Semi ElS. EKALB. THE NEWH. KHtatjlBhPd Nov.S.lHtll. flonHOlldatnfl Jan 1 lhlrt T1IK IIKUALU, KHtabliHhoU April 10. iWlt r Consolidated Jan. 1, 1J5. PLATTSMOUTH, NEH., MAKCII 2, 1898. VOL. VI. NO.JIO; WEEKLY I i i I L i I 4 4 Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' tl o polish you can put on a Mur.luff shoo. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than thine it wears, it tits, it "feels pood" whether jou walk across the street or across the continent. It's a shiner, u stayer, a soother. Costs money ? Of course not t.s much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do tho talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. 4 4 i 4 6 Joseph Lct:zcr9 North Side Main Street. WHITEBREAST I COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AND M KI1LE STS., II. M. SOENXICIISEN, Manager. 4 4 t 4 t 4 -5- Largo Supply of all the BUST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including: the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. 9 4 f FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock U complete in all Hues . 1 we lovite our friends to look It over. W. wll endeavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT C- SATTLER, (Successors to t-cA.ry Boeck. ) CI.A TTSM OUT U . - N ' PUTTING UP A PRESCRIPTION la careful work. Decrepit, aged drugs won't do.' They must be young and fresh full of life and strength for the sick. They must be pure and they must be carefully put together. We make a specialty of putting up prescriptions we can do it better than the man who doesn't make a specialty of it. If you want careful, thoughtful work, come to F. G. Fricke & Co "a We also keep here the choicest toilet supplies, and other requisites, and quote prices that cannot be dis counted in the country. F. G. FRICKE & CO., SOUTH SIXTH STKlCKT. HARD COAL. Missonr Coal, Genuine Canon City Coa FOR CASH. Leave o-ders at F. S. White's W. J WHITE. For Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, 1 La Grippe, Asthma, Bronchitis, . Consumption, For Sale by SMITH (. peel ;il notie' under thU hend will be charged for nt the rule of Vi cent per word each Innertlon.) Al I S C KLLANKO I' H. O KWlN(i All kinds of plain and fancy sewing J dressmaking, repairing of rents and uya clothes done at the rooms of Mrs. Orilla Hitr man. over Coates' hardware store. -US Main street. POK SAI.K A cood house with eijht rooms r and all kinds of fruit, (iond barn, well and cistern, three lots. Apply at this office. w ANTKD To trade. A good cold watch for an organ. Knquire at the News office w ANTKD- Active, sober and trustworthy man through ttns section. Salary le weekly, and expenses: splen. oonortunitv. Address Slll'.l'l' company, lirU Chestnut street, 1'hiladclphia, 1'a. A GKNTS WANTKD-l'or War in Cuba, by tl Senior (Juesada, Cuban representative at Washinetonr hndorscd bv Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza lor agents Hiss book, bin commissions. l.very- lindv wants the onlv endorsed, reliable book Outfits free. Credit (riven. Freight paid . Drop all trash, and make a month with War in Cuba. Address today. The National liook Con cern. 3ri2-H"rt Dearborn St., Chicago. COPVRiftHT ifciO& to all the faults of the loved one in everything but untidy or soiled linen. A dainty women draws the line on that. Tc look immaculaetly neat and presentable, and have your collar, culT or shirt irreproachable in color and finish, bring it to Plattsmouth City Steam Laundry. GEORGE K. STAATS, South Sixth St. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes w W w i 7 tit k FOE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as "Wind and Tain in tho Stomach, Giddinfss. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. Loss of Appetite, Costivenoss. Blotches on the Skin. Old Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIEST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HEECII A WS P1LI.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of tho sys tem and cure Sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent .Medicine In the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, El. JFITZG 12 A? A FD Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of ft General LWeru Business. Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AM) VINE STS., PIattsmoi,S Nebraska. THE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates SI ami $1.50 per Dau Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PL TT3MOUTH, NEBRASKA Double the. Pleasure of n Drive. A fine carriage doubles the pleasure of driving-. Intending' buyers of carriages or har ness can save dollars by sending for the large, free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage and Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, Ind. H. D.J3ARR ..JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.. : : Fire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collec :; ections Given Special Attention. 