Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 29, 1898, Image 4

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Practiced the Old Uutlg of Kvadinff the
Nebraska Kzmptlon Law presi
dent Perkins'
1JR . 73Z,ACJ,S
This morning, II. Uatton, a married
man who works in the It. & M. ehops,
swore to a complaint, wherein 13.
Cecil Jack was charged with an in
fraction of tho crimiual statutes by
3lvisinpr Dr. Schildknecht and others
to sell their claims to a non-roHiaent
of tho state of Nebraska. I). O.
Dwyer appeared as attorney for the
It eeerua to be the old dodge of try
ing to evade the Nebraska exemption
Btatutc. Jack heard a warrant wan
out for him and ho reported at once
to the BherilT'a olllco whero it whs
served on him. lie then went up the
street and got Charles I'arme.e to
sign a bond in the sum of $200 for his
appearance at trial of the case, set
for next week.
A Nkws reporter enquired of Jack
wb l iiu expeittd to no. and here
plied that he h.iU counseled with abie
lawyers and had no doubt of being
uiocnurged when the case was heard.
President I'erkins Iu the City.
A News reporter waited on Presi
dent Perkins of the "Q"this morning,
who was here in his private coach No.
50. Mr. Perkins was agreeable and
pleasant as he ai ways is to newspaper
men, and seemed in excellent spirits
over the outlook for prosperous times.
He looked over the shops and was
well p'eased with what he saw and
with the condition of tho property,
lie thought there would be very little
railroad work done this year, as it
would take the country some time to
grow up to the pr esent trackage.
Till: (r Vr ;i Hie mention f Jiulg-
btruek a jK.UiiiT cHurd. JuJe Uaj
ward would make an ideal chief
executive and that is why his
name would be a power of strength
for the party. As head of the
ticket next fall, Nebraska could be
redeemed from the Kansas column and
set forward to the quickened step of
McKinley prosperity.
TnE Omaha Bee seeks in vain for
another repub icn newspaper that
endor&es it course in opposing the an
nexation of Hawaii. The only favor
able criticism it finds comes from the
democratic press which has not con
tained any patriotic sentiments sn,ce
Fort Sumpter was fired on by dem
ocracy in 1SG1. If the editor of the
Bee cares about being in line with the
best and greatest leaders in the re
publican party he will remove his dis
torted glasses and see the Hawaian
matter; in another light.
The city council of Plattsmouth
have by their vote in rejecting an
ordinance in reference to the cleaning
of the snow from their sidewalks after
each storm, decided that they are
opposed to these citizens laboring for
the good of the general public. After
some one falls on a enow or ice covet ed
walk, breaks a limb and sues that city
for $10,000 or $20,000 damages, that
council, it they are property owners
and tax payers, will pass an ordinance
making it a death penalty to have
uncleaned sidewalks. Nebraska City
TliK zeal which tome of our popo
cratic friends exhibited to hurt Eng
land and stand up for America a year
ago can be given a crucial test just
now, as it has been officially stated by
the authorities in Leeds and Birming
ham that the Dingley bill has stopped
all improvements and a petmanent
loss of trade is already fore nhadowea.
If these silver statesmen were in
earnest ab.ut standing up for America
and opposed the domination of Eng
land, t hey must endorse the Dingley
tariff bill of the McKiniey administra
tion or 6tand publicly admitted as
hypocrites who profess oce thing and
believe another.
TnE eastern democrats insist the.v
want no more populism, the southern
populists aver that they have had too
much democracy, and all over the
west a spirit of unrest is brooding in
the join i camps of demopopulism
which never meant anything bui a
sacrifice of pretended principle in or
der to capture the emoluments of
public office. The day of hunger for
political pap being the only requisite
to p trty success has happily passed
and the'y whof p inciples are
THE citizens of York county, Ne
braska, have asked the managers of
the Transmississippi Exposition "in
alloting space to them for an exhibit
to provide walls which they can paper
with cancelled mortgages for 1897,"
says the New York Sun. A spirit of
consideration for a revered young
resident of Lincoln should induce the
managers to refuse the request. There
m y be no way of preventing the citi
zens of Yo k tounty fr"m beinsr pros
perous, but they fhould not be peimit
ted to flaunt the evidences of their
prosperity in the eyes of Bryan and
other calamitous visitors to the show.
