Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 09, 1898, Image 3

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    - -
And Left Creditors, to Mourn
His Flight, ( i.iloiv.
tkansi lnii-;ht()aI.viii-:lio.
l-lrn ! ot k Crou it II inn "" Maker
Hie HmiH. If llnin Mix ar-
t ai t c r( i n m n p'vfit
i H her I ,(H-il I I . '!
l-'rom l.:iMt Nit;lil'H Num
Tliin r 1 1 i ( f i i 1 1 y :iti(iul, 1 oVi !; . i.i"ht
poi iiai, M ii I'l'n.y , lii n rl ii ii1 i - in' 1 1' l li''
11 i ley smith of I. i Vn I 1 lua n a ! a M -iliir:
hl.Dii;. J 1 ! hi.i I "1 t i-.i in i! I i V ii :i ii i !
Ii.ivk ll li n r l litili lion-':. I I i -
iiii-;uipi vvfii- .i--.ii.-ci. t.iiiisin s ii'!-
liiil!; wp.1,1;, tii; niliciT ;i'iu tcl ! h
niii'i Mi'l 1 1 1 j u i r 1 1 w ! j ; 1 1 In- v.-.i- ilui:i"
nl. t h;i t 11 11 i-;i sun .1 i 1, 1 In 1 r with :i I : in
anil vviiL'on, In tliii' uhmit jut as
though Hi is w 11: (; I In? 1 a (I :iy.
'I'lns 111:111 w:i- I J. S. Ilorlo'i, a. Init-no-M
inalifr who vi r.i- iivly ilis-
c!iar!.l from tin; cl;iily of AnH.-t
(Jonli'f. Hi- i 11 foi iin d ill'! i-Hit-r thai
ho was making iin-taw at.ions lo move
out of town ami iii-kid him to inform
Mr. I '1 a rl ma 11 that. In; woud him
l.vcr ;i! nut next Tin-nl iv, rha( -.
lli)' ton was 111:1 rri d hut. a short
tirm; 11 timl mi ii-h a --ml a harm- hill of
household 'Oo'Ib from Mr. l'earinan,
trivinu' i' mo ! L'ar'! on them. Oiliia-r
Murray eoneliided tin- f. How ha l it in
h is mi nd to o-.-t, t he ds out of town
and leave the furniiure 11:111 tohohl
the Hark. Tim otiua-r aroti.ed Mr.
I V.arlmai,aiid t he two enlleim n pro
ereded to the house ocimi iii'-il hy Nor
ton, Wli ri they arrived then: they
found It's johiots hail llown, talcing
with him eonidt rahle of tho house
holil oixls.luil lo'ivins.'" nil upon vvhii-h
I'oarlman had the inortyam.'.
IIo left tin! key to the house with a
neihhrr arid a note for I'oarlman
t-ayin-j thai he wouid iiiform him tic-xt
Tuesday where to bliip the oods lie
had left behind. It is said quite a
number of bu-iness im n nioui ii his
liepaituro to the amount of 'ste.en
dollars or .- eaeh.
IVrforiiiiiiicc I'ohI joii il.
That it is possible for one p m-sou to
present a play in which lilteen char
.icters t ike part, as :cc otably as if
each character were re re-cnted by a
partieuhir individu il, w ii he demons
trated to the people of 1 VaUsmouiL
on Monday evening next ; I tlie opera
Mrs. Mattie Quiim Caiy. dramatic
ontertatm r and rnonoloue artist,
whosti eiiiieinent was an iioimead for
tonight, had postiioiied her ftiital
until .Monday evening. S!ie w i . 1 then
recite Victor Hugo's eelo') rated
drama, "Angels :nd the Aeiiv a-.- ot
l'jidua." The see no ef the r.iay irf '.ln
city of I'adua, Italy, duriiiir the time
that I'adua was a dependency oi
Venice. The fifteen characters are
entirely uitl'erent, one from nr.other,
in passions, manners and life; the
story is thrilling and i.itens.-ly,'.
This p'.ay has been pre
sented by the greatest e.u uieiits of
diamatle art in Lotiilou as we'll a
New York.
Lovers of hi;h e'e-ss ea-ert lininont
in this city may lie assur a of a s,den
diu evening next Monday at a price
wilhiu the reach if all.
KloiuUkt-r Ilt'iinl From.
The I'iattsmouth boys who recently
started for the Klondike country have
been heard from at Seattle, where
they arrived in eood health and spir
its Tuesday. The letter stated they
would sail for Juneau either Friday of
this week or Tuesday of next week.
At Denver a few days atro, Mark
White, one of the party, purchased
five New Foundiand dojs to take along
on the trip. The boys say that Mn.-k
forgot himself and imagining1 he was
in I'iattsmouth, proceeded to show the
boys a hot time by giving them a cir
cus in the streets with his dogs. The
police ran Mark and tlie dogs in.
Mark hal a good time while it lasted
all the same.
Arrt'stnl l-'or Shooting.
Joseph Sobesta today filed informa
tion before Judge Archer against
LowisMlcka with promiscuous shooting
inside the city limits. The complain
ant averred that on several occasions
bullets from Mioka's gun had come un
comfortably near him and ho feired
that sometime he mijrht be dispatched
forthwith to the land where they don't
shovel snow, hence the complaint.
Judge Archer will a ljust the mat
ter this eveniniT after the rhons close,
both men being employed there. The
ordinance- provides for aline of not
less than ." nor more than
Notwithstanding the many social
events that occurod last evening the
Christian church was again crowded
to hear the brilliant young evangelist,
II. A. Lemon. II is sermon, " i he
Church," was tine of ir,ot interesting
addresses that has been heard in this
city for many months. Three more
people one gentleman and two oung
ladies went forward to tho alt :r and
promised to follow the teach ings of
tho bible. This m;:k s fjfiy people
who have been eonveitjd during th se
Wall I'upcr t" Kverjboiiy.
