Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 02, 1898, Image 4

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    Special Price In Wall Taper For
the Spring Trade:
Nice Kitchen Patterns, 3c per Itoll
Nice Bedroom Patters 4c per Itoll
Nice Dining-room Patters, 5c per Roll
Nice Parlor Patterns, Oc per Itoll
All Nkw Styles Wo have
a few Itemnants atfstill Lower
Prices. Also everything you
needin .Paints, orOils at the
Lowest Prices.
'DrugKiHt and 'Wall 1'uper IelT.
The Department Store
In the Grocery Department Is Now Open:
19 Lbs Best Granulated Suyar
20 Lbs "C" Suar
Crackers, Per Lb -Lamp
Chimney -Arg-o
Gloss Starch -Argx
Corn Starch
12 Lbs Navy Beams
12 Lbs Scotch Peas - -
1 Lb Horseshoe Tobacco -
1 Lb Star Tobacco - -
1 Lb Battle Ax Tobacco
1 Lb "6 for 10" Tobacco -
1 Lb J. T. Tobacco
California Prunes, Per Lb -Elegant
Rasins, Per Lb
3 Packages Parlor Matches
2 Lbs Oatmeal - - -12
Lbs Oatmeal
1 Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
2 Lb-Can Price's Baking Powder
1 Lb Bon-Bon Baking Powder
1 Lb Calumet Baking Powder
1 Lb Pepper - - -10-Cent
Sack of Salt
15-Cent Sack of Salt
Lemons, Per Doz - - -Lemon
Extract, Per Bottle
Vanilla Extract, Per Bottle
12 Bars Cudahy Diamond C Soap
Coal Oil, Per Gallon -
$1 00
- 1
Everybody Welcome at the New
Department Store
Xbe Smith premier Typewriter
Best Value Writing Machine.
Baa all the Latest Improvements,
popular Because of tferit.
Most Durable typewriter f1xde.
premier Buyers do Jot experiment.
CCIritt for JSrw Hi Catalogue free.
Syracuse, ft. T. H. S. H.
Omaha Branch Office, cor. Seventeenth and Farnam st9.
The Casino Saloon
- Is Headquarters for the
Best Beer On Earth,
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
ports in this Country,
and is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to the Best Brands
of Bottled Beer.
k 1
You Can Alwajs Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
Budweisek by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
ties Were Consumed Last
Delivered to Any Part of the City.
PHIL THIER0LF, Proprietor.
1898 AR.T
Over 50O Kew Patterns
From which to make your selections.
New Floral, Silk, Cretonne, Chintz
Delft, Denim and Stripe eiteots fir
Parlor? and Bedrooms at 3c to c per
roll. Beautiful and higrh clas Tapes
try, Damask, Colonial, Embossed
Leather, Louis XIV, Empire, Moorish,
Kococo, Byzan tine, Murie Antoinette
Stripes, rich Floral and Satin e fleet
for Parlors, Dining llooms and Hal s
at 10c, 12c, 15c. ISc and up to 40c per
Orders taken for a sing-le room cr
for jour whole house.
James Pettee, Agent,
Opposite Postoffice.
Never Falls to Betor Ory
Uir to ixm Youthful Color.
Cure cip drM hair laliinj.
5Hc.nd tl Pnifg'nM
Miss Sadio McAllister spent Sunday
at homo in Dunbar.
Itev. E. S. Charnburlaln from
Brownville was in town Monday.
O. M. Maylleld has located in tho
John Marshall building on tho corner.
Mrs. Gus Hush from Syracuse spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. und
Mrs. Peckham.
Hart W. and I. D. Ilnrmer loavo
this week for an extended trip through
Texas and tho couth.
11. C. Marquarut Bpent several duy3
in St Joe last week laying in his
spring stock of goods.
Mr. Henry l.udwig and Miss Mary
Kirchheck were married last Thurs
day at Mr. John Kirchhock's.
Mr. Davis and Miss Lulu Clary from
Turlington attended services at tho
Christian church hero Sunday even
ing. S. F. Green from Elrawood was in
town Thursday of last week onquiring
after mill property, with a view to
Henry Urockman, our rustling car
penter, is building himself a shop on
Main street, in which to work on
rainy days aud at odd houis.
Tho M. W. A. are preparing for a
grand supper and entertainment
Thursday evening this week. Neigh
boring lodges and a larco number of
members' friends have been invited.
