Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 22, 1898, Image 3

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IlOt HK IIKM)N(ilNl TO M . (l'l)()NO II I' 10
i ; n r i u i : i. v dks i ho v kii.
Little hn of i-oi-ge I'olMitl Hit STI
iiiik Arililrnt Willi Holllng Vl-r
Oilier Nfm JtfiiiM.
Tho v; ciin I hnu p hnlongi'itr t' M.
0'I)in' hu wliicn Blood nu ir tun we-'
Fourlli w.i il Huhonl hou-o, wns O'-lm -ly
duni rii'fil hy tiro boi.Wffii o and l
o'clock this morning. Tho jiliirm f
firti win given and two hosu curl re
sporuied, hut llio lltmurt had gotten u
Btart which could not ho clit;K-d.
Mr. O'Donnhuo reports tluit tho
building hurt licun tho rutdi-xvout for
trump, curing tdo nighl turns all
winter and there ib littlo doubt but
that thoy we -o i i- cauao tf tho fire.
The building Jwa9 insured for $()(,
but owing to tho condition of a va
cancy permit ho will only recover $1(M).
Kt-rluuHly Keolded.
Mr. and Mrs. George 1'oisal's little
four-year-old boy was quite badly
scalded about tho hands Monday. The
little fellow was in tho room where
tho washing was being done and when
Mrs. Poisitl stepped out to got a bucket
of water tho c hiid removed tho plug
from the washing machino, allowing
tho boiling water to run out on his
hands. His cries soon brought tho
mother to tho suene and she found
that tho skin on both hands was
cooked. Ho was rubbing h's Irmds
together and peeling the skin off, his
suffering was bo intense. Immediate
medical aid was given and tho little
fellow is now getting .along nicely.
To Wliom It May liiiK crn!
You are hereby -notified that Wil
liam Albin is under guardianship as
incompetent to transact bushier, and
all persons aro notilied not to sell
anything to or purchase anything
from said Villi;im Albin, ur in any
manner enter into contract with hiui.
WiM. (J HAL. FA NT, Uunrdiati.
The progressive ladies of Wetfie!d,
Tnd., issued a "Woman's Edition" of
the Westfield News, bearing dato of
April 3, 1S!H. The paper is filled with
matter of interest to woman, and wo
notice the following from a correspon
dent, which the editors printed, real
izing that it treats upon a matter of
vital importance to theic sex: "The
best remedy for crouo, colds and bron
chitis that I have been able to Gnd is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
family use it has no equal. I gladly
recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by all druggist
Tile stories from the Klondike pale
to insignificance when placed by the
Bide of the tales of wealth brought by
tha miners from West Australia. The
district in which the rich ores abound
is declared to be three times as large
asGreat Britain and Ireland combined,
says an exchange. The mining stocks
are beicg exploited in Loudon in a
way reminding one of the South
-African excitemeut. The district lies
400 miles from the coast, across a
deadly desert, but that has not pre
vented thousands from risking their
lives for the treasures at the end of
tho journey. The output of the
region is now 100,000 ounces of go d a
month with prospects of immense in
creases in the near future.
Kheuiioit ism Cured in a Diy.
A fev weens ago the ediior wag
taken with a very severe cold that
caused him to uu in a mot miserable
condition. It was undoubtedly a bad
case of la grippe, and recognizing it
as dangerous he took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertisement of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and the mauy
good recommendations included
therein, we concluded to make a first
trial of the medicine. To say that it
was satisfactory in its results is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and the result was a speedy and
permanent cure. We have no hesi
tancy in recommending this excellent
Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted
with a cough or cold in any form. The
Banner of Liberty, Liberty town, Mary
laud. Tho '2o and oO cent sizes for
sale by all druggists.
Foley's Honey and Tar.
Cough Syrup wherever introduced is
conside: ed the raostv pleasant and ef
fective remedy for all throat and lung
complaints. It is the only prominent
cough remedy that contains no
opiates and that can safely be griven
to children. Smith & Parmele.
Dr. Marshall, (iratluate Oentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without piate-.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of failings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plat .:-.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest arioliances for first
class dental work.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end of a c:r. Perhaps the
use of Foley's Honey aidf Tar will ex
plain why they could do this, without
iojury to their vocnl org.tns. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
Take Off the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of cattle,
25 cents for a sirgle animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until the first
week in April is tha right time. Af
ter that it is too late. If those who
wish to have such work done will ad
dress me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they
will be promptly answered.
S. Li. Furlong.
Attorney Orr of the Missouri Puc-illc
wis in tho city today.
j C. IS. Woscott i out at Rd Cloud
i looking riftor hi branch store,
j G. I. Foreman and C ('. Hurkm-li
'of Alvo were 1'lattKuiouth vitdlois
I tod iy .
Hon. James Putter-son whs a passen
ger for Omii ha on tho mail this
K Frank Alrhulor and Tour Walling
j went to Omaha t li is iiftcreoon to meet
I Queen Polii ris.
