Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 05, 1898, Image 3

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Of '4Pu(lclifoot,', for Library
Bone fit.
WltnxMDfil by Mn Imuirrmff AudlMir itt
Whltc'n Opxrii llounn I.Mnt Night V
Complete Nurrrnii A I'op Mann
Meeting Othrr Kvfnt.
A Hl-nlll KtitrrtHlniiK-nt.
Those who attended the home talent
dramatic entertainment at White's
opera house last ovenintr woro de
lighted with tho performance. Tho
boys all Hf-ored high in "That 1 laical
Pat,". Prank Van Horn, Dsmmio
Iliatt and Leo Atwood woro fine and
deHorvo special mention. Mia Homo
Ilyors and I'hyllia I'otts woro oven
hotter than tho boya and helped to
capture tho audienco which was a
most enthusiastic one.
Tho other play "Tho Two Puddi
foots," in which Van Horn, Leo At
wood, Guy Livingston and tho Misses
Iloso rivers, Phyllis Petts and Lulu
Liost did splendidly. Miss Ilyers'
mako-up was great and her acting
was in no sense amateurish. Mifs
Petts and Miss Liost, alno Mr. TolilT,
the specialty man, was very fine.
Both plays were put on in a faultless
manner, and we hear nothing but
compliments for thoso who took part
A noat sum was realized for tho bene
fit of the public library.
The same play will bo given tonight
and a crowded house is promised.
nin Meeting.
M. S. Ilriggs, chairman o tho
people's party city central committee,
and U. Christianson, secretary, au-
inonze ihk jnkws to announce a
mass mooting of people's party voters
for next Tuesday evening at at
the office of II. D. LJarr in the Palmer
block for tho purpose of nominating
candidates for the various city officers
ir the coming campaign and to devise
other means of saving tho country.
Tho middle-of-the roaders propose to
go it alone in this matter, and not bo
used ns a club for knocking demo
cratic persimmoLS. That's right, go
in lemons if you do get squeezed.
A Successful Service.
Thoso who wero present at tho
Christian church last evening wit
nessed one of the most pleasing and
delightful scenes thnt has taken place
during any of the services; that of
nine young people going forward to
the altar and declaring' publicly their
intentions of following Christ.
The subject of the evening "Four
Fools We Head About In the ttible"
was delivered in an excellent manner
by Rev. Lemon, and was listened to
by a small, but appreciative audience
The interest taken in these meeting
is rapidly growing there being now
twenty-Be ven converts.
1'rof. Iravis' solo was also very
pleasing and was highly appreciated
The faermon tonight "The Jailor
and tho Jailor's Household" will no
doubt be heard by a large audience,
Completely Surprised.
Yesterday was Frank Morgan's
birthday anniversary, and as he had
business in Omaha and did not return
home until 8:25 in the evening, his
wife had a good opportunity to get up
a very complete surprise on him which
was utilized. Thirty-four of his
friends met at the Kiley and went to
the Morcan residence in a bodv about
8 o'clock and when Frank got home,
he showed the surprise he felt on find
ing such a company comfortably lo
cated at the family residence.
The evening was given over to cards
and conversation, and later on an ele
gant luncheon was served to the evi
dent delectation of all present, who
wished the host many returns of so
congenial a birthday anniversary.
Off For the Sand Hills.
Thos. Parmele, Frank Morgan and
Byron ClarK packed their collar-
boxes, their dogs, guns, ammunition
and "provender" and left this after
noon for the Sand Hills, in the vici
nity of Alliance, in search of ducks,
geese and whatever game they might
be able to find. They will be gone
about one week, when they will re
turn with bad. colds, an abundance of
summer stories and some game. We
trust the boys will have a good time
and return to the bosom of their fami
lies and to the arms of their friends
much improved in health from their
Death of Mrs. Cale Stevens.
Mrs. C. Stevens, after a lingering
illness from spinal trouble, died at 3
o'clock this morning. She was a sis
ter of Joe and Phil McCully, Mrs.
Dan Touvenal, Mrs. Billy Peterman
and Mrs. Kate Armstrong.
. The deceased was thirty-two years
of age, and besides a kind husband
she leaves five children, the oldest
thirteen and the youngest but two
years of age. The funeral will take
place from the family residence in
South Park at 2 p. m. Thursday, Feb
ruary 3, Uev. Dongan officiating.
Made Rag Carpet.
Mrs. Chris Christensen was most
agreeably surprised by a number of
her neighbors and friends yesterday
afternoon, each one bringing their
needle and thimble to sew carpet
rags. Refreshments,which were well
oarned, were served in the evening.
The guests were Mesdames Louis An
derson, Peterson, Aug Anderson,
Patton, Holmberg, Davis, Thorn,
Monroe, Rhode, Grassman, Busche,
Richards and Misses Gerda Petersen
and Hilda Hawkenson.
Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. 13. Q. on each tablet.
I). S. Ciuild was iittoridinir to busl
nosH in Omaha today.
(ioorpo I.ivi, 0110 of Nebraska
City'o prominent drumiists, wua in
I'lattamouth u few hours today.
Harry Iluckcns, an old newspaper
man, in in the city for a brief viil.and
inflight bu persuaded to wtai t a demo
cratic paper hero.
I lt.cheitrs.-1l4 for tho operetta to be
put on by tho "Q. Z. ".society will ec-
I i .. .1 ..r .1.,. ..: ....
