Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 05, 1898, Image 3

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Willi (m-iiIiik h t'Hn of Corn-en t ratr-tl
l,y tli Content In Thrown Into
Her Kytn Oilier News.
Mrs. Nell Simson, of I'lattsmouth,
made a nhort visit with Mr. und Mrs.
AVKUNKSUAY liniaioru inn iithi. 01 too weon.
Coorrro Tartsch U recovering from u ulenwocVl Opinion.
hovo. o attack of typhoid fever., Charles lliatt id cut on the streot
General Supet it.tondorit Culvert of after buin iaicd up for several doys
Last I" Hay while opening a can of
concon'ra ed lye, Mrs. Charlei Cum
min hud th misfortune to btrike tho
ft. III . J- f I.
oox wni;ii containou me tyo in bucn a. '
manlier as to tend a part ol the eon-J 8U
ton I rull in her Lice. 1 no unoporous
powler lodged in both of her eyeH and
Bho sutfeied tlio most intense pain be
fore me.ical uHtdrttunco could bo se
cure. I. The physician did all in bin
power 'o nave tho bight, but one of
her eyes looUed i s though the siy;ht
could not be restored, Mrs. Cummins
then went to Oni ha to consult an ex
port occuliHt and learned to her sor
row that the eye which had suffered
mobt could not bo restored, and tho
other one is quite badly injured.
Mrs. Cummins will leeoive tho
earnest sympathy of a host of friends
in her afliiction.
Ilo! Fur the Klondike.
Tho Klondike fever has got in its
deadly work on Plattsmouth and there
will probably bo at least ten l'latts
mouth citizens who will loavo for that
iavored region soon to pick gold off of
tho trees and bushos and raft it down
the Yukon river to civilization. One
party of ten, composed of Nebraka
City, 1'latti-niou th and Ouiana parties
has been made up that have already
puichasod thtir ouiut,100-pound buck
skin sacks to hold the gold, etc., and
will start the firet of next month Chaej)
Petersen and EdO.iverof thiscitv at e
among the number, and the party
will bo led and guided by a Nebraska
City man who recently returned from
that region.
Iteturned From Dead wood.
Charles Parmele returned last even
ing from a week's trip to Deadwood,
whore he has arranged to boyfin active
work in the development of his min
ing interests on Squaw Creek. He
has organized the Squaw Creek Min
ing Company, and $12,500 has been ap
propriated for immediate develop
ment work. Property almost within
a stone a tn row is making its owners
rich and there can be little doubt but
what the Squaw Creek company will
Boon be one of the many successful
mining ventures in that wonderfully
rich country.
liurlal of Wllum Mitchell.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the
house, occurred the funeral of V ilma
Mitchell, the bright little seven-year -
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mitchell. Tho funeral services were
conducted by Itev. Baird, and num
erous beautiful floral offerings were
sant in by sorrowing friends, the
Woman's club sending a beautiful de
sign in white. Only the nature of the
disease prevented the attendance of a
large number of the friends of the be
reaved parents
Fifteen Oollars Keward.
Stolen at Manhattan, Kan., on Dec
21, 1897, one Chestnut sorrel mare,
weight about 1,000 pounds, fifteen
hands high, white mane an tail,
small lump on outside right hind
hock. Was hitched to end spring
half buck road wagon; nickle plate
rail on dash, (Bradley Wheeler,) right
reach broken in two places. Very
nearly new. Open bridle; nickle platt
harness. Send information to this
Fractured an Arm.
Frank Bootel, while coastiug down
the steep hill near the broom factory
yesterday, his sled shot off to one side
of the icy track and went down into
the ditch at the foot of the hill. The
boy struck his left arm against the
frozen ground, fracturing a bone. The
coasting habit is a dangerous one,
and on steep, icy hills it should not be
indulged in at all.
Falls From a .Bridge.
Ashland, Neb., Feb. 1. Exel C.
Olson, thirty-one years old, a bridge
carpenter from Lincoln who has been
working with the B. & M. bridge
gang east of town, fell forty feet from
the top of one of the covered beats on
bridge No. 42, crossing the Platte
river yesterday. He was hurt about
the chest, but not seriously.
You shoula know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best remedy
for all diseases of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers 'ae authorized to
guarantee it to givesatisf action in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
Death of Wilms Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell were
called upon last night to mourn the
loss of their be!oved daughter, Wilrra.
She was a sweet little girl just past
seven years of age, and her parents
are almost inconso!arle in their grief
The funeral will be private and wiil
take place from the family residence
at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
tho H. & M. was in town today.
Charles Ilichoy of LouIhvUIo was at
tending to business in the city today,
Dr. Wendell Fo-ter of Lincoln is in
tho city on a few duys' sit with old
A. 1$. TolifT, the popular clerk at
escott & Son's clothintT store, is
ffering from an attack of grip.
Joseph J. Kunztnan and Miss Hoc a
M. Horn, both re-jidinir noir ldar
Crook, were irranted a license to wed
Little Kuth Davis, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Davis, is quite ill, be
ing threatened v. .Lb typhoid pneu
Farmer Pledge Itonun to Kernre the
Proponed I'lant.
FliEMONT, Neb., Feb. 1 A meeting
of the sugar beet raisers of this vicin
ity was held at tho court house this
afternoon for tho purpose of raising
money for the propoeod factory. There
was a good attendance of Ihe farmers
from this vicinity and much interest
was manifested. Tho price to be paid
for beets by tho new factory, it was
stated wou d be $4 per ton and the
with a badly mashed foot, which ho
reo.-ived whilo at work in tho shops.
