Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 02, 1898, Image 2
The Semi Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance t5 00 Six Months 2 50 ine Week, 10 blntrle Conies 5 r w SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... II 00 Six Months 50 T.?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Seveiial of D. S. Guild' frienda are talking of a citizens movement in this city, which would nominate him for mayor. Col. Guild would make a good executive, but whether he would care to make the race wo are not in formed. The prico of wheat continues to con duct itself with a total disregard of the price of silver, says the Globe- Democrat. All who believe in the Prof. Coin fallacy should be cautious about accepting any other free coin age theory. The spectacle of the United States treasury declining to ac cept gold in place of currency is an interesting one in contract with its frantic scratching around for all the gold it could find in the last adminis tration. New York Tribune. Spain salutes the United States and admits that she has an undying affec tion for this country; and meanwhile gets her ammunition ready and tends a squadron of gunboats this way, says an exchange. Not to be outdone in courtesy, we salute Spain, and in struct our soldiers and sailors to keep their fighting clothes on. Profound peace prevails everywhere, and the goose of international comity hangs high. Henry U. Johnson, the Indiana congressman, made a erreat effort against Hawaii in his speech recently We are personally acquainted with Mr. Johnson, and while he is scholar, yet he is of the eccentric pyrotechnic build whom the country would never miss if they were left at home. His skyrocket speech with its sugar trust flavor, will not convince anv friends of annexation that their theory of the matter is wrong. What's the matter with that awful famine in India, Col. Bryan has not mentioned it for a year, and yet wheat is worth over a dollar a bushel and corn is worth more than it was last year, ana the price of silver which always controlled the price of wheat Billy had said nothing about that for nearly two years. These two argu meats may be said to have been ex ploded by the lojic of time, and the author of them is looking for new grounds to stand on. Russia pronounces our locomotives the best in the world and is buying them by the dozens for her Siberian railroad. She has also closed a con tract with the Carnegie company for tne steel armor for her new warships at $500 per ton, after receiving bids from the steel masters of all Europe, including the great Krupp, many of which were lower than the Carnegie bid, because she finds the Carnegie plate the best to stop bails with. The right hand of Uncle Sam's artisan has not lost its cuDning. State Journal. The news from Havanna today indi cates very clearly that the horri le fate which befell the brave seamen on the battleshipMaine, was not an acci dent, but was a crime worse than murder for which the Spanish blood hounds must answer. The report of the government investigating com mission, has not been made and until it is made the government at Wash ington will not speak. If the report shows Spanish treachery it will mean that Cuba will be free and that the vicious scoundrels who prop up a rotten monarchy will bite the dust. The talked-of Spanish pride is des tined to sustain a fall so severe that it will require a century or two for it to recover its equilibrium. President McKinley is conservative, but he is so thoroughly American that when once the culpability of the Spaniards is es tablished, he will act in a manner that no American need apologize for him. Another judicial farce has ended, and this time Douglas and not Lan caster county was the scene. After a week's trial in an effort to hold Bart ley's bondsmen, the jury after being out fifty-one hours to the surprise of those who heard the testimony, brings in a verdict releasing Hartley's bonds men from liability. Whether the fault lies with a weak presentation of the case on the partt of the attorney general or on having a jury of incom petents, we are not informed. In any event, it is another judicial farce, no matter who is to blame, and begets a contempt for law and judicial pro cedure that is far from creditable to the state. If bonds are worthless, and can be avoided every time an attempt is mads to collect the state's losses under them, it is high time some other method were taken to secure the hon est disbursement of the people's money. The penitentiary seems to have no terror for these public thieves and if the civil law is of no avail, we ehould make punishment capital and see if that will have any effect. It's a serious condition of public affairs with which we are confronted and what is best to do, is a question de manding