Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 19, 1898, Image 3

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Authorities Decide to Temporarily
Abandon the Project.
At TImt In No I'ri'Mrdnjf NmI Kitr Aid
III th Klondike lt-Ki"ii Tiitrtj Will
b no Nnppllen hirwnnli'il l-'or the
l'r-n-nf ( oiiimUloner Keeomnn nil
l.:tu l"'ir AlatMlot.
I'oitTliANI), Oft., J. in. 11. (! coral
Moriiuin, conitimiid i tig tins t-
montof tho Columbia, this morning
roe.ivod a telegram from tho War
department iimtiucUiig him to post
pone tho deparlu ro of liio relief e.x po
dition to Alaska. -, Accordingly tho
contract to hip tho cx pedil ion from
this port on tho t-tuaiiislti p Oregon,
January X'.i, h on withdrawn. Tho
pack train is btill hoid ut Fort Van
couvcr, and the drilling of tho guard
for it will go cn. Tho orders effect
temporary abandon ment of the expo
dition and it is understood they were
based on tho recent reports thin there
whs no starvation or suffering in the
Yukon country that tho govuinmen
relief expedition could relieve. Agent
l'oston of tho I'acilio Coast Steamship
s company Hiiys that his company ia
glad to be relieved of tho contract to
transport tho government pack train
to AinhKa, as it lias already more
business offered than it is possible to
KeeommcinlH I,;ihm fur .AlitNkit
Washington, J. hi. 14. Attorney
General McKenna today submitted to
the senate a special report made by
tho commission to revise and codify
the criminal and penal laws of the
United States concerning tho criminal
and penal laws relating to Alaska
also a code of criminal procedure for
that district in tho form of a bill
which accompanied the report of the
In its report tho commission says
that as no organization of tho torri
- tory of Alaska, tho District of Colum
bia and Indian Territory bus been
auuiorizeti tv congress wlncli con
templates local self-government, it is
required to codify tho criminal and
penal laws peculiarly applicable to
these territories
Tho criminal laws of the United
States will form tho body of the
code which the commission is to pro
pare. Tho commission points out that
by virtue of tho act providing a civil
government of Alaska the laws of
Oregon become laws of Alaska
l ue laws wnicn. now exist over
Alaska may be classified as follows
(1) The statutes of the United States,
extending over all the states and
territories; (:!) tho statutes of the
United States enacted expressly (for
Alaska; (3) the laws of O'-egon in
force on May 17, 1S84, so far as they
are applicable and not in contlict
with tho laws of the United States,
The commission suggests that if the
bill which is proposed is enactod into
law it will furnish a complete code
'vifor Alaska. In conclusion the com
mission say
"Under existing law the president
has appointed commissioners? to re
6ide at nine designated place3, who,
with other powers and duties, are
ex-otlicio justices of the peace. It is
to be presumed that other communi
ties of considerable numbers will be
formed as the population of the dis
trict increases, and to meet their
needs we have inserted a provision
authorizing the judge of the district
court to appoint additional commis
sioners with the jurisdiction of mag
istrates in criminal proceedings. Pro
vision is also made for (.the appoint
ment of deputy marshals in excess of
the number now authorized by law
and all the deputy marshals are given
the authority of constables in the ex
ecution of crimial process."
Tho progressive ladies of Westfield,
Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of
the Westtield News, bearing date of
April 3, 1S9G. The paper is filled with
matter of interest to woman, and we
notice the following from a correspon
dent, which the editors printed, real
izing that it treats upon a matter of
vital importance to theic sex: "The
best remedy for croup, colds and bron
chitis that I have been able to find is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
family use it has no equal. I gladly
recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by all druggist
Foley's Honey and Tr,
Cough Syrup wherever introduced is
considered the most leasant and ef
fective remedv for aJV throat and lung
complaiuts. It is th only prominent
cough remedy r
opiates and that can
I contains no
safely be given
to children. Smith & Parmele.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
f three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is rema.rkabie and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 76 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for mouths, from a front porch
and a rear end of aVjarr. Perhaps the
use of Foley's Honejand Tar will ex
plain why they could do this without
injury to their vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
Take OIT the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of cuttle,
25 cents for a single animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until the first
week in April is tho right time. Af
ter that it Is too late. If those who
wish to have such work done will ad
dress me at Rock Eluffs, Neb., they
will be promptly answered.
J. L. Root In on ths nick lint today.
A. H. Dickson f Kim wood was in
tho city lo-Jay.
Mr.s. J. V. IIinh;iw mid Mr-i. Frank
lloyd wert! Omaha viHitorrt today.
j Will Cool id go and wifo luivo gono
'to tho lilaclt IlilU for a ten diiyn'
vi.iit with relative.
I). K. IJarr of I '1'it larnou tli w;h sliak-
I i,jr handw with friends in (J i oil wood
j.Saturdny. Greenwood Uocord.
