Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 09, 1898, Image 4

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    The Department Store
In the Grocery Department Is Now Open:
19 Lbs I3cst Granulated Sujar
20 Lbs "C" Sutfar
Crackers, Per Lb
Lamp Chimney
Argr Gloss Starch
Arfifo Corn Starch
12 Lbs Navy Beans -12
Lbs Scotch Peas
Lb Horseshoe Tobacco -Lb
Star Tobacco - -Lb
Battle Ax Tobacco
Lb "6 for 10" Tobacco
Lb J. T. Tobacco
California Prunes, Per Lb
10 levant Kasins, Per Lb
3 Packages Parlor Matches
2 Lbs Oatmeal
12 Lbs Oatmeal -
1 Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
1 Lb Bon-Bon Baking Powder
1 Lb Calumet Baking Powder
1 Lb Pepper - -
10-Cent Sack of Salt
15-Cent Sack of Salt
Lemons, Per Doz
Lemon IOxtract, Per Bottle
Vanilla IOxtract, Per Bottle
12 Bars Cudahy Diamond C Soap
Coal Oil, Per Gallon -
SI 00
1 00
- 05
- 15
A TKUCOUAM from Washington in
dieatos ibat Jc.lin C. Wharton of Oma
ha will bo U. S. attornev for Nebrask
by appointment of the president in
few days, to succeed A. J. Sawyer o
Lincoln, time expired April 1
Mr Wharton in one of the clovores
and ablest voting lawyers in tho 6tate
and hia appointment will ive genera
THE Lincoln grand jury has brough
in an indictment against Eugene
Moore, charging him with embezzling
money from insurance companies, and
enumerates ton companies fr m whom
he has taken $250 each. Mooro wa&
arrested and gave boud. In his nex
trial ho maygnot get out so easily th
supremo court may not find anolhe
excuse lO servo in turniug him free.
TiJK long looked-for opinion of th
supreme court of the United States in
the Nebraska maximum rate case was
handed down yesterday, and, as every
one Knew from the start, the railroad
won, and the law is. de-elated invalid
on tho theory that it attempts to tak
property without due process of law.
John L. Webster got a good fee fo
representing the state, but aside from
that nothing has been gained for No
bruska. A justice of the peace nee
not have been especially good a
guessing to have correctly foretold
what the result of the final hearing o
the case would be.
Everybody Welcome at the New
Department Store
Special Trice In Wall Paper For
the Spring Trade: ,
Nice Kitchen Patterns 3c per Roll
Nice Bedroom Patters 4e per Roll
Nice Dining-room Patters, 5c per Roll
Nice Parlor. Patterns, Ec per Roll
All New Styles We have
a few'Remnants at4still Lower
Prices. Also everything you .Paints orOils at the
Lowest Prices.
Druggists land WallPaper Dealers.
TLbc Smith premier typewriter;
B9t Value drfHng Machine. wk
fias all the Latest Improvements,
popular Because of JIerit.
Nost Durable typewriter JIade.
premier Buyers do JVot experiment.
ttXrfte for JSew Hit Catalogue free.
Vhc Smttb Premier typewriter Co,
Syracuse, Jf . Y C. S. H.
Omaha Branch Office, cor. Seventeenth and Parnara st.
The Casino Saloon
Is Headquarters for the
Best Beer On Earth,
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
perts in this Country,
and is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to the Best Brands
of Bottled Beeh.
You Can Always Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
Budweiser by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
Delivered to Any Part of the City.
1898 ART
Over 500 New Patterns
From which to make your selections.
New Floral, Silk, Cretonne, Chintz
Deift, Denim and Stripe elTects fur
Parlors and Bedrooms at 3c to lOo per
roll. Beautiful and high class Tapes
try, Damask, Colonial, Embossed
Leather, Louis XIV, Empire, Moorish,
Rococo, Byzantine, Marie Antoinette
Stripes, rich Floral and Satin effects
for Parlors, Dining Rooms and Halls
at 10c, 12c, 15c. 18c and up to 40c per
Orders taken for afsingrle room or
for your whole house.
James Pettee, Agent,
Opposite Postoffice.
U 1 PPni F Prnnrlptnr I lY$
Clnaue and beantifV th htfc
Promote m luiuriant groV
Ht-ver Fail to He "to re Gray
III" to it. Youthful Co or.
