Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 02, 1898, Image 1
r EMI vi n i n ii a ii THE NEVVH, F.fitaJilshPd Nov.S, lHitl PLATTSMOUTII, NER, FK15RUAKY 2, 1808. VOL. VI. NO. 25. THE UUltALl), EHtublmhud April 10, 1HC4. f ( OonHOlldatod Jan. 1, 1H0T. t 1 ii V 6 v 9 3 Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter ecarco outrivals the polish you can put on a Murzluff shoe. Good leather, woll-tanned leather, that's tho reason. It doca more than ehine it wears, it fits, it "feels pood" whether you walk across the street or across tho continent. It's a shiner, a stayer, a another. Costs money ? Of course not aq much as you'd think, though. I'ut one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot moro. Joseph lctzcr9 h Side Mali Street. WHITE BR EAST g 9 5- 9 COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. ANIJ M Alt ISLE STS., II. M. E')ENNICHSEN, .Manager. 9 Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES KARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep ou hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. II. Weckbach & Co. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock la complete In all lines . -i we Invite our friends to look It over. wll cmlnavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to bttry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH. - NRr ..GO TO.. CLARK'S FOR Groceries AND Crockery The Filling of Prescriptions,. Is the most important work of a good drugstore. Tho very lives of a com munity depend upon the care and in tegrity of the man who fills its pre scriptions. We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise most painetaking care to prevent the pos sibility of error. F. e. EEICKE & CO., SOUTH SIXTH 8TKEET. , Wright'. Condensed Smoke I for Stroking all Meats. Im- T& prt a delicious flavor. Keeps w4Mut Sweet and free from In- fit rrl sects. A 75 cent bottle will 'J smolcs 250 pounds. Sold by all T" mo-cists. Made bv E. H. WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb. For Sale by P. G. Frlcke & Co. SAID TO BE JOE WILLIAMS ARKANSAS POLICE IIKI.IKVK THEY IIAVECAI'TX'KKO THE Ml KIKJtl It. Wm a Kenldeiit of I'lt turnout h Five Vein Ago January MorlKE Itecorl Other Num. Tho following iVm taken from this morning's World-Herald will be of in terest to Plattsmouth people, as tho Joo Williams referred to is well known b" manv here, having been employed as porter at the Hotel Riley for about a year and did other work about tho city. Ho went from hero to Omaha and shortly 1 f tor poisoned tho Earing family. A close watch was kept for tho vounj tn;in in this city as it was known he had friends here, but he was 1 ever teen. This is about the sixth time his ar rest has been renorte'd, but it is be lieved that the right man is under ar rest this time. The World-IIorald said. "Chief Gallagher is in receipt of a letter from Chief McMahon of Litte Itock, Ark., including a photograph of a colored man under arrest there supposed to be Joe Williams, who live years ago poisoned Mrs. Ewing, her daughter and son with "rough on rats" to revenge himself for their in terference with his plans to marry Edna Ewing, now a girl on the "line." The picture will be shown to the Ewings today with a view of having it identified as that of Joe Williams, and if so requisition papers will be secured for his return on tho charge of murder. Williams disappeared im mediately after he administered the poison in coffee served to his victims and has so far evaded arrest. Mrs. Ewing and tier daughter died trom the effects of the po son." A Good Sbowlng. The January mortgage record, as tjhown by Recorder Hay's books, makes the best showing, especially on farm mortgages, of anytmonth for years, and 6howswithout a doubt that the wave of prosperity has struck Cass county. Pollowingfisithei record: Farm mortgages: Filed $-.'7,1 11 Released Town property: Filed $15.:w, Released 4,!U The reason for the difference in the filings and releases in town, property is that no one would loan money on the latter during the hard times, but as money becomes easy no difficulty is experienced in making loans ou town property. A. O. V. W. Lecture. The local A. O. U. W. lodges nave arranged to have O. J. Vandyke, department grand master workman, with them for the next two weeks. The object is to increase the member ship in the city. They have arranged for a lecture at Waterman's hall for Wednesday evening. All those who are interested in the wellfaie of their loved ones should not fail to hea? him. Mr. Vandyke has been engaged in this work since the organization of the grand lodge in Nebraska, and he understands thoroughly every benefit to be derived from belonging to such an order. Everybody is invited to turn out.and;near him on this subject Wednesday evening. The Greatest Discovery Yet. . W. M. Repine, editor Tiskiiwa, 111., "Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cough and colds. Ex perimented with many others,, but never got the true remedy until we ed Dr. King'a New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds. Whooping cough, etc. " It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not so good, because this remedy bas a record of cures and be sides is guaranteed. Tt never fails to satisfv. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 3 A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervo-js troubles. We mean he can cure him self right away by taking Eiectric Bitters. This medicine tones up tho whole system, acts a a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache. Fainting spell, sleeplessness and melancholy. Jt is purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Hack en's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blainsv corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gire perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke. " e w Improvements. The Pearl Steam laundry has just received one of the latest pattern j bosom, collar and cuff ironers from j Chicago, and is better prepared than j ever to do nice work. Remember i Pearl Steam laundrv, Main street. WILL IIWE A CREAA SF-PERATIVE The I.lttle Village f Kale IU the Ef fect Of the Wuvo of Prosperity. EAGLE, Neb., Jan. 31. Tho south western p:irt of Cass county is not dead, even if there has been no items of news reported for some timo. Thus far no coal mins, gold diggings or oil wells havo been discovored to boom things, yet there in not a vacant dwelling to bo found in the village of Eagle or a pauper on record drawing rations from tho county fund. Every buaiuess enterprise seems to bo doing well, and outsiders are looking long ingly towards us for a location. Plans and specifications are made and work will commence within ten days upon a $1,500 cream seperatory at this placo. Ttiis will prove a big boom not only to the farmers but business men of E;igle. Tho enterprise is under the auspices of the Beatrice Creamery company, who show mat they im an busine-'S by selecting a manager to take charge from among Eagle citizen-. Eagle lodge No. 20, B. M. F., last Wednesday evening gavo a business men 's social in the opera house for their wives and friends. While in augurating a new scheme, neverthe less the affair was a very successful one. Ine rows of tables and crokinolo boards were placed in the center of tho hall', and for two hours the large number of invited guests about sixty in number together witn an eoual A number of lookers-on, whiled away the time merrily playing and watch ing the game. Light refroshments,fol lowed bv an hit' istinp- o-Oi'ram of music, song and tpeech, ending with tho installation of officers, completed the evening's enjoyment. Visiting members of the order were present from St. Louis, Omaha and Elm wood. The new officers installed were S. S. English, president; Dr. F. L. Wil- meth; W. D. English, secretary, and N. S. Miller, treasurer. Cards are out announcing the ap proaching nuptials of Mr. F. C. Beach ana Miss Emma v etenkamo. two of Eagle's best known ycung people. Both are very popular, having b.?en raised from childhood in tho imme diate vicinity of our village. The groom (prospective) is the eldest son of G. M. Beach, general merchant of Eagle. The groom (to be) is the daugh ter of a wealthy retired farmer. Provi dence permitting, the hanov event will take place at high noon Feb ruary z. Tipton precinct is going to take a hand in politics this fall, if present signs do not fortcll falsely. So far as the writer can learn, Judge Hayward for governor meets the approval of western Cass. The prevailing senti ment, as expressed, may bo summed in these wort's: We want honest. honorable, upright men nominated this fall, regardless of geographical servitude to po Locally, Tipton candidates that position or previous litical machinery. precinct has several would like to get something at the hands of the county convention this fall. Three substantial farmers have expressed a desire to warm Com missioner Hayes' chair, while another would not be ad verse to ousting Young or Pollard for legislative honors, and there are others. "If this state of af fairs continues to increase," so says Sam English, "blamed if I won't run for coroner myself, just to keep in the swim." Peculiar Disease of Hogs, Rising City, Neb., Jan. 31. A far mer three miles west of this place, who has about 20J head of hogs, has been losing three to four of them daily for a number of weeks from a disease with some peculiar character istics. On first taking the disease the hog discharges urine of the color of tobacco juice and of a siimy consist ancy. This continues for a short time, when the hog ceases to eat, be comes listless and mopy and, finally about a day before dj-ing gives away in the back and lies down, apparently enduring more or less pain till death comes. So far as known other herds in this vicinity have not been troubled with the aisease and no explanation as to what it is has thus far been forthcoming. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. I Lucas County, fSS- Fra:ik J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this lbtli day of December, A. I), lsyti. A. W Gleason, (Seal) Notary 1 u'jlic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interr-ally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces ot the svstem. Send f.T testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Tcledo, O. 3?Sold by druggists, 7."jc. For Sale. The cheapest printing press in the state, in fair condition, will print an eight column folio, hind power. Address News office, Plattsmouth, Nob. It Pays to Get the Hest. W. E and C. E. Crabill are deliver ing the best of milk to their customers in all parts of the city. Try our eas tern of bottle delivery. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constip ition and billious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly hca'thy using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co. MILLERS SHORT ON GOOD WHEAT. Supply of No. 1 Hard All In the Hands of I.elter. Chicago, Jan. 31. Joseph Leiter, according to experts in tho trade, is forcing thousands of people to eat darker bread than has ever been seen since the introduction of the patent roller process of making Hour. His control of 15,000,000 bushels of contract wheat means, they sny, that tho mill ers are grinding the best grain they can procure since the supply of choice No. 1 hard spring wheat has become exhausted and that beit is not very good. Grocers and retail Hour dealers have been rsceiving complaints re garding breadstuffs from cooks and housewives who have sent back sacks and barrels of flour marked with tho fancy brands and bought at highest prices. But the loudest protests have been raised by the restaui ateurs and bakers who buy flour at wholesale. Commissioner of Health Reynolds today sent out men to gather samples of Hour from leading dealers. This flour will bo analyzed and definite in formation given to tho public as to the nature of the adulterations which are said to havo resulted in a general prevalence of dark bread. Commis sioner Reynolds said: "If corn has been used to adulterate the wheat, there need be no alarm so far as health is concerned. Corn is an emi nently healthy food and if wheat should ever bo cornered so as to pre clude its purchase by the common people,corn could easily fill tho pla-je." It is announced that the farmers of Macon county will have an exhibit of corn, in all its shapes and styles at their annual fai mers'institute and that they will endeavor to start acampaign in advocacy of the healthful corn. The story that the wheat corner, con trolled by Joseph Leiter, is causing people to eat darker bread, caused the Napoleon of the Board of Trade much amusement. "I see," said he, "that they say my wheat corner compels the millers to grind any sort of old stuff for their customers. If they are grinding poorer stuff in their mills, why don't they reduce the price. I have not hear d of any reduction in the price of wheat flour. If the millers want good flour they can come and g3t the best there is at market prices The prices are now advanced tremendously you say ? "Yes, but note this, that the millers are charging proportionately ad vanced prices for tho mixed stuff they are grinding. That is to sny they ask just as much for their dark, adulter ated flour as if it were the purest brand. Consequently, if anybody is getting the worst of it it is the public." Pearl Steam Laundry. B. F. Goodman has his new laundry fully equipped with latest devices, now in running order, and asks a share of your patronage. His work is his best advertisement, and if you try the new laundry there will be no longer any excuse for sendinggoods away. Nothing too good for our patrons is our motto. Work called for and delivered. Homeseekers' Excursions. Homeeekers excursion tickets will be sold on January 4 and 8, February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri Pacific railway to all points in Arkan sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri tory, Oklahoma, Arizonv and New Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2. For particulars call at M. I', office. C. F. Stoutexbo rough, Agt. From liaby in the High Chair To grandma in the rocker, Grain-O is good for the whole family. It is the long-desired substitute for coffee. Never upsets the nerves or injures the ! digestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itself. Has the taste and appearance of the best coffee at i the price. It is a genuine and scientific article and is come to st.iy. It makes for health and strength. Ask your Grocer for Grain-O. A Choice liraud. The Clover Leaf brand of Hour on sale by F. S. White at. a manufactured bv the new Weeping Water Milling company is extra nice. Call at White's and leave your order for a sack of it, and after trial you will use no other ! Oysters and Lunch. Oysters in every style, and nice iunch at Holloways. in Fitzgerald block Sahl's old ttand. TO Cl'KE A COLD JN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ui omo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2-jc Tho genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For S v'e bv SMITH Pity-flip nllli Hurlliigton May Branch Out. ALLIANCE, Nob. Jan. 31 Presi dent Perkins and eoveral of tho di rectors of tho Burlington passed over the Wyoming division. General Solicitor Mandereon, General Mana ger Iloldrege and Superintendent Phe'.an were members of the party. A special train of four coaches con veyed the party wost Their deeti na tion is Deadwood, Now Castlo and Edgraont. This trip has renewed the general belief that the Burlington is contemplating some new work con necting tho Biack Hills with Denver cither by the Orin Junction routo or by tho Alliance and Holyoke routo. Many People Cannot Irink Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain-O when you pleaso and sleep liko a top. tor Grain-O does not stimulate; it nour ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks ind tastes like tho best coffee. For i i nervous persons, young people anu children, Grain-O is the perfect drink. Made from pure grains. Get a pack age from your grocer today. Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 25c. IntresNaute Annprache bei Phil Andres, sprecher des Mo. Valloy Turn-Bezirks,ueber "Ziel und Zwech," des Nordamenkanishon Turner Buudes. In der Turn Halle Sonntag den u0 Jan. 18'J8. Abends 8 uhr. Das publicum ist freundlich eingeladon. Eintritt frei. Cans County Dairy. R. F. Do in has again taken charge of the Cass County Dairy and will be pleased to serve his old customers and also others desiring pure miltc. He will also furnish cream and butter milk when desired. Your patronage is solicited. Crystal Spring Dairy. Milk, as pure as gold from the "Klondike," delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at Nkv.'S office, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. II. Fisher, Prop. Fancy Hread, Cakes, Etc. Holloways are headquarters for fine bread, cakes and everything usually kept in a first-class bakery. Also can dies, nuts, etc. Give them a call Fitzgerald block, at Sahl's old stand. TTTTTTT7TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT7TTT7TTTTTTT2 WANTS LliiaiiuuiiauuiiiuiaauuuiiiiaiiiAUAiw (Special notices under this bead will be charseu for at the rate of Vt cent per word each Insertion.) STKAVKU OK STOLEN. STRAYED Two bay horses. The finder will he- suitably rewarded bv returniuir the same to R. Ii. Windham. HELP WANTED. t r ANTED A girl to cook and do general work. II " Wages, $3 per week. Apply at residence of K. B. V liidham. POlt KENT. PUK KtM per month. -A 4-room house with stable. $3 Enquire of J. (J. Peterson. ;OR RENT Six-room house in good repair, centraily located. 5 per month. Enquire ol (J. 1'eierson. LOST. IOST A sold A O. U. Wi and Woodmen of j th World watch charm. The finder will picase leave same at News office or at A. H. Weckbach iic Co's. money to loan. $1,600 Private luuds to loan on farm pro perty, inquire at the .News ohice. i OK SALE. COR SALE Horse, buggy and harness, suit- I able lor shop man living in suburb A bargain -inquire at this olnce. IUR SALE A family carriage, as good as new, at Ua.l price. Enquire ol J.C. i'etersju' pVO good incubators for sale. Inquire of El 1 sou, tue clollner. 160 Acre larni, four miies west of Mynard. loom liouse. Good laud, mining l iu per acre. A neat 5-rooin cottage; good and city water. i'A). location; cistern 3 Acres; a!i in fruit. Splendid six-room cottage. Ncai siivpa. Ti;ieiajO. 4 Room house and good barn. Two large lots. land and O" good buildings. Trice ju.-'ou. I UTS of baigains in city property and acre T. 11. POLLOCK, Real Estate, Loans and insurance. Li tracts. Over First National ban., Pia.lsinouth, Neb. ailSCELLANEOL'S. 1 EWING Ail kinds of piain and fancy sewing. kJ dressmaking, repairing ol gents ana Doys c. utiles done at the rooms ol Mrs. Oriua Sher man, over Loates' hardware store, 41rf Main street. ANTED A cook or assistant at the Perkins house. Apply at once. w ANTED To trade. A good gold watch for an organ. Enquire at the News office. WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to travel through this section. Salary $: a month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address SHEPP company, ltrJo Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Here is one of those who are either so prej udiced . against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at tho failure of other medicines'to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. & PARMELE. With 0 REMEMIIKR WE ARE II EA D OU ART KUS FOR WARM M By watchfulness on our part wo made an extra good deal on 'JLullei Hoots.. Children's Grst quality, . fleece lined Misses' firt quality, p-v fleece lined..- 0 Ladies' first quality, mm fleece lined ' Youth's first quality, rv fleece lined CALF, KIP AND GRAIN BOOTS FROM S1.50 UP. ROBERT SHERWOOD, Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. These are White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A select stock of Dry Goods n tho arrived. If you want the best for your F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. Plattsmoutli, Neb. The Best Is Good Enough.. And that is what you will find at the Hed bloom Pharmacy. Especial attention is paid to the prescription department, and the store having recently been restocked with pure drugs, and having in charge a competent pharmacist, you are running no risk. We also have a full stock of Paints and artists' materials: - Tube Paints, Bronzes of all kinds, Brushes, Gold Leaf and Powder, Varnishes, Crayons in black and all the shades, artists spatulas, Plaques and Tiles for decorations. An examination of our stock will prove that the goods and prices are both correct. Give us a call. ftodbloom THE LEADERS IN THE GROCERY TRAD; A. H. WECKBACH & CO. rjlHEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass 'county. Every thing fresh and new. They pay cisli for our goods and give their custo mers the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & TT1T1 lizzards Yet to Com e SLIPPERS SHOES RUBBERS Felt Boots m m m ANL German Sox m p 15) m m m fa m m m m FOOl MILLINER Leaders at latest styles for Fall and Wintoi just money Lfive us a trial. 6 6 6 6 h 4 Piiarmaou, i 6 6 6 g., Waterman Blk. m m 6 6 i 6 6 h 6 h h 6 h 6 6