( ( ,...!,.. t j,.r and Miss Marv
, ,, KuXA wlll -e ,Iirri,.j at 10 o'clock
tomorrow, both 'iro residents of this
A. M. Bushrioll, the suiM-ossf ul
teacher in the Taylor district, was in
town tod iy and made Till-: NlCU'S a
ploas.'Mi t call.
Miss Lillian Terry's eninigeinnnt to
a prominent gentleman Ii nm the east
is announced, tho wedding to take
place during the early summer.
Fred Kbinger is enjoying a viit
from his brother who resides in Ilr.r
lan county. lie arrived from tho
wt st last overling and will remain
several days.
A gentleman from Kansas and a
lady from Northern Iowa met l;c;-o
last evening by appointment and
were married by Jud'0 Archer in
his usual bland manner.
Our old friend Gahm, used to make
a pleasant visit among I'lattsinouth
friends quite often, but since ho be
came a benedict, ho seems to havo for
gotten his friends down this way.
S. L. Furlong was up from Rock
Iiluffs today enj ying the Juno sun-j
shine and attending to "business. He
reports good sleighing in his neigh
borhood, whero more snow fell than
hncineer Will Mcleiinan, whose
name was heralded abroad on nccoun
of his having broken a leg at Hastings
and then brought his train into L'n
coin on time, is reported able to go to
work. "Mac" used to icsidein thi:
city and is well known here.
Yosierday being Mrs. Charles Val
lery's birthday anniversary as well as
Will Streight's. Will took a party of
friends out to Mr. and Mrs. Vallery's
hospitable home west of town last even
ing to properly celebrate tho event,
and a delightful time is reported.
Li. C. l'oilard of Nebawka was in
town today and reports a snowfall
there last night of fully four inches.
Passengers on the noon M. P. train
eav the snowfall further south last
night amounted to a foot or more.
Here less than an inch was deposited.
J. F. Stull of Jennings, La., after a
two weeks visit here, will return
home next week. Fred was torn
in Plattsmouth and went south eight
years ago. lie is engaged in raising
rice and prefers that line of work
with the Louisiana climito to Nebras
ka farming. Ho says their land is very
low and is flooded with water the
early part of the season. WTheu they
turn the water off tho rice fields in
July, by putting up a few screens,
they capture ail the fish the commu
nity can use. Figs and all semi-tropi
cal fruits grow in abundauce and corn
is a good crop if the ground is ferti
lized in the hill. The News acknow
ledges a pleasant visit from Fred, who
has been keeping posted on Nebraska
affairs by reading THE News.
C. S. Polk was in Council Bluffs on
business today.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nejedley lost their
little thrte-weeks-old b ibo Saturday
evening. The funeral was held yes
terday. Henry Shafer, since he got to be a
Christian Scientist, has grown young
and is just now opening up a ranch in
The little band called "We Four"
realized a neat sum from their sales
on Saturday and turned tho amount
over to the chanty committee. Older
ocieties please take note of this ex-
tuple, and do likewise.
The teachers at the Columbian
school gave their scholars all a sleigh
ride after school today, and a jollier,
noisier crowd of boys and girls would
be hard to And than the three skd
fulls that were taking in the town.
George Larue was in town this after
noon from Union. He went to see
Treasurer A. R. Eikenbary this morn
ing and found him in good spirits and
and gettfng along nicely, a fact his
many friends hero will Le glad to
Philip Andres, president of the
Missouri Valley Turnbzirk will give
lecture at the Turne-llalle in this
city on the advantages of turning and
other athletic sports, the evening of
Januay 31. Everyone that speaks
German should be present and
hear Mr. Andres. Admission free.
and the public is cordially invited to
Robert Sherwood got a case of Ne
braska shoes the other day that, for
snowy weather or for people with
rheumatism, can cot bo excelled. The
uppers are of good leather while the
bottoms are of bass wood, nearly an
inch in thickness. They are the acme
of comfort for sloppy weather and
are maae at Columbus. Neb. No well-
regulated farmer should do without a
pair of those home comfort shoes.
liargalus In i'lue llogrs.
Thoroughbred Poland China mi le
hogs, eight months old, for sale. Call
on or address J. G. Richey, Platts
mouth, Neb.
