Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 16, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly News-Herald
... BY THE . . .
One Year, in advance 5 00
Six Months 2 50
ne Week 10
single Copies,
One Year, in advance 11 00
Hix Months 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
TilK irrepressil lo Peebles of I'ende
ia out urpinfj his candidacy for gov
ernor. The law for the prevention of
crueltv to anlraala should bo amended
eo aa to include Peebles.
Immense 6ilk nd velvet factories
are to bo erected in this country at
once by foreigners who have to move
here with their capital from France
to avoid the tariff. In this way
American industries aro being built
up, and millions added to tho wealth
of the country.
IN twenty-three years, aa shown by
the report of the state auditor, the
people of Nebraska have paid out the
enormous 6um of $9,416,006 more for
insurance than they have received
back. It is little wonder that the
great life insurance companies are
wealthy and can build million dollar
blocks in most of the great cities
This money should be kept at home.
St. Jackson must bo dethroned. It
ia ehowa by public records that he, as
president of the United States, struck
the first blow at silver and destroyed
its being coined into money. Silver
enthusiasts can no longer worship at
the Jackson shrine without a shock to
their ideas of propriety, if they have
any ideas on that subject.
According to the investigating
committee, Mayor Graham of Lincoln
is in favor of making prosperity come
whether it wants to or not, by levying
tribute on his hired help. The mayor's
standing as a very clumsy boodler is
being fixed so firmly it will take
mighty strong testimony to remove it,
Judge Scott got a nice half column
writeup in the Lsee this morning on
his lecture. This does not indicate
the near approach of the millennium,
but suggests a thought with reference
to Scott's decision in the Omaha li
cense matter which was favorable to
the Bee. The two liona may become
lambs and lie down together. .
The Spanish minister, De Lome,
promptly resigned as soon as he found
his letter criticising President Mc-
Kinley bad been stolen and made
public. The government at Madrid
accepted his resignation and thus an
other Spanish war cloud has blown
over and the white dove of peace rests
on its perch at Washington, while
the Cubans continue to struggle for
A MILLIONAIRE evangelist has
started a religious revival in Brooklyn
which he thinks will spread oyer the
entire territoy of Greater New York,
Bays an exchange. We hope he is
right. Judging from the last election
in that territory there is no place in
greater Deed of a religious revival,
but we fear that the expectation of
loot will prevent the conversion of
any Tammanyites.
One of the silliest measures which
ever passed the national senate was
passed yesterday. It was an appro
priation of $45,000 for an Indian con
gress, where all the Indians could as
semble and have their bills paid and
could express their opinions of Uncle
Sam. What benefit the congress
would be to the Indians or to the gov
ernment is not perceptible with the
naked eve.
The Bee prints a silly and insiped
article of nearly two columns today to
prove that its editor was the first one
to mention the Trans-mississippi ex
position. This selfish ego business
only stirs up strife and ill feeling and
ia not of the slightest interest to the
general public, other than to beget a
feeling of disgust. If the exposition
proves a success, the man or men who
contribute most toward making it a
success will be deserving of public
acknowledgement. As to who sug
gested the exposition, whether Col.
Rosewater or Tom Murray's valet, is
not of the slightest consequence.
The outlook for a great strike in
the New EDgland cotton mills is cer
tainly threatening. The conditions
are singularly unfortunate and if a
strike is declared it cannot help bnt
injure the whole country. The cotton
mills of the south employ cheap col
ored labor and with cheap fuel and
right at the cotton fields they have
cut the margin of profit out entirely
for the-great New England factories.
The result is that the New England
manufacturers must either reduce
their wage schedule or close their
mills. The factory people refuse to
accept a lower wage and consequently
the conditions could not be worse.