Revival meetings at the Congrega
tional church conducted by Evangelist
Buck are still in progress. Mr. Buck
is a man of varied and wide experi
ence, and although naturally of a
high temper ho speaks with consider
able force. The visible results so far
have not been very large, but it is
hoped that great cood will be done
within the church. You are person
ally invited to come to these meetings.
C. S. Paine of Omaha is doing some
preliminary work, looking to tho
compilation of a complete histor y of
Nebraska in two volumes. J. Sterling
Morton is editor in chief with an able
corps of assistants, and the Jacob
North Co. of Lincoln will get 'the
book out. It will cost $-5 for the two
volumes which will be elegantly
bound in morocco. The work will be
invaluable to everyone interested in
tho growth and progress of the state.
Charles Barrows, a farmer who re
sides near Union, reported to the po
lice that some one had stolen two
brood sows from his stablo yard on
last Friday night. He gave a very
good description of the men suspected.
who stopped with him the night be
fore. Nebraska City News.
March, true to her reputation as be
ing fair aDd fickle, greeted us this
morning with a cutting wind from
the north, bright sunshine, clouds,
skurries of snow, then more sunshine,
all followed in quick succession.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of Miles R.
Smith, an incompetent person. -To whom it may
concern: Notice is hereby given to trie said
Miles K. Smith, imcompetent, to Eli M. Smith,
guardian, and to all other persons interested,
that George. W.tirimes tiled herein Feb. 14,1X98, a
petition alleging among other things that he is
surety cn the bond of the said Eli M. Smith; that
neither the said Eli M. Smith nor any of his pre
decessors, as guardian of said incompetent, have
ever made a settlement with the court of proba1 e;
that by reason of alleged negligence, there
is danger ot liability to the ward on said bond.
Petitioner prays that Eli M. Smith may be
cited to appear in county court and render a full
account tin said premises: That petitioner be
discharged from liability upon said bond: 1 hat
the said Eli M. Smith be required to furnish a
new bond, or. in default thereof that said Smith
be removed from his trust as guardian and that
another be appointed in his place; th- t the ac
counts on tile be settled and approved and for
other equitable and proper relief in the premises.
Vou are hereby notified that a hearing will be
had on said petition March 21ind. X'JX, at ' o'clock
p. m., and that if you fail to appear upon said
date and contest said petition, the court may
gtant the prayer of said petition and make such
other und further orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court mav seem proper in the premises.
Witness my hand and the seal ot said court,
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 1st day of
March, A. D. ls9S.
George M. SrRLocK,
(Seal) County Judge.
Chattrl Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on the 2nd day of June.
isy, and duly tiled in the office of the county
clerk of f'ass county. Nebraska, on the 3rd day of
June, 1897, and executed by J. S. Good to T. V.
Davis, to secure the payment of seventy-five dol
lars, with interest thereon from the 1st day of
June, 1H9, at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from said dav, and upon which there is now this
22nd day of February, 1S97 due the sum of $80.40.
Default having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law
having been instituted to recover said debt, or
any part thereof, therefore, I will sell the
property therein described to wit: Three-fifths
interest in twenty-five acres of corn on the west
half of the northwest quarter of section 19 in
town 11. range 13, Cass county. Nebraska, which
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on the south
west quarter of section IK, in town 11, range i:t.
Cass county. Nebraska, and amounts to about
4:i5 bushels, at the crib and in the crib at said
place in Rock Blnffs precinct, in Cass county, on
the 21st day of March, 18: H, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., to satisfy said debt, with the costs
of advertising, caring for aud selling said prop
erty. T, V. Davis.
Tuesday, March 1. 1898.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John Frederick
Stull, deceased. Agatha Stull. John Jacob Stull.
John Frederick Stull, Christian Lawrence Stull.
Anna Amelia Monroe, nee Stull, Henry Stull,
Maria Agatha Stull and all other persons inter
ested in said matter, are hereby notified that on
the 21st d iy of Februaiy A. D.. 189. Agatha
Stull. Henry Stull and C. Lawrence Stull filed a
petition in said county court, alleging among
other things ihat John Frederick Mull died ou
the 1st dav of January 1,-98. eaving no last will
and testiment. ana possessed of real and
personal estate, and that the above named con
stitute all the persons interested in the estaie of
said deceased, and praying for administration
thereof. You are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear at said court on the 21st day of March
A. D.. 1898. at 2 o'clock p. m , and contest said
petition.the court will appoint C. Lawrence Stull
or some other suitable person administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness
my hand and the seal of said court at Flatts
mouth, Nebraska, this the 2i?th day of February
A. D.. 1898.
c George M. Spi-rlock.
vsea" County Judge.