Some Plattirinouth person advertises
in the Weeping Water Republican
for a hired girl, which woold indicate
that times are bo uood hero that
Plaltsmoutb girls do not need to work
for a living.
Peter Claus, fireman on tho U. 1
between Green Hivor and Itawlins.
got a fall from his engine hi6t wtek
and as a re.ult ho got a lay-off long f.,ctory tho sum of o(J cents per ton on
i. .i i. .. A .. : : . I
e-iuugu lucumu uuwm jiumu uuu visit tne w hoi o or a p i i t of tne acreage
his parents for a few days. contracted for. About 000 acres were
County Judge Spurlock is nothing contracted for in a short time, which
if not progressive, and his law library on tho basis of ten tons to tho acre,
is k-i)t constantly HUpplioa wttn the means an aduuion ol !r.$,uuu 10 me
latest additions to law literature. He bonus. The farmers were unanimously
l ontracts would be as favorable to the
beet raisers as those of any factory in note, and its decision will bo of gen-
Sunreme Court Definition.
Tho sup omo court lit-toned to some
arguments on points in general law
and in insurance law this morning.
None of the cases heard were of public
interest Tho supremo court will
spend tho week in discussing and con
sulting over some cases that huvo
been lying around for a longtime. One
of theso is a case tried by Judge
Har rison when he was on the lower
bench. It was brought to the supreme
court on an error and has elapsed
since it was submitted. It concerns
tho liability of a wife on a husband's
Will HHrrt Jury. I MxtIITh Sftle.
'J ho following is a list of tho names' Ity virtue f ti hi l.turd l.y Grorgo V,
from which a jury will ho M-loctcd for U?"i" V.m'.ui,. s.l',
the state. Of this $4 per ton the far
mers were requested to donate for tho
Tho blizzard which has enveloped received a ease of books today which in f ivor of a factory, the only question
the east with unusual f-everiiy l ipped
over a little in this direction and a
taste of winter follows.
The work of oiawing sixty names
from which the jury for tho March
tor ra of district court will bo drawn,
was comple'.ed today by the board
involved an outlay of nearly ono hun- which in any way tended to make
dred dollars. them hesitate about subscribing, was
C. M. Craves has bcn doing great the kind of a contract tho proprietors
U-1...1; f(.i.ihr. ii n mi. t.t. iirwlf it nfT- ol the new lactory win sign, ine
wui Tin; :Ci.'Yv hPinia with t, p.-ikhpo Drosuccts tire Lroou ior mo rai&iniroi
his letter found in another column, the balance of the bonus needed to se
Wo are glad tho people appreciate cure a factory here in a short time
Tho coach department is working a his services which are good for the "nd lt is expected tho plant will be
i i . ...
to work up tho
John Marshall and liur-h Fellows
ai e expecting to fill along felt want
by starting another republican news
paper in this city. Wo have it from
rename authority mat a popunsi
paper will bo started here soon, so
that tho field wiil be well covered.
Tho implement dealers already see
sign? of spring and are preparing for
it. Several carloads of farming tools
and machinery have
force day and night on tho equipment entire community
for the new passenger trains Nos. 1
and 6, which will bo put on Sunday,
February G.
Five men from each company sta-
tiont d at Fort Crook have been de
tailed to cut ice on tho river to fill the
Post ice hou:-e. Lieutenant Stanley
has men in charge.
Half of the willow mat weavers will
leave Saturday for Kuio, where simi
lar work will be performed thero to
protect the 1$. & M. bridge across tho
Missouri at that place.
The board of county commissioners
let the contract for furnishing the
county records for the county oHicers flies them in this.
. . i
to the Omaha Printing company to- The will of the late Miss Amelia
day, they being the lowest bidders. Wurl was admitted to probate re
Uncle Dave McCaig,aftera brief so- cently. and, among other bequests,
journ in the city with old time friends, two of tho churches of this city are
departed this afternoon for Omaha, beneficiaries to tho extent of $ 0 each.
where he will visit for a day or two Miss Wurl was a devoted church mem
before returning to his Elmwood ber and in her will left the above
homo. mentioned sum to the Uerman 1'res-
Whilo in the Black Hills Monday, byterian ana the Evangelical St.
Charles Parmele met A. B. Todd, J. Paul's churches, to aid in tho work of
completed in season
"JS crop of beets.
Seventeen Carload of Material Will Ar
rive In a Few Weekn
Henry Hustin, superintendent of the
bureau of liht and power, has re
turned from Nashville, where ho was
delegated to select such parts of the
Dower- Dlant as he deemed advisable
been received to brin to the exposition and of which
eral intcrost to attorneys. There will
be several others. It is very doubtful
that the Moore c ise or the Homo for
tho Friendless case will be decided at
this sitting. Tho attorneys in the
latter called tho court's attention
when the case was sutmittod that its
decision was urgent, but thero are yet
points of law to be settled before the
court will be ready to hand down its
opinion. Tho Mo'.tre ca?o ia ono of
much moment, and the court will take
its time. It was being discussed among
thojud.Oi this afternoon, however.
and something may develop in it this
week. No uction has been taken as
yet on the Barrett Scott motion for a
rehearing. It is expected that the
Hartley motion for a rehearing will bo
filed at this sitting. Lincoln News.
