Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 05, 1898, Image 3

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n vy M
Mil VI
I lis
ill UbO
An Elegant Mahogany 5
Table only
Mo larger assortment to be
found in the state. He is bound
to suit you if you want a
Parlor Suite,
Bedroom Suite,
Easy Chair,
And Has no
Competitor in
. Pearlman,
Complexion Preserved
Removes Freckles. Pimples,
Uver-Moles, Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, and re
stores tne stm to iia ongi
Tial freshness, producing e
lour unit heulttaV com
1 : " Cnnnrinr Irt fill fart1'
preparations and perfectly harmless. At aU
druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l .imply tooomprw u a
akla purifTim Soap, nmkled for the toilet, mod without a.
n,il Ibr the norTT. Atnolutelr pnro and deUcaKly mU
, mttA. At dmcfi.ta. Price 2 S Cents.
, iTho Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
a-" 1. t. r. -
"JjTClemaM and beaatifiei n narr.
"l Promote. a imui
..f L 1 Never Fails to Hestore Gray
-f.'- JUT 1 TT.iti - 1 li Y OUllil U Xviva.
I Hair to lis x oumi w yv'"V
I Cure, acalp di--a.ea ft hair falling.
A new and useful device which every family
will buy. is sold only through local agents. Simple
and strong; can be put up anywhere: securely
holds rope or wire: instant adjustment and re
moval of line; no props needed. Sells on sight.
Popular price. Agents wanted everywhere- Ex
clusive territory. Attractive terms. Premiums
and profit-sharing. Anyone may become agent
Sample pair, by mail. 25c.
528 Locust St.. Philadelphia.
Reading Rooms and Dlsp. tsary,
Drue Building, rialtsmoi lb, Neb.
Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p.
m. Srvice;each Sunday, 11 a. m.
Did you make any Itow resolutions V
John Lino was in tho city from
Louisville today.
Minn Hone ltiloy wa ii Ilavelock
visitor tli id morning.
N.1I. Mocker, tho popular Greenwood
bankor, was in town today.
Friink J. Morgan was a business
visitor at the motropolin today.
Fred Stull of Louisiana in hero to
attend tho funeral of bin father.
J Clarence TefTt, tho Avoi a attorney,
' wa in tho city today on business.
Attorney .1. 1C. Douglas of Weepintr
Water was attcn iing court today.
I). O. Dwyer was anOin iha passen
ger this morning on legal business.
Fred Ilawkswot tli returned to his
work at school in Kearney this! morn
ing. Attorney George W. Clark of Gr -eon-wood
is in tho city attending court
Mrs. C. I). Clapp and &on of Kim
wood visited Mr. W. A. Swsaringen
over Sunday.
J. II. McKinnon and Harvey Wal
dron wore in town from Greenwood
precinct today.
John F. Vallery and wife, arrived
in town Saturday from Chicago for a
visit with relatives.
John Cagney of tho Hotel Dellono,
Omaha, was in town over Sunday visit
ing relatives and friends.
George Madison has been recom
mended by Congressman Strodo for
postmaster at South I tend.
C. 1). Tapper and George Duerr
were in town looking after tho settle
ment of the Fred Ifuber estate.
Mr. Marat, of the governor's ollice,
and Miss Love of Lincoln, wore in the
city yesterday the guests of Kate
Mi9S Kate Neville spent Sunday in
this city with her parents. She has a
good position in the state hospital for
the feeble minded at Uuatrice.
J. W. Or, Esq., of the firm of Wag
ner & Orr, Atchison, Kan., general
attorneys for the M. P. railway, was
in town today attending district court.
The Tuxezlo club ball and banquet
at tho Ililey Friday evening was quite
a swell affair, only I'lattsmouth 'a
nicest young peoplo being in attend
ance. P. E. H-iy and wife of Weeping Wa
ter returned homo this morning via
Lincolu after a pleasant visit with the
former's brother, Recorder Hay and
J. C. Haney, late of the Hamburgh
Reporter, called at Tiik News office
today accompanied by his wife, on
their way to Eimwood where thi y
will in the future reside.
Rev. F. A. Campbell, who is at a
health resort necr Kansas City, is re
ported to be improving, though not
well enough yet to continue his jour
ney on to Hot Springs, S. I).