Ex Governor St. JoiiM,the cloven
footed who defeated James G. Blaine
for the presidency by his prohibition
agitation, signed a whisky petition
for an Olathe, Kan., druggist last
week, and the W. C. T. U. of that
state ia after the arch hypocrite with
a vim and vigor that is certainly com
mendible. Tho character of Benedict
Arnold stands out as a beacon light of
honor In comparison with the actions
of St. John during tho Blaine presi
dential campaign. As republican gov
ernor of Kansas, ho was given pres
tige, which he ia believed to have
sold to tho democratic campaign man
Hgera for Bordid cash. II is lust act
shows the insincerity of the man very
clearl v.
Governor Holcomb yesterday issued
the customary quarantine proclama
tion relating to tho shipping of live
stock from the southern states into
and through Nebr3ka. It is the
custom of all states in the northern
part of the United Stales to issue
proclamations this time of tho year
requiring that all cattle brought into
the states shall bo quarantined and
inspected. Tho procamition pro
vides that cattle may be taken from
tho trains and fed at Aurora, Lincoln
and Omaha.
Wm. Wendt was in town Tuesday
afternoon wearing a 2x4 smile and a
ciean shirt. It did not take the
Courier man long to learn ihe mean
ing of his joy. Will has been busy
ing himself for the past two weeks
digging a will on his farm south-west
of town and Tuesday at the depth of
77 feet struck an eighteen Inch vein
of good soft coal. After passing
through this vein he struck sand and
another vein of twenty-two inches in
thickness. Will says all who want to
go to Klondike can do so, but as for
him, he thinks he has a pretty good
Klondike right here in Cass county.
Louisville Courier.
At the birth of a Japanese baby a
tree is planted which must remain
untouched till the marriage of the
child. When that hour arrives the
tree is cut down and a skilled cabinet
maker transforms the wood into fur
niture, which is always cherished by
the young couple as the most beauti
ful of the ornaments in the house.
Before jumping on F. C. Grable and
explaining in eloquent language that
he is a public enemy, it might be well
to remember that he has done a great
deal of good in the west, says the
Beatrice Express. lie has made some
parts of the wilderness blossom as the
rose. He has furnished employment
at good wages through the hard times
to hundreds of men. He has caused
money to circulate where it was needed
the worst way. He was a man of vast
enterprises, and he must have had
vast ability to carry them as he did.
When a man is in trouble, the old wol
fish instinct becomes strong in the
human bosom, and everybody wants
to throw a brick at him. If Grable is
given half a chance, he will pay every
dollar he owes.
Professor Hicks' storm period was a
week late, and when it came it was
only a gentle rain without wind or
snow, and that too in midwinter. As
a weather bureau, Irl Hicks has lost
his prestige with the general public.
Anybody could guess as accurately as
Hicks has this winter
Yesterday was a remarkable day.
taking it all in all, says Walt Mason
Everything was coated with ice, ana a
man could go skating any where. Upon
retiring the night previous, we left a
good fire burning, and in the morning
a tall column of smoke, covered with
ice, towered from the chimney to a
height of twenty feet. During the
day it broke off and fell with a dull
sickening thud. We attempted to
drive down town in the morning, but
our horses had never learned to skate
and when they had slid around a block
on their tails we unhitched them and
placed them in cold storage for future
reference. There was ice to throw at
the birds yesterday, but unfortunately
there were no birds to throw it at.
Assistant Secretary of War Meikle-
john yesterday 3ent to the senate an
abstract of the miiitia force of the
Unfted States. Nebraska under this
abstract has general and staff, 7;
cavary, 45; light battery, 52, infantry,
1,054; number of available men in
state to take field, 101,926. South
Dakota show9 a very much smaller
percentage: General and staff, 3;
light battery, 42; infantry, 651; num
ber of available men, 55,000.
