HE TOOK A SHOT ftT HIM. AN A TTKMI'TKI) Itl ltlil.AIIY ATTIIK IIO.MK OF 1 ICl:l KOItlNSO.N Would-It llurKl.tr AwHkinK I li 1 1 end of I In" I' nintly himI I Krlglit ened Awiiy Mi-Oomlt In Arraigned. List i.i.'lil, noon aftur th-i ".own clock hud lol'.otl out tlio hour of twclvi; aiid l' ed It.bibsoti w;ih enjoy ing tin: flc!f(i i f the j'J?t, l.e win i uilly awaken. l hy winii! ono trj iiiy'ti; fmco an fiilr.i ,,, io his domicile llirou;'li a ru i r w i n il o v . Kit I hastily atoeaiid drew on hi trountvrt, and picking up a 1'uvolvcr that w King no. n- by, be tripped out to sou w bo da rod lo invado bis boinu at such an unnj.'mly bour. Tho wouM-bo burglar li' ard hi in opcnim? tho door and ran like a grayhound, but I'Yed got a good shot at him as lie turned pant tho corner of tho house, which fairly lifted the villain in the air and added greatly to his speed. An examination shows lh. an ef fort was'gooing inadoi t(T pry up tho window, and - had lean noise been made, tho scoundrel would soon have pained an entrance. There waa no evidence of blood about tho yard so Fred's bullet doubtless went wide of tho mark. I'eople cannot bo ioo careful just now as Omaha and other towns aro swat ming with burglars and footpads. Mt'ComO Arrai(;iM'L James McComb, tho "ahoutiit," who jumped his bail a few weeks ago, was arraigned in district court today on tho charge of shooting a man . na,mud ltout with intent to kill. He plead not guilty and was remanded back to jail to await trial at the next torm of court in March. W. II. Long, tho man who was on McComb's bond, which was forfeited, waa in court today and secured the setting aside of tho forfeiture, as he had succeeded in bringing his iuan into court. Long was held, however, for all the costs that bad been made in the search for McComb. Mure About the Oil Well. Yes sir, Brother Polk, Kim wood's got an oil well, and if you don't be lieve it come out and see. About six weeks ago, Lee llorton put down a well on Kngelking's farm, and a few days afterward oil waa discovered in tho well. The well, which is thirty feet deep, contains about two feet of oil and water, which is reported to run in as fast as taken out. A week ago Sunday, E. M. Jacobs and IJ. F. Krull went out to tho well and procured a bottle of the lluid which they brought to town. When poured on a stick or on the ground and a lighted match applied, it im mediately ignited. Saturday Theo. Shafer procured a barrel of tho oil and brought it to town and a largo number of our citi zens took some and tested it. The re sults showed that it burned in a lamp as good aa any oil in Klmwood. Where there's oil there's coal, and as we havo tho oil, in all probability wo will soon go after the coal. Just watch our smoke! Klmwood Loader Echo. Were Micely Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Alshuler entertained a few of tneir friends in a charming manner laat evening with social chat and progressive high-five. Mrs. T. Walling received lirst prize, a gold hat pin; W. L. Pickett second, a beau tiful China pen tray, and Dr. Cum mins got the consolation prize a box of candy. There were present Messrs. and Meadames Cummins, Peprerberg, Elson, Pickett, Walling, A. Clark, Buttler, Coates, and Misses Leua Fricko and Loretta Clark. Tho occasion was the seventh anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Alshuler's wedding day, and tho guests.departing after a pleasant evening, hoped they might enjoy many more as pleasant anniversaries. Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest anoliances for first class dentp.l work. Some people imagine because a pub lisher is issuing a certain publication, that there is no good reason wtiy ad vertisements cannot bo run for a song, remarks an exchange. They imagine that the publisher has ail his general expenses to meet anyhow, and that an advertisementdoesn't amount to much by way of expanse. As well might a man step into a bank and say to the cashier: "You have thousands on deposit lying idle. Your expenses will ba no more or no less. Why not loan me $10,000 or 0,000 for sixty or ninety days without interest? I can not afford to pay interest, but I will give you abundant security and you will not be out anything.', Should a man do such a thing, the cashier would have every reason to dou t the man's sanity. Supposing a man should step into a 6toro and say to tho proprietor, you must sell me your goods at less than cost or I will deal with nd throw my influence to your competitor across the street This man might well be suspected of a weakness in his upper story, as well as having his moral education sadly neglected. Two Well Known Statesmen talked for months, from a front porch and a rear end of a car. Perhaps the use of Foley's Hooey and Tar will ex plain why they coufii no this, without injury to their vool organs. It is largely used by speakers and singers. Smith & Parmele. Mr. C. C. Parmele and Mrs. A. Gass were Omaha visitors today. E. CITY AND