L 0 rV EST BIDDER GETS THE CONTRACT County Commissioners Award the Contract to Sheeley & Co. Can County' Mortgage Itecord For De cember CoinparUc I of the Itecord For the Years 1800 end 1807 8 how That the Mortgage ladltednes I llelng Itedaced. Tho contract lor building bridges In this county was lot to tho lowest bid der today. The bids for pile bridges being as follows, per lineal foot: Karnsworth & filodett , $4.21 VV fought Iron Undue Co 4.1 W. J. White iVJH J. K. Sheeley & Co 3.73 Sheeley also does the repair work at GOc per fool for piling und caps, and $30 pr m for lumber on the bridge. The rate, $3.73, is not exet B-i ve,but it $1.04 per foot more than the county paid for the mime kind of bridge Inst your. One bidder complained toTliK News thit tiv w u d t;ave put in nw c 01, out i wa u Me t Bee a iiotice nd ih ugtit bids Cou.d be pal in today, ho w.ih too late. CASS COUNTY'S MO It TO AUK KKColtl) A Comparative Htatement for the I't Tvo Vrum I tiratifyinj;. Following is mortgage record for December a filed in the oflice ol Re corder of Deed ilay: Farm mortnaires: Filed 24,5fl3 KeleaseU 2o,0.1 lown property: Filed 81 : Keleased I.C Following is a comparative state men t of the mortcacres for 189G and 1897: Farm mortgages: Year 1H07. Filed $XT.3u Released iM0.534 lown DroDertv: Filed 32.M Released 7K.771 Farm mortgages: Year lM)t. Filed 15,77 Released 408,708 Town croDertv: Filed .7.7tW Released 8,u4ti F oui the above it will be seen that Cass county's mortgaged indebtedness is being reduced, the showing for 1897 being much bettor thtn that of 18U6. Entertained by Father Carney. A large party of young people gath ered at the home of Father Carney Sunday evening, in honor of the choir, and a very pleasant time was had. A program consisting of nice eoeaking and singing was rendered. Miss Mar garet "Webber played the zither beautifully, and Father Carney sang the closing ode. Nice refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was reported hy the guests. IN THE COURTS. District Conrt. Louis Olsen vs. C, B. & Q. railway company. Demurrer overruled and plaintiff given thirty days to reply. Wm. Mack vs C. H. Parmele; mo tion for security "r costs sustained. George Bolen vs George Beam; mo tion for new trial overruled. Plattsmouth Loan and Building as sociation vs Mrs. M. J. Alix, etaL; dismissed at plaintiff's costs. James Puckett vs Clement & Co.; suit on appeal; trial to court; judg ment of lower court vacated and set aside. Clement & Co. vs Josiah Timblit, on appeal; trial to court and cause re versed at cost of plaintiff. First National bank of Fairfield, la. allowed a deficiencey judgment vs Traver for $1,143.66. Gust Meline vs C. II. Petersen; suit on appeal; trial to court and judgmen affirming decision of lower court en tered. George E. Dovey vs City of Platts mouth; defendant has thirty days to auswer. First National banK vs Meyer, Ban nerin m & Co.; verdict of jury set aside BB'I m w trla. o d r d. 'iotio.i -for new trial in Thompson vs M.s-"Uri i'uc.tic lailway s,et for hearing this evening at 8 o'clock. Elect New Officers. The following is a list of the officers elected by the Imperial Mystic Legion fo- tde ensing: Hegent Frank Morgan. Vice-Regent D. B. Smith. Treasurer J. M. Leyda. Secretary E. VV. Fitt. Outside gna d H R. Gering. Trustee Dr. E. V. Cook. MODERN CHICKEN COOPS. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Smoke "Gut Hell" cigars. Wurl Bros. "Gut Hell" cigars. For fire insurance see Thrasher. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sampson were American. The Once Familiar tthn nave Glren Way to Wire Netting, Men whoso memories go bock, say. 40 years will remember that in those days when a man wanted to build a chicken coop he bought a bundle or two of laths and built it There are mitfhty few lath chicken coops built nowadays I Omaha visitors today T7 V 1m cti nil s-w. -.l. 1 n1, - 1 I r ". .-u mim,r, Wno Insure Jn the German jtuepH u iew in nis oaon yam, mattes nis ... , . coop or runway of poultry netting The rd Lblne''' Aont chicken house, or shelter, is made of Something nice in printed station- boards, often of two thicknesses and I ery at THE Nkws office with tarred paper between, for better protection from the weather, and with openings at tho bottom and under tho projecting roof for ventilation. jains were c-iieap; iHJUltry netting is still cheaper. It is made of steel wire, 1 ? 