Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 02, 1898, Image 2
I (LiEU WEDNLSDAYS AND SATURDAYS it I II I ;( 2 50 Mont lis. iibT GiRGULAIIOiS i my Cass County Paper. SKCKKTAItY Gaok of tho treasury calls our Hiliy ltryan -the weeping nhilnHi nh r." The name fits so wel it is likely lo stick to bitn. Now India is threatened with the gold standard, but the popoerats will not be able to maKe any capital out o the fact since it would be hard to con ceive how tho condition of starving people could be worse. Bee. Aliceady the papers are speaking of Judge Hayward of Nebraska City and A. Ii. Cadv of St. Paul as candidates for governor this year before the re mihliean convention. Either would s be an excellent candidate. Fremon Tribune. TnE Nebraska editors had a gala time in Omaha yesterday, where they were the guests of the World-Herald They enjoyed a trip over the Trans Mississippi exposition grounds and enjoyed a luncheon at the expense cj Colontl Hitchcock before returning home. When the administration made a little disDlnv of backbone and sent a warbhiuto Elavanna, the loquaciou Soaniards concluded wie-eiy not tt r fight, and extended the glad hand a onco. If Uie bell ge-reucy of Cuba had been ncki-owifdned months ng ; s i-l ou d have i een d- ne, tne tine;. CI t-d tlt-r..l w. , Li li ve iti on I ll u i f w .r 1 1 can frrm . w,y. h e i . t- e t h .v I : -k - ll. . ; e- i e one m - in t U i b f. r kt- mo- t lit.' i li n l 1. (ii. i h m 1 c g it li; - I -s 1 S T ca a of trict. i ONE i en ti etl it ol th Ui y tififf upon the muusiries ol th United Stales is shown in the silk trade. Its duties have so encouraged the home manufacture of silk that the French makers have discovertd that thev are lor-in the trade of this country, says the New York Mail and Express. So now tbey are going to help us make it at home A promi nent Lyons firm announces its inten tion to start a silk-weaving plant at Bethlehem, Pa equipped with Mas sachusetts looms and operated by American workmen. This unprece dented departure in conservative French trade will be cordially wel corned. The national congress, elected two years ago fresh from the ranks of the people, repudiates the free silver heresy and will waste little time in discussing so defunct a subject. The senate, however, which is cot in touch with the masses and is credited with representing all the rotten cor porations and trusts in the country, stands up for the white metal and gives a nnjoiity vote favoring the Teller resolution, which was nothing more than a mild sort of repudiation. The silver sensators from many of the states will be succeeded next time by better men, it is hoped, who. can not be carried away by the sophistries of the whit6 metal enthusiasts. Mark Hanna is at his old tricks again, wheat having reached $1.05 in Chicago today. Platts mouth News- This is the first time we ever knew thai Mark Hanna was speculating in wheat, but thought that young Leiter was responsible for the "corner." W hen May wheat sells for $1.25 per bushel, will Hanna still be responsible for the advanceV-NebraskaCity News. Our neighbor, being a comparative recent convert to free silver and popo cratic heresies, fails to grasp the idea. Ve never believed that Hanna was a fiend incarnate and all powerful, yet a few weeks before the election, the popocratic press and orators assured us that the rise in wheat at that time was the work of Hanna, who had cor nered the market for political pur poses, and that as soon as the election was over, Hanna would let go and wheat would go down with a startling thud. Since it refused to go down, we have naturally concluded if the popo cratic ante-clection stories were true, that Hanna roust bo the control ling spirit which keeps the price of wheat going skyward now. Dun v . o '. ki It. v. of Ti do liir-t Si u day "Tho first month .f the new yenr has brought rather morn indorse in bu-i-tiehS, but o - Improvement in price than WH t'X.'t-ct 1. W th pa. men: ihruu.h cle .ring hou e 7 3 per cent l.irg-rth:i ui 1S!)J. an.i prob blv thu lit'go-t ev known in ny month; wi h r . i roao t a niu larger than I h bet, f ct , ha i c c - i ll II. O. 1 j a 1 1 2 e out f p st year-, the j o w i n v o 'IB M) i .d. .Nor i ma oi'd-r-, 1 i.