II. I. Beach is agent fur the largest
wall paper house in tho world, that of
Alfred I'eais ef New York. He has
an immense line of samp.vs and will
sell paper very e! o ip and of excellent
quality. IIo will call on jou with a
beautiful lino of 9 irap'r.'s.
Two Vell Kuowii sitHtt-finvn
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end of a cnr. Pe. haps the
use of Foley's Honey and Tar w ill ex
plain why they could ao this, without
injury to their voenl organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & 1'armele.
Sa 1 11 nl.ij 'it w t
J. Trout of 1 nan in tlie
ci'o .
J-,. II. Mtte,-.. r of tin; I'ir-l National
bank of ( i 1 e 1 w nod was dii; ;; bu-i-m.-
. Inji e today.
Mr. and Mr-. ( ha-i. lilcoey rejoice
ovi-r liin trriva! of a new at iheir
!.o;ne in 1 .on isv i 1 !.
Sin nlT he. 1. r h .d h.s lb st o!
-lie of real ostat'- today-- the Kennel',
farm r i ; 1 ' r u w ood.
There w 1 1 . be a sersbo foe m'-n
or. I v at 1 he ( Mi ri-t. an ehan h .iiinday
'.. ,.- I,
III II III F'i.. 1 b WV. H IV.
Mi'i. ( .'. I J.ii-r vv ill do .:." rp t weii vni'.r
at h' r In in-- vves' of ill.'li .-ehool hill.
Vv ui'k done, ina i.e.;l man:. or.
. i '.. I' ,k aid Wife of Line). 11 a: e
rijoicii e- iv r tin: airival of their
!ir-.-t heir a sevi n pontic trill.
( oi. I rie .- do'.v ard L. -'. Vi!soii r
turaed tn Oiiiiilia this afterii' on, but
p omi.-o to be in the city a train Mon
day. I". ). i Job ii -on a 11.I Fred Crn-or
enj ived themselves in Omaha yesti:r
day and reiiu-ned bi.-t ni-;ht via tin
M. 1'.
The st r. ct commissioner turii'-il tin
hiiv.: lone on Main strict today anil
eieaned t lie pavement of a vst amount
of accumulated 1;! th.
Mrs. 1-Tizalii ta (ioodwin, who ha
l eeu ill for a lo'.er time, we refiat to
learn is not ,71-0:' tly impiov '1, in fact,
she is not q'.jite so well today.
The March lei 111 of district court
will not convene in this city until 2 p.
m. Monday, when a call of the docket
will be. made.
The 1 h -il bloom Pharmacy is prepar
ing torn )e to Iavid ' i ty to entiaire
in busine.-s. Wis regret to see this
linn leave us, but wisli them HU- Ces
in their new held.
Speaking of the clock judgment, it
is hi tTrest' d that the only recourse;
the county ban in the matter would be
upon I ho ex-county clei k w ho dcliv
ered the warrant to Wiokersham not
strictly in accord . nee with law.
Mr. Joe Sharp arrived from Lincoln
yestt rday with a number of laborers
and twenty-.-ix teams to wo: k on the
fill of the ',. .V M. bridge Mine teams
will arrive about Tuesd iv when tlie
fen co will be swelled to a hundred.
riK.Msoi i.oiMii ix:i:i:i:st.
Who wants to light '.
I'rai-oCud fi om whom all bies.-ings
Hulk" coil'e at the. Department
.-d ore.
Tie: infant son of J.-hn llat.t is so- 1-
ou-1 V ill. i
On the quiet,''. C.t.'oliev is a pret y
;.:i''1 li'-'.ii. j
The IK-p-ir! meiH store is a very!
poe-ular ol'iee. !
The D epart merit store i- doieg a
ru shi ug b:isi ::e-s.
A frican Jaa colVco -" cent-, at the
Dep. ! :tllK'il' Si.. 1' i!.
Til!", Ni'.W's is rothing if not enter
iirisit g ' h s !'-,o- i.i. g.
M;s- ....:dio Smith lias i;e rceov
erei! iroe.i her hee ilLiecS.
Th"; llaveleck sliops have ju -t com
pleted a m v; engine No. .77.
S. L. Sr-ars of Abhiaud w a-in l:atis
moulh today on 1- gal matters.
Uio e oi'eo, le, lli and 17 een's. the
best, at ihe Ue';i rUm-nt Store.
Watch our s:.n ke and see if we are
not alw is le;uu is in enterprise.
Geo. I'o w i ; I complete his con
tract with the M. I', at Mynard oti
M onday .
Ti e town w-'s very ivaceabie last
night. Not a j g was lo be seen on
the streets.
Y. D. Crawford, piar.o salesman,
is spending .Jjnday with his family
in Lincoln.
Ij. C. I'o1: lard of Nehawka was cir
culating about 1'lattsmeuth business
circles yesto:diy.
Japan tea, 50 cent grade, 2-3 ceuts;
75 cent Gunpowder, 48 ceDts, at the
Department Store.
Mocha and Java coffee 23, 28 and 32
cents; choice I'eabury coffee 25 cents
at the Department store.
I-Vnuk O'Xeil is down f.-c-m ITave
lock' to pass Sunday with hi parents
and his tootsey-wootsey.
M M. Ueal, who Lin been ill for
several weeks, has so far recovered as
to be out about tho street again.
Dre-ses cut and il t free at the De
partment store. Call and see. This
offer good for one week only.
On entering the Department store
you can see the smiling f. ices of I'iatts
mouth young ladies behind the
count :r.
Judge Kanisey is ; t home from Ne
braska Ci'.y, who-o lie closed up his
February term of court and ad journed
siae uio.
Arthur TollifT sports perhaps the
handsomest pair of i:ev sox in the
city. He is decidedly artistic in
his ta-tes.
Miss Mati'.J 1 Vallcry liaished a
successful term of rchcol in the Hom
ing disti ict yesterday with appro
I'iate exercises.