7.)0,M)O : : Acres of School Lands lor Lease. TAKE.... iroiey s Horsey' and Ha3 Tar IT IS THE GREAT HROAT and TUr- selh. & PAR MEL , Love Is Blind Council Gives the Contract to a New York Firm. Tlie Matter of Advertlnlnir the City In I'ttniiilx-irit IWaicaziiie I1uhm-U and Derided, And a Committee Will Se led HnildluKrt lor Which tutu Will be Made. Last night's rc-gula meeting of the city council was an unusually inter esting ni.d important one, much busi ness coming up for consideration Upon the roll call by the clerk, yiater was found to be the only abent mem ber, out bo came in l iter, lhe min utes of l ust meeting were read, cor rectod and approved, after which the council went after the business which came before it. Cierk Kerr announced that he had written to the chiefs of tho fire de partments in Denver, Grand Island and St. Louis, iu re jr iid to the lio-se which those corporations h ive in ue, but had received u repiv onlv from the latter. Tho communication from tho St. Louis lire chief enumerated and dcrcribed the merits of t-eveial brands of UO;0 in use down there. Tho document was accented and placed on file. When the judiciary committee was asU'ed if it had any business to brine oeiore uio meewng, uummins, as chairman, announced that thev had iiain interviewed Jlr. Dovey in re gard to tho Litter's damage suit against the city. He said that Mr. Dovey, upon being aled the extent of the dam igo sustained, had ex pressuu nimscui as m l oeing in lavor of accepting any money consideration under i(U no having brought suit in the sum of $1000. The matter as to what should be done in the pre mises, occasioned some discussion. Sattler moved that the committee be riven further time to confer with Mr. Dovey, in co junction with the city attorney, and leport at the next meet ing. Ji was thought in Ibis way an agreement, favorable to all concerned, could be reached. The motion p.e- 'uiled unanimously. i he report of the police j idge and city marshal were found coi rect and ordered p!a- ed on file. Mayor Gutt-eiie next announced the council's readiness to take up unfin- ln d lmsiuess, and invited the repre sentative of Campbell's Illustrated Journal to come forward and more fully state his case. The gentleman tated that since the speciaL meeting he had written to Manager Campbell n regard to the appropriation spoken f, and that the manager had re- guested him to withdraw the applica tion if the city did not see its way clear in the matter, and make the- fur ther and more conservative propostion that if the council would selecia com mittee and decide upon what build ings they wished cuts made of, the magazine would have the cuts made md furnish a write-up of the city in its next issuo free of chargre. He produced tho last number of the mag azine, also the title page lor the one next month, and noth showed artistic workmanship. The representative said that they had been greatly misrepre sented in this city; that it could be seen from the proposition he had just made that instead of doing the city harm his concern would be doing it lasting good by the free advertising it would receive. He assured the council that the magazine for next month would be nearly twice as large as the present number or about 154 pages and stated that cuts would positively be made of the B. & M. hop buildings and appear in that issue. In conclusion he asked the co-operation of the council and the merchants in general, and assured them that the movement would be a credit to Plattsmouth's institutions. Sattler saw nothing wrong1 with this proposition, and his motion to lay the matter on the table for the present to enable the gentleman to draw a resolution of just what he wanted, prevailed unanimous!'. The report of the finance committee was adopted, and, on motion of Lutz, the clerk was instructed to draw war rants for the amounts against thecitv. The matter of purchasing new hose was uejet taken up. Thei-e were ave representatives of different hose manu facturing companies present, e.ich with a view of entering into a con tract with the city. A communication from the W. S. Knott company, of New York,wi'.s first read by the clerk, but on motion it was decided that no hose propositions would Le considered UDll"V ".conipanied by samples. It was decideu iu. . t , ,, ,, one representa tive should address the eo- time, the remainder to retire from Wo room. The first spe.iker was T. S. Clifford, who represented the B. F. Gocdrich Co. Mr. Clifford quoted prices, and warranted his hose to stand a 400-pour.d pressure. Nexicame a representative of the Boston Belting Co., who also quoted acii spoke about the good qualities cf his hose. He said the entire Burlington system used hose