A large crowd of l'lattsinouth pcoplo
went to Omaha this morning to attend
the ice carnival.
Mrs. John Skomaul was cat led to
Lincoln today on account of the ser
ious illness of a sister.
Tho county commissioners were out
Inspecting tho new ferry roaU on
Platte bottom this nftornoon.
TllK Nkvvs made nn error yesterday
in reporting Mr. and Mrs Frank
Ilovd's birthday patty. Tho ages
should have been forty-eight and
forty-four, in favor of Mrs. IJoyd.
Tho members of Robert Gillam's
family residing on Chicago avenuo,
who have beon iitllicled with diph
theria, have entirely recovered and
tho quarantine removed, permitting
tho children to again attend school.
Tho large force of men who have
beon cutting willows northeast of tho
li. & M. depot, and removing them
to tho Iowa side, where they are be
ing used to piotect tho bridge, left
for La Platte this morning to com
mence cutting willows at that place.
The Boys' History class remitted $5
to the exposition management to aid
in 1 1 wi nnnf ! An tt t li n 1 . w U ' n nH ri i rl'
building. This sum tho members
have been saving for some time. The
treasurer of tho club yesterday re
ceived acknowledgement of the money
from the authorities.
C. V. Hay's appointment as post
master was approved by tho senate
Friday. Charley will now have to
give a bond and have it approved at
Washington before he takes the office
which may require tho w mainder of
this month. Weeping Water Kepub
Joe Graham of Avoca had business
with the county court yesterday.
Thomas W. Shryock and S. B. Mc
Leran of Louisvilie are in town today.
I. W. Teegarden of Weeping Water
was attending to business at the court
house today.
Dr. Elster and Ray Waterman went
to Omaha last evening to see Hamlet
at the Boyd.
Floyd Camplin of Richmond, Ind.,
is in the city visiting his aunt, Mrs
J. F. Hinshaw.
Mrs. Bertha Richards left this after
noon for Lansing, Minn., where she
will make her home in the future.
A. 11 Eikenbary is reported as get
ting along as well as possible, and
after a few weeks wo hope to see him
out again.
Fred Stull departed today for his
home in Louisiana, after being called
here two weeus aro on account of his
father's fatal illness.
Mrs. Murphey and daughters wero
called to Malvern, la., today on ac
count C'f the death of Mrs. Horrigan,
Mrs. Murphey's sister.
Judge Ramsey will hold a brief ees
sion of court tomorrow, in order to
hand down some opinions and decide
the motion for a new trial in the M
P. railway case.
The willow workers on the riprap
work have removed their cutters
from the mouth of the Platte to the
mouth of the Papio, a few miles fur
ther up the river. i
Meek Davis and wife were in town
today looking for a house with a view
of moving to Plattsmouth. We should
be glad to welcjme them as permanent
residents of our town.
Mrs. Asher Clurk and Mrs. Elson
enjoyed the "Merchant of Venice" at
the matinee in Omaha yesterday af
ternoon, together with quite a crowd
of other Plattsmouthians.
Mrs. McMaken is borne from the
hospital at Omaha where she has been
caring for her daughter, Mrs. Reece,
who is in a fair way for recovery from
a 6urgical operation that was fraught
with much danger.
Messrs. Newell and Atwood have
brought considerable money in this
county and distributed it through
their quarries at Cedar Creek and
Cullom. Part of the time they have
sent out entire trains of s'ono daily.
F. J. Coates, of the Hotel Riley, will
not move to Omaha in the spring, as
Wis contemplated, but will remain
and continue in personal charge of the
Riley hotel, having secured satisfac
tory par ties to manage the Mercer for
him in Omaha.
Louis Otnatt, the pointer and deco
rator, is finishing up the first floor of
the court house in a very beautiful
and artistic manner. The ceiling and
side-walls of the hallway and corridor
are painted a shade of very light
brownish yellow, with ceiling decora
tions in brown. The walls are greatly
improved in appearance over what
they were when they were new.
ltargains Iu Fine Hogs.