(cur miiLiy, unci unu ti niu nrcbi uu-
j tertainnients of tho year may bo ex-
p cted.
Mrs. George Tourlelott and ni.itei ,
I Alla8 bowman, leii lor J uu.smouiii
11,13 morninjr to join ner uu,wtnu.
They will make their homo at that
place in tho future. Nebraska City
Hon. K. I). Sheilcnbeivor, special
deputy Knights and Lad ies of Security,
is bore by npecial invitation of Platto
Council 372. He will meet with tho
lodge on Thursday evening and a nice
time is anticipated.
C. A. Carmen, who h.ns been here
for a few days in the interest of tho
Itoyal OakH, a fraternal organization,
reports good progress, and says tln-y
expect to install a lodge here with
fiity members next week.
W. 1). Crawford, tho well Known
piano dealer who opened a store roo in
in the Jtiley block several weeks ago,
is in the city today having recu
perated from a severe accident. He
ran a carpet tack in his right kneo
near the joint and tho injury was so
serious that for a timo it was thought
the limb would have to bo amputated,
but fortunately such measures were
not resorted. He will open up a new
line of pianos here in a few days.
Charley Grimes has a
bad eye
nursing a stye.
Notice L. B. Egenberger's new ad
in another column.
Rush Fellows and John E. Marshall
went to Omaha today.
Henry Rehso of Nebraska City is in
town today on business.
Mrs. Carey at White's opera house
Saturday evening March 5.
J. W. Zaar of South Bend was cir
culating among our people today.
Don't forget tho social at tho I. O.
O. F. hall Monday night, March 7.
J. N. Hunter, of Weeping Water,
was doing business in this city todaj.
Tho department store of Tourtelott
& Co. wero connected by telephone to
day. You will miss the funniest play of
the season if you don't go to the opera
house tonight.
A line dramatic reader is always
good and Mrs. Cary comes tous highly
A fine musical program will be ren
dered Monday night, March 7, at the
Ivy Leaf social.
Sheriff Wheeler returned home this
morning from a trip to tho western
part of the county.
Judge Ramsey goes to Nebraska
City tomorrow to clote up his Feb
ruary term of court.
C. B. Andrews, of Weeping Water,
was circulating about among Platts-
mouth people today.
Geo. Piatt of Pacific Junction is in
the city negotiating for the purchase
of the McFadden barber shop
Mrs. L. D. Bennett left today for
Chicago for a few weeks! visit with
Mr. Bennett's brother and sister
Herold & Son put up an immense
new sign yesterday "Big Department
Store." This house is gettiug a move
on itself.
Our Trish citiz :ns are making a:-
rangements to celebrate St. Patrick's
day. A grand ball will be given in
the evening.
THE News, which reaches the peo
ple in every corner of tho county, to
day prints a stntement, of tho Farmer's
Bank of Murdock.
Don't forget Mrs. Mattie Quinn
Carey, the famous dramatic rea'der, at
White's opera house Saturday even
ing March 5.
Walter Dyke's father at the Junc
tion is reported to have died this
morning. The bodv will be taken
east for interment.
The News is contemplating some
decided improvements iu the near
future and when completed will show
the boys a hot foot.
J. M. Kiser has returned from
Kansas City, wheie he has been tak
ing a course oi medical treatment.
He is much improved.
C. E. Wescott has returned from
Chicago, where he has purchased a
fine large stock of goods for his Platts
mouth and Red Cloud stores.
Colonel Robert Druesdow of Omaha
made his Plattsmouth friends glad
today by a visit to this city. Ha will
probably remain until Saturday.
John Miller had his usual good
luck Wednesday ana brought in three
dozen fine mallards. Any old time
don't get them there are no ducks.
The docket for the March term of
court is out and shows less cases for
litigation than any docket issued for
years a sure indication of prosperity.
The friends of Mrs. A. Rupley will
regret to learn that she is gradually
sinking and all hope of her recovery
has been abandoned. The end is near.
Henry Weckbach was in Omaha
yesterday. He went up to see how
the Trans-missiseippi grounds suited
him and whether he will accept them
or not.
Miss Addie Smith, daughter of C
H. Smith, is quite ill and has been for
noveral d-iys. Her parents and friends
anticipate Iht recovery- in a few days,
11. H. No-.-lling, representing tho
Nebraska City caster factory, was in
Piati-moul'ti ycsli'fJay and Mipplicd
our furniture muii with the Fault le.-s"
bod carter.
W. I). Mo-so7 -mith, tho pumpkin
hu.-ker of the First ward, i-i uid to
havo his eye on a scat in tho eity
council for tho ensuing term. Ilo's
all ri'ht, but h-3 needs fixing politi
cal I y.
Chief Fitzpalrick will have to do
something to redeem him.-elf or his
reputation as a mark.-man h is gone
flury. lie tried to k i I i a rabid, dog
this morning. It is not certain
whether he fired .seven oobveii shots,
but the dog is .still at large.
Heroid cV: Son are putting in a now
modern French plate front in their
large department store. Tho front
will be made to correspond with that
of (ioring A: Co. on the east and
m ilce a decided improvement to the
larre department hou.-o.
SIh-'h Nut Herself.
