Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 08, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi Weekly News-Herald
... By THE . . .
One Year, in advance, 95 00
Six Months 2 50
mo Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Mil. Lett Kit of Chicago is Dot look
ing on the European war cloud with
any senso of dismay or alarm. Ho
owns about eight million bushels of
That Mexican gunboat Democrats
should not have run down our flag,
sajs the Phildelphia Times. It's bad
enough to remember another demo
crat now in Mexico wanted to lower
tho standard.
ItYltAN was banqueted last evening
by his Lincoln admirers on his return
homo from Mexico. Goorge Prod
Williams, the misfit statesman from
Massachusetts, was the only promi
nent attendant from abroad.
Nehuaska must have more beet
sugar factories. Had the republican
bounty been left alone, at least ten
million dollars would have been
brought to this state and invested in
these valuable industries. Defeat of
a republican legislature was a blow at
the whole state that did the harm.
AN Attorney who enjoys an abnor
inal development of the mouth and a
paucity of brains, should never allow
the former to expose the serious scar
city he suffers of the latter, yet that
is what occurred last 'evening at the
court house in the arguments of the
Thompson-Missouri Pacific railway
Senator Hanna lacks two votes
of having enough to make euro his re
election. The combine against himi
wide awake and with the state patron
ago to help out, it seems the growth
of Hanna sentiment is precarious
TLmnn, (irn-vcinr :ind ail tht oil M
Ki 1 t . t. r i. t ii ' .ii
and a b.ntlu will be waged uul.
tho first ballot is taken next Wedne:
John D. Rockefeller slipped
check for $200,000 into the Chicago
university stocking New Year's day
thus making the total income for the
university last year over $725,000. It
is said President Harper will endow a
new college to teach commercial busi
ness and politics. Too much attention
is give1" to politics now, but the idea
of a college professor thinking he can
teach politics is extremely ludicrou
If President Harper has more money
than he knows what to do with, we
suggest that ho give it to the poor.
unless he chooses to make laughing
stock of his institution by turning out
a few political graduates.
St. Jackson, one of the democratic
deities, is to have special honors
shown his memory on January 8 at
Omaha by the faithful residing in this
tart of the commonwealth. Jackson's
cannonization as a 6aint was brought
about on account of his coining the
famous sicnificant watchword, "To
the Victors Belong the Spoils," which
has endeared him for all time to the
democratic heart. Billy Bryan used
to be present and lend zest to these
feasts, but he has outgrown Omaha
and this year his chair will be vacant,
while he sheas the light of his coun
tenance on a larger and more dis
tinguished crowd than will gather
'round the banquet toa-ds in Omaha
G. M. Lambertson of Lincoln, who
seems to have an insatiable appetite
for public office, is in the field again
for presidential favors. Lambertson,
while never close enough to the
people to get or even deserve an elec
tion to -public office, yet he always
manages to pull a nice bunch of
shekels from the treasury by securing
a fat appointive office. During Harri
son's term he held a very lucrative
position in the treasury department,
and to republicans of Nebraska the
word now that McKinley is to give
him a good berth will not create any
enthusiasm in the ranks. Mr. Lam
bertion is a good lawyer and a good
citizen, but we see no reason why men
who are not so selfish should not be
remembered once in a while and give
the "chronics" a little rest from con
stant tugging at the public crib.
Mark Hanna learned yesterday
that the invincible might easily be
overthrown after all. We fear that
the talk about his ability as a mana
ger during the McKinley campaign
made the old man vain and he over
estimated his own ability. Be that,
as it may, it remains to be seen that
Kurtz, the Foraker organizer has out
maneuvered the Hanna forces at
eve y turn, and with a half dozen fol
lowers bi- i. 'is wrested tne senate and
house from tho followers of Hanna and
dictated the names of all officers from
speaker down. Mr. Hanna must now
pull off his coat and go to work if he
expects to recover from the stunning
blow dealt him by the Kurtz-Foraker
combine. The battle is not yet lost,
but tho first skirmish certainly gives
the anti-Hanna crowd many advan
tages. The fight will be watched
with keen interest from every state in
the union. Here's hoping you may
win Marcus, but you can't do bo by
underestimating what influence your
opponent possesses. 1
Secrotnry Gage could do nothing
bettor for tho country than to Insplro
confidence. As a practical man of af
fairs, viowing tho conditions from tho
standpoint of business experience, tho
secretary of tho trousury tolls tho
country that tho outlook for prosperity
is most encouraging, says the Boo.