COUNTY. SATURDAY. MUsTresa i Ilempil spent the day in Omaha. (Jommit-sioner Haves returned homo this morning by way of Lincoln. Superintendent Mcllugh was in Orn iha today nri school huninc-H. Mrs. Henry Turt&eh aid mother weio Omaha visitors this immii.g. A L. Timblin, tho Weeping Water 1 attorney, with i'i town t day alU-cding cou rt. J S. A. Milgrim, who u-od to reside (here, but now resides at Hooper, baa j had his pension increased from M to J per month. A.C Lodcr, whose monument will Home day graco the court house lawn, was in tho city today from Greenwood on legal business. O. M. Carter of Denver, who used to reside here and who is a brother-in-law of tho Thomas boys, was in town on business today. Mrs. Scott of Lincoln is hero ( a week's visit with her sister, Mrs--. Logan Brown, her husband having gone to Chictigo on a brief hu.-inc-s.s trip. Col C. II. Quercau, superintendent of motive power on the Denver & Rio Grande with headquarters in Den ver, arrived in town this morning for a brief 6tay of a few hours. Tho Tuxedo Dancing club held one of their regular semi-monthly dances at Waterman's hall lat evening and a good time is reported, though the crowd was not so large as usual. A. L. Shewey was in tho city ye-ter day representing tho wholesale grocery house of Bradley, DeGrolTS' Co. of Nebraska City, ho having re signed his position with the Omaha packing house. M P. Hovey, the expert accountant from Lincoln, is engaged in checking up tho books in tho county treasurer's oflico. As his work extends back sev eral years it will require about three months to tin is h tho job. Mr. Hovey is accompanied by his wife and for tho present they aro stopping at the Hotel Riley. Several important changes about town are contemplated. It is re ported that Robt. Sherwood will erect ii building on his lot next to the Elk horn saloon early in tho spring which he will occupy with one of tho best shoe stores in the state. J. II. TIaldo man will vacate his present cilices in the Union block in March and will take the suite of rooms in the Wctten karap block, formerly occupied by Judge Ramsey. MONDAY. Win. Neville and Frank Dickson are the members of the next federal jury from this county. James Hartshorn of Louisville and Joe Rrodback of Cedar Creek are in town today on business. Colonel John A. MacMurphy of Om aha is in the city today shaking hands with his old-time friends. William Ch vlfant, guardian of Wil liam Albin, incompetent, is in town today settling with the probate court. Henry Geriug has t wo sty's on one eye which gives him the appsarance of having been out at au Irish waKe. Deputy County Clerk Will Coolidse returned this morning from a week's visit at Lead City, S. 1)., with his brother. Notwithstanding the hard storm east of us. tho old Burlinrtoo route trains ftoin the east have all been on time today. II. R. Gering, George M. Spurlock and others have made up a sleighing party that will go out to Charles Val lery's this evening. Tho affable and urbane police judge has been on the sick list for several days and we aro triad to know that he is reported convelescent. Increased cloudiness with probable snow, is what the weather bureau pre diets today for Nebraska, and so far tho bureau seems to have guessed rightly. Old man Doty was in town today trading as has been his custom for forty years. He says the ice is gelling rotten, but it will last for several weeks yet unless a rain should set in Rev. F. W Witte, of Beloit, Wis., sends us his annual contribution this week to have The News continue its weekly visits to his homo for another year. His Piattsmcuth .riends will be glad to know that he is still interested in Plattsmouth. Natives Fear the Ki-lipse. Bom HAY, Jan. 123. The eclipse of the sun caused a rapid fall of temper ature here. An earthly odor per vaded the air and the scene resem bled a landscape under tho English wintry sun. The period of totality was two minutes, with a marvellous co ona of pale silver blue. The con ditions were favorable at both Pro fessor Lockyar's camp near Viziadzoog (on the Malabar coast) and at Profes sor Campbell's camp near Joum. The native astrologers predicted terrible calamities. Tne natives swarmed to devotional exercises and thero was general fasting, though no great aUrm. Tho nizam of Haderabad liberated fifty prisoners, giving each a gift of money and clothes. For Sale. The cheapest printing press in the state, in fair condition, will print an eight column folio, hand power. Address News office, Plattsmouth, Neb. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the best remedy for all diseases of tholiroat, Chest or Lungs. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction in all cases. Smith & Parmele. JWEXCir MAPJIIAGES. MATRIMONY THE GREAT OBJECT TO ALL GIRLS OF FRANCE. Cnntom In Till I'lirtlciilar Have Changed Radically -At tho I'r ciit Time the Per gonal Inclination of Young Women Are Considered. Mish Anna L. liieknell ia an English lady who has had most nnusual oppor tunities for studying French life. For a numbi r of years she was a governess in the household of Napoleon III and re sided in tho Tnileries. For Tho Century Miss I'ickmll has written an article on "French Wives and Mothers." Misa Uicknell says: Tho old mariago de convenanco, which caused so ninth sorrow and consequent evil in former days, when a girl was taken out of a convent to bo shown tho man to whom she was about to bo mar ried, is now a thing of the past. It must bo acknowledged, however, that mar riages are still made up, often too has tily and superficially, by nicely balanced family arrangements and by the inter vention of friends. Nevertheless, attrac tion and revulsion are now taken into consideration, and a girl is no longer forced to marry a man whom she posi tively dislikes. I could quote instances in tho very highest (historical) aristoc racy where, at the last moment, after the trousseau had been sent in (marked, according to custom, with tho united initial letters of tho two names elabo rately embroidered) and all the social preparations made, the marriage was broken off because the brido had de clared that sho could not "get accus tomed" to tho bridegroom nor endure the idea of seeing his face in her home during her natural life. In one of these instances tho family lamentations over the initials of the trousseau were really amusing. Fortunately a substitute was soon found whose name, like that of tho rejected suitor, began with an X, and tho complications wcro thus happily settled. The great object of the French girl's life is marriage. From the time of her birth her parents have prepared for this event, and in many cases they havo con siderably straitened their income and curtailed their enjoyments to make up her dot. Every girl in every class is ex pected to have something. Those who havo nothing are exceptions and consti tute a minority of old maids. The girls who from choice do not marry generally become nuns, usually much against the wishes of their parents. The old tales of young women being forced into con vents to improve the position of their brothers are forgotten in these days, when, while no child can on any pre tense be deprived of a share in tho fa ther's inheritance, monastic vows are not recognized by law. Nuns and spin sters are exceptions; marriage is the rule. When a girl is of ago to be introduced into society, her friends and relatives immediately look out for a suitable hus band, whom it is considered highly de sirable to obtain before she has reached the age of 21, that she may not be pro claimed fille majeure when the banns are published. The principal considera tions are equality of birth, of position, of fortune, and in the last particular the scale is usually expected to weigh rather more on the side of the young lady, especially if the young man, in addition to sufficient present advantages, can bring forward a number of relatives not likely to live long. This is called having hopes (desesxjerances beaucoup d'esperances). If the young lady with a substantial dot can also show a satisfac tory background of invalid uncles and aunts, then everything is as it should be, and the young people are brought together with every prospect of a favor able conclusion. It happens, however, too often that they do net know each other sufficiently, and that they aro per suaded to believe that the mutual liking is greater than it really is. Sometime this sort of undefined attraction ripens into a deep and devoted love. When this occurs, there are no more affection ate wives or more faithful widows than Frenchwomen. Moro frequently, especially in the higher classes, a sort of cool friendliness springs up, where they see but little of each other, and freedom ia enjoyed on both sides. The authority of the hus band is less felt than in an English household. There is a sort of under standing that in her homo the wife is queen and settles matters as she pleases. But their best and warmest feelings are awakened by all that concerns their children. French parents are perhaps the most affectionate in the world. The interests and welfare of their children are their first consideration, and won derful sacrifices of their own pleasure and enjoyment are made in favor of their sous and daughters by the most worldly men and women. These are taken as a matter of course; no one thinks of doing otherwise or of seeing any merit in such acts. The mothers especially are unequal ed. Nothing will stand in the way of a Frenchwoman where her children's in terests are concerned. This love i3 so engrossing that it swallows up every other. . They are more mothers than wives, and if called upon to choose be tween allowing a husband to go alone on a foreign mission or leaving their children they would not hesitate. "Ales tufants avant tout." More Proof. OTIoolahan Countin the two ruin yesterday, there's been 13 kilt so far on the noo buildin goin up across the