Miss Mary Kuwitzky, the girl who
shot an killed her father on la-it
Wednesday, is not recovering from the
shock incident thereto as raoidly as it
was at first report. d that sho was. says
the Nebraska City News. She is Very
nervous and depressed and for hours
during the day i3 out of her head. She
is making her home with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Mills and a close watch has to
be kept on her. i)r. it ss, who is at
tending her, fetus that it will be some
time before she is, if ever, herself
ugain. He has r.dvi-td that she bo
taken way from hero so as to have a
perfect change of surroundirgs, but
both the giil and her mother refuse to
do this. Some of her friends want
her sent to a convent, but she as well
as her mother refuses to consider the
thought for a minute. Tho girl wants
to go home to her mother, and will do
so if the latter will move to some other
part of tho city than that in which she
resided at the time of the tragedy.
(iuod Kiddaiioe.
It will be remembered that a few
days ago two noted characters ef
Plattsmouth, Jim and Crum Stewart,
got on an old fashioned "high lone
some," as has been their custom dur
ing their residence in this vicinity.
They were run in and fir ed .f 1 and
costs. Jim had a good horse which
C:nstabie Densou levied on to pay the
liae and costs accrued. The horse
was advertised to be sold in ten days,
but yesterday Gee). Poisall bought
Stewart's interest iu tho borso and
p lid the fine and costs. Stewart got
$11.50 out of the animal and proceeded
to go on another toot. When he had
b owe l himself for all he had, he and
Frank left the town to seek other
liolds. Let us hoiw they are gone for
all time.
3Iany Turning To iocl.
Rev. Lemon, tho bright and inter
esting speaker who lias been doing a
wonderful worlv at the Christian
church in bringing souls to Christ,
heiil another successful service last
night; there being eight souls who
turned their backs toward sin and
set their feet on the solid roe!-; Christ
The speaker's words and actions at
each servica are of such a nature
that everybody both young and old
listen to tho word of God with intense
interest, an J there is no doubt out
that there will be many mure turn
f om the paths of sin.
At the close of the sermon cig-ht
y-oung peop.e who were lately con
verted w e r e b i p 1 1 z d .
Each evening at the commencement
of the service Prof. Travis sings one
of his beautiful solos which are very
highly enjoyed.
Ton i ghl's sermon,"TheChurcb,"wiIl
no doubt be listened to by a large
concourse of people.
1. urlinglon Itoutc California Kxcursions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route lhreugh Denver and Salt Lilie
i 'ity. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
ia rattan; have seats and backs
ana are provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters and experienced, excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful experience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving fall information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket office, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
Ilonieseekers' Kicurwing.
Homeseekers excursion tickets will
be sold on January 4 and 8, February
1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare pi us 2
For particulars call at M. 1'. office.
C. F. STOUTEXiiououmi, Agt.
From everywhere come words of
praise for Chamberlaiu's Cough Re
medy. "Allow me to congratulate
you on the merits of your Remedy
It cured mo of chronic bronchitis
when the doctor could do nothing for
mo. uiia.s. r. tiKJiKL, Toledo, O
For sale by all druggists.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Nouralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkabie and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
A Narrow K-Hie.
Thankful words written by Mrs.
Ada II. Hart, of Groton, S. I)., ViB
taken with a bad cold which buttled on
my lungs, cough Kot in and finally
terminated in Consumption. Four
Doctors gave me up saying I couUl
live but a short lime, 1 gave my.-eif
up to ray S.vior, d-terminod if I
could not stay with my friends on
earth, I would meet my ah--ont ones
above. My husband was advised to
to get Dr. King's New Di-covory for
Consumption, Coughs anil Colds. I
gave it a trial took in all eight bottle.-.
It has cured me, and thank God 1 am
saved and now a well arid healthy wo
man." Trial Potties f i eo at F. (J.
l'rieke cc Co's drug store. Regular
size ode m,(l !j.(iU guaranteed or
price refunded.
1 lie Sure I. it Grippe Cure.
Thei e is no u-e sLtlei ing from this
dreadful malady if you will only get
the right remedy. You are having
paie all through your body, your liver
is out of order, have no appetite, no
lifu or ambition, have a bad cold, in '
fact are completely used up. Klecti ic J
Bitters are the only icincdy that will
give yoU prompt and sure relief. They
....i ,i ; ' i;,..... . i. ........ k i I
kidneys, tor.o up the! whole- system
ar.d m ke you feel like a new leing.
They are gu i ran tee d to cure er price
refunded. For sale at F. (i, Flicked
drug store, only 5' I cents pe
i Iiok-c JIoiik' .ir.nie l;r al.
Mrs. Morning's Light, (.'ream,
Graham, Rye, Boston lit own, S ilt
Rising, Glutin or any other kind of
bread, also tea rolls, cookios, cakes,
doughnuts, cedTeo bicad, hominy,
mince meat anel all other homo cook
ing, is being delivered to all parts of
the city. Stop the wagon or go to
Halt's market if you wish any. Wo
are prepared ,to furnish everything
suitable for ton par'ies, surprise par
ties, receptions, etc. Satisfaction as
sured. Give us a trial.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Frederick
stown, Mo., was troubled with chronic
diari lui'a for over thirty years. He
had become fully satisfied that it was
only a question cf a shot t time until
he would have to givo up. Ho hael
been tre :ted by seune of the best phy
sicians in Europe and America !)Jt
got no permanent relief. One day he
picked up a newsp i por and chanced
to read an advertisement of Chamber
lain's Celie, Cholera and Diarrhoe t
Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
fit st dose helped h irn and its eon ti nucd
use cured him. For sale by all drug
gists. .Many l't-oplu Cannot Drink
Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-O when you
please and sleep like a top. Fcir
Grain-O do.-s net stimulate; it nour
ishes, cheers and feeds. Vet it ieoks
and tastes like the bes: eedTee. For
nervous persons, young people ii id
children, Grain O is the perfeet drink
Made trem pare gr.-.ins. let a pacn-
ago fre m your grocer today. Try it ir
place of coffee. 15 and 2"c.
l'eiirl 8 tea hi Laundry.
