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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1898)
T"""V"- - - n rr iJ Jdi W k3""jili iTR a j. ir) !'4 ' fil ' J U 1 o VOL. VI. vu - w y f VV ' f - vf: rr -9 r 0 o. WE MEAN BUSINESS! bjj A Splendid Line of New, Fresh (Iroceries L' ..Just Keceived at.. ' 1 h. B. EGENBER GSR'S a , Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. Ij; REMEMBER Wo nro not Selling Sugar at LesTha.i f.jj (,'ori in it: .l. r to Make iiji on .iomething else, Lut wo sell jviy- T;!j thing on a CLOSE MAKUIN and you will find IIAUGALX'S in p) IriiJ; every I b p.: r t mo n t. ifcjjr i.Vii Ft Call And See ri 310 Main St. L. JTiiifBmflL'Iiie COUGHS. ASTHMA. Do not nuiiioct a Com Foley's Honey ontl .rCnM, ad.)lnyH nro of Tar inKuarantaed tos've en duunoroan. Foley's prompt relief in all ciuc llonoy and Tariir ofAtImia. DonotcIaH .Icmaunt, mifo nn.l Hiirr thin with othermodiclni. . are. Clontu! mb no oplului. (lint hn failed to cIvl anil UsuuruutLoJ. you relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley's Honey and If you I nve had the Orli 1 Tor loe not hold out joa probr.bly uoeil a ro f.ilHO hoped in advanced lintile mediclno l!ko Fo- t.'icris, but claims to Kive ley's Honey and Tar rnliof In the very wornt to hiiiil jour Iuiir3 uml r(iR, and in early stolen btop tho racking cool to oltatocure. incidimtnl tothis diseam CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thousand of infant" Dr. J. O. lJishop, of Ab- and cliildren dio yearly new, Mich., b.-i;.h: "I linve if Croup, every one of uxed Foley's Honey t heHO innocents could Qnd Tor in throe very hnvo brxn paved had Fo- sovire casea of rnenmo- Iloy'3 Honey ond Tor nin tho pout month, with neen given them in time. good results." MnuHMBnaMBiiiKmnMlMWMMnnBHHHMMiiMniMninHHMM For Salo by SMITH 9 9 6 6 I 6 A t ,4 A Talk " bout Diamonds Th.-ii1 In: Hi.-, tit irlittei scarce outrival-;' tl c rclissh you c in put on a M u A u!T thuo. (iooiJ lenther, vvel l-t annert leather, that's tho f -a-ou. Il ioer more than s-hino it vvear.-, it iiis, it "feels frood" wIieLiie" on vsalk aero.-s the street or :uto.s the continent. It's a shiner, a r-layer, a soother, tjosts tiionoy V Of course not :h much as you'd think, though. I'u! one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do tho l-i I k i !nr after- yru'vo worn a pair and e"il seli a lot rco: e. Joseph icixer, riertii Uo A".aln Street. 6 9 WHIT ESREA3T rs n ft tl 3 N"r U H LINCOLN' AVE. AND M KItLK STS., II. M. SOKNNK HSI'N, Maiiajrer. Lr.tge Suj'piy of ail the 13FST GRADES ? HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper tirades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS" rilH PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, -CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and a;i Kind. of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER S TROOP. THIRD AND MAJX-bTs. JAMES W. SAGE. THE Leading Liveryman. I he best of rigs furnished at all hour and Ids prices are always reasonable. Tin-most convenient boarding stable for far mers in the city. PLATTSMOUTH, NKK V V it I Pi f"-:! I i r Our Goods. m Id L. EGHNBEUGER. & FARMELE. (Special noticea under this heaci will iv cbarpeii for at the riite of i cent per won! eacli I nuertion .) 