Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 09, 1898, Image 3

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Th ICvriit Atteinlfil Uy About fifty of
lMttmoutli' HtMlely I.llei
Oilier Nwi Not.
From Saturday' Daily.
"The pr tuest par ty of the sa-on,"
wub llio unnnitnouH verdict of those
who Hticiulod Mtb. L' I) LchnholTd
Kcnain-ton yesterday afternoon. Tlis
rooms wtro most ar tistically decor
ated, pinK being tho prevailing colo-;
tiiilin,r curtains of slmilax, divided
tho loonitf and vases of American
beauty and LaFraneo roues enhanced
tho chinning arrangement. Tho bay
window wub made a veritable bower
by curtains of nimilax and pink
Mrs. Goorgo LohnhotT who dispensed
chocolate, anBiBted by little Miss
Dovey, was most charmingly gowned
in pink. The receiving party, Mrs.
Frank Morgan, Mrs. August Ithine
hackle and Mrs. Dr. Cummins, as
sisted the hostess, the electric lights
Bhowlng oil their protty gowns and
those of the guests to tho best advan
tage. The ladies spent mobt of the after
noon in social chat and needle work,
and the elegant luncheon at 5 o'clok
was so daintily served that it will
mako this particular Kensington an
event long to bo remember ed.
The invited guests were:
F K White
T P 1 ivinKstoii
K II Wilson
11. Root
. I) Iteniictt
T II Pollock
N Wise
'. Kuttner
Fred Latham
Kate Polk
T Patterson
Ci 1 Houseworth
George llovey
H N Dovey
C F Stoutenborough
Henry Herold
K W Cook
M Morrisey
I M Johns
I N Summers
George LehnhotT
F JJ Lehnhotl
Arthur Helps
H II Tartsch
W H Munger
J Patterson
T M Patterson
K Swearingeu
L Pickett
C Kails
August Khinehackle
Fred Murphy
S H At wood
C K Wescott
li Clark
C tl Parmele
Al Gass
F A Campbell
S A Davis
M II owl a nd
Frank Morgan
Clel Morgan
I Konnelly
Ed Cummins
MissTillie Lehnhoff
A Warm School Meeting.
The Stull district had a school meet
ing today, and the feeling out there
being red-hot, the sheriff was re
quested to bo present and prevent
bloodshed. He went out, but the pro
ceedings were not marred by any seri
ous disturbances.
Attorney Charles Grimes, with his
client, Lawrence Stull, was on deck,
and Attorney Dwyer representing the
other side. The district claims that
Stull owes it money which he with
holds, and Stull jays he owes nothing
By a vote of 21 to 10 the board was
authorized to carry the case through
court. Intense interest was shown
and standing room in the school house
was at a premium.
A llootleHH Errand.
Sheriff Wheeler received a telegram
from Cedar Creek yesterday from Joe
Winkelhaus telling him to come up
there at once to his place, two or
three miles east of that town.
The sheriff hitched up his team and
drove through the mud until ho
reached the farm house. On enquiry
he found his man who was in such
dire need of a sheriff had gone to
church. He waited until his return,
only to learn that the fellow wanted
to know something about his son who
had gone to Plattsmouth and had not
returned home. The sheriff was
"hot," as he had a right to be, and he
made the fellow fork over $5 for caus
ing him his long drive through the
mud for nothing.
II. G. Spencer had business in Om
aha this mornlntr.
Professor Mcllugh had busiuer-s in
tho metropolis this morning.
Tho ico on tho bayou nttrat t jd quite
a crowd of young p -oplo today.
Hev. II. U. Burgess was an Omaha
c iller today on church business.
I K. Skinm:rwas down from Lin
I coin today on a brief business trip.
( Chris MeU'er, tho wealthy Cedar
'.Crook farmer, was in the city today.
E. D. Sanders of Bluevaie, Neb.,
is in town visiting his brother, J. K.
Mrs. J. W. Teegar df n of Weeping
Water'is in the city tho guest of Mis.
Tom Patterson.
Mrs. C. M. Holmes retur ned to Have-
lock this morning after a brief visit
with relatives in this city.
C. M. Graves, one of llock IlluITs
best citizens, was in town today arid
made THE NEWS a pleasant call.
Charley Grassman has been trans
ferred to Gibson for a few days to
looK after some work for the 15. & M.
Louisville's new grist mill will bo in
operation Tuesday next. The ma
chinery is all in place except some
spouting, and that is expected daily.
The threatening weather promised
yesterday by the weather bureau
turns out as nice a winter day as one
could expect to tind.outsido of the
tropics. "
Tho Tuxedo dancing club hold a
very successful dancing party at Wat
erman's hall last evening. The music
was as fine as could be obtained in the
state, tho mandolin club here being
hard to equal.
Conductor Cal Raney of the Bur
lington's Lincoln-col urn bus run will
succeed Conductor Erwin on trains
Nos. 7 and 12, commencing tomorrow,
the latter having t een promoted to
the m tin lino trains.
C. L. Marshall sold his place out
Alnnrn's trreenhouse to Tom
Janda, and will move back to town
again. His lather who resides in In
diana, is quite old and he expects to
spend part of the summer with Dim.
The News learns that I'.attsmouth
is to have another milliner store very
Boon. If fewer people went to Omaha
and other towns for their millinery
another store could not supply the de
mand. Tho cheap-John department
store stuff i far from beii econo
mical to buy if the purchaser only
knew it.
M. L. Frederich was in from Eight
Mie Grove precinct today. He says
fall wheat is looking lire-1-rate, but
there is very little sown in that part
of the county. Fruit prospects so far
could not be better, and if corn will
go a little higher the McKinley wave
will be so big the most hide-bound
popocrat in the country can't help see
ing it.
in January was handed a check yes
terday for SlTi by Dick Ilarr, n-zent for
the Accident Insurance company, in
which ho held a policy.
F. J. Coates went to Otnahn this
morning to look after his hotel, the
Mercer, whic h is one of the best in
Omaha, and ought to be headquarters
for 1 'lattoinouth people.
Lawrence Stull is II. D. Travis'
client, and not Charies Grimes' as we
stated last week. Mr. Grimes was
ruproMMiting Travis at the school
meeting, he being unable t be pre-
Ki-n t .
The King's daughters were nicely
entertained Saturday evening by MiB
Kiltie Agnew at the homo of hot
mother in the first ward. Dainty re
freshments were served and the young
ladies report a lovely time.
L. C. IJrinekman slipped and fell on
the sidewalk Sunday evening up near
his house and got a jolt that left him
unconscious for several minutes. A
gash was cut over one eye that re
quired several stitches at tho hands
of a surgeon to sew up. Ho soon re
covered from the shock and is able to
be around as usual.
