Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 12, 1898, Image 4

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Aan Who Jumped His Bond Gives
Himself Up to the Officers.
Aft-r it Trip ut Si-K-ri Wt-k In the
South Jle Kturn to the Home of Hid
JtoixiNiiiMii, W. 11. Long A I'lutta.
moiilli lloy Arrmlfil at Council Itluffn
Other New of the lay.
James MiCornb was bound over to
district court n-iveril monthn apo,
clinrgod witn t-honii rig John Iloiit with
inleni lo kill. V. 15. Loii.', for wlioin
McCoinb hud wor ke I, went on his
bond. Tho lirst of tho l;it term
of v..juvi L unci McCouib were at
eu'ie but I ho next day MrComb
quietly di.-apjuai od nnd no tidings of
him were had until ho walked into
Long's residence Siturday evening
and gave-himself up.
lie did not have much to say except
that ho had been (south and had con
cluded that he wanted to bee what had
happ.ned lo Long and camu up for
that purpose. lie offered to stay
around urnil court opened in March if
Loiitr would remain on li is bond, but
Mr. Lorn; hii.d Iju had been worried
oiiou'h, t-o bo junt brought the fellow
in today and turned nun over to
County Attorney Graves, who put him
in the hards of the sheriff. He will
no doubt bo sent to jail where he will
remain until his case is called the
lat of March.
The olllcers were hard after him
and tie would probably have been cap
tured very s.ion anyway had ho not
given himself up, as postals with his
picture on them had been sent all
over the country.
A lMt tsinou I h ISojf.
A boy was arrested in Council Bluffs
this morn insr who gave his name a9
Auolph Khode. Ho claimed to have
ran away from home. Tho chief of
police telephoned Sheriff Wheeler
here, but a vigorous search showed no
such boy was out of town. It turned
out th.'st Henry Kotmann was missing,
he having been sent to Denison, la.,
on a visit. The boy's father could not
jKiy his expenses home, so -the
sheriff instructed the authorities to
turn tho boy loose. If he wants to
come home, the walking is as good
one way as the other.
Work On tlitt Itiver.
Bridge Foreman Wi odring of Lin
coln is looking after the matting work
on the east side of the river, and is
kept quite busy securing plenty of
small willows. He has cleared oat all
obtainable down this way nud is get
ting tlieiii now L'bi.ui liv. miles ab ve
Li il'iatto near the mouih of ihe t'apio.
They are then loaded on Hat cars and
hauled to the east side track. Part
of the runt has been completed and
the rock is being placed on it prepara
tory to sinking it to its place as a lin
ing to the river bank, which will stop
its washing very effectually.
The wit.ow mat weavers who came
here from llulo are busy on one end
of tho mat, and with favorable weather
hope to finish their wot k in three or
four weeks. Quito a number of Piatts
mouth men are employed as teamsters
and helpers.
Elected Ollicers.
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance
comptny held their annual meeting
last Saturday, and elected the follow
ing officers:
Pre-i i.-nt J cob Trit-h.
V:C -i' e: J. II. IJ'-eker.
S.--- 'a .'. J i . F .-liter.
T-'s-ur--' A. A. S'-ii.o fer.
Direeior: J. Mei i t; er, C F.
Liu, John Albert, Louis Foltz, Albert
PaDpe, J. C. Hayes, J. H. liecker,
Ilenry Horn, M. L Fried ;-ich.
The company only had one $20 loss
during the year, and is in good finun
cial standing.
"My daughter, when recovering
from an att ick of fever, was a reat
sufferer from pain in the back and
hips," writi s Louden Grover, of Sarcis,
Ky, Afier using quite a number of
remedies without any benefit she trifd
one bottle of Chiimberlidn's Pain
I lm, and it has given entire relief."
C lamberlairrs Pain Balm is also a
cer .ain cure for rheumatism. Sold by
all druggist.
Among the student of the University
of Jena this winter are forty-two fe
males. According to the school census just
taken, there are in Philadelphia 196,
375 children of school age.
Governor Pingree of Michigan, in a
recent address to the Teachers' as
sociation of that state, advocated the
study of the Spanish language in the
public schools on the ground that most
of the commerce of this country would
soon be with South America.