immediate solution. Mark Hanna has issued his edict that there must bo no war with Spain What a pity it la that the country Is cursed with nucha thing an this, who attempts to trample under foot Ameri canism, American rights, our manhood and our rights. Nebraska City News. Wo are moved to tears on reading the above, when we contemplate the keen disappointment felt by the two war-like colonels, Huebnor and Mar ne'l, whose desire to spill a little Spanish blood, is frustrated by the edict of that czar of czara, that plute of plutocrats, Mark Hanna. One feels as if life were scarce wo:th living when one man can by a word dash our fondest hopes to earth and destroy what gave promise of being our hap piest moments. Lucretia Borgia was an angel in comparison with Hanna. In the midst of singing tirds, cheer ful sunshine and blooming flowers, one breath from this awful personage and all is changed to bleakest winter, with lowering tky and boreal blasts that would freeze the marrow in one's bones. Oh ! its awful to live in the pi esence of such a man as Hanna, who in a wrestle with death itself, is liable to come out victorious and wrest the grim monarch of the hour-glass and scythe from his throne. Our sym pathy in unlimited volume is exten ded to our neighbors down the river, who have already seemingly felt the weight of the autocrat's hand. A SINGLE county in Missouri is said to have raited nearly $2,500 to pay for nn exhibit at the exposition. If the old state breaks out like that in very many counties, her show of enterprise will take her clear out of the demo cratic column. The two never worked together very long. INFORMATION AM) OPINIONS. A Nebrnska hayseed was lured into a den of thieves in Chicago Tuesday, who discovered that he had $3,000 in cash in his pockets and $2,000 in checks. They set upon him and robbed him, but officers who were trailing them caujrht the robbers and restored the cash to its unsophisti cated owner, says the Fremont Trib une. We wish to emphasize the fact fact that it was a Nebraska farmer who had $5,000 in his pockets. Moral: Beware of confidence men in the cities who seek whom they may de vour. Moral, No. 2: Come to Ne braska and buy a farm. Sixty-five applicants, all women, took a recent examination tor the position of assistant microscopic at the bureau of animal industry at South Omaha. An advertisement is a paying invest ment at any season of the year, if it is placed in a newspaper that is read by the people. The News has a general permanent circulation in all parts of the city and county, and an advertise ment in its columns is certain to bring good results. When Spain hears that Col. Kroeh- ler will take to the field in per so a and command an army of Nebraskans, bent on the annihilation of the effete monarcy, the war-cloud from the east will dissipate like a morning dew be fore a July sun. Uncle Henry Holenbeck and wife arrived Wednesday morning from Lamoni, Iowa, and will move back on their beautiful farm two miles north of Elmwood. Uncle HenryJ says old Cass county is good enough for him. Elmwood Leader. What good are the missionaries do ing ? They have been operating in India for untold years, yet a British government official stationed there re ports that the time honored family custom of killing girl babies as f ist as they are born is observed as reli giously as ever, even by natives who have been "converted.'7 The British government has done everything pos sible to suppress this barbarous cus tom and has been ro more successful than the missionaries. Beatrice Ex press. Judge Ramsey yesterday in district court, after hearing the evidence in the case of Wm. Hawke vs. John C. Watson et al,set aside the deed on the ground of fraud. Court adjourned until March 2. Nebraska City Press. If Spain wants to go up against our ten million of available men with her few thousand soldiers, let her come on. The bluffing stage has passed, and, while we think of it, we must re mind the public that the first company organized in the west to fight Spain was organized by Billy Neville two years ago, and the boys ai e ready to go. The venerable editor of the Central City Democrat, says an exchange, one of the few remaining veterans who once held George Washington's horse while the father of this country went into a tavern to get a drink of petrified cider, says in his last issue: I was in Omaha for three days last" week. This will account for any deficiency found in the paper. Omaha is a bad town and has ruined many a promising young man like myself. About the worst scorching sizzling roast we have seen for many moons. was dished up to Cols. Green and Kirkham last week by the Grand Is land Democrat. The editor's mildest phrases were, "lousy deadbeats," "leprous liars," "Plattsmouth pups," etc., winding up with the