11 INCKLLA N KOI S. SKWINli All kinds of plain ami lancy sewing, dressniakiiiK. repairing of gents' ami h iV clot lies dune at tle rooms of Mrs. (ril!a J-lur man, over Coales' haidware store, lis Main street. WANT Kit To trade. A good roM watch for an organ. Knquiie at the News office. WANTKD Active, sober and trnstwoi tliy man to travel through this section. Salary a month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address SIIKIM' company, li'-l-Chestnut street, Philadelphia, i'a. I,rAN'I'l'.I).-Hoarders, at the Corner .f Sith i and (iranite. : -w. LOS T ( n either l.ini'oln or ("hicairo avenue, an Astrakan cape. Ketiirn lo I 1 r . .M arsha T.s ottice and receive reward. ir-l ACil'.NTS WANTKD-tor War in Cuba, by Senior tjucsada. Cuban rej i vsen' 't t e ashiimton. l-.ndoised b Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza lor a;tc!ils. Ctnly 51. ". Win book, bin commissions, h.vei y body wants the tuly endorsel. reliable book. Outlits tree. Credit given. Krei.iht paid . Ui.ip all trash, and make ;' () a mouth with War iu Cuba. Address today, the National Book Con cern. :rli-:j"5 Dearborn St., Chicago. . A "31 'I Love Is Blind to all tho f -uits of the loved' One in everything but untidy or soiled linen. A dainty v. ;-men draws the line on that. Te lok imiu:ieulat--ly neat and presentable, and have your collar, cut! or shirt irreproachable in color and finish, bring it to Plattsmouth City Steam Laundry. " GEORGE K. ST A ATS, South Sixth St. Patterson. ' a Sr Kunsman ... SELI The Best Meats j At Lowest Prices. - ; v Note til e folluvvini; 5 Large hams. p. r lb c Hacon, per lb .". . sljc 5- Choice breakfast bacon , 12! 2c Choice . home-made t)o!ogn.i ; (not made from horse-meat fcjc S J j i ti i Sr 5 r FURNITURE amd UN DERTAKING House Fubnish!M83, STOVES RANGES. Our stoek ! iosoiIete ta all lines vl He lrvite oar fricuds to look It oter. " ll n li-.ivi.' to lase you. Call nut! see us. STHOIGHTT SAJTLEJ?, j (Successors to hury Boeck. j PLATTSMOUTH.' : - NEb- I life IN EVENING WITH THE SOCIETIES. Sever.;. Verv Pleasant Secixt and Social IC vents. MUSICAL AXl) U l HILARY TRLVT 1 i r.iM 1 i,r 1 1."' Mi iiIhI, Alorul ituil l'iii- :ti .11:111 Tli Art KxluMt Su- k riio I. of II. liiuriiiiu ; .;' Ollu-r J:v4iits. Art i:x Libit. 'i l,e 1 F. O. ni t exhibit at the home of A'vv. C C I'ai rie'.Q Thur.idaj uTLiir ing was a complete success, both from a social and artistic standpoint. 1'iaitniuouth may well he pi Oucl or t!i'o lecal talent whidi furtiishcd a display of -'-iturLfc iL.j.t'.iould;do credit J.o liny cuy. Mcodaiuea (J. V. .JvluK-ou, Wagntr, Snyder, LiviiieStont Hetulee, llowland,' ;.iid tLe jMissea I'atter.-on, .Y:iuh anil Watei tuan were ctintribut'irs of paint ings, loth in oil" and w;ter -colors. Mrs. W'liit", Mis. Ii vin g-ton and ilis-ca. Patterson ;; Waterpuyi sent lovely hrmd-paintod china, while Mrs. Klein. Mrs. Itichey and othorn .proved tin niselvus ticcdie .ai tists, the. l.ovoiy Ut';:vn and point hice work atlrhcting m:u'v ituinirei s. Tho loan from tho L'nliu.T' Home Journal of photogravure eopicss f;o;u celebrated artists1-' were artistically di-pl.yed and brought many purchasers-, a per cent of money received g' i n g to l.he 1 V society. Ices were nerved' h-oin a beua'ifuUy decorated table "in the dinuig rooiii'by ihe young lady members,- and . tho sweet music of the' mandolin ' club added lo the p'oi;uri) o ;i chafaiing evening's outertaiument. M.i-s. 1'ur inele anu tiie iaUies ol tho i: i-j. U. are to bo congratulated on their successful venture which we hopo may be -e pouted iu tho near future. -- - 1. tf II. Knt rrt4tni. Star lodge .No. 4, I), of IL. had a delightful entei tainmeut last niirht at their hall, participated in by a large majority of the membership of tb-'tt order. An excellent tuurieal and lit erary program was rendered asfollovvs Son;; Maggie Warren ioiin Duet .... l'ctcrson Sisters, Warren. and Mumiu Kccitatirin '...'