The fiftieth anniversary of Girard
college took place last Tuesday.
When he died Girard was the richest
mau in America. His bequest to the
college was about $7,0C0,0C0. There
are now fourteen buildings, sixty-seven
professors and 1,000 students. The
present endowment is $20,000,000.
Running an electric car at an un
usually rapid rate over a much fre
quented crossing, when the usual rate
was from twelve lo fourteen miles per
hour, was held, in Evansville Street
Railway company ve. Gentry (Ind.,)
37 L. It. A. 378 to be such negligence
as constitutes little less than wanton
and reck ess disregard of human life
But it is held that some flight proof
nt least of a want of contributory
negjigence was required in case Df a
man killed by the car and found about
forty-five feet from the crosr-ing, at
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Smoko "Gut Heil" cigars.
Wurl BroH. "Gut Heil" cigars.
For firo insurance see Thrasher.
Try Wurl B o.-,'. "Gut Heil" cigars
Water company ollice open tonight.
Boys' axe, 75 cents, at Coates' hard
ware. Regular meeting the Mozart club to
night at Miss Ella Clark's at 7:30.
Mayor (Jutsehe has lately proven
thai he is no slouch us a poiico ofllcer.
Mis-Ethelyn Builamoro,of Kenosha,
Wis., is the guest of Mrs. C. A. U iwls.
A tine assortment of briar wood
and fancy pipes very cheap at Spies'
cigar store.
If. Spies carries a nice line of smoko
ing tobacco in addition to his make of
fine cigars.
A report from City Clork Kerr on
city linances would be very acceptable
abaut this time.
One Minute Cough Cure cures
quickly. That's what you want! F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Judge Ramsey is at Hay Springa on
a weeks' visit with his sister, Mis.
Belle Waterman.
Judge 11. W. Swearingen of Murray
was in town today and made TllK
News a pleasant visit.
Most nil the evils of the times come
from the east including tho foggy
weather of the past two days.
Citizens living on tho Iowa bottoms
i eport that tho ice bridge over the Big
Muddy is becoming very shaky.
The Turners have arranged to teach
a class of boys at their hall on Tues
day and Thursday nights of each
After a few days' viit with relatives,
Rush Fellows returned to his home in
Omaha via the Missouri Pacific today
at noon.
Tho nicest home-made bread
better will be delivered to any part
of the city. Leave orders with Mrs.
A new ferry boat is to be built for
the Plattsmouth ferry, lumber for its
construction having been procured in
town today.
Light 6now and easterly winds is
what Nebraska is promised today by
tho weather bureau, but so far the
snow fails to arrive.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes de
parted today on a bridal tour to west
ern N -brnska, where they will visit
sisters of the groom.
Col. W. L. Pickett looks like an of
ficer in tue Ru-pian army with his
new B. & M. uniform and official cap
on ready for action at the depot.
A", kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. A'l work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouih.
J. M. Craig is home from the Black
Bills for a months visit. His mining
properties are very promising and
the chances are he will soon develop
a valuable property.
That .. ark brown taste and horrid
brent h you have in the morning is
caueo hy an inactive liver. Some
nied 'ci nes relieve for a while; others
f yr a few days, but Heroine cures.
There's ro better flour made than
Relsel's" P'aos.'I'te manufactured
in mis city. Ask your grocc for it,
and thereby gel the best and sjo
n. I. a home Miuu-lry at the same time,
whicn bi' nplh.'towp.
Is you liver tired? Ooes ii fill to do
ddiy? If :-o, don't uetrieci its cnll for
he'p. A Jew doses of Heroine may
save you a sp-jll of sickness. Herbine
is the only pe- feet liver medicine. Ii
uies Ctiills and Fever. 75c.
Skate sale for three days. We will
sell our 75-cent skates for 05 cents;
The News ollice received over a ton
of white print paper yesterday direct
from the paper mill in A'isconsin.
$1.50 for $1.2-3, and our best $3 skate
Tor $2.50. Our 50-cent skate is the
best in town. Call and examine for
yourselves. W. W. Coates & Co.