The Young Men's Republican club
of Lincoln had a love feast and ban
quet last night that was well worth
attending. Old Lancaster expects to
continue as the banner republican
county, even if a few of her men do go
Only one more month and the elec
tion will be on with a fury and heat
of a Simoon from the Saharah des
ert. Because of the great number of dogs
being shipped over all lines to Pacific
coast points for export to the Klon
dike the railroads in the Western
Passenger association have found it
necessary to make reduced rates for
the animals. The charge is 83.60 per
dog from Omaha and all other Mis
souri river points. From any of the
Pacific coast points to Alaska the
charge for the transportation of each
dog is $7.50. Each dog is regarded as
fifty pounds of excess baggage.
An interesting novelty at the Paris
exposition willjhe;the .Mareorama
sic) which will trive visitors the
illusion of a voyage by steamer from
Marseilea to Constantinople, with
calls at TrangierB, Algiers, Naples,
Venice, Alexandira and .Smyrma.
They will be standing on the steamer,
which will appear to be in the sea.
even to the rolling of the vessel and
the salt breezes. The
unrolling of
thecanvasos will make tbem think
the ship ia moving, too principle be
ing the same as that which makes
railway passengers in a standing train
think they are in motion when another
train passes. Tho voyage of the
steamer will be diversified by viirlous
scenes, such as meeting a fleet of war
ships, a tempest, wilh thunder and
lightning; a sunrise, etc,, besides
other curious incidents. Thus, at Na
ples, sor instance, natives will climb
on board and pesrform tho dances of
tho country.
Machinist Charles Purdy and wife
will leave Saturday night for a visit
wilh friends at Plattsmouth. Alli
ance Grip.
It is the duty of every young man
to take unto himself a wife. But ho
should w lit until his income is suffi
cient to support two people. He'll
find the "curse of go'd" in the way of
wages a much pleasanter aflliction
than the curse of poverty. Go to
work young man, either learn a trade,
a profession or get a farm, then when
your bank account is on the right side
of the ledger, you can cro to her and
6ay wilt thou, and she'll wilt. Syra
cuse Journal.
Muckinfuss is the name of the presi
dent of St. Louis' new base ball asao
Ninety years ago, when Louisiana
was purchased, her boundaries ex
tended to the Pacific ocean. The land
west of the Mississippi river was de
signated on the map as "The Great
American Desert." "The Kansas and
Nebraska Handbook" of 1857 and 1858,
by Nathan Parker, spells Kansas with
a "z' and designates British Ameri
can aa the northern boundary of Ne
braska. What wonders have been
accomplished in these forty years!
They have seen the uesort blossom as
the rose, the population of a few
thousand swell into an earnest people
who number millions; the rude imple
ments of farmers giving way to the
most perfect machinery in the world
and poverty and ignorance replaced
by wealth and knowledge. What
more fitting, then, that after a suc
cessful half century, the people of the
west give an exposition demonstrating
that when commerce leads the way,
art, culture, true social progress, fol
low? Boston Transcript.
The government is making lots of
noise about opening a pneumatic mail
service in New York City. Pneu
matic tubes have been used in the mail
service of England and Germany for
tan vears.
Burlington Route California Excursions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, mcdern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Lake
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spring seats and backs
and are provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful ex perience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving fnll information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket office, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
February Excursions.
Opportunities for visiting the south
during this month, via the Louisville
& Nashville railroad, are as follows:
Home-seeker's excursions on first
and third Tuesday at about one fare
for the round trip.
Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak
Springs begins on the 14th inst. Splen
did programme, beautiful place, low
Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Or
leans on 22d. Tickets at half rales.
For full particulars, write to C. P
Atmore, General Passenger Agent,
Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, D,
P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Ilomeseekerg' Excursons.
Homeseekers excursion tickets will
bo sold on January 4 and 8, February
1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, lexis, Liouisiana, inaian .terri
tory. Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stoutenborough, Agt.
Pearl Steam Laundry,
B. F. Goodman has his now laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running order, and asKs a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there will be no
longer any excuse for sendingagoods
awav. iNotniner too gooa ior our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, fperfn a front porch
and a rear end ofu car. Perhaps the
use of Foley'sTIoney and Tar will ex
plain why they could do this, without
lujury to tneir vocal organs, ii is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
From everyweere come words of
praise for Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy. "Allow me to congratulate
you on the merits of your Remedy!
