The Semi Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY THK NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, $5 00 Six Months 2 50 ine Week, 10 bincrle Conies 5 n m. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... $1 00 Six Months 50 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. WHO nsked what's the mattor with Hanna? Ho seems to bo at his old pastime puncturing democratic air castlos. IT IS said that Bryan has ono of the fat tost bank acconnts in the cupital city. O reform, what crimes aro com mitted iu thy name! Lincoln Call. SENATOit IlANNA is reported one yote short of the ;requisite majority today, but the faith in his management is such that most people believe he will get the votes he needs when the time coupes, nd will b elected. Bolln, Hartley, Moore, Whitney and Mills have all been sentenced to the penitentiary in Nebraska during the past few months, for being too free with public money, says an ex change. Speaking of hopeful signs of the times, who could ask for anything better than that? In the Ohio legislature yesterday the two houses voted separately and Ilanna received a majority of one vote. If he does as well today, when the two houses meet in joint session, he will be able to succeed himbelf in the United States senate. Uis friends are hopeful, but his enemies seem far from giving up the fight. OMAIIA is in the toils again, pri marily, because tho licenw notices wcixi printed tu the W.-H. On account of the nee si notices the law creating the excise board has been attacked and labeled bad by the district court. The police have to guard the city ball for fear a popse might steal it, and general turmoil prevails. Tbe license notices seem to be a sort of Klondike which the whole city must take a hand in fighting for. To the average tax payer up there present conditions must make him weary. There are all kinds of trouble in store for a number of republicans in this state, and all because Bartley does not propose to be made the scapegoat for the republican party, says the Nebraska City News. He holds a number of i. o. u's given by men who have now deserted him and he threatens to make a clean breast of the whole transaction. This is what will cause the trouble: Section 124 of the criminal code of this state, un der which Hartley and Moore were convicted, provides that if any person 6h ill advise, aid or in any manner participate in tho act of a public officer, charged with the collection. recaipt, safo keeping and disburse ment of funds, in converting to his own use, investing or loaning such funds he shall be guilty of em bezzlement, and be punished by from one to twenty-one years. Thi9 means, in plain language, that not only the man who borrows from a state officer, but also the ono who ad vises him to make such loan is liable to indictment, conviction and sentence just the same as if each was the public officer himself. The progress that has been made in this country in financial independence and stability is illustrated in the re cent sale of the Union Pacific railroad and the payment therefor, says the Chicago Tribune. This transaction required the transfer of $68,000,000, which has been accomplished in the space of six weeks without appreciable disturbance of the money market. And yet it is only twenty-five years since the payment to this country by Great Britain of $15,500,000 under the Geneva awaid on the Alabama claims was made to extend through a period of several months in order to produce as little disturbance as possible in the money market of the strongest nation, financially, in the world. Has America, in a quarter of a century, grown so much stronger financially than England ? Marcus A. Hanna was elected to the United States senate yesterday from Ohio by a majority of one vote. While the majority was not large, yet it was eminently satisfactory to tbe friends of Mr. Hanna, who had bfn alarmed at the outlook which first con fronted them after the opposition had organized the legislature. Foraker and his understudy, Kurtz, were de feated in their effort to ruin Hanna and they have received such condem nation at the hands of their own party as will doubtless call for retirement. EVER since Mr. William J. Bryan first became a conspicuous political figure he has shown a marked incapa city tor discussing, in a broad and louic-al way, great puolic questions. Inrougn ibis incapacity, or, what worse, u ueliberate purpose to aeceive rather .than instruct, be has chosen exceptional or isolated phases of pre vailing conditions and dwelt upon them with his barbecue eloquence without analyzing their relations