- eit i,e rs ki g q in n 1 1 t,i i- of pro . uc - -. ti.ero n i v 1 -poi . u i o i even a, (ire m pr e . coiiip tiimii f in uuf ctur orders alone p events a nti-e. Many of them have all ituy can manage, m tiy working night- and day, .nd one great sieel concern woiKi' g on Sunday, but the works Dot yet lilled with orders are s-eeking orders at prices .is low as have ever b-en made, indicating that even these are not en tirely unprovable. The settlement of wages on a 10 per cent basis April 1 for 200,010 coal minors of the central region, with other changes, will tend towaid a larger demand for products of all kiuds, though also toward some increase in cost of manufacture." An English syndicate has concluded to move across onto this side and erect a million dollar steel plant at Birm ingham, Ala. This is one of the di rict results of the passage of a repub lican protective tariff measure. Had the English manufacturers been able to reach cir market from England without payment of a tariff they would continue to draw our eold to that side of the Atlantic and never think of adding to the wealth of America by bringing their capital here and fur nishing employment to our people. Only a free trader whose head is dense as a block of 9tove wood can longer find fault with the McKinley or Dingiey bills. They have proven by iictual test to be grett measures for the up-building and prosperity of the country. May the partv which footers growth at home rather than prosperity abro..d. continue to domi nate our national affairs. LATTtOIOUTil tat (Is al - :is U.e '"M:- i 1 I, ClN- I Hll U .ft II fU to I li e II 1 i. i e a O ii...'iei. ih. -n et on in men i .i ofli. e ill- IS 111 o - ih ;li IV 1 no . V, ii lot .-ii. n l fuf.l U'l-. ei'i'l l ' an i gilatures of Ohio :n . y an ex h iie,h ve n i o pos lie. of I riio s t.d i e 1 1 1 1 i e ; , n f. m e cli state to i. Ill : j I l. O li I I I be el c oi s. . f u -- VV I ... . of 1 X ION -. e n w.-, a p. r men u woo en .er "r.evour-l di appointeu at the ce i iv.-i Ma- n iioin iin . e l r eofii eii t n.edital .ons and d i er -.A i,ies -atneiieg in N.- ia.-ka i.-n t n-ioe eel a success Without him, but he following poem i a late number of the BeatiiceEx press explains and justifies his seem ing rudeness in ignoring the annual call to duty: "To Lincoln, when the fare was low, 1'he editairs did daily go. Their hard earned salaries to blow And to commune right happily. I'd like to join their mild carouse. And see their lofty bulging brows, But who would nilk my foaming cows. If I should slope so jauntily? Fain would I fire my ink and pens; And leave as others left their dens; But who would herd my snorting hens, The while I monkeyed merrily? Gladly I'd don my Sunday togs. And northward drive my span of dogs. But who'd pack slop to feed my hogs, If I should skip so airily? Few, few can do the things they wish; Some saw the wood, while others fish; Some eat the goose, some lick the dish. And so the world goes drearily." Bixby. Here is another of those breezy western Kansas obituaries, coming this time from the Great Bnd Regis ter: "Uncie Billy Coe's spirit went away somewhere i-t Monday after noon to heaven we hope and believe. Ie has been living t Bill Zutavern's, and his last words were: 'Bill. I be lieve I'm a goner!' " The work of replacing all bridge with street structures in Nebraska division of the Hock Island being prt secuted without interruption. Tne scene of operation at present on the part of; he bridge construction crew it DeWitt, where a strong struc ture, entirely of steel, is beiiig built across the Blue river. Attorney General Smyth has given nis opinion to Ijabor Commissioner Kent: "I have your favor of the 19th instant, asking whether or not asses sors and county clerks are required to parform the duties imposed upon them with respect to labor ptatistics, not withstanding that no extra compensa tion is allowed therefor. My reply is that they are. Tne duty of an aflicial is not determined by the fact that his salary is allowed for h thing which he is required to do, but Is determided by the provisions of tho law imposing these duties." A farmer living in this community last year raised one aero of cuttle beets which brought him 700 bushols. He now has them under a huge straw stack and feeds his hogs, which num- ber I'D e il, Iruin two to f to U h-n per d i.v. lie hat tii he lthii-st look ing lot of hogs in iha country, oi her farmers would d well to imitate. Elinwoil c-'rre-ponderit in Weeping aler It- pu bl ic.m. The 'a iLso i h omclo tells about a man down in K nuns who b i iei soil) p Is at a d ug ftore fo' the cure of in omnia. That night in the darK he ou l wnat ho -tlplio-ed was "IP ii 'ox mI i-'aiiowid ihr e o t ! ile s II t :eii tileot .roundly. It. th m r,mir it w;i-di-covo d tnu' lu ll idiriil ed down nine of his wif 's bli,rt waist bu ti oris.'1 Interest in iheoil well still emit n- u-s uoab ied. Some of our cit zei s 1 1 . . . were intend ng to draw the welldiy th.s week, but M unlock citizens stole a ma' h on them and cured a lease of tho farm for a number of years, consequently they were unab e to make the test they wished. Elmwood Echo. In most of the houses at Lima, Peru, animals are kept on the roofs of the houses. A calf's first view of the sun is usually from a roof, and it never descends until it comes down as beef. D. P. Rolfe leaves next week for Port Arthur on a trip with tho busi ness men of Omaha and this state. 