It cured me of chronic bronchitiB
when the doctor could do nothing for
me." Chas. F. Hemel, Toledo, O.
For sale by all druggists.
ltargralns In Fine Hogs.
Thoroughbred Poland China male
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call
on or address J. G. Richey, Platts-
mouth, Nob.
The Itrave Soldier Died aa Be Bad Always
Hoped He Would.
Moore was dying. Baird was severely
wounded. The early winter night was
creeping over the field of battle, and
Hope, gallant soldier though he was,
judged it prudent to stay his band.
Soult had been roughly driven back.
The transports were crowding into the
harbor. It was enough to have ended a
long retreat with the halo of victory
and to have secured an undisturbed em
barkation. Meanwhile Moore had been carried
into his quarters at Cornna. A much
attached servant stood with tears run
ning down his face as the dying man
was carried into the house. "My
friend," said Moore, "it is nothing!"
Then, tnrning to a member of his staff,
Colonel Anderson, he said : "Anderson,
you know I have always wished to die
in this way. I hope my country will do
me justice. " Only once his lips quiver
ed and his voice shook as he said, "Say
to my mother" and then stopped, while
he struggled to regain composure.
"Stanhope," he said as his eyes fell on
his aid-de-camp's face, "remember me
to your sister" the famous Hester
Stanhope, Pitt's niece, to whom Moore
was engaged. Life was fast and visibly
sinking, hut he said, "I feel myself so
Btmitlf T four T clinll Ka Innw 1rlir. ' '
But he was not. Death came swiftly
and almost painlessly. Wrapped in a
soldier's cloak, he was carried by the
light of torches to a grave hastily dug
in the citadel at Cornna, and far off
to the south, as the sorrowing officers
stood round the grave of their dead
chief, could be heard from time to time
the sound of Soult's guns, yet in sullen
retreat. That scene is made immortal
in Wolfe's noble lines:
Few and short were the prayers we said.
And we spoke not a word of sorrow,
But we steadfastly gazed on the face that was
And we bitterly thought of the morrow.
We thought as we hollowed his narrow bed
And smoothed down his lonely pillow
That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er
his head.
And we far away on the billow.
Cornhill Magazine.
The Strange Disease Which Attack Loco
motive Engineers.
"Railway surgeons are learning many
new facts in regard to the physical re
quirements of railway employees, " said
J. K. Matson of Chicago at the Southern.
"Recently the railway surgeons of
the United States held a national con
vention in Chicago, and one night I
heard an interesting chat in the lobby
of a hotel by some of them. The uni
versal opinion among them was that it
is just as important that the ears of
railroad employees, and particularly
the ears of locomotive engineers, should
be scientifically tested for natural or ac
quired defects as that their eyes should
be tested for possible color blindness.
' Whistle deafness' is now a common
disease among railroad employees.
Many a railroad accident could be traced
to this peculiar 'whistle deafness' if
the truth were known. This disease
makes the ear of a locomotive engineer
sensitive to the sounds by which he is
immediately surrounded, but entirely
deaf to sounds of all other kinds.
"The same condition is often ob
served among boiler makers, who cah
hear slight noises when the air is laden
with the clatter of hammers upon iron
plates, while they are insensible to the
same sounds in quiet surroundings. Lo
comotive engineers sometimes have de
fective ears that can detect slight sounds
indicating imperfect working of the ma
chinery, even while the bell is ringing
or the whistle blowing or both are in
use. A locomotive engineer thus afflict
ed should be relieved of duty for awhile
until the ear has recovered its normal
condition, enabling it to discriminate
between sounds according to their exact
ynl 'I tiv o vrvlnmQ TlfrV an3 infoncifw ' '
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The gentlemen of the bar, who not
infrequently have to take rebukes from
the bench, greatly enjoy a chance to
make a legitimate retort against the
court. The story is told .that a certain
judge who during the plea of a rather
prosy lawyer could not refrain from
gently noamng nis neaa in sleep was
caught at this "by the lawyer, who look
ed significantly at him.
