Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 05, 1898, Image 4

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The Department Store
In the Grocery Department Is Now Open:
19 Lbs Best Granulated Suyar
20 Lbs "C" Suar
Crackers, Per Lb
Lamp Chimney - - -
Arg-o Gloss Starch -
Argx Corn Starch
12 Lbs Navy Beams -
12 Lbs Scotch Peas - -
1 Lb Horseshoe Tobacco -
1 Lb Star Tobacco -
1 Lb Battle Ax Tobacco
1 Lb "G for 10" Tobacco -
1 Lb J. T. Tobacco
California Prunes, Per Lb -Elegant
Rasins, Per Lb
3 Packages Parlor Matches
2 Lbs Oatmeal -
12 Lbs Oatmeal - - - -1
Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
$ Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
1 Lb Bon-Bon Baking Powder
1 Lb Calumet Baking Powder
1 Lb Pepper - -
10-Cent Sack of Salt
15-Cent Sack of Salt
Lemons, Per Doz -Lemon
Extract, Per Bottle
Vanilla Extract, Per Bottle
12 Bars Cudahy Diamond C Soap
Coal Oil, Per Gallon -
$1 00
- 1 00
- 05
- 04
- 25
- 20
- 30
- 05
- 05
- 38
- 05
- 15
Everybody Welcome at the New
Department Store
Special Price In Wall Paper For
the Spring Trade:
Nice Kitchen Patterns, ... .3c per ltoll
Nice Bedroom Patters 4c per Roll
Nice Dining-room Patters, 5c per Roll
Nice ParlonPatterns, 9c per Roll
All New Styles We have
a fewJRemnants atjstill Lower
Prices. Also everything you
needjin .Paints orOils at the
Lowest Prices.
Druggists and WallPapep Dealers.
TTbe Smith premier Typewriter
Best Talue Writing piachinc.
Ras all the Hatcst Improvements,
popular Because of plerit.
ost Durable typewriter jviade.
premier Buyers do JSbt experiment,
drite for Jew Hit Catalogue free.
"Che Smith premier "Cypcwritcr Co,
Syracuse, ff. O. 6. H.
Omaha Branch Office, cor. Seventeenth and Farnam sts.
The Casino Saloon
Is Headquarters for the
Best Beer On Earth,
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
perts in this Country,
and is Giving1 Special
Attention this Year
to the Best Brands
of Bottled Beer.
You Can Always Find a Full
Suppty of .
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
Budweiser by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
Delivered to Any Part of the City.
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
1898 ART
Over 500 New Patterns
From which to make your selections.
New Floral, Silk, Cretonne, Chintz
Deift, Denim and Stripe effects for
Parlors and Bedrooms at 3c to 10c per
roll. Beautiful and high class Tapes
try, Damask, Colonial, Embossed
Leather, Louis XIV, Empire, Moorish,
Rococo, Byzantine, Marie Antoinette
Stripes, rich Floral and Satin effects
for Parlors, Dining Rooms and Halls
at 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and up to 40c per
Orders taken for aisingle room or
for your whole bouse.
James Pettee, Agent,
Opposite Postoffice.
" "-si CleMe and bntire the hate
' r "''I.' I Promote a luxuriant ptjwto.
,t Never Fails to Hcstoro Gray
I"i5k?S Hair to If Youthful Color.
Ss'N 1 Cure acalp hir laliuig.
Cor.. Bhvax id not in touch with
tho Now York Journal and actually
counsels moderation, and Bays wo
must havo a report from tho board of
enquiry before passing on tho Span
ish Cuban war.
Phil Akmouh pays wo will havo
GO-cont corn before the end of the
year, and hero's hoping1 Phil's head
has not lost its usual perpendicularity.
Nebraska farmers would wear dia
monds with corn at GO cents.
J. Steiilino Morton's new paper,
The Dynamo, will be issued weekly
and will no doubt take front rank in
its class. Tho ex-secretary connot
brook tho thought of being idle, and
the Dynamo is supposed to furnish
him all the amusement and recreation
ho will need with plenty of work for
good measure.