lately by the'various firms in anticipa
tion of a large spring trade. Tho pros
perous condition of Cass county far
mers under a protective policy, justi
C. Eikoubary and other Cass county
folks who were in good health and
seemed lo enjoy a fair share of pros
Tho Masonic lodge is having its
hall on lower Main street cleaned up
in good ttyle and the banquet room
below will be entirely refitted in a
manner fully in keeping with the
tastes 'f the wealthiest lodge in the
Tho bible readings at the Presby
terian church yesterday afternoon
were very interesting, and the even
ing service was well attended not.
withstanding the severity of the
weather. The subject "The Chris
tian s Examination Day" was ably
handled by Evangelist Tonge. The
audience showed a very deep interest
in the subject as well as in the speak-
lake Vallery, after a year's absence er's manner of dealing with it. Sub-
in the Black Hills, where he has been
engaged in mining, was called nome
on account of the feeble condition of
his father, who cannot live long unless
a change for the better is made very
West Plattsmouth h'?s out-grown
the name of Mercertown and puts on
as much style as the old town herself.
Robert Blacn has one of the nicest
residences out there and a few weeks
igo he presented his wife with an ele
gant piano.
Mrs. D O. Hewitt, daughter of Mr,
ject tonight "Tho Largest Denomi
nation in the World."
.Mont Klaltorate Kiitertaininent of the
l'resent Year.
Atashingtox, Feb. 1. The most
elaborate entertainment of the pres
ent official season marked the wel
come of President Dole of Hawaii at
the White house this morning.
Decorations wer e extremely beautiful,
and In the most perfect artistic taste.
could be u-ed to good advantage. Mr
Rustin ordered poles insulator.-, sev
eral carloads of wire, 0,000 wall and
ceilinc fixtures, and a part of the
necessary cut-outs and branches. In
all, he arranged for seventeen carloads
of material which, it is expected, will
bo here in perhaps two weeks. Then
the work of construction for tho plant
of the Transmississippi Exposition
will begin under tho superintendence
of Mr. Rustin. There will bo 205,000
fee of overhead and building wiring
and 65,000 feet of load covered cable
requiring 35,000 feet of conduits. The
power plant will have three Westing
house engines, one Sioux Corliss en
gine, one Buffalo Forge company en
gine of 250-horse power, and one Im
penal Weston engine of the same
capacity. The two latter engines will
be exhibits, tho only expense to the
exposition being that of setting them
uj with their foundations. The power
house will bd in two divisions, an en
gine bouse and a builer house, and
between the two will be a visitor s
gallery, opposite which will be
switchboard of handsome design. The
largo Corliss enyine will be used only
as a generator lor me aecoraiive
lights. Just what the plan will b
for decoration and especially in the
way of lights, will not be
determined until the arrival of Con
suiting Electric Engineer Steiringer,
which will bo in about two weeks.
Trade Exhibit.
Mothers whoso children are troubled
with bad colds, crgup or whooping-
cough will do well to read what Dr. R
E. Robev. of Olnev. Mo., says on this
! n- i . . . M . a 1 .
and Mrs. B. .1. Hemnel. departed this -i "e party was mucn too.iarge to oe ac-
afternoon for Lead, S. D., where she oommoJated in the state dining room, subject He writes: "tor years we
iinu me tauiu was laiu ill tuu uurnuui i u.ivo uscu uumuuci lain o i.x
behind the great stained glass screen. Remedy, and always keep it in the
The length of the board was occupied house. It is regarded in our family as
by the great golden mirror, the a specific for all kinds of colds and
traditional accompaniment of so man v coughs. The 25 and 50 cent bottles
official dinners, from which rose a for sale by all druggist
f . . 1 . . 1, . t . 1 . . I
pciut-i u t in ueiicciteiy sceuieu i Says it Will be Warmer
and exquisitely formed orchids, white Office of U. S. weather bureau, Lin
and purple. A corsige bouquet of coin , Neb.. Febuary 2. The area of
flowers was at the place of each hiirh barometer yesterday north of
woman, while each man found by hiB
plate a single white orchid for a
boutennier. The mirrors in the cor
ridor were veiled in smilax, and g ir-
will make her home in tho future, her
husband being employed by the Bur
lington railroad company. They have
been living at Havelock.
Rev. Frank Can pbell will leave to
morrow by way of Elmwood for Kan
sas City, again for treatment, his health
being on the decline. At Elm
wood he will unite in marriage Mr.
Frank Williams and Miss Viola
Wright, prominent young people of
that town. '
Colonel C. W. Sherman departed
. r I 1 . 1 I
last, evening ior scnuyier to iook over iand3 Gf the same delicate plant
a newspaper plant with a view of io- shrouded the chandeliers. At each
Montana has moved southeastward to
the Dukotas and the pressure contin
ues relatively low in the southwest,
but the lowest barometer this morn
ing is in the lake region.
Thn iBmncratiirfl has risen in the
eating at that place, l here is an etiort i en(i Df the table were large placques lake reion and the soutwest and
being maoe to consolidate tne oemo- or white hyacinths. f-n,, in ni hPr. .lirict
cratic and popu ist papers at scnuyier In the east room the president and
and Mr. Sherman may possibly be in- Mr3 McKinley, vice-president and
at illed as editor. Mrs. TTohart. the triipsta of hnnnr.
