Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 09, 1898, Image 2
?e Semi Weekly News-Herald L13HED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS S ... BY T1IK . . . jVS PUBLISHING COMPANY, I M. P. POLK, EDITOR. I DAILY EDITION. ;e Year, in advance, r 00 Months, . ". Week, sgle Copies, 8KMI-WKKKLY EDITION. ie Year, in advance, . . . 2 50 10 5 $1 00 50 j x. Months, 1! k LARGEST CIRCULATION I Of any Cass County Paper. lNA write-up of tho candidates for ingress on tho pop and democratic do of the house in the Ilee recently, ril the promising statesmen who have Wirations were named except our "Matthew Gering, who was cruelly loft 'ut. Matthew must not neglect those 'jnces of his this early in tho fight. THE First National Hank of this ;.ity ia one of the strongest financial , nstltutiocs in the state outride of 'pmaha. Its latest statement shows deposits reaching nearly $200,000. with 'bash on hand of over $70,000. Since ilho Dovoys secured a controlling jn itorest tho First National has secured Btanding that is very creditable to ftho city. I THE government court of Inquiry "looking into tho causes of the Maine explosion is evidently having a good time and leisurely" prosecutes its in fvestigations as if the anxiety of the whole country about the matter wore not to be considered. The board had better get a move on itso'.f and give us the facts very quickly or the pres sure at Washington may force th president to dismiss the court and get something besides fossils to look into the mattor. s A LONDON newspaper comforts the ; Spaniards with the statement that if i war is declared by this government the south will secede again and the s Spanish dons will have an easy 7ic tory. This is too ridiculous to think about, for nowhere is the war spirit 60 rampant and the feeling against Spain so intense as in the south. It would be like u southern ofiicer said the other day, if the Spanish army ever landed in that part of the country the polico would run the sol diers all in for disturbing tho peace THE Journal's side contributor has begun his usual political slobber about Boss Polk and tho deep laid plots which are charged up to him. The "siobber editor" is very fearful that Judge Newell might be nominated for mayor, as he would not bo a nickel in the-slot candidate, and there would be I no rake off. Such a man would not 1 suit that coterie at all. If Mr. Newell cares to accept the republican nomi nation, he will be elected against any candidate the democrats can name As to senatorial candidates we know y . , j , . , uuuujui: auu i,ut7 iuro. Secretary of State porteu is quoted as having said " the crooked est republican in the state would be i an improvement on Edmisten, who I was without doubt, the most corrupt man in tho populist party." ThiDgs I must bo frottinrr nrettv warm about j 1 the state house when a prominent pop official can thus call down a corrupt member of his own fang who has the nerve to actually be a candidate for governor. The time for another change at the capital, is near at hand when the Edmistens, Dahlmans and Herdmans will have to go. Republi cans only have to name a clean state ticket and it will win from top to bot tom. The people have surfeited on bogus reform and long for a little old time honesty that is not of the dress parade variety. From Bradstreet's report we glean the following which shows what Mo Kinlev times mean, and ought to make the calamity wailer swallow the lump in his throat and go to work. The report eavs: "Failures in Feb ruary have been smaller than in any- other month, except three of the pre vious five months, with remarkable decrease in the failures for $100,000 and over, though in number and amount the smaller failures show less change than might have been ex pected, indicating that in good times or bad a large proportion is due to causes apart from the general condi tion of business. The ratio of de falted liabilities to payments through the clearing houses is but $1.71 per $1,000, a lower rate than has appeared in the first quarter of any year except 1SS0 and 1881, of the past twenty three years. The best evidence of general improvement is the fact that payments through clearing bouses for the past week have been 28 per cent larger than in 1S92, and outside of Now York, with its speculative in terests, 17.6 per cent. Compared with last year the gain has been 56.2 per cent for the week and 49.8 per cent for February." INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. John McCarty, the man who ex pects to start for the Klondike with J. C. Petersen and E. A. Oliver of this city, is a resident of Wyoming, in Otoe county, and last night he had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire, losing about 800 bushels of grain, all his farming-implements and harness "The reindeer and attendants for the government relief expedition to Alaska are