The clearing house show an increase
last week of 54 per cent over the re
port for tho same week one year ago.
The increase is remarkable from the
fact that each week shows tho same
handsome return of prosperity. Mc
Kinley and the tariff, with a settled
financial question in favor of honest
money, is what does the business and
the people can't help noticing tho
It cost 826 to place on record the
mortgage recently recorded in this
county for the Rock Island railway.
It was for $100,000,000, and draws 3
per cent interest.
In Plattsmouth you can buy nineteen
pounds of granulated sugar for a dol
lar, while in neighboring towns the
ruling price is fifteen pounds. Good
coffee is 10 cents per pound hero and
other groceries equally cheap. Eggs
and. butter are worth considerably
more here than in other towns, conse
quently farmers can afford to drive
fifteen and twenty miles to trade in
this city.
Another Depot for Omaha.
President Horace G. Burt of the
Union Pacific nas another depot
scheme on foot, 6ays the Bee. It pro
vides for the concentration of the
terminals of all the railroads entering
Omaha in the near vicinity of the
9ite at present occupied by tho union
depot sheds. Plans are under con
sideration for tho use of the Uoion
Pacific's proposed permanent depot
between Eighth and Tenth streets
and Mason and Leavenworth streets
by the Missouri Pacific, the Fremont,
Llknorn & Missiouri Valley, the
Sioux City & Pacific and the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha rail
roads, all of which are now using the
depot at Fifteenth and Welster
When these plans shall be finally
carried out all the railroads entering
and leaving Omaha will use the
Union Pacific's permanent depot, ex
cept the Burlington's new'depot to
the location chosen for the Union Pa
cific's permanent structure will facili
tate the transfer of passengers and
baggage among all the lines entering
the citv and many of the advantages
of a union depot will be secured to the
traveling public, although the union
depot will be located under two sep
arate roofs.
Mr. "Ward L. Smith, of Frederick-
stown, Mo., was troubled with chronic
diarrhoea for over thirty j-ears. He
had become fully satisfied that it was
only a question of a short time until
he would have to give up. He had
been treated by 6ome of the best phy
sicians in Europe and America bit
got no permanent relief. One day he
picked up a newspaper and chanced
to read an advertisement of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhce.v
Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
first dose helped him and its continued
use cured him. For sale by all drug
gists. Many People Cannot Drink
Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-O when you
please and 6leep like a top. For
Grain-O does not stimulate; it nour
ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like the best coffee. For
nervous persons, young people and
children, Grain-O is the perfect drink.
Made from pure grains. Get a pack
age from your grocer today. Try it in
place of coffee. 15 and 25c.
Choice Home Made Dread.
Mrs. Morning's Light, Cream,
Graham, Rye, Boston Brown, Salt
Rising, Glutin or any other kind of
bread, also tea rolls, cookies, cakes,
doughnuts, coffee bread, hominy,
mince meat and all other home cook
ing, is being delivered to all p;irts of
the city. Stop the wagon or go to
Halt's market if you wish any. We
are prepared .to furnish everything
suitable for tea parties, surprise par
ties, receptions, etc. Satisfaction as
sured. Give us a trial.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
will meet in regular session Thursday
evening, March 3. Special business.
A large attendance is desired.
R. B. Windham, President.
Mrs. Mellie Smith, Sec'y.
A thrill of terror is experienced
when a brassy cough of croup sounds
through the house at night. But the
terror soon changes to relief after
Ore Minute Cough Cure has been
administered. Safe and harmless for
children. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTabiets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
A Great Bargain 440-acre farm
near South Bend for 825 per acre.
Addres9 R. B. Windham, Platts-
outh, Neb.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
For Gro Insurance seo Thrasher.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
Sherwood has a now ad today.
Road it.
Who said March was an unwelcome
visitor ?
Wall paper at 3 cents per roll at
Gering & Co'a.
Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
Have you tried it? What? Wurl
Bros.' "Gut Ileil?"
See the fine glassware in John
Ilatt's show window.
Insure in the German American
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Fresh ginger broad at Holloway's
Wednsdays and Fridays.
If a man ta'ks to you about war get
his wish bone instanter.
