KWS EM D Coi V,T' Kf!l?,i?.Httbl"lMliNOT-AB,lHVii f Consolidated Jan. 1.1805. i ll 10 II hit A LD, hstitbliHlied April 10, iW. ) PL ATTSMO UT II, NEK., .JANUAKY If, 1898. VOL. VI. NO. 20. WEEKLY L 1 9 9 i 4 A Talk About Diamonds 4 m 9 7 Their brilliant glitter scarco outrival tho polish you can pul. 9 on a Murzl uiT bhoe. Good leather, 9 well-tanned leather, that's tho Ai - wu. xl uitvi) uiuro luuu eiiiiiu i t wears, it lita. it "feels cood" 1 A wi 'thoi you walk across the m . 8ireot or ncross tho continent. 9 It's a shiner, a stayer, a soother. 9 A Costs money ? Of course not 4 as mucn us .you u mum, tuougn. i 0 Put one on and give its tongue a A flianco to talk. You'll do the A talking after you've worn a pair 9 and we'll sell a lot more. 0 J Joseph l?ctxcr9 J North Side Main Street. - 9 t 9 '' 4 4 4 4 f 4 t 4 f 4 ? 4 WHITEBREAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AM) ftl ItllLK STS., II. M. SOEXMCIISEN, .Manager. Largo Supplj' of all the BEST GRADES HARD 0AL SOFT Including: the Famous Missouri. Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always oi hand Also a quantity of cheeper (ir?dc oT NUT COAL. We aIo keep Oil hs.ul ? ! k :ds of Wood. A.'. or c'es rro.rp.'y tie ie jt'. Leave orocrs a; grocery s. ore of A. II. We. k'uach & Co. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines . '.'I we Invite our friends to look it over. V. wl! p-i'leiivor to please you. Call and see us. STRE1GHT C SATTLER, (Successors to lie&ry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOOTH. - NEB ..GO TO.. CLARK'S FOR Groceries AND Crockery A Doctor's Visit Is usually followed by a doctor's prescription, which is followed by a visit to our store. Our Dame is a syno nym in Plattsmouth for filling physi cians' prescriptions with scrupulous care and promptness, using: nothing cut the purest, freshest drugs, and charging a reasonable pric. If any one can do any better let us know at once. F. G. FRICKE & CO., SOCTfl SIXTII STKEET. .Wright's Condensed Smoke for Smoking all Meats. Im parts a delicious flavor. K.eeps (Meat Sweet ana xree irom in sects. A 75 cent bottle will smoke 250 pounds. Sold by all Drutrirists. Made by E. H. WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb. For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. REV. O'NEAL'S LECTURE. TIIK HIKNCII KKVOM-'TIOS A II LY I1IS- tl ISSKI IIV TIIK hi K IKKIt. I.:ir(j-t Aiiili-i' Kver Amh-iiiI1-1 In the MethodlHt Church Mnt"nl to 111 (Intf rt-Htiui; lt'iurk. Dr. O'Neal delighted a crowd vl the M. F. church last evening with what mat fairly do considered the best lee turo ever delivered in this city. Mr. O'Neal is a scholirly gentleman of pleasing address and his ideas about Napoleon and his time were clothed in charming lunguago that never failed to interest tho splendid audi ence that had assembled to hear him. While the audience was largo, it seemed phlogmatic and cold, natu ally depressing to a speaker, but the lecturer took slight notice of this fact, and entertained the carping critics as woll as the cheery enthusiast. l'leawut liirthriay Celebration. As yesterday was the birthday an niversary of Miss Myrtle Gilson, a large party of her young friends gath ered at her home in the evening, dur ing her absence, and prepared to give that young lady a pleasant sur prise upon her return. The evening was spent in various amusements, such as dancing, games, etc., and a bounteous supper was also partaken of by the guests. Miss Gilson was voted as a good entertainer, and, be fore taking their departure,tho guests expressed their desire to see her en joy many occasions similar 1o that which had just been celobrated. Tho following wore among the guests: Misses Nellie Huberts, Stella Harrington, Ilattie Younker, Lillie Maospeaker, Alma Goes, Bertha Iihodo and Messrs. ClitT Tidd, Mike Lutz, Jim O'Neill, Gus Rhode, Elmer Younker, Charley Lutz, Herbert Sharp, Willie Hates, George Klinger, Ilarrj Manspeuker, Aug. Bach and Joho Michin. C ulinlia ne-K: ley . William Culinhane, assistant fore man of the sweet pickle department at Cudahy's, was married yesterday to Miss Itiley, a will known young woman