceries ..Just Received at.. L. B. EGENBER GEE'S . n 8PIH flf n y rpj j 11 ULMlllll i U1IIL I u P Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. REMEMBER vv ro not Selling Suirar at L( ss Tlmn jvj fj Cost in order to Mako up on something 'else, but wo sell ivery-thine- on a CLOSK MARGIN und you will find I .AUG A INS i n rPjj every Department. Call And See Our Goods. 310 Main St. L. B. EGENBERGER. m Sjiccial Trice In Wall Taper For the Spring Trade: Nice Kitchen Pattorns, I.c per Koll Nice Bedroom Patters 4c per Koll Nice Dining-room Patters, 5c per Koll Nice Parlor Patterns, Oc per Koll All Nkw Stylks We have a fewKemnants nt.still Lower Prices. Also everything you ncedin .Painls orOils at the Lowest Prices. GERING & CO., IDrugKlHtii and WallI'aper l-alrH. The Reporter Has Hard Work to Kind News. Till- COLD WAVH TRL1ZLS IT UP IM'OUMATION AM) OI'IMO.N". A I ' v Ihmih t.f .M iiu.r I in orl iiKf !( 1. of I.iltl- II iss tiviiifffr Sny.l.r & Co. Kt--i-iV it New S;fe. The Mjdili'ii and decided change in the weather last night put a quietus on oj.-i ne.-s tcdav and made news gat li.-ri n :r a laborious task. 1 ester- day t li weather was warm and spring lik but about 8 o'clock hist night the wind suddenly veered to the northwest and the mercury crawled d"wt. forty decrees in that many minutes. 'ibis morning the ther mometer reir-tered eiyht above zero and at this writinir it has crawled up to twenty. Business men hugged tin i r sto e.-;, or their wives, or both. today to keep warm and the clerks took things easy. The hungry repr- tcr tramped the streets facing the piercing v.inu in searcli oi news vvinio the rest of humanity rested from their labors. Bad colds are abundant to- d:iy Ken use of the change. COUCHS. ASTHMA. Do not neglect a ConKh Foley's Honey and or Gold, mm delays areof- Tar iaRunranteedtoeive en dancerons. Foley's prompt relief In all cases H O n e y and Ta r la a of Asthma. Do not class pleasant, safe and snr this with other medicine onr. Contains no oplute Hint has failed to give and Is guaranteed. yon relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley'9 Honey and If you hnve had the Orii Taf does not hold out yon probably need a re fill se hopes in advanced liable medicine liko Fo Ktages, but claims to give ley's Honey and Tor relief in the very worst to henl your lanes ami cases, and in early stages stop the racking conch to effect a cure. incidental to this diseas. CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thousands of infants Dr. J. C. liishop, of Ag- und children dla yearly new, Mich., says: "I hare of Croup, every one of used Foley's Honey these innocents could and Tar in three very have been saved had Fo severe cases of Pnenmo- 'ey's Honey and Tar nia the past month, with been given them in time. good results." For Sale by SMITH & PA KM ELK. Il IlKH'iil I CfllH't-rt. PlattsnioMth is noted for its good concerts, ahC the ono to lie given on ne.t Tuesday evening will doubtlc.-fe he no exception to the rule. The concert is to bo given by Mr. Carl lucker, a new sin ire r nere wno lias become quite opular considering the short time he has been located here. Ho will sing the well-known Toreador s-otig from Carmen by Bizet, and the dramatic air and recitation from Gounod's Queen of Sheb-i. He will no assisted by Miss Eugenia G. tner, contralto of Lincoln and Mrs. J. I. Co k, d l am ilic soprano of Oma ha. The accompaniments will be played by Mr. Tucker and another ac companist of eqmil ability. The con cert is certainly deserving of success hihi will unuoumeuiy secure tne sup port it deserves. 4 I i 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 i Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' the polish you can put on a Murzluff shoo. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than shine it wears, it fits, it "feels good" whether ou walk across the street or ucrcss the continent. It's a shiner, a stayer, a soother. Costs monoy ? Of course not as much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to ta1'-:. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. Joseph JPetzer, North Side Main Street. 4 4 4 WHITEBREAST ! COAL YARD f 4 4 ? 