following: "Such scabs in the newspaper busi ness do not lend any aid to the cause of the people, they are simply trim mers to support the cause of reform for a blind, but devote their entire time to free lunch counters, free drinks, and sniveling nbuso of men who refuse to stoop to their level. A number of the cigar makers of Plattsmouth were in the city today to attend the funeral of the late William Kuwitzky. Nebraska City News. Plattsmouth has a now society com posed of young ladies, known as the "Q, Z'e." We have hoard tell of Q. T. societies, but when it comes to Q. Z., it'a a quiz on u. Louisville Courier. A woman of more than nverago in telligence who wishes to get married has advertised for a newspaper man in an Omaha paper. She is evidently a lady of sfine discriminating judg ment. NOT IN FA VOIt OF JINGOISM. To the Editor of The News: In view of the trouble imminent be tween the United States and Spain and the oft quoted renurK on our streets that "the Spanish would not tight," it is well to disabuseour minds of this idea. Napo em in the zenith of his power tried to conquer Spain, and notwithstanding his great mili tary genius and immense superiority of numbers and better arms, we know the French were finally driven from the Spanish peninsula. Marshal Ney was culled the "brav est of the brave."" He was a man who would not be beat, and in the last ex tremity rallied like a dying man for a final biow. He disputed every inch he yielded as if it were his last hope, and fought on the threshold ot the next as if it were the commencement of the struggle. He ir what he has to say of an attempt to conquer One day Napoleon entered a loom in Madrid where Ney and several ot his officers were standing, and said in great glee: "Everything goes on well; Romona will be reduced in a fortnight; the English are defeated and unable to advance; in three months the war will be finished." Ney, shaking his head with his characteristic bluntness. replied: "Sire, this war has lasted long al ready, and our affai' s are not improved. These Spaniards are obstinate, even their women and children fight; they massacre our children in detail. To day we cut the enemy in pieces, to morrow we have to oppose another twice as numerous. It is not an army we have to fight it is a whoie nation. I see no end to this business." No man ever accused Ney of coward ice. In an army where Lnnes. Da vonst, Junot, MacDonald, Murat and Victor commanded, to be crowned the "bravest of the brave" was the high est honor a military chieftian could desire. Napoleon, when at St. Helena, said, "Ney is the bravest man I ever saw. " Such, then, was Ney's estimation of the Spanish people, and subsequent events showed that it was correct. It is easy to talk war, but we must bear in mind that it would cost us a million of men ana untold treasure to conquer Spain. F. J. Coates. KAKLY DAYS IN PLATTSMOUTH, (Continued. The society imposed no fees of any kind, and they met for mutual infer mation once a month at Pottenger's or Father Hayes', as both were in the same block. Pottenger's house occu pied the place where the convent now stands. In those days merit was the one stepping stone to public recogni tion. Now how altered I A man has to belong to the inner circle of ward politicians before he can nominate a delega te to a county or city conven tion. When a city convention was called it was often difficult to get a quorum to nominate delegates. Miles Morgan often complained that he had to uame all the delegates himself for the Third ward, and, as none found fault, 3verything went along very smoothly. Services at the Christian Church. Last night the Christian church was crowded to the capacity of the building. The large and interested audience gave the best of attentiou to the solo by Prof. Travis, who sang by request "Two Lives." Evangelist Lemon came before the audience as usual with subject matter well in hand, and the firmness with which he dealt with the subject captured the hearers. When the invitation was given nine persons came forward and made the good confession. This even ing baptism will be administered to some twenty candidates. Everj-one who wishes a seat should come early. Faujiers all know that new varie ties of seeds for planting are often re quired to replace those that have run low in quality. Especialiyis this true of potatoes, which yield well for a few years and then fail. Messrs. Gunson, Brown & Co., the great seed propaga tors, of Rochester, N. Y., are prepared to furnish on order the very best vari ties of new seeds of all kinds for the farm. Apply for samples and descrip tion to C. W. Sherman, Ag'. Take Off the Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned cattle at 10 cents per head for a herd of cattle, 25 cents for a single animal. It never gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after .fly-time, until the first week in April is tha right time. Af ter that it is too late. If those who wish to have such work done will ad dress me at Rock Elis, Neb., they rill be promptly answered. g. L. Fuulono . UartI and Hk t Coal. John Waterman -sole agent for tho famous Mendota 6ofVcoal- Also carries the best grades 01 iKJru Lvai wood, lumber, laths, shing63 Hmei ffoing to build, it will pay you to&eWWater man. Offitio tit tha rear of Water man block on Fifth street. Splendid PEARLMAN'S IMMENSE Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings Was augmented recently by the receipt of two car loads of oods for which he paid spot cash at the factory. Think What This Means It means heavy discounts. It means lower freight rates. It means that his competitors can not meet him on prices, neither can they meet him on a marvelous assortment of everything in his line. His Leader in Stoves Is the old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years' guaranty, and its half a hundred designs. IIT FURNITUKK No house in Cass county ever carried half so lar"e a stock. He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select from. Bed room suites and parlor suites from the lowest price to those fit for a queen. The Prices Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business success. He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with his cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it. It Will Surprise You To call and see his wonderful stock, and g-et his prices, which are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in Omaha. Remember ,the place. i. PEARLMAN, Opposite the Court House. OVER THE STATE. Ex-Governor Crounse of Fort Cal houn has just returned from Florida. His orange orchard, which was greatly damaged by the freeze several years ago, has come out and this sea son brought in very satisfactory re turns. Large hunting parties, composed of neighboring stockmen, are making life an uncertain qualny for the gray wolves over on the North Platte river in Kimball county. The animals have been doing much damage in that part of the country this winter. The industrious hens of Furnas county contribute $2,000 per week to the wealth of the county, as is shown by the shipment of cackleberries by the merchants of Arapahoe,Holbrook, Cambridge, Edison, Oxford, Stamford, Beaver City,IIendley and Wilsonville. William Fritz, former treasurer of Madison county, is repot ted to have struck it rich up in Klondike. A claim owued by himself and five others is yielding $1,000 to the ton of dirt, and they have been offered by New York capitalists $1,000,000 cold cash for it. February Excursions. OpDortunities for visitine the south during this month, via the Louisville & Nashville railroad, are as follows: Home-seeker's excursions on first and third Tuesday at about one fare for the round trip. Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak Springs begins on the 14th inst. Splen did programme, beautiful place, low rates. Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Or leans on 22d. Tickets at half rates. For full particulars, write to C. P. Aimore, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, D. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting platee. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest annlia" wr class dentJ- Foley'" Honey and Tar. Cough Syrup wherever introduced is considei ed the most pleasant and ef fective remedy for all throat and lung complaiuts. It is the only prominent cough remedy that contains no opiates and that can safely be given to children. Smith & Parmele. Crystal Springs Dairy. Milk, as pure as gold from the "Klondike." delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at News office, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. H. FlSHEK, Prop. Baroams STOCK OP Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A Very Delightful Farty. Mrs. Dr. Shipman gave a very de lightful party Saturday afternoon for Miss Gracie Shipman, it being the tenth anniversary of her birthday. The dainty invitation cards announc ing the hours of entertainment, from two until five, were received and ac cepted with much pleasure by the fourteen little maids who were the happy recipients. The afternoon was spent in games, music and dancing, and at 5 o'clock the guests were ush ered in the dinning room, the supper table looking extremely pretty with its lighted candles, flowers and dainty china. The birthday cake witn its ten lighted tapers was the centre of attraction to the merry crowd. On the departure of her friends. Miss Grace presented each one with a dainty souvenir. Those invited were Gladys Lloyd, Exie Holloway, Helen and lone Dovey, Helen Sherman, Gladyb Marshall, Nellie Gault, Zillah and sylvia Thom