1 - gaivamzeu, in various wiatns ana in various Mzesor mesh. The netting most commonly used is nix feet wide, with a to Louis Blair got a permit today wed Miss Cora Adella Brobst. Miss Mollie Ballance returned to her home in Germanlown today. Charles Twiss, jr., returned yester- I day to his home at May wood, Neb. Mrs. John A. Donelan departed to- two inch mesh. The chicken raiser nets I day for her homo in Weeping Water. ALL KINDS OF Photographic Supplies AT- up a frame and tacks the netting to it. Narrow nettings of smaller mesh are used in various ways to kt p in little chicks sometimes a foot wide small mesn ueuiiig ro run arouiui at the l;:so of the in 1 sure, the regular netting b ing fi' t above it, thus increasing the total height of the; netting. Sometimes tho small mesh netting is run around inside of the regular netting, thus mak ing the lower part of the netting double. Som tim s it is used to make separate small inclosures within tho large run way and iierhaps to make a number of smell inclosures to k' ep separate broods of chicks apart. Tho narrow, small mesh netting is made up to three and a half feet in width. There is nowadays a use for wiro net ting in chicken houses. A netting with a square mesh is laid ou the nx;r of chicken houses to keep out rats and rnice. Agnes Thrasher is homo after a week's visit with her aunt at Hills dale. II. Spies carries n nice line of smoke ing tobacco in addition to his make f fine ciirars. A lino assortment of briar wood and fancy pipes very cheap at Spies' cigar store. A wedding at Roc k Bluffs of prom inent pioneer people is billed to come off tomorrow. Ed Murphy finished his holiday visit home today and departed for Billings, Mont. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. Tni-t's what you want! F. G. Frieke & Co. Mrs. Faujrht drove in from Murray There are now many large establish- today and boatded the B. & M. train ments in this country for the raising of for Phillips, Neb. 1 1 x- - 1 f I ,cKeus tor comm. real purposes. lor Miss Alm;l Tiram, ono t)f lhe (linin? mat Ki t aim ior ureerung, and mere are as many men as ever who raise chickens room girls at the Hotel Plattsmouth, at home, from the many who keep a is n the sick list today- few in tho back yard, with a simple Mr. and Mrs. Dar Johnson go over chicken house and coop, to int n who to Weeping Water tomorrow to attend raise many chickens and maintain an Odd Fellow's installation. elaborate plant tor their breeding and keeping. But under whatever conditions they are raised, c hickens are rarely seen nowadays in coops made of laths, such as were familiar 40 years ago. New York Sun. AN ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. Somber and Terrible Was the Scene at the Moment of Totality. Mrs. Mabel Loornis Todd, writing in The Atlantic of an eel ipso seen in .7a pan, says: "Just before totality, to oc cur at 2 minutes after 3 o'clock, I went over to the little lighthouse, taking up my appointed station on the sum mit, an ideal vantage ground for a spec tacle beyond anything else 1 ever wit nessed. Grayer and crayer trrew the Col. Luther Perry Sine, the Carpen- tor Paper Co. hustler, was in town to day selling a few tons of paper. Mrs. Harry Boydston of Nebraska City was in town yesterday visiting friends and old-time neighbors. B. C. Kerr and little girls ate New Year's dinner with relatives at. Mem phis and returned home yesterday. G orge Tartsch got a fall New Year's day, and is at home sick as a result of it. II hopes to be out soon The 1 urners have arranged to teach a class of boys at their hall on Tues day ana Thursday nights of each week. Wanted Everybody to see tho tin GERING & CO'S DRUGGISTS. day, narrower and narrower tho cres cent of shining sunlight. The sta faded pianos and hear the wonderful Plec to leaden nothingness. Armiesof crows, traphone on the Everett. W. D Klectric Hitters. Electric Biiters is a medicine suited for any se t son, but perhaps more gen era'.ly needed when the languid, ex hausted feeiinsr prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A DromDt use of this medicine has oftefl abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine wilt act more surely in counteracting and free i,ng the eystem from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at F. G. Fricke's drug si. re. 1 Card of Thanks. To the kind friends and neighbors whose love and sympathy was so gen erously shown during the late illness and at the funeral of our husband and father, we wish to publicly express our sincere thanks. Mks. A. Stull and Children. What do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nour ishing and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the child ren the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when pro perly prepared tastes like the choice grades "of coffee but costs about i as much. All grocers sell it 15c and 2oc. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. which had pretended entire indiffer ence, fighting and flapping as usual on gables and flagpoles with unabated fer vor, finally succumbed, and flew off with heavy haste to tho pine forest on the mountain side. The French man-of- war disappeared in the gloom, the junks blended in colorlessness, but grass and verdure suddenly turned 6trangely, vividly yellow green. "It was a moment of appalling sus pense. Something was being waited for. The very air was portentoua The flocks of circling sea gulls disappeared with 6trange cries. One white butterfly flut tered by vaguely. "Then an instantaneous darkness leaped upon the world Unearthly night enveloped all things. With ' an inde scribable outflaphing at the same sec ond, the corona burst forth in wonder ful radiance. But dimly seen through thinly drifting cloud, it was neverthe less beautiful, a celestial flame beyond description. Simultaneously the whole northwestern sky was instantly flooded with a lurid and startlingly brilliant orange, across which floated clouds slightly darker, like flecks of liquid flame, while the west and southwest gleamed in shining lemon yellow. It was not like a sunset; it was too som ber and terrible. " Sane Advice to Voting Artists. "Don't give in" was abont the gist of what Sir Wyke Bayliss said to the English art students in a lecture at the South Kensington museum. He told them what ought to be their watchword : "Do not believe, he said, in the in sidious lie that the devil is "alwayf whispering to the soul of the artist that the golden age of art is past and that what was done yesterday cannot be done today, for art is in its decadence. Such an assertion was the danger of the time, and he would have them track it to its source and kill it there. It had two forms despondency and tempta tion but he urged them not to be in fluenced by either. Let their study bf based upon knowledge, the knowledge that had accumulated during the ages and was formulated in what was known as academic training, and let their knowledge in turn be based upon their own study. " Certainly that is the best of advice. for what has been done before can be done again. No Need to Cry. "Don't cry, Buster, " said Jimmieboy after the catastrophe "Napoleon didn't cry every time his brother hit him acci dentally on the eye. " "I know that, " retorted Bnster. "Na poleon did all the hittin on the eye his 3elf. Harper's Bazar. Itare Felicity. She Such lovely bargains as there are at that new place! He Ah? She Yes, silks at 18 cents, and in o store 60 small that a hundred porsrn crowd it to suffocation! Detroit Jeur nn.1 Try Grain-O! Try Graln-O! Ask your grocer today to show you package of Grain-O, the new feod drink that takes tho place of coffee. The children may drink it without in- ury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich brown seal of Mocha and Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it with out distress. One-half the price of coffee; 15 and 25c. per pnekage. Sold by all grocers. Try Wurl Bros'. "Gut Heil" eigars Crawford. A. B. Todd is home today from Ox ford. He expects to return to hi mining business in the Black Hills in a few davs. Don't forget that we sell envelope printed or unprinted cheaper than any store in town can handle them Call arjd see the stock. G. C. Ferrin of Peoria, Ills., is in