Thoroughbred Poland China mala
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call
on or address J. G. Richey, Platts
mcuth, Neb.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best remedy
for all diseases of the Th roat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealersfire authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
Customs In This I articular Have Changed
Itariirall- -At tho Present Time the Per
sonal Inclinations of Young Women Are
Mi.s Anna L. Bir-kur-11 ig an English
lady who has had moht unusual oppor
tunities for studying French lifo. For a
mi mix r of yearn t-lio was a governess in
the household of Napoleon III and re
sided in tho Taileries. For Tho Century
Miss Jiicktifll has written an article on
"French WntB and Mothers " Miss
Bickncll f-ays:
Tho old mariage do convenanco, which
canned so ninth sorrow and consequent
evil in former days, when a girl was
taken out of a convent to bo shown tho
man to whom she was about to bo mar
ried, is now a thing of the past. It must
bo acknowledged, however, that mar
riages are still made tip, often too has
tily and superficially, by nicely Lalauced
family arrangements and by the inter
vention of friends. Nevertheless, attrac
tion and repulsion are now taken into
consideration, and a girl is no longer
forced to marry a man whom she posi
tively dislikes. I could qnoto instances
in the very highent (historical) aristoc
racy where, at tho last moment, after
the trousseau had been sent in (marked,
according to custom, with the united
initial letters of the two names elabo
rately embroidered) and all the social
preparations made, the marriage was
broken off because the bride had de
clared that she could not "get accus
tomed" to the bridegroom nor endure
the idea of seeing his face in her home
during her natural life. Iu one of these
instances the family lamentations over
the initials of the trousseau were really
amusing. Fortunately a substitute was
soon found whose name, like that of the
rejected suitor, began with an X, and
the complications were thus happily
The great object of the French girl's
lifo is marriage. From the time of her
birth her parents have prepared for this
event, and in many cases they have con
siderably straitened their income and
curtailed their enjoyments to make up
her dot. Every girl in every class is ex
pected to have something. Those who
have nothing aro exceptions and consti
tute a minority of old maids. Tho girls
who from choice do not marry generally
become nuns, usually much against the
wishes of their parents. The old tales
of young women being forced into con
vents to improve the position of their
brothers are forgotten in these days,
when, while no child can on any pre
tense be deprived of a share in the fa
ther 8 inheritance, monastic vows are
not recognized Ly law. Nuns and spin
sters are exceptions; marriage is the
When a girl is of ago to be introduced
into society, her friends and relatives
immediately look out for a suitable hus
band, whom it is considered highly de
sirable to obtain before she has reached
the age of 21, that she may not be pro
claimed fille majeure when the banns
are published. The principal considera
tions are equality of birth, of position,
of fortune, and in the last particular
the scale is usually expected to wTeigh
rather more on the side of the young
lady, especially if the young man, in
addition to sufficient present advantages,
can bring forward a number of relatives
not likely to live long. This is called
having hopes (desesperances beaucoup
d'esperances). If the young lady with a
substantial dot can also show a satisfac
tory background of invalid uncles and
aunts, then everything is as it should
be, and the young people are brought
together with every prospect of a favor
able conclusion. It happens, however,
too often that they do not know each
other sufficiently, and that they are per
suaded to believe that the mutual liking
is greater than it really is. Sometime'
this sort of undefined attraction ripens
into a deep and devoted love. When
this occurs, there are no more affection
ate wives or more faithful widows than
More frequently, especially in the
higher classes, a sort of cool friendliness
springs up, where they see but little of
each other, and freedom is enjoyed ou
both sides. The authority of the hus
band is less felt than in an English
household. There is a sort of under
standing that in her home the wife is
queen and settles matters as she pleases.
But their best and warmest feelings
are awakened by all that concerns their
children. French parents are perhaps
the most affectionate in the world. The
interests and welfare of their children
are their first consideration, and won
derful sacri'ices of their own pleasure
and enjoyment are made in favor of
their sons and daughters by the most
worldly men and women. These are
taken as a matter of course; no one
thinks of doing otherwise or of seeing
any merit in such acts.
The mothers especially are unequal
ed. Nothing will stand in the way of a
Frenchwoman where her children's in
terests are concerned. This love is so
engrossing that it swallows up every
other. They are more mothers than
wives, and if called upon to choose be
tween allowing a husband to go alone
on a foreign mission or leaving their
children they would not hesitate. "Mes
tufants avant tout."
More Proof.
O'Hoolahan Countin the two min
yesterday, there's been 13 kilt so far on
the uoo buildin goin up across the
O'Callahan (impressively) Thot's
mother proof av the unluckiness av the
uutuber 13. Brooklyn Eagle.
Oysters after they have been brought
lway from the sea know by instinct
he exact hour when the tide is rising
iud approaching their beds, and so of
heir own accord open tbt ir shells to re
vive their food from the sea, as if they
vere still" at home.
Persons who are troubled with in
digestion will b) interested in the ex
perience of Wm. II P. nn. chief clerk
i l the railway tmiil service at Des
Moines, Iowa, who writes: 'Tt gives
rue ple-isure to t-stify to the merits
of Chamb m Iain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrha-1 Remedj-. For two 3-ears I
have utTered from indigestion, aod
nm subject to frequent severe attacks
of pain in the stomach and bowels.
One or two coses of this remedy never
fails to give perfect relief. Price 25
and 50 cents; sold by all druggist.
Ceremony Proceeds In ilte of IMMiigrrr-
able Weather.
"Piattsrnouth is well represented at
tho ice carnival in Omaha, a largo
crowd having gone up on tho fast mail
yesterday afternoon and a still larger
ono on the early train this morning.