4- 4 4 i ? LINCOLN AVE. AM) M IKHLK STS., II. M. SOEXXICIISEX, Manairer. t v 4 Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES 5 HARD COAL SOFT ? l unrral Not .. Helen Martrarei, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kobison Geinger, who have been residing in Omaha of ia'e, died early this morning of stomach trouble after a brief illness. She was ( tie year old, a bright sweet child dearly beloved by its parents, whose grief is very severe and hard to bear. Their many friends extend to them their heartfelt sympathy in this their first bereavement. The re mains will be brought here tomorrow morning and the funeial will take place at 2 p. m. from the residence of the Misses Mollie and Nina Tucker, on North Sixth street. friends of tee fatnilvine invited. Love Is Blind to all the faults f the loved one in everything but untidy or soiled linen. A dainty women draws the line on that. Tc I' ok i m m iculatcly neat arid presentai le, and have j our collar, cutT or shii t irreproachable in color and finish, bring it to Plattsmouth City Steam Liuiidrv'. Should Not l!e I in l. The trial of Mike Preis for iiH)tinp on the streets Sueday, w,:s continued until Thursday. Prom all we can learn and th evidence before the pr -lice jadge whan Houk had his hearing it is theopinieii of tiie News that no lino should be imposed upon Pr.-is. I'Yi m the facts we can gatliC.-, I'reis and his wife wore star.diug on the street talking to a fi iend when Houk caaio up and bjgan abusing Preis, striking him in the face after calling him vile names. Houk is a hard citi zen and it is the opinion of those ac quainted with the circumstances that he got off entirely too easy. Montana and the 1 )a kot is ha ve con ducted thernselve-t with strict regard to the proprieties all winter, never having hatched a bli.. ird of any size. Our good opinion, however, has been shattered by the present tp-ll of weather which is awful for the time of year. Billings, Mont., at G o'clock last night reported six below zero ami the wind from th it direction h is been severely cold ever since. In the l)a kotas snow has fallen and trains havo been del lived. A man was killed at McPaul Satur day night by jumping from a moving train. He alighted on his head and chrushed his skull. He wanted to get off, but the train did not stop to jumped. - Tho lake covering 12') acres near Memphis, which was made by Armour of South Omaha for t-ecuring ice, is said to afford tho best duck shooting to be found in this part of the state. Men with st rings of lifteen to twenty mallards, captured in a few hours' shooting, are to bj seen at Ashland every morning returning home. A p ivato letter from Alliance re ports our old time citizens, M r. and Mrs. Geo. Fairfield, both quite sick with tho grippe. Wian Tabor has gone to work for tho company in the round house and to see him, one wou'd not think of his having lost a foot. Alliance like the rest of tho Nebraska towns is on the up grade. Records at tho state house show that tho legislative investigating cum mitte has drawn all of tho $10,001) at its disposal except $l'j:.7i), but in fact the committee has spent nearly $400 more than the legislature authorized. This was covered up by having several salary claims of commiltce employes paid from another fund, tho one set aside by tho legislature for prosecu tion of civil and criminal cases by the attorney general. Lincoln News. John C. Watson of Nebraska City has instituted suit for $U',000 against Wm. Hawke, son of the late Robert Hawke, J. II. Cation, Logan Engart, Geo. W. Hawke, E. K. Bradley and M. E. Catron, all of that city. The plaintiff sets out in "his petition that he has a contract with Wm. Hawke whereby ho is to have one half Of all monies received from the estate of tho late R-ibert Ihiwko by setting aside li s will, lie avers further that Hawke has refused to pay him nny money for his services and that tho other defendants are aiding Hawke to secrete the monies received and de fraud the plaintiff. It will be a hard fought case. I'litttmiioutli Turn Yrri-ln. The following are thohouis of in struction of the Plattsmouth Turn Vcrei u c! a-ses: hoys ri.Assi:s. I! ys Class 12 to II years, Tuesday L;;o to ( p. m and l'Yiday 4 -Mil to 0 p. m. Boys Class 8 to 12 years, Monday 4:."0 to ( p. m. and Thursday 4 :."() tot. p. m. (JIKI.S CLASS Girls Class 12 to . yea' s, l(t.."0 to 12 a. m., Saturday. Girls Class 8 to 12 years, Wednes day 4:;() to U p. m. Saturday 9 to 1 U::i ' a. m. LAWKS CLASSICS. Lidies Class Wednesday 8 to i:'M p. in. and Friday 8 to 9:30 p. m. men's CLASSKS. Active class (18 to .'!() years old) Tues day 8 to 10 p. m. and Thursday 8 to 10 p. m. Senior class (DO years and over) Mon day 8:.'