manufactured by the con pany ho represented, and he thought that was sufficient recommendation. The Maltese Cross Co', representa tive came next, after which the: cp- resentative of Daw?on & Cole Bros, appeared. Each produced samples and quoted prices. The last speaker was hero in the interests of the New York Bolting & Tacking Co. Ho said he represented the manufacturer direct an advantage over a great many salesmen which fact, he said, enabled him to quote very low prices. Among several other samples of dif ferent brands of hose, he displayed and talked about the "Keystone" hose, which was guaranteed to last a very reasonable length of time. The price of the latter brand of hose was 80 cents per foot. When the last speaker had finished, Ilerola moved that tho city purchase 500 feet of the "Keystone" hose. White thought it best to find out firt exactly how much hoso was needed before placing a contract, but after diacussinir tho matter at length in which the chief of the fire depart ment was consulted in regard to the condition and amount of hoso on hand lleroid s motion prevaileu unani mously, and the citv will enter into a contract for 500 feet of hose with tho New York Bel tine & Packing com pany a nozzle and couplings to be furnished free of charge. Tho resolution which the Campbell magazine representative was re quested to draft was next presented. read by the clerk and adopted, and Messrs. Sattler, Ilerold and llabei appointed as a committee. After Joe Warga had been granted permission to work out some poll tax near his place of residence, a motion to adjourn prevailed. The County Aloney The county treasurer todav let out the county funds to tho banks which bid the highest, as follows: First Na tional, $13,000; Bank of Cass County, $15,000; Bank of Commerce, $3,000; First National bank of. "Weeping Wa ter, $5,000. ' The banks only pay 3 per cent interest on tho above amounts for the coming year. This will leave on account of a foolish law enacted bv tho hist legislature, several thousand dollars which must remain idle in the vaults, because tho law says a bauk cannot borrow over 30 per cent of its capital stock, no matter how good a bond it might give. With a large sum of money in the vault the commirsioners will have to hire a special guard to take charge of it every night a tine condition of af fairs, li deed. The Christian Church Crowded. Fully 400 people attended the Baptismal service at the Christian church last evening, and many were unable to gain admitancc. Rev. Lemon, in his usual bright and inter esting manner, addressed the audi ence, and proved conclusively that tho only way a man can be saved is l-y epenting of his sins and then to be baptized. At the conclusion of Rev. Lemon's sermon eighteen young people had the sacrament of biptism administered uuto them. One young girl went to the altar and pub icly acknowledged her intentions of living a Christian life. Subject tonight, "Four Fools That We Read About In the Bible." All are invited. A Farewell 1'arty. Quite a crowd of young people met at the home of Misses Mabel and Irene eesley Saturday evening to bid fare well to their friend iIinnie McKay, who is going with her patents to South Omaha to live. The evening was spent in playing suitable and er tertaining games, and in the enjoy ment of a nice lunch served during the evening. Those present were Eddie and Anna Oliver, Ray Chtiswisser, James Ar cher, Eddie and May Larson, Earl Lewis, Barley Weldey, Earl, Mabel and Irene Leesley, Joe and Lvnda erry, Earl and May Kuhney, Harry Messersmilh, Minnie and Maud Mc Kay, Annie O'Neal and Ettia Twiss. The Ivy Lodge Social. Monday evening, March 7, Ivy lodge of H. will give a social at Fitz D gerald's hali. A nice literary and musical program will be provided, and refreshments will be served. An ad mission of 10 cents will be charged refreshments free. Shot Ity a Tramp. Glen wood, la., Feb. 28. Pearl Jonhune of Woodbu rn, la., a brake man on No. 74, was shot ihrough the face, fracturing his jaw and through the arm, while ejecting a,- tramp at Mills Station, la. Marriage Licenses. Following are the marriage licenses issued by Judge Sporlock since our last report: ( Aifretto Fiorian Nickels 2 Miss Katlienne Klaurens 23 ( Fred King Clark Ada Swan Friday, March 4. Mad March party you can't forget it at Mrs. Agncws. under the au spices of the King's daughters. Ad--od 15 cents, refreshments free, and a tjeii,..tarenilg thrown in. New Improvements. The Pearl Steam laundrv has just received one of the latest pattern bosom, collar and cuff ironers from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam laur.dv. Main street. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. rn each tablet. Choice Hay. Baled timothy and clover bay sale at A. H. Weckbach & CVs. for A Narrow Kiirape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. I)., Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up saying I could live but a short time, I guvo myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricko & Go's drug 6toie. Regular size 50c and $1.00 guaranteed or price refunded. Choice Home Made Jtread. Mrs. Morning's Light, Cream, Graham, Rye, Boston Brown, Salt Rising, Glutin or any other kind of bread, also tea rolls, cookies, cakes, doughnuts, coffee bread, hominy, mince meat and all other homo cook ing, is being delivered to all parts of tho city. Stop the wagon or go to Halt's market if you wish any. Wo aro prepared .to furnish everything suitable for tea par'.ies, surprise par ties, receptions, etc. Satisfaction as sured. Give us a trial. The Sure La larippe Cure. There is no use st tiering from this dreadful malady if you will only get tho right remedy. You are having paie till through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters are the only remedy that will give you prompt ;md sure relief. They act directly on your liver,storaach and kidneys, tone up the whole system and nuke you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at F. G. Fricke & Cos. drug store, only 50 cents bottle. per Notice to DrehHcrn. From now until March 1st wo will make a reduction of 10 per cent on all fancy suitings and pantings. This will give to all fine dressers a chance to wear clothes made at home by a tailok, who employes no one but first-class mechanics. The spring and summer woolens are now in. Clean ing, dyeing and repairing given prompt attention. J. C. I'TAK, Under Bank of Cass County. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, I Lucas County, fSS- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner ol the iirm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business iu the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said Iirm will pay tlie sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this loth day ol December. A. l. 1SK6. A. W Gleason, (Set ) Notary ir'ublic. Hairs -vi rl Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F. I. Cheney & Co.. Tcledo. O. 37Sold by druggists, Tc. Many I'eople Cannot Drink Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain-O when you please and sleep like a top. For Grain-O does not stimulate: it nour ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the best coffee. For nervous persons, young people and children, Grain-O is the perfect drink. Made from pure grains. Get a pack age from' your grocer today. Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 25c. It I'ays to Get the lieat. W. E. and C. E. Crabill are deliver ing the best of milk to their customers in nil parts of the city. Try our pys tem of bottle delivery. At .-chiappeeasse's. A complete line of choice tropical fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters served in every style at his old stand, opposite Bank of Cass county. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew Building, riattsmoulu, Neb. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. in. Service each Sunday, 11 a. m. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman, The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his prices are always reasonable. Thcn-.ost convenient boarding stable for far mers in the citv. PLAtsmoUTH, : NEB Wright's Condensed Smoke 4' for Smoking' all Meats. Im- A parts a delicious flavor. Keeps Meat Sweet and free from In tVI an sects. A 75 cent bottle will smoke 250 pounds. Sold by all rinicrcricf-C- MaHp h F T-T WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb. For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 11 Mr f. ---" r c r- stop in a Why We have just received the nobbiest line of Spring Neckwear Hats and Caps Ever shown JOE The 'copc's Clothiers. P. S. We are just receiving a grand line of Spring Suits and Pants, at popular prices. That's why you should step in a minute. la U m M m 'H M M m raj With Blizzards Yet to Come REMEMBER WE ARE HEAD QUARTERS FOR WARM SLIPPERS SHOES RUBBERS By watchfulness on our part we made an extra good deal on ..Snller Boots.. Children?a Erst quality, fleece lined Misses' first quality, fleece lined Ladies' first quality, fleece lined Youth's first quality, fleece lined CALF. KIP AND GRAIN BOOTS FROM S1.5Q UP. ROBERT SHERWOOD, THE LEADERS IN TO GROCERY TRADE ARE: A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass Jcounty. OEvery thing fresh and new. They pay c; for our goods and give their custo mers the advantage of special discounts. A complete lino of canned gocda always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. 11. WECKBACH & Minute in Plattsmouth. WRJLNK - 00 r far c r 0m r t- r m r 00 r r Felt Boots -AND German Sox I.50 I.50 I.5O FOOT IY1ILLI r E R . Ml E., Waterman Blk, Seen ol V