itreet. O'Callahan (impressively) Thot's mother proof av the unluckiness av the number lo. Brooklvu Eagle. Oysters after they have been brought away from the sea know by instinct .ho exact hour when the tide ia rising ud approaching their beds, and so of 'heir own accord open their shells to re :eive their food from the sea, as if they vtre still at home. Persons who are troubled with in digestion will be interested in the ex perience of Wm. II. 1'enn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Cnainberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtui'a Remedy. For two years I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in tho" stomach and bowels. One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief. Price 25 and 50 cents; sold by all druggist. AN INCIDENT OF THE LATE WAR. The Keroiift Iowa Cavalry Wanted to Pro tect 1 1 1 in . A ii amusing scene occurred during the war, to which tho editor was a witness, remarks the Greenwood Rec ord. In September, lMl,theio was at Cairo, 111., a largo thea'er built of pine boards, and had a seating capa city of several thousand, it waa called tho Defiance theatre. Tho audience waa c. moost d principally of soldiers. Wo siw in the audience General Grant, who was then a briga dier general. Colonels John A. Logan It. J. Ogloshy. Duford and many others who became distinguished during tlio war. The play in tho sifternoon pjrfor mance was "Jessie Drown or the Siege of Luck-now." The A rubs attack the fort and Jessie Brown, tho heroine. rushes on the stage and exclaims. "Who will protect mo?" A largo number of the Second Iowa cavalry, and many of them had been drinking, occupied tho front seats, one of them became excited at Jessie Itiown'a ap peals, and jumping up, he exclaimed, "Tho Second Iowa cavalry will pro tect vou. bv G d." Uis remarks brought down tho house. At tho sit me timo he made the remark ho made a rush far tho stage his com rades, however, pulled him back and it took some time before order was restored. BURLINGTON WORK IN WYOMING. Improvements In Itiiailliril ami General Track Equipment. Tho Burlington railroad is doing a great amount of work on tho Wyom ing divi-ion. The road bed from Mor.-land to Alliance, on the west, is heinr widened and the track for the O entire distance is being ballasted. From Whitman -on tho east to Mot s land on the west, trains loaded with ore are being freely run, and new, heavy steel rails aro being distri buted. As soon as the weather will permit this distance will be relaid with this heavier steel. The gravel trains are run from the west and hundreds of men are employed in this new work. When this work is com pleted the Burlington route through to Hillings will be in good condition and the division prepared for heavier engines and faster running. The officials of the system have recent". y been over thia part of the lino and General Manager Holdiege on Thursday left for another in?pec tu ntripon tho west end. There is considerable speculation regarding the building of a new piece of road from Deadwood across to Cheyenne, connecting with the Cheyenne North ern at tho junction near Douglass. Tne business done on this" division has been enormous since the early part of last summer. WThen the stock season closed the coal trade from New Castle and Sheridan began, with greater demands than at any previous time in tho history if the road and it seems that the demand does not di minish. These mines are now being worked to their full capacity and the output is not less than 120 cars daily. This means 120 cars of thirty-ton capacity. Mothers whose children aro troubled with bad colds, crgup or whooping cough will do well to read what Dr. R. E. Robey, of Olney, Mo., says on this subject. lie writes: "For years we h;ive used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and always keep it in the house. It is regarded in our family as a specific for all kinds of colds and coughs The 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggist. IN THE COURTS. District Court. After hearing motions argued pro and con in sundry matters Saturday, Judge Ramsey adjourned court until Saturday afternoon January 29, when it is expected that all work for the term will be closed up. No opinions were rendered on Saturday hst. Eila Lew ton vs Rose Sbreve; defen dant given leave to filo answer on or before February 1, 189S. First National bank of Fairfield, Ia., vs M. Traver; sale of property con firmed and deed ordered. Henry Eikenbary, et al. vs Citizens' Bank of Plattsmouth. Ordered that all persons inteaested in said mutter show cause by January 29, at 10 a. in., why real estate and assets of bank should not be sold as prayed for. S. S. Southard vs John Behrns; mo tion for judgment en mandate argued and submitted. A. N. Sullivan vs Wm. Neville; de cree of foreclosure for 5-975 and prop erty ordered sold. "My daughter, when recovering from an att-ick of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hi