...... Violet DodRe I )ttet . . .'. . . I!ci t and John' Cannack Recitation Helen Kgcnberger Music Mary Kiinlziiian lvjcivuti n I. aura Lake lit; I )ottie Harris Music Maiiie Weber onjj..' Rulaii"I Sisters Kecittion Harriet McMakuti Kecilatiou Mable l'uisall UiT Peterson Sisters Due; Mie-i I'.inlic and Iiarthow kecitat'.oii . ; 'Miss Kuland At tlio eiosi? of tlte program a hand some quilt was rallied, for -which Miss Wjtlie (iutiiton held, tne iaeky num bs;1 1KJ, ami - the quilt netted"; th soeieiy $-5. It w;is - tho verdict of everyoipj iu altendanee that- -tne s eial was a fueeess.-. ' : ; . (;. rn.aa l'i esnyt erian l-'ranen-Wreiii. 'Che regular- meetieg of the German IV-sbv! erian ,Fi-oUi;n-Vgrein was held ye.-l.. l-J-.y. ,'";jn til:, the h-un-'''- 'of M rs. i'.f.a;. ,, eprner of Fourth ami Maroi-j: .-'. rje.Vs, , -Th' n Irnes of pjCf-u.-. il .v. M'iy.' Mes damc? - S-cftrtic-.-r. Vil'ery, ' Hi'ir.ger, L.'bnlio'f,' Longer, h ('gen, : 'IVnrlmHir, ( '. .Id i:ig, fCoppi'-f,' fv'.r k lUi fn,,;-'I3,t.;iis-1'itz. Sehrooder, Rliei'nh.-icr.el, "Ohm, U'ohlffirtli,'' L-j'tz',' Dov, Hild, Reich, Rieh, TIerren ;ind Spali':;i.;' ' - 1 - A very pleismt' af'.evti'o.Hi "was' spent, trie hostess serving-' -nice refresh ments after a"fiw'y hours had; been spout in conversation. " ' . A. O. II. riittrriiiiiiiitnt.' St." Patricks day was observed by i grand ball and -Eupber. at White's opera house last '.nigh t. Thd bail w as under the. auspices of the A. O. II. society of this' city it'nd the eupperby ihe. ladies of' St. 'John's Catholic ehui-'.h. 1he Sokol orchestra fur uisl e 1 c-xcoUeat. and the supper was . ai 1 . that ,-a hungry person could desiro. The ,da,oee . was. very enjoya bio i i-.s these i events given liy this society always, arc and lasted way into tho hours of morning. : Physical Culture.. .- .. . Prof. O. F. Ernst -oL St. Louis4 the.. neV ieiM-he'r" hired by tlq, Xurnors is here and, will, proceed at. cnco to the organizition of classes, r There is .not a boy or -girl in, the city, who. would not be benefitted hv.u course in physi cal culture such as;Prof. Ernest who is- uji experienced loach er, could give'' Mental -culture, is, pt; double value If hysical, culture goes with'-it. ' Our peopie: should avvaken to its- impor tti;Crtn4 take advantage of the Op portunities afforded. '" ' Imp'-rial .Mystic I.t'lon KiitertjiiniiK'iit. The Imperial' Mystic Legion wi 111 give one of its popu'ar open raeetijgs; on Monday, March 2S, at -Fitzgerald bail. . An excellent : -program- . bfjth, lite'ry aud m usical 'has been prepared. oup.remalH-icretary l'aekard will bo present and will give one of his inter eating addresses. A good time will bo hiid which will be shared by the general public as no udmission will be charged. .; ... l ' State vs. Alt-Comb. The above case has )-een on triaH to a ju -y since yc.