to the whole problems, or series of prob lems. In this respect he has followed the example of the cheap ward bull dozer who presumes upon the ignor ance of his audience and relies upon his powera of misrepresentation to make his words convincing:. Kansas City Journal. five bushels of charcoal. Wood alco hol is almost a perfect substitute for grain alcohol for mechanical and manufacturing purposes. The meanest man in Iowa threw a live skunk through a window .into the room whgre a wedding party was mak icg merry last week. The resultwas aw ful, and if a tour had been contem plated it must have been cut short by the flavor quickly given to the clothes of all present. The blood hound acquired his un popularity first from the ferocious name given him which is a misnomer ard second from his usefulness in the old slavery days in tracking tho run away negro., But he is, when he is properly trained, merely a scent hound and there is no d-uolty about him. Ho never attacks the fugitive nor injures him except in defense of his own life, but having found what ho was sent out to find, behaves like a perfect gentleman until his employers come up to dispose of tho capture. His name simply signifies that he is a "blooded" hound, not that he is a "bloody" hound. Ex. 1 . . 1 ... i'resicient JNevuie oi tne state expo sition association, who has invited pictures of Nebraska's handsomest women to be used in making up the composite picture for tbe exposition medal, writes Secretary Dearing that aspirants should send only profile pic tures of face and shoulders, which is the only kind of a picture that can be used. He writes that many are send ing full face views, which ae of no avail. It is easy to understand the reasons for the great abundance of money in western banks which is reported in the dispatches, says the Globe-Democrat. Financial confidence was res tored by the overthrow of the Bryan- ites and the accession of the republi cans to power. The sale deposit vaults and the other receptacles in which cash was hidden during the panic gave up the hords of money.and it went to the banks and passed into trade channels. The business activity which came at the same time and the advance in prices of grain enabled the farmers to pay off their debts and ac cumulate a little surplus, and this went to the banks. Thus the west is in a far better financial condition at this moment than it was before at any time in the last dozen years, money is plentiful, and everybody takes a hope ful view of the situation. A GEORGIA HEN COOP. It Wan Sure Proof Against the Inroad of Ontaidera. "There isn't a more faithful being on earth," said a Georgia business man to a reporter, "than one of our Georgia darkies. Neither is there one more su perstitions, nor yet again is there one who loves better the products of the hen coop. And Cartersville isn't any dif ferent from any one of a hundred south ern towns. When I was down there gome time ago, a customer of mine who had a fancy for chickens and who had always had more or less trouble in maintaining ownership of them told me he had a remedy and asked me to go around with him and see it. I wanted him to tell me what it was, but he in sisted on my seeing it first, so I went along with him. and in a few minutes I was standing in his back yard before I what was to me tho oddest chicken coop I ever saw. It was constructed of largo timbers and there were a dozen places in its walls where a hand could bo run in and everything cleaned out within reach. Then there was no fas toning on the door, nor was there any kind of protection to the fowls. I couldn't understand how such an in viting snap could be of any nse to the owner and said as much. " 'The charm is in the timber,' said he. " 'No,' said I. " 'Fact, just the same,' said he. You don t see it on the outside and you don't know it, but the darkies around here do, and they won't come within 100 yards of that coop if they can help it. I don't care how full of chickens it is. 