1 hey go as guests of that new railroad. Nebraska City News. A school teacher in Mason City, la.. who attempted to preserve order was thrashed by his pupils on Monday Tuesday he took a hickory rod to school with him, but it was taken away from him and broken. Wednes day he carried a horse whip, and it was stolen at the forenoon recess Thursday he took into the schoolroom a revolver, and wasitrrested for carry ing a concealed weppon. He shoukl be releii-ed and given a Gatlinggun. Ex. T - . I 1 T . . . r-eopie uown ai iNeo.-asKa Uity are BUHKinir wi.u ine arue. ine-eareso rmi'iy Missouria s in the town that a son of Missouri el: mate .-eems to carry miasm.t and "shakes'' the same as the oui .taie. i he si. vvi -Hi; wiil hive a joint con tr e-sio . . 1 e m paitrn com mil te again h s ye r. Line J iy Gou i, who saiti he wai a rt pub ic.-iii in republic m states and a democrat in .emocratic si tes, bui always V r the railioais, tne r, verit s propo.-e to be de n crai in democratic uistricis. popu i-ts ii populist districts and mongrels in fusio dstrirts, but always for the bullion lire mme owner who foots th hi s 1 k im th He aid. A n ol'l I ;id near pp i n t -d in 1 v g". di-'d r c nt v. (i e t t o men Newm n. HI., di f. ty-i ight yea is nd eft as a lui-t b I o veil to p ' r- l m e i.i t e fuiieivil s i viees. HeV w lie- v r : r ied out to th " h tter. A w .ma i . r v.- the beaise, W;iinen Mct.e i is pi.l b i en. and a women p e ' lieu tne funeral serv ce. ill Wait Little. king o, the meeting of the ex- 'utive c mtuittee of the state teach rs' us-, c a ai Li. r In Saturday, the Stnte Jo i-n ' says: ".he executiv . um t o of the s ue -ea: t tion met ye- tei day for the li st time since its ap pointment. It consists of Superinten dent J. G. McHugh, Plattsmouth superintend.-..; W. K. Fowler ol -oiair, r-resiuent vv . tl. u mmoilS O 3 : i l : j . tit i . vi the Fiemont normai; Principa French of Hustings, and Superinten lent J. F. b yl r of Lim-ni:. In the alternojn the first meeting will be held. The committee considered the question of making a $300 donation to the Lincoln auditorium fund aud laid it over for the present. Another meetingwili be held soon at which time the matter will coma up. Settlement was made wiih ex-Treasurer Atkin son. The auditing committee con sisted of Messrs. McHugh and French Ihe new treasurer, Mr. Dizeil of Lexington, assumed bis duties. "An adjourned meeting was held at the Lindell hotel last night. The general f a ures o" t' e program for next year were thoroughly discussed and blocked out. Each member took a certain p i ii -n to lo. k up and report oa at the coming meeting." Rheumatism Cured in a Day. A few weeks ago the editor wae taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe, and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is put it very mildly, indeed. Il acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesi tancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty,Liberty town, Mary land. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists. For Sale. The cheapest printing press in the state, in fair condition, will print an eight column folio, hand power. Address NEWS office, Plattsmouth, Neb. Two WeU Known Statesmen talked for morfths, from a front porch and a rear en-'T a car. Perhaps the uso of Fol-y's Hooey Hnd Tar will ex plain why they could do this, without njury to their vocal organs. It is argely used by speakers and singers. Smith & Parmele. QUEER AUTOMATONS. EXAMPLES FROM THE DAYS OF DCDALUS TO THE PRESENT. A Wooden Venna That Walked and a Ilrazen Alan That Talked A Wonderful Mechanical Duck The Greatest of All th Fraudulent Automatons. There are few things more attractive to the generality of men or more calcu lated to excite their wonder and admira tion than a dexterously and mysteriously contrived automaton. There is, indeed, something almost uncanny in tho sight of a figure made by men's hands acting like a creature of flesh and blood,, and this