Clir. lp diM bair tailing.
BOc.nd f 1 "I at DrurgiW
The silliest rot we have heard from
Lincoln for many moons was contained
in a dispatch in thi3 morning's World
Herald, which said Governor liol
comb, who is one of tho most abject
corporation tools which ever held the
office of governor, is going to call a
special session of the legislature to
pass a new maximum rate bill since
the old one, which has always been
ignored, has been set aside bv the
federal supreme couit. The people o
Nebraska are not simpering idiots
even though their votes at the las
state election might indicate an in
clination toward paresis. In the flrs
place a maximum rate bill is not spec
ially needed we have lived and pros
pered without any such measure hav
ing been enforced, and it is not likely
that the governor would call a specia
session of the legislature to pass a bill
for which no demand is made. The
idea of Ilolcomb, the corporation
best friend, trying to embarrass his
masters is too ridiculous for even pop
consumption, and the World-Herald
ought not presume too much on the
ignorance and imbecility of its
yvak witn &pain certainly seems
imminent. The president has asked
for an appronnation of $50,000,000 for
war purposes and congress, it is said,
will grant it without debate or even a
dissenting vote. A prominent demo
cratic member from the sooth com
mended McKinley's firm policy and
insisted that party lines were obliter
ated for the present, as no man should
forget his Americanism. The strong
arm of the government, renianted an
other political opponent, must be up
held even at the cost of life and treas
ure there is no other honorable
course to follow. The entire country
seems to breathe a martial spirit, and
is getting on a war footing. Every
powder and munition factory has been
running night and day on government
account. Even the packing houses
are putting up a class of canned meais,
we are told, suitable for government
use. bpanish scoundrels blew up the
Maine without a doubt, and that
country can not pay an indemnity, be
side matters in Cuba wi:l soon compel
intervention on tne pari oi mis
country. To a conservative observer
war certainly seems near at hand; the
drift of affairs is in that direction and
nothing short of an improbable back
down on the p rt of Spain will avert
the calamity which will cost the lives
of many of our best people.
Gardening Time.
Bennett & Tutt have just received
large invoice of package and bulk
garden, flower, grass and clover seeds.
sweet peas and nasturtiums. Seeding
time is near at hand and vou should
make your purchases while the stock
is complete. Seeds are all fresh and
prolific no carried-over stock. Re
member Bennett &. Tutt.
What pleasure is there i'i life with
a headache, constip u'on and bilious
ness? Thousands experience them
who cou'd become perfectly hca-Jiv
un'ng Do Witt's Li lie Enrlv- Risers,
the famous little p? 's. F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each table.
At Schiappecasse's.
A complete line of choice tropical
fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters
served in every style at his old stand,
opposite Bank of Cass county.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John B. Hoimes,
This cause came on for hearine upon the Deti-
ion of Frank M. Voune. as administrator of the
estate of Jolin B. Holmes, deceased, and the re
turn of said administrator to the former license
issued herein, and application of said adminis
trator for an alias license to sell the southwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13, in
town i range 2. in Furnas county, Nebraska, to
pay the debts of said estate in the sum of $2,-00
and the costs of administrating said estate, there
not being sufficient personal property to pay
said debts and costs of administration.
it is. therefore, ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the otlice
of the clerk of the district court in the court
hou-e in Plattsmouth on the ltfth day of April,
1H, at 2 o'clock p. m.. to show cause why an
ilias license should not be eranted to said ad
ministrator to sell so much of the above des
cribed real estate of said deceased as shall be
necessary to pay said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that notice of said appli
cation and of the making of this order be given
II parties interested in said estate Dv publishing
codv of this order for four successive weeks be
fore the day of hearing in the Semi-Weekly
Dated this 8th day of March, 1S98.
Basil S. Ramsey.
Judge of the District Court, Second Judicial Dis
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
For lire insurance see Thrasher.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
Wull paper at 3 cents per
Gering & Co's.
roll at
August (iorder is doing business in
Omaha tod iy.
Get Wash-a-Lono soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
Jas. Luckio of Louisville did busi-
ne-s hero today.
John E. Morgan, tho Mynard mer
chant, is in town.
U,00() pounds of tho Quest axle grease
on earth at Gordor's.