II. D. Crabtree, who played quito a
role as deputy game and li.-h commis
sioner in this city some time since
and who made a number of arrests on
the Iowa bottoms, but f tiled to prose
cute, his after a grandstand tour of
tho state of Iowa, lost his commission.
This is as it should be, for his talk of
"what I did," and bis r efusal to prose
cute men after making an arrest made
everv one weary here that he came in
contact with. Nebraska City News.
Supreme Court Im-IhIoiiii.
Martin vs. Long. Appeal from Cass
county. Opinion by Commissioner
An infant was adopted by strangers.
The articles of adoption provided thnt
if she should remain with them until
her majority she should receive i-'w).
The articles further bestowed on hr
"equal rights and privileges of chil
dren bor n in lawful wedlock." II' Id,
that tho first provision was not ex
clusive as to property rights; but that
unon tho death of the foster p-i rents in
testate, before tho child reached her
majority, she was entitled to inherit as
if their own.
Cle"horn vs. ObernaUe. Appeal
from Cass county. Reverted and din-mist-eu.
Opinion by Comissioner Ra-
From the Courier.
The county commissioners lust
Thursday ornyloyed A- L. Todd of
riattsmouth precinct to superintend
the county poor farm tno en.-uing
year at a salary of $"0 All county
eh irgos after that date munt be taken
to the poor farm. The fact is undis
puted that the tax -payers are 11 im
llammed out of thousands of dolbrrs
yearly by people who are too lazy to
work and depend on tho charily of tho
country for support. Tho commis
sioners are to be congratulated on
their decision in this matter and
should have acted long ago.
publication, and the editor has moved
in k' to live with his wife's folks.
A "iiii-li mil rind his familv lived On a lT, v..,.-i .,.,,,,,,ti whin n Nebr aska
. . . . . - 1 L I l 1 . V I ii.t... - - -
rentod farm. The husband worked at e(iitor wju fan baCK on his wife's par
. . ., i.; t
his trade of plasterer, was an habit
rial drunkard and squandered hisearn-
ings, devoting none of them to the
support of his family. The wife and
children conducted tho farm, she do
ing the labor of farm hand. During
"Tho World Agnliiol llt-r."
Tho play is regarded as one of Iho
strongest now before the English
Bpeaking public. It Is full of actio';
all tho incidents stir Iho blood; tho
language is vigorous, the ch iruelcr
eketchos vivid, and each climax is in
geniously contrived and thoroughly
effective. The plot is d.-ciihtlly ab
sorbing and. us worked out in inci
dents, situations and dialogue, ap
peals strongly to tho nymp-ithios of
men, women an J children alike, excit
ing the purest emot ions of human na
ture. Tho melodrama abounds in
scenes that are highly exciting, and
in one the villain engages In a pitched
1... t t . . ... 1 1 1. I... .... L-iiitl.-lAj f' 11 li I i n it fur
The Union Ledger has suspondod lho 1)0!jrict,on 0f the child of the
.11: t: .11 ilm .wiitfip li:ift moved it.
woman w no rms mo woriu Hmiini.
her." Incidentally a number of
brijxht and up-to-date specialties are
introduced. It was in tho pari of
"Madge Carlton," now played by
A nos Wallace Villa, that Kate Clax
ton scored one of her greatest successes
At White's opera house Monday
niTitiilnir 1 r ii !i r v 14
Feb., 4.-Thor" " J
C'hhh loiiuty Ditiry.
R. F. Do in has again taken charge
rents for support, but when it is known
that he wont to Kansas well, that is
too much.
NU-miihliip I.faven For Alaxka.
TACOMA, Wash.,
SIutIITh Sale.
liy vlitun ol ail " I i' "1 Unurd by (Jrorifrt I'.
Iloiiteworth, Ink l Mi- 1 Put court, within
mil t r Chmi county. Ni l.i.. 1 . I Hindi
I .Tied. I will on tho leili d.iv i nary. . .
l":'-t,;it 1 1 o'i lui k h in ol ;ii I d.i m tin- nouih door
cd the couit hoiie ill the ( 1 1 V d Plnllnliiouth. In
sail! i ouiitv, m il lit public miction, to tho high
est l.i.l l.-i lot cn-di, the following lurid mid teuo-im-iits.
Trie writ half of the uoitheuit quarter l
ri i Hull I, town II, langn 10. the outheat
iiiart. r nl -ci lion 1:1, town II. taugc U; the rant
h ill ol the M.iilhwest (ilili-r ol tu-t lion ill, towa
II. range It; the t hall ol the tioithwiit
quarter ol ne lion Is, t jwn II. latige 10; and Iha
n. .ith hall ol the noittliwrht quaite ol (Action l,
town II laiic-e 10. all in t a county. Nebraska,
toKfther wirh the privilege and appurtofiancc
thetciiuto I.eloiiijitiK or 111 any wie appettainluic.
I he hame l.c-inu levied upon and taken an th
prop, try ol V. V. mid II. K. Waldron. deloml
ant, to .ili-.fy a iiidKetneiit tl ald court IO
coveted l.y bank ol l.ale. plaintilt. aualnttt laid
deleiidants .
I'ltittNinoiit h. Noli . an.R. A. I'. I Htm.
Slit rlir. Cuaa county, NohrnaUa.
this time she purchaser on ex- 6'eamsuip (.Jueen, me unusi vubu. .
ecutory contract a p.ece c tno 1'acihc wior, anu
land and made the hrst pay- beCn heretofore the summer excursion - - .;.,,, ' , ,1K1.inH
ment thereon out of tho earnings of ship to the ice fields of Alaska, sailed i' . " J T, .
her labor. She and her husband then frora Tacoma tonight for Skagway and also others desiring pu.e m Ik 1 .
moved on the land purchased, the Taiya. It carries northward (50 pas- wi also furnish cream and butter
husband continued to conduct himself enrs, 1 ,3110 tons of freightJOO dogs, mdk when desired. our patronage
and the wife to labor and manage the thirty horses and a score of carcasses l b 1Cite J
new farm as before, and from her 0f dressed cattle, hogs and sheep, tho Foley iiom-y ni Tr.
earnings thereon with his consent, letter for the markets of tho coast Cough Syrup wherever iutroJuced if
made tiie defer red payments on eities . J unoau, Skagway ana laiya. COnside
the land purchased when the vendor The passengers are from every quar- foctive
bv inadvertence or mistake, deeded tor 0f nlts criobe. complaints. It irthe only pr
the land to the husband. Held (1) The customs ollicers seat ched the COUgh
SlieriU's Sale.
lly viitue il mi exe ulion, issued by Ceorue I'.
lloiiM-wottli. cleikol the dint net court, within
and lot i, ass county, Neltranka. ami to me tll
ic led. I will on tin: I'M It day ol February, A. I.