The following account of tho evont
taken from tho Roe will bo of interest:
"Tho court of Queen Polaris bid de
fiance to the weather god lust night.
In the face of tho disagreeable condi
tions the comely Victoria was duly
crowned and seated upon her regal
throne in the presence of her Mutter
ing maids of hor.oi- and a goodly num
ber of her subject. And with ibis
royal ceremony carnival week was
f lirly commonced.
"Hardly more unreasonable if not
unseasonable weather could be im
agined tn iu marked tho opening of
the ice carnival. The high tempera
ture of the entire month has made it
impossible to erect the ice palace
which was contemplated and it ha9
been moreover doing its bobt to spoil
the ico in the exposition lagoon des
pito the efforts of tho carnival man
agement to preserve it. These ob
stacles, together with the nasty slush
underfooting of the streets which dis
inclines worthy citizens, even though
they are faithful subjects, to go with
out doors, were not auspicious of suc
cess of tho royal ceremony.
"But despite tho disagreeable
weather, there was a very good at
tendance at tho crowning of the queen.
In fact, tho attendance was feared
that their weight would cause the ice
of the lagoon to collapse. On this
account, tno regat ceremony was
shoi tened considerably, but the royal
emblem was duly placed upon tho
brow of the queen.
"The ceremony was performed at
the western end of ihe lagoon in the
bright glare of electric, calcium and
colored lights. The queen was seated
upon a gaily adorned throne with
runners. She was attired in a bril
liant robe, glittering like gold and
trimmed with ermine. Miss Stephen
son formed a very charm iner picture
on her royal seat. About her fitted,
her m ud -i of honor and the courtiers
of her retinue while the ceremony of
crowning her was being preformed.
"After the ceremony, the subjects
of the queen disported themselves for
several hours on the ice and the to
botrgan slide. The West Point cadet
took station on the ice and rendered
an excellent program of music. Fur
ther enter tainment was furnished by
an expert skater.
"The list of visiting maids of honor
who were present at the reception
fi'llow!-: Misses Katio Fass and Sarah
Coo Ireland, Nebraska City; Katie
Matthews, Grand Island; Nellie Down
ing, Kearney; Mabel Gray, South Om
aha: Fahue Deur, Missouri Valley,
la., Peal Richardson, West Point;
Ruth Daniels,Noi foik;Lena Sehwager,
Fort Calhoun: Lulu Cameron, Blair;
An tenia Kessler, Plattsmouth; Maud
Scott, Central City; Eva Randeil,
Beatrice; Mabel McCargar, Crete;
Eugene Hale and E oise Couchman,
Fori Calhoun."
To the Editor of The News:
A few days ago the Journal and
Evening News published in their es
teemed columrs the mistake that Dr
Potter cured my weak limb, or ankle,
and that he, the doctor, broke my
crutches, as I was able to walk with
out them. Tho story is a fake. I have
tried Dr. Potter's remedy and treat
ment for one whole week, and have de
rived no more benefit therefrom than
if I had used so much snow water. If
the doctor oiled the presses when
those puffs for advertising his medi
cine were printed, or if the printers'
devils wrote their ai licles during an
eclipse of the moon, I am sure they
could not be further from the truih.
The fact still remains, however,. that
I am just as weak as ever in my foot.
For further information, call on yours
truly, Oswald Gutbmanx.
Mothers whose children are troubled
with bad colds, crgup or whooping
cough will do well to read what Dr. R.
E. Robey, of Olney, Mo., says on this
subject. He writes: "For years we
have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and always keep it in the
house. It is regarded in our family as
a specific for all kinds of colds and
coughs. The 2-5 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by all druggist.
Oar Sentiments, Kxactly.
Beatrice Express.
Hon. D. H. Mercer has been making
a rood fight inocongress against the
free seed outrage. He holds that it is
a wate of public money to buy great
cargoes of seeds for indiscriminate dis
tribution, and that it is also a very
cheap way of soliciting votes. All of
this is very true, and we trust that
Mr. Mercer m;iy overpower the octo
pus he has tackled; but the octopus
seems pretty healthy and is down to
its lighting weight,, and our popular
congressman has a large contract
ahead of him.
"My daughter, whtn recovering
from an attack of fever, was a reat
su lTerer f r om pain in the back and
h;ps," writes Louden G rover, of Sarcis,
Ky, "After using qui'e a number of
remedies without any benefit she trid
one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
I) ilm, and it has given entire relief."
Cnamberlain's Pain Balm is also a
certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by
all druggist.
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at Plattsmouth, Jan. 19, lS'JS:
Anderson. Wm Maree. Helen
Snence. Fannie
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
W. K. Fox, P. M.
For fire insurance see Thrasher.
the Was a Salvation Ijtsle lie. Her Hus
band Traveling Men Didn't Know That.