B. F. Goodman has his new laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running order, and a-ks a
share of your patronage. II is work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there win be no
longer any excuse for sending-goods
away. Nothing too good for e:'r
patrons is our motto. Work called
fer and delivered.
For fiile.
A six-year-oid i'on gray mare,
weight about 1,400 and very gentle.
Also a two-year-old mule colt, and
twenty-five head of May pigs.
Mi:s. E. E. Goonwi.w
On Louisville road, eight miles west
of Plattsmouth.
Marriage Lirrnses.
Following are the marriage licenses
issued by Judge Spvirlock since our
last report:
S Genrue II. btoelir. Ehmvood ii
h-tiie Meisinger.. . -2i
( Ezra A. Dutton. Union LSI
Mary E. Klopsor '.9
Willi I'apcr for Everybody.
II. P. Beach is agent for the largest
wall paper house in the world, that of
Alfred Peats of New Yoi k. He has
an immense line of samp s and will
sell paper very cl.e ip and of excellent
quality. He will call on you with a
beautiful line of s ira pies.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely tha best remedy
for all diseases of the Th rat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satysfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parme'.e.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end cf a car PerXaps the
use of Foley's Hooey anil tc will ex
plain why they could ditis, without
injury to their vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
Whooping cough is the mo&i dis
tressing malady; but its duration can
be cut short by the use of One Minute
Ccugh Cure, which is also tho best
known remedy for croup and all lung
and bronchial troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville,
Pa., was cured by using a single box
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin
diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples
and obstinate sores ate readily cured
by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke
& Cc
lliirgaius In Fine Hogs.
Thoroughbred Poland China male
hogs, ei'ht months old, for sale. Call
on or address J. G. Richey, Piatts
mouth, Neb.
A Great Bargain 440-acre farm,
near South Bend for $'25 per acre.
Address R.
outh, Neb.
B. Windham, Piatts-
Leonard Contemplate the Contents mi m
I'enk Drawer.
Tho desk drawer, opened, exhaled an
odor of faded flowers.
"Let us plunge into tho atmosphere
cf fiweet memories," paid Leonard.
Wife absent, Leonard, addressing
Bayard, his most intimate friend, iudi
cattl withered blossoms. Faded and
grown mnsty in tho lapse of years, they
reposed at the bottom of tho desk
"This lily," said Leonard, sighing,
my first love, when I took from her
lips a timid kiss. She was as white as
its impeccable petals, fragrant as its
pure corolla, grateful as its drooping
fctem, and who knows what Plight have
happened had kite nut died iu the bloom
cf youth?"
"Ami the rose?" asked Bayard.
"Ah, that was later 1" said Leonard,
with a burst of laughter. "Rosette gavo
me that when fcho first brut.hed my lips
with her own. Tho petals wero once
rosy as her warm being, and tho fiowfr'
beauty was radiant and amorous as her
young womanhood. If sho had not been
fickle, t-he Plight now bo my wife."
"And tho orchid?" queried Bayard.
"Ilippolyta presented 1110 with that.
Baid Leonard, thoughtfully, "when she
saw mo trembling in adoration at her
feet. Time was when it had the mystio
charm cf her own perverse personality,
autl if a Russian nobleman had not
eloped with her I hhould still bo her de
voted slave
Bayard elite-over eel a Lunch of faded
"And thos-e?" lie interrogated.
"Ihey wero the flowers," murmured
Leonard sadly, "which Etienetto sent
mo when I had treated her brutally, be
lieving that she had deceived mo. She
was deimuo and tender as tho blooms,
and, after tho ttorm of my passions, she
came liko a peaceful Fprite to pour
beauty and love into my life. Had she
forgiven me, it might have been"
At this point Leonard interrupted
himself, Heizing angrily a dead carna
"Why is this flower here?" he cried
' It has uo place among the precious
memories. Away with it at oncol"
In a moment tho unresisting carna
tion was reduced to dust under his piti
less toot
"Why do you destroy it?" questioned
"Because it is the carnation Emilia
gavo mo when she eaid she would be
my wife," said Leonard, cynically,
"and I married her." Philadelphia
Ilard to Heat a Hoy.
A cigar dealer in the west cud said
to a reporter for tho Cincinnati Com
mercial Tribune : "It takes a mighty
sharp man to get ahead of a boy, for a
fact. One of them came in here not
long ago, and he was old enough to buy
cigarettes aud wanted a package. I sold
them anel got the money. In a minute
a neighbor came in and wanted to know
what the boy bought. I told him.
"'Well, said he, 'that beata the
devil! Do you know what that boy did?
lie was in my store about five minutes
ago and asked me to buy a pamphlet
that is issued by tho Anticigarette
league, whatever that is. He told me
that the boys in tho public schools were
trying to sell them everywhere to do
away with the bad habit of cigarette
smoking among the echoolboys. I
thought it was a good thing, and I
bought ono from him. He sold some
others in the same neighborhood. Now
that little rascal comes in here and
spends my money for cigarettes, and
I'll Let a dollar that you'll find him
around here somewhere near smoking
for all that's out. I'm going to look
him up.'