1 at II o'clock a. in. ol naid day at tho aoutli
door ol the com! house In thecily ol rlaltuiouln
i .. ..ll ... ....l.!o uiii t Loll to thd
111 ! louiii. n ii ... ... ...... -
hiKhesl tiiddei lor ca:.h, ihu lollowiiiK real entato
to w it; ,
Lot three In the iitiilhwrst quarter oi
the southeast quarter ol section i. town
to ...ii.-,- 11. in ( ui county. Nehraslia,
Kt:'ther with the pnvil. eii and appui tcnance
Iheieuiito Ih'Ioiik niR '" inaiiywino
1 he same lieinn levied upon and taken a tho
ptopcity ol il. A. ( ibson. cleleiidant. to aatisty a
I bv lohll N.
J 11' I I I l II l ' ' I n.l l ' "
Cat ter. plaintilt aKainsI Haul defendant.
rialtsiiioiilh. ISehrasKa. January inn . ' i""",
llAKVI'Y llol IOWAV,
She rill. Cass Uounly. Nebraaka.
Rooting the Armour ItuiUlinff.
Working on the roofs of three of
the Armour buildings is now progres
sing rapidly and one building is al
rixiriir under roof. Bavs the Bee. When
the structures now in hand on the
north side of the tract are completed
the length will be 483 feet with a
width of 150 feet. The buildings Hear
ing completion are all seven stories
in height. .
Charley Good In Jail.
Charley Good, the Rock Bluffs
young man charged with bastardy,
was unable to eive the $800 bond re
quired by Ju lge Archer for his ap
pearance at district court, conse
quently he was sent to jail to await
trial. He brought up some bondsmen
but they were all so full of whisky
that Judge Archer refused to accept
them. One fellow said in maudlin
tones that he would sign the bond,
but that it would only hold good til
ho got sober, when he was sober be
wouldn't sisrn bonds. As court will
convene in March, Mr. Good will not
have long to wait in the Hotel Mc-
Bride. '
You should knowthtVt Foley's Honey
and Tar is absoliYtel the best remedy
for all diseases ofUJne Throat, Chest or
T.nncr Ijpalersare authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
Take OtT the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of cattle,
"fi onnis for a sirede animal. It t. ,ver
trots to cold to dehorn cattle
time after fly-time, until the
week in April is tha right time,
ter that it is too late. If those
wish to have such work done will
dress me at Rock Bluffs, Xseb., they
ill be promptly answered.
S. L. Furlong.
The Burlington station at Louisville
was unceremoniously converted into a
bunk house Thursday night by un
known parties, presumably tramps.
Entrance was effected by smashing in
a window. None of the office effects
were disturbed, the tourists being sat
isfied with free lodging for the night.
Wm. Neville is in Lincoln today.
Wednesday of this week is pay day.
It will pay you to read Dovey 's "ad"
in this issue.
Willard Wise was an Omaha visitor
this morning.
Mrs. E. P. Hovey is spending the
day in Omaha.
John H. Beckor was a Lincoln pas
senger this morning.
Frank H. Wilson was ca.led to Om
aha on legal business.
The city authorities had a force out
washing the street today.
D. O. Dwyer was attending to lepal
business in Council Blufls today.
M. S. Briggs attended to important
business in Omaha Friday evening.
Judge Ramsey departed this morn
ing for Nebraska City to hold court.
Ed Schulhof was down from Havc
look yesterday for a visit with his
L. C. Pollard, Robert Kirkpatrick,
and Hez. Strong are in town today
from Nehawka.
Mr. Burkett of Lincoln will give a
very interesting lecture tonight vl the
I. O. O. F. hall.
A new girl arrived at the home of
C. S. Forbes today and Charley is
consequently happy.
John Ossenkop, James Hartshorn
and Otto Becker, of Louisvili, are in
town today on business.
John Halstrom, who has been in the
erunlov of the B. & M. at Uavelock,
has been transferred to ihis city.
Thfl S.-huvler train brought in a
large crowd of farmers from Cedar
Creek today to transact business
with our merchants.
A day like this ought to make the
p-rodnd hoir ashamed of himself. Asa
weather bureau the ground hog isn't
any better than Uncle Sam.
The members of tho Ivy Leaf lodge
No. 13, D. of H.,are requested to meet
at their hall at 7 o'clock sharp to
night By order of recorder.
D. C. Crosser was a pleasant caller
at. THE News office Saturday evening
and paid for a copy of this fireside
companion to be sent to his address.
The new fast trains, Chicago-Denver,
passed through last night on time,
and Superintendent Calvert says two
hours more can be cut off the time
card with ease.
Fred Longenhagen was the worst
case of home-sickness-last week we
aver saw. He had to quit the shops.
but he is all right now and ready to
go to work again.
William J. Leverett, publisher of
the Transmississippian a handsome
monthly magazine issued at Council
Bluffs, was in today and made The
Neavs a pleasant call.
Wm. Rico, who was hurt on the ice
roMtotiire liurKlarir.c-cl .
Rising City, Neb. Feb. 3 Tho
potollice at this place was burglarized
last night, the burglars securing $1275
worth of stamps and in money.
fiiese items were left last night by
Postmaster Roberts in tho s :fe, which
was blown open by dynamite placed
on the safe door jus-, below and to tho
leTt of the dial. Tho door was blown
across the room, one piece of the safe
jroin" through the north window,
opposite to where the safe sat on the
farther side of the room. The lloor
of the otlice was considerably damaged
by the safe door, which gouged prnc
ticilly through it in O'.ie or two places
in its passage across the room. Other
wise theie was but little di-.mago to
things in the room. The window be
hind the safe and within eighteen
inches of it, was net broken. The ex
plosion must have occurod at twenty
minutes to two this morning, as tho
office clock stopped at that time,
probably by lesson of the jar of tho
There is no'.hii g known r-s yet as-to
who are the guilty parties. Two or
three strangers have been seen about
the town in the last three days. Two
of tiiese were in the guite ol tramps.
It has not yet been ascertained as to
where the tools for drilling were ob
tait ed, if obtained her e, as all of the
blacksmith shops have not been vis
ited. Postmaster Roberts said this
morning that there was not a stamp
in the oilice.
eredtho m jst pleasant and ef
3 remedy fo throat and lung
aints. It ithe only prominent
1 .. ...... I .: ; J .W.
the land to the nusoarm. utiu i ) ino customs omctsro oti.nui cougu remeu.y i;uuuun
that tho money earned by tho wife 3hip hero and found 1-V) bottles of opiates and that can safely be given
was her property; (2) that tho laud whisky, all in small lots, which was to children. Smith &. Parmele.