en route over the country from Jersey City to Seattle in a spe cial train," said Willard M. Hoyt of Milwaukee, lnct night at the Millard, 'which consists of throe tourist sleep ing car, two cooking and eating earn, ten box cars loaded with provisions for tho deer, and twenty-six stock c.irB. The train is moving in two sec tions. There aro in tho party 113 persons, including tho government odicors in charge, tho guides for tho several expeditions into tho Yukon country, and the Norwegian, Finn and Lapland attendants and their families. Five hundred arid twenty-nine rein deer, in excellent condition, fill tho stock cars. Tho train is being run on a special schedule and it will in all probability reach Seattle Monday morning. Thus far tho reindeer seem to bo good railroad travelers, as nothing has occurred to causo untie" cer-sary stops " IJeo. m The Nebraska editors who .'ire now in tho south on an excursion t ur like that section so much and so well that they concluded to prolong their visit and extend their visit to Florida, which state they will orobably buy and maintain for a game preserve. Fremont Tribune. Pearl Mapes was at Ilavelock Wednesday morning and visited the B. & M. shops at that placo in quest of a job. Ho was there long enough to see one man get his lip cut open, and another man got a leg broken by the machinery, and ho soon came to tho conclusion that ho did not want a job there. Elmwood Leader. A Kansas wino company last week shipped a quantity of wine to Leipsic, Germany, an incident entitled to rank with the recent shipment of golf sticks to an English fccity. :. After, while the Florida cigarmakers will begin ship ping real Ilavanas to Cuba. Ex. Miss Libbie lieach returned to her home in Plattsmouth, after spending a week here. She commenced clerk ing in the new department 6tore Tuesday morning. Nehawka Regis tor. Deputy Sheriff J. D. McBride drove over from Plattsmouth Saturday after noon, accompanied by his little daugh tor, Fern, and remained until the next day. Mac took his second de gree in the Odd Fellows lodge Satur day night. Nehawka Register. The town of Bern, Kan , was almos totally destroyed by fire Wednesday v ith such a name, little else could be expected. iv stiiion agent tor tne is. & JU. in Phelps county,received injuries while trying to set a defective brake, and in a suit against the company he secured a verdict for $9,000. The case was ap pealed and on yesterday tho supreme cour t affirmed the verdict obtained be below. Mrs. I. F. Travis went to Omah Saturday to spend a few days with he sister. She will stop at Plattsmouth on her return and visit Mrs. H. D Travis. Weeping Watar Republican Thursday while Will Wendt was working his new coal find one of his mules slipped and fell in the shaft, a distance of 72 feet. It was a miracle that itwas lifted from its perilous posi tion without a scratch. Louisville Courier. It uted to be that Fred Gorder would go to Plattsmouth occasionally to spend Sunday, but now he skips off down there at any time during the the week. This causes his friends ou here considerable anxiety, and they almost believe that "Madam Rumor" has suro enough got him. Weeping Water Republican. POLITICAL NOTES. Mike Matizy, it is lumored, will make a hot fight as democratic nomi nee for the council against Colonel Helps, who, it seems, is likely to be the republican nominee. The ward is democratic, but Helps knows no such word as fail, and the way he will chase Mauzy over the hills will be something worth seeing. The concensus of republican opinion indicates the nomination of Dr. Cook for treasurer and B. C. Kerr for city clerk bv acclamation. It is quietly rumored on inside cir cles that Frank J. Morgan, the smoothest Roman of them all," is a dark horse candidate for mayor, and that when the time comes he is ex pected to carry away the nomination without an effort. Gutsche and Cum mins can afford to keep an eye on Morgan. Foley's Honey and Tar. Cough Syrup wherever introduced is considered the most pleasant and ef fective remedy for all throat and lung complaints. It is the only prominent cough remedy that contains no opiates and that can safely be given to children. Smith & Parmele. A (iOOl) LETTER. From the Clerk of the Circuit Court. FERXANDINA, Fla., Feb. 28, 1896. Mk. George Suhkeb, Druggist.City. Dear George: Please send a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I would not feel easy if I knew there was none of this valuable Remedy in the house. I have given it a fair test and CDnsider it o ie of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yields very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Yours respectfully, Geo. E. Wolff. Sold by all druggist. RIU REPORTERS' ROUND UP. A Day's Chronicling" of Interesting- Kvents. GLEANED FROM A BUSY HELD. A Wild Home on n Stain peile New Turn Wrrin I iiHiructor jot III Kye ISUeUed