"The next day I asked him if he had
caught tho kid, and ho said:
" 'I did. He and some chums were
having a good timo of it, and, more
than that, all of them were in tho same
business. They thought it was a good
joke, and I supposo it was on me but
if they come arouurl my store again
they'll get booted out.'
"But," said tho cigar dealer, "tbey
are too sharp to get caught. They only
work one iiian at a time, and none of
tho gang ever goes Lack again. They keep
a list, and I expect an examination will
show that they have been to every store
in that whole neighborhood. Where
they get the pamphlets I do not know,
but I imagine seme of the good people
of the league had them printed for gra
tuitous circulation, and the boys con
cluded to sell them. They're pretty
Felt Acquainted.
A Benton lady of the most reserved
anel exclusive type was waiting for her
change at the glove counter in one of
the large stores when she was ap
proached Ly a very large, gaudily dressed
and loud looking woman, who held out
a pudgy hand in a bright green kid
glove and said:
"Why, how do yon do, Mrs. Blank?"
Mrs. Blank ignored the proffered
hand and, drawing herself up stiffly,
said frigidly:
"I do not think that I know you,
".No, I s'pose not," replied the wom
an, in nowise embarrassed by the cold
ness of her reception, "but I've knowed
you by sight for a long time, and now
I've got a hired girl who worked at your
house once a year or two ago, and she's
told me so much about you that I feel
real well acquainted with you. Pleas
ant day, ain't it? Well, if she ain't po
lite to sail off without so much as a
word! Shows her raisin, anyhow 1"
Harper's Bazar.
Modern Methods.
Biggs I just finished reading an ac
count of how they burned heretics at
the stake in ancient times. Such bar
barism would not be tolerated in this
enlightened age.
Biggs No, indeed 1 The modern
heretic is let off with a roast in the re
ligious journals. Chicago News.
ISncklen'B Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands,' chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Fvice 2o cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
At Sck ppecasse's.
A complete lind of choice tropical
fruits, candies and cigar9. Oysters
served in every etyle at hia old stand,
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of I'jsm county, N'fl i;eika.
lltniy llikeiib.n v. ft al,
'I lie 'i! ii iis I! mU i I j
I 'Kit I siinoo t P. N i Ij .. i t al.
Notice is hrfeby given thai no!, r ;m I liy vir
tue ol the (I. cue ol ihv. 1 1 uioi .il .lc t i .
K.ouscy, )io I o I the ill 1 1 11 t i on 1 1, u p.,11
Jamiaiy L'Htli, A. 1. Is'.is, m n ,nt mi.ciik m
the illstocl colill ol tuns county, Nrl !.elo.
wIicm-iii lleniy I ikrnl.aiy et al. 1 i.laml ill. and
The I ilueni Itank ol Plaltomoiitli, N. l.ra k...
ci ai. ilelenuatits. ami Im li tli ( u-c oniric. 1 ,,ii.J
Uilectnl the receiver ol thecal) hank, un.lei
hiKueil. to publish lor thn ty ila t. ami then sell
the real estate hen-mailer ilex i ilteil. I hat pui
suant to saul older the uiideiMiMied leceiv I will
on the Ist day ol March, A. l.,l-'.i al In o'cloi k
a. in. at the south door ol the couit hoie-e in Illi
cit) cl I'laitsiiioutti.C'ass c unt y. Ni hoe k a. oiler
lor sale the loliow injj d,--ct ilx-d land, vi: Tim?
northwest tiailir (.U'iol m-i tmu eighteen
the southwest iiiailci W 1 , ol -rilion
seven 7 ). t he west iia. I U 1 1 J d the southia-.!
(Hiaitei 1.'.4 (.( section seven T. the in. ill.
ea-t iiu.iitii M'.'.j ol the iii.nt.i
1-1 ' i 1 seclioii seven I T , the in.ithwist ijuailir
N ' i ol the southwest quaitci ..I -n-
tion einht M all in towteh ii eleven II tioilh
raii:e louitceii I 1 . in las (ounty. ,.
inaska. lein a part id the as-ets ol
said iti-ns Hank, dchnd.iiit. .illicit lo ii
hens and incuinl i am e. At s.nd sale In I , w ill I
received cither lor cash, oi m l less than j I .'.('. in
conditioned that the pun hii- e pi ii e sh.di he ,i
piled upon ol c Linus mm entitled I
dividends, the highest ol which I, ids . , 1 1 rail
class lil he i ep..i te.l to the coin t lor . 1 1 1 ci 1 n.iis
Willi li ol said hid will he ai c cpt, d.
1 lilted this luth day ol l hiuaiy. Ik;.
I 'll AK l.l.S ( !. H M I I I .
As Receiver of I he "iticns llauit ol Tl.itts
mouth, Nebraska.
Ijyion Claik, Attorney.
otIcc of riiUicalicin.
John M. Kiser, I'laiiithi
John Kiser. John W.
Amick and I .aura A.