Or, if the request is granted, walls
ehould be allotted to the Lincoln peri
patetic, and he Bhould have ample
room and verge enough to display
thereon in letters of the largest size
bis celebrated demonstration of the
elope and necessary connection be
tween the price of silver and the
price of wheat.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Srooke "Gut Heil" cigars.
Wurl Bros. "Gut Heil" cigars.
For fire insurance see Thrasher.
Try Wurl Bros'. "Gut Heil" cigars
Arthur Parks is on tho sick list to
day. Attend the Q. Z. social at the Ex
change tonight.
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
painless dentistry.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Do not forget the social at the
woman's exchange tonight
A nice time is guaranteed to all who
attend the Q. Z. social tonight.
Will Carstens left this afternoon
for a brief visit at Seneca, Neb.
County Clerk Robertson was called
to Louisville yesterday on business.
A fine assortment of briar wood
and fancy pipes very cheap at Spies'
cigar store.
Pettee's music 6toro and piano de
pot, is headquarters for the latest in
nice shoet music. Call in.
The Turners have arranged to teat h
a class of boys at their hall on Tues
day and Thursday nights of each
The nicest home-made bread cone
better will be delivered to any part
of the city. Leave orders with Mrs.
There will be prayer meeting at the
Christian church this evening and to
morrow evening. A good attendance
is desired.
Carl Seeley, editor of the Madison
Chronicle, was a visitor in the city
yesterday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
David Miller.
Phil Sauter departed last evening
for Manitou, Ills., on learning that
his mother, who resides tkere, was
nor expected to live.
A y lIHet t 81'mI in th'-uhjectof
e . LllliUi-f wi, In u It . tp ai
u$ i.ea it.g Philip Andres at the
Turner hall Sunday evening.
Wra. C. Canahaer of Union took out
a permit today to wed one of Plalts
mouth'o fairest daughters, 'in the per
son of Miss Lillian Stoutenborough.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
J. C. Petersen and Ed' Oliver went
to Nebraska City this afternoon to
consult partit s there who propose
making the Alaskan trip next month.
J. H. Flack, secretary of the Provi
dent Loan and Building association,
which has gone into voluntary liquida
tion, was in the city today on business.
Cash paid for book accounts and
other evidences of indebtednes3,eilher
against married or unmarried men.
Address communications to Lock Box
30, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Miles Standish, one of the Pilgrim
fathers who knows prosperity when
he sees it, was in from his Murray
ranch today and reports the McKinley
wave as being all right.
Last evening a merry party of fresh
men celebrated the close of their first
term's work in the High school, by
treating the superintendent and
teachers to a sleighride.
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others
for a few days, but Herbine cures.
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin
diseases may secure instant relief by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
It is the great Pile remedy. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Don't annoy others by your coupl
ing, and risk your life by selecting a
cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. F. G.
FricKe & Co.
The old reliable ro'ler mills of O
Heisel are kept busy day and night
supplying the demand for their cele
brated Plansifter flour. No well regu
lated Plattsmouth household is ever
found without it.
The News regrets to learn that Mr.
Sholtz, the north 6th street feed store
proprietor is quite ill with something
like typhoid fever. It is 6aid, how
ever, that he is now in a fair way for
an early recovery.
There's no better flour made than
Peisel's". Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Is your liver tired? does it fail to do
:ty? If -o, don't reir ect its ell ror
V. A few d. ses .f Ilei bine m y
w you a spoil of su-kuess. Herbine
is the only perfect liver medicine. It
cures Cnills and Fever. 75c.
TheQ. Z. society of the Presbyterian
church will give a sociable at the
Woman's Exchange rooms in the
Riley block, Friday, January 28. Ad
mission 10 cents. Refreshments free.
Everybody is cordially invited.
John Gilmore, the genial Murray
banker, is the proud father of an htir
which arrived at his house yesterday.
rnE News restsin hou.-ly anticipation
of a box of cigars and withholds con
gratulations until the cigars arrive.
There is no remedy equal to Herbine
for the cure of constipation, sick
headache, indigestion, vertigo, Ioeh of
memory, uncertain appitite, unrestful
sleep or skin eruptions. If you want
a perfect tonic for the liver, Herbine
will not disappoint you.