Tho B. & M. is putting a new roof
on its freight depot.
Have you tried it ? What? Wurl
Bros.' "Gut Hoil V"
Insure in the German American
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Fresh ginger bread at Ilolloway'a
Wedn?day8 and Fridaj-s.
Before buying come and see the $20
fai m harnets at Gorder's.
Boston brown bread at llolloway's
on Tuesday and Thursdays.
The best 5-cent cigar that can bo
made is Wurl Bros.' "Gut Heil."
Ed. Wooley Esq. of Lincoln is read
ing old familiar signs about town.
Sam Kline moved up to Cedar Creek
and will farm up there this season.
Constable Denson was today ap
pointed bailiff to the district court.
Sheriff Wheeler is in the west part
of the county today serving papers.
Wo publish all the news all the
time. Now is the time to subscribe.
Ed. Parriott, of Howe, went to Ora
aha today, after a few days' stay here
E. A. Kirkpatriek of Nehawka was
interviewing our business men today,
Attorney Douglass of Weeping Wa
ter is among the legal lights hero to
A first-class farm harness our own
make for the low price of $26 at Gor
John II. Catron, a prominent capi
talist of Nebraska City, was in town
Sherwood, the shoe man. is trim
ming his window in a ver3r tasteful
1. W. Teegarden, the Weeping Wa
ter druggist, was swearing in court
this aft.
The general favorite amongsmokers
of good cigars is Wurl Bros. "Gut
S. II. Fisher was able to be out yes
terday for the first time in three
C. O. Stevens has so'd his residence
property in South PaiK addition toll.
F. Petty.
Hon. J. II. Broady of Lincoln is at
tending court as an attorney in the
Decker case.
John Ferguson, the Louisville liv
eryman, was looking about the court
house today.
The Masons and Odd Fellows build
ing is undergoing repairs at the hands
of L. G. Larson.
Postm ister Madison, of South Bend,
was in Plattsmouth today, looking af
ter legal matters.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Barnes of Weep
ing Water were attending court in the
Decker case today.
George E Dovey his been ill for the
past two days and unable to attend to
his business duties
Geo. I.erger and daughter visited
the Cass county metropolis today tn
usint-ss and pleasure.
All patients get weil who have their
prescriptions filled at Gering &; CrV.
up-to-date Pharmacy.
I. Pea -iraan is having his tenement
house on Ptarl and Third streets put
n good repair, for rent.
Don't forget that Coleman, the jew
eler, will remove his stock Wednesday
to the Ililev hotel block.
Mrs. Wm. Bellville, living on South
Sixth street, is reported quite ill, and
has been for several davs.
Pettee's music store and piano de
pot, is headquarters for the latest in
nice sheet music. Call in.
Jonathan Hatt's btby, which has
been quite ill is decidedly improved,
the News is pleased to know.
Mike Morrisey will go to Butler
county in a few days, where he expects
to engage in the grain business.
Does your bicycle need a new tire or
a new rim, or a spoKe, or anytningr
ebnhoff Bros, will repair it, and do
t right, too.
T. H. Toliff, F. O. Robinson, John
W. Kinser, W. A. Paterson and the
Pearl Steam laucdy add their names
to our list today.
C. S. Jones, a veteran demo pop
politician and orator cf Lincoln, was
n the city today swapping lies with
the country savers.
Dr. E W. Cook was called to Cedar
Creek last Dight to see one of George
Horn's children, reportrd dangerously
11 with bronchitis.
Harry Northcutt, alias Bean Bum-
mell, of Nebraska City, came in yes
terday morning tQ, begin the term of
istrict court as reporter.
The News printsV large iiumber of
ample copies this evexjing.and should
j-ou receive one please consider it a
pecial invitation to subscribe.
T. Frank Wiles is having hia resi
dence repaired and fixed up in good
hape. We are not willing to guar
antee Frank's continued celibacy.
The pops will hold their masj con
vention tonight, when the slate, as
given in Sunday's News, will proba
bly be completed. Then look out.