His words of promise have in them
nothing doubtful or equivocal. They
are in tho spirit of a genuine and
judicious optimism. He sees things
as they are and forms logical conclu
sions. Measuring with practical
judgment what was accomplished in
the last year for tho advancement of
tho general prosperity and for the
progress of the country toward the goal
of financial independence, Mr. Gaye
looks to the future with serene ana
unquestioning confidence. Ho sees in
the groat trade balance in favor of tho
United States a fact has placed this
nation already in the position of a
creditor country. He recognizes in
the fact that we havo boon able to
take caro of the securities that Europe
has sent baok'to us, without tho least
financial disturbance, a degree of fi
nancial power and independence un
precedented in our history. He rec
ognizes in the accumulation of capital,
as shown in the increase of bank de
posits, not an un healthfulness, but
rather an assurance of financial
strength and resourcefulness. It is a
superficial view, says Secretary Gage,
to assume that merchants and manu
facturers lack confidence and that the
country's general trade is threatened
with shrinkage. There is simply nat
ural caution on the part of capital,
after the experience of the last few
years, but this must in the course give
way to the attractions that are offer
ing for investment and to the induce
ments which an inevitable prosperity
hold out.
No capitalists, no business man, who
has business in the practical and con
servative judgment of Secretary Gage
can read his opinion of the outlook for
the country in a business way without
deriving from it great encouragement.
Helconsiders the situation in a way so
entirely bu3inesss-like and logical
that it is almost impossible not to feel
that the optimism is fully warranted
and that his cheerful forecast is cer
tain to be verified. The secretary of
the treasury docs an invaluable ser
vice to the country in giving out such
expressions as that to which reference
hoie made.
This morning at 10 o'clock the de
puty sheriff, Miss Carrie Holloway,
turned over the office of sheriff, with
the books, records and keys to Sheriff
elect William Wheeler, and a few
moments later Jailor Hollowaj' turned
over to Sheriff Wheeler the county
jail. Mr. Wheeler having taken the
oath of office in the morning, he is
therefore fully installed as sheriff of
Cas county. Sheriff Holloway bad
not returned from a business trip to
Oklahoma in time to turn the office
over in person. Deputy Sheriff Mc-
Bride of Nehawka will be sworn in and
with his family will soon occupy the
rooms over the county jail, he having
been installed a jailor. The outgo
ing of Sheriff Holloway will be noted
with sincere regret by almost every
person who had occasion to transact
any business with the affable officer.
In the entire history of the county
the office never had a more careful,
conservative and honest official. His
deputy, Miss Carrie Holloway, is one
woman of a thousand. She has kept,
the records of the office in better shape
than ever before, and to her must the
great credit be given for the splendid
condition of the books and papers.
The jail is clean as a new pin, and
Jailor Holloway and wife deserve
much credit for the manner in which
they have kept the place.
Mr. Holloway's successor, tne new
sheriff, is new to the office, but he has
a good reputation for honesty and
ability, which his friends say will be
made manifest. The News welcomes
the new officer to his difficult position,
and hoped he may fill it as well as bis
The stigma which the republican
party suffered on account of the de
falcation of Bartley and Moore is in a
large measure wiped out by the
prompt conviction of Mr. Bartley for
embezzlement and sentence of twenty
years given him to the penitentiary
by a republicanjudge. The prompt af
firmation of the lower court decree by
a republican supreme court is a mat
ter of congratulation among republi
cans in every part of the stale. There
was no tedious delay s by the courts to
shield a man who had been prominent.
Mr. Bartley had a fair trial, but no
favors were shown him more than
would have been shown a petty thief.