There are three little things which
do more work than any other three
little things created they are the ant,
the bee and DeWitt'a Little Early
The Most Exquisite and Dainty of
. Breath Perfumes is..
The Aristocratic Breath Perfume.
Only 5c a Package.
Risers, the last being the famous lit
tie pills for stomach and liver trou
bles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A thrill of terror is experienced
when a brassy cough of croup sounds
through the house at night. But the
terror soon changes to relief after
One Minute Cough Cure has been
administered. Safe and harmless for
children. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Whooping cough is the most dis
tressing malady; but its duration can
be cut short by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, which is also the best
known remedy for croup and all lung
and bronchial troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
What pleasure is there in life with
a headache, constip ttion and billious
ness? ThousHdds experience them
who could become perfectly healthy
Ufint' D-iWiti's Liule Ea ly Risers,
t he f hi u; ltt pi Is F. i IV ke
& co.
After ye u s of untold suffering T oin
piles, B. V. Pursell of Knitnrsville,
Pa., was cured by using a single box
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin
diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples
and obstinate sores ate readiiy cured
by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke
& Cc
We are anxious to do a little good
in this world and can think of -no
pleasanteror better way to doit than
by re commending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Epworth League will hold its
monthly business and social meeting
this evening at the pleasant home
of the Misses Kennedy on Oak street,
between Sixth and Seventh. Every
member of the League should attend
and bring their friends. An interest
ing program has been prepared.
Oysters and Lunch.
Oysters in every style, and nice
lunch at Holloways. in Fitzgerald
block Sahl's old stand.
1898 ART
Over BOO New Patterns
From which to make j'our selections
New Floral, Silk, Cretonne, Chintz
Deift, Denim and Stripe effects for
P;ii Iocs and Bedrooms at 3c to 10c per
rol . Be u'iful and h gh class T pes-
tiy, D ma-k, (Vlo i I, Emb .-std
Leai her, Louis XIV, Empn e. .Voorieh,
Rococo, Byzantine, Marie Antoinette
Stripes, rich Floral and Satin effects
for Parlors, Dining Rooms and Halls
at 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and up to 40c per
Orders taken for a single room or
for your whole bouse.
James Pettce, Agent,
Opposite Postoffice.
Uard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is sole agent for
tho famous Mendota 6oft coal. Also
carries the best grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
cement, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay youtosee Water
man Office at the re ir of Water
man block on Fifth s-treet.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
Li. B. Q. on each tablet.
Chattel Mortgage Foreclosure and Sale
Henry Lautenschlager and all persons claiming:
by, through or under him will take notice that I
will on Tuesday, the 15th day of February. lfcSJd,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fornoon offer for
sale at the grain elevator of Uuff Grain company
situated on the right of way ot the Burlington
& Missouri River Kailroad Company in Nebraska
immediately east of block 4't in the citv of Platts
mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, the following de
scriued personal property, to-wit: Fifteen hun
dred bushels ot corn, taken as the prop rty of
Henry Lautenschlager and raised by said Lauten
schlager on the northeast J-4 of section 'Si in town
ship 12. north range 1 in i.ass county, said per
sonal property having been taken by the under
signed, Kay Waterman, under and by virtue ot
a certain chattel mortgage executed by Henry
Lautenschlager to Alshuler & Company to se
cure a promissory note calling for the.payment of
$74.15 with interest from date at tt per cent,
due six months after date; said not- and mort
gage bearing date June M, 189.., and having been
tor a fuil and valuable consideration duly sold,
transfcrr d and assigned to the undersigned,
Kay Waterman, baid chattel mortgage was
duly tiled for record, as required by law. with the
county clerk of Cass couniy on the "-kith day of
June, 1S'J6, at the hour of one o'clock and ten
minutes p. m, of said day. The said Henry
Lautensch.ager having made default iu the pay
ment of the deb' secured thereby and the under
signed being the boua-tide owners of said prom
issory note and mortgage. will on said i5th day of
February. ibyts. offer said fifteen hundred bushels
of corn for sale at public auction at the time and
place first herein before in this notice specified,
and will sell the same tor cash to the highest and
and best bidder therofor. to satisfy his Ciaim of
$t3.45, principal and interest, now due, with ac
crued interest thereon. Kay Waterman,
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his
prices are always reasonable. Theniost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers in the city.
Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes
such as Wind and Tain in the Stomach.
Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head
ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness, Flushings
of Heat, Xioss of Appetite. Costiveness.
Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills. Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all
Kervous and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
w ill acknowledge them to be
BF.ECnAJI'S P ILLS, taken as direct
ed, will quickly restore Females to com
plete health. They promptly remove
obstructions or irregularities of the sys
tem and cure hick Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And have the
of any Patent Medicine In the World. .
25c. at all Drug Stores.
rm.Mim mtm p.i.
Clean set and beaatifie the hair.
Promote a lnxuriatit growth.
Never Fails to Bestore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Curei scalp atlases ft hair falling.
fl"c.and $1 imat Druggist
LIN'COLX, NEB., Dec. 'JS, 1SD7. Mkssks. Smith .V 1'ah.mki.k,
Platts-mouth, Neb. Dear Sii: Find enclosed $1 for which Ica.-o
send two boxes of Dr. Black' RHEUMATIC CUKE. This is a ca-o of
lonr etjindiiifr. IhecmoU proving very satixf .telory. 1 think two
more boxes will establish a cure. I could sell a humher of i oxt s in
this city. Yours Truly, CHARLES DEAN.
Tho above came to us unsolicited and poes to prove that DR.
BLACK'S RHKUMATIC CURE is still at the head of tho procession.
We are preparing it in pill form, which makes it morn pleasant totiiko
than us formerly made in liquid form.
m- 7 w '
The Casino Saloon
Pure Imported Wines and Whiskies
and that queen of all medi
cines Malt-Nu trine.
f V -
m -:
lit- -
f;VJ.o?ilR TIGHT
made in the state. Also everything to be
foundin a first-class Hardware Store at
prices which are rifh t.
21 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove
A Fine Russia Air Tight Stove
24 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove
24 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove
28 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove
28 Inch Russia Air TightStove-
Look before you Buy
And you won't get stuck either
on a painted seat or inferior liquors,
which are often offered as bargains by
unprincipled concerns. Phil Thierolf
don't want you to patronize them
once, they want your purchases to be
a sample of the quality you will
always find in their store. If jou
want to be just to yourself, examine
our wines and liquors beforeT goinjr
elsewhere. You will thank us for
this tip.
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's
WlSm Oldest : Liveryman,
-'CAni.t. --Z.-'2 A1Q MAIM CTDCCT
EST riifs for vVed.linjfd, Pu i-ra!s or- I'leasuro ia--tics, eic. II ick order
attended to promptly. Terms leasonable. C;ib:i preferred. Calland git
rated Telephone 7(5.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer alt kinds of ucodf- and furm stot k
(H.oted of
Silk Manufacturers,
Soap Manufacturer.
Mess. Jas. S. Kirk & Co.,
Chicago, His.
We have given your "White Clond" soar) a thoroush
te9t in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
"New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and find it
entirely satisfactory. We -take pleasure in recom
mending it as a superior article for laundering fine
Yours truly,
(S.'gned) Beldixg Bros. & Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior tor tine laundry work. ror the bath and toilet it
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
Established 1839. Chicago.
Larjcet soap manufacturers in the world.
The Best Laundry
in Town
Is the way our Laundry is known by
everyone in Plattsmouth. The fice&t
laundry od the whitest linen, the
mi st pe fe.t domeiii uoli:-h, and gar
ments eni hi me as grood .- s when we
received ihera, aie all sj'nonyrnous.
You can't beat us for beuuty or finish,
uckweiler & Lutz
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
South Sixth St.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
is r 11 1-: v l a c f. to 1 ; i; v
Hay, Corn, Oat3 and all Kinds cf Fetd
Constantly on Hand.
TTbe Snritb premier Typewriter
Best Value drtting Machine.
fias all tb Latest Improvements,
popular Because of plerit.
Most Durable Typewriter fxdc
premier Buyers do JNot xpmment.
UJritt for ffew Hrt Catalogue free.
"Che Smith premier typewriter Co.,
Syracuse, JS. 0. 8. H.
Omaha Branch Office, cor. Seventeenth and Far nam wt.gC
F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop.
Rates SI and $1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
M:our Coal. Genuine C
ion City C.a
Leave orders at F.