.u 1 1.1 ir ! ,i . i t.- tlio wifi-! W i: .-....
purchased belonging to the wife; (3) confiscated.
.1, . id,, hiwHirwl holr! Mio loial title
to said land in tru-t for her; (4) that "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Dr. AlarHliull, Graduate leiitiMt
Dr. Marshall, fine trold wor k.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
i..i mi lea.ln for a deot of Neural-ria radically cures in one to
the. husband contracted before the Uh ree days. Its action upon the 8ys- crowns
date of the conveyance to him. wm is remarkable and mysterious. It
L'. Where land is paid for with a removes at once the causo and the
...:r.., r..,,r I,,,!, ilm.cle.l tothehus- d iseaso i m mod ialely d isappears. The
, tj O 11 WliU , v - -
band he will hold the title in tru.,t for first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
her; and she is not estopped from sold by F. G. Fricko cSt Co., druggists.
claiming tho land as against her hus-
" . ...... nii,iinr n who has been run-
band's c-Cilitorsun ess ner - , - ? andll, wiU class dental work.
the premises :iiuucuu nium w ii. .
that the husband wm the actual owner bo transferred to the Burlington main insure in the German Americ an,
of tho land and extended credit to him lino commencing with next Sunday, ,(oU Kbinff0r, Agent.
' . , 4i. . . , 4;.-.r fipi will rrn inl.O
on the strength thereof. w'1Ln
1 r. Ijrwii a nuv vi.-ui . I
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all wor k warranted.
All the latest aouliancos for first
Probate Notice.
i.. ... ci-.o -..ii..ttr NliOiranlc A. In
in coiiniy iimiii, w. .-.-. ......... 7, " .
tin- matter ol tlic cMtitlu ol I'.milia vvurl, clo iicitli.i l.aiico. llc-nnrli M ittcUtailt.
tJail MittLl, Willi.lin MitlclHtaUl. licru- Willi. Kiilianl Willi auku'ic 'i
ainl all ollu-r i itiiii iiitcrtoMol in khU matter,
aic liuicl.y nolilicil that on Ilicltol clay ol Jan
uary, A. 1. IK'S, a petition was Uleil ill Haul
cotiit alUniMK, ainoiiK nlln-r iiiniKs, mac j.iin.i
Wuil clii'l on llicr Mil ilay ol I )c:i.c:iiilicr, A. I J.
.... l-.t .11 i, ml t,Kt iilllfllt unci lio-
mU'i-.I ill itii'l ami licisonal estate ami that lho
i ..II , I... ... i- .,i i ii t . r.t il
a i jove iiaiiic;ii i .hum i i n it . -...... . -
:.. .1 I . ...I .1 r. .....! :.ti.l titavllll lor
III II1U I il.nt 'i r.i... ..i . v.. ....... - j--
the piobate ol said will ami lor ol
saul estate. oil aie liereoy noi ineo inai n
lail to appi ar at Maul couit on the Uath clay ol
January A. I . 1-'.,H. al ! o'cloc k a ill., to content
the prol.ate ol sanl will, the court may allow ami
. ml. ate saiil will ami jjonii Biiiiiiinsii.."ii .
Saul estate- to ll.-niy Maili-ns ami lolin IJiillery.
i some olhei suilal.le iieihoii, mid uiutccu 10
sel t lenient t hei eol. ...
Witness in v haml ami tlur seal ol tcaiu cociiuy
couit at 1'late in, iuth. Nebiaska, this the aid day
ol I .i ii il :c i y 1 is.
icall III u. Dl-l ii.w w.
County lude.
eil'JC'. il l. I . 1 III O 'J VI ' . . . v.-
locVtrni.-s has not yet been named. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS
f WOMAN'S CLUB NOTtb. State Journal.
The Ai t department of the W man's
club entertained a small portion of its
members last evening, but those who
weiD there wore well repaid for their
attendance. Mrs. Snyder s
How an Actr s unci loctor Were Fooling
Kach Other.
fWinr hiu a seat civen him for every tlli3 c:fu "ni ll:... ::'
w. I i-"'"'' c . ;m or(lt;r lU LILUIl tlrtiiiM i .-'.
Notice of Hearing.
'I. oil ni.iu.nie inter.. sted :
Iii the District court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Ilenry kikenbai y, et al, I
vs . !
Citizens bank of I'latts-
t.i.mtli Mi'lirsL':) et al. I
Now iiDun thisL'Hth day ol January .A. 1 , isnw.
Talks are always lniercsmi" ;iu tenunnaucu. ecu mu.v w v-. umuram , .
x.uks iut f . v .., -fff,r bo hii Keen to the court that a notice should be Riven ol
were supplemented by carefully ,.re- evening. Naturally, after he bas sctn ,iearillB.
pared and well written papers on the J::-- - tU SeS U,r
.r..lL: ,,f lho old lnas'etw bv Mrs. John- LU JU i . ' , ten (Kl) clays, ami tins pennon is assinneo 101
WOi Usot theOlU maseif, o xns. ..ii bis flieudd. M. truest liearinR upon February 1'.', A. 1). IKs, at Jo clock
M .. ',,r,W Oil, Mp. V ISO. 0-"'' . . . . . J T. . T , ,.lo-.. , . f I I, .. e 1 . . r L- , , f I I . ,. , I i I I 1 1 1 Clilirl
son, .m a. ui 11 pi..,.. t11N that when lie was a yuuiis; p. "i '"- , . ,
, , f flwl -r e M-"111"1 y vtm-u jjc .io j at which time all persons interested are recpnieil
1'iiOtOgiaphlC copies Of the piCtUl CS mjm a fieud, the doctor of tho Iheatre to how cause. If any. why an order should not be
, . . f . . ' I, .l . I? I 4 . .rnrf mcr I ni riv iiui-r To I i (' :i 11 -
under discussion were y Porte yt. Jlartin, gave mm niveau Vd apainst the bank upon l,:lis win by
Mrs. Waugh and adueu mieresiio ir:e jasfc as he was becoming luieie&Luu m ciainiants as ,,f the date when said bank passeo
. " I ii.. Un tf iQ mnnnocr rnshed I into the hands of a receiver.
evening's program. acn un Hasm.S. Kamsky,
Chapman read some art ex- up tho heroine uau a uervouo a.wv Ju,lBe -.1 the 1 ..strict court.
Mr., lnapm n r(.0nired medical aid! Blum had Byron Clark. Attorney lor Receiver.
tracts written oy uau .uuntou, . .