The republican party stands for an
honest administration of public affairs
and these recent decisions show that
thieves of hizh degree will not
be shielded by an organzation which
punishes criminals found within its
ranks as vigorously and promptly as
if found in the followers of the enemy.
Sunday night the bloodhounds be-
onging to the Beatrice doctor, passed
through this city en route for home,
. -m- . t- m . i
says tne Liincoin iews. xney naa
ust completed tho feat of tracking
two burglars from Percival, la., where
the crime was committed, to Pacific
Junction. At the latter place seven
were found in a sandhouso warming
themselves, and the dogs picked out
the two who were arrested for the
crime. distance wnicn me men
were tracked is about twenty miles.
O There are 498,262 acres of govern
ment lands in Missouri subject to
homestead or cash entry. Three
Unitod Slates land offices at Boon
villo, Ironton arrd Springfield, havo
jurisdiction over those lands, which
are distributed throughout a consider
able number of South Missouri
IIow is this for January weather?
The orange belt has buen trannferred
up this way and while Florida is frigid
Nebraska is balmy and spring-like.
In the language of the Pharisees,
stand up for Nebraska I
Tho fifth attempt to break jail at
Nebraska City occurred last night,
but the prisoners got no further than
tho coridor when they were diocov
oroi. A Maryland man has invented a
plan for extracting butter from vege
tables, that is said to be superior to
the product of tho cow.
The London Musical Courier of De
cember 10 gives a very flattering no
tice of tho recent pcrform:inco of tho
Dovey sister at Stein way hall, under
the patronage of Mrs. Hay. Their
voices and appearance were highly
eulogized by this eminent critical
lurieterminate Sentence to a Man With
Seven' Wives.
Chicago, Jan. 4. David E. Bates,
accused of having six wives more
than the law allows, and who as a
result of his arrest several months
ago has had steady employment at the
dime museums, was this afternoon
convicted of bigamy in the first of the
numerous cases against him. He was
given a fine of $1,000 and an indeter
minate sentence in the penitentiary
Upon the announcement of the ver
diet tho examination of veniremen for
a jury to hear the second charge
against the prisoner was begun imme
diately. It is also proposed to press a
charge of perjury against Bates, based
on admissions made by him today on
tho witness stand. Three of the
wives were present in court.
" Tennyson and Birds.
Agnes Weld, a niece of Tennyson
speaks thus of the poet in The Content
porary Review: "Much as Tennyson no
ticed every individual tree and plant
bird life had a still greater attraction
for him. Ho was much touched by the
fact that tho caged linnet loses tho red
plumage from its head and breast a
the first molt after its captivity, and
never regains them, and he thought of
devoting a whole poem to tho deep
yearning for liberty of which this was
the sign and typo. And one reason ho
climbed almost daily, when at Fresh
water, to the summit of the Beacon
down was because he loved to watch
the wild, free flight of the sea gulls cir
cling around its lofty cliffs."
Contrary Infant.
"My wife couldn't go to the concert
last night because the baby threatened
to have tsronp. "
"That was too bad."
"Yes, and now she is hopping mad
because the baby didn't have croup after
all." Chicago News.
Lughsh farmers, who know it is
igaiust the law to use ferrets to drive
out rabbits, place in the burrow a rnb
ber hose with a tin horn on the end in
lertiyl Then they blow the horn, and
juuny comes out in quick order.
Useful Book's.
If a scholar has little money for
books, he should expend it mostly on
works of reference, and so get a daily
return for his output. So seems to have
thought a young man of whom we re
cently heard, who, when asked by a
canvasser to purchase an encyclopedia,
said he had one.
"Which one is it?" inquired the can
vasser. The young man could not remember.
Neither could he tell who published it,
but it was a fine work, in many large
"Do you )ver use them?" asked the
"Certainly almost every day."
"In what line?"
"Oh, I press my trousers with them.
They are splendid for that. " Rambler.
A Fortune For Flowers.