You shoula know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the' best remedy
for all diseases of thoTroat, Chest or
Lungs. Dealers areW authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele. ,
Cnntom In Till I irt leiilnr llttve Changed
Hh.IU ally At tlin I'renent Time the I'er
HoiihI 1 n 1 IiihI Ioiih f Young Women Arc
Mis Anna L. Kir-knell is nil English
lady who has had most unuKual oppor
tunities for studying French life. For a
number of yearn six; was n governess in
tho household of Najjolcoii III and re
sided in the Tnileries. For Tho Century
Miss Liekiifll has written an article on
"French Wives aud Mothers." Miss
liicknell says:
The old inariage de couvenance, which
caused ho much sorrow and consequent
evil in former days, when a girl was
taken out of a convent to bo shown tho
man to whom she was about to bo mar
ried, is now a thing of tho past. It must
Lo acknowledged, however, that mar
riages are fctill made up, ofteu too has
tily and supr rficially, byuicely balanced
family arrangements and by tho inter
vention of friends. Nevertheless, attrac
tion and repulsion are now taken into
consideration, and a girl is no longer
forced to marry a man whom alio posi
tively dislikes. I could quote instances
in tho very highest (historical) aristoc
racy where, at tho last moment, after
tho trousseau had been scut in (marked
according to custom, with tho united
initial letters of the two names elabo
rately embroidered) and all the socia
preparations made, tho marriage was
broken olT because tho bride had de
clared that she could not "get accus
tomed" to tho bridegroom nor endure
the idea of seeing his face in her home
during her natural life. In one of these
instances the family lamentations over
the initials of the trousseau were really
amusing. Fortunately a substitute was
soon found w hose name, like that of the
rejected suitor, began with an X, and
the complications were thus happily
The great object cf tho Frencli girl's
lifo is marriage. From tho time of her
birth her parents have prepared for this
event, and in many cases they havo con
siderably straitened their income and
curtailed their enjoyments to make up
her dot. Every girl in every class is ex
rected to have something. Those who
have nothing aro exceptions and consti
tute a minority of old maids. The girls
who from choice do not marry generally
become nuns, usually much against the
wishes of their parents. Tho old tales
of young women being forced into con
vents to improve tho position of their
brothers aro forgotten in these days,
when, while no child can on any pre
tense be deprived of a share in the fa
ther's inheritance, monastic vows are
not recognized by law. Nuns and spin
sters are exceptions; marriage is the
When a girl is of ago to bo introduced
into society, her friends and relatives
immediately look out for a suitable hus
band, whom it is considered highly de
sirable to obtain before she has reached
the age of 21, that she may not be pro
claimed fillo majeure when the banns
are published. The principal considera
tions are equality of birth, of position,
of fortune, and in the last particular
tho scale is usually expected to weigh
rather more on the side cf the young
lady, especially if the young man, in
addition to sufficient present advantages,
can bring forward a number of relatives
not likely to live long. This is called
having hopes (des esperances beaucoup
d'espcrances). If the young lady with a
substantial dot can also show a satisfac
tory background of invalid uncles and
aunts, then everything is as it should
be, and the young people are brought
together with every prospect of a favor
able conclusion. It happens, however,
too often that they do not know each
other sufficiently, and that they are per
suaded to believe that the mutual liking
is greater thru it really i3. Sometime
this sort of undefined attraction ripens
into a deep and devoted love. "When
this occurs, there are no moro affection
ate wives or more faithful widows than
More frequently, especially in the
higher classes, a sort of cool friendliness
springs up, whero they see but little of
each other, and freedom is enjoyed on
both sides. The authority of the hus
band is lets felt than in an English
household. There is a sort of under
standing that in her home the wife is
queen and settles matters as she pleases.
But their best aud warmest feelings
are awakened by all that concerns their
children. French parents are perhaps
the most affectionate in the world. The
interests and welfare of their children
are their first consideration, and won
derful sacrifices of their own pleasure
and enjoyment are made in favor of
their sens and daughters by the most
worldly men and women. These aro
taken as a matter of course; no one
thinks of doing otherwise or of seeing
any merit in such acts.
The mothers especially are unequal
ed. Nothing will stand in the way of a
Frenchwoman where her children's in
terests aro concerned. This love is so
engrossing that it swallows up every
other. They aro more mothers than
wives, and if called upon to choose be
tween allowing a husband to go alone
on a foreign mission or leaving their
children they would not hesitate. "Mes
tnfants avant tout."
More Troof.
O'lloolahan Countin the two min
yesterday, there's been 13 kilt so far on
the uoo buildin goin up across the
O'Callahan (impressively) Thot's
mother proof av the nnluckiness av the
auinber 13. Brooklyn Eagle.
Oysters after they have been brought
vway from the sea know by instinct
:he exact hour when the tide is rising
ind approaching their beds, and so of
;heir own accord open their shells to re
:eive their food from the sea, as if they
vere still at Lome.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo, i
I.ucas County, (
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the tirni of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
ilonif; business in the city of Toledo, county an.!
siate af resaiil, and that sr;id tinn will pay the
nun of One Hundred D 'liars for each au l every
cic of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe use
ol llaii's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and M.bciioed in my
presence Vies lo.ii day of Decent i er. A. 1. lMi.
Seal) Notary 1'ublic.
Mail's Catarrh Ct re is taken internally and
actsdirectiy on the blood and surfaces ot the
svsteni. end for tesfnionials. lice.
F. J. Chknkv ei Co.. Trledo, O.
CSold by drupgi;.ts. 7.1c.
Smoke "Gut Heil" cigars.
Kite V m Salvation Itnaie; lie, IIr Hus
band Traveling Men Dliln't KnowTliat.
A clever trick was worked by Walter
Redmond aud his wifo at Union station
by which several traveling men were
duped out of their money. At the end
of a long Heat in the waiting room was
a pretty and modest looking young wo
man attired in a Salvation Army uni
form. She was very intent upon a pa
per which she was reading and paid lit
tle attention to tho crowd of traveling
men standing near her.