ps," writes Louden G rover, of Sarcis, Ivy, "After using quite a number of remedies without any benefit she tri-d one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain IJilm, and it has given entire relief." Cnainberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggist. Take Off the Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned cattle at 10 cents per head for a herd of cattle, 25 cents for a sirglo animal. It never gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any timo after fly-time, until tho first week in April is tha right time. Af ter that it i9 too late. If those who wish to have such work done will ad dress me tt Rock Bluffs, Neb., they will bo promptly answered. S. L. Fuuloxg. llargains In Fine Hog. Thoroughbred Poland China male hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call on or address J. G. Richey, Platts mouth, Neb. Make M lncalcula t ion. of Time. New Vouk, Jan. 21. A perplexing problem has presented itself to tho Chinese residents of this city. They have not been ablo to make up their minds whether their Now Year's cele bration sh'ju'd begin today or tomor row. The Chinese minister at Wash in ton has i.-sued a proclamation declaring th it tomorrow shall be celebrated instead of today, in d In it tho Chinese residents in thia country havo for tho j ast forty -eight years begun celebrating a day too soon. Why it has taken forty-eight years to make Ihia interesting discovery la not et forth, but thero ia no doubt that tho children of the Celestial empire havo been laboring under a sad de lusion. The difference in time between this country and China was tho causo of tho mistake. Tho proclamation to tho Chinese residents of the country to change tho date of tho colcbration has been sent to tho Chinese consuls, who have transmitted it to tho leading Chinamen of tho cities where they are stationed. The proclamation has created a good deal of excitement in Chinatown. Somo of its residents have decided to ignore it entirely and begin celebrating today, and last night they were hard at work making their preparations. Others intend to show their respect for their country's representative by postponing their festivities. Tho result will bo that thero will bo two Chinese Now Years this year. Their Silver Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Timmis cele brated their silver wedding anniver sary Saturday evening in an elabor ato manner. Many of the best people in town were invited and notwith standing the unpleasant weather, a large crowd of neighbors and friends were in attendanco. The refreshments could not have been surpassed and included a big supply of everything eatable wbich tne marKet am rds. i.ue supper table looked like a banquet prepared in the most sumptuous manner. Choice wine and plenty of beer were to be had by all who desired. The host and hostess were recipients of numerous nice pre-ents and it was not till long after midnight that tho last "uesis oid adieu and with best wishes departed for home. lie Put I p His Watch. Frank Murphy was tho name given by a Gienwood blacksmith who could r.ot stand tin over-dose of Plattsmouth whisky. Re was gathered in by the police last evening and slept in Jailor MeBride's hostiery. This morning he was taken before Judge Archer on tho charge of P. I)., which translated. means plain drunk. Tho judge fined him $5 and cobts and threw in one of his lectures on the side. The fellow's cash had melted lil0 an April snow, and the chances of his having to re turn to jail seemed good, but he car ried a pretty fair watch, which he was allowed to put up until he could get homo and secure the money. He took the first train for Gienwood this morning. New I tali Sugar F actories. Pkovo. Utah, Jan. 23. Utah will soon have two sugar factories in addi tion to the one at Lehi. One will be built at Oyden, with a capacity of 700 tons of beets per day, to be completed in time for this season's crops, which is now oeiner contracted for Another will be built by the Mount Nebo Laud and Irrigation company, in Juan county, about thirty-five miles north of Provo. This company owns a fine reservoir irrigation system and about IS, COO acres of land, and will build a factory with a capacity of 500 tons per day. This factory is not, however, expected to be completed b. fore 1S99, in time to work up the 1899 crop. Attending a Cooking .School. Mrs. Harriet S. MacMurphy is now in Boston, Mass., where she has been to attend the Boston Cooking school, and by invitation of Mr. H. D Perky of Worcester, Mass., who is the presi dent of the Cereal Machine company, now making the snredded wheat breakfast food, which is becoming quite popular. When Mrs. MacMurphy returns there will probably be a school located at Omaha, Mr. Perky is going to make shredded corn and introduce it at the exposition and Mrs. MacMur phy will be agent therefor. Death of .Mike Itrodback. Mike Brodback, 'a well known qua:ryman at Cedar Creek, died at his home