Hon. J. M. Patterson and James
Walker went out to South Bend . lid
spent New Years day with Sile Pat
terson. They report a royal time a
big dinner with "high-five" on the
6ide. ,
The Turnverein had a big time both
Friday and Saturday evening. Every
one in attendance was more than
pleased. The Turner boys always
make a success of whatever they un
dertake. "Posey" Mcssersmith went rabbit
hunting New Year's day, and after
chasing the "bunnies" through the
willows for eight hours he got dis
gusted, bought two rabbits of a boy
andwent home. He has been sick ever
since, so that by the time be is ieaay
to go to work the two rabbits will
have cost him about $G apiece.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
After hearing some friends continu
ally praising Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Cur
tis FlecK of Anaheim, California, pur
chased a bottle of it for his own use
and is now as enthusiastic over its
wonderful work as anyone can be.
The 25 and 50 ent sizes for sale by ail
Mr, C. M. Dixon, a well known mer
chant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton Co.,
Pr., has a little girl who is frequently
threatened with croup, but when the
first symptons appear, his wife gives
Kher Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which always affords prompt relief.
The 25 and 50 cent sizes lor sale by all
A large number of friends of the
Woman's club accepted the invitation
to call and partake of their hospitality
on New Year's eve. The rooms were
prettilydecorated with holly, and the
reception committee exerted them
selves to make the time pass pleas
antly to the guests present. Refresh
ments were served during the evening
and many good wishes were offered
the Woman's club for prosperity and
success during the New Year.
Don't be persuaded into buying
liniments without reputation or morit
Chambhrlain's Pain Balm costs no
more, and its merits have b3en proven
by a test of many years. Such letters
as the following, from L. G. Bagley,
Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being
received: "The best remedy for pain
I have ever used is Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, and I say so after having
. . Z . in m t -. m iln f n. PAl' I'An "
U;tjll 1 li I U my lUUiUJ 1U1 BCtltu jcaia.
It cures rheumatism, lame back,
sprains and swellings. For sale by all
OVIili 112 1; SI AI L.
Stuckley Stark of Niobrara has
killed four wildcats fco far this winter.
L. L. 1) tvis of Tecumseh s )ld a load
of March pigs which uvcraged 310
At Syracuse chicken thieves wore
on tho rampage last week. Tlio far
mers west of town were robbed of 2o)
fowls in tine night.
A little child of Mrs. Tuttlo, who
lives in McCook, was accidently pois
oned by eating bread crumbs covered
with lloui'h on lUts, 'J he little one
has recovered.
Rev,. Campbell of Cambridge acei
de.itiy shot Torn Clai k while out
hunting. One shot entered his head
one in his chin and live entered his
leg just ubovo tho knee. The wounds
are not dangerous.
Thero is a petition curculating in
Johnson county asking tho village
council to call a special meeting to
vote $2,50') bonds at 0 per cent, paya
ble in ten years, that Johnson may
have system of waterworks.
Four wolves were killed at Ch im
bers, Holt county, in a wolf hunt on
Christinas day. V. li. Cooper, com
mander of the force, says they are
very numerous and predicts an excit
ing time in the hunt scheduled for
January 0.
A Ouei-p (:') 31 etlicifie.
There is a medicine whose proprie
tors do not claim to hirvo discovered
some hitherto u&inoXi ingredient, or
that it is a cure-all. This honest med
icine only claims ucuro certain dis
eases, and that its ingrrUio its are
recognized by tho most skilled phy
sicians as being tho be?t for Kidney
and Bladder diseases. It is Foley's
Kidnev Cure. Smith & l'armole.
Terms or Court for 18!.
It is hereby ordered that the terms
of court for the Second judicial dis
trict of Nebraska for tho year 1898, be
held as follows:
Otoe County: January 31, Nebras
ka City Law and equity. Jury first
day of term.
May 9, at Nebraska City Law and
oqulty. No jury.
September G, at Nebraska City
L ivv and equity. Jury September 12.
Cass County: March 7, at Platts
mouth Law and equity. Jury Ma-ch
-June G, at Plaltsmouth Law and
equity. No ju y .