1HK .news joo department oas jusi i president and Mrs.. Dole, and the
printed some weekly reports for Wes- members of the cabinet, received the
cott & Son's branch store at lied olher quests for a short snaco before
Cloud. Mr. Wescott has lust com- rpnairino- to the tahlf
. .. ,
i"gicu v"i!n' i xno decorations ol the east room
checking up the business at the wcre QUite as artistic as those of the
branch store and found the business in corridor consisting of pink roses.
excellent condition. hva-:inths and azaleas banked in rich
Col. JN. a. isoen, tne genial pro- prolusion beneath, the great mirrors
prietor of the Rosedale farm, was a and clusters of palms Sliing the win
pleasant caller at The News sanctum dow spaces.
yesterday, ana left a bottle of the
Very li?ht snow is reported from
the Missouri and upper Mississippi
valleys and the lake region.
For Nebraska fair tonight and
Thursday; warmer in northern poi -tii
n tonight; warmer Thursday.
Take OrT the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of cattle,
25 cents for a single animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until tho first
week in April ia tha right time. Af
ter that it is too late. If those who
wish to have such work done will ad
dress me at Rock Eluffs, Neb., they
rill be promptly answered.
Mr. Bill Greene says that he is
proud to call home the same state
that holds Mr. Bryan. Let us hope
that Mr. Bryan will be polite
enough some time in the future, even
if it does require a little indulgence
in fancy, to return the compliment.
Li a coin News.
finest wine we ever sampled. It was
of the colonel's own manufacture from
grapes raised on his farm, and provtd
him an artist in the business of wi. e
T. H. Pollock, who has the Fitz
gerald block in charge, is having all
the office rooms and halls repaired
preparatory to meet the demand in
the spring for more and better offices.
This old block used to be the beehive
of industry, and we hope to see the
same kind of prosperity on deck here
again soon.
Persons who are troubled with in
digestion will be interested in the ex-
psrience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk
in the railway mail service at Des
Teachers Meetings.
The meeting called by Supt. Farley,
for last Saturday, was called to order
at 10 o'clock, with W. C. Smith in
the chair. Chairman Morrow being
absent, his paper, "That bright boy;
that bright girl; what shall we do
with them," was passed. The paper
upon "tsoys ana gins inai are struck;
how to deal with them," by Prof.
Rouse, was read, and discussed by
Prof. McHugh. The third paper was
Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives upon the topic, "How to avoid tardi
me pleasure to t stify to the merits ness," was a well written one by Miss
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Foxwell, of Nehawka.
Diarrhoe i Remedy. For two years I A lively discussion followed by Mr
have suiTei ed from indigestion, and Morrison, and he was followed by a
am subject to frequent severe attacks general discussion, at which, time the
ofnainin the stomach and howpla exchange of ideas were free and
One or two coses of this remedy never
fails to give perfect relief. Price 25
and 50 cents; sold by all druggist.
Scarlet Fever.
A ca?e of scarlet fever was reported
this morning at Frank Brinkman's,
It is to be hoped that this dangerous
malady may not get a foothold here.
Mrs. John Hatt has been quite ill In some towns in the state lhe public
schools have been closed on account of
Judge Ramsey is cleaning up the
criminal docket in Otoo county this
for several days', but is reported as im
proving today.
Mrs. Ed. Dudley and daughter of
Havelock are visiting relatives in thia
citv this week.
spirited. A recess for noon was taken
at this time, and at 1 o'clock Super
intendent Farley outlined the work
for the institute.
In the absenca of Mr. Berga, the
subject, "Primary Numbers," was dis
cussed by Misses Bixby and Russell,
Miss Lillian Stoutenborough being
absent. The last paper, "How to In
terest Parents," was discussed by Mr.
Clary and Miss Williams. The subject
of an educational exhibit at the expo
sition, was brought up, and there
My daughter, when recovering
Irora an attack of lever, was a great seemed to be a 6trong sentiment
sufferer from pain in the back and against neglecting regular work to
miss ounnie vv nue is expected over hips. " writes Louden Grover. ofSarcia. nren.ire an exhibit
irom t-iattsmuuiu to yisii, ner sister, Ky "After using quite a number of There were three writers of papers
airs. Aoneian. veepmg water ite- remedies without any benefit she tried absent, the attendance' was fifty, and one bottle of. Chamberlain's Pain interest and attention. ?ood. Theso
Henry Donat is here from Havelock ' B-ilra, and it has given entire relief." I meetings aie very helpful to the
and will probably move down, he hav-J Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a teacher s, and all should make an ef-
certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by ! fort to attend. Weeping Water Re
all druggist. publican.
ing secured
brother, Ed.
a position with his
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to mouth, Neb
three days. Its action upon the sys
tern is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at onco the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricko & Co., druggist?.
tho Mnrch term of court
Tipton T. I'lalitrcc, A. C. Adam. . J. It;ilir
(ireenuood -Kob't Larson, I.. V. 1'ilciul.
r. i in woo, 1 imvc .mcCmik, lieu. PiilIc, Uayton
Stove Cn-ck-Dan Kcll. C. 1. CUpp. W. II.
Hay, Jas. Durbiii.
Weeping Water precinct -John McKay, Dan
Wet-ping Water City, First ward, 1. Tcctfarden;
Second ward. Will Marshall; I Mid waid, J. K.
South llend V S. Wortinan. J. Cain.