the city selling type-writers and visit ing his old friend, A. D. Eigenbroadt. He is accompanied by his wife. Dr. J. J. Davis, the eye expert, wilt be at Coleman's jewelry store nex week. Call and have your eyes fitted properly. No charge for examinations Arthur Crisman, who has been visiting his cousin Morris for a few days, returned to his home at Piatts mouth today. Nebraska City News, The last everinsr's edition of TriE News stated that the meetings of tho Woman's club would bo discontinued for one month, it should be the M. W. and W. club and not tho Woman's club. there s no better flour mrme tnan n-isel's" Plansi fle-v' manufactured in this city. Ask y u .-ocor for itT and thereby get, the be?t and sup port i Lin iud ulry at the sa.me time, which builds up the town. The T. J. Soxol society is making yreat preparations for their sixth annuHi mask ball to be sriven at th' lr hall Saturday evening, January 15, ISMS. Everybody is inviteo. Is vour liver tired? does it fail to do duty? If to, don't negieei its c-ill for help. A few doses of Heroine may save you a spell of sickness. H rbiue is the onlv perfect iivt-r medicine. It cures Chills ana Fever. 75c. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in gooi condition Devvitts Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation biliousness, inuigestion and all stom ach and liver troubles F. G. Fricke & Co. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by useing DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. There is no remedy equal toHerbine for the cure of constipation, sick headache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of memory, uncertain appilite, unreatful sleep or skin eruptions, If you want a perfect tonic for the liver, Herbine will not disappoint you. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa. says, "my caiia is worm millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had I not invested twentyfive cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and ail throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co- It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cu'es coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia rind all throat ard lung tro itiles. It is pleasant to lake, safe to use and sure to cure. F. G. b'ricke it Co. Walker & Pitman at Murray paid out over $S,0o0 for corn last month and bought ten car loads the lirot day of tho present month. Murray is cer tainly a live grain point, there being two other good firms doing business there basido Walker & Pitman. Mr. and Mrs. Guild entertained a party of their frieuds last evening quite elabontely in honor of Mr. Guild's brother, who was here from the east. Lovely refreshments were ser ved and a delightful evening was spent at one of the most hospitable homes in the city. J. ne public library received a very acceptable New Year's gift from Miss Harriet Fulmer of Chicago, of four nicely bouud volumes of popular works. The titles,'Micah Clark" "Quo Vadis" and two of Everdon's Representative Men and Miscellanies, will ensure their popularity, there being more demand for "Quo Vadis" than any Look of the year. Miss Fulmer w;ts a former resident of Plattsmouth and her kind remembrance as shown by her gift is most gratifying. ARE PLEASING THEIR AUDIENCES London Lady Speaks in Glowing Terms of the Little Dovey Sisters The following extract taken from a letter recieved by Mr. G. F. S. Bur ton of this city from his sister who re sides in London, will prove interesting to the many friends and admirers of Ethel and Alice Dovey: "I must tell you with what delierht I witnessed the performance of those dear little Americans the Dovey sis ters at the concert given at Steinway hall on January 10. It was a most un fortunate day, pouring rain from early morning until late in the afternoon, which undoubtedly prevented many people from attending. Those who were there, however, gave Ethel and Alice a very hearty reception. They looked so sweet and unaffected stand ing close together on the stage not the least nervous or self conscious; their fresh young voices blending so harmoniously in the always pleasing duet The Venetian Boat Song' which they sang most charmingly eliciting o-reat