'Cause why? It is built of the timbers of a gallows on which a man was hung about three months ago in another coun ty. It cost me something extra to get it, but it has more than paid for itself since I have had it. and I am in the market now to bny all the secondhand scaffolds in Georgia. If you run across a sheriff any place with one for sale, let me know by next mail, won't you, please?' "It was a true bill," concluded the traveling man, "for I saw a darky tried on it, and he refused a big silver FRENCH MARRIAGES. I R30 m H MATRIMONY THE GREAT OBJECT TO ALL GIRLS OF FRANCE. Coatoma In Tula Particular Have Chanced Radically At the Preaent Time the Per- onai luuiiiiBiiuoi oi iono women Are i Considered. BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, TO JAS. S. KIRK & (X Soap Manufacturer!. dollar to go down to the coop to get chicken for breakfast." Washington Star. INFORMATION AND OPINION). As THE time of the spring election comes on there is much discussion of candidates for the several offices. The sentiment among republicans seems to be quite strong in favor of H. N. Dovey for mayor. H. N. is a hustler, is largely interested in the town and would without a doubt make a win ing fight for the office, and, what is of equal importance, he would matce a first-class executive." John Unruh's name receives flattering mention in the same connection, and R. B. Windham is also mentioned for the position. Professor Hicks' storm, due here about January 1, may have been de tained in China at any rate, the first winter weather of the year arrived in a gentle snow-storm today. A perfect ruby, which weighs four karats or more, commands a price ten times the value of a diamond of the same size. A ruby or six karats. witnout any delect, is worth o,UUU a karat, or fifteen times the value of a diamond of the same weight. una state reiiei committee ap pointed by Governor Holcomb at the request of the central committee naoaed by President McKinley, will meet today at the state housa and or ganize for work. The committee com prises Rev. H. O. Rowlands, M. D. Treasurer Eikenbary is a great friend of accident insurance, and at the time of his injury yesterday was carrying a policy of $17,000. The loss of his foot will therefore bring him about 5,000 in cash. " While this cannot repay the suffering and loss, it will help to pay out for loss of time and expenses. William Dow of Wyoming, has gone to California to look after the remains of his brother, John Dow, who was murdered at San Francisco last week, says tne .Nebraska uity JNews. lie was shot three times in the head while asleep at his lodging house. The de ceased is well known in this county, having been raised at Wyoming, and wen. to California several years ago. where he has been running a shooting gallery. He is a brother of Fred and William Dow of Wyoming, and as yet the full particulars of the murder have not been obtained. Dor tne nrst time in many years the Omaha Bee attaches great weight to the legai opinion of Judge Scott, JiECifUl J iu Clo i;cuaerm ' 'Ice anrittit pueblo builder. Hire bis modern tith cii(i:iut was so completely under tho clomiiiatiug influence of hiF geographic rnvne simeut that from sim ilar conditions !,e almost automatical worked out similar results. In the mat ter of a site for-bis home, however, h hud Forre . latitude, and the choice he made iif.rrtcd son otliing of the social condilif i s t:nder which he lived. Thus it is probable that in tho earliest times the people lived in small villages locat ed on the erigrs of valleys or near the mouths cf i'( rtiio fiat bottomed canyons. They lived a quiet, eaceful existence, depending principally on the soil for the means cf subsistence, but not de spising the harvest of grass seeds and wild nuts which were at hand and glad to break the even, placid course of ex istence by periodic al hunting expedi tions to the neighboring mountains for deer and out iutr the great plains for buffalo. In the course of iJrvn, however, other and more saviige tribes came to the re gion, and tin so prejed upon the prior occupants of tho country, who were iu-dut-tiious ai;d pn vitii nt and accumu lated stores against possible bad seasons. It is don ht ful whether there were any pitched bullies cr prolonged sieges, but the robbers imidc periodical forays through tho fields when the crops were ready for the harvest or perhaps as saulted and looted some small village when the men wire away. Cosmos Mindeleff in Bulletin of American Geo graphical Society. W. J. liRYAN says, with an assur ance that is surprising, that there has been no improvement in the business of this country during the last eigh teen months. What is the matter with the clearing house statements which have risen 50 per cent; the bank deposits which have doubled;the sales of wholesale houses in every trade center which have greatly in creased; the condition ol the farmers who have been paying off their mort gages. It would appear that Mr. Bryan, as chief of the calamity howl ers, was proud of his job and thought a little off-hand lying would do no harm. Welch and Gen. P. H. Barry of Lin- I and prints in full what the court 6ays coin; J. E. Utt and W. N. Nason of Omaha. This is the same committee. with the exception of General Barry