A clever trick was worked Ly Walter
Redmond and his wife at Union station
Ly which several traveling men were
duped out of their money. At the end
of a long seat in tho waiting room was
a pretty and modest looking young wo
man attired in a Salvation Army uni
form. She was very intent upon a pa
per which she was reading and paid lit
tlo attention to tho crowd of traveling
men standing near her.
Asido from the crowd was a well
dressed young man, who was walking
Lack and forth Ly tho newsstand puff
iug away at a fragrant cigar. Finally a
member of tho crowd of traveling men
remarked upon tho beauty of tho littlo
Salvation Army worker. All eyes wero
fixed on the little woman, and she ro
ceived many compliments. Tho prosper
ous looking young man who had been
walking near the group of drummers
drew near to tho crowd. Ho, too, was
struck with tho appearance of tho wo-
"I'll give any ono of you fellows $15
If you kiss that girl," said ho.
Those in tho crowd took the dare
Ono spoke up, however, and said to the
stranger who had offered tho money,
"I'll bet you 20 that you can't kiss
The stranger hesitated for several seo-
onds and then said :
"I'll just tako that Let."
The money was put up, and tho
stranger, who had given his name as
Walter Redmond, walked over toward
tho littlo woman in uniform, and, after
bowing profoundly, took a seat by her
At first the woman seemed to Lo very
indignant, and the traveling man
thought lie had tho 20 won. A minute
later, however, Redmond's arm stole
around tho woman's waist. Tho specta
tors then Legan to open their eyes wide.
One of them said: "That fellow has a
whole lot of influence over that girl. It
may Lo that he is a hypnotist." Red
mond talked for probably two minutes
and then kissed the woman.
Redmond walked over to the stake
holdtr and received his money. Ho then
started from tho depot. The little wo
man quickly arose from her seat, and,
taking his arm, walked to Ninth and
Broadway, where the couple took an
East Broadway car. Redmond is tall
and handsome. His wife is a Lloud
and is exceptiona'ly pretty. Louisville
One Way of Patting- Rejected Kxhlbits to
Good Use.
They wero riding on the Fourteenth
street cars and their conversation was
edifying. Tho man with tho long hair
was evidently a sculptor, and his com
panion, a large, jolly looking fellow,
was trying to persuade him to present a
Work of art to soino society woman who
had a mania for collecting Lric-a-brao
and articles of vertu.
"I told her that you would, I thought,
in time present her with some memen
to, a statuette illustrating your peculiar
style. Was I wrong in saying so?"
The sculptor answered indignantly:
"I know her value of art, and I tell you
she cannot distinguish between manu
factured trinkets and works of art. In
fact, sho thinks all artists aro manufac
turers and can turn out statuettes as
easily as the rich stove ornament man
who gave her a nickel plated mule.
Then, too, a brass fixture artist gave
her something from the brass foundry,
and she thought it great. Never, in my
judgment, could sho appreciate a true
work of art. "
"Then you refuse to give her a sam
ple of your work? Remember, sho has
great influence. "
"I do not refuso. I'll give her that
model in plaster of paris which was re
fused by the committee last month. She
will think it great, whether or not the
committee did."
"Good! She will think It magnifi
cent and get you an order. " New York
A Dramatic Assassination.
By far the most dramatic royal assas
sination was that of the Emperor Paul
of Russia on March 24, 1801, by hia
nobles. As usual Paul had retired to
rest booted and spurred and in his regi
mentals. At the dead of night ho was
awakened by an unusual noise. The
hussar who guarded his chamber door
the only faithful sentry, as it proved,
in the palace was being killed by nine
nobles. They burst into the room and
began to attack the emperor. Paul hid
behind chairs and tables and begged for
his life. He offered to make each of hia
assailants a prince. He offered to abdi
cate in vain. Then he made a wild dash
for the window, fearfully gashing him
self, but he waa dragged back. He
seized a chair and for some time kept
the nine of them at bay, and only after
terrific struggles waa he seized and
strangled with his own sash.
"Isn't your father of rather a retir
ing disposition:1" asked the young man
caller whose chief weakness is to stay
"Yes, " she answered demurely, "he
retires at 10 and insists that the house
be closed within half an hour of that
time." Detroit Free Press.
A Freeze.
"I don't quite catch the drift of your
remarks, " said the girl who willfully
"I think I do of yours," said the
young man who had been trying to pro
pose. "It is something in the nature of
a snowdrift." Cincinnati Enquirer.
It is estimated that as many as 60,000
farmers and others in France make
their living by the manufacture of
Hoquefort cheese.
More than 2,000 obelisks, in position
,t fallen, are knownto exist in Egypt
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
yoa tried the new food drink called
U i lAIN-O? - It is delicious and nour
ishing and ta'. - the place ' colTvC.
The more Grai::-0 y u give the child
re a the in-ire ' c:..:h you distribute
U. rough tiicr sy-ie:ii-s. Grain-O is
made iiJi'e irralii. a':d when pro
: .-:-! v i i:v h.i" d i:i-t.-5 Hue ; lie choice
r.".'!.'- ' .. CO rsi ' -os;- a"OUt x'tli
tm:ih. All oeer- n :1 it. I-jc and -c.