Vrirt-iv UUCJJliJf, ti-u "v. . '
Wife and Motlifr.
Keeping her houee well and making
the little world over which she rules
happy, faitful, beautiful, the womanly
woman has neither time nor inclina
tion for the life of out-of-door glaring
publicity which many of the sex af
fect. What ambition she has goes to
the fame and well-being of her hus
band and to the future success of her
sons. She feels that it is a far more
blessed thing to be the wife and
mother of heroes than a "personage"
on her own account, and that the
iriory cast by the man whose name
she hears is brighter and more suf
ticinjr than any which she is able to
surround her own name. She does
not wish to make speeches on the
platform, to see her name in the news
papers, to be a leader cf movements,
to ttlk arrant nonsense on ditllcult
subjects; but she helps her husband in
his study in his laboratory, and many
a man has owned as much of his .ame
and success to his wife's quiet and si
lent aid as he has owed to his own na
tive uower. Christian Work.
were much enjoyed. Next
ti.;n".. w..U
uvll.....n , n in I in n nun
t.. ii, 1.,l.-'c. .HrocciiiK rnran hf tonntl . . ...
... , . unl. hi,....,,-" ---- By virtue ol an order 01 sale issued oy (.eore
ciriiiiit w. ..... ..... . 1 .i.rt ....innii.ii. inrn 11 111 s uei 11 Lru yjix 1 m 1 ..iiui.u'nn 11. r eric 01 11 e oisn ill i.uiii 1. iiuii:n
l- - LIJU lliuiiuhi-1 niL" o i I , ....... . , , .,
. . 0-1 -1 tM rimnmar . . . 1 , i : on.l dirCass rcinntv. .Nebraska, and to me 1I1-
Ol Virs. 1 1 -a is .inn .'i 1
leaders of the Current
Pnnt. Tnnira department. Further "Now. doctor, omck! wnat a 10 db cmo, c ,., e. . -. k" Vi," ;
' " " T 1 . - III SaiUlUUMlJ, tll rtl lu uiiw oucwvn, iw niv '01,..
r.Otice will be tliven of ne subjects to dOUC?" est bidder for cash. the follow inK real estate to-wit:
. t.i,. .w TPA oS a lobster, ana l-ntslilteenii.Ji ana iweniy .-. in seciiou ni,..ii
be discussed. Blum grew as reu tisn iuua a, ouu township twelve 1 ), north of ram,'e fourteen
m. 1 i .1 4- niivtiMmt ha ncr. , . . . 1. . . 1 ..-.. 1...
I aS Be COUHi uul &u,y nujtuiuj, uu J1"' lM),in usscouniy. euiah-a, hijjcuii;! uji n
nWnlnfprl' TTml Lot US 8CC 1 Let US privileges and appertenances thereunto bcioiis
jcv. vcv.. line or in anywu-e appurtaimnj;. l tie anie ue
'iv, k. T7,l;rtr-f Tiik- TCcwi I bto.
I hope Brother Todd will not thinlv
lUQ manager Wll.Il r, nousenoi in. "
nd Mrs. Chapman eycry feiltnro aml the lady wringing Kli.'l
ent Litem lure and jjer bands and shrieking. ivjs. at 10 o'clock a. m. ol saiil day at the south
.artment. Further ..Now, doctor, quick ! What's to be ?-c
111 OI I" dlljni.-c rtii.. ...... -
6. I inir levied upon and taKen as ine orojiei 1 y 01
TTo took the lady's hand in a wild at- John Keulandanil wife. Lena Keulancl, and 1 lames
lie tOOK TOO U'l) uauu iu j pattrson. defendants, to satisfy a uiiJirment
rrohale .Notice.
1 ,, 1 1,,. it v 11,111 1 ol ( ass count v. Nebrabka.
In the in. iller ol the estate ol Mary 1 iecktnaiin.
deceased. Ileiny K iec k iiiann. 1 inula Kieckinanri
Mtnl a l otlii-l Orl.-.OIIS inteiested 111 said maltur
are lieieby uotilied that on the "JMlli day ol
January, lhits, a petition was tiled in said court.
alleuiiiK. amoii oilier tilings, mat. niai y ivicn-
1. ...1 1... 1 1I1 .(... ..I M, v lhlHI li-annir
lll.lllll llll.ll ..11 nil. . .... j ... .....j,. - , n
no last wall and testament and possessed ol
r IK II IS 111 aL IIOII Ol 11 1 1 MIO v 111. ..... . .n, . . v.
and that the above named constitute all the per
1 . .1 . . ...... .1 . .1... u...l
Sons iiiteiesieci 111 me cm.ul- 01 prfiu u,...i.n.-ii-w,
and praying !'" admiiiisliation theieol. Vou
1... ...I... ,...tiii. .l n.:.t if von fail to annear at
said couit on thclst day ol I'cbruaiy.A I). IKm,
at U o'c ioi k a. 111. and contest said petition, the
. . 1 ...... 1 ...... I , 1 1. . 1 L ... .,.i......ll.r
COtlll Will appOIIll .OIIIO.I 1, I OIK o. nw... y....
suii.ible nelson adiinnistialoi. and proceed to a
setl 11 inelit ol said estate.
U itiicss 111 v hand and the seal ol said court, ai
I'lattsmoiith. Nebraska, this, the lilst day ol
,11111a! y. A. I . I sum.
(il'.llKI.K M . .-iriICI.cic.R,
County J udue.
:.. 1 ...... 1 . 1 r il.'l 1). A tiriual M,,t-
illllUl. is iiv......y f;.,... ...
. .1 .. w. .. U...I1I...11 ,.l II... IC11 r 1 1 inn 1,11 AC.
111 Ol llll- .1IU1..IIIII1I1.I.1 .... .
Missouri liver tailioad company in Nebraska
will oe nei'i nr ine 01111 1: 01 me i.oinorti.y .
I'lattsm r.iih. Neb., on 1 hursday, February Hi,
is;,nf HI l.o LUllK. Hi.
II.. I ii... ...II I ... I. .-Ill for tlll cllTtioll III
nine ('. directors, to Helve during the ensuiliK
year, ami 101 ine 11 aiis.11.1 1011 01 nm.ii omii md.
ness as may legally ome belole it.
Omaha, January 17, I!'.
W.J. I.A1.D, Secretary.
1 Will not thinlC HO tOOk the iany S nana "J J M. PattersTn. defendants, to satisfy a jVidKiiient
I .. A. I t 1 Vw... nn k-a Sllft Cnril'kHll I . . . i i . .- . ...i ' t,.. I..