in the place of A. H. Weir, that re ceived donations last winter for the relief of sufferers in India. The com mittee does not yet know how the work will be done or even the nature of the supplies needed. It is taken for granted, however, that light summer clothing and not heavy winter goods will be in demand in Cuba. State Journal. in wiping out the Omaha police com mission. Those New Stamps. Washington, Jan. 12. The author ities of the Postoffice department have determined upon the subjects which shall be illustrated upon the new series of postage stamps to be issued by the department in commemoration of tbe Transmississippi and interna tional exposition to be opened on the first of next June at Omaha. They are illustrative of the conditions, pro- It is reported from good authority that since Mr. Bartley could not col lect the state money which he loaned ut, that the state will try its hand, and those who do not pay up will be arrested for embezzlement and will get a term in the penitentiary. This will undoubtedly have the effect of securing the collection of thousands of dollars that, if nothing was done, the state would lose. Plattsmouth borrowers of Bartlev's stolen monev will get a hustle on themselves when they see the penitentiary doors yawn ing them, and lively times in certain quarters may be looked for if tbe word of experts who have gone over Hartley's accounts are good for any A death-dealing tornado visited Fort Smith, Ark., last night which left death and destruction in its path. Two score of human lives and upward of $1,000,000 worth of property were destroyed. The storm struck near the National cemetery and tore its way through the entire city. Men, women and children, peacefully asleep in their homes, were, without a. moment's warning', awakened to meet a horrible death in the fearful storm. While others momentarily more fortunate and who escaped the fury of the wind met a far worse fate a few minutes later in the flames Ifpid manv of the wuxu duw. e - wrecked buildings. cress and accomn lshments of the If the coming grand jury could only t wegt f rom it disjCOVerv to our crckt. a. 7 h o plr of tna -rtnrh i n root! rvn ( 1 n r I w .0v.bc.e . nwn riftv The series onmnrise n 1 ne denominations of stamps as follows: One-cent The discovery of the Mississippi river by Marquette. Two-cent An Indian chief. Four-cent A buffalo hunting scene. Five-cent The Pathfinder, being a picture of Fremont raising the flag on the summit of the Rockies. Eight-cent A train of emigrants crossing the plains. Ten-cent A mining scene. Fifty-cent A cowboy and cattle. uouar a narvesting scene or a great flouring mill. Two dollars The Union Pacific bridge, showing part of the city of Omaha. Persons who are troubled with in- aigesuon win oe interested in tne ex perience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: '"It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years I j have suffered from indigestiou, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in the stomach and bowels. One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief. Price 25 and 50 cents; sold by all druggist. A Woman Matadors at Cordova. Now comes the denouement, for upon a final nourish of trumpets the matadore, who in this particular performance was a weman, steps forth with a brighter red fiag or cloak on a staff in her left hand and a cood Toledan blade in her right, hidden beneath the right edge of the red flag. The bull makes a dash for tho woman.. Our Jadies turn their heads and ask me what I see, and I report n calm, deliberate and skillful step to tbe left by the female matadore, a quick flash of tho sword, a bend of the body to tne ngnt ann over tne bun s neck a spurting of blood, not very copious, and the sword has pierced the animal's neck close to the shoulder. The jugular is severed, tho beast trembles, his knees give way, and he falls amid the applause of the audience at the skill of the swordswoman. Before the matadore pro ceeded to the slaughter she formally asked permission of the presiding alcal de to do the killing, and, upon his for mal consent, proceeded with sword in whack at tbe committee what fun there would be in Beulah land. Lincoln Call. An exchange is fearful that this bloodhound business is growing too popular and soon every wife will have one to track her husband on lodere nights, which would be a bad thin? for the lodges as well as the fond hus band. Judge Osborn of Blair, who has gone to Samoa as United States consul. writes an interesting letter to the Pilot describing the sea and the is land and his wrestle with the tropical heat, says the