applause. They both have in their voices the note so raroly heard, but which so surely denotes the true artistic quality of a re il singer, i. e., tho sympathetic note, and I could not restrain the tears as I looked at the delicate, flower-like faces of these winsome little lassies and thought of their parents so far aw iy across the Atlantic. Later in the programme Alic sang 'La Baisee' which also de lighted the audience, an encore being insisted on. At the end they appeared ag.tin in costume, portraying a scene from 'The Hunchback' whieh pleased t'ie people very much indeed. The Duke of Coburg had sent twe guineas and the Duke of Westminster five guineas, while your ambassador's wife, Mrs. Hay, under whose patronage the concert was given, had bought several pounds worth of tickets, but was un able to attend as she was received at Windsor Castle that day. How proud Plattsmouth people must be in claim inr these dear children as her own. predict a most brilliant future for them." INFORMATION AND OFIMONS. To Appeal to the Supreme Court SAN Fkancisco, Jan. 3. Contrary to general expectations, the attorneys for W. II. T. Durrant, tho condemned murderer of Blanche Lament, did not appear in the federal court today to renew their efforts to secure a stay of execution on behalf of their client. The action led to a rumor to tho effect that they had abandoned all further hope of saving Durrant's neck, but this they strenuously deny, stating that they are too busily preparing to apply to the supreme court of the United States direct fcr a stay of pro ceedings to waste time in fruitless ap peals to the state and federal courts. m Hear the Phonograph Free AT SHERWOOD'S By making a 5 cent purchase or over you get a ticket good for one FREE selection, good till January 1 at Phonograph Parlor E. A. Oliver's old stand. m pi ifii Stands at the Head. Aug J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveuort, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thint- that cures my cough, and it is tho best sel ler I have. J. F. Cambell, merchant of SafTord, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the hoad. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at F. J. Fricke's drugstore. 1 Choice Ilay. C. Sholtz, the Sixtli street Hour and feed merchant, has just received a car of nice upland hay. It will pay those in need of good hay to give him a c ill. - SeeOurX-mas SLIPPERS. Nothing more appropriate for a present than a nice pair of slippers. We have 'em in all styles and colors either Felt, Leather or Embroidered from IIHJi rjg 65 cents up. 04 Call and see 'em and get your M wife, daughter, mother, father S or brother a very useful X-mas 1 ft. 1 ROBERT SHERWOOD, rail raj FOOT MILLINER. Plnttsmoutli Neb m 0 M ifal !Sli Eli rel ifSli ,rsJ, iial m ilia, ;ieJ 0' .. THE LEADERS .. Children's Day. Dr. Shipman will examine tho eyes of school children free of charge Sat urday afternoons from 2 to 1 p. m. Dr. Elster, Watennau block, for painless dentistry. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTma WANTS Eailli411iUiiii iuiiiiiiiiuimuiminuuu (Special notices under this head will be charffeu for at the rate of cent per word each Insertion.) IN THE GROCERY TRADE ARK A. H. WECKBACH & CO. npHEY carry the largest and most complete line in ( ;ss county, f Hvery thing fresh and new. They pay cash fm-our goods and give the ' f eusto mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in slock. Tho only place in t ie city where you can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & E Waterman BIk. PATRONIZE : HOME : INDUSTRIES MISCELLANEOUS. ;OK SALE A house, to be moved away. : i 'i ii ,i it ' quire ui 1. n. rouocK. En I CST On Sunday last Li Icnecht's office and Henry H infant saaue Herold's store. Finder beiween Dr. Schild old s store, a will please leave at SEWING All kinds of plain and fancy sewing, dressmaking:, repairing ol gents' and boys1 tioiues aone pi me rooms ol .Mrs. cjnlia Mier man, over Cosies' hardware store, 418 Mai street. lif ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man I to travel tnrougrn tins section. Salary aw i moa:h, payable weekly, and expenses; spiendi opportunity. Adiress SMEPP company, 1LTJ Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE. 