Notice of Indebtedness.
The Plattsmouth Gas and Electric Light com-
fiany hereby gives notice that the following is the
ist and amount of all existing debts of said cor
poration on the 1st day of February A. D., 1M8.
First mortgage. 6 per cent, bonds of the
Flattsmoutn Gas & Electric Light
company, interest payable semi-atinu-allv.
June 1 and December 1 $30.fHffl 00
Accrued interest on same 3iW 00
Total indebtedness 130.300 00
This notice is given in compliance with the
provisions of chapter sixteen of the compiled
statutes of the state of Nebraska.
J. G. Richey. President,
S. li. Hovey. Treasurer,
C. D. Jones. Secretary.
Majority of Board of Directors.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist, .
For firo Insurance aeo Th rubber.
I'm Mrs. Morning's hoino-iiiulo
Mrs. Button was a Lincoln visitor
S. C. Anthony was a Glen wood vis
itor today.
Wall paper at 3 cents pur roll ut
Coring St Co'a.
Cet Wash-a-Lono soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
Have you tried it ? What? Wurl
Bros.' "Gut Hoil ?"
County Clerk Robertson has gone to
Lincoln on business.
Insuro in tho German American.
Fred Ebingor, Agent.
The board of county commissioners
aro in regular session.
Fresh ginger bread at llolloway's
Wednsdays and Fridays.
Boston brown bread at llolloway's
on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Tho bost 5-cent cigar that can be
made is Wurl Bros.' "Gut Heil."
M. S. Griflith camo in from Omaha
today for a brier visit with relatives.
James Walker, the Murray grain
merchant, was in the city on business
The general favorite among smokers
of ood cigars is Wurl Bros.' "Gut
Get reserved seats at Lehcholf's and
avoid the ruth for the 6how tomorrow
Col. Iledbloom, of Stromsberg, was
in the city today looking after his in
terests here.
24 sheets of writinst paper, 24 enve
lopes in a fine box, only 5 cents at
Gering & Co's.
Charks S. Dawson of Joliett is in
tho city, the guest of his daughter,
Mrs. George Dovey.
For Sa'.e A six-room house in un
usually fine location. Cheap for cash.
Enquiie at thi3 office.
All patients get well who have their
prescriptions tilled at Gering & Co's.
up-to-dato Pharmacy.
E. LI. Ileitzhausen, of the Hotel
Platteniouth, was an Omahaand Coun
cil Bluffs visitor today.
Pettee's music slore and piano do
pot, is headquarters for the latest in
nice sheet music. Call in.
Tickets for the home talent comedy
at White's opera house March 2 and
2, are on sale at LehnhofT's
Remember the home talent play
"The Two Fuddifoots" tomorrow
evening tit White's opera house.
A. II Weckbach has just received
a car-load of Early Ohio seed pota
toes which he will sell vtry cheap.
Justice W. E Hand, one of Green
wood's lepresentativo citizens, is in
the city today on business with the
county commissioners.
Mrs. Arthur Helps and Mrs. C. A.
Rawls have charge of the Exchange
this week. Ladies of the south side
will please contribute liberally.
Dr. Planck, the druggist, is enjoy
ing a visit this week from his wife,
son and daughter, who came down
from Omaha Satmday evening.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. CraMll, first door
west of Waterman block, Platt&tnouth.
Prof. Watson, the musical director
who has charge of the operetta to be
given here, was joined by his wife to
day who will assist him in his work of
organiz ition.
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others
for a few days, but Herbine cures.
Frank Alshuler and family depart
this evening for Chicago, where they
will in the future reside. They made
many friends during their residence
here who very much regret their de
parture. Children and adults tortured by
-bui ns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin
diseases may secure instant relief by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It is the great Pile remedy. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Don't annoy others by your cough
ing, and risk your lifa by nelecting a
cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. F. G.
FricKe & Co.
Come and see the great emotional
actor, Frank Vanllorn, in his thrill
ing portrayal of the character of
Charles Livingston, at White's opera
houee Wednesday and Thursday even
ing of this week. j
Is your liver tired? does it fail to do
duty? If so, don't neglect its call for
help. A few doses of Herbine may
save you a spell ofesickness. Herbine
is the only perfect liver medicine. It
cures Cnilis and Fever. 75c.