Aside from the crowd was a well
dressed young man, who was walking
back and forth by tho newsstand pull
ing away at a fragrant cigar. Finally a
member of tho crowd of traveling men
remarked upon the beauty of tho littlo
Salvation Army worker. All eyes were
fixed on tho little woman, and she ro
ccived many compliments. Tho prosper
ous looking young man who had been
walking near tho group of drummers
drew near to the crowd. lie, too, was
struck with tho appearance of tho wo
"I'll givo any one of you fellows $15
if you kiss that girl," said ho.
Thoso in tho crowd took tho dare.
One spoke up, however, and said to tho
stranyer who had offered tho money,
"I'll bet you $20 that you can't kiss
The stranger hesitated fi r several sec
onds and rliLii said;
"I'll just take that bet."
The liioiny was put up, and the
stranger, who had given his name as
Walter Redmond, wali-.vd over toward
tho littlo woman in uniform, and, after
bowing profoundly, took a seat by her
At first the woman seemed to bo very
indignant, and the traveling man
thought he had the $20 won. A miuuto
later, however, Redmond's arm stole
around the woman's waist. Tho specta
tors then began to open their eyes wide.
Ono of them said: "That fellow has a
whole lot of influence over that girl. It
may bo that he is a hypnotist." Red
mond talked for probably two minutes
and then kissed tho woman.
Redmond walked over to the stake
holder and received his money. lie then
started from tho depot. Tho littlo wo
man quickly arose from her seat, and,
taking his arm, walked to Ninth and
Rroadway, whero tho couple took an
East Rroadway car. Redmond is tall
and handsome. His wifo is a blond
and is except iona'ly pretty.! Louisville
One Way of Putting: Rejected Exhibits to
Good V'e.
They were riding on the Fourteenth
street cars and their conversation was
edifying. Tho man with the long hair
was evidently a 6culptor, and his com
panion, a large, jolly looking fellow,
was trying to persuade him to present a
Work of art to some society woman who
had a mania for collecting bric-a-brac
and articles of vertu.
"I told her that you would, I thought,
in time present her with some memen
to, a statuette illustrating your peculiar
6tylo. Was I wrong in saying so?"
The sculptor answered indignantly:
"I know her value of art, and I tell you
sho cannot distinguish between manu
factured trinkets and works of art. In
fact, she thinks all artists aro manufac
turers and can turn out statuettes as
easily as the rich stove ornament man
who gavo her a nickel plated mule.
Then, too, a brass fixture artist gavo
her something from the brass foundry,
and she thought it great. Never, in my
judgnifnt, could sho appreciate a true
work of art, "
"Then you refuso to give her a sam
ple cf your wcrk? Remember, she has
great influence. "
"I do not refuso. I'll give her that
model in plaster of paris which was ra-
fused by tho committee last mouth. She
will think it great, whether or not tho
committee. did. "
"Good! She will think it magnifi
cent and get you an order. " New York
A Dramatic Assassination. ,
By far the most dramatic royal assas
sination was that of the Emperor Paul
of Russia on March 21, lbOl, by his
nobles. As usual Paul had retired to
rest booted and spurred aud in his regi
mentals. At the dead of night he was
awakened by an unusual noise. The
hussar who guarded his chamber door
the only faithful sentry, as it proved,
in the palace was being killed by nino
nobles. They burst into the room and
began to attack the emperor. Paul hid
behind chairs and tables and begged for
his life. He offered to make each of his
assailants a prince. He offered to abdi
cate in vain. Then he made a wild dash
for the window, fearfully gashing him
self, but he was dragged back. Ho
seized a chair and for some time kept
the nine of them at bay, and only after
terrific struggles was he seized and
strangled with his own sash.
"Isn't your f ather of rather a retir
ing disposition?" asked the young man
caller whose chief weakness is to stay
"Yes," she answered demurely, "he
retires at 10 and insists that the house
bo closed within half an hour of that
time." Detroit Free Press.
A Freeze.
"I don't quite catch the drift of your
remarks, " said the girl who willfully
"I think I do of yours, "said the
young man who had been trying to pro
pose. "It is something in the nature of
a snowdrift." Cincinnati Enquirer.
It is estimated that as many as 60,000
farmers and others in France mako
their living by the manufacture of
Hoquefort cheese.
Moro than 2,000 obelisks, in position
T fallen, are known to exist in Egypt.
Homesetker' Excursons.
Homeseekers excursion tickets will
be sold on January 4 and 8, February
1 and lo, March 1 and 15, via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terii
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2.
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stoutkxkokough, Agt.
The now Japanese warship, built ut
Cramps' ship-yards in Philadelphia,
will be launched next Thursday with
imposing ceremonies. .
Ilouk Han a Clone Call for (tin
I.lfe In the YrcU.