Mrs. '.3. A. Street returned la.-t
night fioui Des Moines, where she
went tii purchase go ;ds anel replenish
her stociv of nlliinery.
Tlie firm, which was co'd
Saturday tit sheriff tale, was pur
chased "V s . il. 'Mcokr of Green wood
for L'L""j. It consisted of 1G0 acres.
Cu-b'er Freeman of the First Na
tional, Lincoln, was in I'iatts
mouth yesterday on business con-
necttd with the tbe Jansen-Lewis caie
Geo. Anderson and wife have re
turned fioii Ouawa, la., to make this
city their home. Mr. Aiideion
employed nt 1 'e p pel bu rg 's ciga r store.
Miso -s Nettie Wa bi ight, Harriett
Sullivan, Gi ace Ibitt, Mabel Johncn,
Alio li ter-eii, Fli.ibeth Leach and
IdaJu-c!m are all employed at tho
Department s'.oi e.
A ga-.g of ten tramps lit d' upon
us today but hb:f I'i t .patrieK iravo
them the "grand billy boo" arid they
iinin 'liiately w tit straight up. No
time here, f r hobos.
J. Petersen sold lib; fine driving
team today to Julius Ilellickor and he
will take them with him to bin i.ew
home at lC' irney, so as to be able to
throw uu-l in tin; boys' ccs
Tin- K'nights ; n l Ladies of Security
'lhuioiay niht h. 1.1 a meeting iiiid
initiated lifl'-en new metnlx:rs into the
niy.ii .1 1 f k n i ghthood. This order
is e rowing riipidlj" in thi city.
An interesting preparatory servic )
w;is held la-t eve-nil. g at the Presby
terian church. Communion service
will be held this morning" at 11 o'clock,
conducted by the. p isier, Rev. Dr.
li 111 d.
The incan descent lights went out
last night about .S.15 and the .mer
chants were very much annoyed
thereby. Whoever was at fault for
this break certainly needs a good
jackinir up.
The men w ho got up the lirst issue
of the morning Nl-AVs aside from tho
regular editor are Harry lluckins.
Will Lenfer, II. G. Kobine,Gus lihodc,
Harry Newman, Sam IIolYman and
Oakley Polk.
Clark Newh n, one of Center pre
cinct's best farmers, is going to move
to Saunders county in a few days
where he will continue to till the soil.
A host of C-a.-s county friends will re
gret his departure.
lvev. 1 1 ay ward of Hamburg, Ja.,will
preach at the M. K. church Sunday
morning and evening. Mr. Hayward
is a lluent gentleman and the public
will be highly entertained in listen
ing to his eloquent discourses.
Wescott x Son yesterday fitted J. C
Petersen out with an outfit for his
Klondike trip. He will leave next
Thursday for tho gold fields aceom
par.ied by Kd Oliver and two gen
tlemen from Wyoming, the Messrs.
A sick tramp crawled into a room
adjourning JudL'c Archer's office yes
terday afternoon. When he found he
could not work on anybody's - inp iihy
he was not long sick. He was en
roll t a from Uurlii.glon to Omaha and
had two hale companions.
Mrs. Charles Fordney is home from
the ho.-pital at Omaha where she has
been receiving treatment for several
days- sho having b -.n sull'ering from
1'i-rvoiTs p: ost ration. She is regain
ing her health nicely and her friends
hope ere long to sea her entirely well.
Will Di cckiow, one of Center pre
cinct's hustling farmers, drove in to
town a distance of twenty-four miles
today to do some trading with
Piattsrnaulh mere harts who advertise
in the Semi-Weekly News, which,
like must of his neighbors, ho reads
regit! a.- iy.
Sneaking of a new department store
reported to be SoTetod by Ilayden
llros. in this city in the near future,
tho report is current that this big
Omaha linn is negotiating for the
purchase of t he Fitzgerald building
for the purpose of opening1 a big
V) ranch store.
Dr. C. A. Marshall and wife re
turned home last evening from Uur
lington, whet o he was called thelhst
of the week on account of the death
of his father, who was buried at tne
old home cemetery, 17 miles north of
that city. Dr. Marshall's mother was
quite sick, but he left her slightly im
proved when he camt away.
The I'iattsmouth Kdition.
Mr. C. Halph Brinton, jr., repre
senting Campbell's Illustrated Jour
nal, tho widely-known Journal of
World's Fair fame, and which has
located offices at Omaha, is meeting
with encouraging success in his pro
pect of writing an illustrated history
of Plattsmouth and Cass county. Mr.
Brinton is meeting with tho earnest
support of our leading citizens, especi
ally those are possessed of substantial
and sightly residences, and also of the
city council and board of county com
missioners. Our live and up-to-date
citizens are embracing this rare op
portunity of putting to the front
I'latlsmouth'o inducements to the out
side world of inventors who are con
stantly looKing for a location in which
to invest their rnaney.
The Journal which Mr. Brinton re
presents, has its circulation amongst
boards of trade, real estate exchauges,
trust and banking1 associations all
over the country, thereby reaching
the class of people with whom we
should be brought in contact. Camp
bell's Illustrated Journal gained a
reputation for his publication during
the World's Fair at- Chicago, being
the only publication to receive an
award of honor for high-class illus
trations and authentic histories con
cerning that great exposition.
Tho publication is now being de
voted to the f urt herence of Nebraska's
interests, and no bett.r time than the
present, n ar no better medium than
Campbell's Journal will ever be given
tuo people ot this community to put
before the g: eat mass of people who
will visit the c mmoawcalt h, just such
inducements as ihey have to oiler for
an investment of capital with a sure
return of go id profit?. It is the duty
of erery business man and private
citizen of I'iattsmouth to do all that
is possible to make a creditable show
ing of our city and county's resources.
aDd nothing will do this so well as to
have our principal business block--,
private residences and attractive sur
roundings fully portrayed in the
Tho illustrations ar c all copper en
gravings of tho highest order, and the
Journal, aside from its virtue as an
advertising medium of the ci'y's fu
ture, is a work of art that may bo
kept as a souvenir of tho Omaha
'I rans-mississippi exposition, of w hich
it will give a oomph to history, to
gether with high fius ongi avmg of
each building und exhibit. Mr.
lbinton has nearly completed his
work here, and should be liberally
aided to secure all available material
for this most worthy undertaking.