One Minute Cough Cure cures
quickly. That's what you wantl F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Is Attended lly a 1. 14 rife Crowd of Omaha
Hoeiely Folk.
Queen Polaris and her fair maids o
honor enjoed theiii-olvt s in r out
fashion at the grand hall tendered
them at tho Millard hotel last even
ing. It was in all ie,oct one o
tho finest dancing parties given in
Omaha this winter and furnished an
evening of pleasant entertainment to
all w ho attended, s iy.- vhe Oni iha lt'-e
The dance was irivcn in the ball
room of the hotel nnd good inii-ic was
furnished by a competent orchestra
Miss Stephenson, surnamcd Queen
Polaris, and her score of maids, did
not want for a good time, fr the
beaux of Omaha society wore there to
attend them. In addition to a nuui
her of tho dancing civilians in attend
ance there was on hand a numerous
delegation of tho Omaha Guards, at
tired in their handsome full drer-s
un'forins. During tho evening a few
of tho exposition directors, nceompan
ied by their wives, dropped in to seo
that tho city's visitors wero being
properly ontertained and to enjoy a
few dances themselves. Tho dancing
commenced shortly beforo 9 o'clock
and save for an intermission for re
freshments continued until midnight
If tho weather gods havo been so
unkind as to make impossiblo the
pleasures of ico palaces and tho amen
ities of toboggan clubs, tho manage
ment of the ico carnival has left noth
ing undone toward providing suitable
indoor entertainment for tho gracious
young women who aro here from
various Nebraska towns and tho one
charming repesentativo of Iowa. To
dav tho visitors will bo taken for short
trips about town aud tho principal
points of interest will be visited. This
evening manager Thomas Swobo will
give a box party to tho queon and her
maids of honor at tho IJoyd opera
house, and tho court party will havo
pleasure of hearing Mine. Sofia Scal-
chi, tho famous contralto.
lliHtorieal Society in 1'ohh-hm1oii of Some
IntereHtiiiK I'apertt.
The state historical society will
publish sometime this year some ex
ceedingly interesting and valuablo
papers relating to the organization of
Nebraska in 185-5.3 into a territory,
says the State Journal. It is not
generally known that before tho
Kansas-Nebraska bill in 18-54 the
country, including the present states
os Kansas and Nebraska and much
more land, extending to tho Hooky
mountains, was organized into the
form of a regular territory called
Nebraska. A trovernor was elecied as
well as delegates to congress. These,
however, were not accepted by con
gress because Nebraska was not an
authorized territory. Still their ob
ject was finally gained in 18."4 when
Nebraska became a territory, or rather
two territories.
The papers establishing these facts
belong to William E. Connelly of
Beatrice, who has consented to their
publication. The committee of the
historical society, having this in
charge, consists of ex-Governor Itobt.
W. Furnas, J. Amos Barrett, A. J.
Srwyer, C. U. Gere and Prof. II. V.
The money markets of the world aro
getting so easy of late that anybody
can do them.
To be an old-time Jackson democrat
nowadays is to be anything but a
modern democrat.
Hon. Charles L. Kurtz has lost his
voice. A similar calamity seems to
have overtaken his celebrated pull.
W. J. Bryan's wonderful democratic
zeal would cool quickly if the popu
lists throw him overboard, which now
seems quite likely.
The young man who held up twenty
gamblers in an Arizona saloon ought
to bo elected to an office. He has ex
ecutive ability of the very highest
In surrendering an ear to the ri
gors of the Klondike climate it is
hoped that Joaquin Miller will not
overwork the other one with his
gladsome gift of song.
Senator Foraker claims that he had
ver y little to say in the late Ohio
complication. In other words, he was
so entirely disinterested that his dis
appointment is unusually keen.
Miss Emma Wodolf has been visit
ing in Agnew tho past week.
Revival meetings at Pine 6chool
house, two miles west of Avoca, begin
this week.
There has been considerable Bick-
ness in and around Avoca the past
two weeks.
Revival meetings with increasing
interest, are still in progress at the
Christian church.
Mr. Chamberiain's services have
been secured as pastor of the Chris
tian church here for the ensuing yar.
Rev. E. S. Chamberlain of Brown-
ville, has arranged for the exchange
of his farm near there, for the farm of
Andre Weber, two and a half miles
southeast of town. He will move his
family and goods near the first of
next month.
Our village is still improving. A
first-class local newspaper is about to
be established hore. Young Mayfield
from South Omaha is here this week
for that purpose, and if he receives
the necessary support from the busi
ness men, he will locate at once.
There's no better flour made than
Heisel's" Plansifter,"' manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same lime,
which builds up the town.
SherifTr. Nalr.