The upper yard 1. & M. switch
engine has been taken away and a
mogul road engine. No. 07, sent to take
its place. Saturday evening abou'u (
o'clock, while switching with
engine No. U, Iartin Houk, ns lie
was about Mopping from tho
pilot of the engine, caught his out
on a bolt-head and ho was thrown in
front of tho pilot with one foot across
ttio rail. Fortunately, the pilot set
so close to tho track that it caught his
ankle, and, instead of the wheels pass
ing over his leg, the pilot rolled him
out of the way. It caught tho ankle,
however, in such a manner as to al
most dislocate it, and a sprain resulted
that will keep tho young man olT his
feet for a month. It was a (dose call,
and to those who saw tho accident tho
f .ct that Houk did not lose a limb
seemed little short of miraculous.
Nicely Knlerliiliied.
Mr. and Mis. Arthur Helps enter
tained a party of friends at their c sy
home in tho Third ward last evening.
Elegant refreshmets were served, and
with charades and conversation, tlio
hours sped quickly by.
Among those presont we note the
following': Messrs. G. M. Spurlock,
Frank Cummins, Robt. Sherwood, jr.
George Guild, sr., II. 11. Goring-, II. G
Livingston i.ud Mioses Dora Fricke,
Margaret Shepherd, Lulu Burgess,
Ett i Searlo, Ear'iara and Mia Goring
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dovey, Mr
and Mis. Geo. Lehnhoil and Mrs. J
W. Hendoe.
What tlo the Children Drink?
Don't give t hem lea or colTee. Havo
you tried llio new food drink called
GR.XIN-O' ll in delicious and nour
ishing ami iibii" the place of coffee
The more Grain- you give the child
ren tho moro health vou distribute
through liieir systems. Grain-O is
made of Dure grains, and when pro
perly prepared tastes like tho choice
grades of coffee but costs about i as
much. All grocers sell it. loe and l!oo.
J. L. Root was a Lincoln visitor on
legal business.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest aouliances for first
class dental work.
Persons who are troubled with in
digestion will be interested in the ex
perience of Wm. II. Penn, chief clerk
in the railway mail service at Des
Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives
me pleasure to testify to the merits
of Cnarnbe! Iain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years I
have suffered from indigestion, and
am subject to frequent severe attacks
of pain in the stomach and bowels.
One or two coses of this remedy never
fails to give perfect relief. Price 25
and 50 cents; sold by all druggist.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to publicly thank tho
many kind friends for their aid and
sympathy at the fuDeral of our wife
and sister.
C. Gkwiakdt and Family,
Mi:, and Mrs. F. Stadklman.
K lieu mat Ihih Cured iu a Day.
A few weeks ago the editor was
taken with a very severe cold that
caused him to be in a most miserable
condition. It was undoubtedly a bad
case of la giippe, and recognizing it
iis dangerous ho took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertisement of Chamber
lain's Couyh Remedy and the many
good recommendations included
therein, we concluded lo make a first
trial of the medicine. To say t hat it
was satisfactory in its results, is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and the result was a speedy aud
permanent cure. We have no hesi
tanc.v in recommending this excellent
Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted
with a cough or cold in any form. The
Banner oi Liberty, Liberty town, Mary
land. Tho -o and 50 cent sizes for
sale by all druggists.
"My daughter, when recovering
from an attack of fever, was a great
sufferer from pain in the back and
hi ps," writes Louden Grover, of Sarcis,
Kv, "After using quite a number of
remedies without any benefit she trid
ono bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
B dm, and it has given entire relief."
Caamberlain's Pain Balm is also a
certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by
all druggist.
For .Sale.
The cheapest printing press in the
state, in fair condition, will priut an
eight column folio, hand power.
Address News office, Plattsmouth,
AVas Near Death's Door "When Christian
Science Saved Him
While in Omaha recently I took the
Christian science treatment and was
effectually cured of various maladies.
Many people and some newspapers
have ridiculed me unmercifully many
other people have expressed a desire
to know my experience, and one min
ister of tho gospel in this county is
anxious to know all about it; there
fore I set down here the plain, un
varnished facts of my own limited ex
perience and send them forth to the
world, trusting tbey will not do any
harm even if they do no good. I had
been sick with a complication of dis
eases since last Juiy I was hardly
living and cot quite dying during four
months. I tried to work, but it was
mighty poor work. On the first of No-
- . 1 T , , .
wife, who was at Omaha, had been
stricken with apoplexy, her whole ldt
side paralyzed, and ho was regarded
as being In a very critical condition
I immediately left for Omaha anil a
friend told mo before I got on the e-ns
that I was triking my last journey.