A Horn liHrut-t -r Kniili r.
Prof. 11. J. Ulack, who is will
known in this city and who at present
is in tho seu'h, was rec -ntly at his old
home in Vinton, la., and the Cedar
K ipids, la., Republican, in speaking
of his remarkable ph rono'.otrical trifts,
says: "Prof. II. J. l!lack,of Nebraska
City, Neb , spent last evening1 in the
city enrouto for his old homo in Vin
ton. He was a guest at the Grand
hotel, and a number of traveling men
and citizjns, including Col. 11. (J.
Ingersoll and party, invited him to
the parlor for an entertainment of
phrenology. Tho professor was. in tho
best of spirits, and for two hours en
tertained the company most royally,
iiis wit keeping the company in a roar
of laughter. At tho close Col. lager
soil approached tho professor, took
him by the hand and gave him tho
following compliment: k'Vou are a
natural born reader of character; you
have the divine spark, the touch of
nature, tho poetic and pathetic in
tuition that cannot bo acquired by
study. 1 congratulate youe You
stand on the threshold of a great
career, as you are the best reader of
character that ever canio under my
Professor Hlaok has been in I'iatts
mouth several times and always made
a'good impression on those who saw
any of his work. The last time he was
hero he furnished amusement for the
court house crowd by roading tho
character of each otlieer and several
attorneys. He has promised to return
to I'iattsmouth at an early date.
Tlie Kiujj'H llmilht ern Kill ertsiin.
There was considerable method in
the madness of tho "Mad March
Party" given last evoning by the
King's daughters at Mrs. Agnew's.
It was decidedly original in its get-up,
but most entertaini ng in all its feat
ures. The young iadies and many of
the guests were dressed in old-time
costumes and a program consisting
of music, recitations and an oid-fash-ioned
spelling school were pleasant
features of the evening's entertain
ment. Tlie refreshments consisting of
delicious ices, s.indwishes and tea
weie served contrary to the estab
lished order of precedence, to carry
out the idea of its beinr a Mad March
party. Every one had a good time as
the crowded parlors up to a very late
hour testified, and a nice sum of money
was realized by the young ladies in
charge for the church.
AV-re Nicely l-'.utertHiiieit.
Miss Alice Shipman, a member of
the senior class of the High school,
entertained the other young ladies of
her class from 3 to ( yesterday after
noon. Elegant refreshments we:e
served and ihe dining table was beau
tifully decorated with pink roses.
Talismanic souvenirs were placed
at each plate which was supposed to
mark the future of tho recipient, and
much merriment ensued when each
read her future lot.
The following couplet fell to the lot
ol one of the young ladies, which
seemed hardly fair: "Full oft shall
thou employ thy art, yet never cap
ture laddies' heart."
Miss Shipman, assisted by Mrs.
Shipman and the latters sister, proved
splendid entertainers and a more en
joyable afternoon could not have been
desired by fair the seniors.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely tha best remedy
for all diseases of tho Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & 1'armele.
Whooping cough is tho most dis
tressing malady; but its duration can
bo cut short by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, which is also the best
known remedy for croup and ail lung
and bronchial troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, Ii. W. Pursell of Knitnersville,
Pa., was cured by using a single box
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin
diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples
and obstinate sores ate readily cured
by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke
& Cc
liargains la Fine Hogs.
Thoroughbred Poland China male
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Cali
on or address J. G. Uichey, Platts
mouth, Neb.
Woman's Club Meeting.
The Travel department of the
Woman's club, Mrs. C. C. Purmele,
leader, furnished the program for last
evening's meeting. The topic for the
evening was most interesting1 and the
pajjsrs were carefully prepared,
showing study and research. Mrs.
Travis talked about the gold Gelds of
California; Mrs. Rowland about the
"Gold Fields of the Ilocuies," while
Miss Guss had "Alaska."5 for her sub
ject. Mrs. Wise read a short essay on
the 43 .'rs; Mrs. D.ivis gave a talk on
the "Oid Overland Trail"'; Mrs.
Newell on "Death Valley," and Mrs.
Hetold an instructive paper on
"Methods of Mining." Some busi
ness was transacted and the club ad-1
A Great Bargain 440-acre farm
near South Bend for. $25 per acre.
Address It. B. Windham, Platts-
outh, Neb.
Providing They Can Ajree On
Division of Spoils.
Itou't Know .luot Wlit-rv 1 li-y Arc At
I'lumiiiiK t" I l'turf C ity 111 --
A New t hur-h Klill- In
l-w OiIht KvrntH.
A meeting was arranged for last
night at the ollice of J. M. Leydn, of
the populist and free silver republic m
wheel horse-, to discuss the feasibility
of uniting foi ces in the coming1 city
campaign, with a view to capturing
all the lucrative city olliecs, and pos
sibly winaugurat ing a new system of
government for tho city of Platts
mouth which would revolutionize the
financial, commercial and social sys
tem of government from stern to
gudgeon. The so-called free silver
republican and populist leaders got
together und talked matters over as
to the best methods of saving tho
country, capturing tho offices and dol
ing tiut jobs. Tho boys evidently had
not compared notes, and were not cer
tain as to just what tactics to pursue,
so after "chewing the rug" awhile,
adjourned to meet Monday night,
when it is presumed ttiey will lay
their plans to capture everything in
sight at the coming election.