Mrs. Mackay spends more on floral
decorations when giving a dinner party
or reception than any other member of
the fashionable world. She has been
known to have chariots drawn bj
Bwans filled with roses, from which
her guests could help themselves. Her
dinner tables are a wealth of flowers.
When the blossoms are expensive and
out of season, the bill for flowers at a
reception often amounts to 500. Lon
don Standard. "
An Artist's Slip.
Half a century ago, says a Londor
paper, the late Sir John Gilbert was
commissioned to illustrate a short story
for a London weekly. When he had fin
ished the work, the editor remarked,
'Why, Mr. Gilbert, the story Eays an
escort of infantry soldiers, and here on
the block you have given us mounted
ones." "Dear me, so I have," respond
ed the artist, "but I haven't time to dc
another drawing now. Can't you make
an alteration in the story to make it fit
in?" The "copy" was handed to a sub
ordinate to make the requisite altera
tion, but that gentleman forgot to de
lete the chapter describing how the sol
diers had gained the summit of a steep
mountain, parts of which they were
obliged to scale with ladders. Horses
could not have been got there unless by
the assistance of a crane. Afterward
shoals of letters from subscribers wish
ed to know how the cavalry got there.
OH of Peppermint.
The oil of peppermint is widely used
in the east and is becoming well known
in this country for external application
in cases of neuralgia or of rheumatism.
Internally, greatly diluted, it is of
value in gastric disorders or for a cold
or cough The orientals likewise em
ploy the pungent oil as an antiseptic
for wounds or burns For the latter ac
cident it would seem the harshest of
remedies, and yet is no more so than
ammonia, which has a mast magical
effect if touched lightly to the seared
A Practical Joke That Will Rommrn
Played on Cardinal Wolsey.
Amelia Wofford tells of "Tho Court
Jesters of England" in St. Nicholas.
Tho following is related of King Henry
VIII's jonter :
Sommers, like Scogan, liked a prac
tical joke, and one that he played on
Cardinal Wolsey is thus quaintly told
by Artnin :
"Of a time appointed tho king dined
at Windsor, in tho cliapx;l yard at Car
dinall Wolscy's at the same time when
he was building that admirable work
of his tombo, at whoso gate stood a
number of pooro people, to be served
with alms when dinner was done with
in, and as Will passed by they saluted
him, taking him for a worthy person
age, which pleased him. In ho comes,
and finding the king at dinner and the
! . .11 l . l : a. . .i; i !
curuiuuit uy vncnuiii, io ui.sgraee mm
that ho never loved, Harry, sayes bee,
lend mo 10. What to doe? saies the
king. To pay threo or fouro of tho car
dinally creditors, quoth hee, to whom
my word is past, and they aro now come
for tho money. That thou tihalt, Will,
quoth hoe. Creditors of mine? saies the
cardinall. Ho givo your grace my head
if any man can justly aske mo a penny.
No, sait-s Will. Lend me 10. If I pay
it not where thou owest it, Ho give thee
20 for it. Doe so, saies tho king. That
I will, my liege, saies thee cardinall,
though I owe none. With that he lends
Will 10. Will goes to tho gate, dis
tributes it to the poore and brought the
empty bag. There is thy bag agaiue,
saies hoe. Thy creditors are satisfied,
and my word out of danger. Who re
ceived, saies the king, the brewer or
She baker? Noyther, Harry, saies Will
Sommers. But, cardinall, answer me in
one thing, to whom doht thou owe thy
soule? .To God, qnoth hee. To whom
thy wealth? To tho poore, saies hee.
Take thy forfeit, Harry, saies the foole.
Open confession, open penuance. His
head is thine, for to the pooro at tho
gate I paid his debt, which hee yields
is due, or if thy stony heart will not
yield it so, save thy hc;:d by denying
thy word and lend it nice. Thou know
est I am poore and havo noythor wealth
nor wit, and what thou leudest to the
poore God will pay thee tenfold.
The king laught at tho jest, and so did
the cardinall for a shew, but it grieved
him to jest away 10 so."
People Are More Interested In the Pleas
ant Side of Lite.