!0 to 10 p. in. Fencing, boxing and wrestling class, Sunday 10 to 12 a. m. Applications for admittance will bo received at the gymnasium during class hours by Instructor O. F. Ernst. TO t'l'KK A COI.I IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 2oc. Tho genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the best remedy for all diseases of tho Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction in all c:ises. Smith & Par mole. S16D liiiiii 99 WHY ? We have just received the nobbiest line of Spring Neckwear Hats and Caps Ever shown in Plattsmouth. At s-lii--itHKi;'. A complete lino of choice tropical fruits, candies and cigars. Ovsters served in every style at his old stand opposite Bank of Cass county. Seed l'otn t of H. For sale fine e irly rose, early Ohio and other choice seed potatoes at A. II. Wkckkacii & Co's. The lcojlc9i Clothier. ronble tlio- Pleasure of a Ii-i-. A lino carriage doubles tho ihHHiiriMf driv- mtx. lnteiidintr buyers of curriuj5f?s or bur- ness can save dollars liv Honilmir fur the lartre. free catalog-uo of the Elkhart Curriuce una Harness Aiitr. io., .caKnurt, luu. GEORGE K. ST A ATS, south Sixth St. Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. $ $ $ ft $- s I Patterson.. 1 I & 1 1 .. Kunsman .... SELI I The Best Meats I . At Lowest Prices. it Note the following: H Large hams, p r lb He Bacon, per lb it Choice breakfast bacon 12' c fr ' 4f Q Choice home-made bologna (not jj ft made from horse-meat) SJc -a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew IJuildiDg, Flattsmoutli, eb. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday, 11 a. m. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING Iouse Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Ou r sto.-k !s cojiulete in all lines 1 ve Invite our fricuds to look it over. W, Til rniio-ivir to ylense you. Call and seo us. A New !S if. Snyder & Co. the jewelers received a handsome uew sife m:d-3 by the M osier Safe Co. nX Hamilton Ohio. It is of the latest and most improved pat tern and is the lai-gest jewelry safe ever brought to the city. Snyder & Co. cany an immense stock of line j wo! iy and the new safe has long been i. ceded for the safety of their fine ge-. us. This enterprising firm is pro.-i-eirg and spreading out, we are pleased to note. Kilpint; ami Ie Ivoven Unite. Reginald de Koven and Sir Arthur Sullivan have both been commissioned by ths Lad is1 Homo Journal to ive a musical setting to Hudyard Kilping'a great, "llccessicnal" poem written for the Queen s Jubilee. De Koven has finished his setting of the poem as a hymn with chorus and so'o. and the composition will be published in its entirety in a forthci ruing issue of the' Home Journal. Iteport. is Ieliverel. Key West, Fla., March 21. Judge Adovcate Marix of the court of inquiry came asnore tins aiternoon, accom panies by an armed orderly, from the Iowa, who carried a bulky package of official documents which he handed to Admiral icard. It is believed the documents are the full findings of the ccurt of inquiry. Lieutenant-Com mander Marix refused either to deny or eonlirm, but an officer from the Iowa said the documents were the long-expected report on the Maine disaster. The papers were imrue diately examined by the admiral. It is presumed if thtse documents are the report they will be taken to Wash ington tomorrow bv Lieu ten ant-Com mander Marix. (Special notices under this head will be ch;irireu for at the rate of H cent per word each Insertion.) MISCELLANEOUS. SKWINLi All kinds of plain and fancy sewing, dressmaking, repairing of gents' and boys' J ciomes aone at uie rooms oi .Mrs. uriua Sher man, over (Joates' hardware store, 418 Main street. w A XT til) To for an organ. trade. A good gold watch diquire at the News oflice. P. S. We are just receiving a grand line of Spring: Suits and Pants, at popular prices. That's why you should step in a minute. rv WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to travel through this section. Salary $5(1 a month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address bllLr!1 company, Kx!0 Chestnut street, rimadelphia. Pa. w A NT K I). Boarders, and ( iranite. at the corner of Sixth The Q. Z. society met last evening and ar'angedto pay the S100 which th"y have secured for the church. The yountr ladies have done remark ably well in raising so large an amount, and have concluded to con tin ue the organiz ition and help the church still further. 3THEIGKT C SATTLER, (Successors to Lctry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB Probate Notice. In county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ot Nels C Aagard. deceased. Ji.hainie I ). 