From the insido we learn the slate
is practically made up as follows:
Mayor, Dr. Cummin.-; clerk. Dr. Lis
ter; treasurer, M. Morrisy; police
judge, H. D. IJarr; councilman First
ward, W. D. Mes.-sorsmith; Second
ward, Andrew Dili; Third ward, John
Cory; Fourth ward, Kobt. Vass;
Fifth ward, J. D, T.utt; City Atto. n jy,
J. M. Leyda.
May Kn i t a UuililinK
At a meeting of the board of trustees
of tho M. E. church last evoning,
steps were taken looking toward tho
erection of a new place of worship in
the city. A society that nas paid off
a debt of $11,000 in one year, as was
done by this congregation, is certainly
desoiving of a handsome edifice in
which to worship. We note with
pleasure the evidences of prosperity
attending this organization, and wish
it success in its new enterprise.
A 1'lfnsaut Hirtlulay.
Mrs. I. l'earlman gave her bright
little daughter, Ida, a birthday parly
yesterday afternoon to which quite a
number of her little girl friends were
invited. It was Ida's eleventh birth
day anniversary and she and her
guests had a g( od time. U hen a
News reporter .ooked in they were
enjoying a feast of good things to eat wou.d make a newspaper man
envious. Mis. Peariman was assisted
by Margaret Wan en and Edna Peter
son. The guests were tne Misses Hernia
Spies, Louise Drummond, Clara
Johnson, Helen Dovey, Nellie An
thony, Helen Sherman, Pauline Da
vis, May and Edna Petersen, Gretchen
Donnelly, Nellie Gault, Maggie War
ii n, Jessie Oloon, Blanche Robertson
;.nu Ike and vViilie I'-arlmaii.
Our Sunday .iiirum; Killlliill.
TllK Ni-AVS greets nearly 10,000
leaders this morning in a special edi
tion, which contains the latest tele
grrphic news, together with amelunge
of interesting happenings about town.
A Sunday morning paper is a new
venture in this city, and we are not
sure that we can afford the added
expense, but if our patrons appreciate
our efforts to the extent that it is not
a losing venture, we will make The
SUNDAY Mouning News a regular
Successful merchants who have
something to sell seek the best me
dium to reach the people, and only by
their patronage can a morning paper
be sustained in this city.
lit-publicau Committee Meeting.
The republican city central commit
tee met Saturday evening and talked
over the date for primaries and con
vention, but no time was fixed, the
matter being left open until Monday.
The best of feelinc prevailed, and the
certainty of the election of a republi
can ticket at the county election was
conceded by ail
St. Luke's Church.
Divine service at 11 a. m., and Holy
Communion, Sunday school and Bible
class at 2:30 o'clock. Bible class after
Sunday school; divine service at 7:30.
Wednesday and Friday evenings at
7:o0 o'clock.
Chapman Kevrsed Again.
The supreme court has shown slight
regard for ex-Judge Chapman's legal
opinions and at every sitting where a
Cass county case was up for the last
two years has reversed him. The
latest case of Mr. Chapman's got the
following treatment yesterday:
Cooley vs. Jansen. Appeal from
Cass county. Reversed ard dismissed.
Opinion by Cnief Justice Harrison.
1. The title to lands of which a
man dies seizol which he has not de
vised and which during his life and at
the time of his death was the home
stead of himself and family vests in
the widow for life and remainder in
the heirs exempt from any liability
for the payment of debts existing
against either the husband or wife at
the time of his death except such as
exist or have been created of the
Kinds and in the manner prescribed
in the chapter of the st itutes relative
to homesteads; and this is true
whether she after the death of the
husband occupies the property as" a
homestead or not.
2. The right of an administrator
to possession of the real estate of
which his decedent died seized arises
from its being subject to payment of
debts of the decedent and is not of
force relative to a homestead.
Notice of Sale.
In the illilriul Cuiirl nl Ca n cunly, Ni l r.iik a.
Henry I'.iki-iilai v, rt al,
The Citirii li iiik 1 ( j
riatlsiui.iiili.Ni-!,., i t al. I
Niliv.c is lu-ii'liv K'',,,i ini'lt-i an.! l.y n
tne nl tin- 'I'h u-e i.l the 1 1 m i i .1 1 le I;, s
Kamsey, jinle ul theili 1 1 : t 1 inn', li'.i-lr n " 1 1
l.iliuarv L'Sth, A. I). l"'.'s, 111 a aul ) l il t ;' 111
tlie il 1 s 1 1 1 1 t 10111I ( t al.v iimiilv. N I i .1 i. .1.
ulirreiu lleiuy 1-ik. nl.. 11 v i t al, w plain! ill, ami
J lie t itueiis hank nl f 'Lit Kim ni I Ii. Nil .1 ,e k .1.
el al. ilcleml ant ami w li 11 li (Jei ire oi len ! Mini
directed the reieiver nl the said bank, luidei
Minned. to publish t r thirty iLv and then seli
tin- leal eslate hereinaltei de--i 1 ibed. 'I 'iir to ald order the under -miih-I 11-1 1 iv 1 will
on the Kt d.iv ol Man h. A. I I..I"'.'-. at In nYlm k
a. 111, at the south door ul the imiit Motive 111 tin
city i,( 1 Mat t sin 1 u th.t ais 0 lint y , N' hi .hi a. olli-i
lor nale the follow inn desi 1 died land, i: 1 l,e
northwest iU. liter NV't)ot se'tnui eighteen
the s-onthwrst quarter ul i-iti"ii
seven I 7 I, the west ha;lVVi, id the southeast
iiiartei ll'i) "I seitiuii seven I I. Ihe 11 nth
east iiuaitel M'.'i ol the Muithi-.i t qu iit'i
I M-a , mm i ion sewn IT, the noithw-st iu.utei
I .N '1 I ol the south we ! iuai ti r 1 1 "t ' -t
ion cin ht I s I al i in towuhiji eli wn II I math
ranee toiuteeii I I , 111 las lonntv. ,Ne
biaska. heii.t; a pail ol the as its nl
sai I l.'iti.ens, dcleud.iii t. Siil '-'l .11
liens and 1111 11 ml a a nee. . t said s.i !e l;.ls will I h
received eithei lot cash. 01 not le-.sthan SI .'.MO
condit loned that tlie pu 1 l h ;e e pine shall l e ap
plied upon iinapal ol i l.imis now entitled to
dividends, the highest ol wimh lads on ea h
Class wall he repoi ted to t he com t lor d 1 let t n ms, ol said lad wall In: a cepti-d.