The president today appointed
Charles V. Hay of Weeping Water as
postmaster at that place. Mr. Hay is
a brother of our efficient county re
corder," and his appointment cannot
help but give general satisfaction.
Prosperity comes quickest to the
man whose liver is ?n good condition.
ue witts untie iarty msers are
'amous little pills for constipntb
liousness, indigestion and all stom
ach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was
for thirty years needlessly tortured by
physicians for the cure of eczema. He
was quickly cured by using DeWiu's
Witch Hazet Saive the famous hea irg
salve for piles and skin diseases. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, I !.,
suffered for eight years from dyspepsia
and eh.-oine cousti palion and was
finally cured by useinsr DeWiit's
Luile Early Risers, the f;;mo is liuie
pi !s for a'i stomach and liver
F. G. Fricke & Co.
There is no remedy equal toHerbine
'or the euro of constipation, sick
headache, indigestion, vertigo, los? of
memoiy, uncertain appilite, un restful
s eep or skin erupt'ons, If you want
a perfect tor ic for the liver, UerbiDe
will not dis ippoint you.
Sheriff Wheeler arrested William
Magnev of Nehawka yesterday on the
complaint of Oila Kirkpatrick, for
- .uilawful selling of intoxicating
liquors. Maeney pptj bor d before
ihe county judge in the sum of $500,
until he can have a tearing.
The B. & M. section foreman at Ore
apolis caught two possums as!e?n in
We Guarantee to Cure THat
...Gold with...
Wild GHemj Compound
Only 25 and 50c.
M's. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O.,
says, ;tAfter two doctors gave up my
boy to die, I saved n;m frnru croup by
using One Minute Co'.igh Cure." it is
the quickest and mo-t certa-n remedy
for cough, colds ai d all throat atid
lung troubles. F. G. Fiicke&Co.
Mr-. .Mary B rd, Ilairisbu-g. Pa.
says, "My ch:ld is worth irilr'ons to
me; you I would have lost her oy ci'oup
had I not invested iwentylivo cents hi
a bottle of One M:nute Cou rh Cure."
It cures coug hs, colds a nd ail throat
and lung F. G. l ruko & Co.
It is easy to catch a cold ar.d just ar
ea sy to gel rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minnie Cough Cure.
It cures coughs, eo'ds, bronchitis,
pneumonia and all throat and lung
troubles.' It js pleasant to take, safe
to use and sure to cure. I G. Fricke
& Co.
Will Streight, Miss Amelia and
Matilda Vallery, II. R. Gering, Miss
Mia and. Barbara Gering, Mrs. T. P.
Livingston, Miss Wright, Miss Edna
Adams, Chas. Vallery and wife and
several others made up a theatre
party last evening which went to Om
aha to hoar E. H. Sothern.
Frank Claus, who has been in the
postoflice for the last four years and is
one of the steadiest, best boys in town,
has resigned his position to go into
the shops and learn a trade. He will
probably be succeeded by Monte
Streight, who gave the best of satis
faction when H. J. Streight was
The reading room folks are prepar
ing to give a first-class comedy in
about two weeks that will be put on
entirely by local talent. Those who
have attended rehearsals are loud in
their praise, and assure us that a
rare treat is in store for the public.
The program will be given soon, to
gether with other particulars.
Farmers living southwestof Murray
are reported to have lost quite a num
ber of cattle from their feed lots of
late, b"y an attack of what is called the
mac itch. One farmer lost some $300
worth in a few days. They bought
the cattle at the South Omaha stock
yards, and the belief is that the dis
ease was brought with the cattle.
liurlinstoii 0iite i Torn ti Excu lMiontt
Cheap, ou'ck, com'orlaole. Leave
PlatbSmou th 3:13 p. ra., eery Thurs
day in e'ean, modern, not crowded
tourist s'eepers. No transfers; cars
run '.ghl through to San Franc!sco
and Los Arge'es over the Scenic
Route through Denvc and Sail L ike
City. Cars carpeted: uobo'slerec
;n rattan: have speng seals and back
and are piov;ded wilh curtains, bed
ding, towel x, soap, etc. Uniformed
porieis and e;:per'enced excur.-.ion
conductors accompany each excursion,
re1 ioving passengers o all bo; her
about baggage, pointing out ooiects
of interest arid in many othei" ways
helping lo make the oveiland trip a
del ightf ul ex perience. Second c'ass
tickets are honored. Berths S-3.