"Perhaps," said the judge testily and
prevaricatingly, "the counsel thinks the
court was asleep, but he may be assured
that the court was merely cogitating."
The lawyer talked on. Presently the
judge, again overcome by his somno
lency, nodded off and aroused himself
with a little sudden snorting snore.
"If it please your honor, " 6aid the
lawyer, "I will suspend my plea until
the court shall have ceased to cogitate
"You may go on," said the judge,
and he did not fall asleep again. Ex
change. Some English.
English board school teachers can all
produce charming examples of naive
parental orthography. Here are two
scraps from the correspondence of cer
tain Australian mothers. The first is an
excuse :
Please, sur, mi kids kant go toskule, as there
close is wore hout, an thay kant git more till
the wheets Eould.
The next refers to clothing:
Dear Mr. : Please send one par of sobs to
fit a boy of ten years old one par to fit one nine
years Old one par to fit one seven years I want
the three pars all cast iron stokings.
London Globe.
The population of Iceland in 1894
was 72,177. Prior to 1890 there was a
good deal of emigration, chiefly in Win
nipeg, but there has been very little
since that year. Sixty-five per cent of
the population live by rearing sheep
and cattle and 18 per cent by fishing.
Glasgow, Manchester and Birming
ham are still, the foremost industrial
centers of Europe.
Take Off the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per bead for a herd of cattle,
25 ceuts for a single animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until the firBt
week in April is tha right time. Af
ter that it is too late. If those who
wish to have such work done will ad
dress me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they
vill be promptly answered.
s. L. Furlong.
CootIU WhoTralnnd KiU to (live Warn
Ing of the Approach of lirvpen While
They Sawed Their Cell Hire A Sheriff
Rewarded For Vlgilin.
A story told by W. K. Ryan, an old
Ohio sheriff, illustrates the ingenuity
of criminals. Ryan was sheriff of Cuya
hoga county for several years and re
fused a third or fourth nomination for
the office for tho reason that the county
jail in Cleveland was so old and dilapi
dated that the watching of the 70 or bO
prisoners was more of a job than he
cared to keep. While he was still in
charge a notorious criminal named Fos-
er and an accompiioe were convicted
and sentenced to a long term of im-
prisonment in the Ohio penitentiary.
At that time the jail was crowded, and
Sheriff Ryan was compelled to place
both convicted men in the same cell.
The sheriff lived in the oounty build
ing, and on the night following tho con
viction of Foster he went to bed soon
after supper, intending to get up early
the next morning and take the two
prisoners to the penitentiary. About
midnight he awoke with a start. He
was trembling violently and was cou
vinced that trouble was brewing in tho
"There's something wrong in the
jail," he said to his wife, "and I'll bet
Foster is about ready to break out. I'm
going down stairs to look around."
Dressing himself, he put a revolver
into his pocket and noiselessly went
down to the chief jailer's room on the
first floor. Abe Abrams, his deputy,
was gnarding the jail door.
"What's the matter?" asked Abrams.
"What's wrong in the jail?" returned
the sheriff.
"Nothing," replied Abrams.
"Haven't you heard the noise of
saw s?" asked Ryan.
"Nope, and they ain't been working,
or I'd heard 'em, as I've been laying
mighty quiet. "
Ryan was suspicious and listened at
tentively at the jail door. There was no
noise except an occasional snore of one
of the prisoners.
"Abe," said Ryan, "I'm certain Fos
ter and his pal are np to mischief. I've
been feeling it in my bones all night,
and I'm going to sneak in two tiers un
der their cell and listen. "
He opened the jail door noiselessly
and crept through the jail until he was
under Foster's cell. lie had not made
the slightest noise. Of that he was cer
tain. He breathed regularly and with as
little noise as possible, and he could
not detect a sound which indicated that
an effort was being made to saw the
cell bars. Nevertheless, he could not
get rid of his suspicion and remained
there perfectly quiet until 5 o'clock.