Dated this loth dav ol 1- ln u.i 1 y . Is'.-h.
t '11 A ki.i s t;. l'.l Mill.
As Receiver of I he 'Hiens Hank ol I'latts
111011th, Nebraska.
liyron Clark, Attorney.
Notice of Publication.
John M. Riser, l'laintlH 1
vs. I
John Kiser. John .
Ainick and 1 :1111a A. j
Aiuick, his wale, and
l-.slher S. Heller, de
fendants, j
Tlie defendants, John Kisei. John YV . Ainirk
and I. aura A. Ainick, his wile, and l-.sthi .
eller, will take notice that on the Hid d.iv nl
l'eln nary, lM's, John M. Kiser, pb.intitl, hied his
Cetition in the district court of t ass coiiiily, Net-ask
a, nuamst John Kiser, John W Amick and
l.aura A. Ainick, his wale, and Ksthcr S. Heller,
the object and prayer ol whicji aie to have a
certain quit claim deed w hich was made by John
Kiser, ilelendant ill this suit, who had no title,
riht or authority whatsoever, and deiivi ied to her h. 1 1 el ler, detendan t in this suit, on the
following described real estate, to-wit:
HeKinniiiK at a point (L't) tvvent y-1 h 1 ee
feet west of the south - east loimi
of lot Hum her einh t ), block mini bet si st y h ve
(tWii in the city ol eepin W ater, l ass county,
Nebraska, and running thence mulli sixlvlive
(115) feet, thence west twenty-one (-11 J feel. them e
south sixty-live (K feet, ami thence east twenty
oue (L'li leet. to the point of beeininn, set aside
and declared null and void, ami the cloud upon
the title of plaintitt, caused thereby removed, and
for juduinen 1 for costs in this suit, ami for such
other relief as justice and equity may repniro.
You are required to answer this petition on or
before the 21st day of Maich, isn.
Dated February 7, John M. Ki.m-.k,
liy M. S, brings, Iiis attorney.
Sheriff's Sale.
ISy virtue of an order of sale issued by Ceore
F, Hon sew or t li, clerk ol t he dist rict coin I, within
and for (lass county, .Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the 12th day of March, A. I.
lsllM, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of I'latt -mouth,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the h ih -est
bidder for cash, the ol low inn real estate to-w 1 1 :
Lots lilteen ilal and twenty (:Jo. in section seven
(7). township twelve (1 ),noithof ranne loiirteeii
(14), in Cass county. Nebiaska, toncthei w ith the
privileges and appertenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appurtaining. The same be
ini; lev ied upon and taken as the propei ty ol
John keulanJ and wife, Lena Keulaiuf, and James
M. I'atterson, defendants, to satislv a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C 1'armele,
as receiver of the Citizens bank of I'iattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintilt against said defendants.
I'iattsmouth, Nebiaska, Feb. 1. A. I. l-".is.
VV. I ). Will i 1 i k.
Sheriff, ("ass County. Nebiaska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebras-ka.
In the matter of the guardianship of M.le.K.
Smith, an incompetent pel son . 1 o v h - an 11 111 a s
concern: Notice is hereby given to the sai-1
Miles K. Smith, imcoinpeteiit, to M. Smith,
guardian, and to all oilier pel ons interi-st'-d.
that (ieorga;. VY. .rimes filed heiem leb. ll.IVis.a
petiiion alleging among ot her 1 ii ings t hat he is
sure ty on tlie bond of tlie said lai M . m it h : 1 hat
neither the said t.Ii M . Smith noi any "I his pie
decessors, as guard i a 11 of said incompetent, have
ever made a settlement u it h the com t oi proba e:
that by reason of alleged negligein e. there
is danger ot liability to the ward on said b aid.
1'etitioiier prays that Fli M. Smith may la
cited to appear in county couit and render a lu II
account iu said premises: That pi-tit ion-r be
discharged from liability upon said bond: I hat
the said Kii M. Smith be required to furnish a
new bond, or. in default theieol that said Sin it h
be removed from his trust as guard. an ai.d that
another be appointed in his pane: th t the ac
counts on tile oe settled aid appiovcd ai a t 1
other equitable and pmper rebel .a - la- pi - , .-
You are herebv not In. a ilia a 11 g a ; a . .1
had on said pet it ion March 2-ii'l. 1 -IH. u.Z h
p. in., and that if you fail o appear upon : .1 ;
date and contest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer of said petition and make such
other and further orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court may seem proper m the premise.-..
Witness my hand and the seal ol said court,
at 1'lattsniouth, Nebraska, this, the 1st day ol
March, A. IJ. ls'J-s.
Gi;ok,i:M Si t Kiaa k,
(Seal) County Judge.
Chattel MortKaJJi" i'lK-
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on th:.-"nd day of
1HH7, and duly riled in the ollice of the county
clerk of 'ass county, Nebraska, on the :rd day of
June, 11)7, and executed by J. S. Good to 1. '.
Davis, to secure the payment of seventy-live dol
lars, with interest thereon from the 1st day of
June, 197, at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from said day, and upon which there is now this
-Ind day of February. 1MI7 due the sum of $Ni. 10.