November 7, at Plattsmouth Luw
equity. Jury November 14.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cureil
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitution.-!' disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a qiinck medicine. It was prescribed by
one of tiie best physicians in this country for
years, and is a regular pre-cription. It is com
posed ol tiie besl tonics known, combined with
the best blood purilieis, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such won
Ucriui results in curing catarrh. Send lor testi
monials, tree.
F. J. CtiKXEV "t Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by lhuggists. price 7.rc.
The Farmers' Mutual Ii,s. Co. Meeting.
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.
of Cuss county wi.l bold theii annua!
meeting on Saturday, January S, at 1
o'clock p. m. at the Heil school house
in Eiju'ht Miie Grove precinct, for the
purpose of e. acting officers and trans
acting till other business that may
come before the meeting.
J. 1. Falter, Secretary.
Kheiiitiatisut Cured in a Day.
A lew weeks ago the editor was
taken with a very severe cold that
caused him to be in a most miserable
condition, it w..s, undoubtedly a bad
case of la giippe, and recognizing it
as dangerous he took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertisement of Chamber
lain's Coujh Uomt-dy and the many
trood recommendations included
therein, we concluded to make a first
trial of i e mi-iici .e. To - y that it
was satisfactory in ,ls result-, is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and tiie result was a speedy and
permanent cure. We. have no hesi
tancy in recommending this excellent
Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted
with a cough or cold in any form. The
Banner o Liberty,Liberty town, Mary
land. The 2," and 50 cent sizes for
sale by all druggists.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fiue gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
crown s.
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiilings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest armliances for first
class dentp.l work.
Take On the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
good portable chu.e and tools, to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of c ittle,
25 cents for a single animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until the first
week in April is tho right time. Af
ter that it is too late. If those who
wish to have such wo' k done will ad
dress me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they
wiil be promptly answered.
Helajs are Dangerous.
Many of your friert'.s, or people
whom you Know of 1tve contracted
consumption, pneuim J:iia, or othe"
fatal diseases by ntrlct of a simple
cold or cough. Fo'eli Honey and Tar
a safe, sure and pleasant cough
medicine would have saved them. It
is guaranteed. Smith & Parmele.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O.,
says, "After two doctors gave up my
boy- to die, I saved him frnm croup by
using One Minute Cough Cure." It is
the quickest and most certain remedy
for coughs, colds and all throat and
lung troublea. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The I-argent nnglih Fleet 1:tt Assem
bled Took th Soldier to France.
Mr. W. O. Stoddard's serial, "With
tho Black Triuco, " gives in St. Nicho
las an account of the Fplei;did army
that accompanied the prince to tho Lat
tlo of Crecy. Mr. Stoddard says:
It was the largest LiiIIsh fleet yet
assembled, and the army going cu
board was also the best with which any
English king had ever put to pea. It
consisted of picked men only. Of these,
4,000 were men-at-arms, G.00O were
Irish, 12,000 were Welsh, but the most
carefully trained and disciplined rar'
of tho forco consisted of 10,000 bow
men. During a whole year had Edward
and his sen and his generals toiled to
select and prepare Iho men and the weap
ons with which they were to meet the
highly famed chivalry of tho continent.
An army selected from a nation of per
haps 4,000,000 of peoplo was to contend
with an army collected from Franco
with her 20,000,000, and from such al
lies of hers as Germany and Bohemia,
re-enforced by large numbers of paid
mercenaries. Among theso latter were
the crossbowmen of Genoa sold to Phil
ip by the masters of that Italian oli
garchy. Edward's adventure had a seeming
of great rashness, for already it was re
ported that tho French king had nms
tered 100,000 men. Full many a gal
lant cavalier in armor of proof may
well have wondered to hear, moreover,
that Edward III, accounted the fore
most general of his time, proposed to
meet (superior numbers of tho best
lances of Europe with lightly armored
men on foot. They knew not yet of the
new era that was dawning upon the
science of war. Edward and his bow
men were to teach the world more than
one now lesson before -that memorable
campaign was over. Before this he
had shown what deeds might be wrought
upon the sea by 6hips prepared and
manned and led by himself. He had so
crippled the naval power of his ene
mies that there was now no hostile fleet
strong enough to prevent his present
undertaking, although Philip had man
aged to send out some scores of cruisers
to do whatever harm they could.