uncanuiiiess is one of the most sub- tie of fascinations. Hence the silver of .1 - 1 f 1 . - the curious readily finds its way into the pockets of men ingenious enough to , invent such marvels. xnis passion tor tne automaton is cer tainly no new thing. One meets it in almost tho earliest books, sometimes veiled in myth, sometimes more direct ly stated. Vulcan, it will be remem bered, made automatic tripods for the gods of Olympus Btools which ad vanced of their own accord to the ban queting table and so retired when the feast was over. Aristotle tells us that the human au tomata which Duxlalus made were so active that it was necessary to keep them tethered for fear they would run away. Tho same philosopher describes a wooden Venus who walked about and gives also the secret of the phenomenon. She was filled with quicksilver a some what crude device. Albertus Magnus is credited with having made a brazen man who talked and St. Thomas Aqui nas with having pounded it to pieces with a club, suspecting it to be a work of satan. Some marvelous feats of mechanism are credited to John Muller, otherwise known as Regiomontanus, who flourished in the fifteenth century, and in dealing with him we perhaps touch firmer ground. One was an iron fly which flew around a table, another a wooden eagle which went out to meet Emperor Maximilian on his entry of Nuremberg on June 7, 1470, and re turned with him to the city gates. Whether due or not to the stimulus given by Louis XIV, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were in France times of great automatic activity. In deed, the first named century marks the beginning of the really historical era of automata. In the eighteenth century lived Mr. Vaucauson, perhaps the most wonderful of all makers of automata and the creator of the famous duck which first appeared before the public in 1741. The duck was Vaucanson's masterpiece and completed a reputation already made wide by his mechanical flute player and an automatic musician which not only blew upon the flageolet, but also kept time to it on a tambourine. The bird was of life size, and not only was it outwardly an exact imitation to a feather of a real duck, but its internal anatomy was absolutely true to life. So, indeed, were its movements, for it swam, dived, walked, quacked, ate, drank and by an ingenious device even seemed to digest its food. This automaton disappeared after its inventor's death, but turned up again in 1840 in a garret in Berlin and was purchased by a George Tiets, who took four years to put it in proper working order again. At the end of this time it was exhibited in a room in the Palais Royal, Paris, where Mr. Houdin, the celebrated conjuror, saw it, and, indeed, afterward, when something happened to one of its wings, took charge of and repaired it. No doubt it is still in ex istence. Of more modern automata this is scarcely the place to speak, for they are private secrets. Let us confine our selves to merely mentioning Mr. Mas- kelyne's "Psycho" and "Zoo." Like most things, automata have not always been what they seemed. Of many frauds upon the wonder loving public perhaps the completest was that of the famous automatic chess player of Mr. Kempelen, which was exhibited all over Europe at the end of the last century and afterward in America. It was the figure of a life sized Turk seat ed behind a large box, the top of which was marked in the middle for chess. Prior to the automaton's meeting an opponent the front of the box was open ed and skeptical lookers on were shown an arrangement of strings, pulleys and cylinders. After this they were allowed to examine the interior of the figure, which was hollow. Then Mr. Kempe len wound up his Turk with a key, and it was" ready to play, which it did by moving the pieces with its left hand and giving three nods for check to king and two for check to queen. All the noted chess players of Europe succumb ed to the figure's superior strategy, and its skill so impressed the Empress Cath erine II of Russia that she wished to buy it and was with difficulty persuad ed by Mr. Kempelen to give up the idea, It was not for years that the secret was discovered; but, like most secrets, it leaked out at last. The real chess play er was a Mr. Wronsky, a Polish ex-cap- tain, both of whose legs had been am putated at the trunk in consequence of a wound from a cannon ball. While the spectators were examining the box Wronsky was in the Turk's body, and when they turned to inspect that an in genious mechanism slid him back into the box. To the fact that