Sunday eight after an illness with stomach trouble of only a few weeks. A few years ago he was a giant in strength and was unquestion ably the strongest man in tne county. He was addicted to the drink habit ind has been on the decline for some time. Hi9 trials of muscular strength would scarcely be believed true if told, as hia muscles were not only large, but seemed like iron. He will be buried at the Walradt cemeterv at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. AVoodmen of the World. The fallowing is the program of the Woodmen of the World entertain ment to be given Thursday evening. February 12, at Fitzgerald's hall, to which the public is invited: Music Misses Kessler and Kauble Selection Male tjuarteit Short Talks Messrs. Windham and Root Music Messrs. Humphry and N'einian Kecitation Miss aybright Music Miss Webber Kecitation Miss Mauzy Music Petersen Sisters kecitation Will Coolidge Music Miss Kessler From Charley Beach's report Schuy ler haa evidently drifted down into the banana belt. Although only forty miles away, yot tne ground, he 3ays, is bare up there and has been for sev eral days. A fine assortment of briar wood and fancy pipes very cheap at Spies' cigar store. ovi;k tin: si atk. i ouca is Hilling in uno wiin iim prevailing ioea of building a creamery otwui i,miu distress warrant lot the colled ion of personal taxes fur the years ISD.'J, 1891 a;.d 1MKJ have been placed in the hands of tho sheriff of Lircoln countv for collection. The officers of the Hurt county ag ricultural i-oeioly deem it not ad vis able to hold a fair next fall on aceouiit of the exposition at Omaha, but they favor making tho best possible county exhibit at the exposition. Special Agent Matthews of tho In tenor department lias ordered re moved fences constructed around gov ernment land 1)3' the Club ranch in Chcyeuno county, by tho Bay State Cattlo company in Banner county and by other smaller outfits. Tout Ilutoson of Central City fur nished "grub stake" for a Klondiker a while back, and a few days ago the latto camo back with a gold initio in his pocket. It was worth something like $"0,000, and Tom is going to take a little pleasure trip on his profit from the lnvo.sinnut, leaving next Saturday for tho sunny skies and soft hi eezes of old, historic Italy. Ilia destination ia Naples. WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES. The Woman's club he'd their regu lar meeting last evening at their pleasant parlors on Main street. Tho "Travel CoureOT'departmcnt furnished tho orotrram for tho overling, Mrs. Rowland acting as leader io tho ab sence of Mrs. Parmele, who was de tained by illness. After the routine business was dis posed of, Mrs. Wise road an interest ing letter from the Denver correa pondent in last week's Lincoln Courier. The Denver club numbers SOU mem bers, and is doing wonderful work in the way of educating and bringing forward the best talent of tho child ren of club members, giving free in struction in music and art and also practical education in household economics and other branches, there by enabling children to become pro ficient in those things and enable them at some timo to join tho great army of bread winners, and at some futuro lime assist others in the same manner. It ia an inspiration to smaller clubs to know what tbe.-e largo clubs aro doing, and stimulates them to moro active exertion. Tho papers last evening were of moro than usual interest. Mrs. At wood'a on the "Old and Now South," and Mrs. Snyder's on the negro ques tion being especially interesting. Mrs. Ilerold spoke about the "Re sources and Advantages of the South," her paper being carefully prepared and most interesting. The t pic, New Orleans' Education, Jetties, Yel low Jack, Birmingham and the Gulf Stream," were introduced by Miss Porter, Meadames Cole, Newell, Sny der, Rawles and Wescott, and the discussion following waa participated in by most of the club members. The next program will be "Child Study," Mrs. Atwood, leader. Mrs. Heller from Omaha is expected to be present. FAK.M (ILKAMMiS. Out of a total of 2,143,000 sheep in the Maranoa district tf Queensland, Australia, the loss from wild dogs ia estimated at 428,000. Great Britain ia paid to have spent more than $20,000,000 on imported eggs and poultry la-si year, wnue France, during the same period, ex ported $70,000,000 worth. Potatoes deteriorate in cooking qualities when exposed to light prob- .b!y more than any vegetable grown, md should strictly be kept in perfect darkness if the highest quality is to be preserved. Sometimes scions for grafting aro cut in the fall. Ibey may be kept through the winter by putting the butt end into a potato and placing in tho cellar. The potato will supply the needed moisture. Be very care ful in labeling them. Runaway horses are unknown in Ru3sia. No one dri-ves there without having a thin cord with a nooso around the neck of the animal. When an animal starts the cord is pulled, and the horse stops as