For ro,uer
c ill at nca"
ticket olliee.
Gen. Passer; g
giving full i nforu?n t'on,
est B j : 11 ngto'i llouie
O" w ile to .1. Franc?
r Aa'enl. Omaha. Neb
Iloinewekern' Lirunuiis,
IIomeeekers excursion tickets will
be sold on January 4 and 8, February
1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sax, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stoutenhokougii, Agt.
Tho T. J. Soot society is making
great preparations for their sixth
annual mask ball to be criven at their
hall Sa'urday evening, January 15,
18'tS. Everybody is invited.
jpiWK; lli';
W F I i 1 " 'II. ;l 1 1 :'i
Water company's office open tonight'
Another Lecture.
The fifth lecture in the Epwotth
League course will be given at the
Methodist church Thursd iv evening
of ihis week ny Rev. II. II. O'Neal of
Champpign, III. The subject of the
lecture will be "The French Revolu
tion." No subject possesses keener
interest and gives such opportunities
for the gifted lecturer than this. Rev.
O'Neill filled the pulpit at the M. E.
church Sunday evening and every
one present was delighted with his
discourse. The League defrays all ex
penses, so that this lecture will be
given free.
What do the C'liiliireu Irink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Hve
you tried the new food drink ca;led
GRAIN-O? It is delictus and nour
ishing and takes the place or coflVc.
The more Grain-O you give the child
ren the more health you dist-ibute
through their systems. Grain-O is
made of pure grains, and when pro
perly prepared lasiea like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about i a
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and -5c.
Iiackleu'8 Aruica Salve.
The best salve in the wo-id 'or cut?.
bjrns, sores, u'cers, salt rheum, e
ver sores, tetter, chaopep hards, chil
blains, corns, ard all ski.i eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pav
required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or monev rer ended,
fyice 25 cents per box. Fo" sale by
F. G. Fr;c';e.
Beauty in a Laundry
Js something you wou'dn't expec
to find evervdav, bui you will Bad it
hereon every shi'-t, collar and cuiT
th it passes through our hands. We
engage none but t he most expert help,
and when your shirt front, co'Iaror
cull is tuineo out and sent nome, it is
a work of art in color, poish, stiffnes
ant! concilium. satisfaction is guar
anteed lo entrusting us with their
laundry work.
South Sixth St.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Z 22 23 2 2fj
.G;:rr;'T'. MM w
4 5 6 7 8
H 12 13 M 15
13 J9 20 1 22
25 26 27 28 29
Take Laxative Broino Qu inir e Ta o'e
A'l druti'sts refund the money if
fa : ;s to c u 'e. 2 "ii"-.
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed
Constantly on Hand.
One of those chances to 1 t; v Modish Ladies'
and Misses' outergrarments at about one-half
their former price, with about three months
of winter weather yet before us. From 33;
to 50 per cent discount on all Lr dies' and
Misses' Jackets, Collarettes, Feather Boas,
etc. It is our policy not to carry over from
season to season any floods in thjs depart
ment, and to accomplish this end will place
on sale our entire stock regardless of their
Ladies' Jackets, former price
Ladies' liussian, Hlouses, former price
Ladies' Jackets, former price
Ltiios' Jackets, former price
Ladies' Capes, former price
Ladies' Capes, former price
Ladies' Jackets, former n ice
Misses' Jackets, for. ner price
M isses' Jackets, former prie
Misses' Jacke' s, former price
Lacies' Collarettes, was
Lad ies' Col lare tes. was
Children's Eur Set, was
Children's Fnr Sets, was
Children's Fur Sets, was
JBlu 00 now $7 0
7 50
(i 00
o oo
3 50
15 00 now
12 00 now
10 00 r.ow
7 00 now
5 00 now
5 00 now
7 50 now
5 00 now
4 no no w
10 00 now
7 50 now
5 00 now
4 00 now
2 00 now
SiOO JJcjpnrtiiic tit
All Felt Shoes ai cT Slippers we will now
place on sale at on-Jiird off regular price.