of Plattsmouth, says the cor respondent of the South Omaha de partment of the Omaha Bee. In order show their appreciation of Mr. Culin hane, the employes in the different departments presented the groom with a number of valuable and useful presents. The sweet pickle depart ment contributed a handsome silver tea set, tho men in the dry salt cellar a set of fine parlor furniture, while from the hog -departments came a complete sot of Shakespeare's works and a pair of opera glisses. St. Jackson Day Kchoen It has leaked out that Prank Mor gan, John Gilmore, Uncle Jim Wal ker, and other members of the Platts mouth contingent who went to Om rha to attend the Jackson ian banquet did not fool away their timo listening to cheap oratory, while eating sand wiches at a dollar apiece. The boys had a better time and showed com mendable taste, which causes us to put a long mark to their credit. It is rumored that they looked in on the banquet board about 3 a. m., so as to truthfully say they had been there. Funeral of Airs. Ciebhardt. The funeral of Mrs. Gebhardt look place this forenoon from the residence of Fred Stadelman, brother of the de ceased. A large concourse of early friends were in attendance. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, I Lucas County, ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said linn will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrh Cure. hRAXK J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this Itiih day ol December. A. 1. lsl.. A. V Ul-EASON. Seal) Notary I'ublic. Hall's Catarrh Citre is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces ol the svsteni. Send tor .estimonials. free. F. . Cheney & Co.. Trledo. O. fi?Sold by drugg;s.s 75c. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best niedcine for res ting the tired out nervous system to t healthy visror is Eleeiric B'tters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the ne-ve cen ters in the stomach, gently sucri'lates the Liver and Kidneys, and a'ds these organs in throwing off impj'-ilies in the blood. Electric Dilters a'ds di gestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 2 l'e:rl Steam Laundry. B. F.Goodman h::s his new laundry fully equipped with" latest devices, novv in running oricr, and asks a share of you- tiatro'iaire. His work is h's best r-.d vertiseuaem, and i' you try the rew 'ajrdry there v.-ui be 1:0 longe- any ecuse 'or seodingagoods away. Nothing loo good for our patrons !s our motto. Work called for and delivered. Oy stern und Lunch. Oyster9 in every style, and nice lunch at Ilolloways. in Fitzgerald block Sahl's old stand. Choice Hay. C. Shollz, the Sixth street Hour and feed merchant, his just received a car of nice upland hay. It will pay those in need of good hay to give him a call. CAREER OF A PRINTING PRESS IlUtory r the lrrn I'mI In the OIl lleralil Ofllce For Many Yearn. J. W. Cox, Hank Hubbard and L. C. Todd wero last week called upon to pay a $.00 note, which they had guaranteed in payment for the print ing pr ess, bought several years ago, by H. G. It ice, at the timo editor ana publi-hor of tho Eagle. L. G. Todd furnished the money and took a mort gage on the press, with the above named gentlemen and some others ua signers to tho note. There was never any payments made on tho note, and when tho Kagie suspended publication Mr. Todd took possession of the press tnd sold it to Ed Greenfield, who printed the Regu lator on it during its life of a few months. The pi ess was then movoo" to Plattsmouth and sold to G. F. S Burton, publisher of the Tribune, but like Greenfield and Itaco, Burton made no payment on tho old 'Fair haven." When Harry Connor came hero in 18'.J(5 to build up the populist party in this county, ho bougi.. the press of Mr. Todd und moved it back -to Weeping Water, and used it in publishing the Silver Blade during its short life, but as usual in the sale of this unlucky piece of property, Mr. Todd did not, get any cash, and he in formed us some time ago that he had never received a dollar in pay ment on tho press from any of tho numerous purchasers. Thero were other signatures on tho