"Every one of us has his and her
own ailments," writes Edward W. Bok
in The Ladies' Home Journal, decrying
tho unpleasant habit many people have
of discussing their bodily ills "It is
enough for us all to keep well purselves
To be compelled to listen to the ail
ments of others does not make that task
any easier. Besides all this, these un
necessary narratives of personal ail
ments are positively injurious to our
selves. Physicians all agree that many
of the slight illnesses, of which some
people make so much, could bo cured if
they would but take their minds from
themselves. Too many people work
themselves into illnesses or prevent
themselves from getting well by talking
about a petty ailment which, if forgot
ten, would right itself.
"I will not say that women, more
than men, are prone to this evil, but
as the majority of women havo more
leisure than tho majority of men they
are more likely to let their minds dwell
upon every little ill that assails them
and talk about it. It seems to me that
one of the most important lessons we
can all learn with the close of the yea
is to refrain from inflicting upon others
what is purely personal to ourselves.
Let us cease this tiresome, this incon
siderate, this unnecessary talk about our
ailments. Cold and hard as it may
seem, the fact is nevertheless true, and
will ever remain so, that the vast ma
jority of people are interested in what
is pleasant in our lives, but not in what
is unpleasant. Pains and sorrows are
elements in our lives which are sacred
and interesting only to ourselves."
Von Moltke.
Von Moltke was originally an officer
in the Danish army. At the age of 9
years he was entered as a royal cadet
i. e., he was to be educated at the ex
pense of the king, Frederick VI, in the
Copenhagen Military academy and,
having taken his examinations, he wore
the Danish uniform until he, as a sub
lieutenant at the age of 27, petitioned
the king for three years' leave to pro
ceed to the continent to study the mil
itary art, as he says in his petition, "to
be able on his return to employ his ac
quirements for the good of his country. "
This petition was granted, but the count
also asked to be allowed to retain his
pay, and as the king refused this he
look his discharge and entered the Prus
lian army, a recruit whom that organi
lation has every reason to hold in en
luring memory.
There is no sentiment about Grizler
He is close and is not easily alarmed. It
is not surprising, then, that the doctor
assumed the utmost gravity when Griz
ler called to present the case of his wife.
"I'm greatly afraid, " said the hus
band, "that her mental equilibrium is
disturbed. She is not like other women
and not as she used to be."
"What are the symptoms?"
"You may regard them of a negative
character, doctor. To begin with, she
never opens her fashion papers of late. "
"Badl Bad! Very badl"
"I feared as much. The woman who
lives next door called last night and
wore onejof the most elegant hats I ev
er saw. ion Know tnat x am not given
to noticing such things. Mrs. Grizler
never seemed to see it and said nothing
about it after the caller had gone. "
"Awful, " exclaimed the doctor, "aw
ful. I've known your wife, Grizler, ev
er since she was born. No one ever had
brighter mind or a happier disposi
tion. I can't understand it. Used to be
the life and beauty of every company
she was ever in. Does she go out?"
"No, nor entertain. Never mentions
tho theater, burns all invitations and is
without the slightest interest in the so
cial whirl. I would give half I'm worth
to see her the girl I married. "
"Done," snapped the doctor, and he
wrote out the strangest prescription on
record. It called for horses, carriages,
fine raiment, jewels and a well filled
purse. At the bottom was a receipt in
full for $250,000. There was no chance
for Grizler to weaken, and now his
wife is one of the most brilliant women
in the swim. When she and the old doc
tor meet, he winks and she whispers,
"You dear old soul. "Detroit Free
Press. j
Td Moslem's Itoaarr.
The rosary consists of 90 beads, and
a distinct ejaculation is appropriated to ,
each as it passr s between tho fingers.
Kach ejaculation g.-nt rally consists of
two wurus, turn ucciari'N n uiuuu or H i-
tribute of God. Almost all Moslems in
the upper and middle ranks of life carry
in their pockets or bosoms u string of
beads for this purpose, which they uso
not only on tho occasion I am describ
ing, but while Hitting and smoking i
their pipes, walking in the streets or
even while engaged in con v emit ion. ;
When a Moslem has gone over his
beads at tho regular tinio of prayer, ho
folds his hands, and then, holding them .
up open, as if to receive something from
above, ho prays for such blessings as ho
desires for himself or his household.