, ;r T a-lr i fva mips- lempu to icci ucj. j,uo. ol said court recovered oy c-naiies v.. wnnuu,
me lmpertineriL 11 i - ,
i-ri r linn f tin- Citizens bank of Plattsmouth.
tions about statements made in bis let- 6nako
ter of January 28. He says "English "Have yon poured any water en her
gold was sold in the unitea states ior keaa?" j0 asked
greenbacks one aoiiar in goiu iur uwo
dcdlars and a half in greenbacks."
What of it? Gold was sold at a
, . , ; ATnur Vnrlc nn TUack "Xlien aon S pour auv muic. administrator ol trie estate oi -nna .i.inone ,
hicrh ore in mm m isew iotkoo xiiatK . . , m..i,.., ,innir9ti.r oi o state.
. .u. 9 t After this display oi meuicai nuu.i- u.Zr.Z.:.: T...Vr t 'i , . ... r ",7,,:. m,,.
I'llclav U Dai was me reason. in . i oi .iianm ..MMUIII.-J, J""" . -
tnuay. --.ii i edge he continued : han, James Mahoney, 1 homas Mahoney. Julia
was because at that time it lOOKCO bpr eniff of eau de Cologne. " Klder. Anna Meeker. Mack Mahoney., Nellie
I Mahoney and Nina Mahoney. also coriieinis
"Haven't any," was the answer. Mahonev. lulia Mahoney. Mary Mahoney. Grace
Then CO fetch some. " Mahoney and Arthur Mahoney. infants, and
"And no effect?"
" men aon l pour auv muio.
Ol SrtlUl-OUl. I. xj .j . -
as receiver of the Citizens bank of Plattsiiiouti
Mi braska. plaintin against saiu ueieiman is.
... .. . i. - i i. i...:. i a li lui.u
riaiismouiji, 1-seoiasn.i, x eo. i, j. ...
W. O. W'HliKI.KR.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Ann and Martin
Mahnnev. 1 incomnetent ( . George V. Meeker,
administrator ol the estate of Anna Mahoney
Jshenifs Sale.
liy viitue ol an order of sale issued by George
I-", Houseworth, del k of the district coui t, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the nth day ol 1-ebruary, A.
!., IK'S, at II o'clock a. in. of said day at the
south door ol the court house ill the city of I'latts
nioutii. in said county, sell at public auction, ta
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Lot cme (1) la the northeast cjuarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirteen (131 in
township eleven (111 range thirteen (lil) in Cass
county. Nebiaska, and containing twenty-seven
(JTi and Til-IDO acres; also lot two c; in the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter ol the said
section thirteen i:i), and containing seven (7)
and 71-100 acres, a total in both ol said lots of
thirty-live !! ami ami U acres, all in Cass
county, Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anyw ise appertaining . The same being levied
upon and taken as Die property ol Richmond
Good and Lmily J. Good, defendants; to satisfy
a judgment ol said Court recovered by Samuel
ii .. .i - ..C .1... I. ...ill itt la.
U HU.N ilS CACLUUil VI mi; .rtu , . . " ".'
ment of John Ulack, deceased, plaintiff; against
. . : 1 .1.1 I ..... ..
sari ueienurtii is.
I'lattsmoutti, Nebraska. Jan. 4. A.1J.1SWS.
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
doubtful whether greenbacks or bonds
. . . -i . i . . : . l . . . , . . . . . .
WOU U DO worm auyillliiH 111 m i -;u ui Then CO IClCn some. -Manoney aiika .i...u. .... -
,.,ii. , , j . . Mrs Mahoney, mother ol said infants, and all
four years. It was during the darkest off rushed the manager and the stage , rsons iUterested are herebv uotilied that
period of the war that greenbacks were manager, and mum was iaiuu.s hfs pi?itio Tf Jr hnaiement: and
so Che U) compared with gola. Mr. patient. that on January 'J'.t, 1SS, he filed herein his tinal
cuu if r. j r.,.nr,A hor uvea and ns nimrHiin. P.-titionir nravs that
Todd says these greenbacks were ex- onuueuiy 6UO "--"be n.ade fixing a t.:..e for
I eiyiilorl I . . j : :..., ..I .1... ii.,.,! r..n..rl
Cnan:Teu iur u uneu ijia.i; i.i7 n va.j uvc.
incra-rood interest. What was there
At tlie Christian Chiircli.
Uev. II. A. Lemon, the evangelist,
assisted by Prof. C. 11. Travis, soloist
and song le.ider, commenced a series
of meetings Saturday night, which
will continue for several weeks at the
Christian church. Uev. Lemon is a
very interesting speaker, and thoe
who missed hearing him last evening,
on account of the crowd, should c-imo
early. New seats have been added
aud the crowd will bo properly cared
for tonight. Prof. Travis sung a solo
last evening which was rendered in a
very artistic manner. The subj.-ct to
night is "Fivavcn." and eveiybady
should hear lie v. Leinoa on this very
important subject.
Licenses tJraiitccf.
Franklvn Casius Cites, aged
twenty, of Weeping Water, to Miss
nr,a Catherine Tio, ajjed eighteen;
and Fred Senator, aged twenty-two, of
Avoca, to Miss Maggie lien man, aged
HoiuPHCrkrr' fcxe-urson.
Ilome-eekers excursion tickels will
be sold on J.vnuxry 4 uud 8, February
1 and March 1 and 1-5. via Missouri
Pacific railway to all poiuts in Arkan
sas, Texas, Louisiana-,. Iudiin Terri
tory, Oklahom-i, Arizona; and New
Mexico, at rate of one plus $2
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stouten r.ououuH, Agt.
llieu- hearing and for examination ol the final report
in-.M. cVio Km'rl. "vnn are a COOd -,rl nrronnts of his eruardianship and lor allow-
' .. I nnc thcn-rif . Vou are notified that if vol
wrong in that? It was the men who
fellow, aren't you?
alio, aci-ouma oi ma - , ,
ance thereof. You are notified that if you fail to
onAsr li..fori said court on the -fith dav of
t' A Tl IwC.W it ..Vlr.r-L- n ni anil roll
I eor uai , i i-" i ". - " .-n. . ..... - -
. . - . i "11,-.
x es. iiiit in ae iiei. i r eoruai , i i-. i ", - " r -
lent the government money or green- must be. doctor. Now listen. 1! KAIZ
v.n..i-.- f.. hnnrld th'it mMiln t.ViO war I Trinrn ia nnthinc' the matter Wltn me. I ,,rri,.ri allowances and decrees as to the court
Uiit ia 1 1 . i i no "."" " " " - J ..... Aulv r i
I -ir l.i 1...- frainrl tlink rmt; Knon. I mavseeiii pr
a success. xuu vuum iu-v.