The First Man lie Met In the Alaska
Gold fields Scared Hi 111 Off.
"No," said a man who was sitting
on a box in front of a grocery store, "I
can't say as I know very much about
His companions looked at him in as
tonishment. It was the first time he had
ever admitted not knowing much about
"I reckon, then, that you're not
thinking about going to dig for gold,"
said one bystander.
"Mebbe, though, as the stories of
sudden wealth keep pouring in you'll
change your mind," said another.
"It won't be possible. I've been
"And came back without getting
"Yes. I didn't much more than cross
the boundary lino before I turned
around and struck for home."
"That's the answer."
"What of polar bears?"
"Supplies give out?"
"No, I had plenty of food. What
changed my plan was seeing a man dig
ging a hole. I had these ideas about gold
being found anywhere and everywhere,
and I went up thinking to get some
points about mining. I asked him in
an offhand way whether he had struck
any pay dirt yet, and he turned around
and glared at me and said, 'Young fel
ler, what do you think I am digging
this for?' I told him I thought he was
digging for gold. He glared at me
again and said : 'Gold nothing. I'm do
ing this for fun. I've been living here
for four years, and there's one thing
that my curiosity has never been satis
fied about. I'm going to dig this hole
good and deep so as to allow plenty of
room, and then find out just how far
down this climate will make the mer
cury go.' " Washington Star.
His Answer.
"Tell me, am I not fair?"
The speaker loans back in her seat
and smiles coquettishly.
In truth the question seems superflu
ous. As she sits there with the afternoon
sun transfusing her glorious tresses into
a stream of liquid gold, her eyes as blue
as the heavens, fathomless as the sea
and dancing with excitement ; her lips
of coral wreathed with a roguish smile,
she is indeed transcendentally beautiful.
But the man seems blind to her love
liness. He regards her with a frowning
brow and eyes that smolder with anger.
Timidly she repeats her question.
"Am I not fair?"
Her companion's face grows black as
"Fair!" he cries bitterly. "Fair,
when you open a jack pot with a ten"
Rage chokes his utterance and with
a passionate gesture he dashes the cards
to the floor. San Francisco Examiner.
Valid Excuse.
She How is it you were not at West
end's reception?
He I staid away on account of a per
sonal matter.
She May I ask what it was?
He Will you promise to keep it se
cret? She Yes.
He Well, they failed to send me an
invitation. Collier's Weekly.
Imitation slates, made of compressed
wood pulp, are used for roofing in
Christiania. They are made waterproof
ty a secret process.
The population of Egypt is now about
), COO, 000 and probably exceeds that of
.he period of its greatest ancient pros
erity. What tlo the Children Orink?
Don't pive them tea or collee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GRAIN-OV It is delicious and nour
ishing and takt-s the place of coffee.
The more Grain-O you give the child
ren the more health yTou distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is
made of pure grains, and when pro
perly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of colTee bit costs about i a.
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c.
Tho recent warm weather has melted
tho snow and farmers who had corn in
the field are busy getting it in cribs.
Silk Manufacturers,
Mess. Jus. S. Kirk A Co.,
Chicago, Ills.
Wo have given your "White Clond"onD a thorough
test In washing pW'ces of llnon embroidered with our
"New process" Wash Embroidery Silks and find It
entirely satisfactory. Wo take pleasure in rccom
mendine it as a superior article for laundering lino
I embroidery.
Tours truly,
; (S.'gned) Beldino linos. & Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
alno ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
rtiuhiished 1839. CI 1 it :??;o.
Lui e.-t 03 p n-.nn-if icturers in ta world.
A New Creation..
The demand has always been, The
Best Goods for the Least Money. We can
show you the best goods that can be pur
chased at very LOW PRICES.
Call and see our new line of Glassware
with silver mountings. A beautiful medall
ion given with cash purchase over $5 until
January 1.
. A. M' EL. WAIN,
Do not neglect a Cough Foley's Honey end
orCold.aadelnys areof- TarUganranteedtoeivo
eu dangerous. Foley's prompt relief In all caseH
Honey and Tarian of Asthma. Donotclas
pleasant, safe and sure this with other medicine
care. Contains n opiates that has failed to 8ive
and Is guaranteed. yon relief.