When 1 reached Omaha the culmina
tion of my disease cam.i and I was
taken violently ill and the doctoral
tend it g mo there not i lit d my fiiends
that 1 would probably die. I didn't
care much for this prediction b. eau-o
I had suiTeted m long and hi much
that I could havo found some pleasure
in dying, particularly as I then be
lieved that tho grave was the end of
all things and death was an endless
sleep. Well, the doctor did mo some
good, he and his medicine cured one
distressing complaint and for this ho
has my lasting gratitude. But all
this while my wifo was lying helpless
and I could not see tho least visible
chango in hor condition. About this
time some personal friends cnnio in to
sec us and told us about Christian
; . t t .
science, oi wnicn 1, at least, was
totally ignorant. One gentleman at
my request came in for several d.-.y
and lead to us from Mrs. Eddy's won
derful book. Ho al.-o gave my wife
throe absent treatments on three suc
cessive days and during those ihreo
days she improved wonderfully in
health and strength, so much so that
we were a 1 surprised and even the
doctor couid not conceal his a-donish
ment at her improvement. Recollect
that this same physician had said that
sho would have to lie in bed for months
and then might bo nblo to drag her
self around the house and wou.d 1x3 an
invalid all her mortal life. Our friend
would give hor no further treatment
unless the doctor was discharged and
all medicine tnrown away. This sho
refused to do for sevei al days, but
finally consented and on that day sent
away tho doctor and the hospital
nurse, threw away all medicines, ent
homo tho galvanic battery, and look
another treatment in Christian
science. iexi morning there was
another remarkable improvement in
her case and this continued from day
to day until on Thanksgiving she
came down stairs and took dinner
with a happy family that was rejoicing
over her wonderful recovery. Ten
days of scienco had cured what was to
have been a lifelong and hopeless ill
1 commenced tho same treatment
four days before my wife did, not ex
pocting any physical benelit.but mere
ly to encourage her to try the experi
ment. I was sure sho could bo cured,
but I thought they could do me no
good as my diseases were all chronic
in their nature; these with rapidly
failing sight were all that was the
matter with me. But I found that I
had a great deal to learn. After two
treatments tho nervousness of a lite
time departed and there is no more
worry or fear for me in this world
After the third treatment, dyspr p-ia
and insomnia that had been with mo
always departed to return no more.
On the fifth day the most marvelous
thing of all occurred. I was sitting
by the window with Mrs. Eddy's great
text book lying before me. I acci
dentally looked at the open page and
to my astonishment saw that I could
distinguish the words without glasses.
I read seven pages in the book with
my natural eyes. I have worn spec
tacles for twenty-seven years and for
twenty years have not road a word of
print without glasses. After that my
eyes improved daily and under a
bright light I can read the finest
print with the natural eyes that God
gave me and which he has so graci
ously and wonderfully restored. Now,
you ask what 1 think about Christian
science. I believe in it
1,. -
lrst, lor I
tho reason that it has restored me to
perfect health and has cured my wife
of a disease that the doctor considered
incurable. Second, I have heard the
testimony of hundreds of credible wit
nesses of the wonderful cure3 they
have personally seen. Third, so far
as I have read up on the subjoct, the
science seems natural and simple and
in direct accordance with the sacred
Scriptures. Fourth, the happiest peo
ple I have ever seen, the most devoted
people, the people freest from care
and anxiety, are the Christian
scientists that meet in the Bee build
ing in Omaha. They actually seem to
love one another; there is no pre
cedence among them, ail aro on an
equality and they dwell together
helpful, hopeful and happy. There
must be some good in a religion that
can make such splendid men and
women. I could write much more,
but this article is already too long for
the Democrat. Suffice it to say', I was
sick and now am well, 1 was almost
blind and now I see clearly, I haven't
an ache or pain, I have no nervous
ness, anxiety or fear, 1 sleep peace
fully and naturally, I eat anything
want at any time of day or night ai,d
it doesn't hurt me. I would be
cowardly and ungrateful if I did not
bel ieve in tho faith that has wrought
out for me this great salvation. At
the age of nearly sixty-three years I
am in better condition than at forty
and believe I havo in me yet many
long years of useful labor. Every or
gan of the body is in sound condition
and even that blessed old liver of
mine about which one physician made
such a fuss is still doing business at
the old stand and is giving entire
satisfaction to all its customers. Some
of the unbelievers and doubting
Thomases, if they take the trouble to
read this statement, will probably say:
"Those scientists ought to have given
that fellow one more treatment to cure
him of the habit of monumental ly
ing." That is exactly what I would
have eaid thirty days ago if anybody
had told me such a remarkable story.
Editor George Wells in Central
City Democrat. I
viiaoor i received a message mat my
Sheriff mIc.
l!y V i r 1 1 1 f? of mi erudition K'.ued ly (icortfo ',
i louse Mm tli, i lei k ot Die diMiul t out I, w itlilfl
:ni l lor CiiMi county, Nrliriinkn, mid lo mo rti
i" tnl, I will on the Hull iluy ol February, A. I),
I ;it II oi lock u in ol k.ii I il.iy lit tliu no will door
ol Dm court limiHo ill tlit: city ol 1'int Imim.ii t Ii, In
M.ti l otiiniv, m1I Ht mI!ic" nut thin, to tlio IiIkIi-
c .t Snider lor 1,1' ti, I lie loiiowui iHiids am tcno-
1 1 1 1-1 1 1 S . to-Wit'.