There's no better flour made than
PeisePs" Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
WThat pleasure is there in life with
a headache, constipation and billious
ness? Thousands experience them
who could become perfectiy healthy
using DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Whooping cough is the most dis
tressing malady; but its duration can
be cut short by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, which is also the best
known remedy for croup and all lung
and bronchial troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co,
Lew Reiohackle arrived home last
evening in time to join the Cuban
LINCOLN, NEB., Dec. US, 1S'.7. M kssks. Smith .V I 'ak-mki.i:,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Dear Sirs: Find t-nclor-cd if 1 for which iea-o
send two boxes of Dr. Black's RHEUMATIC CUKK. This is a c:i-u of
longstanding. The euro is proving very natiff.u-tory. I think two
more boxes will establish a cuie. 1 could sell a liuinbrr f mix s in
this city. Yours Truly, CHARLES DI'.AN.
Tho above came to us unsolicited and goes to prove that DR.
BLACK'S RHEUMATIC CURK is f-till at the hea l of Ihu procession.
We are preparing it in pill form, which make it more pleasati t toli.ko
than as formerly made in liquid form.
Smith Parmele, Druggists,
February 28, 1898. Commencing today we will give
our customers the benefit of the low prices on groceries.
Remember our GOODS are all FIRST-CLASS. Try us,
sharpshooters and save the country
Lew has been working down in the
southland, but, like all others, he
finds Plattsmouth as near right as any
town in the country.
There are three little things which
do more work than any other three
little things created they are the an t,
the bee and DoWlttrs Little Early
Risers, the last being the famous lit
tle pills for stomach and liver trou
bles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
There is no remedy equal to Herbine
for the cure of constipation, sick
headache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of
memory, uncertain appitite unrestful
6leep or skin eruptions, If you want
a perfect tonic for the liver, Herbine
will not disappoint you.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville,
Pa., was cured by using a single box
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin
diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples
and obstinate sores aie readily cured
by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke
& Cc
We are anxious to do a little good
in this world and can think of no
pleasanteror better way to doit than
by re commending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
A thrill of terror is experienced
when a brassy ccugh of croup sounds
through the house at night. But the
terror soon changes to relief after
One Minute Cough Cure has been
administered. Safe and harmless for
children. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. E. J. Cooper and children de
parted today for their future home at
Shrevesport, Louisana. Mr. Cooper
is engineer on the Port Arthur route
and Shrevesport is a division station
on that line. Their many Platts
mouth friends express much regret at
their departure, but wish them well
in their new home.
Jim Walker was in town today from
Murray. He is ready to organize a
company to free Cuba and avenge the
insults offered the United States if he
can get the right sort of men. He
wants J. M. Patterson, Alf WThite, Joe
Klein, H. N. Dovey and that class of
fellows that he says will fight. He
will be captain and is to have sole
charge of all the perquisites.
For Sale Cheap.
One span of good work mules, har
ness and wagon, one single horse, cart
and harness. Also twenty acres of
good hay or pasture land lying near
Cullom Station. Enquire of A. U.
Beaver, Cullom, or address him at
Cedar Creek.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
March 4
Mad March Party
Kings' Daughters
At Mrs. Agnew's
Admission loceuts.
Everybody invited.
made in the state. Also everything to be
foundin a first-class Hardware Store at
prices which are riht.
21 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove-
A Fine Russia Air Tight Stove-
24 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove
24 Inch Russia AirTight Stove
28 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove
28 Inch Russia Air TightStove-
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Sr tli, - - - Flattsmouth, Neb.
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's '
Iciest :
BEST ri-- f.,r Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Pa. Uc.t, etc. Hack order
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. CasL preferred. Caland et
rates Telephone 7.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kiwds of goorfs afrf f-n stock
disponed of
bat have '1 J direct t the con
sumer for tun t wiitsi-
aeaier prjtju. Mup any
where t'.-r exatni nation.
Kverythin? warranted.
114 at. rit of Vc:;:r!cJ,
5 it vie of Haraef.
finrrevi. ') to frlJ-V Cama-
ti: Si.rinr-Kdad tuu
A.daVaiS'f$il CatalopM of ftU w .ba4. aproo and lender.. gft
ELKHART carriage asd harness mt. co. w. b. pratt. elk hart. ud.
, Ul .UiMIWH At
J."o. V;!arT!. Prtc. vith rart;n., l.rap., wnn