-terday morning and the testimony h is all been taken and tht arguments of tne attorneys are being: made -t.8- TiiK News goes to l;ess. From the testimony it would seem that a verdict of -guilty whs er tain. DRIEY TOLD; For lir! i n-uxnif'h w Thni.-hor. Full wheat to )i; in rjry Hiio Tho j)ubiic seho"ls hel hiitmo yfirs eion today on aeeourit i f h.-ul' y; jUthor. Mecum is titTil 'int'ltie cit,'' h.iving - . .... ..'.' i. conciuueu, to ruumui ii't o unui bo rt ceives money from homo lo pay 1 fare out of town. Mrs. .Miller and Mrs. MeCtuley have t'hrtffe- of tho oxchango this weoic. South side of Main street, opposite Cass. County: bank. .' i , , John OUuiore, tho. Murray banker, well known in this city, has been suf ferlng tf om trtacial pui'ulyeis, but we are glad tq note, .that .ho is much im proved and in a fair way to recover. Tho largest turkey wo ever saw w to I bo ,o"ea ;tt Hatt moat market T lctjny Cji was it beauty and weighed twenty-eight pounds. It was pur ohaspdj bv Landlord. Opelt for Sunday dinner at tho Riley. '' J.'I. Uiit'uh f-old a, big bill of furni ture to an Otoe county farmer today who showed his good judgment by coming'where they sell them tit rirht prfecs. "Th , , . , , e goods were snipped down , . ., - jver the M. '..,,. ' by freight ov t "r -rLx n:t'. .i '.' ..'.f ' . ,. ... . .. li. j . ui iiiim in a in i,e i no e i 1 1 or culls attention to ,somo. typographical h errors in his rcr.;-nt letter that we con-' fess ' weo very aggravating. The articlo was written with a pencil which was very dim, hence the mis take was not entirely our fault, t In ugh we regret very much that itattficyrred. ? f Newt Of ltoblx rH rneart U'il. f AsiiLAND, Neb., March 17. A nest of robbors has been unearthed on an island in the Piatte river about seven mites northeast of this city and near tho continence of the E.khorn and Platto ' rivers. Bloodhounds from I '.eatrice wero secured to put on the trail of tho robbers of Langan JJros.' 6 tore at Cretna Tuesday. They fol lowed to the Platte river and wero then taken to the inland. Tho ollieers placed two men under arrest and took theui to Papillion to await trial. l tit: e-:,t An Ui!lei .:;.( c '.' ;j ho' tyled I .ii;:'i .. as little blicliV,.:.-: rfs I ; P ; der to rai. ;i e;. -'.; e-: u,; farther oi; t!:e r. a.l Shako.-peiiie t lab for .tUo .1'. r-:i;:i;;it. i t.i a i:t, aii-' i t or !i to hjip he i rop-. d a li-ui'ary diver- fiion of the ei? i us. ''It's . like iho.e tb-::y ha.vo in the cities," he explained, "and if you folks want to kci p up with tho procession yon must have rue too." About a dozen applied f"r meniher ehip and -were in tho liall early, wait ing for tho professor, who was lato in getting there. ..-..j When ho did arrive, after stating the object of tho meeting, ho proposed to give them samples of Shakespearean act ing, lie began with Hamlet, then tac kled Macbeth and Richard III. ' There was no from his andi enco while ho was ptrr-piring through the Various acts. In fact, the audience was serious very serious and ho in ticed little groups f )ri.i-!r: here auj there aud euj;agij:,'? in whispered con versations. Finally a man went f, took the professor by the arm -and s-si J: "You'd better :- come with mo, paid-' Bar- . -UoiVt be afr-ared; . wo ain't w in-j : ter .hurt you.. It'sall for your own food, ? o.jcme eri.o:jg now. ! "What do you meau?." adked tht : frighfehed proi'essof. ' -'"That's all