Tiir wi'st half of tlio riortliouit quarter of
notion h, town II, ihmkc 10. the noutlicait
i u.i i ti r id n:c t n hi I.I, town II, raiiir W, tlio et
h.ill ol the MHitliwctit u a r I r ol rtcctiuii IJ, town
II. r iiinc It; the rat hud of the north Wit
1 n a r t i of ki- tloti is, t in 11, raiiKe III; and the
moth hall ol tin' noiithwest (jiiMrti-r of arc t inn Pi,
town II, i.iio-c- III, all In Cutis county, Nrhranka,
toni'i her w it Ii t li i mull-Ken and aiut tcnauiea
tin u-iintu lidoiiKiriK or in anywine Mppertuniiiiif
I he s.iiiii- iH iiiy levied iijioii ami taken an tlio
noieity ol I . r, ami II. K. Waldron, delelicl-
.mts, to a ludi'ini'iit of said coint ic
(ovrit'd lv I'iink of 1'..ik1c plaiiitilt, u a Hint laid
drh'lld, lilts .
riiiltnliiouth. Null . Jan. IS. A. I. I HUH.
II AIIVKr llol liOWAT,
Sticrlir. CiiMM t on nly, NutjraakK.
Shell ffM Sale.
liy viilmrof an i-ki- tilioti. Issuc-il hv Georire K.
I loiiMwoi th, clerk ol the distllct court, within
uid t o I .isi county. Ni liiaska. and to me dl-
lectcd. I will on the huh day of l clouaiv. A. 1.
Ii'.iv at 1 1 o'c loi k a. in. of fond ilav at the Houth
loo i o the coin t In hi ho III t he (it V ol I 'la 1 1 smoti t h
in m:ihI county, sell at 1 1 1 1 c auction, to tlio
lushest hiddci lor cash, the lollowiniz leal etitale
Lot three In the northwest (matter of
the southeast uuarter of siitum ii. town
I'1. i:nii;e II, In I ;i"; county, Niliiaska, to-
t-'i'i i'Ci 'w it li the inivilei'es ami apiMiitenances
In ii unto lieliiiiiMiii' oi in .hi v ui'.e aiiiieitanil niz.
I he same Im iiih levied upon and taken an the
pi opei t y ol I ;. A . ( ilison, ili le in I ant, to sat in t y a
judgment ol said coiilt lecoveicd l"V lohll N.
(..ii in . ol. i in I hi .iraiii-t said delemlant.
ri.ittsniouth, NcLia ka. J.inil.u v hth A. I). 1HUH,
llAKVI- V f lol I llW AV,
Sheiilt, Cass County, Nebraska,
Probate Notice.
In count y com t, t'.iss county. Nebraska. In
the matter ol the estate of I-.nnlia Wurl. l-
asi d. Heitli.i Lance. Ileiimh MllteNtadl.
'.ul M dtei-ladt. ilhelin M ittelstadt. itt-rn-
liaidl WiiiI, Knhaid Wml Auiitisto Martens
ind all other pcisons interested in said matter.
lie heieliy not died that on the Ilrd day of Jall-
uaty, A. II. Is'.im, a petition was filed in said
iiut alleeuiu. ainoiiu other things, that l.mllia
Wml died on the Mil day ol 1 lecetnlier, A. U.
Is'.r,, leawni: a last will ami testament ami no
sed ol and personal estate and that Ilia
above named constitute all the persons Interested
in the estate ol said del cased, and I'lavinc tor
the in. .li, lie of said w ill and lor adiilllilsti atioii ol
said estate. Vou aie helebv untitled that if vou
lad to appear at said fun it on the -'.ith dav of
January A. I), l-'.is, at!! o'clock a in , to contest
the probate ot said will, the couit may allow and
piobate said will and iiant administration of
nd estate to Hem y .Martens and lohn lilllterv.
or some other suitable peison, and muceed to it
settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court at I'lattsinouth. Nebraska, this the llrd day
i laiiiiary I
I'ScalJ (ii . mi. M. Sitrux k.
County ludge.
Sheriffs Sale.
liV V il tile of ail order of sale issued liv Oeririrn
!'. I lonsew oi th, c lei k ol the distriet court, within
ami lor Cass county, Nclnaska, and to me di
iei ted, I will on the lath day ol January. A. I).
Is'.is, at 1 1 o c lot k a. nr., ol said day at tlia south
loor ot the cour t house in the citv of 1'latttw-
iiith. ill said county, sell at nulilie am tinn
the. Inuliest bidder for cash, the follow inif real
estate to-wit:
Lots live and six (tl) in block twent v-iiinn
'-'.'lin the citvol I'lattsinouth. Chsm roimlv
.Ncbiaska, together with the lt lviieues and ao-
Ijurteiiaiiccs theieiinlo hcltniKiiiK or in anywise
.i ipet lauiiiiL'. i ne same lieintr levied noon and
taken as the pi oper ty ol 1'eter J. Hansen, admin
istrator .( ,eoi;e i'. Weidnian, I'.lmna Weldnian,
I'lnlip Horn, Nicholas Haliiies.Ainelia M. Ulrith,
Willie I. Schiielibacher. Claudius 1'. Srhriell-
bacher, lleniv !'. .S nellbai her. Marirarctlo- I
M hnehbachei, Louisa I. .Schnellljacher and
Harvey I). 1 ravis. defendants, to satisfy a iudir-
meiit of said court recovered by John 11. J'etti-
oone aim .-lamiiel r.. ."Nixon, n aintills acainst
said defendants.