Then he went to breakfast, called a
deputy and, placing the handcuffs and
leg irons on Foster and his confederate,
prepared to take tbem to Columbus on
an early train.
"As soon as we leave," said the
sheriff to Abrams, "you search the cell
and telegraph me the result at Colum
bus." When Columbus was reached about
noon, this message was handed to Ryan
Found two dozen fine file saws in cell.
Ryan handed the telegram to the
prisoners, and when they read it they
"You see, boys, that you may be
pretty foxy, but you couldn't beat the
old man," said the sheriff.
"That's right," said Foster; "but
what made you come into the jail last
night and stay so long? Who put you
"Nobody," answered Ryan. "I just
guessed it. But how did you ' know I
was there? Did you hear me?"
"Not a sound. You made a quiet
sneak for such a big man, "said Fos
ter'a pal.
"men now did you know l was
there?" persisted the sheriff.
"Now, Bee here, Mr. Ryan," replied
Foster. "We're in for a long term, and
if you will put a good word in for us
we'll tell you our secret."
"Agreedl" said Ryan.
"Well, where we got the saws is
neither here nor there and none of your
business, " said Foster, "but we knew
you were watching us and knew that if
we wanted to give you the slip we
would have to exercise more than or
dinary or human vigilance. Now, the
jail is full of rats, and jail rats, having
been killed bo often by way of amuse
ment for the prisoners, are timid. Rats
like meat. We saved some of our meat
at supper every night and scattered it
in front of the cell. The rats soon real
ized that we meant them no barm,
and after a number of experiments they
would allow one of us to feed them
while the other worked. Rats have a
keener sense of hearing than men, and
if an outsider should appear they would
run. Well, when you sneaked into the
jail last night we didn't hear you, but
the rats did. They scampered and we
quit. When you left, the rats returned,
but it was too late then, and the game
was up. "
The records of county commissioners
show that on the following day a requi
sition was received from the sheriff's
office calling for two dozen rat traps
and a case of rat poison. Pigeonholed
in the prosecuting attorney's office is an
indictment entitled "State of Ohio ver
sus Rodent, for aiding and abetting the
attempted escape of certain prisoners of
the state from the county jail of Cuya
hoga county, state of Ohio." This
charge never came to trial, and the de
fendants Buffered capital punishment
whenever captured without even hav
ing a hearing. Cleveland Letter.
A friend having declared in Mrs. Sid
dons' hearing that applause was neces
sary to actors that it gave them confi
dence, "More," interposed she; "it
?ives us breath."
Frank Felder of Omaha, and Emma
Anna Fuhlrodt of Fremont, were pil
grims to the Cass county shrine at the
probate court where marriage licenses
are ropally dispensed by his honor.
Judge Spurlock. People from all
over the country seem to be catchin?
on where the right place to get a li
cense, hence' Judge Spurlock and his
affable clerk, Mrs. Hasse, are kept
quite busy.
The News will be delivered at your
door for 15c per week.
Silk Manufacturers,
XIcsb. Jaa. S. JTlrfc A Co.,
Chicago, III.
We have Riven your "WhltoCiond"soaDathoroneli
test In washing pW-ces of linen embroidered with our
"New Process" Wash Embroidery JSllks and rind It
entirely satisfactory. Wo take pleasure In recom
mending it as a superior article fur laundering lino
Yours truly,
(S.'gnod) Ukldino It rob. A Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
' Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
I - . .t i . i . i.
superior ior nne jaunarv worK.
also ranks first as a pure white
IZslablKshed i8.o.
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CUKE. Tho
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 centa
per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
THE DR. WHITEHALL MEG KIM IN E CO., South Bend, Indiana.