Wronsky was a chess player of consummate skill the wide fame of the automaton, which he secretly controlled, is to be attributed. After this disclosure Mr. Kempelen 'e automaton naturally enough ceased to move mankind to wonder. New York Post Strict Sunday Lawn. Swinemunde on the Baltic has strict Sunday laws. Shipmasters who enter the port are fined heavily by the town authorities if they have their ships washed or painted on Sunday or church holidays. As foreigners are not ac quainted with the German church cal endar they are frequently caught. Persons intending: to go to the Klon dike gold fields should take note of the condition of things on the trans portation routes between San Fran cisco or beattle and Alaskan ports. All the steamers are crowded, all their passenger space is engaged for months ahead and there is great dan ger that the gold seekers will be left at the railroad termini simply be cause there is no room for tbem on vessels. They should make certain that tbey will have transportation all the way before they make the first start. ONCE THEY WERE MEDIUMS, j Now They Kxplate Their Kin by Tunning Hall of 1(1 ue Fire. Close by tho Northwestern tracks at Leavitt street is tho home of tho "jug gling sisters." They were t'vin presti digitators in their days of life, no runs the tradition, and now they toss balls of bine fire about as tho juggler dons eggs, cannon balls and tho like. Their pet amusement is to stand on their heads and toss the balls as if they were standing afoot. The force of gravity seems to bo reversed fur their benefit, for they "toss" the balls of fire down, and the little flames "fall" up. All this is set down just as James Mac-Courtney, the oldest settler in tho neighborhood, tells it. He said tho other day: I "Them broad windy s over there ou the north side of the old building is the t- A. I - . A. l place where tho sisters comes to show theirselves. Tho year of the World 'o fair I counted up their performances, an they come every 50 days. Tho reason fer that issomethin I could never guess, but some smart young chap here fig gered out that it was always in the dark of the moon. I've noticed since that there never was no moonlight when they got up there in the windys. "What's the cause of their hauntin the old place? Why, sir, the story's so old there can't no truth nor lio bo mado out on it. There's no man in these dig gin's longer'n I be, an I ken the story only by hearsay, so to speak. I heerd it from my grauddaddy, an he said he heeyl it when he was a young man comin here. That mus' 'a' ben in tho thirties. Onnyways he sed that the two sisters was persdiditaters. It seems like they give a performance in tho houso, which was new then in course, an the pair of them agreed ter be locked up in a box thet was to be sealed an fastened, an then they was to get out without break in the seals. Well, they was locked up, but they couldn't get out, an purty soon they foun theirselves so short of breath they couldn't holler loud enough to be heerd. In course they was in a room away from the other people, so's the common folk couldn't see how the trick was turned. When they couldn't holler, they tried rappin, an the others only thought they was a-workin out of the box an 6o didn't pay attention. After an hour or so the other peoples got nerv ous an went in an opened the box, an there was the two sisters, cold dead. They buried 'em together in the box in the yard back of the house, an that's why they juggles the fire balls upside down like." Chicago Chronicle. MAKING ARTIFICIAL ICE. How the Plants Are Contracted and Op erated In Philadelphia. Artificial cold or ice may be most readily produced by the evaporation of a more or less volatile liquid. In the first machines constructed this liquid was water. One-tenth of the amount of water used was converted into ice, but as it was necessary to maintain a vac uum in the apparatus its perfect work ing was a aimcult problem. A more readily volatile liquid, therefore, had to be substituted, such as liquefied sul phurous acid and liquefied ammonia. Being gaseous at ordinary temperatures, they are very suitable substances for this purpose. The ammonia ice machine is the one in most general use in fact, it finds exclusive application in this city. This liquefied ammonia is allowed to expand in coils of pipes which are placed in tanks filled with brine. The temperatuie of the brine is thus reduced to a point below the freezing point of water that is, to 14-18 degrees F. In this refrigerated brine are placed galvanized iron tanks having