When this is concluded, ho strokes his
beard with his right hand and says,
"Praise bo
tho whole. -
to God!'
This concludes
Of llouekt Parents.
"My opponent," shouted tho orator,
"has seen lit to refer to tho fact that
my mother took in washing. Sho did,
and what is inoro to tho point eho al
ways sent it back."
After that there was nothing to do
but cast a majority vote for tho man
whoso parent showed such evidence of
perfect honesty and attention toduty.
Indianapolis Journal.
What Jones 11I.
"What did Jones do after he insulted
the judge?"
"Sixty days, I understand." Chica
go Record.
Facing the Mastic.
The spirit of this simile is uscm! bv
John UnnysMi in thor:edii::li:i "Of the
Horse and Drum, " in hiu "Look For
Boys and Girls; or. Country Rhymes For
Children." published in KiNfi. Of the
genuine Christian he says, inter alia:
Let drummers bout tho churye or whut they
They'll noseUiem, face them, keep their places
Notes and Queries.
In some parts of South Africa much
damage is done by baboons, which go
in largo marauding particb to rob gar
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and al
points East and
No 20.
Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, st Louis, all points
south 9:40
4. Local e.xD, dally, Burlington,
Chicago, all points east 10:4 am
No 10. Local exp, daily except bun-
day am
No 92. Local exp. daily except Sun
day, faclhc Junction 12:2S pm
IS03U. t relent, daily except teunday
Facinc Junction 2:50 pm
lo i. vestiDuied exp, daily, liur
llngton, Chicago and all
points east 5:30 pm
No. 1 stub rrom Juuctiou to i'latts
moutb, No 1-. Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan
sas City. St Louis. Chlcaso
all points east and south..
No 5. Local exp, daily.Oiuaha, Lin
coln. Den ver and interme
diate stations
No 85. Local freight, daily, Omaha.
No 2U. Local freight, daily, ex Sun
0:1 .'1 pin
8f prn
I 'A'i urn
S:M am
day, cedar UreeK, i.ouis-
ville. South Bend 7:37 am
Mo 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:22 pm
No 3, Vestibuled exp. daily, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, Black Hills.
Montana and Faciflc N. VV. 3:43 pm
No 9. Local exp, daily except Su -day.
Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pin
No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 4-59 pm
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
aud baggage checked to any point in the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
Plattsinouth, Neb.
J. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt..
Omaha. Neb.
No. l 4:50 a. m.
No. 9 1L51 a.m
No. 121, local freight 4.04 p. in
No. 2 10:43 p. hi.
Nn. 12'i, local freight 7.35 am.
No. 10 4:04 p.m.
Having Just Received a Large
Amount of New Stock we are
Prepared to do all kinds of
Printing on Short Notice.
Societu Printing
We are prepared to do in the
latest and most approved
style and at reasonable rates.
Commercial Printing
Such as Note Heads, Letter
Heads, Envelopes, Statements,
Bill Heads, etc. We are also
prepared to do all kinds of
Poster work in good style and
on short notice.
NO. 30S ....
Silk Manufacturers,
Mesa. Jos. S. Kirk A Co.,
Chtetvjo, Ills.
We have Riven your"WhltoClond"sonDathrron(rh
tst In washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
"Now Process" Wash Mm broidery Niiks and lind It
entirely satisfactory. Wo take pleasure In recom
mending it ad a superior article for laundering lino
Yours truly,
(S.'gnod) IJkldino Uhoh. & Co.
Referinf to the above,
, t i t i iri j
' that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
Established 1839.
Lurj;ct. rono rrrnnnf
$ 00 bays a Fine Violin
lj , and Complete Outfit.
hall j Guaranteed.