Fremont Tribune. Ne judge from the manner in which the judge writes,lifo is one perpetual song there, but tbe scantiness of the cloth ing worn by tbe Samoan belles compel aim to constantly keep his back turned to the wall or be suffused with blushes. The new Pittsburg & Gulf railroad. better known as the Port Arthur route, has put on a line of steamers to run from Port Arthur to Tampico, Mexico. This nuts Nebraska on a direct route to Mexico, with no change except at Port Arthur, and ought to be a big help in more ways than one to Ne braska farmers. To Whom It May Concern! Nebraska was atreated all over to You are hereby notified Wil- a coat oi enow today, tnougn mucn nam moid is unaer guaraianunip as hand to the front of the bull. Baln- An Artlat'a Slip. Half a century ago, says a London paper, tne late Sir John Gilbert wa commissioned to illustrate a short story for a ivondon weekly When he had fin ished the work, the editor remarked. nr i m a- wny, jut. oimert, tne story says an escort of infantry soldiers, and here on the block you have given us mounted ones. "Dear me, so 1 have, respond ed the artist, "but I haven't time to dc another drawing now. Can't you make an alteration in the story to make it fit in?" The "copy" was handed to a sub ordinate to make the requisite altera tion, but that gentleman forgot to de lete the chapter describing how the sol diers had gained the summit of a steep mountain, parts of which they were obliged to scale with ladders. Horses could not have been got there unless by the assistance of a crana Afterward 6hoals of letters from subscribers wish ed to know how the cavalry got there. Miss Anna L. Bicknell is an English lady who has had most unusual oppor tunities for studying French life. For a i number of years she was a governess in the household of Napoleon III and re Bided in the Tnileriea For The Century Miss Bicknell has written an article on "French Wives and Mothers." Miss Bicknell says: The old mariage de convenance, whioh oaused so much sorrow and consequent evil in former days, when a cirl was taken out of a convent to bo shown the man to whom she was about to be mar ried, is now a thing of the past. It must be acknowledged, however, that mar riages are still made up, often too has tily and superficially, by nicely balanced family arrangements and by the inter vention of friends. Nevertheless, attrac tion and repulsion are now taken into consideration, and a girl is no longer forced to marry a man whom she posi tively dislikes. I could quote instances in the very highest (historical) aristoc racy where, at the last moment, after the trousseau had been sent in (marked, according to custom, with the united initial letters of the two names elabo rately embroidered) and all the social preparations made, the marriage was broken off because the bride had de clared that she could not "get accus tomed" to the bridegroom nor endure the idea of seeing his face in her home during her natural life. In one of these instances the family lamentations over the initials of the trousseau were really amusing. Fortunately a substitute was soon found whose name, like that of the rejected suitor, began with an X, and the complications were thus happily settled. The great object of the French girl's life is marriage. From the time of her birth her parents have prepared for this event, and in many cases they have con siderably straitened their income and curtailed their enjoyments to make up her dot. Every girl in every class is ex pected to have something. Those who have nothing are exceptions and consti tute a minority of old maids. The girls who from choice do not marry generally become nuns, usually much against the wishes of their parents. The old tales of young women being forced into con vents to improve the position of their brothers are forgotten in these days, when, while no child can on any pre tense be deprived of a share in the fa tner s inheritance, monastic vows are not recognized by law. Nuna and spin sters are exceptions; marriage is the rule. When a girl is of age to be introduced into society, her friends and relatives immediately look out for a suitable hus band, whom it is considered highly de sirable to obtain before she has reached the age of 21, that she may not be pro claimed fille majeure when the banns are published. The principal considera tions are equality of birth, of position, of fortune, and in the last particular the scale is usually expected to weigh rather more on the side of the young lady, especially if the young man, in addition to sufficient present advantages, can bring forward a number of