Foley's Honey and If you have had tho Orir
Tar does not hold out you probably need a re-
falso hopes In advanoed liable medicine like Fo-
KtaEes, but claims to Bive ley's Honey and Tar
relief In the very worst to heal your lungs anil
cases, and in early stages Btop the racking cougli
to effect a cure. incidental to this disoas'
Thousands of Infants Dr. J. O. Bitiliop, of Ag-
and children die yearly , new, Mich., says: "I have
of Croup, every one of used Foley's Honey
these innocents could and Tar in three very
have been saved had Fo- severe cases of Pnoumo-
ley'S Honey and Tar nia the past month, with
been given them in time. good results."
Fancy Groceries.
Choice Canned Goods.
These are
White's Grocery Store
A select stock of Dry Goods n thelatest styles for Fall and Wintei just
arrived. If you want the best for your money give us a trial.
Upper Main Street.
Is the Place to Buy
And All Grades of Wood.
Kay, Corn, Oats and AH Kinds of Feed
Constantly on Tlancl
Huo n hcrfrcr & "Troop,
t for the Money .
The News-Herald,
Soap Manufacturers.
Leaders at
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Micriffi Sle.
Hv vlitiio of mi or I, i '.f . i'..- Ii'iic'l hr Ooore
V. 1 1 ( ill nr worth, t let k ! tin- 'lini ri.-t ( otirt, within
aifl hir e'.K comity, Ncl i.i-.kt, nl ti mm di
re tel. I will on the l.'ith rl.iy ol (injury, A. 1).
1h',i-s, jit 1 1 o'( loik h. in., ol SMlildnyat tim south
el. kit ol the court house In t tm i lly ol I'lattts
inoulh, in haul ( -utility, sell at public auction, to
tin- 1 1 1 k ' ' i bid'ler lor cash, the Mlowliix real
cMatr: tu-wit:
l.ois live r.i nint six (flj In hloi It twenty-nine
'". in the iilvol I'latt.miioulh, Cass county,
Ncbiaxka. together with the privileges and ap.
puitoiianci-ii thrtciinto brloiigmu or in anywis
iippi-rtMiniiiK. J lie same bema levied upon and
tikrn us the property of l'eter 1. Hansen, admin
I ittator. 1 .nunc I'. Wi-iiliiiun, i-.niina Weidrnaa,
1 'ii lisp Horn, Ni holus I l.ilinci, A inelia M. Ulrtch,
Willie J. .S hiii-llliMi hcr, Claudius P. Schncll
liiuhcr. Henry .Si ncllbucher, Margaretha L.
i hiiellliiicher, I.ouina I Schnelll)ii her and
llaiicy 1). Travis, detemfuiits, to satlniy a Judy
incut ol s.-iid couit recovered ty John 11. rettT
bune iind Samuel I'.. Nixon, plalutilfs against
H.l ll defendants.
I'lattsimiiilh, Neb,, December II, A. I)., 1H07.
llAHVaV Ilol.l.OWAV.
Sherilf, Cass county, Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. la
the matter ol the estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased. Jacob. 1'hilllp, 1-rcJ, Charles and Wil
liam .Stoll, the unknown heirs of Adam Stoll,
Mary Mclilynn and Catharine l.ear, the last
thicc named beiiiK now deceased, I-'.lizabeth
Mii-'ariand, ('hiistlnae I.eaih, Martha I. ana
Iteery, Mena 'I lilcioll. KoHauna Maurer, Louisa
Kipple, the unknown heirs of Henry Stull, de
ceased, and all other orisons interested will take
notice that Kosanna Maurer has tiled a petition
in said (unit alli-Kinx among other things lka
the last will and testament ol Henry Stoll, de
ceased, wan admitted to probate on the iHlh day
of July, IN7I; that administration was granted te
his widow, who is now deceased, and that ad
ministiatiou ol said estate is incomplete, i'atl
turner asks that II. M. Soiinichnen be appointed
administrator with will annexed to complete tsa
iidiiiinistiation ol this estate. Vou are not I lied
that if you tail to appear at said court on the 7th
day of December, A. D. IW. at 2 o'clock p. m.,
and contest said petition, the court will appoint
II. M. SonniUiscii or some other suitable person,
administrator with will annexed and proceed t
a setth meiit of saidcMate.
itiiess my hand and the seat ol said court,
at i'lail.smouth, Neluaska, this, tha 16th day ol
November, A. D.IMI7.