Amick. his wile, and
Km her S. Heller, de
fendants. The defendants, John Kiser, John W
and I. aura A. Amick, his wife, ami I
m i. k
Heller, will take nnticethat on the .'(i l .Ii .
l ebuiiiry, IMis, (ohn .M. Riser, ph. n. till, In. d hi
petit ion in the dist iVt coin t of l ass count . Ni
braska. anamst J ohn R iser, John V Amu k and
I aura A. Amick, his w ile, and I S t her .N. I lei ,e
ineoDjcii an'v-rracr oi wnicii are to have a
certain cpfltcrlim deed which was made bv lohii
Riser, defendant in this suit, who had no till
riht or authority whatsoever, and delivi ied t.
1 .st her S. I lei lei. del end a lit ill this suit, on tin-
following described real estate, to-wit:
licinnuinir at a innnt (J.'i) t went v-t h ree
feet west ol the south - east coi ner
of lot number eieht ), block number six! v -live
c.i in me city ol v eeping Water. I ass coiintv.
AcurasKa, ana running thence north sixtv live
(h;) feet, thence west twenty-one. CJl ) feet. them i
south sixty-live (ftil teet. and thence east twenty-
one (1; feet, to the point of begining, set aside
anil declared null anil vol.'., ami the cloud upon
the title of plaint itt. caused thereby removed. ami
lor juugmeiu tor costs in this suit, and lor such
other relief as justice and equity may repuiie.
l ou are required to answer this petition on or
before the 1st day of March, IMiH.
Hated I'eurunry (. lsUs. John M. Risi.k,
liy AI. 5, Uriggs, his attorney.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued bv (Jenrce
F. I louse worth, clerk of the district court, with in
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to jne di
rected, 1 will on the 12th dav ot March. A. I.
1MIK. at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said dav at the south
door ot the court house in the citv of rial I h.
in said county, sell at nublic auction, to the Inch -
est bidder tor cash. the loliow ing real estate to- wit :
Lots ti t teen (1.I and twenty (J i. in section seven
(7). township twelve (1 Lnoithof range louiteen
(I I). in Cass county. Ncbiaska. together w ith the
privileges and appertenances thereunto belong
ing or in ainmrtainiug. The same be-
:ig levied upon and taken as the piope'ty ol
John Keiil;
M. Fatter.
a and wile, l.cna Ki-ul.ind, and Ian;
son, defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered bv Charles C. i'annel
is receiver ol the Citizens bank ol F attsiiioutl
Nebraska, plaintiff against said defendants.
1 'lattsniouth, Nebraska, reb. I. A. 1). IsiiK.
W. I). Will-I l l K,
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska
In the matter of the guardianship of .Miles K.
Smith, an incompetent person, lo whom it may
concern: Notice is hereby given to the said
Allies R. Smith, imconipetent, to Fli M. Smith
guardian, and to all other persons interested
mat ijeorge. w .1 irimes nied herein reo. 1 l.jsnx, a
petition alleging among other things thai he is
surety on the bond of the said Fli Al . Smith; that
neither the said Fli Al. Smith nor any ol his nre-
decessors. as guardian ot said incompetent, have
ever made a settlement with the court of proba e:
that by reason ol alleged negligence, thero
is danger of liability to the ward on said bond
1 etitioner prays that hdi AI. Smith may In
cited to appear in county court and render a full
account .in said premises: That netit ioner be
discharged Iroin liability upon said bond: 1 hat
the said I'-ll M. Smith be required to furnish a
new bond, or. in delault thereol that said nnth
be removed from his trust as guardian and that
mother be appointed in his place: th-1 the ac
counts on tile be settled and approved and tor
other equitable and proper rebel m the premises.
ou are liereoy notified that a hearing w ill he
had on said petition Alarch 2Iind, 1 h'ih, at -J o'clock
. in., and that it you tail to appear upon said
grant the prayer of said petition and make such
ate and contest said petition, the court may
other and further orders, allowances and decrees
as to tins court may seem proper in the premises.
W ltness my hand and the seal ol said court.
at I'lattsiuouth. Nebraska, this, the 1st day ol
March, A. T. ls'JS.
Geokoe AI. Sre'KLoc'K,
(Seal) County Judge.
Chattel Mortgage SaTe.
Notice is herebv inven that bv virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on th;; i-'nd day of June,
lwi, anil duly tiled in the office ol the county
rk of I'ass county. Nebraska, on the lird day of
mic, Is!i7, and executed by J. (jood to T. V.
Davis, to secure the payment of se cut y-tive dol
lars, with interest thereon from the 1st day of
une. 1Mb. at the rate ol ten per cent per annum
from said day, and upon which there is now this
ind day ol February, 1MI due the sum ot ' -lo.
Default having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law
Udtliig uccu iinniuicu to ICIUIII Sdl'J ucui, Ol l
i.n.....n .... ........ ... ........v i .1... , .
any part thereof, th retore, I will sell the
property therein described to wit: '1 (tree-fifths I
interest in twenty-rive acres of corn on the west
half of the northwest quarter of section 1! in
town 11, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska, which
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on the south
west quarter of section lb, in town 1 1. range l:i,
Cass county, Nebraska, and amounts to about
bushels, at the crib and in the crib at said
place in Kock lilnffs precinct, in Cass county, on
the lst day of March, 1'. , at the hour of lo
o'clock a. in., to satisfv said debt, with the costs
of advertising, caring for and selling said prop
erty. T, V . IMvis.
Tuesday, March 1, lbW.
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Myrtle Rutherford. 1
vs. y
Walter Rutherford.