t .. ill nnaor the ,-est of the letter want a couple of days on. v,an i you
in instaliments-Ido'i't wish to weary' ,,, . .ifid ioyiuUy.
the typesetter. D. ..No ma'uiselle. you're a good fel-
ibruary txeurhions. low too. I am not a doctor. I came in
1 11111 iim.i. i wv.i. ...... .... -
n-.. itiiI ilwrei's as to the court
tl. i.ii.T fliat nil matters
may mjuiii hw.i. ... -
pertaining to said guardianship may be Iinal.y
settled ana aeiermiueu.
xv it.w.uc m hand and the seal of said court, at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 1st day of
Februarv A.IL,lSs. GlioKc.liM. hri k,
(Seal) County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
i .1 ..... ..f il,An....r,li'jiiliin nf a'-rr:iri I !
in ine iiiaiiei oi in.- fa" "' ! .- . r '
and Sophia M. Hennings, minor heirs ol Henry
J. Ilennings.aeceasea. .
To Rosa Hennings. widow or said nenry j
. in .in. j .... . ............. . xU v 1 1 .' Jfc J
Onnortunities for visitin": the south Cn the doctor's ticket, bo yon must not
d urine this month, via the Louisville give him away."
& Nashville railroad, are as follows: 7 ; uhTv
l ,.,.. ci, u nn fir-it 1 maUagcr CUJllO UillB, io rvosa iieiiiiniK- . j-
Home-seeker's excursioas On tirt , r,. them that it Hennings, mother and natural guardian of said
. ...... ..l nna f .riJ Of eau do cologne. He told them that It Rosa Hcnnintrs. legai guardian of sai l
"CUlUiru iuumuij ... wv. I .oa n0pfi.,rT now. The lady Was ,n Terrace C. Hennings and Sophia M
., 1 una ..--v. j . . -, ,. Ti.....r.c in
ior ine rounu trip. it composed and could appear wun- mm up. ... "- , r. i
or the rouna trip. quite composed and could appear with- UynX
Florida Chautauqua at lcrinnk t auy dauaer. But she must have a nin;s, Jacob Tritsch and Charles c. Memiinj-
. . i- i J . m. i X i. - t. An, nrrnci 1 iT ti '.e, herein t l,t:r ne
ini ings begins on the I4tn ium. lin- few days' rest, 'iney ma(ieWry is, o - - -
. . e i ....... 1 ... I . i.J.l.-l Id.... Ohllarlu rihld c r i ',. -. i
did programme, oeauinui piaoe, iow out grameu me xionuajr. .v...- , He
Sherifr's Sale.
I5v virtue ol an execution issued by George
I." ii ..I. .!.. . 1. ..I i 1... fliulrirl rnnrt uritlun
1. iiousevioi in, i.fv v. in ,.tv.w. v--. " .........
and for Lass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I wail on the Inth day ol l-'ebruary, A. I).
l.-'.cx, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flatts-
niouiii, in said couniy sen ii luum. auu.iru, w
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
ihe southwest quarter ol section 1 1, town 1 1.
fi ...... It .....I 1.I.JI a.-r..a t.incr (lmalia
idiie i '. .-.'!..,'. " " ' ' . ' .. . . " - r,
..v.itiirrn Kailroad right-of-way; the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section Vi,
town 11. range i:t. except one acre ol cemetery;
oegiiiiiiiig at ine ii o i in piiii. wi i"-.-1'"" .. ...
range l.i, at a point on the west side ol the Om
aha Southern Kailroad right-of-way, where said
right-of-way crosses the north line of said sec
" 1 .... ... .i... . i. .
Hon, llieiice runniiig wesi ; leei 10 me uui iii
west corner of the northwest quarter of section
11, lllellCe SOUlll ajong ine section line IW
southwest corner of the northwest quarter,
thence east 1;1 feet to the Omaha Southern
Kauroad right-of-way. thence north a little to the
west along said railroad right-of-way to the
piace of starting, containing 41 and l:j-:5.'l acres
more or less, it oeing tnat part of the northwest
quarter ol section 11. town 11. range 13, )yin(j
. . 1 . I . . . I. , .. ; ... ....1 . ;l, t-r.C.uo v ?a 1 I in
We SI Ol IHU WlllctllH Irtl'IOrt-l .li;ii. 'J. " " J . a..
tjass county, Nebraska, together with the
privileges and appurtenances wiereuiii" ocioiiu
nig or in anywise appertaining. Ihe same being
levied upon and taken as the property of K. M.
Young and !-. A. V oung, et a)., defendai ts; o
sati-ly a judgment of said court recovered by C.
. Martin, piaint iif. against said defendants.
iJl,ittsinonth, Nebraska. January 4th, A. L). If.'JH.
Hakvkv Hcvi.lowav,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Mardi Grns at Mobile and New Or
le; ns on 22d. Tickets at Irilf rates.
For full particulars, write to C. P.
Lion, rtiiegn.ft m" , -
..niiinrs i,.a cruardian herein. anil among other
things tiiat the said Rosa Hennings, legal guar
.i:.. i, n ii .! r-ji'i.rl to rori.Tilv with anv
il All. iirta n tj-ji .l . j . . 1 .... j
famaiueuiary tluuiof. 0( her duties as required by the statute to be done
T , ,v . thianaar. and placed ol record, retnioners pray tnai sa;u
The London World gives tUlS as ail KoSa Hennings, guardian, be cited to appear and
illustration of the keen humor Of JUS- hie inventory and report of her doings with vouch-
' I.: rv.-i;,,... rin nTio nnnasion. wnen v "".:.'' .rv zr "... t... a
. i ii... -. . i nuni lien ijjiiiu.. w i-m. . , ii..r lain mi as sum ooiiosiiteii rfllU ucui.-uiniti.ij
,'Illliri IIHI til . L I lljrLllill j. . ... .. - , , . . - , , . ,
.... . ... , . 1. l--l..l...
Louisville, Ky., G.o
P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
tice uuruiig. vi . I ther liability as such bondsmen ana ue aistnargeu
. ... . . n o-lTJO I . i. 1...-..I.-......1 i,,.l ili-.t clii. i. n-fi'iiri-fl
U. Horner, D. r..?rr t To obtain other bondsmen in the .place oi
nil Liiu leiici iii mo i ,u Mi t rmpn nu are noimea mai a
r, ' 1 1 - TTn.nn,..f it- T-aa flOtir'pd I i T.f.Tituin i ri i-ll tor v ;
foir William Iiaituuii, " i neaiiuB o" ao.i kw....