I Seal J (jkokok M, Spur lock.
County Judge.
Prohule Notice.
In the county couit ol Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate of Mary Kieckmann,
dei eased. Ilemy ! let k mmm, Kmma Kiockinana
and all other persons inteiested In said matter
are heiebv untitled that on the 8rd day ol De
cember, l.v.'i. a petition was tiled in said court,
alliKH'K, amoiiK other things, that Mary Kieck
mann died on the lloth day of May, lWr7, leaviar
no last will and testament and possessed ol
rights in action ol unknown and uncertain value,
and that the above named constitute all tha par
sons interested in the estate of said deceased,
and praying for administration thereof. You
are hereby untitled. that if you fail to appear at
said couit on the :iid day of January, A. D. IMA,
at 'i o'clock p. in. ami) contest said petition, tho
court will appoint Milton 1), 1'olk or gome other
suitable pel son administrator, and proceed to
settlement ol said estate.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court, at
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 7th day of ae
cembei, A. D. 1HU7.
County Judge.
SherifTH Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by George
K, House-worth, cleik of the district court, withia
and lor ('ass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the Mb day of January, A. I.
1'.h, at II o'clock a. in. ol said day at the south
door ol the court house in the city of I'lattsmouth,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
1 he northeast quarter ol section 13, township II,
north ol ratine II, in Cass county, Nebraska, ta
Hetlicr with the privileges ana appurtenance!
thereunto hclotiKing or in anywise appurtainlng,
'1 he same hcin levied upon and taken as the
property of Margaret W, 'J'raver and George
1 raver, et al., delendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by the 1-irst National
bank of l-'airtield, la., plaintiffs, against said de
fendants. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Dec. 7, A. I), 1H07.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
I5y virtue of an execution issued by George
Y. I louseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, f will on the Hth day of January, A. li.,
lens, at J I o'clock a. m, of said day at the south
door of the court house in i'lattsmouth, in aaid
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
I he west hall ol the southwest quarterof section
H, township 11, range 1. in Cass county, Nebraska,
(except lot 2, being one acre oft the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of said section
pioperty of T. b'. Carnes, defendant, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by Charles I .
Hayworth, plaintiff, against J. V. Carnes, T. V.
Carnes and II. K, Waldron, defendants.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec, 7, A. D., Ifi7.
Hauvey HoniowAT,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska-
Notice to Credtors.
Statu of Nkhkaska, , . , .
Cass County. ss- In ity Court.
In the matter of the estate of Calvin H. Par
mele, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditor! of
said deceased will meet the administrators ol
said estate, before me, county judge of Uaaa
county, Nebraska, at the county court room ia
P,attsmouth in said county, on the Sth day of
December, A. JJ. 1W, on the 7th day of Febra
ary, IWm, and on the 6th day of June, lft, at 1
o'clock p. in,, each day for the purpose ol pre
senting tiic-ir claims for examination, adjustraeat
and allowance. Six months are allowed for tha
creditors ol said deceased to present their clalaia
and one year for the administrators ta settle
said estate, from the 0th day of December, 1MT.
1 his notice shall be published in the Sent
Weekly News-Herald tor tour weeks succeeai vary,
prior to the ith day of December, 1817.
Witness my hand and seal of said county ceart
at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this Wth day of Ma
vember, 18S7.
(Seal) Gesrci M. SvaLac.
Ceaaty Jade.
PAID UP CAPITAL, - $50,000
Ofiers the very beslr'acilities for the
pi onipl .transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCK?, bonds, gold, government and local
securities nought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and interest allowed on the certU
cutes. Drafts drawn, arallaDle In any
part of the C. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
H.;N. Dovcy, D. Hawkswoith, S. Waugh
F. E. White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier,
H. N. Dovey, Asst. Cashier.
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
W General Liveru Business.
Quick trips made to all parts ot the
county. Low priiw and court
eous treatment assured.
l'lattsmor'h, Nebraska.
Rates SI and S1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.