Default having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law
having been instituted to recover said debt, or
any part thereof, therefore, I will sell the
property therein described to wit: Three-fifths
interest in twenty-five acres of corn on the west
half of the northwest quarter of section 1! in
town 11, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska, which
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on the south
west quarter of section lx, in town 11, range 13,
Cass county, Nebraska, and amounts to about
i'-iii bushels, at the crib and in the crib at said
place in Rock Blntfs precinct, in Cass county, on
thelstday of March, la", at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., to satisfy said debt, with the costs
of advertising, caring for and selling said prop
erty. T, V. Davis.
Tuesday, March 1, 1898
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska
Myrtle Kuttiertord,
Walter Rutherford,
Defendant .
Walter Rutherford, defendant, will take notice
that on the ittth day of January, 1S'., Myrtie
Rutherford, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer ol
which are to obtain a divorce from said defen
dant, upon the grounds of willful abandonment
and for a failure to support the plaintitt for more
than two years last past, and for the custody of
her minor child, Clara Elizabeth Rutherford,
aged foui years, and to quiet the title in and to
the plaintiff !s estate.
You are hereby required to answer said petition
on or before the 7th day of March. Is'.i..
Dated, this the 'Mlh dav of January, lKis.
By Chas. L. Graves, attorney for piaintitt.
Sheriff" s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F.
House worth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, I will on the 2Uth day of March, A. II, 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at the south door
of the court house in the city of Fiattsmouth, in
said county, sell at public auction, to the l.:g:i
est bidder lor cash, the following real estate, tt
wit: Iajt 4, in block IJ, in St.les' add:tion to
the city of Fiattsniouth. Cass county. Nebraska,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John Swoboda. defendant, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by Charles C.
Farniele. as receiver of the Citizens bank of
Fiattsniouth, Nebraska, plaintiff against said do
fendant. Fiattsniouth, Nebraska, Feb. 12. A. D. lH.
W. D. Wheeler.
Sheriff, Cass County, Necrasica.
By J. D. McBnde. Deputy.
Byrou Clark, Attorney lor Receiver.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. f
In the mat ter of the estate of Ilc-nry StoII, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of ail persons against Henry Stud,
deceased, late ot said county and state, will be
received, examined and a ijusted by the county
court al the court house iu I'iattsmouth. on the
trth day of September A. D.. lsyx at & o'clock in
the forenoon. And that six months from and
alter the llrth day of March A. D., lsiis, is the
time limited for creditors of sail deceased to
present their claims for examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand and seal this Hist
day of February A. lsvm.
rc ,! George M. Sflrlock,
l;'ealJ County Judge.
Shenirs SIe.
Ily virtue nl an order of nalo liiimd hy (ni(i
1 1 ni-.. a oi li. Mi of tho 1 1 ii net court, within
mi I I a I ... . . ... ts, ,ei,i n,k, mul to modi
ii-itel. 1 wain. 11. I h li-, of March, A.
at II o'iI.m k a ... I sai.) iUy nt ha
south door of Ihe lo ml feu 1 iiiliieiilynfl'latta
nioiii h, 111 sa id 1 .unit y, nrll at public Murtlon, t
the highest ladder lor la h. the following rcl
estate, to-wit.
I.oii 0110 and tvvol and '.'. In block rlen
( 1 1 I, 111 l .11 1 1 h addil mil I 1 tin; city o Werp
111 v alei . ( ii" i i on nt y , Nebia-k , tnet hrr with
t lie 'i iv i.eges an t appui teuani en theieiinto b
longiieoi in any wl e appui t,inlii((. 1 h nam
I, 10 Icvu d upon and taken uh the property ol
Ala e li. .speii y, el ol, defendants, to aallKfy a
ju Ik inent ol said loin t rrcuvnred by Frauds N.
tiibson, plaiiititl, ugaitiftt aid defendant.
Fl.ittsmouili. Neb., Feb. P', A. D. ll.
VV . I ). YY'MKKI.ftK,
Mierill, Cai Couuty, Nebraska.
I'-V I l. Mrlliide. I'rpuly.
1- . 11. Wo.iley, Attorney lor Francis N. Gibson.
In the disti n t 1 unit of ( a-i county, Nebraska,
John Johnson, r , by his guai
1I..111, l.iij.ih I-,. I'lniiips,
cm. 1 M. Skiunei and I111H
b.ind, I iei a ge . s-kinnci.
I (eh aidant-, will take im! 1. e that upon tlm lith
il,H i.l lu i niii i-i, A. II. Is',', the plaintiff hind
h i . pit .1 1011 111 the dist pi t emu t of ( a in c ou ll I r ,
.Ni 1 1.1-k.i, the ul'i'-i I and player of which was to
set a 1 le a di i d lioni pi. until! to ilelendant,
cm. 1 M Sk iniiei , w h 11 Ii pi'-lended to ( unvay to
ii 1 lot two rji in block sixty ihire 111) Ip tha
1 it vol Weepiutr Watei, I ass county, ISebratka,
and to set aside ami annul said (feed and tha
111 ind thcn-iil, an it appeals III book ill. puga
1 1 1 ul the deed iei old ul l'a-.H count y,Nr lira kit,
and I'M an ai 1 oiiutiug of 11-iitH collected by said
dt-leii l.iul and to levest the title ol said lot tu
plaint III.
And Im fuithei equitable relied you are re
q 1 u ol to an vv cr said lu titioii on or befoia tha
-th day ol Maich, A. 11. lliH.
John Johnson, It.
I: V his guaidiaii. l-.lijah I-:. 1'hillips.
Hv his al toi m-y , llyion t 'lark and J. A. Kawla.
Hated i el.iuaiy. Is, A. D. IMI7.
SherifPH Sale.
liy ii ttie of an older of sale, issued by Geo. F.