Ily vlrluc of nn cxt'Ciitimi i' mm; I hy fioilfJK.
1 Iiiiihu n hi I ii, (li'i k of tin? diNliul i niirt, with.i)
mi I for l aii 1,'iiiuty. Nrhr.t-k .i. hikI to tun dl-r-(
leil. I will ni t li - lot la 1 1 .i v l l't-lrunry, A. I.
I -'-'-.; t II n 't !h k .i mi nf b.i i I day " t I lie mm tli ilonr
ot t lie ( oiii t lemxc in tin; til y i.l i'UttHMioiith, hi
m.i 1 I ( -on tit v . Ki-li at pill. ll( au lion, to tlm lilnli
cst l.i Mit lr Ciish, tho liillow Iiik lnuiJa Mini teno-
lllflllH, IO- I
'flic vii'sl lull of the iioitliciiHt quarter of
Brit u, n Ih. touti II, rmittc 10, the nouthcait
iu;o tt-r of nc I inn :i, town II, range U, tha cast
h.ill til the Miiithwrnt ii;irti-r of urttlon 1J, town
II. i.i tine 1); tho half of the northw. t
I I it .i 1 1 1-r ol ( t ion in, t iwn II, runue HI; and tha
noith hall ol the Kouthwt-M qtiaitrr o I in t Ion IH,
town II, r.niK; HI, all in Cuho county, Nrltranka,
t H c-t lu-r with tin- piivilcurn nrnl aiipiirtrnniirca
t lu-rt-iiiito lrlonK"iK or in nnywlie airitaimnf.
I lie y.iino I.i-iiii; Icvu-il uimri nnil taken ai the
property ol i. , -tinl II. K. Witldrnn, drfciuJ
:ints, to ti.-itisly a )iiilk('iiieiit of Haiti court ic
i oveic-il by Hunk ol Kiile, laintitl, aifainiit said
(ll'li-llil;illts .
I'luilHiiioulli, Noli . .in. f, A. I). IHIIH.
HihtIiT. dins county, Nubraaka.
Slit rllT'H Sale.
Ily viituc of .-in exei iitiun. issued by (ieortfo K.
I lotiseuoi th, i.lcikul the (lislilct court, within
ami lor l ass luiiiuv, Nebraska, and to me di
rectcd. 1 will on the H. h day of February, A. II.
at 11 o'cloi !( a. in. o. said day at the south
door of the cou:t house in t he city ol Hattsiuouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder tor c.r h, the tollowintf real estate
Lot tin -o iu the northwest quarter ol
the southeast quarter ol section 2, town
10, ranee II, in Cass county. Nebraska, to
gether with the pnvili-Kes and appurteiiancen
llicit-uiito belotiKiiiK l,r iu iinywise appertain! nn.
1 he same Iv-uik levied upon aud taken as the
piopei ty ol li. A. ubiciii, delelidant, to satisly a
liuleiiieiit of said court recovered bv luhu N.
Caiter. plaintill aeainst said defendant.
l'lattsinouth, Nebrar ka. January f.lli A. U. 1HUH,
llAKVbY llot.r.OWAV,
Slierilf, Cass County, Nebraska,
Probate Notice.
In county lO.-i i, CYr.i count v, Nebraska. In
he n . titer in iec ; a.e ol 1. tii'i.i Wurl, de
t .. IJe .ii.. I. at e. lien. ; ii M ittelstadt.
t.'iil n..'el Wi.lie'm Mi.lcK.adt. Heni-
h : : t Wril. K oi. .d i-i-' Aitr ie Martens
pml a'l o i er peisors m.eii'iv "d in . . 'ii matter.
;tre ne i ov mil i"el l"; i on llie..iu rb.y of Jan-
u; iy. A. 1). IK t, a pj.i.'on w. s hied in said
.'i.l!1 i.i'T, a ' 0H7O..1I-' fii..-. I... i I'.nulia
W ui l ii ou on lue ; i.i ( v i'et e n.jer. A. 1.
1;.: i, I, i-- a I. : I wi'l it nil men. md lo-
ed of i I fil ! .on.. I .; inc P')d lliut tha
Hoove t . ii d of . .ne a 'I : . e ; e '. o " 'n.erested
in .re .. ie ol ;.. id i' e. . d. t"u rvitiit lor
he pi 'o. c of 'i w ; ' a ii ioi l n mis. i u. 'on ol
; an. c- ia e. on a e I e eov no.'. -ed t;nt il vou
1. 'I lo i'i)D r at s; d ouil on .!ie '.'.nn dav ol
J:tn. .'v ,i. I). l, ,-lB o'loi.l. in., lo contest
'e p no., e ol b.. ! 1 w i 1 1. . ne u.Tl ii'ii v p ot'.r and
pio. i.i e : . il I'l ! tiii nr.i-u i d n''i. itvliou ol
(1 e .. e o Hi-ti' ! riatic ih and lonu u.itterv.
or : o ne o 1 er ;..ii i..'c no.uuu, and pia.eed to a
i . 'e ii. 'ti l ; iie eo i .