Special lots of Ladies' and Children's Kid
Shoes we have taken from stock and placed
in lots to be closed out at one-third, and in
some instances one-half tlu-ir former sell in
Great nmn rv Sale?
Of Underwear, Blankets, Knit (loods and
at one-third of their former selling price.
The inducement is a saving of dollars and
cents, which will send a current of enthusiasm
through the mind of every shopper, and
should fill our aisles as they were during the
bus' holiday season. Regardless of thecosl,
the prices are fixed to move them rapidly.
This is the season of the year when
careful housewife thinks of replenishing
stock of Linens, Towels and Muslin
spring sewing. Our stock in this depart
ment is compL-Le and our prices will be found
low as hey can be sold anywhere.
Special Towel bargains: Four sample
lines of Linen towe lswhich we place on sale
at exactly wholesale cost.
All ov.r remaining slock of Flannelette
wrappers we will now close at cikI and less.
Come in an make selection before our limited
stock is broken.
505-507 MAIN STREET.
AVHKIU-: vol" can get
t'ure lm ported Wines and Whiskies
and ihr.tqt'een of al1 medi
cines Ma.' i-Nun ' 'e.
A my
Look before you Buy
And you won't frei, stunk either
on a pointed seal or inferior e.
which aie often offered as l):iri.a'ns iy
unprincip ed concerns. I'ltil Thieroi'
liK'de in the saLe. Also ewry Llttiicr to be
fot'nd'ii a lirsl-class Hardware Store at
prices wl'ich are ri'lit.
21 Inch Steel Air Tight SLove $4.50
A Fine Russia Air Tight Siove $5.50
24 Inch Steel Air Tight SLove $5.00
24 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove $6.00
25 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove $6. 50
2S Inch Russia Air TightStove $7.50
don'l want von to
pattvin'ze l lie in
once, they want yon" pui'ehases to i'e
a samnle of the quaUiy you w''l
alw'aj's find in their stoe. H you
want to be ju?l to yoti.'sel.. e.;i'V"R'
on'' w'nes and i'qeors . be'o-'e goi tl'
eUevhe'e. You will thank us
this t:o.
Rates SI and $1.50 per Day
CentrR'.ly Located ano Com
fort ablv Fu.'nisheo.
which ho had stepped from another hi3 hennery a few weeks ago which
were captured and taken to the tele
graph office. Joe Neeligh adopted
them at once and thay are now a9
docile and tame as house cats.
4JBe2opHop a friehd of the family.
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Reading Rooms and Disp. isary,
Drue liiiildiu'jr, rial Kinoi Hi, Nth.
Open iron: li. a. m. 1 5 ." p. :n. and . .0 'J p.
m. Serv've ca : H.ndny. II a. in.
If-: 1 -.. - ,ir.-t - - t i
O EST -is-i fo- We I I in-'
ID .
W. D. JONES...
Oiss County's
Idest : Liveryman,
Fun-ra! o- Plen-uve
Terms "e.'.ror.a'ile. C.i
CTcaiifo. tnd lKautiiie the biur.
Promote, m loxuriant erowth.
Never Fails to Bestore Gray
Hair to us Youthful Co. or.
Cures !-aip rt S hair fining.
iVK-.ti-l 1 ...f t rii?rH'!
For Sale bv SMITH & I'ARMELE.
A new and useful device which everv faml'y
will buy. is sold only thrcmsrh local agent. Svi.p e
and strong; can be put up anv'iere: secure v
hold-, rone or wire: instant ad)u;nient and re
moval of I ne; no props needed. .Sells on s g i:t.
Popular price. Ajients wanted eeryvliere- 1.x
clusive territory. Attracthe tern.s. Pren.iiiiiis
and profit-sharing. Anyone may become agent.
Sample pair, by mail. c.
58 l-ocust St.. Philadelphia.
.-rdo. t ) nroini.t' v.
'-.'itcs Telepriino 7-.
N. I. W. D. Jones aucrior.eer all
disposed oT
1 1 - e i . o-der&
kinds of goods and 'rtn stock
Zuchre er &
Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.