I loiisi wot 1 h, cleikof the district court, within
and lor I ass county, Nebiaska, and to me dl
ii i ted. I vv ill on the L'l'illi day of March, A. D., at 1 1 i, ( ,m k a. 111. ol said day at the south
door nf the coin t house in Ihecity ol I'iattsmouth
111 said county, sell at public auction, to tha
highest biddei lor cash, the following real astata
to wit:
l ot four If I in bloi k one I in Stilri' addition
to the city ol liattsmouth.Cass county, Nebraska,
logethei with the piivileges and appertenances
theieunto belonging 01 111 anywise appertaining,'
the same being levied upon and taken as the pru
peity ol John Swobodii. defendant, to xatisfy a
piilgnicnt ol said com t recovered by ChailasC.
Tanni-le as n-ieiver of the I itlens bank o(
Flat tsinoiit h, ''ass county, Nebraska, plalntlll,
against said defendant ami John Keller.
I'iattsmouth, Nebiaska, f-ebriiarv IU A,I)..1HI8.
Sheiilt, Cass county, Nubraska.
Ily J. 1 ), Mclinde, I leputy.
liyron t'lai k, Attorney lor 1'laintiti .
N ot lee of I iKlcbtC'lliieas.
The I'iattsmouth Water Company, a corpora
tion oigani.ed under the lawsol the state of Ne
biaska. Ihe I'iattsmouth Wider Company hereby
give not 11 i- that the lollowing is the list and
amount id all the existing debts of said corpora
tion on the hrst day ol l ebiuaiy, A. I). 1B8,
name! y :
l irst mortgage M per cent bonds ol the
Water Co , inteiest payable semi
annually. ( hi. 1st and Apnl 1st 112.1.0(10.00
Aciiued inteiest on the same
1 axes
Total $1 to.wi.ia
'Ibis notice is given in compliance with the
provisions ul 1 banter I'i of the compiled statutes
ol the Male oi Ncniaska.
I has. F. Fioiv, I'resiilent,
Hi.nkv M. 1'i.i.Mi K, 't reasurer,
T. II. Fiii.t.iii k. Secretary.
Fd ward Ii. Mai tin,
Fdwaid F. Allen.
Majoiityot Board of Directors.
rrolal' Notice.
In county court. 'ass count y, Nebraska.
1 11 the ina ter of the estate nl John Frederick
Stall, d ( eased. Agatha St 11 II. John Jacob Stull,
(Im I n l. 1 i k Stull, Christian Lawrence Stull.
Ana. 1 Amelia Monme, nee Stull, Henry Stull,
Mai -a 'gat lai St 11 II and all other persons inter-1-
I' 1 111 said niatiei, aie heieby notilied that on
tla- .1st d y nl l ibiiiaiy A. D., lulls, Agatha
Mni!. I i en 1 y si u II an 1 C. Lawrence Stull hied a
petition in sa d lounty (ourt, alleging among
other things hat ohn I rederick Stull died on
the I t dav of Januaiv leaving no last will
and tesi in, eiit, and ponsessed ol real and
pi is onai estate, and that the above named con
utaie.tll the nelsons interested in the estate of
aid o'eieased. and praving for administration
theieol. You are heieby notified that if you lail
to appear at said ourt on the "i 1 st day ol March
A. I . Ki, at 1 o'clock p. m , and contest said
pet. lion. the 1 on 1 1 will appoint C. Lawrence Stull
or some other suitable person administrator, and
pro eed to :i sett li incut of said estate. Witness
my hand and the seal 0! said court at Flatts
1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 , Ni biaska, tln:i the Htli day of February
A. I I , IX'-.
, , . 1, Gi oi'i.i. M. Sri; k lock ,
' 11 1 Count y J udge.
.m.I ice nf 1 nili lilciliicss.
'Ihe I'latt mouth Gas and I lectric Light com
pany heieby gi ves not ice t hat the following is the
list and amount ol ail existing debts ol snid cor
poiation on the 1st day of l ebruary A. L)., 181(8,
name! v:
I nst mortgage, fi per cent, bonds of the
i'iattsmouth Gas V Llectric Light
nun, uny, interest pay able semi-annually,
June I and December 1 $.'),0O0 00-
Acciucd inteic-s.t on same 300 00
Total indebtedness 130.300 00
This notice is given in compliance with the
provisions ofj chapter sixteen ol the compiled
statutes of the state of Nebraska.
J. G. Kichkv. Fresident,
S. IJ. Hovkv, Treasurer,
C. D. Jones, Secretary.
Majority of Board ol Directors.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
1. Don ver express 11:18 pm
"'. CbiCiigo ex press 12:41 urn
Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, St Louis, all points
south 9:40 m
4. Locai oxo, dally, liurllngton,
Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am
10. Local exp, oally except Sun
day 1155 am
b. Local exp. daily except Sun
day, I' ac-lfic Junction 12:30 pin
30. Frei.' ht, daiiy except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2M pm
2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur
lington, Chicago and all
points east 5:30 pm
13 stub from Junction to Platts-
inoutti, 6:15 prn
U. Local t-xp, daily, st Joe. Kan
sas City. St Louis. Cblcano
all points east and south.. 825 ptn
5. Local exp, daily, Omaba,Lln-
coln, Denver and interme
diate stations 7.32 am
Local freignt, daily, Ornaha. &:50 am
z'x Local freiht. dany, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creen. Louis
ville, South liena 737 am
7. Fast mail, oally, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:22 ptn
3. Vestibuied exp. dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, Black Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W. 3:43 pm
9. Local exp, daily except Su -day.
Louisville. Ashland,
Waboo, r-chuyler 4:00 pm
11. Local ex p, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 4-59 pm
17. Local express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
iseats free) on through trains. Ticket sold
and La:;?a--e checked to any point In the
United states or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT, Ajrent,
Plaltsmoutb, Neb,
J. KKANCF.H. Gen. Pass. Astt.,
Omaha. Neb.
No. 1 :50 - rn.
0.1 ......lLSl a. m
No. 11, local frel-'ht 4.04 p.m
TiiAisa onisa south.
N'o. 2 10:43 p. m
No. l-i. local freii.i. 7.35am.
No. 10 Pm.