as. Hannah Black, Louise Drummond, Hallie Bruce, Lina Soennichsen and Pauline Griffith. At the Presbyterian Church. The splendid audience room of the Presbyterian church was crowded with a select audience last evening to hear the "Sacred Concert. " The pro gram, a veryx fine one, was delight fully rendered, and we but echo the opinion of those in attendance when we say that concerts on similar lines would not only interest the public, but would be of great assistance in church work. A Painful Accident. The six-year-old ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stull, while out playing with his twir. brother last week, re ceived a glancing blow from an ax which struck him in the fact, and cut open his eye ball. Mr. Stull took him to St Joseph's hospital at Omaha, where he is under the care of Dr. Gif ford. The wound is quite painful, but the sight may be saved in part. John Hall Wanted. A fellow who gave his name as John Hall spent the winter out in t country workin g for John " une oay last, - , attend aweddin? and Hall . U s J I LU A 1. Jf TV w M w disappeared the same day. Nothing was thought of the matter until yes terday when it was found that 815 in cash had also mysteriously disap peared. Mac was in town today but could get no trace of Hall. Backlen'i Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappepihands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no Day required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke. ' H Garden Eeeas frecv Coates & Co. , ' BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, ITcaa. Jaa. 8. JTlrfe A Co., Chlcoyo, III. Gentlemen: We have Riven your "White Clond" oao a thorough test In washing pieces of linen enibroWlon-d with our "New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and find It entirely satisfactory. Wo take ploasuro In recom mending It as a superior artlclo for laundcriiiK lino embroidery. Yours truly, (S'gnod) r.KLDlNO IlllOH. A. Co. Refering to the above, wc deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. Established 1839. Larcet soap mamifrr.i.rc-r ? tfu world. E Permanently cured by using Dtt. WHITEHALL'S HIIKUMATIC CIJKK. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price f0 cents per box. Sample sent free nn mention of this publication. THE Dlt. WHITEHALL MEGIUMINE CO., South Bend. Indiana ; C3 tnys a Fine Yiolin uJ v "niolcte Outfit. Ku.l O ulrtutMd. 00 buys a Mandoline, 'yj( Dirdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. :f: CO bays An American Guitar, J. guaranteed to stand. Steel strings, In Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC. 3GO buys a $100 Organ. i m ball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. 'i little used, for $50, Write for CaUloraM nd oar A KOSPE, JR., They banish pain and prolong life. II ill it , J(; i."-" mJd!I 3Pio ,M iM BM k HaA H KJ No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A now etyle packet contalnlnir tew BrPASB tabules In parxr enrton ( without rIaw) Is now for ml at Bomednij? stores fob riv cknts. Tlii- low -priced wrt ij intwJ'-l f"r th-; iot ai.d the- c-oftoijl-eai. one dozen of the five-cent sarton ( i'Ji taltii-Ht can n; hai by mail liy if-uliri forty -) u iit mtlm to the KIPAN9 CHEMICAL COMPANY, ISO. 1U tabtjles) will be aeut lor nve ceuia. isust meaiciue WHEN IN NEED OF JPi'inted Stationery VOU SHOULD NO! - AIL TO CALL ON THE NEWS laving Just Received a Large Amount of New Stock we are Prepared to do all kinds of Printing on Short Notice. Society Printing cw c Fi Cvj uo in trie latest ana most arovfed style and. at reasonable t'J( Commercial .Such as ote Heads, Letter Lf t?' K?velopes, Statements, Bill 11, tc We are also Pre?ad to do all kinds of roster ork in Kood styie an,j o3 " A otice. 1 FFICE Pattsmouth- it t mm r j 1 f J JAS. S. KIRK & CO.. Soap Manufacturers. TO S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. $60, $80 to $100. Urmi. PACTOIII PBICE8. 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, NEB. ONE G1VHS RELIEF. 5 0 pm;H Mreet. .New lurtc-or a mi. (Tie f-artou (TKJf ever muae since ttie woria wah rn-Avuj. first- NATIONAL BANK OK PLA.TTSUOTTH, NF.H.; PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Offers tlie very bcslrfacillties for the proiiipt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, gold, government and local securities oouirht and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certll cates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the V. . and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. i DIRECTORS: if'. N. Dovey, I). Iiawkfwortli, S. Waugri 1-. K. White, G. E. Dovey. eo. E. Dovey, I'res., S. Waugh, Cashier. H. Dovey, Asst. Cashier. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Band. EGENBERGER 5 TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. Tpf.