1fZ( Acre f rm one-half mile from Mynard 1UU Splendid land. Good buildings. Prici per acre. CJA Acre farm, two miles west of Mynard uv Large nouse.oarn ana lots oi outbuilding Good young orchard. All in cultivation. Price ." per acre. IRA Acre farm, four miles west of Mynard lUU Nine room house. Good land, ninniiij water. Price $40 per acre- OA Acre farm. Splendid house and outbuild OU ings: hne land Four miles west of Platts mouth, Price Sou per acre. I neat S-room cottage; good location; cistern TT and city water. $1ii0. "J Acres; all in fruit. Splendid six-room cottage. lJ isearsliops. irice JKtou. A Koom house and good barn. Two large lots. $300. Qt Acre farm OU good buildings. Otoe county. Good land and Price $J,2W. All the Klond.vke stories that have ever been told are at a discount in the presence of the whaler who reports that the anchor of his ship became gold-piated while it rested in the mud off the Arctic coast. The north pole may be worth all that it is costing, after all. Attornej s for Durrant are still fight- ng to prolong the life of the worth less cur. and if substantial Justice were done the attorneys should swing from the same scaffold, isuch peck-sniffian varments are a disgrace to modern courts of justice. This is great weather for the Om aha contractors who are working on the trans-Mississippi exposition build ups, as it enables them to push to an early completion. Notice to Water Takers. The semi-annual water bills for water from January 1, 1S98, to July 1, 18U8, and all meter bills and service bills are now due and payable at the office of the water company. All per sons knowing themselves to be in debted to the water company wiil piease call and settle. . Plattsmouth Watek Co. T. H. PollocK, Receiver. I OTS of bargains in city property and acre Ll tracts. l.H. rULLULK, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Over First National bank, Pla tsmouth, Neb. Dr. Alfred Shipman, SPECIALIST, Eye, Ear and Glironic DISEASES, Office 511 Main St., Leonard Bldg. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Accurately fitted, eyes tested free by new and improved methods. Consultation in ail chronic diseases free. 1 otters of inquiry promptly ans wered. Dr. Shipman refers with pleasure to thousands of patients in Nebraska. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Oc . I. iw. Dr. Shipman Dear Sir: I gladly endorse your method of Siting glasses. The prescrip tion bi-ioca!s vou had ground for m; renders both near and d stant vision perfect. E. 11. Ebersole. I was severely afflicted with bleeding pfles: be came so week from loss ol blood that I could not attend to ni y business. 1 had tried many reme dies and received no benefit. Alter taking treat ment of Dr. Shipman I am entirelv well. It lias been five years since I was treated bv him. H. C. McMaken. Four years ago I contracted a severe case of catarrh; several specsalisis fa; ed to iie!p me. Dr. Shipman cured me w.th pleasant remedies, and there has been no return of the disease. Alvina B. Johnson. GET THE BEST... THE CHEAPEST... THE ONLY.. AIR-TIGHT made in the state. Also everything to be foundin a first-class Hardware Store at prices which are riht. 21 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove A Fine Russia Air Tight Stove 24 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove 24 Inch Russia Air Tight Stove- 28 Inch Steel Air Tight Stove 28 Inch Russia Air TightStove- -$4.50 -$5.50 -$5.00 -$6.00 -$6.50 -$7.50 THESE PRICES CANT EE BEAT IN OMAHA Oil ANYWJIKRK ELSE. S. B. HALL & SON, South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. est for the Money The Mewsflerald 3$I PER YEHR 3- 00 bjys a Fine Violin , -,j , a;: J Complete Outfit. - :l CO buys a Mandoline r . I'irdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed -1 CO buys An American Guitar, j i guaranteed to stand. Stel strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE OP SHEET HCSIC. ?550 buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos s Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. Pianos, little used, for $50. $60. $80 to $100. Writ for CaUlofQM and oar Unns. FACTOKI PRICES. A. HOSPE, JR., 1513 Douglas Street, DHAKA, KEB.