Defendant. J
Walter Rutherford, defendant, will take notice
that on the -'5th dav of lanuarv. 1'.k. Mvrtie
Kutnertord, plaintirt herein, tiled her petition in
the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
against said defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce Ironi said deten- I
dant. unon the Grounds ot wiliiul abandonment I
and for a failure to support the plaintirt for more
than two years last past, and tor the custody of
the Dlaintiff "s estate.
Vou are herebv required to answer said D' tition
on or before the 7th day of March. !'..
Dated, this the 26th dav of lanuarv. 18y. I
By Chas. L. Graves, attorney for plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By vi rtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F.
House worth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 2Uth day of March, A. I).
lsiat 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at the south door
of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in
said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to
Wit: Lot 41. in block 11, in Miles" add.tion to
the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining .
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John Swoboda, defendant, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by diaries C.
Parmele, as receiver of the Citizens bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintirt against said de
fendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 12. A. D. lf8.
V. D. Wheeler,
Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska.
By J. D. McBride, Deputy.
Byron Clark, Attorney for Receiver.
Uotice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. )
In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Henry Stoil,
deceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Plattsmouth, onj the
Oth day of September A. D., 1W8 at 6 o'clock in
the forenoon. And that six months from and
alter the l'Jth day of March A. L., ISKf, is the
time limited for creditors of sai i deceased to
present their claims for examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand and seal this 21st
day of february A. D.. W.
. -a George M. Spvrlock.
I'J County Judge.
Rhcrifr Sale.
Hv vlttue ot mi '.I h r of enlo IkiiciJ by (irnttt
1', ll nnewoi h, Ii i i I th.' di-tiict rnurt, within
and I H ( ait count',, . i , k t, uml In mo ill
lei ted. 1 will on (he lliilid.. ., :.Uilh, A.
I, I ".is, ;,t o'clock a. in. ol n.dd day t tha
soinh door i,l the louit hou-.e In the ( ity of liattc
mouth, in H.ud i on n t y. Hell at public Mintlou, t
the h nhe- t bidder hr caih. tho lollowlng real
eM.ite, to-Miti
J.oMoiki mi I two I ami SI, III Moelc rlevfln
II I, in e'.nti r' In tho city of Werp
inn W at ei, I a s i on u I y, Nchrnika. together wdlh
t he pi iv ili-Kei am! uppui teuuiicc thcieuiito ba
loiiuiiiu oi iii anywise uppui (aiiilnir. Tha nmi
h n. k levied upon and taken as the property of
A In e I . prri y, et al, detendauta, to nullify
judgment ol laid couit n eovrreii by Fraud N.
t ibsou, plainlilt, aallitt tialii dclendantf .
I'l.illsmoulh. JWb., 1-ch. in, A. It. 1MMX.
W. H. Wimti.M,
Mum itt. Cain County, Nel)iaka. ,
liy J. I. Mtl'.iidc, I irj.ot y.
I-.. II. U oolry, .ttoincy f,r Krancia N. (ilbaon.
l.'itl Notice.
Iu the distiRt couit of Cast county, Nahraika,
John Johnson, r., by his guar
dian, 1 .1 ij.ih 1;. l'hillips,
criia M. .Skinner and hus
band, lieoiKc J. .skiiinei.
I Vic m! a n Is will take not ii e that upon the Hth
lav ol I leceuibei, A. I . !st7, the pUintiff talati
li s petition in tin: .Iistru t court of (Jun county,
Ni l.i.i- k.i, the ohj. i i and player of which waa to
-i t aside a di ed fioiu plaintiff to defendant,
tin. i M .Sk liiiu-i . w I. ii h pietended to convey to
hoi ..t two i .'. iu bl. ii k sixty llneo iM lo tha
cits ol W i i pin-' Walei, Cass county, Nebraska,
.in. I to .1 aside ami annul said (feed and the
id nid tin n ot, as it appeals III hook Ml . page
I'd Ii ol the deed lei old .1 e'asH county, Nehraaka,
and loi an at i ountin ol rents collected by aald
d. I. i. l. ii.t ami to ic-vest the title of aaid lot In
And for fuillier ciuitabh? relief you are re
ipiin d to au-wei said petition on or before the
-'tli day ol Man h. A. It. siik.
John Johnson, la.
I'.y his iruaidian, l-.hjah I-.. I'liillipa.
I'.y his attorneys, KviouClaik and U. A. Kawli.
1'ated 1'cbiuaiy, Is, A. I). h7.
Shcriir'H Salt'.
liy v ii tile of an outer of sale, issued liv Cmn F.
1 1 .use .oi I h, cleikol the district court, within toi ass. iount. .Nebraska, and to me dt
. Med. 1 will ai ihe :.'lili d.iv of March. A. I).
I -. .il 1 1 ii c k a in o I -aid 'a at the south
do .1 i . I I i.c i ou 1 1 house in Ii. i it v ol I'lattninouth
:.nd, si ll ,it puiiiic uin lion, to the
in ins t bi.l.lci loi cash, the lollowlng leal estate
I ot four 1 1 in block one I In Stiles' addition
to I I.c i 1 1 ol 1 ' tsn.oul h.C ass count y, Nebraska,
touethei with Ihe luivilenes and anriertenancua
1 heieunto be lone me ol in uiiv wise aunertalninir:
the same In itio; levied upon and taken as the pro-
I'ei I y ol John .Swoboda. deleiidant. to natiafv a
I judgment ol said com t recovried by Chirlal ('.