: CO buys a Mandoiine,
j a Hirdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
00 bays An American Guitar,
Jr. guaranteed to stand. Steel
strings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
UU)-3 CI 1
Kimball Pianos Oigans
Chinos, little used, for $50, $C0, $S0 to $100
Writ for CtalonM nod
i' 3
We Have Just .Received
. A Full Line of..
Dinner Sets
Chamber Sets
And a full sleek of Whito and Deco
rated Graniteware. If you need a
Hanging : Lamp,
Or a lamp of any kind, you will find a
large assortment at our store. Hav
ing1 purchased all of our ware before
the late advance we can make very
reasonable prices.
House Furnishings,
Our stock is complete In all lines . 1 we
Id vite our friends to look it over. W. .!!
endeavor to please you. Call and see us.
(Successors to Hoeclc.)
Cleazue aixl beautifies the halt.
Promote! luiuriant growth.
Merer Pails to Beetore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cure, acalp diaraae. U iir tailing.
Sk end I (- rnirrirt
A new and useful device which every family
will buy, is sold only through local agents. Simple
and strong; can be put up anywhere; securely
i i . ' . . i; . . i
noias rope wire; msiaiii aujuMincui duu ic
moval ot line; no props needed, sens on signt.
Popular price. Airents wanted everywhere. fc.x-
clusive territory. Attractive terms. Premiums
and profit-sharing. Anyone may become agent.
Sample pair, by mail, C.
528 Locust St.. Philadelphia.
ill! i IB
i i r '. ;
U XSa Lisa a
Soap Manufacturers.
we deem it important to state
2 J
JJ Wigdll.
1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, NEB.
Ollcis ll.; wiy Uli l;n ililius lor tlic
IHoiiipt tiaii' action of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS. IxiimIh, i.u(l, government unfl lot al
ttecurltles (jnuirht and ho11. Iteponlt.H re
ceived atid Internet allowed on the certll
c:iti'B. Ilrnft.s drawn, available In any
part tit the U. S. nn l ail Die principle
towns of fcuropn. Collections made and
promptly remitted. HliMicHt market
price paid for county warrantH, state
aud county bonds.
II. N. Dmcy, P. I la w v, oi 1 1i, S. Viiiif;h
l K. White, ;. IS. Dovey.
co. IS. Dovey, Pics., S. Waugli. Cashier,
II. N. Dovey, Asst. Cashier.
Trade Marks
frfft, Copyrights Ac.
Anyone urnidlnir a sketch and titter! rt Inn may
qnlnkly iinfi!itaiti our opinion free wlit;th?r an
invention In probably patentable. Connnuntrii.
tiona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
Bent. free. tMlHt ntrency for necurtnfr patenta.
Patents taken through Munn it Co. receive
tperiU ruitice, without charire, hi the
Scientific American.
A handsomely IllustrateI weekly. T.nrcrest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Term, f3 a
year; four months, fL Hold by all newsdealers.
Branch Olllce, tJ25 F Ht, Washington, I. C.
Comp'sxicn Pressrvsd
Kemov?" ruckles, Pimples,
Liver - K:'.i i;:a;k!:ca!s,
SurtJ'-'rn uml Tan, and rtr
Mr,T tho skin to its ori;ri-
nnl fr..hne3. T'roflucins
rleiir and lies!thy torn f Jtr; ".Jl'J,:
preparations mul perfectly Iinrmk-ss. At all
ariiijreNts, or mailed forSO'-ts. Seudfor circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l Incompirahl mm a
BkiB p'jrifyiuff Kor.p, tnjukl"l f r the toil.-:. ii1 without ft
rival for :hj nurwrr. A N.olriflr fur and d'-U:te) Uedi
At dra.'ipt. Price 25 Cent.
The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo. O.
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and his
prices are always reasonable. 1 hen. est
convenient board nx stable for far
mers in the city.
ei. FrrxniMMLD
II;ts new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take caro of
ft General Livery Business.
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low pric.. and court
eous treatment assured.
IMatf;mot,,, Nebraska.
A fine assortment of briar wood
and fancy pipes very cheap at Spies'
cigar store.