63 bjys a Fins Yiolin
!,-!. t Outfit.
CO buys a Mandoline,
Birdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
0!) hys An American Guitar,
guaranteed to stand.
strings, In Alahogany or Rose
wood finish.
SOO buys a $ioo
Kimball Pianos 1 Oigans
r?: ' .i, !!ttlQ used, for $50, $60, $80 to $100.
Writ for CatolofUM Md ou
San Francisco
All ooints west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
Denver express 1 1 :1H pm
Chicago express 12:41 um
Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, bt Louis, all points
south 9:40 rn
Local e.D, dally, Burlington,
Chica'-'o, all points east 10:24 am
Local exp, dally except Sun
day 11:55 am
Local exp, daily except Sun
day. I'acitic Junction 12:30 pm
Freight, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2:50 pm
Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur-
No 1.
N o ti.
No 20.
No 4.
No 10.
No 8.
No 30.
No 2.
llnirtou, Chicago and all
points east
No 13 stub from Junction to Platts
mouth, No 12. Local exp, daily. St Joe.Kau
8HB City. St Louis. Chicago
all points east and south..
No 5. Local exp, daily, Omaha, Lin
coln, Denver and interme
diate stations
No 85. Local f relent, dally, Omaha.
5:30 pm
0:15 pm
625 ptn
7:32 am
8:50 am
No 2ii. Local freight, dauy, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creek, Louis
ville. South Bena 7:37 am
Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
Liucoln 2:22 pm
Vestibuled exp. daily, Den
ver and all points In Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand island. Black Hiils.
Montana and Pacific N. W. 3:43 pm
Local exp, daily except Su -
No 9.
day. Louisville. Asiilanu,
Wahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 4-59 pm
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclmintc chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and bacgage checked to anj point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
No. 1 4:50 a. in.
No. 9 1L51 a. in
No. 121, local freight 4.04 p.m
No. 2 10:43 p. m.
No. 123, local freignt 7.36 am.
No. 10 4:04 p. n .
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anvone Bending a nketch nd description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent
ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
faieni uien iopiukd jyiuiju t
tpeeiol notice, without charge. In the
rough Mann Co. receive
ut charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly.
T-arvest cir
culation of any soientiflc Journal. Terms. $3 a
year: four montha, L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Bd'- New YorSf
Branca Office, ce tr dt, w asningion, v. t
Complaxlon Prsssrvsd
Remove? Freckles, PImplea,
Liver-Moles, Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, and re
stores the skin to Its origi
nal freshness, producing a
Clear ana neunuy rum
nloxlon. StiDeriortOnU faneV?
preparations and perfectly hnrmles. At all
druggists, or mailed for50cts. 6end for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP - iimriy tneompvmbi u a
kia parifiiD Pop. Bnqtik)r4 for Iti toilet. n4 wltlwat a
rival for thQ norarry. Abvolalrlr pare and 4elicatly atedt
cated. At drugri-u. Pries 1 S Cants.
The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Soap Manufacturers.
ror uie uaui auu u.
floating soap.
& CO.
St J ma m iW
1513 Douglas Street, OKAHA, KB.
Oilers the very beslriacilltics for the
prompt .transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, gold, government and loc al
securities nought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certfi
cutes. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
II. N. Uuvcy, I). Hawksworth,
V. K. White, G. E. Dovey.
S. Waugh
eo. E. Dovey, Pres.,
II. N. Dovey
S. Waugh, Cashier,
Asst. Cashier.
Having Just Received a Large
Amount of New Stock we are
Prepared to do all kinds of
Printing on Short Notice.
SoGiety Printing
We are prepared to do in the
latest and most approved
style and at reasonable rates.
Commercial Printing
Such as Note Heads, Letter
Heads, Envelopes. Statements.
Jiill Heads, etc. We are also
prepared to do all kinds of
poster work in good style and
on short noti' e.
NO. 303 .
Rates $1 and $1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
C5 8D