W i i'o s in y I'.. .'(' ard 'e seal ol ;.ld county
co. 1 1 1 St I I ill i -ii o. ii. f.ebi . tut, this I "e Hid day
ol J;.tnii"-y
County fudge.
Prubale Notice.
In the county court ol ;ass countv. Kebrawka.
In the uiattei ol the estate ol Marv Kiecknianu.
deceased, lleiny Kieckinann, l iiiina Kieckinaun
and all other per ons interested In said matter
are heieby noiiiied that on the Urd dav ol Ue-
ceiuber. lii, a petit ion was hied in said court,
alli'Kinir. amoiiK other things, that Mary Kieck
inann uieu on trie .i.un day ol May, 1HU7, Jeaviaj?
no last will ami testament and possessed ol
rights in action ol unknown and uncertain v.ilua.
and that the above named constitute all the per
sons niteiested in the estate ol said deceased.
and pray. lor administration thereol. Vou
aie heieby notified that if you fa tl to appear at
said coiiit on the ;ird day id January, A. I). 1KA,
at o'clock p. in. ami content said petition, the
court will appoint Miito.i I), folk or some other
suitable pel Min administrator, aud proceed to a
settlement of said estate.
W itness my hand and the seal of said court, at
l'lattsinouth, Nebraska, this, the 7th dav ol l.e-
eenibei, A. 1). 1MU7.
gg.jn GfcOKGB M. Sl'UKLOCK,
County Judge.
Notice is hereby niven that the Annual Meet
ing ol the Mockholdeis ol the Hurling. on &
Missouri liver railroad company iu Nebraska
will be held in the olhce ol the company in
l'lattsinouth. Neb., on Thursday, February Mi,
l-.". ill ic o CIOCK. III.
the meeiini' will be field lor the election of
nine (lb directors, to Herve during the ensuing
rear, and lor the transaction ol such other busi
ness as may legally come before it.
Omaha, January 17, Is;'.
W. J. l.Aiu, Secretary.
therili's bale.
Iiv virtue ol an order of sale issued bv Georce
V, ii'iusewoi th, cleik ol the district court, within
and l r Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on t lie .nil day ol l-ebruarv. A.
I.. !'., at 11 o'clock a. in. ol said dav at the
south door of the court bojse in the city ol l'latts
inouth. in said countv. sell at nublic auction, to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Lot one (1) In the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirteen (13) in
township eleven (111 ramie thirteen (lib in Cass
county. .Nebraska, and containing twenty-seven
(-i i and :i-ioo acres; also lot two (l in the south-
it quarter ol the southwest quarter ol the said
section thirteen (Ki, and containing seven (7)
and 71-100 acres, a total in both ol said lots of
thirty-live and and U acres, all in Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
any wise appertaining . 'the same being levied
upon and taken as tne property ol Richmond
Good and Kmily J. Good, defendants; to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered by Samuel
Wauiihas executor of the last will and testa
ment of John iilack. deceased, plaintili: against
said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Jan. 4. A. D. ltt8. '
Harvey Holi.owav,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue ol an execution issued bv Georee
F. Houseworth. cleik ol the district court within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the loth day of February. A. I).
1MIH. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said dav at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flatts-
nioutri, in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Ihe southwest quarter of section 11. town If.
range 13. except 6 aud llMMJ acres, beintr Omaha
Southern Railroad right-of-way; the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section li.
town ii, range 1-, except one acre ol cemetery;
beginning at the north side of section 11, town 11,
range 13, at a point on the west side of the Om
aha Southern Railroad right-of-way, where said
rignt-oi-way crosses tne north line ol said sec
tion, thence running west WM feet to the north-
West corner of the northwest quarter of section
11, thence south along the section line to the
southwest corner tf the northwest quarter,
thence east K10 feet to the Omaha Southern
Railroad right-of-way, thence north a little to the
west along said railroad right-of-way to the
place of starting, containing 41 and 13-33 acres
more or less, it being that part of the northwest
quarter of section 11, town 11, range 13, lying
west ol the Omaha railroad right-ol-way, all in
Cass county, Nebraska, together with the
privilege-sand appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appurtaining. '1 he same being
levied upon and taken as the property of F. M.
I- .J I. A i l I t M .
i oung ano, u. j. i oung, ei ai., aeienaanis; o
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered bv 11.
J. Martin, plaintiff, against said defendants.
riattsmouth, .Nebraska. January 4th, A.U. IVJQ.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Hurlington Koute California Excursions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded,
tourist sleepors. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Lake
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spr'ng seats and backs
and are provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc Uniformed
Dorters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interet-t and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful ex perience. Second class
tickets are honored. Bertha $-5.
For folder giving fnll information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket otSce, or write to J. FrancieJ
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem ia remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.