note, but somo of tho parties had left here, and others were rot worth it, so tho three mentioned had to p y tlu debt, and they have our sympathy. This press was ustd for about twenty-live years in tho Plattsmouth Herald otliee before it was bought by H. G. Pace. Weeping Water Republican. A Lively Trial. Waldemar BecK is a tetter violinist than lawyer, as was made evident in Justice Archer's court this morning. Waldemar sued Bucic Neligh for $13, which he claimed was owing him for giving defendant's boy music lessons. Buck and his wife appeared for the defense and Waldemar for the plain tiff. The game soon opened with Waldemar at the bat. He hadn't eached first base when Buck Neligh and his wife, in stentorian tones, ruled him off the track. They took the Uoor and roasted the plaintiff until the stir got blue and the urbane jus tice longed for the old-time quiet of his early home at Rock Bluffs. The atmosphere kept getting hotter for the plaintiff until his claim shrunk Irom $13 to $4, and the plaintiff agreed to accept that amount in full for his services glad at the same time to escape alive. Household (hiiIs. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates wero the gods who at tended to the welfaro and pr osperity of the family. They were worshipped 1 as household god of today is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of thi oat. client and lungs it is invalu able. Jt has b?en ttied for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure or money returned. No household should bj without this good angel. It is pie isant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial I'otiles at F. G. Ericke & Co's. Regu lar size due and $1. Hard a ml o ft Coal . John Wate'iiian is sole agent for I'.io faiiii i' Mcnc'ot.i so't coal. AUol carries the i.e-l grades of hard coal, wool, ! umber, laths, shingle?. lime, cement, etc. Jf you i e going to Oui.d, iiwill pay you ioscu Water man. Onico at the rear of Water man block on Ei'ili street. Try Urain-O! Try ;raiti-0! Ask your grocer today to show you a package of Crain-O, the new feed drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as we'l'as the adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich brown seal of Moeha and Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the mosi delicate slomach receives it with out distress. One-half the price of coffee; 15 and 2-5e. per package. Sold bv all grocers. A I lioice liraud. The Clover Leaf brand of flour on sale by F. S. White ai U manufactured by the new Weeping V.'aier Mi iing company Iscxtranlce. Call r.t White's and leave your order for a sack of it and after trial you will use no other ew Livery Srable-. Herring c Monk of II iraburg, I t., have leased the Homier barn on Vine street and make a specialty of board ing hordes by week o month. F irm er's learns well catvrt for, good livery ris also kept, your patronage soli cited. Hei:i:i.g& Moxk, Co'-f er Vit.o and 4th St. Cheap Kates to Omaha. The B. & M. will sell tickets to Om aha on account of the ice carnival, January 18 and 19, good for return January 0, for GO cents for the round trip. W. L. Pickktt, Agent. Annual Meeting;. The annual meelirg of the Plaits mouth Brick &. Terra Cotta Manufac turing Co. will be held at tho office of T. II. Pollock on Friday, January 28, 1898, at 7:30 p. m. T. II. Pollock, Sec'y. TO CL'KK A COLD. IX OXK DAY Take Laxative Bi omo Quinine Tao'.ets. Ail d rugists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2-"c. Iturliugtou Itoute California KkcuthIoiih Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leavo Plattsmouth 3:43 p. in., every Thurs day in clean, modern, i.ot crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over tho Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Luke City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have t-pr'ng seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother ab iut baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make tho ove-land trip a delightful ex perieuce. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $-5. For folder giving fall information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, Coming Monday Xiht. Burns & Nina's great specialty com pany will be at White's opera house Monday evening with a good troupe and a fine program containing many specialties. The company has been playing to crowded houses, and no doubt tho hall here will bo filled. Prices have been reduced to 25 cents for evory part of the house. IloincHeekeris' Kxcurnons. Ilomoaeekers excursion tickets will bo sold on January 4 and 8, February 1 and 15, March 1 and lo.via Missouri Pacific railway to all points in Arkan sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2. Eor particulars call at M. P. office. C. F. Stoctkn'I'.okouuii, Agt. Crystal inni; lairy. Milk, as pure as goid fom the "Klondike," delivered to any part of the city. Sat's'i'Ci ion guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at News office, or at Bennett & Tuit's g ocr-'-v sioi e. ;. il. Eimiei:, Prop. Fancy Uread, Cakes, Htc. Hollowa3'3 are headquarters for fine bread, cakes and everything usually kept in a first-class bakery. Alsocan d es. nuts, etc. Give thein a call Eitzierald block, at Sihl's old stand. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, III., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by useing DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little piMs for a'l stomach and liver troubles. P. G. Frii-ke & Co. eTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI'-S I WANTS 3 e 3 special notices under this head will be ch.iren for at tlie rjvte of cent per word tiii')i ! nsertion . ) I-OU UK XT. JOK KENT A 4-ronm hnuse with stable, per month. ICnquire oi J. C. Peterson. ;OI KENT S:.-rooni house in good repair, centrally located. per month. ICnquiie ol C 1'eierson. KOI! SAI.K. ;OK S.Lt. A lur.-e. to be moved away, l'lu qi lie ol T. II. 1'oiiock. FOR SALE A family carriage, as goo, I as new, at ha It price. Enquire oi J.C 1 eiersjn' trA Acre firm one-hall mile 'roin Mynard. IOU i-p.encud land. Good bai. dings. Price S-im per acre. 1KflACre 'arnl- fllr n.i'es west of Mynard. lUvl Nine room house. Oood land, lunning v.aier. Price $10 per acre. A neat 5-room cottage; good location; cistern and city water. Sli U. 3 Acres: a!i in frait. Splc-ndid six-room cottage. Near shops. Price s.. 4 Room house and good barn. Two large lots. O f Acre" farm. Otoe countv. Good land and OU good buildings, Price siS.-'oo. LOTS of bargains in city property and acre tracts. T. 11. POLLOCK. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Over First National bank, P. a tsmouth. Neb. M ISCELLAXEOCS. SEWING Ail kli:ds of niala and fancy -ewing. i'i e-s.nak;r j. repainn; ol scuts and boys' tuiiiics dore ?t the rooms oi Nl is. Oi ilia Sher man, over Uoates" hardware store, 41S Main sir jet. LOUND Some money. Owner will please call at News office. w ANTED A good irl for general housework. S3 p jc week. Enquire at tne News oiiice. WANTED Active. ober and trustworthy man to travel thr'i.icrh this fection. Sa'ary $." a month, payr-lre weekly, and expenses: spiend'd o.p .rtavwy. AcMross SHEPL company, 1020 Chestnut sireet, i'i ilaJelph'a. Pa. Dr, Alfred Shipmati, SPECIALIST, Eye, Ear and Glironic DISEASES, Office 511 Main St., Leonard Bldg. Hours: 9 a. m. to S p. in.. Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Accurately fitt.-d. eyes tested free by new and improv ed method . Consultation m ai chrome: wcred. Ur. refers with pleasure to thousands oi patients in Nebraska. Plattsmoltit, Neb.. Oct. 1, isj7. Dr. Sh'ptrsan Iear sit: I g'?i!y endorse your method oi rut Ir:;; g'use. Ti e prescrip t:on bl-ioca's vov. ha i rovnd for mc renders both near and distant v.s on per'ect. E. L. Ebersole. I was severe'? afflicted w'th blee J:n pi'es: be came co ntek !ro-n loss a blood that I cou'd not attend ta n?y b-'ine-s. J had ti ed many reme dies' and receive-!: no bere i. Al:er ;.