THE BRAVE flRE LftDDlES MEETING Among Other Business They Elect Officers for the Year. All OllW;em Kxrept Vice President Klected by Acclamation Argument In the Thompson Cane Heard Last Evening CommiMlnncn Wrestling With a Kogd Squabble Other New. From Wednesday's Daily. The Plattsmouth firemen hold a special meeting' last evening in the police judge's ofllce for the purpose of e'octing now oflicers for the ensuinpr year. After the various officers had boon solectod. Secretary Miller road a communication calling attention to the next annual state meeting of fire men at Kearney, to bo hold on Janu ary 18. It was decided that thoae who wished to go to Kearney as delepates from Plaltsmoulh could do so by mak ing application to President F. A. Murphy, who will supply them with credentials. Tho list of ollicers elected were as follows: President F. A. Murphy. Vice-Ptesident Phil. Thierolf. Chief John Murray. Asst. Chief Itobt. Hayes. Secretary-Treasurer Chas. Miller. Argued fur a New Trial. Attorney J. VV. Orr's argument in favor of a new trial in the Thompson- Missouri Pacific caso last evening be fore Judge Ramsey showed a thor ough knowledge of the case and amounted to an invincible array of facts and logical deductions there from, Mr. Gering fairly conceded that a new trial should be given when he remarked to the court in closing that if tho verdict was to be set aside he would ask for permission to amend his papers. Quite a crowd of attorneys and citizens from about town were present and listened with much interest to the argument of the motion. Judero Ramsey reserved his decision in the matter until January 22. Squabble Over a Koad. The commissioners are wrestling with a Rock Bluffs road squabble to day that is of considerable local in terest. The road runs through Tom Sullivans farm and was granted once, then the action of the board was re scinded and now there is a red-hot kick on account of the rescision. BRIEFLY TOLD. INFORMATION AM) OPINIONS. A silver dollar coined in 1804 was discovered at Chauteau, Mont., last week. It is valued at $10,000. Only four of these dollars were coined, which accounts for them being so valuable. The heavy shipments of new ties. commenced by the Burlington last August, still continues, sa3's the State Journal. Since that date over 2,000 cava have been checked into Lincoln at the office of Storekeeper Waterman The ties are cut in Arkansas and are of the hard oak variety. Burlington officials state that these he ivy tie shipments do not mean that any ex tensions will follow. They will be forwarded to various points along the line for use in keeping the roadbed in the usual first class condition. The meeting of the Nebraska state press association has been postponed to January 25-26, for the convenience of the craft. E. II. Ileitzhausen is in receipt of the New Year's edition of the Port land Oregonian, a daily paper,contain ing sixty pages of the most interest ing news matter we remember to have seen. It devotes much space to the Yukon and Klondikye country, and is calculated to give a fellow a severe attack of Klondyke fever if he reads all that is said about that marvelous country. The plague at Bombay, India, is killing people by the hundreds and almost a panic exists. Iariiamentary Uamor. The London World gives this as an illustration of the keen humor of Jus tice Darling: On one occasion, when Mr. Gladstone was beginning to give np the lead in the house of commons to Bir William Harcourt, it was noticed by the members that he left the house at the dinner hour and Sir William Harcourt led for the rest of the sitting Mr. Darling one evening drove Sir Wil liam to fury, on failing to elicit a defi nite answer to an inquiry, by casually observing in the course of his speech, "I have noticed that lately the party opposite, adopting an ancient precedent, Aas set up a greater light to rule the Jay and a lesser light to rule the night. " ' "Tennyson and fiirds Agnes Weld, a niece of Tennyson, speaks thus of the poet in The Contem porary Review: "Much as Tennyson no ticed every individual tree and plant, bird life had a still greater attraction for him. lie was much touched by the fact that the caged linnet loses the red plumage from its head and breast at the first molt after its captivity, and never regains them, and he thought of devoting a whole poem to the deep yearning for liberty of which this was the sign and type. And one reason he climbed almost daily, when at Fresh water, to the summit of the Beacon down was because he loved to watch the wild, free flight of the sea gulls cir cling around its lofty cliffs." Contrary Infant. - "My wife couldn't go to the concert last night because the baby threatened to have croup. " "That was too bad." "Yes, and now she is hopping mad because the baby didn't have croup after all. " Chicago News. English farmers, who know it is xgaiust the law to use ferrets to drive out rabbits, place in the burrow a rub ber hose with a tin horn on the end in serted. Then they blow the horn, and aunny comes out in quick order. C A. Marshall, Dentist. Smoke "Gut f foil" cigars. Wurl Bros. "Gut licit" cigars. For firo icsuranco see Thrahher. Try Wurl Bros'. "Gut Ileil" cigars Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for paiDloss dentistry. A fine annortment of briar wood and fancy pi pes very cheap at Spies' cigar store. II. Spies carries a nice line of smoke ing tobacco in addition to his make of fino cigars. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you want! F. G. Fricke & Co. Fred Stadelman is here frotn Chi cago and wtll tend bar for his brother-in-law, Mark White. W. A. Urwin, James Ingram of N uckoIs count v and Jack Urwin are in town from Louisville today. Merrit Kerr arrived homo this morning from a visit to Ithica, where he attended the wedding of his cousin. The Tumors have arranged to teach a class of boys at their hall on Tues day and Thursday nights of each week. Joe Roberts was in town yesterday from South Omaha looking after a road through his place down at Rock Bluffs. Rush Fellows of Omaha, tho old time Plattsmouth printer, is In the city visiting his sister, Mrs. VV. L. Wells. Tho nicest home-made bread none better will bo delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders with Mrs. Morning. A large party of young people wore enjoying a ekate on the Missouri op posite the depot last evening. The ice was very smooth. All kinds of jewelry, clocks and watches promptly repaired. All work warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth. Now is the time to plant your adver tisements and lot the people know that you did not die with tho old year or have not gone out of business. The T. J. Sokol society is making great preparations for their sixth annual mask ball to be given at their hall Saturday evening, January 15, 1S'J8. Everybody i3 invited. That dark brown taste and horrid breath you have in the morning l caused by an inactive liver. Sum medicines relieve for a while; others for a few days, but Herbine cures. There's no better flour made than Heisel's" Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it. and thereby get the best and sup port a home industry at the same time, which builds up the town. Is your liver tired? does it fail to do dutvV If so, don't neglect its call for help. A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness. Herbine is the onl v perfect liver medicine. It cures Chills and Fever. 75c. Prosperitv comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition De Witt's Uittle n.ariy ltisers are famous little pills for constipation biliousness, inaigostion and all stom ach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salvo the famous healing salve for piles ana skin diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by useing DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. There is no remedy equal to Herbine for the cure of constipation, sick headache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of memory, uncertain appitite, unrestful sleep or skin eruptions, If you want a perfect tonic for the liver, Herbine will not disappoint you. Tom Urwin of Louisville is in the city today on business connected with the settlement of his father's estate. Mr. Urwin and wife are the parents of twenty children, no twins, the most of whom are living, while Mr. and Mrs. Urwin both look young. John Sattler was dresed up like he was going to a wedding yesterday,and as he walked gaily down toward the court house some one enquired what was the matter. "I am going to be installed," replied the coronor-elect, j as he hurried on to be sworn in. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, "Alter two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him frnm croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and moft certain remedy for coughs, colus and all throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Ms. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Ta. says, "My child is worth millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had I not invested twenty five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and ail throat and lune troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. A marriage license was issued today n county court to Henry H. Ossenkop, aired twontv-two. and Miss Lilla Lu- ella Ackles, aged eighteen, both of Louisville. Walter A. Hardcock, aged twenty-two, and Miss Kate Bird, aged twenty-one, of Avoca, were also granted a permit to wed. We Guarantee to Gure THat ...Gold WItli... SYRUPY TAR Wild GHerry Compound Only 25 and 50c. GERING & CO. liurlington Koute California Kxurionn Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, toap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers o; all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perience. Second class tickets are honored. Ilerths $5. For foider giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket .office, or write to J. Francis. Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb Kloiitfyke. What does it cost to get there 'i When and how should one go ? What stiould one take? Where are the mines ? How much have they pro duced ? Is work plentiful ? What wages are paid V Is living expensive? What are one's chances of "making a sriKe?" Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will be found in the liurli ngton route's"Klon- dyke Folder," now ready for distribu tion. Sixteen pages of pratical infor mation and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondyke. Free at Burlington route ticket offices or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agt. Burlington route, Omaha, Neb. I'earl Steam Laundry. B. F. Goodnan has his new laundry fully equipped with latest devices, now in running order, and asks aj share of your patronage. His work i his best advertisement, nod if you try the new laundry there wnl be no longer any excuse for sendingogoods away. Nothing too good for oui patrons 13 our motto. Work called for and delivered. We Have Just Received ..A Full Line of.. nv ALE5 k Hjm MBmMm 21 22 23 24 251 -'.If!!!!! f 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 13 V 5 17 10 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 3i T "11 SALE IN EARLY JANUARY. x ltnrc Olisnica One of those chances to Imy Modish Ladies' and Misses' outenrarnients at a 1 unit one-half liniiril their former price, with about three months il 1 fl II III 0 winter weather yet before us. From 33;, ! if If H K I to 50 per cent discount on all Ladies' ami ill 1 1 111 IL Misscs' Jackets, Collarettes, Feather lioas, II till- ec js our p(,ijcv 11(t to carry over from Shoes we have taken from stock and placed in lots to he closed out at one-third, and in some instances one-hall their price. former selling CONSISTING OF Dinner Sets Chamber Sets A 1 f - 1 . 1 x- . Anua iuu siock oi vv nite anu ueco- rated Graniteware. If you need : Hanging : Lamp, BOUQUET LAMP, Or a lamp of any kind, you will find a large assortment at our store. Hav ing purchased all of our ware before the late advance we can make very reasonable prices. season to season any yoods in this depart ment, and to accomplish this end will place on sale our entire stock regardless ol their cost. Ladies' Jackets, former .ji-ice $!." 00 now $7 50 Ladies' Russian, Blouses, former price. h 00 now 7 50 Ladies' Jiickeis, former price VI 00 now (i 00 Ladies' Jacket?, former price 10 00 now 5 00 Ladies' Capes, former price 7 00 now 'A 50 Ladies' Capes, former price 5 00 now '1 50 Ladies Jackets, former price 5 Ot) now Z ;0 Misses' Jackets, former price 7 50 now I 75 M isses' Jackets, former price 5 00 now - 50 Misses' Jackets, former price 4 00 now 1 00 Ladies' Collarettes, was 10 0 ) now 5 :0 Ladies' Collarettes, was 7 50 now 75 Children's Fur Sets, was 5 00 now 2 50 Children's Fnr Sols, w;is 00 now 2 (') Children's Fur Sets, was 2 00 now 1 00 S h o c l)c pnrtiiMjn t All Kelt Shoes and Slippers we will now place on sale at one-third oil regular price. Special lots of Ladies' and Children's Kid Circuit Jij UJITY c? Of Underwear, Blankets, Knit (loods and :it one -third of their former selling price. The inducement is a saving of dollars and cents, which will send a current of enthusiasm through the mind of every shopper, and should fill our aisles as they were during the busy holiday season. Keyardless of the cost, the prices are iixed to move them rapidly. This is the season of the year when the careful housewife thinks of replenishing her stock of Linens, Towels and Muslin for spring sewing. Our stock in this depart ment is complete and our prices will be found low as the' can be sold anywhere. Special Towel bargains: Four sample lines of Linen towels which we place on sale at exactly wholesale cost. All our remaining stock of Flannelette wrappers we will now close at cost and less. Come in an make selection before our limited stock is broken. HBBOLD & SON A New "Gibson Girl." A new "Gibson Girl," drawn by the famous society artist, C. D. Gibson will make her debut in print as the cover design for the February Ladies tlome journal, me new girl" is the artist's own little daughter, who at one year of age, will be shown as drawn by her clever father. The le gend under the picture is "My Valen tine." Huoklen'8 Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep.hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Pyice 25 cents per box. For 6ale by F. G. Fricke. Cass County .Dairy. K. F. Dem has again taken charge of the Cass County Dairy and will be pleased to serve his old customers and also others desiring- pure mil. He will also furnish cream and butter milk when desired. Your patronage s solicited. Try Grain-O! Try Grain-U! Ask your grocer today to show you package of Grain-O, the new feod drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in- ury as well as the adult. All who cry it, like it. Grain-O has that rich brown seal of Mocha and Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate.stomach receives it with out distress. One-half the price of coffee; 15 and 25c. per package. Sold by all grocers. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. 505-507 MAIN STREET. THE GROCERS. 1 The Casino Saloon WHERE YOU CAN GUT THE FAMOUS ANHEUSER-BUSCH BOTTLED BEER BY THE CASE. l'ure Imported Wines and Whiskies and that queen of all medi- PATRONIZE : HOME : INDUSTRIES. cine -Ma! t-Xutrine. 1 A K c COPYRIGHT 1807 Beauty itt a Laundry Is something you wouldn't expec to find every day, but you will find it here on every shirt.' collar and cuff that passes through our hands. We engage none but the mostexpert help. and when your shirt front, collar or cuff is turned out and sent Dome, it is a work of art in color,' poish, stiffness and condition. Satisfaction is guar anteed to entrusting us with their laundry work. lllli GEORGE K. STAATS, South Sixth St. fHE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Look before you Buy And you won't get stuck either on a painted seat or. inferior liquo-s, which are often offered as bargains bv unprincip ed concerns. Phil Thierolf don't want you to patronize them once, they want oui- purchases 10 ie a samde of the quality you will always tind in their store. If you want to be just to yourself, examine our wines and liquors before1 goi nc elsewhere. You will thank us for this tip. 4 2 Bi AlRD.GHTr, GET THE BEST... THE CHEAPEST... THE ONLY... AIR-TIGHT STOVE made in the state. Also everything to be foundin a first-class Hardware Store at prices which are riht. 21 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove A Fine Russia Air Tight Stove 24 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove 24 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove 28 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove 28 Inch Russia Air TightStove- -$4.50 -$5.50 -$5.00 -$6.00 -$6.50 -$7.50 THESE PRICES CAN'T DE HEAT IN OMAHA Oil ANYWHERE ELSE Rates Si and $1.50 per Day Centrall3' Located and Com fortably Furnished. PL TTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA COUCHS. ASTHMA. Do not neglect Coneh Foley's Honey and or Cold, as delays are of- Ta r is guaranteed to give en dangerous. Foley's prompt relief In all cases Honey and Tarisa of Asthma. Do not claw pleasant, aafe and rare this with other medicine care. Contains no opiates that hns failed to give and is guaranteed. you relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley's Honey and If yon have had the Grip Tar does not hold ont yon probably need a re- fnlse hopes in advanced ' liable medicine like Fo- stagea,bnt claims to give ley's Honey and Tar relief in the very worst to heal yonr lungs and cases, and in early stages stop the racking cough to effeot a core. incidental to this diseasr CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thousands of infants Dr. J. C Bishop, of As- and children die yearly new, Mich., says: "I have of Croup, every one of nsed Foley's Honey these innocents could and Tar in three very have been saved had Fo- severe cases of Fnenmo- ley'3 Honey and Tar nla the past month, with bean given them in time. good results." For Sale bv SMITH & PARMELE. PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor. CHRISTIAN SCCENCE Reading Rooms and Disp isary, Drue Iluilding-, IMattsmoi Hi, Nob. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday, 11 a. m. S. B. HALL & SON,. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. W. D. JONES... C:i s .s Co u ii ty 'vS Idest : Liveryman 618 MAIN STREET. STILL, IN BUSINESS. 1 EST rijr for AVedd in jrs, Funerals or Pleasure Parties, etc Telephone 7t N&W : ADVERTISEMENTS. ;w J DICER'S HAIR BALSAM : -A fTlfori.- a wt rsrautitica the hair. E Promote a luxuriant frrowtn. ver Fails to Kestore Gray Flair to its Youthful Color. Cures eraip l ' & hair laiucg. 5"c. end '"at JV-'r,-?:?s attended to promptly. rates N. f$. W. D. Jones auctioneer all disposed of Hack orders CallancL trei Terms reasonable. Casn preferred. kinds of good and form tttnek Hold-Fast CLOTHES LINE HANGER. A new and useful device which every family will bu v. is sold onlv through local aeents. Simnie and strong; can be put up anywhere: securely holds rone or wire: instant adjustment and re moval of line; no props needed. Sells on sight. Popular price. Agents wanted everywhere. Ex clusive territory. Attractive terms. Premiums and proht-sharine. Anyone mav become aireiit. Sample pair, by mail, 25c. KELSO NOVELTY CO., Locust St.. Philadelphia. Zuckweiler S Lutz Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.