I'laUsinouth, Neb,, I lecembor If, A. I).. 1817.
Hahvkv IIoi.i.owav,
Sheriff, (Jass county, Nebraska.
rrohute Notice.
In the county court of ('ass nuitilv K'lr9UL
In the matter of the estate ol Marv Kiockmaiin!
le cased. Ilcni y kieckinanii. J liinm kiei kiimnn
and ail other persons interested in said matter
are heieby notilied that on the 3rd day of Jc
cetnber, Ihil?, a Petition was (lied in sauf ronrl
all.riny. anions other things, that Mary Kieck
inanii died on the ;i Mh day of May, JMT7, Jeariajr
no last will and testament and possessed ol
rights ill action ol unknown and uncertain vala
and that the above named constitute ail th per
sons interested in the estate of said decoased.
ind iiiaviiii; for administration thereof Vn,
ate hereby untitled, that il you fail to appear nt
said court on the ;ird day of January, A . I). IMUH,
at - o'clock p. in. audi contest said petition, the
court will appoint Milton I), l'olk or some other
suitable person administrator, and proceed to a
eii.eiiieiii oi saiu estate.
Witness in v hand and the seal of said omrl at
I'lattsinouth, Nebraska, this, the 7th dav ol fjn-
Cembei, A. I). li)7.
(Seal) Gkokok M.Sfurlock,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue ol an order of sale issued bv f.enrcm
F, Houseworth. clerk of the district court, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to mcdi-
reCle'J, 1 will on the;HhUay ol February, A.
I).. lM'X, at II o'clock a. ni. of said dav at tha
south door of the court house in 1 he city of i'latts
inouth, in said county, sell at uubbc auction, to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Lot one (ll in the northeast Quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirteen (13) in
township eleven (11; ranire thirteen tl3l in Casa
county, Nebraska, and containing twenty-seven
(-'7 1 and 51-iiro acres; also lot two (2 in the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter of the said
ection tlnrtueil (l.S). and contamim? seven 11
and 71-HM acres, a total in both of said lots of
thirty-five and and ,l acres, all in liav
I m.Kit' Vi.l.r-iib.. .. .1... .
v......,.,, .'vliic wiiii Loe privileges
and appurtenances thereunto helontnnir or in
any wise appertaining . Ihe same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Richmond
boid and K : 1 1 : i y J. Good, defendants; to satisfy
a jud.'ine::' ol sai l Court recovered by Samuel
vau:iias executor ol the last will and testa
ment ol John Black, deceased, plaintilt; against
sai l dc-lendants.
I'iattsiiiouni, Nebraska. Ian. 4. A. D. 1898.
Hakvev Hollow ay,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued hv K
F. Houseworth. cleiic of the district court motion
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the I'lth day of February, A. D.
1M. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at thi? smith
door of the court house in the city of Platts-
mouui. in sain county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-w it:
Die southwest quarter of section 11. town 11.
range 13, except o and Vl-I M acres, being Omaha
Southern Railroad right-of-way; the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section 12,
town 1 1. range 13. except one acre of cemetery;
beginning at the north sideol section 11. town II.
range 13, at a point on the west side of the Om
aha Southern Railroad right -of-way, where said
right-of-way crosses the north line of said sec
tion, thence running west :,H feet to the north
west corner of tiie northwest quarter of section
II, thence south along the section line to the
outhwest corner of the northwest Quarter.
thence east Md feet to the Omaha Southern
Kanroan rigiit-ot-wav. thence north a litile to the
west along said railroad right-of-way to the
place of starting, containing 41 and 13-33 acres
more or less, it being that part of the northwest
quarter of section 11. town 11. range 13, Jyinsj
west of the Omaha rai road right-ol-way, all in
Cass county, Nebraska, together with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or 111 anywise appurtaining 1 he same being
lev i d upon and taken as the property of F'. M .
Voung an i L'. A. ioung. et al., defendants; o
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by C
J. Martin, plaintitf, against said defendants.
I'lattsinouth, N'ebraska.January 4th, A.L). 1898.
Hahvhy Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Iiurlington Itoute California Kxcarsiona
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to Francisco,
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Itoute through Denver and Salt Lake
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spring seats and backs
and aro provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters aud experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion.
relieving passengers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of intereet and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful ex perience. Second class
tickets aro honored. Berths $-5.
For folder giving f nil Information,
call at nearest Burlington Itoute
ticket office, or write to J. FranciaJ
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, -