the shape of the large cakes of ice which one is accustomed to see in the wagons that pass through our city streets. After a period of 48-50 hours this can of water is converted into solid ice. The can is hoisted out of the brine, warmed with hot water, which allows the cake to slip out upon a shoot that runs into the storage rooms. The gaseous ammonia in the pipes can be used over and over again, a large compression engine being a part of the plant, which reduces the expense of the process. From this de scription it should be plain that there can be no taint of ammonia to give a taste to the ice. The plants usually employ distilled or artesian water, so that the ice is of the best quality. Whatever impurities the water contains are collected in ths white streak found in the center of each cake. The pure water separates from the impure and freezes first. Even ten years ago the demand for ice was sup plied from natural sources, the har vests from our own Pennsylvania riv ers, which were stored every winter in great houses on the shores of the streams, being supplemented by shipments throughout the summer from Maine, There are now in Philadelphia 16 ice making plants, some of which yield over 100 tons per day each, and the arti ficial product for several years has been a serious competitor of the natural arti-1 cle. Manufacturer. No Negro In South Africa. The word necro is not heard in South Africa excepting as a term of op probrium. Over and over again have Afrikander Englishmen stopped me when speaking of Znlus, Basutos, Mata bele and so on as negroes. "You in America only know the blacks who come over as slaves. Our blacks are not to be confused with the material found on the Guinea coast. " "White Man's Africa," by Poultney Bigelow. A Boston newspaper complains that the famous Bunker Hill monument, which when first erected was the tallest creation of man in this country, has now become quite insignificant in height. It is 220 feet high, or 327 feet shorter than city hall tower in Phila delphia. Greater Glasgow, with a population of 853,000, has only 494 medical men, or one doctor to 1,726 of the population. It must be a healthy place. The progressive ladies of We-tfield, Tnd. . issued a "Woman's Edition" of tbe Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to woman, and we notice the following from a correspon dent, which the editors printed, real izing that it treatsupon a matter of vital importance to theic sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bron chitis that I have been able to Gnd is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family use it has no equal. 1 gladly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggist. BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, Mesa. Job. S. Kirk A Co., Chlcutjo, Ills. Gentlemen: We have given your "White Cloud" soap a thorough test In washing pieces of linen embroidered wit h our "New process" Wash Embroidery Silks and tind It entirely satisfactory. Wo take pleasure In recom mending it as a superior article fur laundering lino embroidery. Yours truly, (S.'gncd) ISeldinu Ukoh. it Co. Referingf to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter Was entirely Unsolicited by US. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. li.Kuii.she 1839. : GO bays a Fine Violin j , aud Complete Outfit. full; (iuamuiMd. CO buys a Mandoline, l;irdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed 59 VTTTrri A11 American J. guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SOD FOK CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC O buys a $100 Organ. i m ball Pianos s Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. :js, little used, for $50, Write for CaUlocoM Rnd oar , JR., TIME TABLE Uivij, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Si. Mil Lincoln Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and al points East and South. Omaha Helena Portland an Francisco AH points west. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 20. Local express, dully, St Joe, K : iisiis. fet L.oult. an poinis sunt tl !:I0 No 4. Lociii exD. daily, HurlliiKion, Chicago, all points e ist Iii:4 am Noll). Local exp. uaiiy except un- d uy 11:55 am No Hi Local exp. daily except Sun day. I'acitic J uuction 12:'ZH pm No3). Frei-tit, uany excttpt Miuuay Paeitic Junction No 2. Vestibuled exp. daily. Bur linton, Jhiea-o and all points east No. 1 stub from Junction to I'latts moutti No ii Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan sas City, fct L juis. Cliicasro all points east and soulli.. No 5. Local exp, daily, Omahii, Lin coin, lJeuver and interme diate si ations No H5. Local freiifiit, daily, Oman a. Nu a Local freight, uaiiy, ex Sun day, i.'i'iliir Creen, Louis vine. South Menu 2:50 pm 5:.'10 pm fi: 1" pm 8Ji." pm am S:.'0 an. No 7. No 3. Fust mail, tial.y, Omaha and Lincoln Vt'sli buied exp, daily, Den pm ver and i.ll points in Colo rado, Utah and California, Ur.:nd Island. Black Hill-.. .Montana :ud Pacific N. W Lo;-al exp, dally except Su -iiay. Lo.iisville. Asinaud, 3:4t pm 4:iJO pm 4 i9 ,iii i No 9. No 11. Local exp, daily exceptSun (I i y . imalia and Lincoln.. No IT. LoCul express, Sunday only. Sleeping, dinin : aud reclmine chair cars iseats free; on through trains. Tickets sold and checke I to. any uoint lu the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Aireut. - I'laltsrnouth, Neb. J. I'UANCES. Gen. Pass. Asrt., Omaha. Neb. WHEN Hi NEED Or Printed tat 'ion eiwy vou should no: -AIL TO CALL ON THS NEWS Having Just Received a Iarg' Amount of New Stock w are Prepared to do all kinds of Printing on Short Notice. SoGietu Printinn We are prepared to do in the latest and most approved style and at reasonable rates. Commercial Printinn Such as Note Heads, Lettei Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bill Heads, etc. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Poster work in good style and on short notice. OFFICE : NO. 303 .... Pattsmouth- & HARTMAN BLOCK Uxa ta JAS. S. KIRK & CO.. Soap Manufacturers. TO S. KJRIC Cz CO., Chicle. Guitar, Steel i'- if i $G0, $80 to $100. Urms. FACTORY PBICE8. 1513 Dallas StreQt, OMAHA, KEB. first- NATIONAL BANK ill' I'L T iSMD TTII, N Kit. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 (liters tin; very lie; Ii farilitii.-s for the prompt transact lull ol Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, irold. k'o vern men t n ml loc n ! securities iwunlit and soW. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the rertfi cntea. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the U. S. an i all t tie prlncl pie towns of Kurope. 'Jol leoti ns made and promptly remitted Highest market price paid for lounty warrants, sta'e anl county bonds. DIRECTORS: II. N. l.'ou'V, I . 1 lit v 1:: tli, S. W iiiiRli !. K. White, (i. K. Dovey. to. K. Dovey, I'res., S. Waiigh. Cashiir, II. N. Dovey, Asst. Cashier. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs rftf1 Copyrights Ac. Anvone Bonding a nketrh nnd riPticrlritlon rrmy qulnkly Hscertnin our opinion free whether an invention i probably patentable. C ommunica tions strictly confident lal. Handbook on Patent sent free. Mdext apeiic-y for neeunn(f patentH. Patents taken tbrouizh Munn Sl Co. receive tperUil nitlce, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. J.arireat cir culation of any scientirJe Journal. Terms. 13 a year: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,Broada' New Yorir BraDch Office. C25 V HtM Washington, 1). C. Complexion Frss-ervsd DR. HEDRA'S '.A VIOLA CREAM TJ Liver-Kn'.c, l.'-.'C'.i'r.cais, ai.'l Tan, uu'l re- Nj. fc'.ore; Ir.e u:ir to its origi- -sViflyi'S npl fre-lmesH, prfjur.-ini? BfAL,'''-f.. clear avi healthy wm f;z2 XrVT.PW" plo.Tion. Superior to pll fart ' ' preparations and Perfc-tly Lnririi-..s. At all drat'gis.ormailerl ff,r SOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP l in,ply Inoompirmbl. u a skin p'.n:v:nif So: p, uo'-quu'.'-l f ir ihe Uiiirt. m::'l virlvxit a rival for nurvrr, AS-tiuTHr pr au4 delici nwall-tnt'-d. Atdrugisi-tV Price 2 5 Cend. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. Itnrlington Koute California Kicartiooi Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, t;Ot crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run riht through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt L,ke City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spr ng seats and backs ana provided Willi curtains, bea ding, towels, .-o;a etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion. relieving passengers o all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways t, niQn tho nvprland trln n. UCiMlu6 - liJ " " ' - f delightful expeiience. Second Class tickets are honored. Berths $-5. For folder giving frill information, call at nearest Burlington Houte ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenerer Atrent, Omaha, Neb, What pleasure is there in life with a headache, tonrtip ition and billious- ne? Thousdds experience them who could become perfectly hf a thy using DiWitt's Little Early Ri-ers, the fan.ous little pills. F. G. Fricke co. 1 3