. ... il U 1 rrtnrt nf KflSa Hennlll
rum irit-iitorv and
t"ir William Iiaituuii, in - neaiiuB o" kw....-
cm ""- i ,-,.,i r,t Heiiraiiirs as zuardian and
List of bv the members tbat ne ieic ine uouso 'f.ntr(ll obit.cti(,ns Hereto, wih be had in
D tha rliimc-r honr and Sir William Ua d court on the 1st dav oi March. A. O. l-'.'
Louisville: J . DePuy,J. M . Hoover. Bt the dinner honr and Sir William
Two Well linovu Stat-siien
talked for monJ hs, fom a front porch
and a rear endf ;c:ir. I'crhaps tho
use of Foley's IlWy iind Tar will ex
plain why they cMild do this, without
iujury to their Vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
.-..i it Creek: T F Lethel
Nehawka: Wm Tucker, Lee Kuk
jjalrick. Stove Creek: C 1) Clapp, Dan I'.els,
James I)urbin.
PiaftsmTvath: F II Steimker, Dave
Miller, John Corey and S E Hall.
Weeping Water: I Teegarden.
Elmwood: David MeCaig.
Rock Bluffs; A U Graves, James
Lemon, David Young.
South 3ead,:;.C S Wortman.
Tipton: T.CVnbtree, A G Adams.
Avoca: Wm Stnoots, J H Johnson.
Greenwood: Robert Larson.
Mt Pleasant. Jacob Domingo.
llnrgaii'S 1 n Fine Hogs.
Thoroughbred Poland China male
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call
! on or address J. G. Richey, Platts
mouth, Neb.
11. e iiiui ui wuj-...'... ----- - -- -
... . I... I... Hin rt Larrh A I), l-icsl
SatUCOUIl Oil lUClluaj -
11 o'ciock a. m.. and that if you fail to appear
and contest sain peimou me com i mn ui
Ilarconrt led for the rest of the sitting
mm T-v 1 1 1 r f TT Slf V 1 1
Air uanilii; uud cvuuiijg tne praer oi siici cin-j. wi ' - -
' .... -i- I.- r.j - r- i i r- in t lift rirTiiiifc-c
liam to fury, on fulling to elicit a aen- tness nty hd Ind the 's'eal oi saidcour
the praer of said petition ana maite such other
i ri i i ' i "' j i- -
. . . . ,i -t l. - .. 1 r.t i-iii r-iil.rt
-L I-. t witness my nauu anu wic u
uite answer to au inquiry, by casually at piattsniouth. Nebraska, this 1st day oi
George M. Splrlock,
County JuUgc-
observing in the course of his speech, J February. A. U
'T ii:.v notic-ed that lately the party
opposite, adopting an ancient precedent,
jus set up a greater light to rule the
lay aud a lesser light to rule the night. "
"ily wife coiildii't go to the concert
last night because the baby threatened
to have croup. "
"That was too bad."
"Yes, and now sho is hopping mad
br cause the baby didn't have croup after
all." Chicago News.
English farmers, who know it ia
tgainst the law to use ferrets to drive
out raLihits, place in the burrow a rub
ber hose with a tin horn on the end in
jertal Then they blow the horn, and
junuy conies out in quick order.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass country, Nebraska,
ilenry i.ikenijary, et ai.
vs. '.
Citizens hank of I'latts- f
i. ,.,.,.i.i-. i
llI'lUlll, ..uinn. J
Notice of hear:ns on petition of stockholders
ail 1 depositors xo -eii real ain personal anscn.
V II. ''ml ,hv of limiurv A. M
I-!), this cause came on Yor hearing upon the
petitions for an order to seil part of the asset
1 . i . i. . .. ...1 l. I... , ... I, I. ,. !,!..
ol saia oanK, as pcunuiieu ioi oy siuiinuiucn
tt..nrt' I- i r .. n 1. r V f hi" till' rll'THUli tllft I)
1 I till J ...r..'LJ'.' J . - "J " " ' " '
O iJwver, et al., by the receivers Charles C.
', . - . ,. ifc. it i . .. i.
1 arn.eie. i raniC . .iiiiran anu 11. .ueencr.
And it appears to the court that a hearing
. I .....1 I... I ...1 th..r...... il lu l...rliii .rHrH thai
a hearing upi n said several petitions be had and
.i ... I.. L. I ..... i. .. i a
me l.ilie ioi iiertJiu ue on iiuiunji iii
uary JH. A. ii., 1" , at 2 o'clock p. m.. or as soon
thereaiter as the same can be heard, at which
tune all persons interested must snow cause, 11
any, why tne praser of the several petitions
should not be granted.
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
be pub isi.el m the News-Herald
for two i ub.icatiuns prior to said date. In wit-
..i . . . . . . i j . i. . ..
ness w nereoi i nave Hereunto sei my nauu mis
nd day of January, A. ii. IK'S.
IAS11.0. 1VAMI11,J UUgc.
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county. Nebraska
Myrtle Rutherford. I
Maiutirf. i
vs. V
Walter Rutherford. 1
I luI..IT.t I
Walter Rutherford, defendant, will take notice
that on the -tith day of January. IS:'. Myrtle
Rutherford, plaintiri herein, tiled her petition in
.1.. ;,.;. ..,ir nf r.u rniiiitv. Nebraska.
111'. UI31UI-1 " . - ' ' :
: . -.A II.. r.l-.i..r-t anrl nraviT II!
which are to obtain a divorce from said defen-
l... .1... u-illfiil'nt
11 H Ll I , upuu uic Kiwuuu3 . " ....... .
and for a failure to support the plaintin for more
than two years last past, anu ior me iumuu) oi
her minor child, Clara Elizabeth Rutherlord.
aged foui years, and to quiet the title in and to
Hie pidlllliii a C3ivc
You are hereby required to answer said p-tition
on or before the 7th day of March, ls'Js.
Dated, this the tith day of January. i'iS.
Mvrtlii Rutherford.
By Chas. L. Graves, attorney for plaintin.
In County Court
Notice to Creditors.
Stat e of Nebraska, I
e.d1 VOUUl. J
In the matter ol the estate of Emilia Wurl, de-
. - . . A
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor ol said es
tate, before me, county judge ol Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in Platts
mouth m said count v. on the -id day of August,
A. U.. !'.'. at o'clock, p. m., lor the purpose ol
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
lor creditors ol said deceased to present their
claims and one year lor the executors to settle
said estate, from the lst day of February, 1H.
This notice shall be published in the Semi
Weekly News-Herald for four weeks success
ively, prior to the 21st day ol February, ly8.
11'.. ..... I. I 1 . . 1 . . f d -. i ,1 .,.,., f . rl
11 1IUC?3 1 1 1 lltfllu .llu iva. " ' . ll'm .
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 25th day of Jan
uary, 1K).
(SealJ George M. Spurlock.
County Judurc.