soon as it feels the pressure on the windpipe. Tho roots of currants run near the surface, and, therefore, shallow culti vation is advisable. Now is a favora ble time for pruniug currant bushes. if it has not been done before. A large part of the old wood may usually be trimmed away t advantage. Thero is no tetter time than in the fall to supply manure around the currant busnes, and there is little danger of applping to much. KlieoiiiatiHua Cared ia a I.) ay. A few weeks ago the editor wae taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe, and recognizing it as dangerous ho took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is put it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesi tancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afllicted wiih a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty,Liberty town, Mary land. The 25 and 50 cent 6izes for sale by all druggists. Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for paioless dentistry. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Shcriirn Sal'. Ity vittiii- of .in evrtitloii Ii.hii "I by (irmgr ', I Ion sc w.ii I h, ! .In k nl the ilmtni t i mil I, w itlilu .'in I l'r .1 county, Nrliiiiikn, Mud to tuc ili ii i lei. I will cm the loth day ol I'riu unry, A. I, l.'. il 1 1 ' loi Ii a in ol H.ml d.y ut the outh door of the out t huiise in thu t ity ol l'lttninoiith. In xaid ( oiinlv, hi-1 1 lit pulilic Hill tion, to the IiIkIi cvl In.! In ii .r i .ih, the lollowliiK IhikIn and tenc- IIH'OlS, t'l-Wit'" The west half of the liorthciixt quarter of section l, toun II, inline 111, the oulhet I um i In ol ei t urn I. 'I, town II, runife t;thoct h.ilt 1. 1 the MiutliMcHt jiihi Icr ol nri lion lit, town II, i.i nui- ii. the east half of tho nortfiw. at quarter nl tioii 1H, t in 11, taiic 10; and tho ninth hall ol the southwest (Jilaltrr of ( turn 1H, town II, tanee HI, nil in Cans county, Nehranka, together witii the in i v ih neii and apput Irnaix c thi'ieiinto lu-loniUK or in any w Ise Miertaiiiin(. I he Mime Ix-ine levied upon and taken a tlm propei t y ol P. !, an. I II. K. Waldron, defend ants, to satisly a pnlKi'inent of Haul court 10 (nveied hy Hank ol l'-ale, plalnlllt, aainx! laid de-hud. mis . Pliiitfiinoiitli, Not) , Jan. A. I). IMUH. II AHVKV HOI 1,(1 WAY, Sin rllT. Chhh county, NobranUa. MitTlfPH Sale. ISy viitue of an ee( utiou, issued by (ieorijc V. I linisewoi 1 h. ileikol the district court, within and lot Lass county. Nehraska, and to me dl- ie( ted, I will on the loth day ol l eliniary, A. I ). Ivis, at II o'clork a. in. ol said day at the noutli dour of the (null house in the city ol Plattsmoiitli in said county, sell at public auction, to tho highest huldei lor cash, the lollowiuu real estate town I. ut thtee in the noithwest ciiiarter of the southeast minrlcr ol section 2. town in. raniie II, In (.'ass County. Nebraska, to gether with the in iv il. l;.-s and appurtenances ilit'K iiuto lirliuiiii r hi anywise appei taiui ng. I lie aiiie lieine leyied noon mid taken as the pi pei t y ol II. A . I iile.on, defendant, lo satial y a H 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 i j t of said couit reCoyeied by John N. Co 1 1 i . i l 1 1 n! i II aeaiust said defendant. 1 lallsiiiouth, Nehia-ika. Januaiy.MhA. l. IHVH, llAKVI V lloM.OWAY, Sheritf, Cass (Joiiuty, Nebraska, Probate Notice. In county court, t'ass countv. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of i'.milia Wurl, do- ceased. Ilertha l.anne, Henoch Mlttclstadt, t ail Mittelsta lt, llhelm Mittelstadt, llcrn- hardl Win!, Kiihaid Wurl Auuuste Martens md all other peisous inteiested in Maid matter, lie heieby notified that on the Hid day ol Jan uary, A. 1). I.v.ih, a ju t 1 1 ion was Hied In said (unit alliein, anions other thuiKS, that I inilia Willi died on the Mh day ol Uecember. A. 1). ls'.i?, leaving a last will mid testament and t)i- sessed ol leal and personal estate and that tha above named constitute all the persona interested in Hie estate ol saiit ueceaseu. ami iiravniiF lor the pi. .Ii. ue of said will and for administration of nd estate. ou an: hereby notified that if volt l.iil to appear at said cuuit on the -.all dav of January A. 1 ). IsliM, at il o'clock a m , to contest the probate of said will, the cum t may allow and probate said will and K'anl administration ol said estate to Henry Maitcns and lohn liuttery. or some other suitable pel sou, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand and the Feal of said countv coin t at Plattsmouth. Nehraska, this the 'Aid day ol January Ih'.iH. LealJ (jl.uKi.li M. SriiKl.ocK, County lude. Probate Notice. In the countv court of ( ass countv. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mary K ieckiuann. deceased. Ilemy Kieckmann, I'.inma Kieckmann and ail other persons interested in said matter are heieby notified that on the Urd dav ol De cember, lhl7, a petition was liled in said court. illciiiK. anions other thinus, that Marv Kieck- in. inn died on the .1 ilh day of May, 1W, leaviaif no last will and testament and Dossessed of rights in action ol unknown and uncertain value. md mat llie above named constitute all the ter- sons inteiested ill the estate cd said deceased, and praymif lor adniiiubiratioii thereof. Vou aie hereby notified that if you (ail to appear at said court on the Jiid day of Januaiy, A. 1). IWift, it J o clock p. in. aii'l, contest said tietition. the court will appoint Millon 1 1, i'olk or some other suitable person admiiiistiator, and proceed to settlement ol sanl estate. W itness in v hand and the seal of said court, at Plaltsmoiith, Nebiaska, this, the 7th dav of Le- Ceinbei , A. I ). IMIT. (Scai Oi:oic;ii M . Si-uki-OCK, County Judge. Notice, Notice is hereby Kiven that tho Annual Meet ing of the Mockholdeis ol the iiurlintflon & Missouri liver railioad company in Nebraska Will be helil in the olhce of the rointianv in Plattsiiiouth, Neb., on Thursday. February '1. ls'.is, at IS o'clock, in. 1 he meetint; will be held for the election of nine (lb directors, to Herve during the ensuing year, ami lor tiie tiansaciion ol such other uubi- ness as may legally come belore it. t Unalia, January I, IM'H. W.J. I .aimj. Secretary. bheriffs Sale. Ily virtue ol an order of sale issued bv Georir3 I lousewoi th, clerk ol the district court, within and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the mli day of February. A. I).. IKis, at II o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts iiiouth. in sanl county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Lot one (I) In the northeast quarter of the .southwest quarter of section thirteen (Vi) in town-hip eleven (II) range thirteen U) in Cass county. .Nebraska, and containing twenty-seven ii i and .)l-loo acres: also lot two :Ji in the south east quarter of the southwest quarter ol the said section thirteen 1 1 Hi, and containing seven (7) md l-lim acres, a total in botu ol said lots ol thirty-live 0i-"! and and H acres, all in Cass county, .Nebraska, together with the privileges no. appui leuauces inereunio oeionging or in my w ise appei tr.inin . J he same being levied upon and taken as the property of Richmond bowl and Kmily J. (mud, defendants: to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Samuel UauJli as executor ot the last will and testa ment of John liiack, deceased, plamtill; against nd defendants. Piattsmoutii, Nebraska, Jan. 4. A.I). 1HS18. IIakvev Hoi.lowav, Sheritf, Cass County, Nebraska. SherilT's Sale. IJy virtue of an execution issued bv George F. Houseworth, cleik of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di eted. I will on the Kith day of February. A. l. 1'.'. at 11 o'clock a. m. ol said day at the south door ol the court house in the city of Piatts- mouth, in sai'l county sell at public auction, to he highest bidder lor cash, the lollowing real estate, to-wit: J he southwest quarter of section 1 1, town 1 1, range 1-5, except o ana u-l'.u acres, being Omaha boi'.tiiern Kaiiroad right-of-way: the southeast quarter ol the northwest quarter of section Y, jvn 1 1, range l.i. except one acre ol cemeterv: beg inning at the north side of section 11, town 11, ange l.i, at a point on trie west side ol the Um- ha Southern Kaiiroad right-of-wa v. where said right-of-way crosses the north line of said see- on. thence running west :,Jf leet to the north- vest corner of the northwest quarter of section 11, thence south along the section line to the outhwest corner of the northwest quarter. thence east MO feet to the Omaha Southern Kaiiroad right-of-way, thence north a little to the west aioi.g said railroad right-of-way to the place of starting, containing 41 and 13-33 acres more or less, it being that part of the northwest quarter of section 11, town 11. range 13, lying west of the Omaha rai road right-ol-way, all in Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong- ng or in any w ise aDDurtai ninsr. 1 he same beincr levied upon and taken as the property of F". M . Young and 1). A. Voung, et al., defendants: o satisfy a judgment of said court recovered bv C J. Martin, plaint ;tf, against said defendants. FiaUsmonth, Nebraska.January 4th, A. L. 1838. Hakvey Hollowav, Sheritf, Cass County, Nebraska. Jiurling-ton Koate California Kxcarsiona Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through J.o San Francisco and Los Angelea over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars- are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs ana are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, etc Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of intereot and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths to. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. FrancisJ Gen. 1'ao.scnger Agent, Omaha, Neb, "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. It action upon the sys tem i3 remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents sold by F. G. Fricko & Co., druggists.