relatives not likely to live long. This is called having hopes (des esperances beaucoup d esperances). If the young lady with a substantial dot can also show a satisfac tory background of invalid uncles and aunts, then everything is as it should be, and the young people are brought together with every prospect of a favor able conclusion. It happens, however, too often that they do not know each other sufficiently, and that they are per suaded to believe that the mutual liking is greater than it really is. Sometime this sort of undefined attraction ripens into a deep and devoted love. When this occurs, there are no more affection ate wives or more faithful widows than Frenchwomen. More frequently, especially in the higher classes, a sort of cool friendliness springs up, where they see but little of each other, and freedom is enjoyed on both sides. The authority of the hus band is less felt than in an English household. There is a sort of under standing that in her home the wife is queen and settles matters as she pleases. But their best and warmest feelings are awakened by all that concerns their children. French parents are perhaps the most affectionate in the world. The interests and welfare of their children are their first consideration, and won derful sacrifices of their own pleasure and enjoyment are made in favor of their sons and daughters by the most worldly men and women. These are taken as a matter of course; no one thinks of doing otherwise or of seeing any merit in such acts. The mothers especially are unequal- ed. Nothing will stand in the way of a Frenchwoman where her children's in terests are concerned. This love is so engrossing that it swallows up every other. They are more mothers than wives, and if called upon to choose be tween allowing a husband to go alone on a foreign mission or leaving their children they would not hesitate. "Mes enfants avant tout." Mesa. Joa. S. Kirk fc Co., Cliicogo, HU. Gentlemen: We have given your "White Clond" Map & thorough test In washing pieces of linen embroidered with our "New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and llnd It entirely satisfactory. Wo take pleasure In recom mending It as a superior artlclo for laundering lino embroidery. Your3 truly, (S.'gnod) Hkldino IIkos. A. Co. Refering to the above, we deem t it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Established 1839. Largest Chicago. soap manufacturers in the world n 3. 00 bays a Fine Violin and Coiitplfte Outfit. 00 J I buys a Mandoline, Hirdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. 00 lays An American Gnitar, guaranteed to stand. Steel strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OP SHEET MUSIC. S50 buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. little used, for $50, $60, $80 to $100. Write for CaUUofTiM and oom Wrma. PACTOBX PBICES. A KOSPE, JR., 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, NEB. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. neb. Lincoln Omaha Holena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and al points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 20. Local express, daily, St Toe. Kansas, bt Ltouls, all points south 9:40 in No 4. Local exD. dally, HurllnKton. Chicago, all uoints east 10:24 am Nolo. Local exp, daily except Sun day 11:55 am No 92. Local exp, dally except Sun- uav. faclDU J uuctlon lZ2t Din No3l. Freight, daily exceptSunday Pacific Junction 2:50 uni No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Bur lington, Chicago and all points east 5:30 Din No. 1 stub from Junction to Platts mouth 0:1") diu No 1-. Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan sas Uity. fet Louis. Uhlcaco all uoiuts east and south.. 8:25 nru No 5. Locai exp, daily.Oiiiaha, Lin coln, Denver and Interme diate stations 7:32 am No 85. Local freight, daily. Omaha. 8:50 am Lo2!i, loch freight, daily, ex Sun day, Cedar Ureerf, Louis ville, outh bona 7:37 am No 7. Fastinail. daily, Omaha and Linuolu 2:22 urn No 3. Vestibuled exp, dally, Den ver and all points in Colo rado, Utah and California, Grmd Island, Ulack Hill.-,. Montana and I'aciflu N. W. 3:43 uni No 9. Local exp, dally except Su - j ay. Louisville. Ashland, Walioo, .-chuyler 4:0 Dm No II. Local ex p, d ally except Sun day. Omaha and Lincoln.. 4-59 Dm No 17. Local express, Sunday only, Sleeping, dining and reclinlne chair cars (seats free) on tlirouzb trains. Tickets sold and baga.-e checkuil to any Doiut In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Atfent, Plattsmouth, Neb. J. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. Ai:t., Omaha, Neb. WHEN IN NEED OK FIRST- NATIONAL BANK )' PLATTSMOTTM. NKH. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Oilers tlie very liesli facilities for the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, (fold. Kovernrnent and local securities imuaht and Bold. Deposits re ceived and interest allowed on the certti cutes. IiraftH drawn, available In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Kurope. Col lections made and promptly remitted, iilirhest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. 11. N. DIRECTORS: Dovey, D. Hawkbwoilli, F. K. White, (. E. Dovey. S. Waugh eo. K. Dovey, Pres., II. N. Dovey, S. Waiiffli, Asst. Cashier. Cashier. SO YEARS JLjL-iiitecl V I x. w Trade Marks Draicut 'MfH Copyrights Ac. Anyone nenrtlng a kef oh and dpnerlptlon nnir quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention in probably patentable. (Vimmunlrn. tlonii strictly confidential. Handbook on I'atenta sent free. Oldent avency for necuiinir patent. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tprriU ruitlce. without cfaro. In tbe Scientific American. A handsomely lllontxated: weekly. I.anrest cir culation of any aclentlrJc Journal. Terina, 13 a year: four month!, tL Sold by ail newsdealer. MUNN & Co.36,Bro'a"- New Yorir Branch Office, 625 V 8L, Washington. I. C. More Proof. O'Hoolahan Conntin the two min yesterday, there's been 13 kilt so far on the noo buildin coin up across the street. O 'Callahan (impressively) Thot's another proof av the nnlnckiness av the anmber 13. Brooklyn Eagle. Stationery VOU SHOULD NOI r AIL TO CALL ON THE NEWS Complexion Preserved DR. H CBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove F: ffclcfev Pimples, Liver- Hoics, Blockheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re Htnrf lh fckin tn itx origi nal freshness, producing s t-ifSZ- tilexion, Knncriortoall faofci CsZ ' ' clour and healthy com WW ,0 At all Having Just Received a Large Amount of New Stock we are Prepared to do all kinds of Printing on Short Notice. heavier in the northwest than tie re. A cord of wood, weighing 4,000 pounds, will yield nine gallons of alcohel, 200 pounds of acetate of lime, twenty-five gallons of tar, and eighty- incompetent to transact business, and all persons are notified not to sell anything to or purcha.-e anything from said William Albin, or in any manner enter into contract with him. Wm. Chalfant, Guardian. OH of Peppermint. The oil of peppermint is widely used in the east and is becoming well known in this country for external application in cases of neuralgia or of rheumatism Internally, greatly diluted, it is of value in gastric disorders or for a cold or couch xbe orientals likewise em ploy tne puugeut oil as an antiseptic lor wound or burns For the latter ac cident it would seem the harshest of remedies, and yet is uo more so than ammonia, which has a most magical effect if touched lightly to the seared skin. Oysters after they have been brought away from the sea know by instinct ;he exact hour when the tide is rising nd approaching their beds, and so of :heir own accord open their shells to re vive their food from the sea, as if they -ere still at hame. Sweden and Norway find the Unit?! rtates a good customer of cod liver oil tna matches, those articles being tbe principal items of export to this coun try. Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest anoliances for first class dental work. Dr. Els ter. Waterman painless dentistry. block, for SoGiety Printing We are prepared to do in the latest and most approved style and at reasonable rates. Commercial Printing Such as Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bill Heads, etc. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Poster work in good style and on short notice. OFFICE NO. 305 . HARTMAN BLOCK Pattsmouth- prerninitions and porfcftly harmless druggists, or mailed or 50ct. bend for cireuittx. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP I, Imply ts-vwparmbl mm m. kla purirylBY Hop, en)ut.ll fur th toilet. ftci4 villmt riral for th nurwry. Ahsoiultlr par ao4 mvUc&telj at4 wttd. Atdroir?inj. Price 2 5 Cenft. The Q. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman, The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his prices are always reasonable. 1 heniost convenient boarding stable for far mers in the city. PLATTSMOUTH, : NBB ED. FITZGEKAfiD Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Liveru Business. Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prii. and court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AND VINE STS., PIattsmopN Nebraska. Insure in the German Fred Ebinger, Agent. American.