Boston brown bread at Uolloway'a
on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Attorneys Root and Travis are in
Omaha today on legal matters.
The best 5-cent cigar that can be
made is Wurl Bros.' "Gut Heil."
Candidates for major are blooming
out in all directions. Let them all
Deputy Sheriff McBride is In the
west end of the county today on busi
A newspaper is far different from a
man it never gets full. Hand in your
The general favorite among smokers
of good cigars is Wurl ' Bros.' "Gut
It is suspected a mutual admiration
society has been organized in Platts
Streight &. Sattler sent a large bill
of furniture out Dear Eierht Mile
Grove today.
24 sheets of writing paper, 24 enve
lopes in a fine box, only 5 cents at
Gering & Co's.
Mrs. Richard Wilkintoa of Eagle
is in the city visiting Mrs. Munger
and other friends.
For Sale A six-room house in un
usually fine location. Cheap for cash
Enquire at this office.
All patients get well who have their
prescriptions filled at Gering & Co's
up-to-date Pharmacy.
There will be a service for men
onlv at the Christian church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Petteo's music store and piano de
pot, is headquarters for the latest in
nice sheet music. Call in.
Philip Thierolf and John Mumm
paid Omaha a visit today and had a
good time among the peeps.
Dr. Marshall arrived home today
from Burlington where he went to at
tend the funeral of his father.
Dick Barr gazes longingly at the
police judge's office. But the pops
will get it where the chicken did.
A. II. Weckbach has just received
a car-load of Early Ohio seed pota
toes which he will sell very cheap.
Sam Cline, who has for some years
been living cn a farm seven miles
south, moved Thursday to Cedar
Creek .
Dr. Wilkinson, specialist eye, ear,
nose and throat, of Omaha, will be at
the office of Dr. Livingston on Tues
day, March 8.
W. M. Guiwits, representing the
order of Royal Oaks, a Nebraska fra
ternal older, is in the city with a view
to organizing a local lodge.
The many friends of Mies "Annie
Sullivan will regret to learn that she
is seriously ill. Her parents and phy
sician are anxious about her.
G. W. Holdrege, proprietor, 60 to
speaK, of the B. & M. railroad, was in
town today in his special car inspect
ing railroad matters in general.
Lawrence C. Wilson, general agent
of the Security Trust and Investment
company of Omaha, is in the city for
the organization of a local board.
Anton Leibershal, who has been
in the employ of Aug Bach for some
time, is there no more. Lafe O'Neil
has succeeded him in that position.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crahill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Geo. Poisall has the contract for
putting in a new side track lor tne
M. P. at Mynard, and is now at work
with a gang of Plattsmouth laborers.
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others i
for a few days, but Herbine cures.
Everybody is cordially invited to
attend the social given by Ivy Loaf
lodge No. 13, D. of H., at the I. O. O.
F. hall Monday night, March 7. Ad
mission 10 cent.'. Refreshments free.
Children and adults tortured by
burns, ecalds, injuries, eczema or skin
diseases may secure instant relief by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It, is the great Pile remedy. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Don't annoy others by your cough
ng, and risk your life by nelecting a
cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. F. G.
FricKe & Co.
Colonel Thrasher will give you an
accident insurance policy of $3,000 for
25 cents per day. A good thing to
have on a railway trip. Life insur
ance in the bebt old line companies.
Call and see him.
Is your liver tired? does it fail to do
duty? If so, don't neglect its call for
help. A few doses of Ilerbine may
save you a spell ofosickness. Herbine
mz. js lack's
..1 EAD WHAT..
LINCOLN, NEB., Doe. 28, 1S'.)7. Messrs. Smith & Parmicu-:,
Plattt-inouth, Neb. Dear Sirs: Find cncloi-cu $1 fur which la-o
send two boxes of Dr. Black's RHEUMATIC CUKK. '1 his it a cn-u of
longstanding. 1 he euro is proving vtry satii-f ictory. Ilhink two
more boxes will establish a cure. I could sell a number of tioxi-s in
this city. Yours Truly, CIlAKhlvS DEAN.