LINCOLN, N El!., 0,-e. 'JS, ls'.n. Mkssks. Smith - I 'a km km:,
l'lattTiiout h. Neb. Dear Sii: Find enelnt-cd $1 for whirh
serd two boxes of Dr. Black V KIJKl'M ATJC (XJtE. '1 his i a -n-- of
longstanding. Ihccuiuis proving very s;itif utoiy. I think two
more boxes will establish a cure. I could sell a liumbi-r of s in
this city. Yours Truly, CI.AItLES DEAN.
Tho above came to us uiiso. icit d ami goes to provo that DH
BLACK'S HHKUMATICCL'Hi: is htill at the head of tho pn.c.'-sion.
We are prepat ing it in pill form, which uinUes it inoi u pit a:mt to l.-,Ko
than as formerly made in liquid form.
Smith & Parmole, Druggists,
February 28, 1898. Commencing today we will give
our customers the benefit of the low prices on groceries.
Remember our GOODS are all FIRST-CLASS. Try us,
Bottom Dropped Out
On 1897-Grown .
Two Packages Garden Seed, 5c.
Everything else at bottom prices.
Now is the time to repair your Spouting and Tin Roofs, he-
fore the rains bc4"in
We Have Something New
In a door lock that will last a life-time : lias no springs;
works better and costs less money than a spring lock.
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware
store of . . . .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb.
Now is the time to have your bicycle
repaired. We do all kinds ot repair-;
ing, and guarantee our work.
Lehniioff Bugs.
Judge Spurlock today gave Henry OT Mti CPS
Snoke, aged 39, and Mrs. Kate Ad;.m?, j
aged iiU, both of Ji.agle, Derrnission to j
paddle tho same canoe henceforth.
No item is too small to bo of inter
est to 1HK JNEAVs readers. Jog' s- 1 1 i i .
your memory and give the reporterUclI UtJfl ctllU T I tJ 1 U
all the local happenings you hear of.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. "W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Frank L. Gregory, grand regent of
the Royal Arcanum, will be in tho
city tonight to address the lodge. All
members are requested to be present.
Miss Carey did not give her dramat
ic entertainment at v nite s opera
house last night, the attendance not
beintr sufficient to wan ant her in do
ing 60.'
Jap. Young, the apiarist, frays he
has lost but two or three ttar.ds of
bees this winter, bis colonies having
gone through the told weather re
markably well.
Miss Nina Tucker departed yester
day for st" Joseph, where she will pur
chase her spring millinery from one of
the largest wholesale bouses west of
New York city.
Robert Drursdow, better known by
his nom-de-plutne of "Bobby Shafto,"
is in town on business. Bob will not
go to Cuba on account of "pressing"
engagements in Omaha.
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others
for a few days, but Herbine cures.
Lewis Micka, the fellow arrested a
few days ago for shooting inside the
city limits, appeared before the police
judge last evening, plead guilty and
was fined $5 and costs, the minimum.
Gus. Wiedeman of Murdock has
purchased the east half of the Gorder
block, this city, from Z. Spencer and
may some day become a resident of
the town a fact that is pleasant to
Wm. Bailey has instituted suit for
forcible entry and detainer, in Justice
Archer's court, against his son Chas.
Bailey, to remove him from a farm he
oocupies, about five miles northwest of
Children and adults tortured by
bums, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin
diseases may secure instant relief by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It is the great Pile remedy. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Don't annoy others by your cough
ing, and risk your Ufa by Delecting a
cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. F. G.
FricKe & Co.
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
EST rirrs for Wedding, Funerals or Pleasure Pa-tle-, etc.
attended to protnptlv. Terms reasonable. Cnsh preferred.
rates Telephone 76.
!H. B. W. D."Jones auctioneer all kinds of boocIs- ow.-J frtn
disposed of
Hack ordcrt
Calland get
Ko.77. Surrey Hran. Price, $16.00.
At food m Miij for
bat have 10H direct to the con
sumer for i yera at wfaole prices. MTinjr him the
ekler profit, snip any
here for examination-
errthinr warranted.
1M ft r lea of Vehicle,
5 style of HiniMi.
Top Bnzziet, f t' f 70.
Snrrev. $Saj to i 125. Carria
ge. Phaetons. Trapi, War'-n-
ettes, Sprinjr-Koad and Milk
Wajron. feend fur large, free Ho. n Surrey. Price, with eortins. lamps, mb
Cauuogu of all our styles, soade, apron ed fenders, 60. As good as seas tor fAl