I'iiiinele as receiver ol the C iticns bank of
I tsinout h, I'iiss county. Nebraska, nlaintitf.
against said ilelend. nit and lohn Ketter.
Nebraska, f'el
f ebruary lit A,I)..IK08.
Shci ill. Cans county, Nebraska.
iy j. i , an r.rnie. I leputj
leinit v.
oion t'laik. Attorney for i'laintiff
Notice, of Jnl-!telne.
i ne i lattsniouth Water Company, a corpora-
t ion organized under the laws of the slate ol Ne
braska .
The riattsiiiouth Water Company herebv
give notice Unit the following in the list and
amount ol ail the existing debts ol said corpora
tion on the first day ol February, A. I). 1MV8,
namel y:
rust mortgage n per cent bonds of the
Water Co., luteiest payable Benil
aniniallv. Oct. 1st and Anril 1st tl'AH Olio On
Accrued interest on the same 14.1fl 2ft
Taxes , 1.7H5.O0
Total 9140,1.25
1 his notice is given in compliance with the
provisions of chapter i'S of t lie compiled statutes
ol the .stale ol Nebraska.
( has. F. Foiiv, President,
llhNKV M. I'l.i.MiiK, Treasurer,
T. II. i'oi.l.oi K, Secretary.
Fdward H. Martin,
I-.dward I''. Allen,
.Majority ol Hoard of Directors.
- I'robutc Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska.
in the inaiter ol the estate ol lohn 1'rederlck
Stull, deceased. Agatha titull, John Jacob Stull,
John I-rederick Stull, Christian Lawrence Stull.
Anna Amelia Monroe, nee Stull, Henry Stull,
Maria Agatha Stull and all other persons inter
ested iu sahl matter, are hereby notified that on
tiie illst d.y ol -ebruaiy A. It., 1WM, Agatha
Stull. Henry Stull and C. Lawrence Stull hied a
petition iu said county court, alleging nmonsr
! other things ihat ohn Frederick Stull died on
the 1st day of January 1MH, leaving no last will
and testiment, and possessed of real and
personal estate, and that the above named con-
-titute all the persons interested m the estate of
-aid deceased, and praying for administration
thereof. You are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear at said court on the 'Jlst day of March
.-i.i'.. ikiiw, at o'clock p. in . and contest said
petition. the court will appoint C. Lawrence Stull
or some other suitable person administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness
my hand and the seal of said court at I'latts
iuouth , Nebraska, this the "Hth day of February
(Sealj Gkokok M. Spurlock.
County Judge.
Notice of I iMli-Itlcelness.
1 lie I'lattsiuouth Gas and Flectric Light com
""' hereby gives notice that the following Is the
ist and amount of all existing debts of said cor
poration on the 1st day of February A. D., 1898,
namel v:
I irst mortgage. '1 per cent, bonds of the
1 la t tsmoti t h das K J-.lectric Light
company, interest payable semi-annu-allv,
June 1 and December I $30,000 00
Acciued interest ou same 300 00
Total indebtedness 130.300 00
This notice is given in comphance with the
provisions ofj chapter sixteen of the compiled
aiuies oi ine stale oi AeorasKa.
J. i. Ki in;y. President,
S. li. Hovj-v, Treasurer,
C I). J'Af.s, Secretary.
Majority of Hoard of Directors.
I '-k VWj- .
i j t J ! t f ; '
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
an Francisco
All points west.
No 1. lien ver express 11:18 pm
,vo h. tnicai(o ex pres lz:41 am
No 'Ai. Local express, daily, St Joe,
Iviinsati, st .Louis, all point
south 9:40 m
No 4. Local exp, dally, Burlington,
Cnica-'O, all points east.... 10:24 am
No 10. Local exp, a aily except Sun
uay liioo mm
No 8. Local exp. dally except bun-
day. Pacific J unction 120 pm
.No M. r rei.'ht, daily except feunaay
1 acinc J uoctlon
2:50 pm
5:30 pm
6:15 pm
825 pm
No 2. Vehtibuled exp, dally, Bur-
iinjton, uti)cao ana alt
No 13 stuo from Junction to Piatts
No 1-. Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan
sal City. St Louis. Cbleairo
ail points east and south
.10 . ly'lCHI exp, aailT,UIIl&Oa,L0
coin, Deo ver and Interme
diate stations 7:32 am
No Local f re i (jut, daily. Omaha. 8:50 am
No 2'.'. Lociil freight, daily, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creen, Louis
vine, South Benu 7:37 am
No 7. Fast in a 11, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 222 pm
No 3. Vestibuled exp, dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California.
Grand Island, Black Hills,
Montana and Pacific N. W. 3:43 pm
No 9. Local exp, uaily except Su -uay.
Louisville. Ashland,
Watioo, echuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 4-59 pm
No 17. Local express, Sunday only.
Sleeping, dining and reclining cbalr ear
: seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
aud baegiie checked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
V. L. PICKETT. Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Attt.,
Omaha, Neb. -
No. i 4:50 a. m.
No. 9 1L51 a.m
No. 1-1. local freight 4.04 p.m
No. 2 ................................. .10:43 p. tn
No. lii, local freight 7.35 am.
No. in 4:04 pm.
opposite Bank of Cass county.