Salt Creek K. I). McDonald. T. I-',
Koikiilutfs, l-'irst district, Jas. Lemon, Jno.
A. Davis, David Young.
Rock lilutls. Second iliMrut A. II. (Jiaws,
S. I.. I-"urlong.
Liberty Jolm Tliackei, ieu. A. Rose, Oliver
Nc-liawka Win. Tucker, I.ce Kirkpatrick, I..
V. l'ollard.
Avoca Win. Sinoots, Jas. 1 1-Johnson.
Mt. Pleasant Chas. l'lnlpot, Jacob Domingo.
Light Mile (Jioe J. M. Meismgur, Chas. C
1 Ic-iiuings.
Center W. II. Iielaud, Claik Newton
Louisville-L DcPuy. J. M. Hoover.
J'lattsmouth precinct (Jeo. W. Snder, Henry
llirz, acob Ruiiiinel.
Plattsmouth city First ward, Kdward Stain
Henry R. tiering; Second ward. Win. Weber,
Anton Toman, (ieu. Weidmann. 11. M- (iault
Third ward, Jno. Corey, R. W. Hyers, p. II
Steiniker, D. Miller; Fourth ward. Lit Smitl
Henry Tartsch, Jos Lake; l ifth ward, S. I
Hall. Warren McConkey.
ItitrgMiuH Im Fine HogH.
Thoroughbred Poland China male
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call
on or address J. Li. Kichev. l'latts-
i it t t'tiirt. within
. .14 I to nm tii-
rt't ted. I will oil tho loth d.iv ! i .1 f . . A. I.
l-'.'t,;, I II o'( lot k a in ol mi i' I d.i ) ,ii t In- Mouth floor
ol the court hoiiie In (lie city of PlattHinoiith, ia
K il l t i.nnlv, m il t public Milt tion, t'l the htgli
esl bidder In cu-.h, tho lolloping l.indl and tc-ue-iiit
nts, lo-w ,t
The wt-t half ol the iioitlieu-it quarter ol
mill. hi I, town II, raiigt) 10, the mutheat
quiutcr ol noi lion lit, town II, range V; the rati
hall ol the HoutliMCKl quarter ol section I J, tuwa
II. range U. the tail half of the riorthw.t
quarter ol m-i tion IM, t jwn II, range IU; and the
ii' it t li hall ol the- southwest quarter ol lection it,
town l, range In, all in Cans county, Nrbraik4,
together w it )i the privlli-gtti and appurtenant re
thiieiinto belonging or in any wine appertaining
I lie same bt-tng levied uport ami taken as the
property ol P. I', and II. R. Waldron, defend
ants, to hiilislv a judgement til Bald court re
covered by Hank ol I' liKle, plaiiitllt, againat aul
Pint turnout !,. Nub , J in ft. A. II. IMliH.'
SlK-rltT. Uum county, Nobruakiv
Hard inter lor Sheep
Chkykxnk, Wyo., Neb. 2. Thous
ands of sheep ate reported to have
perished from cold and starvation in
western Wyoming. The cold has boen
intense for sixty days, and old timers j
Foley 'm Honey and Tar,
Cough Syrup wherever lotroJuced is
considered the mtit pleasant and ef
fective remedy for all throat and lunj;
complaints. It is th only prominent
cougn remedy tfial contains no
opiates and that can safely bo tiiven
to children. Smith & Parmele.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, lino gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
say it is the hardest whiter they have I crowns.
Slicrifl'H .Sale.
Ity iitue tif an execution. Issued by (ieorge F.
II. niseu oi I h. link ni the district court, within
iind tor ( ass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the lot ti tlay ol l elnuary, A. I .
Is'.ts, at II o'clot k a. m. ol said tlav at the south
door ol the t out t house in the t it y ol Plattsmouth
in said county, sill at public auction, to tho
highest biddei lor cash. Hie billowing teal cntatc
to wit:
Lot Hi ire in the ntnthwest quarter ol
the southeast quarter ol nectioti town
I", lange II, In tass county. Nebraska, to
gether with the privilege and appurtenance
t hereunto belong ing or in ..l.y wise appertaining,
lhe same being levied upon and taken a a the
property ol II. A . ubson, delendant. to natmlya
ludgment ol said court recovered by John N.
Cat tel . pi. until! against said delendant.
Plattsiiiouth. Nebraska. January hth A. D. 1HIIH,
Hakvuy Hollow a v,
Sht-iilf, Cass County, Nchiatika,
Probate Notice.
In county coutt. Cass county, Nebraska. In
lhe matter ol the estate of Lmllia Wurl, de
ceased ISeitha Lange, llcntich M ittelntadt,
Carl Mitlel-tadt, U ill, elm Mittelstatlt. Hern
hanlt Winl, Km haul W url Auguste Martens
and all other pel sons inteicsted in naid matter,
are hereby not illed that on the ilrd tlay ol Jan
uary, A. D. I sum, a petition was Illed In said
t oiiit allt gmg. among other things, that J'.niilia
Wuii tlied on Hit- Mih Hay ol December, A. D.
is'.ii, leaving a last will and testament ami po-M-ssed
ol real and personal estate ami that the
above named constitute all the persona Interested
ill the estate ol s.ud deceased, and tiruviiur lor
the probate of said will and lor administration of
said estate. Vou are hereby notified that il you
I. ill to anneal at said court on the Hi tlav of
January A. 1 1. Is'.m. at o'clock a nr., to contest
the probate of said will, Ihe court may allow and
probate said will and grant adininihtratlnri ol
said estate to lleniy Maitens and lolin liutterv.
or some other suiiable person, and proceed to a
settlement thereol.