right, panhicr. Jest come t)rr quiet; an ytm'll tin' ont what we're atter. We ain't gwiuo ter tie yon onless we has-tsr. " . ' -. Ey;this time several .Lad hold of him, and ho was hustled cut of tho building to a room ,iu the rear oi' a grocery store, where he was guarded by several citizens iuntil morning.' Then he wa3 taken be fore the " ordinary cf the county undei fnll'guard." ; 1 - - 7IIosotio er them thar-lunatics what jnmped the : asylum late ly, ".fcxplained the Epokpsman'bf tho crowd.. "The way ha went on in the meetin las' niht vu2 orfnl pitthin an reaiin an holltrin ail his hair like, be wanted ter git bis head off. , Wo bad tor keep liijn un der close guard all nip'Ut for tear he'd bnrt hisself. " ' " : ! . '""I know all erbot.-t, it," said tlie ordixthty.' "I wnz in th mtef iii lrjy'sc-lf; but escaped early. What Lave you got ter say.-fer yeistlf, sir'-"- -' ' .. .'.'I was onlj- trying to' form a Shak-es-peare club, when" . ; . . - "It's" my .opinion," iuterrnpted. tin ordinary,1 "that v.' hat you needs most it a hickory club. ' I'm goin . ter instruct this here jury ter fin' you guilty oi .lunacy lu'the fust dcyrce, an may th( Lord have mercy on your sonl. ' You'll kill somebody ef yon ain't taken keeron, an now that we've got yea we're gwiut ter beep yon." -. It was in vain tho primmer protested. He was "a gone case,'.' and if the high judge of the county court.hadn't arrived inst in the nick of time and civen hilt! ten minutes' to leave town be would L have, boarded the next train for the lunatic asylum. Atlanta Constitution. Dovey's Iric-H. Doveys have been in business here for more" than' a quarter tf a century and Dover have they sold shoddy or inferior goods in all these. years. Ihe pirices they quote in the' big ad in this paper may seem like they are too low for the class of goods thev carry, but they are the result of close buying and a determination to sell more goods at c'oser margaias. It wiil pay jou to read their ad and inspect their goods. -Se-il Iotatoe. -For -sale fine early rose, early Ohio and other choice seed potatoes at- '--:W A. H. Wkckhach & Co's. Kl-ctIOu Nolli. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the oth day of April, lS'.iS, nn election will bo held at the following named places: , First ward Perkins House. S.-cmid ward Turner Hall. Third ward Jones' livery barn. Fourth ward Anheusyr Husch j 1) 11 i I .! i 1 1 i'. re- irjrfr- ,js T'ifih ward II u:h'rt grp. ery store . ..For thu election of the followine uam.'d olliero: Mayor. Clerk. Treasurer. . Police J udge. , Two members of school board. One eijuneil ruau for First ward. One eouncilmau for Second ward. 0!,,f5 counctluian for Third ward. Ope c'ouncUmau for Fourth ward. Que councilman for Fifth ward. V'Said election will be opened at U o'clock a. m. and continue open until 7 o'clock j). m. of said day. John A. Cctsciik, Mayor. 