Tho above came to us unsolicited and goi-s to prove that DM.
BLACK'S HHKUMATIC CURK is htill at the head of the priuru.-.siori.
Wo are preparing it in pill form, which makes it more pleasant to tako
than as formerly made in liquid form.
Smith JPannole. JJrug-crfets,
February 28, 1898. Commencing: today we will give
our customers the benefit of the low prices on groceries.
Remember our GOODS are all FIRST-CLASS. Try us,
is the only perfect liver medicine. It
cures Chills and Fever. 75c.
There's no better flour made than
Heisel's" Plansiftor," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up the town.
Matt Gering went to Nebraska City
today to take depositions. A friend
remarks "sotto voce" that he will
probably try and induce J. Sterling
Morton to stick a pin in his congres
sional bonnet during his visit there.
J. T. Tucker,representiog the Sht ri-
dan Paper company of St. Joe, is in
the city today. He has the reputation
of being the nicest little traveling
man on the road. He's a gooi feeder,
a good fellow and looks as tho jgh the
world treats him right.
There are three little things which
do more work than any other three
little things created they are theant,
the bee and DeWltt?s Little E irly
Risers, the last being the famous lit
tle pills for stomach and liver trou
bles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
There is no remedy equal to Herbine
for the cure of constipation, sick
headache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of
memory, uncertain appitite unrestful
sleep or skin eruptions. If you want
a perfect tonic for the liver, Herbine
will not disappoint you.
After The News was issued last
night, ' Chief Fitzpatrick tried to re
deem his fading reputation as a
marksman .by leading a poor orphan
dog into the alley and pouring into it
a broadside of grape and cancister
from a double barrel 6hot gun.
We are anxious to do a little good
in this world aud can think of no
pleasanter or better way to doit than
by re commending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
'Bob" Druesdow, who is now in the
city, is not here altogether on busi
ness. He mixes a little pleasure with
his visit. Yesterdiy he was seen
strolling about the western part of the
city viewing the landscape and keep
ing his wreathe eye open for some
other fellow's girl. "Bob" is all right,
only he needs a little fixing.
A lady in this city is guspicioned of
having stolen a few quilt patches
from a neighbor lady with whom she
had disagreed and now a search war
rant and a locg siege of litigation is
promised. The lawyers and justice?,
with faces long enough to eat out of a
churn, look solemn and tremble for the
outcome of so serious a travesty. When
women fall out there is sure to be
The commissioners have been asked
to turn over a warrant to the Missouri
PacifEc refunding the high school tax
erroneously collected from that com
pany some time ago. Since the county
has been called upon to pay two prices
for a town clock, the commissioners
are loth to let loose of the warrant
asked for. In this case they are oper
ating upon the theory, "Be sure
you're right, then go ahead."
made in the state. Also everything to be
fountlin a first-class Hardware Store at
prices which are rirjit.
21 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove $4.50
A Fine Russia Air Tight Stove-$5.50
24 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove $5.00
24 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove $6.00
28 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove $6.50
28 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove $7.50
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an-immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
W. D. JONES...
Cass County9
rffflfilSI Oldest : Liveryman,
618 MAIN
Br ST ris fur Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Par ties, etc. Hack order
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable, dsl. preferred. Cull'and get
rates Telephi ne 76.
W. B. W. D. Jones auctioseer 1I Kind of e004 trt trm nock
disposed of
but hT! sold direct to the con
sumer for J-'i year at whole
sale prices. svmr turn tne
dealer s protitt. Miipanj-
Q'jre lor examination. warranted.
11 i stjlc of VciitCits,
So styles of Ham"!.
Surrvs, u $!". arria-
ttis, Phaetons. Traps, Ww -n
ette. feprinr-Koad aud Milk
Ko.TT. Barrey Rinti. PrW, i6.00. "ajrna. b-ni lor iarre. lre Ko.m8orrT. Price, wita etn-tfo, lamp.
As guod a Miii for f-. Catai&gne of ail oar t ies. sbadc, apron aud feadars, 90. As fort as Mils far 94
1L il
x via rv , r vt j