Witness my hand and the seal of said count T
court at Plattsiiiouth. Nebraska, thia the 3rd day
ol January mh.
L-eal (ji oiu.H M. K,
County ludge.
seen for the past twenty years. Car-
bou county has 500,000 sheep and flock
masters there fear the loss will amount
to 25 per cent. Losses among cattle
will not bo 60 heavy, as owners had
been preparing for several years to
feed their stock during the severe
Pettee's music storo and pianode-
pot, is headquarters for the latest in
nice sheet music. Call in.
T f 1 1, i, .
nr. luarsnau, crown and Driogo worn
Dr. Marshall, tooth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
Ail the latest anuliancos for first
class dental work.
How an Actress and Doctor Were Fooling
In French theaters the doctor of the
Jiotice of Hearing.
To all persons interested:
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska.
iienry i.iKenoary, ei ai,
Citizens bank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska. et al.
theater has a seat triven him for everv I 'his cause came upon the petition of Receiver foi
I J n ftr.tar tt r nA I -1 1 .w. .1... 1 . .. 1.
.... v. . . v. viaiiii-i illlAllll ll'C U.tllH upon
performance. lie must be there every
evening. JNaturally, alter he has seen
the same piece a score of times he longs
to be elsewhere aud prefers to give his
seat to some of his friends. M. Ernest
Blum says that when he was a young
man a friend, the doctor of tho Theatre
Porte St. Martin, gave him his seat.
Just as he was becoming interested in
the first act the stage manager rushed
up the heroine had a nervous attack
and required medical aid! Blm had
nothing else to do but to follow him
In the lady's dressing room he found
the manager with anguish depicted on
every feature and the lady wringing
her hands and shrieking.
"Now, doctor, quick 1 What's to be
Blum grew as red an a lobster, and
as be could not say anything he just
ejaculated: "Urn! Let us see! Let us
see. "
He took the lady's hand in a wild at
tempt to feel her pulse. She shrieked
more than ever and writhed like a
"Have you poured any water on her
head?" he asked.
"Yes. "
"And no effect?"
"Then don't pour any more."
After this display of medical knowl
edge he continued:
"Give her a sniff of eaude cologne.'
"Haven't any," was the answer.
"Then go fetch some."
Off rushed the manager and the stage
manager, and Ulum was left with nig
dividends owned by claimants audit appearing
to the court that a notice should be given ol
sucn nearing.
It is hereby orderetl that the Receiver nublish
this order in The emi-Weekly News-Herald lor
ten (10) days, and this petition is assailed lot
hearing upon February l'-i, A. I). IS'.im, at o'clock
p. in. at the oflice of the clerk of the district court
at winch tune all persons interested are reauired
to show cause. If any, why an order should not bt
entered directing the receiver to oH-set claims al
lowed against the bank udoii debts owinc b
claimants as of the date when said bank passed
. . i i j i -
iuiu liic nanus oi a receiver.
Basil S. Ramsey,
Judge of the District Court.
Byron Clark. Attorney for Receiver.
SbfrifTs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued bv Georire
r. riouseworin, ciern or me district court, within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the 12th dav of March. A. I).
lNtiH. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south
door oi trie court House in trie city ol Plattsmouth,
I'roliule Notice.
In the county court ol ('.ism ronntv N.,m,lc
In the matter of the estate ol M nrv l iff It ruariri
deceased, lleuiy Kieckmann, I'.mma Rieckinanri
and all oilier nelsons interested in Haiti mulli-r
arc heiebv untitled that on tho '-'Ml, ,I-JU ..I
January. Ihlis, a petition was hied In said court,
alleging, among other things, that Mary Kieck
mann tiled on the ; ith day of May, 1KUO, leaviuir
no last will and testament and possessed ol
rights in at tion of unknown :uid i-rinin mln.
and that the above named constitute all the per-
nouM iiiti'iesieti in ine estate ol saw deceased.
and praymg lor administration thereof. Vou
are hereby notified that il vou fail to m,i-r xi
said court on the 21st day of l ebruary.A 1). IHSl,
it v o i-i'ii k a in. arm contest sanl petition, tho
court will appoint Milton I J, Polk or Home other
suitable person administrator, and proceed to a
sett lenient of said estate.
U itness ill V hand and the si-:il of ro.irl at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the aist day ol
(aiiuai y, A.I). muh.
(Seal) Gkok;e M. Spuhlock,
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual M,..-
ing ol the .Stockholders ol the Burlingion &
Missouri river railroad company in Nebraska
will be held in the ollice of the roimiativ in
Plattsinoiilli, Neb . on Thursday. February 24.
I ww, at M o'clock, m.
1 he meeting will be held for the election of
iiinti (Hi directors, to Herve during the ensuing
year, and lor the tiaiisaction ol such other bum-
ness as may legally come before it.
t'liiana, January u, i.v.ih.