11. C. Ki-JUt, City Clerk. A thrill of terror is exporiencod when a brassy e' ugh of croup sounds through the house at night. Hut tho . terror soon changes to relief after I i One bruute. Cough Curo has been 7.. .' j J,j ron F. J. Fricko &, Co, You can get a dollar hat at Tucker Sisters for ex? n t h . C'oitic early as wo have but few left. si-. rit:?l. A iiiif-!irriaLreliiib1(;s lir.iiivirtiirof di-lv ln,r. ljUi-iidinir, wvjjX Curriatres of liar nc-sn cfm buvn deSHttHiltyi KprMliiii; for thr lartro. freo eatalofifTftf the I.lkhart Carriuyro II, llr g T-li l - , , nuu xxuruess jj.ii;. eA r.iujiari, iuu. WHITE'S OPERA HOUSL, . II. .. Wllll'Ii, Ajiniijc'-. ONH NKSI1T ONLY 1 - Friday, March; 18 HXUAUKMKNT i 1 1 . " i-t - ' ' rrrz & webstuk's (1KK.1T COMKUV CO., I'rrsfiit liK the .Tolly JNIusiial Comedy, "fi. BREEZY TlfflE" Timed Up to Date. Newest Music Sonffs ami Dances. Casino Saloon Head quarters for the Host Ueer Ou Earth, As Proved ly the Greatest Medical Ex perts iu this C unti . a ixi is Giving Special Attention . thin Year t-i'th IlLST P 'A NI. liOTTI.LU Hl LIi. .- -t-r . . T-. . m Can Alwavs ! illd :-l Full Supply of i. c i 8UDWEISER And Other Brands Which Will Be Sold Very Cheap . By the Case. ' The " Public : Has Shown Its Appreciation of Budweiser by the Fact that Five Hundred Million Bot- . ties Were Consumed Last ; Year. . ,, . . ' Delivered to Any Part of the City. PHIL THIEROLF; Proprietor. EAxelsior iMeat Market ' BEST OF EVERYTHING In the meat lire can be found at M. L. Johnson's formerly 1'etersea's , M EAT MA R K ETo Alain, Bet ween Third and Fourth St. Cx-erj-thiirj; Frfi.h null of the Kent La iialty. Care ful . Atrrnt ion to tne Tral? nl ttitr Mont so na I lie l'rii-r. M. L. JOHNSON. CHRISTIAN SC ENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew IJuihling, Flattsmoutli, 'eh. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday, 11 a. m. H.lD.,,BARR ..JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.. Fire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collec tions Given Special Attention. TOtun Acres ol School bauds for Lease. The ill b'CS4 6 B WHY?- We have just received tho nobbiest line of Spring Neckwear Hats and Caps Ever shown i - The 'eope's Clothiers. P. S. We are just receiving a grand line of Spring Suits and Pants, at popular prices. That's why you should step in a minute. ?VVlf?'?V!'-8"l?VV1frV '.I?. '!'. "Tll r i iyS' sifji irv,.'f.Tcr".'T-s The Maine Disaster has caused., What will be the out come of it? Time will tell. . In , the .meantime share part of your attention with us, for we have a pleasant. surprise in. store for you in the shape of the finest line of , . ' . VESTING TOP SHOES That American Skill and ingenuity can produce. ?TIs true wo don't sell everything from a beefsteak to a yard of calico, we give'our undivided attention to ' ' S H O E S-- G OODSH 6 E S And forty years experience goes with every pair that leaves our store. Some stores get fancy prices for their op-to-date goods, but we make a uniform frofit on ail lines, - consequently wo will 6ave you 25 or 50 Cents, on every pair of our newHIMMKo, BLACK or tOLOUEU hiioks They are beauties and hav such pretty Coin Toes, but they won't coot a much coin as you might think. Come, let us dress your feet properly and you will ... get Ease, Pleasure and Satisfaction. ' ROBERT SUES A. .. THE LEADERS . : IN TfiE GROGERY TRADE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. fTIIICY cafry the largest and most complete line in 'Cass 'county. BEvery- thing fresh and new. They pay c ;sh fir our goods and give their custo mers the advautage of special discounts. A eompileto lloe of canned goods always in stock.' Tho only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see Ui. " ' ' ' . A. H. WECKBACH & in Plattsmouth. JL m WHAT Excitement What Talk WOOD, .FOOT MILLINER K E Waterman BIk.