1 lean, formerly Aagard. Ne's Cl.ti rJ Aagard. minor, and all other per sons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the SMI. day of March, Isi'S. J C. Petersen tiled a petition in said county court, praying that his tinal administration accounts tiled herein be settled and allowed, and that he he discharged from his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to pppear before said court on the day of April. A. l- ls'.'s, at 'J o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of sai 1 petiti n, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this court may seem proper, to the end, that all matters pertaining to said estate maybe finally settled and determined. Witness my hand and the seal ot said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the -'1st day ol March A. i.. 1-HS. , ,- . (jLOKfiE M. Sri H LOCK. l:onU County Judge. Have you tried it ? Hros.' "Gut Ileil T What? Wurl Ilurlinartou Koute California Excursions Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:13 p. m., every Tliurs d; in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Koute through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $o. For folder giving frill information, call at nearest Burlington Koute ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure" has been administered. Sife and harmless for children. F. G. Fricke & Co. After years of untold suffering from piles, O. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of UeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores at e readily cured by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke & Cc LOST On either I.inroln or Chicago avenue, an Astrakau cape. Return to Or. .Marshall's oltice and receive reward. 17-4 Better Than Ever A' CENTS WA XTED For War in Cuha, by Senior lluesada. Cuban representative at W ashington. Endorsed bv Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza for agents. Only jl.oO. liig book, big commissions. Every body wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free. Credit given. Freight paid . Drop ail trash, and make i'.i .0 a month with War in Cuha. Address today. 1 he National Book Con cern, :i"ii!-:l.V) Dearborn St., Chicago. T? A AT f A .IS TUB IMMKNSB LINK OF T MILLINERY Beware the March Winds! Escape the rigors of the winds this month by going south over the Louisville & Nashville Kail road. This line has a perfect through-car service from cities of the north to all winter re sorts in Georgia, Florida, and along the Gulf Coast in Texas, Mexico and California. The Florida Chautauqua now in session at DeFuniak Springs; six weeks with the best lec tures and entertainers, in a climate which is simply per fect. Very low rates for round trip tickets, on sale daily. Homeseekers' Excursions on tho first and third Tuesday. Tickets at about half rates. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmore, G. P. A., Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, U. P. A., St Louis, Mo. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. ....JUST RKCKIVKI) BY Tim.... TUCKBR SISTBRS. All the Newest Shapes and Styles that the eastern markets afforded in .Fine ats and TrimmuigS Are to be seen at their Parlors. Imported Pattern Hat and Flowers from Parisian artists. Kyerything" up-to-date. . . .On account of the prosperous outlook, the largest line of MILLIN luR l ever brought to the city has been purchased .... Every Taste Can Be Suited.. And every want supplied from the cheapest to the most elaborate and richty-trimmed Head wear ever seen in the west. .. ..The Swell Flowers Orchids and Nasturtiums, with plent- of Violets, Roses, Lilly of the Valley, Hya cinths, and other varieties to select from. MISS NETTIE WfDDELb An Artistic Trimmer of St. Joe will keep this depart ment up to a hiyh standard of excellence. Remember to Call and Inspect Our Goods and Prices. . . . ..TUCKER SISTERS.. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 9 Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP THIRD AND MAIN-STa. THE LEADERS IN THE GROCERY TRADE TO Cl'KE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. O. n eaeh tablet. New Improvement. The Pearl Steam laundry has just received one of the latest pittern bosom, collar and cuff ironers from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam laundrv, ain street. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his prices are always reasonable. Theniost convenient boarding stable for far mers in the citv. A. H. WECKBACH & CO. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass Jcounty. QEvery thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned poods always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & E., Waterman Blk. V