W.J. I. aiij. Secretary.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue ol an order of sale issued bv f;-oro
F, House-worth, clerk ol the district court, within
niu ior tass county, iNeoraska. and to me di
et ted. 1 will on the 5th dav ol February. A.
u., IMliH. at II o'clock a. m. of said tlav at f).
south door ol the court house in the city of Platts
iiiouth. in said county, sell at uublic auction to
the highest bidder lor cash, the lollowiug real
estate, to-wit:
Lot one (1) In the northeast ouarter of h
southwest quarter of section thirteen (13) in
township eleven (111 range thirteen (U) in Cast
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high- I county. .Nebraska, arid containing twenty-seven
state to-wit: I ' ancl -'" acres; also lot two ' in the south-
est bidder for cash. the follow in? real estate to
Lots rilteen (11 and twenty (2')i. in section seven
(7). township twelve (1 ). north ol ranee fourteen
(14). in Cass county. Nebiaska, togetherwith the
nriviietres and aDnprtpnanri. thiTfiintii liolnnrr
ing or in anywise appurtainmg. Ine same be- I county, eijrasKa, together with the privileges
ing levied upon and taken as theprope ty ol I 'intl appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
east quarter ol the southwest quarter ol the said
ecnon inirieen ti.ij, aim containing seven (7)
ind 71-100 acres, a total in bold nt Hi i lrit if
ihirty-tive (:(., and and U acres, all in Cass
Join Keuland and wife. Lena Reuland, and lames
M. Patterson, deiendatits. to satisfy a ludument
of said court recovered by Charles C. Parmele,
as receiver of the Citizens batik of Plattsmouth,
INeDrasKa. planum against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 1, A. I). 1H!8.
W . D. V HF.KI.ER,
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate ot Ann and Martin
Mahonev. (incompetent). Georee V. Meeker.
administrator of the estate of Anna Mahoney.
George . Meeker, adminmtrator of the estate
of Martin Mahoney. John Mahonev, Magg e Mo-
nan, tames nianoney, i nomas .Mahoney. lulii
r.lder, Anna Meeker, Mack Mahoney, Nellie
Mahoney and Nina Mahonev. also Corneliu-
Mahoney, Julia Mahoney, Mar Mahoney. Grace
Mahoney and Arthur Mahonev. infants, and
Mrs. Mahoney. mother of said infants, and al;
other persons interested are hereby notified that
A. O. l.oder. guardian of said incomretents. has
hied herein his petition lor hnal settlement, and
hit- nn 1 -..,t. U 1 SUS K a I, I .A 1. , L. . 4. !
f i , , - , , i.iia. uujauuajw, a'vF, lit, mtu UHICIU HIS lilidl
cmuueui; euo ujjcucu ucr vycm iau i report, as said guardian. Petitioner prays that
'you are a good
"Doctor," she said,
fellow, aren't you?"
"Yes, ma'inselle. "
"You must be, doctor. Now listen.
There is nothing the matter with me.
You would have found that out soon. I
want a couple of days off. Can't you
manage it?"
"Delighted!" he replied joyfully.
Now, ma'mselle, you're a good fel
low too. I am not a doctor. I came in
on the doctor's ticket, so you must not
give him away.
By this time the manager and stage
manager came back, each with a bottle
of eau de cologne. He told them that it
was unnecessary now. The lady was
quite composed and could appear with
out any danger. But she must have a
few days' rest. They made wry faces,
i 4.j ai ijj nu:ijiu: tiiion. alleging mat tr
uuu Kiuuiou uw iiunuay. x unaiyu.ia Henntntrs.iWal guardian herein and amor,
an order ol court may be made fixing a time for
hearing and for examination oi the final report
and accounts ot his guardianship and lor allow
ance thereol. You are notified that if you fail to
appear before said court on the 25th day of
February, A. D. 1M, at 2 o'clock p. m.. and con
test said petition. the court may grant the oraver
oi said peiion ana maice sucn other and tarther
orders, allowances and decrees as to the court
may seem proper, to the end that all matters
pertaining to said guardianship may be finally
settled and determined.
itness my hand and the seal of said court, at
Plattsmouth. Nebrasica. this, the 1st day of
February A.L).,lsyb. George M. bPUkLocK,
(Seal) County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass connty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of Terrace C,
and Sophia M. tienuings. minor heirs ol Henrv
J. Henuings, deceased.
To Rosa Hennings, widow of said Henrv I.
Hennines, mother and natural guardian of said
minors, to Rosa Hennings, legal guardian of said
minors, to lerracet-. Hennings and bophia M.
Hennings. minors, and to all other nersons in
terested, notice is hereby given that John A. Hen
nings, Jacob Tritsch and Chai les (J. Hennings
on the 7th day of August,1897,tiled herein their pe
tition, alleging that they are bondsmen of Rosa
Hennings, legal guardian herein. and among
things that tne said rcosa Hennings. legal guar-
I'arnaiusouiry Humor.
The London World gives this as an
illustration of the keen humor of Jus
tice Darling: On one occasion, when
Mr. Gladstone was beginning to give
up the lead in the house of commons to
Sir William Harcourt, it was noticed
by the members that he left the house
the dinner hour and Sir William
Harcourt led for the rest of the sitting,
Mr. Darling one evening drove Sir Wil
liam to fury, on failing to elicit a defi
nite answer to an inquiry, by casually
observing in the course of his speech,
I have noticed that lately the party
opposite, adopting an ancient precedent,
has set up a greater light to rule the
lay and a lesser light to rule the night. "
"My wife couldn't go to the concert
ast night because the baby threatened
to have croup. "
That was too bad."
'Yes, and now she is hopping mad
because the baby didn't have croup after
all." Chicago News.