DUtrlet Court A CllHHK' l JtUMlllt'HH, A horce belonging to F. R. Guth- mann, hitched to a post in the lo back of the Perkins house, by pulling at his hitch Ftrap, broke off the post and ran about the yard considerably ex cited, the post striking the animal's heels at every jump. In his fright ho made a lunge at tho high board fence on Third street, broke down about ten feet of tho and made a circuit of several blocks, tho post still bumping bis heels as ho ran. At the Hotel Plattsmouth it ran upon tho walk and for a moment it was feared j he would plunge through one of the large plate windows. However, he stoppod suddenly.turned about, looked at the post and evidently realizing what a little thing he had become frightened at, allowed himself to be captured and taken to the stable. Some of the spectators climbed a telegraph pole when the horse reached the side walk, but no serious damage was done. After the Premium. The Plattsmouth Turnverein is after the first prize at the Trans-Misti-sippi Turnfest, which occurs at Omaha dur ing tho coming exposition. Since the boys walked off with the laurels at the National Turnfest last season they feel like maintaining their standing in the ranks of the Turners and have secured the services of Prof. Otto Ernst of St. Louis, who will arrive here Sunday and proceed at once to organ ize classes in all branches of gymnast ics and manual drill. He will giveles 6ons everv evonine, after his class is organized, for men and boys, and will arrange afternoon classes for ladies and children. Prof. Ernst is a turn- master of national reputation, and with his splendid tutelage, together with the excellent timber he will have to work upon among the young men of Plattsmouth the society has great con fidence in its ability to hold first place in the coming contest. A 15ml Eye. Judge Archer has a very black eye today and the boys are doing a con siderable amount of iljoshing" with his honor. Someone, with little re gard for the truth, tried to start the story that a "hobo" went in to clean out the court and an accident followed which put judge's eye in mourning. Constable Donson jokingly insinuated the judge did not come by that eye honestly, but his honor was impervi ous to any such insinuations. The ac cident occurred in the Christian church Sunday morning, and it is in deed fortunate that Mr. Archer did not suffer the loss of his eve. He was standing near tho rostrum when some one called to hira. Mr. Archer started to go to the gentleman who addressed him and not noticing where he stepped caught his foot ou the little step be fore the pulpit and fell, striking his head on the sharp corner of a stand which stood near by. He received the blow on the left side of tho bridge of the nose, dangerously near the pupil of the eye. Blood flowed freely and this morning the judge has a very black and a very sore optic. Again Reversed. The supreme court again showed its high regard for Judge Chapman able (?) opinion by reversing him in the following c;i&e Saturday. The judges of the supreme court give the Cass county legal luminary a cruel thrust, in the opinion rendered, by saying they had examined the evidence and found it insufficient to sustain the findings of the lower court. The syi labus reads as follows: Benedict vs. Citizens' bank. Error from Cass county. Reversed. Com missioner Ryan. The evidence in this case examined and found not sufficient to sustain the findings of the district court. Death of An Aged Lady. Mrs. Delia J. Stanley died this morningr at the home of her son on west .Locust street, aged eighty-six years, ner death resulting' Irom old age. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon from the residence of her son, at 2 o'clock, under the direction of the G. A. R The husband of the deceased was a corporal of company EL. 8th Kansas infaatry, and was killed at Mobile, Ala., in 1S62. Two of her sons were members of the First Nebraska during the late war, and both died in the service. Though none of Mrs. Stanley's family were members of the noble order G. A. R. or Sons of Veterans, the old boys in blue left it their duty to pay the last tribute to the widow and mother of comrades who had rendered valiant ervice to their country. Stole Hay. A nervy thief drove up to the Drew barn, back of Neeligh's shop a few nights ago and deliberately loaded up a half ton of hay belonging to Sam Holloway and carted it away. If Sam could get hold of the follow he would make him eat it. . Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest aooliances for first class dental work. endld 0 PEARL - IMMENSE Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings Was augmented recently by the receipt of two car loads of yoods for which he paid spot cash at the factory. Think What It means heavy discounts. It means that his competitors neither can they meet him everything in his line. His Leader in Stoves Is the old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years' guaranty, and its half a hundred designs. No house in Cass county ever He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select from. Bed room suites and price to those fit for a queen. The Prices Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business success. He pas no rent, his expenses are low, and with his cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it. It Will Surprise You To call and see his wonderful stock, and get his prices, which are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in Omaha. Remember the place. PEARLMAIM Opposite the Court House. Take Off the Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned cattle at 10 cents per head for a herd of cattle, 25 cents for a single animal. It never gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after fly-time, until the first week in April is tha right time. Af ter that it is too late. If those who wish to have such work done will ad dress me at Rock Eluffs, Neb., they vill be promptly answered. S. L. Furlong . Farmers all know that new varie ties of seeds for planting are often re quired to replace those that have run low in quality. Especially is this true of potatoes, which yield well for a few years and then fail. Messrs. Gunson, Brown & Co., the great seed propaga tors, of Rochester, ,N. Y., are prepared to furnish on order the very best vari- ties of new seeds of all kinds for the farm. Apply for samples and descrip tion to C. W. Sherman, Ag Iturnetl By Gasoline. S iturday evening a Mrs. Robinson, who lives in the south part of the city, was blacking the kitchen stove. She used gasoline to moisten the blacking and this incident came near costing her her lifeand that of her three-year- old son. Tho stove was closed up tight, and Mrs. Robinson supposed there was no fire in it. In this she was sadly mistaken, however. The gasoline ignited, setting the lady's clothing on fire and also that of her little boy, who was standing by her side. Wita rare presence of mind she extinguished tho flames, not, how ever, until tne cnna was norrioiy burned about the face, neck and hands. The hair was nearly all burned from the little head and a good portion of the clothing burned rom its body. The mother was not badly burned. Dr. Schildknecht wa9 called and rendered his nest services to re'ieve the child's sufferings, and at ..this writing the little fellow is doing nicely. He will recover in due time, hough he may be marred for life. The prompt and thoughtlul action saved two precious lives, and possibly the household, which wou'd have doubtless bjen consumed. Ilomtsnkirs' Kxcursons. Homeeekers excursion tickets will be sold on January 4 and 8, February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri Pacific railway to all points in Arkan sas, Texns. Louisiana, Indian Terri tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico, at rate of one fare plus For particulars call at M. P. office C. F. Stoutenhorough, Agt. A. U. II. Kntertalnment. On the evening of March 17, St. Patrick's day, the A. O. H. will give their annual grand ball and entertain ment at Whit's opera house. The best of music will ba served and the public is invited to attend and enjoy a pleasant evening. Tickets 50 cents. Bargain MAN'S STOCK OF This Means It means lower freight rates. can not meet him on prices, on a marvelous assortment o carried half so larye a stock. parlor suites from the lowest Plattsmouth, Nebraska. District Conrt. The March term of the district court con vened at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Judge Itams-ey begun calling the docket, and set causes for trial. The case of Theodore Decker vs. the Decker heirs, was set for 1 p. m. to morrow. Wm. Magney, the Nehawka club room man, pleud guilty to selling li quor without a license and was sen tenced to thirty davs in the county jail. The sentence was suspended on payment of costs and future good be havior. M Ward L. Smith, of Frederick stown, Mo., was troubled with chronic diarrhoea for over thirty years. He had become fully satisfied that it was only a question of a short time until he would have to give up. He had been treated by some of the best phy sicians in Europe and America bit got bo permanent relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read an advertisement of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the first dose helped him and its continued use cured him. For sale by all drug gists. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady if you will only get the right remedy. You are having paie all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters are the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver,stomach and kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. From everyweere come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Re medy. "Allow me to congratulate you on the merits of j'our Remedy It cured me of chronic bronchitis when the doctor could do nothing for me." Chas. F. Hemel. Toledo, O For sale by all druggists. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys- j tern is remarkable ana mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist? j Uard and Soft Coal. John "Waterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota 60ft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal, wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, it will pay you to see Water man. Office at the rear of Water- man block on Fifth street. n. rrr.a kisJ u BELDING BROS. & Co., - Silk Manufacturers, ! t f 1 Men. Jan. S. Kirk .t- Co., Chlavjo, Jlht. ( KNTI.r.MF.N : Wo havo eiv-n your "White Clond" po:ip a thorough t-st in washing pi'i'-s of linen inbroilerrl with our "Now l'nx-fs" Wa.h Eriiliroltliry Silks arid tind It ontin ly satisfactory. Wo tak pleasure In ptoiu-iii-ndinK it as a superior article f'r l:niiidrln lino emlroii.ry. Yours truly, (S.'gncd) IIkom. ,t Co. Refering to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating foap. JAS. Established 1839. Largest sonp ntzi nti Permanently cured by using IHl. WIIITKHALIS IMIKirMATKM'UKK. The surest and tho best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sanmlo sent free on mention of this inililicntiim. Tllli Dit. WHITEHALL MLCJKIMINE CO., South Bend, Iudiar Fiii3 Yiclin ! .'litllL. a Mandoline, y hiK'srye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. ?i:ys Aa American guaranteed to stand. Minims, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SSXI) iOU CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC buys a $100 Organ. imball Pianos ON EASV PAYMENTS. !HtJa !'(!, for 550, Write f -it CaU!ojrn aad JR5 i i- 1 iewi w,s:fla fhey baiiii.!i p.iin and prolong life. 4 0 jm o i - i f : I 1,4 s No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A new pfylp packet ?rntftf nirir tf.v nrr vc- r tkt mini ir:'.r si -(! -F": Ki k .' : i s. 1; a cal. one iozaif tho five mi! t r, ( r 1 ad u m iv Bent a -. 1 ii v t.' 11 j .Bt uiuaiu!ut; 'j 1 4i 1.1 mis miicv wui iu wan Cr-M.Ul. Comp'axicn Procsrved DR. HEE.IA'S r- S P. r ?. f Removes Freckfc;, T'iinplcs, Liver- K'J:-, r.;r.cT.,i!cr;('r:, Sunburn uti'l Tr -;, hq1 r-eton.-s the skin t irs origi nal fresbness, ir.rd-iiri? 6 f clear and 1 1 o -; : I . y fuia i., plexion. iipr;r rtosll :i.rx rrcjarniions rth! t-ori'.t-x i y 1 druggists, or maii-.-a i;r 50-is. :-.:? M .'ill .ii ir ci." uitu. VIOLA SKIH SOAP is .inn: kin purit'vine So;p, uutj!1'"1 f r Jiio t- rival for Th" liUr-t-ry. '-.;)it 'v -t? nr. er.ted. At Trur;ri-M. price 2 5 Onts. The Q. C. B:rriNEi CO., Toledo, O. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvone nenrllm? a ket-h and (1eTiption may qnlcteiy ascertain our opinion free wuether an Invention h prohnWy panritaMe. lornrNUi;i--tionsstrictlTeontldentUl. Ifandbook on Patents sent free, ol'le-it ncen-v for feeunng patent. Patents taken through Jlunn X Co. receive tperitil rujtice, wtrhout clinrge, in the Scientific American. A hnnd'wmelv lllntratM weekly. I.rpet rtr cnlation of any neient Mr. Journal, lerms. f '. a year - four months, JL SoU by nil newsf1eaer. TtIUNH & Co.36,BroadwayN2vv Yorlr BraDch Otlice, 23 F SU, Washington, li. C It l'ays to'Ciet thc Utnt. W. E. and C. E. CraU'.l re deliver ing the best of milk to tht-ir customers in k.11 parts of the city. Try our ys- tern of bottle delivery, !7 JAS. S. KIRK & CO.. Soap Manufacturer. TO S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. fact uivrs ii t!?c worlJ. ino. Guitar, Steel Oigans $G0, $80 to $100. ou ttrmi. TACTOllI PRICES. 1513 Doughs Street, GAHA, KEB. - - - - GIVES RELIEF. f A T? - 3 v.n.r.H In paprr r- rtn f vithont frhtR) fn now for m) - .1 I s-o-t i r n-;uJ"i f-T lb-.- p-r :u.'l tiie e:iiontl- ' :t h - ti.m iy uut:i hy H'-jjiIuj furty iht rt-ntm FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK l'I.TTsVOTTil, NEK. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Oilers the very besh facilities for'tbe prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, sold, government arid lor ai seen ritles fjouht and sold. leposls re cei vt-d ;irjd Interest allowed on the certtl-c:-.tes. lira ft f arawn, available In any uart, of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Kurope. Colleotlons made and uroiiiptly remitted. Mlbevt market price paid for county warrants, state urid Miunty bonds. DIRECTORS: I!. N. I cy. I-', v.. P. Haw k.'; liite, ;. E. Dovey. I'ovcy. 1'rcs.. S. Waujli, Cashier, H. .N. Iiovcy. Asst. Cashier riattsnioutli Coal Yard is r:n: tlaci: to i;uy- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GKA!)ES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats ar.d nil Kinds of Feed Constantly on li-u:d. EGENBERGER & TROOP. THIRD AND MAIN-STS. ONI: i