-." tr-cat-n-.ert ol Dr. Mipman 1 an eotlrc'v well. It been five years since I was trea-ed' bv h'm. II. C. Mc.xIaken. Four years ?io I cor'ractci a evere cae of catarrh: several specsalits :1 ed to he p me. Dr. Shipniin cured me rr;:h pie..ant remedies, and there has be;a no retarn c I thedt-eae. Alvina li. Johnson. - frl . tunMr..i , f WILD.. oo WITH ExGitement ! Plattsmouth in a Fever of Ex citement Over the Wonderful Cures Performed by Dr. Potter, the The Deaf Hade to Hear and the Lame to Walk. White's Opera House Packed. Nothing Like It Was Ever Seen in Platts mouth Before. Dr. Potter and stair of the medical institutes of Philadelphia and 'Craw fordsville, lad., lectured toi a litrge audience last niernt. The doctors are graceful and for cible speakers and held the large audience in close attention while they explained the theory and usefulness of their wonderful discoveries. Many promiseswere made which seemed im possible to believe, but when the doc tors invited those who were hard of hearing to come forward and bo cured Cade Rogers, J. W. Carroll and J. V. Harrington came up to the stage aad were made to hear a whisper in a few seconds. Toe doctors then culled for cripples on crutches. O. Guthmann, who had walked on crutches and canes for six years,bad a broken leg, after the leg healed, that giant disease, RHEUMA TISM, set in, was unable to walk except on canes and with pain and stiffness, went forward. He was operated on for twenty minutes with medicines and walked off home free from pain and stiffness. To say that the vast audience was astonished and wild would be putting it mildly. The doctors were warmly congratulated. It seems like a dream but it is real. Ministers and doctors were in tho audience and seemed as much pleased as any. They treat successfully the follow ing diseases: Big Neck, Bladder and Kidney diseases, Bowel complaint, Dropsy, Debility, Heart, Liver and Nerve diseases, Rheumatism, Scrof ula, Loss of Manly Vigor, all Female diseases, Sore Legs, all Eye and Ear diseases, all Throat and Lung dis eases, and all kinds of Chronic dis eases. Piles and Cancers cured without uje of knife. Office at Hotel Riley from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., this and next week daily. Consultation free. The treatment is medicine and skill. Will not visit any other town in the county. All wishing treatment mustcome to Plattsmouth. January 22 positively the last day in Plattsmouth. Hi WORKER With Blizzards Yet to Come REM EM HER WE ARE 11 EA I) OUARTEHS EOlt I warm D By watchfulness on our part we made an extra good deal on ..lrnllei Uoots.; Children's first quality, (J fleece lined 51 Misses' first quality, fleece lined Ladies' first quality, p--v fleece lined 0 Youth's lirot quality, mm fleece lined CALF. KIP AND GRAIN BOOTS FROM S1.50 UP. 1 ROBERT SHERWOOD, Hi iiiiiiii mm iej wwm Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. These are White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A select Ftock of Dry n tho arrived. If you want I he best for your F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. The Best Is Good Enough.. And that is whatyou will find atthe Hed bloom Pharmacy. Especial attention is paid to the prescription department, and the store having recently been restocked with pure drugs, and having in charge a competent pharmacist, you are running no risk. We also have a full stock of Paints and artists' materials: Tube Paints, Bronzes of all kinds, Brushes, Gold Leaf and Powder, Varnishes, Crayons in black and all the shades, artists spatulas, Plaques and Tiles for decorations. An examination of our stock will prove that the goods and prices are both correct. Give us a call. ? Hed bloom .. THE LEADERS .. IN THE GROCERY TRADE ' ARE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY car-y the largest and most complete line in Cass county. oEvery thiDg fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give- their custo mers the advantage of special discount". A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you ;can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see u. A. H. WECKBACH & SLIPPERS SHOES RUBBERS Felt Boots AND German Sox FOOT MILLINER. jra m mmwwmwwmimwmM Leaders at lat ;t styles for Fall and Wintei just money give us a trial. Plattsmouth, Neb. i 6 4 t 9 t 9 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 i 6 9 9 6 6 6 t 6 6 Pharmacy 6 6 GL, Waterman Blk.