English farmers, who know it is
guinst the law to use ferrets to drive
out rabbits, place in the burrow a rub
ber hose with a tin horn on the end ln-
jertai. Then they blow the horn, and
3uniiy comes oat in quick order.
dian, has absolutely failed to comply with any
of her duties as required by the statute to be done
and placed of record. Petitioners pray that said
Rosa Hennings, guardian, be cited to appear and
file inventory and report of herdoings with vouch
ers and that petitioners be released from all fur
ther liability as such bondsmen and be discharged
as such bondsmen and that she be required
to oDtain otner uonasmen in the place ot
the petitioners. Vou are notified that a
hearing on said petition. inventory and
report of Kosa Hennings as guardian and
the tiling of objections thereto, will be had in
said court on the 1st day ot March. A. U.
11 o clock a. m., and - that it you tail to appear
and contest said petition the court mav grant
the praver of said petition and make such other
final orders as may be necessary in the premises.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 1st dav of
February, A. D. 1X&8.
County Judge-
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county, Nebr-jka.
Myrtle Kutneriora.
Walter Rutherford,
Walter Rutherford, defendant, will take notice
that on the 6th day of January, lfcy. Myrtle
Rutherford, plaintitl herein, filed her petition in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer ot
w hich are to obtain a divorce from said defen
dant, upon the grounds of willful abandonment
and for a failure to support the plaintitt for more
than two years last past, and for the custody of
her minor child. Clara Elizabeth Rutherford,
aged four years, and to quiet the titie in and to
the plaintitl 's estate.
You are hereby required to answer said petition
on or before the 7th day of March. 1898.
Dated, this the "itith day of January, 1898.
Myrtle Rutherforo,
By Chas, L. Graves, attorney for plaintiff.
anywise appertaining, lhe same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Richmond
Good and Kmiiy J. Good, defendants; to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered by Samuel
Wauhas executor of the last will and testa
ment of John Iilack. deceased, nlaintiff:
said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Jan. 4. A.D. 1H9H.
Hakvev Hoi.loway,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an execution issued hv r.
F. Huiiseorlh. clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to medi-
r cted, 1 wiil on the loth day of February, A. .
l'.. at 11 o'clock a. m ol said day at thu south
ioor ol the court house in the citv of Platts
iiiouth, in said county sell at uublic auction tn
the highest bidder lor cash, the lollowinir real
estate, to-wit:
lhe southwest quarter of section 11. town II
range la, except and 1-1 A) acres, being Omaha
Southern Railroad riiht-of-wav: th -,,nt I,
quartered the northwest quarter of section la,
town 11, range 13. except one acre of cemetery;
beginning ai the north side of section 11. town II.
range l.i, at a point on the west side ol the Om
aha Southern Railroad right-of-way, where said
right-of-way crosses the north line of said sec
tion, thence running west 56 feet to the north
west corner of the northwest quarter of section
II, thence south along the section line to thtt
southwest corner of the northwest quarter,
thence east 80 feet to the Omaha Southern
Railroad right-of-way. thence north a litiletr. li
west aiong said railroad right-ol-way to the
place of starting, containing 41 and 13-33 acres
more or less, it Oeing that part of the northwest
quarter ol section Jl. town 11. range 13. lying
a est of the Omaha rai road right-ol-wa v. all in
Cass county, Nebra-ka. together with thi?
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or in an w ise appurtaining 1 he same being
levied upon and taken as the property of F. M.
Young and IJ. A. ountr. et al.. defendants- n
satisfy a judgment of said court rernver-ri hu i-
J. Martin, plaintiff, against said defendants.
riattsmonth, .Nebraska.January 4th, A.D. 18B8.
Sheriff, Cass County, NeLraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass country, N'ebraika.
iienry j:.iKenoary, et ai. i
Citizens bank of Platts- f
mouth, Nebraska. I
Notice of hearing on petition of stockholders
and depositors to sell real and personal assets.
Now upon thfs .'ud day of January A. D.
118, this cause came on for hearing upon the
petitions for an order to sell part ofthe assets
of said bank, as petitioned for by stockholders
Henry hikenbary, et al., by the depositors D.
O. Dwyer. et al., by the receivers Charles C.
Parmele. Frank J. Morgan and N. H. Meeker.
And it appears to the court that a hearing
should be had thereon, it is hereby ordered that
a hearing upon said several petitions be had and
the time for such heading be on Saturday, Jan
uary 2'J. A. I)., 18. , at o'clock p. m . or as soon
thereafter as the same can be heard, at which
time all persons interested must show cause. If
any. why the prayer of the several petitions
should not be granted.
lt is further ordered that a copy of this order ed in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald
for two publications prior to said date. In wit
ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
i-lo-ii day of January, A. D. 1x98.
Basil is. Ramsey, Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, ) . r.
Cass County. ss In County Court
In the matter ol the estate of Emilia Wurl, de
ceased Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor oi said es
tate, before me, county judge of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in Platts
mouth in said countv, on the id day of August,
A. D., Kis. at o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
for creditors of said deceased to present their
claims and one year for the executors to settle
said estate, Irom the 21st day of F'ebruary, lstts.
This notice shall be published in the Semi
Weekly New-Herald for four weeks success
ive!)', prior to the 21st day of February, I8V8.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this &th day of Jan
uary, !!.
lcalj George M. Spurlock.
County judg.